Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 May 1928, p. 4

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wm~ T^-?r'^A^^^:,^v%•,,_, ;•£,:; ^^rvT^;*f^5^. t j. 'A&S^TC? -^;»'?t;'. -J?'.:rf <«rr»"w^TS ^ C' ' * .%: - ' •* ' 1 1 **- v* ' ' ,*\ „ •" ' / »*A"-.**'l«> jrl " •* V J 1 ' * '* * il v**- *>-.. - •>_-- 1-* -T. --^.,..,.riV-.->"-«----^---- v^.. "~ai •' ' •' ' " ' • "'• ' ' ' ' * ' ™2T "" " ~ '/Tv'-v- ^ vW»"V^« - ::..:f • , --\'v;*~^ M'HINRY PLAINDEALER, THURSDAY, MAY 24, lf» I TOE M'HENRY PLAINDEALER 1 • ' ' it VaflsHy, BL, If Ckaries F. MmUk. Xntersd as second<«lass si dor the act of May 8, 1879. attar st ths 1 ipsteacs at Mariany, IB* » • :*•. A.H.M01 DOB, Miter a ad Manager |: Thin Home Offers Many Features / *". of the Dutch Colonial Style tv • '•"• KITCHEN: 9 0 ' I f f Of DININGIM »'vkwjt bt&mr WePEftO First Floor Mm. TT : / . :>3>' 9 t .. CLASSIFIED j AEVERT1SEMENTS WHT NOT PUT ON THAT BQQF NOW?---Lot mo |tM jou an estimate on your faooaa, barn or ftrac*Rtfrt• of all descriptions. All work guaranteed G, P, Neuman, Phone 89-W. MeHENRT. Waoconda motor EXPRBB8--Wo handla axpraaa to and from Chfeago. CUaage freight department, 411 W. Superior St Phone McHenry 213-W. St-fcf USE THE CLASSIFIED COLUMNS FOE QUICK RESULTS FOE «iT.l • , FORD TUDOR SEDAN FOR SALE Going, Going--Soon To £ Here'a the Price . FOR SALE--Tomato plants, 6 cents t, > , o>-| Q QC p e r d o z . A l s o l a y i n g L e g h o r n h e n s . ' * P , Mrs. Joe Justen. Phone 611-J-l. 51 ^fst h^er ™th much drives it away--and it runs, too, al- FOR SALE--Savage electric mangle, though the price don't sound tike it. Will sell cheap if takeii at once. Bruce Roy's here's your chance to have a A. Stirling'. Phone 72TW. 51* car of your own. -- M'HENRY AUTO SALES FOR SALE--Side Board, Kitchen Cab- phone 8 McHenry inet, Refrigerator, Rockers, Sewing -- Table, 2 small Tables, 1 three-piece FOR SALE--Nearly new Porch Set, 1 Dining Room Table, 6 Tubular Hot Air Furnace. Robinson Apply to Dining Room Chairs, 1 thirty-gallon L- C. Haring, Pistakee Bay. Telephone galvanized Oil Can, 1 large Heater, 1 658-R-2. 51 ^ oiei Gw*siwe' mLw F0R Oven, ^ Washing Machine, SALE--1927 Whippet coach like new Ex<wlTent conditi<m. plenty of Lura Leech, West McHenry. extras, seat covers, 4. new tires. Call FOR SALE--Berron County, Wis., Crystal Lake 357. / 48-tf milchers and springers. I will have cows of this type for sale all through the summer season. Priced right. Located on 'Jacob Brefeld farm, 4 miles east of McHenry. Frank Ehredt. Phone McHenry 682-R-2. FOR SALE OR RENT--A 4-tooni summer cottage on Fox River, south of McHenry. John A. Bolger. Phone 140-R, 48-tf FOR SALE--Elto motor, used two 50-tf months; will sell at a bargain. Call FOR 8ALE--8-hp. Johnson VM i *' L°' 4°' °re'""'d "SS motor. New last fall. A bargain at $125. Inquire of J. J. Rothermel. 60-2* TUNE---and keep yottr piano toned. Tuning makes your piano a ararfcal instrument. Phone 274-J or write J. H. Deihl, Woodstock, RL 27-tf DEAD ANIMALS -- Highest eash prices for dead animals. Telephone Merrick's, Dundee: 810-J-l Reverse charges. Prompt service. 46-tf How Smoke Hurts Crops The Ruhr Industrial region, recently restored to normal operation following the withdrawal of the French, has given a striking illustration of the damage wrought by factory smoke not only to trees and gardens in, the cities but to the farm crops throughout the countryside. When the French occupied the region in 1923 the Germaos adopted a policy of "passive resistance," closing down all the factories. With the air cleared of its load of smoke and acie fumes, the farms- ot the Ruhr valley yielded full crops for the first time in many yearn. Then the French withdrew and the chimney i started smoking Again, and now the crops have dropped back to their previous low level. • $ - ^ : ' V - * • ' r f ' ^ •v Oh, what lovely * Aprons! That is just what Inost all that see our new "Betty Brown" Ajk-*-?v wm Presses say. r The price is so reasonable, too. $1.00 and $2.00 each. Yon will like them, too. Come and sea § 'A Home Owned Store' LOST ___ _ .. T . , . _ LOST--32x4M> tire and rim between Jr SP"„g Grove ami Johwburg. QJ1 quire of William Bishop. R-2. Phone 613- 50-2 McHenry 142-R or 202-W. Reward. 51* By W. A. RADFORD Mr. William A. Radford will anawer Sueatrona and five advice FREE OF Ct)8T on all aubjecta pertaining to practical home building, for the readera of this paper. On account of his wide aifrarlence ac editor, author and manufacturer, he 1B, without doubt, the klgheet authority on all th«a« aubjittk ' Addraaa all lnqnlriaa to Wllllaoa A. Radford, No. UI7 Prairie avenn*. PUTATO, 111., and only IBCIOM tw«-«nt ran* tor reply. Here is a very simple, bat at the same time effective type of home. It la a plain rectangular design, 28 feet wT0* and 24 feet deep. It is covered by a steep pitched roof with the eaves •„ at the recornl-story floor line. A wide if dormer breaks this roof across almost j - fts entire width and makes a second |.j floor ample iiead roof providing »'i iak%«v lielMlghted- bedrooms. At one end, beyond the 28-foot width of the „ house proper, there is an attached garage which is blended with the lines of the house.' The wide siding, the shattered windows, the gable ends and the dormer already mentioned suggest the colonial or Dutch colonial, though as a matter of fact this is not a truly Dutch colonial type. The effect, however, is one that is pleasing and the *! 4esign offers many of the advantages |#S ** At the front af the lower floor, one corner is cut off for a small porch. The balance of the front is occupied by a living room 20 feet long by 12 feet wide. To the rear of the living room are the dining room and kitchen. In one corner of the living room there is a large open fireplace, while at the opposite end close to the entrance, the cduitw eooond Floor Plan. stairway leads directly iip from this room to the second floor. Above stairs we find three bedroondl and bath. One of these rooms is off quite good siae while the other two, though smaller, are still apply large according to the usual stanganfo Each bedroom Is provided with a roomy closet and there is also a largf closet in the hall, adjacent to thf room do*" *•"- FOR SALE--Black dirt, suitable for J^OST--Purse, Saturday, May 19. lawns, gardens, etc. William Alierns, pr<)bably on river road. Liberal re- West McHenry, Tel. 58-M. 50-2 war^ Caii Math J. Baur, phone 94-R. 51 rOUND BARGAINS . Here is you opportunity to get a " high class Coupe at a bargain price. 1928 Nash Advanced Six Victoria, pQR SALE -- Seven-roan modern 4-pass. Coupe; wire wheels and full bouM on Green street. Will sell equipment, $1,300. reasonable in order to settle estate. Also several good used cars, reason- Inquire of Math M. Blake. TeL 607- ably priced. W-L Mtf G. A. STILLING GARAGE ' .. , 49-tf ' , tOKKXKt USED CAR BARGAINS . FOR RENT---Electric floor polisher Ford Truck, with cab and box....$125 t>y the hour or day. Order early, first Diamond T. Truck, with <*b come, Arst setved. John Brda. Phone $159 isi. MO and box 51-4 Ford Chassis (1924) Buick Standard-Six Cpnpe .$559 FOR RENTJewett Touring? ....^^.^$150 kegan road. Buick ^175 FOB RENT--Two furnished rooms Pbon. r * °S,, m. W Cril -Five-room flat on Wau- Phone 88-M: SI FOR SALE--^Early Murdock seed corn; germination from 98 to 100 per cent. James Hunter, R-2, McHenry. Prope ^ Phone 617-J-2. FOR RENT--6-room bungalow, river Edgewater Beach subdivision; modern. Inquire of Mrs. Agness Wentworth, Waukegan St, f!A»g ON McHenry. 48tf AUTOS WANTED * f Color and Trim Play if Part in Home Beauty 1: In any decorative scheme, don't for. get to consider the color of the woodwork. When the wood used for window land door trim is oak, cypress, maple ;j f>r birch or any wood with a beautiful £rate, a waterproof varnish will give t J luster and bring out the grain. Woods I* vary in shade from light to dark *•' brown or red. The color scheme of the room should be kept in similar -tonef. or warm colors. Contrasting .colons can then be used in some of » the furnishings to give the room animation. Light woodwork Is very fashionable. And theie are excellent varnish stains and enamels on the market that will give just the shade or tint in the woodwork that the color scheme of the room demands. Varnish stains color the wood and let the grain show through. Enamels give a solid coat of color that is rich and satiny In its texture. The range of colors is wide and manufacturers give explicit directions for securing any tint or shade desired. Of course the most satisfactory finishes are absolutely waterproof and can be washed without injury to gloss or color. \ Built-in Accessories New Kitchen Luxuries 'Wie gleaming whiteness of bullt-ln Cfcfjaq. bathroom accessories is one of the most effective and pleasant enhancements of the wholesome and attractive cleanliness of the modern bathroom, which plays a large part in the making of the present-day home. The pleasing qualities of these fixtures, however, are not confined to the bath, since mpny of them may be appropriately used in the modern kitchen. Towel bars and hooks, soap holders and glass racks find a ready place in the new attractive kitchens •ow being widely installed in presentday dwellings. The built-in accessory may be iajAstled in homes already built, al the work is more economically at the time of construction. Picture Arrangement * Aids Interior Beauty How to hang a picture so that it will be In narmony with the walls and furniture of a room is an important thing to know. The entire room should "compose" well, that Is, It should give a well-balanced appearance In the matter of placing furniture and wall decoration. It Is a fact that very few people who hang pictures on the walls of their homes realise the importance of the correct relationship between picture and furniture. Often a large picture is hung over a small piece of furniture, In which case there is an unconscious feeling that the small stand or table beneath that large picture is in imminent danger of being crushed, should the picture ever fall. Or again, over a large davenport, for instance, is hung a small picture that is completely lost. Such an ar langement looks quite as absurd to the discerning person as does a tiny little round hat perched on the head of a great &out man. As a general rule, it might be said that the width of the picture should be about one-half or two-thirds of the width of the piece of furniture. That is, the ordinary davenport Is about six feet in length, or as placed against the wall, we might say "width." The picture should be about three feet in width to be in correct proportion to the davenport. The average desk is about three feet across the back. The picture that Is hung above it should surely be 18 inches by 12 Inches, to appear well proportioned in relation to the desk. Tall candlesticks on either side of the desk will fill in the extra space on each side. Before deciding on Certain pictures for certain wall space, it is well to see if they are appropriate, in sixe, for the wall space, as well as In color and subject Picture dealers are now carrying various sizes of beautiful reproductions of the finest orientals, In color, in sepia, and in black-and-^hlte. These are found at very reasonable prices. DEPENDABLE USED HAND 1924 Dodge Sedan $800 1924 Dodge Touring ...u. $150 __ - . ... m . , 1925 Ford 1-Ton Truck $200 25 Automobiles Wanted 1922 Studebaker, Calif. Top .... $150 once. 1923 Ford Coupe $60 1924 Dodge touriilg, jifitey enclosure, nl con<Stloii *T5ugW $166 Easy Payment Plan We have a complete line of trucks In % open body types. JAMES MORROW & SON Phone 186 West McHenry, DL at Any Condition. SPOT CASH We Never CloH of Will sell on 5 per cent commission NATIONAL MOTOR MARKETT ton and l4 ton in closed or 812 Grsnd ^ Waukegan^TU. How to Hani Horseshoe* People who believe in the horseshoe superstition are not all agreed on the manner in which it ishonld be hung or nailed up. There Is a wide difference in practice. One way is to hang or nail it toe down "so the lock won't run out" Others say that theory Is all wrong. The correct way, they maintain, is to nail it up with the heels pointing downward. This is based on the belief that the protective powers of the horseshoe are associated in some manner with the nimbus or halo frequently pictured around the heads of saints and angels.-- Pathfinder Magazine. How Tupik Is Proaotmc«d Word •'tupik* Is correctly pronounced "tooplck," with the accent on the first syllable. It is also spelled "tupek" and "toopik." It is In local use In Alaska. In certain western Eskimo dialects "tupik" signifies tent A tupik is a sealskin tent used by the Eskimos during the sujntner.--EXHow to Drill Glo-- A good drill for piercing glass msy be made from * piece of Steel wire, filed to the shape of a drill, then held In a flame, to a dull red heat and quenched In mercury. For a lubricant use oil of turpentine is which camphor has been dissolved*. How to RomoTo Paint Clear ammonia--pure, not household-- It is claimed will remove paint from windows, even when it has been on a long time. Apply with a scrubbing brash. MADELYN V. DIMMElT" Teaeher of Modern Piano Syncopation. Representative teacher of the Shefte Studio, Chicago. .Recognized as the most successful modern method, used by radio stars and recording artists. Address N, £, Barbtan, Phone 52-J. WANTED Style Important builders are advised by bulldiag experts to bear in mind thai "t/tjW is as important In a building as in a suit of clothes or a frock or WANTED--Situation of responsibility wanted by young professional woman for the summer. Chicagoan. Can furnish Bay reference. Address "B,1 care Plamdealer. 51-8* USED TRACTORS AND MACHINERY One rebuilt 12-20 Twin One 12-24 Hart-Parr* , • One Fordson Rebuilt. Fordson Tractor Plows. Three-bottom E-B Tractor Plow. E. J. SHELDON, Phone 11$ Grays Lake, DL WANTED--General hauling, including WANTED--Anyone wishing tractor plowing done call on Wta. Justen. Phone 611-J-l. 51 42-tf hogs and cattle. Phone McHenry 51* ILL! THEATRE, BARGAIN FOft YOUNG COUPLE- 632-R"2 Cost $3,000 four months ago. Will WANTED--Young man would like take $550 for all or will separate. work aroun<j BUmmer home. Best of Beautiful furniture for 4 room apart- reference8. Address "T," c/o McHenment 3-piece silk mohair parlor ^ Plaindealer. 52 suite, hand carved frame; 8-piece ------ ; ; walnut dining, room set; 2-9x12 Wil- WANTED--Ice chest, which will hold ton rugs; 4 pc. Walnut bedroom 100 lbs. or more. Tel. 624-J-l. 51* set, complete with springs and mattresses; lamps, chest of silverware; library table; 5-pc. breakfast • T ..^7^ 1--Z--~ set Must be seen to be appreciated. M HENRY LAUNDRY open for bust- Will arrange for delivery. 832 Leland ness. I have installed some new ma- Ave., near Sheridan Road, phone chinery which enables us to give our Sunnyside 6190. Chicago, 111. 46-6 customers absolute satisfaction. L. V. --m. \ Adams, Prop. Phone 189. 51tf Woodstock's Beautiful Play House SATURDAY TOM mx fat "DARE DEVIL'S ^ REWARD" On (lie Stage SATURDAY aad SUNDAY BEAUTY REVUE AND STYLE SHOW A Merry Melange of Young Beauty and Personality MISCELLANEOUS CAN YOU USE A NASH 2-TON TRUCK AT $37.25 4 Nearly New Th* Dual Drive • Express Body and Cab Motor in Good Condition Muat move this at once to make M'HENRY AUTO SALES Phone 8 HAULING-- Have your rubbish cleared away this spring. I am ready to do the hauling. Call 58-M, William Ahrens, West McHenry. 50-2 Home Comfort In these modern times the me&sore of a home's comfort is largely that of the extent to which It Is equipped with modern conveniences and laborsaving devices. Convenience and labor saving are both in large part a Witter ot electrical servics. NOTICE--To all Stockholders .of W. L. Howell and Company, whose office is located on Pearl street, in the city of McHenry, County of MlcHenry, State of Illinois, to-wit: A special Riverside Drive meeting for the purpose of voting for j -- „ or against the proposition of dissoiv- USED CAR PRICES THAT ARB jng the aforesaid corporation shall be | CUT TO THE LIMIT held in the office of the aforesaid j If you can use any of these motor corporation at the aforesaid location, vehicles, don't pass them by for they on priday, June 8, 1928 at 7:30 p. m never will be less. HARVEY NYE, Director. 1926 Star Touring; good condition; HERMAN NYE, Director. good paint and tires. Motor 50.3 WALTER CAREY, Director, mechanically perfect. Price $185 s_ 1923 Buick Touring; good mechanical MONEY TO LOAN--On first mortcondition; good tires. Only $75. gage improved city and river proper 1924 Paige Sport Touring, good mo- ty. McHenry Biuling and Loan Assn tor and tires. Price $125. M. J. Kent, Sec., Riverside Drive McHENRY AUTO SALES Phone 8. 47 if Riverside Drive Phopo 8 TYPEWRITERS Sales and Service. Bspaired and Rentals, Prompt attention to phone alb. Phone 549. L> KR/TZ, Woodstock I .. . 49-tf 1 FOR SALR-8eif«rt Roller canary, young hardy stock, in full song. Also TAKR YOUR Sewing UacWaS trouble Australian* love bird; cages and to B. Po£p. West MeHmry. . stands. Will dettvw* Lake $67. I SELL FARMS, I sell lakes an# rivers. Dan Quinlan, Woodstock, 111.. 40-tf CfcR Crystal ing done on all makaa. Also 48-ft rag nt Wearthg. Phoas lr "yiiiL?,- ;i til 1^1 mn.1 'y.W'.AlgfjJ"1 SUNDAY and MONDAY MADGE BELLAMY Is "SILK LEGS" PATHE NEWS •*<> COMEDY • ' - •' f jV TUESDAY - WEDNESDAY BEEBE DANIELS ia "FEEL MY PULSE" Also Comedy THURSDAY FRIDAY V One Day Only U0N CHANBY ' 'i». " ••BIG CITY" iU. PATHE NEWS, FABLES 1 Aid SPOBT UGHTO I WE'LL SWAP! for Brand New Goodyean New Tires--Goodyeftr Tires with the famous, ground gripping All-Weather Tread--are a wise precaution for driving now. Yon won't need to sacrifice your old tires to get new Qoodyears. We'll buy the unused miles in them and apply this amount against the purchase of fresh, new equipment We'll put them 011--inflate them ewr~ rectly--and service them through to long and satisfactory mileage. Come in and let us. quote yon on yoxui oldtirea. Complete Stock All Sizas Tire and Tube Vulcanising Tires Sold on Time Payment^ . -f ;; Walter j. freund West McHenry, Illinois 120-R Batteries Battery Charging and Repairing i 1 The First Thing to Consider Before is the Lot I We have ones. River frontage if yott want it ESTATE AND INSURANCE Phone 8 I Three Important Items to Consider for Your New Home PLUMBING, HEATING AND ELECTRICAL WORK . ?hese are our specialties. Experienced workmen will do the job right--we have jnst that kind of mechanics. H E . Flume 43 4E* 586}

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