Published fjfw *7 .-,- ,\l> . * JTM--. • •• ?) .^t'V • THE M'HENRY PLAINDEALER Itoidir at McHenry, W !§' Charles f. Butch. Entered M second-class matter at tlM poitofflea at McHenry, HL, UBicr the act of May 8, 1879. -v./.•'•-• fV;-.; A. H. MOSHER, Editor and Manager HOW; '0,: BRITTANY MAIDS APPEAL TO SAINT FOR HUSBAND.-- At the little fishing village of Ploumanach, or the clan of the monks, in Brittany, Is a remarkable shrine or oratory standing on a rock out in the bay which is, at every tide, completely surrounded by the waves. The oratory is very old and contains a wooden Image of the saint of the village, St. Kirec, which appears to be much worn and pinholed. This is due to the fact that every unmarried girl In the vicinity believes that by sticking a pin into the body or face of the statue she will obtain her desire. Should the -saint shake herself free from the pin during the night, it is a token that she has heard the prayers offered and will find a husband for the girl who pricked her. At another shrine erected at a wishing well the saint is believed to have the power of granting the wisher marriage within twelve months, and many are the pins dropped into the well by the girls of the neighborhood. When the wish is granted a spray of orange blossom is brought by the bride and offered to the saint. To compare the credulity of the Breton peasant maid to that of the superstitious English girl is unjust to both. Should the English girl drop a pin into a wishing well she would slip away lest her friends should, . laugh at her, or wobld makeiM game of her own credulity. To the Breton, however, the act is a religious observance, and she has no thought in her mini beyond a guileless trust in the power of the saint At the shrine of St. Anne of Ausay the pin-studded pedestal at the foot of the wooden calvary shows the prevalence off a simple belief. Here again the Breton girl prays for what she most desires and sticks a pin Into the base of the calvary as if to give the saint a token by which she will remember her prayers.--William G. Meredith in the Cunarder. How Nails of Fingers Are Noted by Doctor A physician can sometimes tell as * much about your physical condition from looking at your finger qplls as be can by taking your pulse or look- " ing at your tongue, says Dr. Norman Tobias In Hygeia Magazine. A healthy nail has a rosy pink color, Is smooth, free from ridges and glossy. The nail root Is delicate and ,is easily Injured by poisons in the Iblood stream or by Injuries to the nerves. A bluish tinge in the nail suggests heart disturbance or poor cir* .citation, Doctor Tobias says. A white 'anemic nail jnay mean impoverished blood. ; Dull and brittle nails indicate a lack ©J on in thp J Tf dwarfed nails fnay o? cafSseij Jjy syphilis, jjngworp or tlitquie skin "disease. If Sores or ulcers about the nail are slow In healing, one should consult a physician. How Leap Year Cornea A year is not an arbitrary period of time, but the approximate time required for the earth to make one circuit of its orbit around the sun. The time actually required for this circuit Is not 365 days, but 365 days 5 hours '48 minutes and 46 seconds. By adding a day every fourth year, we take care of these excess hours. But in the course of a century we have add ed almost a day too much. The years divisible by 100 are therefore not leap years, except when they are also divisible by 400. Thus 1900 was not a leap year but 2000 will be. All this Is in accordance with the calendar arrangement worked out by astronomers under the patronage of Pope Gregory XIII about 1582. Mrs. Hemans* Poem Had Foundation in Fact Mrs. ^Hemans' poem, "The< Boy Stood on the Burning Deck," which thrilled the Imagination of childhood for two generations, had its origin in an actual happening that constitutes a page in history. It was while Napoleon's expedition to Egypt was In progress that the English sent Lord Nelson, the sea's most famous warrior, to annihilate the fleet This Nelson so nearly accomplished that only four of the French vessels escaped sinking or capture. A bullet had ended the life of the French admiral, and the flagship was wrapped in flames. But Louis Casablanca, the captain, who was wounded so badly that he could keep his feet only by clinging desperately to the rail, stoutly refused to leave his post All who could get into a boat or swim had deserted the flagship and its heroic captain, with the solitary exception of a boy of ten--his son. The lad had hidden behind a coil of rope until the last boat had gone, then he went to his father's side. Commands and entreaties were of no avail; the boy remained, supporting the wounded man with an arm about his waist. The English sailors forgot the lust of battle, checked their fire, and cheered, and some of them wept as the enemy ship settled lower In the water and finally disappeared beneath the -waves,--Detroit News. n CLASSIFIED AEVERTISEMENTS USE THE CLASSIFIED COLUMNS FOR QUICK RESULTS t FOR SALE FOR BALE--Girl's bicycle, pop corn machine and soda fountain Crystal Lake 357. draft arm. Phone 54-R. 60 FOR SALE--1927 Whippet coach like ______ new. Excellent condition; plenty of electric extras, seat covers, 4 new tires. Call 48-tf Great Heat Required to Consume Diamond Although diamonds are among the hardest substances taown, they are composed of carbon, and if heated sufficiently in air they will burn. • "Diamonds," says a geologist, "are stated in all authoritative works to be unaffected by heat except at very high temperature (800 degrees Centigrade) such as one would not expect in an ordinary burning building. But it must not be forgotten that in some extensive conflagrations such temperatures may be reached." A diamond expert says if diamonds are exposed to fire in contact with air and great heat they will be destroyed. "Diamonds," he says, "if heated and placed in oxygen will be entirely consumed. They are not likely to be cracked by heat but the surface will gradually be eaten away, become corroded, becoming white or gray, and if exposed long enough they will ba entirely consumed." FOR SALE--Seifert Roller canary, FOR SALE--Berron County, Wis., young hardy stock, in full song. Also milchers and springers. I will have Australians love bird; cages and cows of this type for sale all through stands. Will deliver. Call Crystal the summer season. Priced right. Lake 357. 48-ft 17,1928 Rock Citterns Show How Indians Lirod Alamogordo, N. M.--Small jugshaped cisterns, cut into solid ro^k in the dryest section of the Sacramento mountains, may solve tha secret of how Indians lived In the desert The cisterns, discovered recently by Forest Ranger W. H. Woods, are most ingeniously located so that rain from the mountain side naturally drained into them. Each cistern was covered with a large flat rock, which observers believe served the double purpose of keeping the cistern hidden and free from rubbish. The cisterns^, of which pinny have been found, held from five to ten gal. Ions of water each. Located on Jacob Brefeld farm, 4 r/~,D „ . . __ . ... miles east of McHehry. Frank F?f R ^^J»"*«-P»ece hvipg room Ehredt. Phone McHenry 632-R-2 suit; two 9x12 "ru"g"s"; rocki--ng chairs. 50-tf Mrs' J* Schaffer. Phone 83-W. 49-tf FOR SALE--8-hp. Johnson outboard r»\p cait? nn nvwr a A motor. New last fall. A bargain at FOR SAL® OR RENT--A 4-room $125. Inquire of J. J. Rothermel. *iver' «outh fin 9* of McHenry. John A. Bolger. Phone L: 140-R. 49-tf FOR SALE--Late seed potatoes. In- pAD 0 . , „-- - , A quire of William Bishop. Phone 613- FOR SALE--Elto motor, used two _ F mrmrtia* will oaIi af a Knw»ni« R-2. 50-2 FOR SALE-- Portable three rooms and porch; ready to set up. Inquire at Plaindealer office. 50* months; will sell at a bargain. Call Sunday only at Lot 40, Orchard Beach, bungalow, H. W. Rapp. 49-tf LOST FOR SALE---1924 Dodge Business LOST--Miohawk cord tire, new, on Sedan; first-class shape; good rubber, rim. Between Farmers Mill, West $175. Sam Hirschman. Tel. 173, or McHenry {and ; William Buchert'i? call rear Berner Bldg., Green St., Mc- Lost Tuesday morning. Finder please Henry. 50 call 613-R-2. William Buchert. 50 FOR SALE--Black dirt, suitable for lawns, gardens, etc. William Aiierns, West McHenry, Tel. 58-M. 50-2 FOR FOUND rv v that the Cuban republic b ho old enter Int<5 afl$ cifthpSTt with Cuban Independence Cuba is an Independent republic. She attained her independence of Spain by the treaty of Paris, December 1, 1898, which ended the Spanish- American war. A constitution was adopted in 1901. The congress of the United States authorized the President to band over the government to the Cuban people on the condition that the so-called Piatt amendment adopted by congress March 2, 1901, be accepted. This amendment provided d never i foreign power that would impair her Independence; that she would contract no excessive debts, and that the Cuban government carry out certain P!%PS for w*JI«re of j^> * Intruding the Blind The first thought and purpose of building up special Institutions for the Instruction of the blind seem to have occurred to benevolent persons in New England, New York and Pennsylvania almost simultaneously. The New York Institution for the Blind was incorporated April 22, 1831. On March 15, 1832, Dr. John D. Russ began the education of three pupils. The progress of the school was at first slow for want of an efficient head to direct its affairs. The Pennsylvania institution, which is now one of the foremost in the world, was founded in 1833. Subsequently other schools were opened in the various states. ' BARGAINS Here is you opportunity to get high class Coupe at a bargain price. W-l. 1928 Nash Advanced Six Victoria, 4-pass. Coupe; wire wheels and full equipment, $1,300, SALE -- Seven-room modern - house on Green street. Will sell reasonable in order to settle estate, a Inquire of Math M. Blake. Tel. 607- 84 tf II 11 I 1 1 HI I 111 I I I 111 H H :: Only One Oil Well, but It's a Town '• Rozana, Okla.--Roxana, newest oil town in Oklahoma, ia built on only one oil well. It Is less than nine months old, but it has a post office and qaore than fifty buildings. It came into being because the Roxana Petroleum corporation discovered oil and gas at a depth of almost 6,000 feet The oil and gas well is the only one in the vicinity, but Its production entitles it to distinction as Roxana's major industry. Although production is curtailed, the well's output has already been 500,000 barrels of oil, 800,000,000 cubic feet of gas and 1,000,000 gallons of gasoline taken from the gas by means of an absorption process. r i i i i n i n m t i m n M i i i i And be well dressed Silk Crepe, Voiles and Satins, plain or figured, Wake gmart dresses. ; ^ - Dalby Silk Vests at $1.00 each, i ^ Dalby Silk Bloomers at $1.50 each are real nice. You need not be afraid to let your silk hose be Men, if they are Boiling. ; A "A Home Owned Star*' FOB BENT Also several good used cars, reason- FOR SALE OR RENT--The O'Malley ably Priced. Cement block Bungalow near Spenfl m STILLING GARAGE cer's Mill, West McHenry. Ben Stilling & Son. 49-2 FOR SALE--Extra Fancy Rural New FOR RENT--Two furnished rooms York Seed Potatoes (late variety). for light housekeeping. Call 143-M. Phone your order early. McHenry 49-tf Co. Farmers Co-op. Assn. Phone 29. -- L_ 49-2 FOR RENT--6-room bungalow, river property division; in Edgewater Beach modern.. Inquire of sub? USED CAR BARGAINS ^M r^s . Ford Truck, with cab and box....$125 Agness Wentworth, Waukegan St- Diamond T. Truck, with cqb McHenry. 48tl an<f box $150 Ford Chassis (1924) $40 Buick Standard-Six Coupe .: $550 Jewett Touring .$150 25 Buick Touring $175 OVERTON & CO WEN- / Phone 6 McHenry, I1L AUTOS WANTED Automobiles Wanted at once. Any Condition. SPOT GASH FOR SALE--Early Murdock seed We Never Close corn; germination from 98 to 100 per or will sell on 5 per cent commiasion Phnnp fifJTo ter' R"2' McHe"7; NATIONAL MOTOR MARKET Phone 617-J-2. 48^ 622 Ave. Waukegan, III. DEPENDABLE USED CARS ON PhAw 809 50-tf $300 $150 $200 $150 WANTED USED hanA 1924 Dodge Sedan .. 1924 Dodge Touring 1925 Ford 1-Ton Truck 1922 Studebaker, Calif. Top .... 1923 Ford Coupe 1924 Dodge touring, winter .enclosure, excellent condition throughout $165 Easy Payment Plan i n n n r i We have a complete line 6# trucks HAULING-- Have your rubbish jn ft toq and 1% ton in closed or cleared away this spring. ! am ready WANTED--Beef, Calf and Horse Hides. Also all kinds of Rags, Paper, Magazines, Iron and Metal. Sam $60 Hirschman. Phone McHenry 178. 81-tf. MISCELLANEOUS bpen body types, JAMES MORROW & Plume 186 SON to do the haulihg. Call 58-M, William Ahfens, West MjcHenry. 50-2 Preaching and Practicing I lately ^>ent an evening with a woman who was as gentle a creature ss I have ever known. Her Ideals were high; her conception of motherhood as noble as I haue ever heard a woman express. Yet I knew of terrible rows she had had with her husband, children and neighbors, wherein she had said as bitter things about them all as was ever put in a degenerate book. -- B. W. Howe's Monthly. Lifetime of a Watch The lifetime of a good watch is 80 years. In its daily duties the balance and hairspring- vibrate 18,000 times every hour, or more than IP7,- 000,000 times a year, while an equal number of ticks come from the escapement Keeping Yeast The bureau of home economics says that yeast which is kept from time to time for leavening purposes should not be placed in an air-tight container. It is all right to put ihe yeast In a glass jar and put the cover on. loosely, but the fastenings should not be secured. MADELYN V. DIMMEL Teacher of Modern Piano Syncopation, Representative teacher of the Shefte Studio, Chicago. Recognized as the most successful modern method, used by radio stars and recording artists. Address N. E. Barbian, Phone 52-J. BUY Your Tires Where 'Pre- Buying Is Safe! The safe way to be sure yon are get- > ^ ting a tire bargain is to buy a good tire from a reliable dealer and pay a fail price. In this way yon play safe and are assured of satisfactory service at j £ the lowest possible cost. Buy GOOD- «* YEAR ALL-WEATHER TREAD f Balloon Tires from us. Complete Stock All Sues Tire and Tube Vulcanizing Tires Sold on Time Payment! WALTER J. FREUND West McHenry, -Illino||'.' : > Batteries ----Battery Charging and Repairing * • » • • » » » » + » ' ! ' >• • > • • • » " I » » » • • • • » » • • ' » » » < 111 MOMMfr West McHenry, 111. NOTICE_Xo all stockholders of W. USED TRACTORS AND MACHINERY One rebuilt 12-20 Twin City Tractor. One 12-24 Hart-Parr. One Fordson Rebuilt. Fordson Tractor Plows. Three-bottom E-B Tractor Plow. E. J. SHELDON, Phone 110 Grays Lake, IB. 42-tf How Logs Are Salvaged Minnesota lumbermen are realizing profits from the wasteful methods of Itheir predecessors, in salvaging logs ithat long have been under the waters of woodland lakes in the old timber I districts. Millions of 18 and 20-foot cuts, en- Itlre rafts and other timbers in an ex- |cellent state of preservation, have been ipulled from the lakes with big cranes jand cut into boards, says Popular Mechanics Magazine. Much of the wood is of superior quality and it does not wbrp like green timber. More than 3,500,000 feet of lumber was taken from Que lake last year. How Brazil Got Its Name J Brarll originally took its name from Ithe fact that a very hard wood of redidlsh color grew there In great abundance. So brilliant Is this v. ood when a log is split that the Portuguese gave it the name of brazs, which means •live coaL In speaking of this country the Portuguese often referred to it as the place of the live coal wood, and gradually the word Braxil came into general use. Place in the Sun Taking it literally. Kaiser Wilhelm's figurative phrase, "a place *ln the sun," describes the United States. Since the acquisition of outlying dependencies after the Spanish-American w&r, it has always been daytime somewhere under the Stars and Stripes. And surveys have now been far enough completed to Indicate that even in our territory within North America it is always sun-up. ^When the sun Is setting at Attu, the farthest of the Aleutians, it is also rlsing in Maine at Eastport and Grand Manan. L. Howell and Company, whose office is located on Pearl street, in the city of McHenry, County of MIcHenry, State of Illinois, to-wit: A special meeting for the purpose of voting for or against the proposition of dissolving the aforesaid corporation shall be held in the office of the aforesaid corporation at the aforesaid location, on Friday, June 8, 1928 at 7:30 p. m. HARVEY NYE, Director. HERMAN NYE, Director. 50-3 WALTER CAREY, Director. BARGAIN FOR YOUNG COUPLE-- Cost $3,000 four months ago. Will take |550 for all or will separate. MONEY TO LOAN--On first mort- Beautiful furniture for 4 room apart- e improved city and river proper_ v, feCe Sl1^ ™0hair o parl0r ty. McHenry Biuling and Loan Assn. suite hand carved frame; 8-piece M. j. Kent> Sec., Riverside Drive, walnut dining room set; 2-9x12 Wil- phone 8. 47-tf ton rugs; 4 pc. Walnut bedroom * set, complete with springs and DEAD ANIMALS -- Highest cash mattresses; lamps, chest of silver- prices for dead animals. Telephone ware; library table; 5-pc. breakfast Merrick's, Dundee 810-J-l Reverse set. Must be seen to be appreciated, charges. Prompt service. 46-tf Will arrange for delivery. 832 Leland Ave., near Sheridan Road, phone Sunnyside 6190. Chicago, 111. Woodstock's BeautifulPlayHouse SATURDAY BOD LA ROCQUE in "STAND AND. DELIVER" ALSO COMEDY ON THE STAGE SATURDAY AND SUNDAY BIG TIME VODVIL Pean of Wanderlvmt Sing a song of highways off afar; rhythm of the heavens, tree and earth »nd car; madrigal of motor, wheel and wind and man, living life the est mortal ever can. . Sing us not of airways--they've grown workaday: Praise for us the state routes on enchantment's way, and the lanes of backwoods, green and brown amass. . . . Oh, to be a gypsy--"Fill 'er up with gas I"--Jit Louis Post-Dispatch. USED CAR PRICES THAT ARE CUT TO THE LIMIT If you can use any of these motor vehicles, don't pass them by for they never will be less. 1926 Star Touring; good condition; good paint and tires. Motor mechanically perfect. Price $185 1923 Buick Touring; good mechanical 'condition; good tires. Only $75. Ford Touring, winter top, motor and tires good, $110. Ford Tudor Sedan--A really good car for the shape it's in, worth this price, $30. McHENRY AUTO SALES Riverside Drive Phone 8 WHY NOT PUT ON THAT ROOF 46-6 NOW?--Let me give you an estimate on your house, barn or garage. Roofs of all descriptions. All work guaranteed. G. P. Neuman, Phone 89-W. 46-tf. TYPEWRITERS Sales and Service. Repaired and Rentals, Prompt attention to phone calls. Phone 649. L. KILTZ, Woodstock 49-tf How to Measure Acre ft an acre were exactly square, the ^ 'length of eocb rtlft wouU be 208 feet Sfc- inches. Mediterranean'a Formation Geologists believe that the Mediterranean sea is all that remains of a great ocean, which at an early gladal epoch, before the formation of the Atlantic ocean, encircled half the globe along a line of latitude. The extent of this ocean diminished gradually during the various eras until at preaenfcjthft Mtrtlterrgniaa <«. eii that to McHENRY - WAUCONDA MOTOR EXPRESS--We handle express to and from Chicago. Chicago freight de- Certainly partment, 411 W. Superior St. Phone McHenry 213-W. 82-tf I SELL FARMS, I sell lakes and rivers. Dan Quinlan, Woodstock, 111. 40-tf TUNE--and keep your piano tuned Tuning makes your piano a musical instrument. Phone 274-J or write J. H. Deihl, Woodstock, 111. 27-tf FOR SALE--Woodstock typewriter, like new. $50 for quick sale. Phone 170. tf TAKE YOUR Sewing Machine trouble to B. Popp. West McHenry. Repair ing done on all makes. Also fluff and rag rug weaving. Phone 162. 13-tf Small Boy: "Dad, what are the holes in the board for?." Dad: "Those are knot holes." * Small Boy (after due consideration) : "Well, if they are not holes, what are they?"--Boys Life. Plaindealers at Bolger's. A dollar saved is a dollar Father: "How would you like a cow for a wadding present?" Daughter: "Oh, a cow would give more milk than we would need for two. A calf would be just right."-- Better Crops. Many dollars are saved by reading the ads in the Plaindealer each week. SUNDAY and MONDAY REGINALD DENNY in "ON YOUR TOES" ALSO PATHE NEWS AND COMEDY TUESDAY - WEDNESDAY "UNDERWORLD" > with CLYDE COOK, EVE LYN BRENT, GEORGE BANCROFT ALSO COMEDY IHI«|>H--IIH 'i***-'.' ~ THURSDAY FRIDAY SLINOR FAIR and FRANKLIN PANGBORN in "X7 tkibnd ntoak INDIA" ALSO PATHE NEWS AND FABLES 1 SPECIAL Thursday Eve. Only / JACK & GENE the Happy Harmony Boys from Radio Station W-L-S, Chicago e; mm to Consider Before Building is the Lot We have them--good ones. River frontage if you want it. Kent & Company REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCB Phone 8 Three Important Items to Consider for Your New Home PLUMBING, HEATING AND ^ ELECTRICAL WORK / . These are our specialties. Experienced workmen will do the job right--we have just that kind of mechanics. H. E. Buch Phone 48 . McHenry mss^am