Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Aug 1928, p. 8

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vi. „ •> *-k vw*Tv -/ * * - ^ *,.- *\v - TBI M'HENRY PLAUfDEALER, THURSDAY, AUGUST 2, 1928 fe«MBl A Cit ressive % 'o ^ " J;.'. -i V< ' ~- -.,- • ' • >' /S ' £fV- -4 *",1F^S ( *..• ^-. t *1 ! -• '-•£.: *T •" 11 J '"* £*• '• ' ' "'• ""' '-• City in Which to Live! Beginning in this issue we present a series of articles on the Development and Resources of this renon* gmn* fit ftetaJltif frirtfr tifflt.ftt 1iiiOVT;rffiir;:ifr'r rapid strides of the past few yea^showiAg what resources we have for future development and telling how th«e reeouree, oanbe mad. toWan important part. This series la made possible by the progressive business firms wlyae ads appear on this page. Each one stands sqm^ly for a Biwrer a^eTtTr ^ r s r . 2 ^ r » ; r ^ * - r «"• *•'*~m"*-r" c H E N R Y L A U N D R Y L. V. Adams, Prop. * An up-to-date laundry right here at home which can and will give you quality work and prompt service. " , 36-Hour Service on Wet Wash 3-Day Service on Finished Work Give us a trial and we know we will get a repeat order. PHO*"' I! 189 and our truck will call. „ McHenry Artificial Stone Company MASON G0NT&ACT0&8 All Kinds of Building Material Office Phone 119-J . Mchenry, Illinois JAMES E. BEAV1S TAILOR Cleaning, Altering, Pressing Centerville McHenry, Illinois JOHN J . VTC1TAL GENERAL HARDWARE Stoves, Paints, Oils, Sporting Goods, Glassware and Crockery Sheet Metal Work and Furnaces Phone 98-M Orders Filled Promptly McHenry Jantsen Swimming Suits Mallory Hats Ray McGee Home jot Hart Schaffner and Marx Florsheim Shoqp Wilson Bros. Shirts AGATHA SHOP GIFTS EMBROIDERY MATERIALS POTTERY * HOSIERY LINGERIE" HOUSE DRESSES HEMSTITCHING GREETING CARDS Visit Our NeW Store on RIVERSIDE DRIVE and when you need anything in the line of PLUMBING, HEATING, OB ELECTRICAL WORK let us figure on the cost before placing the contract. We employ experienced workmen and guarantee satisfaction. EARLY DAYS IN M'HENR'jf In writing: the history of development and resources of McHenry it becomes necessary for us to go back several years to the early thirties and review in a concise form the interesting conditions of the country and early settlers in order that we may realize to the fullest extent just how great has been the development of this part of the country and to see more clearly just how many natural resources lend their part to the wonderful growth we have experienced. All history is essentially local. No record of events, however important, can make a vivid or lasting impression upon a reader's mind if the locality of the occurrences is not given due prominence. By association the scenes of great events become sanctified and endeared in the hearts of people. Even the most prosaic places, even the simplest of everyday occurrences, are sometimes elevated beyond their natural condition becoming illustrious and important on account of the memories which surround them. And even within the narrows limits of a city, events, perhaps of little moment in themselves, are constantly transpiring, which become invested with peculiar interest and are rightfully worthy of perpetual remembrance. A small community has its place in history as wtell as a large one. Every intelligent and public spirited citizen feels a degree of pride in the achievements, the industrial growth, the religious, social and intellectual progress of his home town. The work of the pioneers, humble in its details yet magnificent in its results; the first rudely built church or school house; the founding of a village; the inception of an industry, each marie an epoch in the history of any locality. The nationality and characteristics of the early settlers, their lives, adventures and hardships, the part performed by them in civil, judicial or military affairs, all these are topics in which their descendants can never cease to have an interest. The early inhabitants of this region had much to do in forming the future of this beautiful city of which we are all so proud. McHenry has often been said to be situated in the garden spot of Illinois. It is a jewel of a little city in a setting of rolling hills and prairie upland, encircled by sparkling lakes of rare lovliness, and nestled in the valley of the Fox river, one of the most beautiful rivers of the state. Impressive as is McHenry's natural heritage, the thing that looms foremost is its magnificent civic spirit, whose citizens see the commercial and cultural advantages of the locality. As one of Chicago's most popular summer colonies and business centers, McHenry serves a territory embracing eleven lakes, including the nationally famous lotus beds of which there are only three in the world and one other in the United States--in Florida. Its growth has been steady and sure. It ^ has never known a boom but has developed naturally* and gives promise of continuing tx> do so. " ** (TO BE CONTINUED NEXT W®Ef>) . • L•[.hi ia mm--j i i ill To Our Friends and Customers , At a meeting of our stockholders on Tuesday, July |j^ - '. was voted to change the name of this bank to the : V Citizens State Bank \ OF M'HENRY, ILLINOIS : - The new name will not be adopted, however, until we c^lh jLave all our stationary reprinted and other changes coi#*'^:, dieted, which will be about August 15th. EQX,River ,Valley State Bank " r' "The Bank That Helps You Get Ahead" E. Buch Phone 48 ^Me^enry M'GEE'S Ct^WttNG STORE Just one year ago this week the Ray MoGee Clothing store was moved from its former location in the Heimer building to its fine new quarters in the Walter E. Carey building just across the street. Ray McGee, the popular owner and proprietor of this successful business enterprise, came here from Woodstock just nine years ago this fall and commenced in the Heimer building which he occupied until one year ago. For the first few-years the business was in the name of McGee & Conway, both young men of Woodstock, but in April, 1022, Mr. McGee took over the entire stock and has since operated the business by himself. His stock of men's furnishings is a most complete and modern one and it is always a pleasure to step into his neat, well appointed and conveniently arranged store, which is most modern in all its equipments. Here a full line of the ever popular and wellknown Hart Schaffner & Marx suits and clothing is displayed as well as a full line of the Florsheim shoes for men and boys. Boys' suits and clothing of all kinds are also, carried extensively. From the full line of Mallory hats even the most fastidious may find satisfaction. Perhaps the most popular line carried by Mr. McGee right at this time of vear are the Jantzen swimming suits in all styles and colors. Besides a full line of everything that a man might want Mr. McGee sells Jantzen suits for ladies and children, as well as a fine line of ladies' silk hose. The large show windows are always artistically and attractively arranged with a display of the latest models. Wonder what the man who operated the first store in McHenry in 1837, about 91 years ago, would say if he walked into the McGee clothing store today ? Everyone of those ninety-one years have been filled with marvelous changes which have brought us up to the present day and age with which most of us are pretty well pleased, even though there are a few who won't admit it. Right now everyone in this city is lightly proud of the fine up-todate store of which Mr. McGee is the proprietor and glad to include such an exemplary young man as one of 9"r ri cit,zens- When you buy a suit be sure to stop at McGee s--he will be sure to please you. He aims to give satisfaction. UABS' LICENSES KM FISH •TOBIES^ Are No«w Available by Buying Your Tackle at the 7 ' , . ' WM. H. ALTHOFF HDWE ' West McHenry • N rhe most complete line of fishing tackle to be found anywhere. We are offering-- ? ^ V. 18-lb Test Niagara Line, $2.00 value, for ...» $1.50 South Bend Oreno Reel, $9.00 value, for . ^,.^....$8.25 Moonlight Plug Baits, $1.00 value, for 90c Furnished Lines, 80c value, for .. Mr Before You Plaoe Your Order For TIN and COPPER WORK OK FURNACES Let Us Give Yoti Oar Estimate - " - ' - • •: '"•••I' / : - All work is. personally supervised by JohnF. Brd|^ | , VJ'^The best in quality, service and prices* - ^ - * »S Green St. *4; nam I#**'/v •3ft*-.A-' tfeflearr Riverside Grocery & Market ; Albert Barbian, Proffc^ Handling all the market affords in vegetables, fruits, etc., and our s> market will also provide the choicest cuts in meats at reasonable prices. V Phone 180 Riverside Drive Don't Divorce Your Wife if She Can't AUTOMOBILE HEADQUARTERS Cook--Eat Here and Save Her for a Pet Bidder's McHenry House Excellent Dininf Room Service--Chicken and Steak Dinneif •S|l Li^ht Lunches Phone McHenry 18 or 19 McHenry, Illinois MID-SUMMER NEEDS Drees Percales, light and dark patterns ...................m..h.......16C Dress Ginghams, yd. --18c 9 /4 Sheeting,'- yd. Scalloped Sheets $1.10 Men's Shirts or Drawers 39c Men's Union -Suits, elastic kait -- „...95c Boys' Ohambttry Shirts 69c Felt Bedroom Slippers 59c Muslin Gowns 88c Men's Oxfords, dressy black caUjskin $5.00 JOHN ^'We S«U Shell rw SheU mil B«U" ~ fisABAMT VIEW SERVICE SXATIOM George Troyke, Prop. Oas and Oils - • Light Lunches, Refreshments, Cigars, Cigarettes On Route 20, West of N. W. Track! West McHenry, Illinois McHenry Souvenirs Jfew Designs in Costume Neckwear Ladies' Handbags -- New Stock Latest in Records, Sheet Music and Piano Rolls Nye Jewelry, Music and Radio Shop West McHenry, UL RADIATOR REPAIRING Yes, we have it in McHenry now! What? An up-to-date Radiator Repair Shop. We install new cores and repair the old ones. Prices reasonable and work guaranteed, so get ready for winter and have it fixed now* • 4- „ Phone if EAST SIDE GARAGE WillrinaAH McHenry . *V'V 'V"< !f;.w " * • '

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