Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Jun 1928, p. 2

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THE M !f#f mm PIAIMD1AL1B, THURSDAY, JXTHX, 28, 109# THE WORLD'S GREAT EVENTS ALBERT PAYSON TERHUNE Cod tmd the Doubter Our feeling that there Is a God Is at best as Inadequate proof of his existence. A stronger proof Is the fact that we are capable of doubting Him.--Arthur Schnltzler In Vanity ran; mmI*H . V',: 30 by Dodd, Mead * Company.) The Norsemen I'iifrM the fury of the Norsemengood Lord deliver us!" This line from the ancient church litany sums up In one sentence the •/terror Inspired all over the civilired j4arth by the Scandinavian sea-rovers *§f the Ninth and Tenth centuries "% D. v On the sterile coasts of Norway, fweden and Denmark lived a hardy fftce, known to the world at large as ^Danes'* or "Northmen." Their own focky countries could not support hem. The love of wandering and of fcttle was hot within them. They tre almost -amphibious in their devo- }on to the sea. Thus, Just as Europe beginning to settle into some sort International peace and stability of Sveminent after the turmoil of the lark ages, down swooped hordes of [j^se wild Northmen upon nearly h&ry rich and fertile country they (raid find, burning, murdering, lootag, conquering. v It was the "northern peril" the peo- IQe of that day dreaded. For no coastfweller of England. France, Germany Italy could tell on what morning he |&ight awake to see the horizon dotted iy the serpent-pro wed, long-oared, Ijnield-hung galleys of the invaders, or find his city in the merciless grip of half-naked, yellow-haired barbarians. Jt was before the day of telegraphs, Cables or any means of rapid communication. Hence, there was no Jbrewarning of the swift, terrible fttlds, no opportunity to mass a sufficient force to repel them. Much poetical luster has since been cast upon the Northmen. As a matter of fact, they were simply pirates, *a -robbers, cutthroat?. They had no fable government, no modern laws, ach community was ruled by the admiral of some particular pirate fleet. J9e was known as a "sea king" or Viking. The victims had no way of retaliating. By the time an army of ref stance could be raised the Vikings ere at sea again and had vanished Jtoto the mpt^rlous J<orth. They were m£n df iron, their cllmale and poverty having accustomed them to bear cold, hunger and every other privation without injury. They had no settled home, no patriotic junbitlonj no pleasures, save war and feasting. Yet they left their mark on the worjd and on Its history. Under a Viking named Rollo a party of North- JB?o ravage^ France in 912 A D., plundering Paris and putting the French king at their mercy. To appease them, the king gave Hollo a vast tract of French land and made him a duke. On this land the raiders settled, the name Northmen changing to Norman, and their new dukedom taking the title of Normandy. It was a direct and hear descendant of Rollo *-who was destined later to conquer England and change the Bngiiih language, law and government For two centuries Great Britain was devastated by the Northmen, Al- • fred the Great being the only king who •cored any permanent success in dearlog the land of them. But on Alfred's 4eath they returned in fresh numbers •nd soon conquered all England. For |nany years they ruled the country. Little by little, as large colonies of (Northmen invaded and conquered other lands, settling down in their new ressions, they became sisrgea la former populations of these eowfries, lending fresh vigor, energy ant sardihood to the conquered races, lrat losing their own Norse ideotlty. Ybere thus developed a trace of searover blood In nearly every Boropean race, leading nations to >|giesslie conqueet, to exploration, to "«Hn| trade and to personal prowess. Li time Scandinavia lost so many men bj those wholesale emigrations that there were no longer enough left to terrorize other countries. Eric the Red, a ruddy-haired, ruddyfaced Scandinavian pirate, discovered Greenland late in the Tenth century and settled there. Then In the year 1000, according to many authorities. Eric's son, Lelf, sailed on a foraging and exploring expedition, with a crew of thirty-five men. They lost their bearings and sailed westward before a gale, arriving at last at a wonderful country such as they had never before seen or heard of. It was North America they had blundered upon. From the masses of wild grapes at the various spots where they landed, they named the new country Vineland, and sailed back to report their discovery. Seven years later a colony of sixty Green landers came to America p"d. landing, it is said, on the shores of Rhode Island, formed what was planned to be a.permanent settlement. This settlement for a time flourished, but soon all trace of It ends. Its people were probably massacred by Indians. For 400 years longer America was destined to lie undiscovered. Yet to the Northmen this country owes a vast debt. For It was due largely to rumors and traditions of Lelfs voyages that Columbus first conceived the Idea that there was a continent to the westward. It was due also to the love of the sea and the tendency to ex. plore Implanted In Europeans' hearts: by a Norse ancestry that Columbus* voyages were rendered possible. So America, as well as the older countries of the earth, has cause think kindly of the murderous, yellow^ haired Norse giants whose name was once a terror to the whole civilized world. Fantastic Is Not the Word Greeks from up-country in breechei of fantastic slse, in which they car* rled their possessions -- pack-mules, donkeys, and an occasional camel.-- From a monthly magazine. Pursuing thm Shcuiow It Is cosunon to overlook whst It near by keeping the eye fixed on something remote. In tha same manner present opportunities are "-eglscted and attainable objects slighted by minds busied In extensive ranges and Intent upon future advantages.--Samuel Johnson. Joy of Life A righteous act, a worthy achievement-- these are the sources of real achievement--American Magazine. ... • .. ' Phone. Why Called "Blue Lodge" In Freemasonry a Blue lodge Is a symbolic lodge In which the first three degrees of Masonry are conferred. It is so called from the color of Its-decorations. A Master Mason is a Freemason who has been to the third degree.--Exchange. Why Italics in Bible s Certain words in the Bible are itali- 'clsed where it peemed necessary to use additional words to make the translation from the original manuscript Intelligible to the readers of the English text The Sikomsho* The snowshoe which provides means by which the weight of the body can be distributed over a large srrface of snow was first used by the American Indian. C"ICH^rspilw Aikflbrl SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHO® TeL 185 General Automobile Repairing^ • : • : . IN* ! Obiercuif Junior, age three, went to the kJtdfc> m, where he found his grandpa pic* tog a chicken. As the child watchedi he noticed that the breast and bach feathers came off easily. When grand, pa started on the wings he had to Jerk the feathers rather hard to get them out The child noticed thig ex. tra exertion and asked: "What'cha doin' now, grandpa, pullln' the stems (•r The General Hectric ^efrig^fiffor Ms Iftow been on the market just one year* From the day it was first announced, it was accepted by the public with truly amazing enthusiasm* Since April first,more than 2000 carloads have been delivered to American homes. This is a gratifying tribute to the General Electric Refrigerator--a true achievement in electrical engineering. It is die worthy product of the Research Laboratories of the world's largest electrical manufacturer^ Nine factories working at top sp 91ZXI The tremendous demand for these "years ahead" refrigerators has made it necessary to increase production again and again--- just as rapidly as is consistent with General Electric standards of quality. Now nine factories are working at top speed to take care of the increasing volume of business. its many rigid tests, it is shipped to a waiting customer. We are assured by the factories that all orders now on file will be filled within the next few weeks We suggest that you place j your order now i . If you are planning to purchase a refrigerator this summer, we strongly advise you to come in at once and place your order. Then you will be sure of having your refrigepilor just as soon as you are ready for it. The first 100,000 discriminating American women to choose this revolutionary refrigerator have been its best advertisers. They have pronounced it unusually quiet, economical in operation, easy to keep clean and worry-proof. It is their verdict which, in (a large measure, is responsible for this hearty nation-wide acceptance! / GENERAL @ ELECTRIC The CeMral Eleetffa Refrigerator is entirely different from all others. All its mechanism is ufo ly stowed away,on tof*,in an airtight steel casing. refrigerators arc ^nosually qaiet, aato- Hiatie, and they sever •eed oiling. They are Bade and guaranteed hy General Electric. Carey Electric Sh cp £reea Street McHenrjr

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