i j a y i i ' f w . J #w » * g a p . t ; . p s i y f p i Wfppppp^,^,, ^ '""* • ^..,>»kh»»^.^.-. -JLIHYLL W BiBWIKX RFLLM T^JJHP .v ^"s,, ^^T'1 "Z '."**<* ^"•*.v*-j?;•-' r'. •:xi^:- *>*•&»'; r V••V'-® . . , 5T - 1 , ~ <" - V* ^ Niagara Wait Clear 5";: db accounting for the color of lb# %rter of the Niagara Jt Is necessary *> consider the fact that the water* If thi* river come directly from the )£ke In which they have left all sediment they may have held In suspension, and therefore are clear. Authorities are of the opinion that the greenish color of the water la due to ' the amount of carbonic acid |U that It contalna. tike Eating Yemr C«At Ltfe to a series of eboleea. Too em order this or that but you cannot order both this and that without paying •aeatra prlca.--American Mn<tlJn% One Point of View A food word is an easy obligation, bat not to speak 111, requires only our silence, which costs as nothing. Fox River Chicks 100,000 chicks for June. Cool weather conditions give wonderful chicks for June. Put on «n extra 500 and g*et that extra profit. 30,000 chicks on sale each week. Closing date July 3. Opeja evenings until 8 o'clock. We pay telephone calls on out -of town order!* ' •op. Fox River Hatchery 63 South Grove Ave., Elgin, HI Phone 1537 r' GENERAL®ELECTRlO txfiiiigetuioi^ Vs pleasant to come home from a Wry end and find a well-stocked refrigerator. To fin# •ome tempting cold meat, a crisp head of U». tuce, fruit chilled to the point of delkkmsnes% drinks fall flavored as only cold drinks can bew And this Is just one of the innumerable con* Trnkncw of having the most modem ef all icfrjgccatoc*--a General Electric, Gsmc m MMI §tt Ac ^ teemy ic/iijmmotfc Carey Electric Shop Green Street " :; m 3»r> £ Ji % ut: Oee forlfourself •why Experienced Owners Demand Bodies hy Fisher In Oakland'Pontiac showrooms throughout the United States a special Plsher Body Demorfstration opens Saturday, June 16. Co» operating withthe Fisher Body Corporation, Oakland has arranged to demonstrate to automobile owners everywhere the reasons for the superiority and popularity of Fisher _ bodies. Come to our showroom during-the Fisher ' Body Demonstration. Learn how Fisher builds bodies and what high quality oil materials is used. See for yourself why experienced owners demand bodies by Fisher. Don't miss this opportunity to gain a sound understanding of such an important part of your automobile. / Oakland All-American SU, $1045 U> $126$. N*w S*r<e» IWfa* Sfei $745 to $875. All Jirices at factory. Check Oakland-PomUm WKTcd Iwica-lhey mcli<d< uhwii XaniUni( charfa. C«w '4 Motor* Time Payment PU» available at minimum rmU. • THE WORLD'S, GREAT EVENTS* ALBERT PAYSON TBRHU19B " ?.* SLOOTTM'S LAKE ! (0 fcjr Dodd. If Md * Cenptv.) Mare Antony MARC ANTONY--hero and buffoon ; true lover and faithless husband; great general and greater mountebank; orator, statesman, voluptuary and trlfler--threw away the world for love. He was the hero of the most stirring real-life romance In history. He might have been a second Julius Caesar or even Alexander. He preferred to be the helpless adorer of the Egyptian queen, Cleopatra. As a mere lad, Antony served with distinction In Rome's Syrian and Egyptian wars, and later In Oaul under Oaesar, whose lifelong friend he became. When Pornpey made the senate order Caesar to disarm, Antony, as tribune of the people, vetoed the bill and then fled to Caesar's camp disguised as a Slavs, pretending his life was In danger for his loyalty. He fought valiantly In the Gallic wars and deserves much credit for Rome's victories. As reward, when Caesar became dictator, Antony was mads second In command and appointed governor of all Italy. In his latter capacity he launched on a course of wild dissipation that set Rome aghast The orator Cicero thundered invectives against him, and he was regarded as a hopeless failure In life. Yet at the call to arms he was at once In the field, aiding Caesar against Pompey and winning battls after battle. His soldiers worshiped him. He Joked with them around the camp-fire, got royally drunk with them --was, In fact, their boon companion. When Caesar was assassinated the conspirators had planned to rule Rome and had persuaded the people to Justify their murderous act But Antony, by a fiery and brilliant oration over Caesar's body, so aroused the popular mind against them that the murderers were compelled to flee for their lives. Then, summoning Caesar's nephew and adopted son, Octavius, Antony raised an army and marched to punish the chief conspirators, Brutus and Cassias. In two suclfttolve battles, while Octavius lay idly In his tent, Antony completely crushed the conspirators and avenged his friend's murder. He, Incidentally, mads himself virtual ruler of the earth, with Octavius as his colleague. The two divided the world between them, Antony choosing the eastern half and leaving Octavius the westn. Cleopatra, queen of IBgypt, was inspected of having sided with the conspirators. Antony resolved to bring her to trial for treason, as Bgypt was practically subject to Rome. Cleopatra was one of the rare woman who have arisen at various periods In history to overthrow empires, leave behind them a world full of trouble and disaster and to wreck the careers of the greatest men. As a girl she had B«t Caesar, won his love and lndaced him to reseat her on the throne of *ypt, whence a family quarrel had forced her. 8he had even, for tors of poisoned her tL k Osmnn of Crystal Lake was a business caller at the hones of Ray and Joe Dowel J Monday. Miss Hyrtle Darrell returned home last Tuesday evening, after spending two weeks with friends at Mcline. Mr. and Sirs. W. E. Brooks and son, Chesney, were Sunday afternoon callers at the M. 1L Derrick home at McHienry. Mrs. J. D. Williams of Crystal Lake spent three days last week at the home of her mother, Mrs. Clara Smith. John Blomgren, Mrs. E. Anderson and Mrs. Sigrid Blomgren visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Anderson at Algonquin Sunday after-' noon. Mi*, and Mrs. R. H. Granthani of Cary spent the week-end at the home of their son here. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Haas of Wauconda were callers at the home of Mrs. Clara Smith last Friday afternoon. Miss Ruby Grantham Ippent l*t week at the home of her sister, Mrs. Harry Winkler, at Waukegan. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Darrell and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews and son, Robert, accompanied Mass Myrtle Darrell to DeKalb Sunday, where she will take a six weeks' course. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowel] and daughter, Dorothy, spent last Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dowell at MJcHeniy. George Harmer and George Roesslein and Miss Pearl Foss of Griswold( Lake spent last Thursday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mat-' thews. John Blomgren, Mrs. E. Anderson' and Mrs. Sigrid Blomgren and Mrs.' Raymond Lusk of Wauconda spent last Thursday in Chicago. In the' morning they visited Forest Hornet cemetery and were dinner and supper guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Bagley. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lampke and children of Burlington, 111., spent last Tuesday at the W. E. Brooks home. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Williams and son, of Crystal Lake were Sunday dinner and supper guests at the home of Mrs. Clara Smith. * Mr. and Mrs. George Lundgren of Wauconda called at the Blomgren' home last Friday afternoon. , Mrs. W. E. Brooks and son, Chesney, were callers at the home of Mrs, Clara Smith last Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Raymond Lusk of Wauconda, M!rs. E. Anderson and Mrs. Sigrid, Blomgren visited at the home of Mrs Harry Matthews last Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Brooks visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Spuner at Lake Zurich last Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Darrell and daughter, Myrtle, and Miss LeVern^ Wheelock of Wauconda attended the graduation of Miss June Haffey at the. West Chicago Community high school last Friday evening. Mb*, and Mrs. Ray Dowell and daughter visited at the hoope of Mr« and Mrs. Howard Davis last Thursday evening. Mrs. Wayne Bacon and son, Don« aid, called at the homes of Mrs. Eliza* beth Bacon at RoSeville and Mr. and Mirs. Will Davis last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Byrd and children of Joliet and Mirs, Ludle Rohman and M5ss Florence Sherlock of Chicago visited at the H. L. Brooks home last Sunday afternoon. George Roesslein spent Sunday at the home of his sister at DesPlames. John Blomgren, Mrs. Sigrid Blomgren and Mrs. E. Anderson spent last Saturday evening at the George Lundgren home at Wauconda. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Brooks spent one day last week at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Page Smith were business callers at Elgin Monday morning. Mrs. Page Smith and two children spent Sunday afternoon at the B. C. Harris home at Wauconda. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Wierden were MIonday evening callers at the Psge Smith home. On Tuesday Willard Darrell delivered. a $4000 check to Florence Peterson of Hebron, 111., for death claim of James Peterson, who died recently1 of injuries received while plowing with a tractor. The hot summer days are here and so are our summer dress materials. All the desired shades and materials. Erickson Dept. Store. The "solid south" will haws ttore than oil to talk about in the coming campaign. , *<*sg • * *v * % v»> •Aft :4 r* . '• .*,* .v" .. Q i p.-', ?*" " clothes we will Most spotless work you've ever seen. --MB. BEFORE AND AFTBfff , Cleanliness and comfort, coolness and style. A £ dependable service.?- < "gpotlesa Owning ^ Permanent J^elnc w trm/ia?' • v- Mrs. Anna 5^4.' CLEAlfING, PRESSING and REPAIRING , PHONE 143-W Located over Bolger's Drag Btm • 1 Look for ihc Red Ta 11 it IS Special Values Week This week we are offering pome exceptional bargains In a number of recotfc* didoned used can.. The cart in this group all bear the famous red "OK" lag--which is your guar* antee that all units have been inspected, wort parts replaced by ne# parts and that the car's condition is honestly rep* resented. Come in toda You are sure to find the you have been looking --properly reconditioned and properly priced* Q U A L 1 T T A T L O W C O S T Hettermann Motor Salee Phone 1S& w W«ft McHenry, ffl. This Car has been carefully checked as shown by V marks below B v Motor v Radiator vRear Ante IV Transmission v Starting V Lighting v Ignition V Battery IvTlrgg vTop v Upholstery v Fender* V Finish Ptolemy the now MH Iftallar tscttef oe Antsay. At irsi s&t ol hsr t>M«9 the aum who had come thither as hsr Jodgo hocame her sUm For hsr sake he cast away drsams of empire and let his glorious deeds of the past sink out of memory. In Alsaaadrla the two set ap a monarchy ef horary, dissipation and sxtraragance that be* lb* scandal of the elviUsed world. ?!? IMSNS ef state, Aateny had married Octarla, th« sister of his colleague, Octavius. She was his fourth wife. He now divorced her for Cleopatra, thus mortally offending Octavius. The latter had been busy making the most of Antony's mad Infatuation to forward his own career. Oold, crafty, heartless, he had steadi* ly undermined Antony's Influence at Rome and had so strengthened himself there that a few years later he was able to declare himself emperor, under the title of Augustus. Antony had put an end to republican Rome hy defeating the conspirator*. Octavius reaped the fruits of his former friend's labors. Octavius decided to get rid of Antony forever. To this end he made war on Cleopatra. Antony espoused her cause, and the two rival powers met in a great sea fight near Actlum. Here Antony's genius again flashed Up. He was rapidly winning the battle, when, from sudden caprice, Cleopatra ordered her galley rowed away from the scene. Antony, thinking her wounded, forgot all about the battle and followed her. Deprived thus of fts leader, Iris whole fleet fled. For a while In subsequent warfare he held his own against Octavius. But the SUn of his success was set Cleopatra ssnt secret messages of submission to Octavius, who replied by telling her that the murder of Antony would be the most acceptable proof of her surrender. She accordingly had word SSSt to Antony that she was dead. Broken-hearted, the lover did not Walt to verify the tale, but fell upon Us sword, dying for the false woman whose lures had made him throw away a world. Cleopatra, finding that the cold Octavius' heart could not be won as Caesar's and Antony's had been, and learning that she was to go tp Rome as a prisoner, forced a poisonous snake to bite her and died. Hare Antony killed himself in 80 Bw C. at the age of fifty-three, having la that time ran the gamut of every human experience and achievement NEW SUBDIVISION Here's Your Opportunity to of the Choice Lots Located just forty miles from Uptown Chicago; concrete all the way; the most beautiful sweep of the Fox River; one block to stores -- that's Hunterville Park.--right against the city limits of McHenry. \ MCHENRY AUTO SALES 8 Riverside Drive Temporary Office with Kent and Go. OAKLAN D -PONTIAC P R O D U C T * O f ( / _ I C I K U A t M O T O R S _ Svfe* r WMt TAX REMOVE)--DELIVERED PS10SS BSDUOBD I see where Mirs. Minnie Spurt, who is planning to shoot her husband this Spring, is busy buying proof of insanity in her family. Just now she is ? seeking an eye witness of the brain; Storm her grandfather had when hiss anule balked on a hill with a wag-on load of corn. This, she feels, will es-i tablish hereditary insanity, as she al ready has testimony of the hired girl Who saw her father's attack when the) stove pipe collapsed and came down in pieces, just after he had worked four hours to get it up. The location is ideal for summer or year- round dwellings. The restrictions guaranteo your investment and prevent some undesirables from building a house not in accordance with the neighborhood. Your neighbors will be substantial people of unquestionable character, who believe that by investing their money in high class summer resort property they prolong their lives and find that contentment which is lacking in the hit or miss development. All city conveniences ate available here. Schools, churches, stores, theatre, dance halls are within a short walk of the property. The North Shore busses run on regular schedule only one block away. The O. & N. W. railroad station is only five minutes drive from Hunterville Park. You will be surprised how lots are priced. There are only a limited number of lots available and you will have to act quickly or you may b© too late. W e have- %orked out the most reasonable payment plair '"jjfet in use. We have funds available to finance miy home you may select. Our own workmen will completely build and furnish the home. If you prefer to buy on the budget plan, we wiH purchase the lot you select, build the house aff* cording to your specifications at a price far low~ er than you could build it, and sell it to you on* •J# budget plan of small payment down and balr- Unce monthly, same as rent. \ It will eost you nothing to investigate we surely will be glad to explain the plan detail if you will call at ow? »ffic>. |;V ... -...-.w