Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Aug 1928, p. 5

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Being made right here in j - McHenry you get it fresh--always. Put up in Convenient Sized Sacks Atk Tow Grocer for Seen By Plaindealer Reporters and Handed In By Our Friends Charles Buss of Chicago visited with Relatives here Sunday. Miss Anna Frisby was a Harvard fisitor Sunday evening. Mrs. Edward Malone of Elgin was $ McHenry visitor Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Ford Jackson were JVbodstock visitors Monday. H. J. Schaffer and John Zimmer Were Woodstock visitors Sunday. Mrs. M. A. Sutton and Mrs. John H. Knox were Elgin visitors^ Tuesday. _ Misses Katherine Walsh and Anita !§{acon were Harvard visitors Tuesday. Miss Charlotte Erickson is spending |he week with relatives at Beloit, Wis. Laurence Senten of Chicago was a AVIATOR FLOUR Win. Spencer, Prop* West McHenry, Illinois S. H. Freund & Son General Building Contractors Phone 127-R Oor. Petri and Park Sts. WEEKLY PERSONALS COMERS AND GOERS OF A WEEK IN OUR CITY Twice T o l d Tales htenatiai Bita of News Take* Frost the Columns of tfcs Plaindealer Fifty aad ( Twenty-five Years w Age AUGUST 1878 Tomorrow, Thursday, is the day for the big excursion from Sycamore. Thfe steamers "Athlete" and "Excelsior" will carry the excursionists to Fox Lake. The golden wheat is falling fn graceful swaths before the reaper of the funday visitor in the Fred Karls home.!honest Sanger; the prairie hen in the Jacob Buss of Belvidere visited in stubble whistles in cheery notes, while Ihe home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dowe jthe farmer himself walks wearily to (Sunday. > back part of the lot, and in the Mrs. Charles Ensign and son, How- bushes finds a long-necked jug, which is supposed to contain--"buttermilk." Camping and fishing parties can Ird, were Richmond visitors Thursday tvening. Mrs. Mary Green and Mrs. Laura!obtain a good light by Boaking a corn- Kent visited at Woodstock Saturday mon bnck in kerosene oil for ten tvening. minutes. The brick absorbs the oil, Mrs. E. M. Aylward spent the week-'and «P°n being suspended with wire end in the home of her brother, Earl\an<^ ignited, a brilliant light lasting $5. Monear. | f°r half an hour, is obtained. This Mrs. Nellie Bacon, son, Harold, and is **id by those who have experiment-1 daughter. Anita, were Harvard vis- ed with jt to be greatly superior to the itors Friday. j torch in general use. j Mr. and Mrs. Peter Glosson of Wau- j Wanted--Thirty or forty more dogs kegan were Sunday guests in the Fred run *n s*reet 'n front of my |Carls home. ' I residence, especially nights. The sen- & Mr. and Mrs. Charles Egan of Chi- sation of being kept awake by their ftago spent the week-end in the George' eternal howling is pleasant, and I am Meyers home. j willing to invest a few dollars in or- Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Imerson of He-1 der that the supply will be sufficient. ".7^ Iron were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Earl A. Hebard. j M r Monday. j Most of the grain is now safely in j Hary Conway, son of Mr. and Mrs. the stack and threshing has com-1 Martin Conway, had his tonsils re- j menced. Oats are turning out SO to moved Thursday. 150 bushels to the acre. Mrs. Margaret Hitchcox of Rock-] ford visited with relatives here Fri-1 AUGUST 1903 day and Saturday. | Never, within recollection of the "'Mr. and Mrs. Francis Gorman of oldest inhabitant have the weeds been JBelvidere were McHenry visitors Fri- 1 so thick in the mill pond as they were day and Saturday. j last week but by patient labo^ Mr. Mrs. A. J. Butler of Chicago visited Reynolds has reduced the congestRJnlier parents, Mr. and "Mrs. Henry to a considerable extent. Despite the Heimer, this week. j best efforts of this gentleman to pre- Mrs. Ralph Smith and little son of vent it, the weeds floated into the Chicago spent a few days recently flume and pressed against the iron with relatives here. j grating near the wheels in such quan- Miss Arlette Newman spent a few Cities that the power was greatly re-! days last week as the guest of Miss duced. . ! Grace Hanly at Elgin. | The mail order business in McHen- 1 Miss Helen Bernier of Chicago was ry is falling off. Why ? The Plain-. a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. dealer advertisements tell the story, i H. J. Schaffer, Saturday. j Unlike many lake resort6 the shores Dr. W. C. Besley of Woodstock vis- of Crystal Lake are obstructed by ited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. barbed wire fences, erected to keep W. A. Sayler Sunday evening. | pedestrians from making a short cut Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Covalt and chil-, around the lake. Walking down the dren visited the Boy Scout camp at path leading from the cottage on the Pleasant Lake, Wis., Sunday. I west shore one of the first fences Mr. and Mrs. James Sayler^ and, which makes life miserable for the children visited the Boy Scout camp at' sight-seer is that bounding on the Pleasant Lake, Wis., Sunday. [west* line of the Selz property. Sev- Mr. and M'rs. John Watson and son,' eral days ago a Chicago gentleman James, of Chicago visited in the home ' was strolling along the lake shore op- VISIT MODEL FARM OF PUBLIC SERVICE COMPAN? An early American country house, with furniture, draperies, rugs and wall decorations carried out in the most minute detail, yet equipped with every known modern convenience for labor saving and wholesome comfort, is to be found in the farm home of the Public Service company's rural exhibit near Mundelein, to be opened to the public on August 11. Women whose taste in furnishings favors the pure early American will find this home a revelation. Specially made hooked rugs, in keeping in pattern and color harmony with the wallpaper and hangings, cover the floors of the larger rooms. The furniture , throughout the living room, dining j room and upstairs bedrooms are models of good taste in reproduction of the fine old pieces our forefathers used. Modern ideas of economy, however, have been kept in mind in all the decorative and furnishing scheme, so that the exhibit will provide a fund of ideas for home-makers of all purse?. The equipment used in the kitchen embodies many new and interesting features for the facilitating of work and the reduction of the servants to the minimum. In the basement, the use of modem gas equipment provides automatic heating, hot water, laundering and clothes drying. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Huson, who are in charge of the farm for the Public Service company and who occupy the farm home, say that the house can be cared for almost as easily and satisfactorily as a modern city apartment. The farm will be open to public inspection at all times. Mid-summer clearance at ErkJjpT son's, West McHenry, beginning Friday, Aug. 10. See page ad. in this issue. 19 -W* Plaindealer Publicity Pay*. Jane McA lister School of Nursing Victory Memorial Hospital ^ Waukegan, Illinois t * ' Offers an opportunity to young women contemplating the nursing profession. Three year course leading to a degree R. N. Next class enters Sept. 20. _ ' For further information apply to the Principal. 9-7 ; r We Have Funds Available -A '4iS To refinance your home or business property. Also will finance your home or building project. To see as iacva no obligation. Plans and estimates ob new work dtUN, fully given. KENT BROTHERS and BOWLU8 TIMBER CO. Phone McHenry 8 McHenry, III ! Frett Bros. & Freund MASON CONTRACTORS : and CnrCRKfE BUILDING UNITS r ' Telephone McHenry 600-M-l or of Ms. Nellie Bacon, Sunday. Mrs. Nellie Thomas of Richmond .spent Thusday in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Charles Ensign. B. J. Frisby and sons, Bernard, Robert and Weston, of Mundelein visited his mother, Mrs. B. Frisby, Sunday. F. A. Cooley and son, Floyd, Alfred Richardson and A. C. Reynolds attended the rodeo in Chicago Thursday. John Tulley and Mr. and Mrs. Orrille Tulley and daughters of Chicago f/ere guests of Mrs. Lawless Sunday. posite the Sell villa, when the owner suddenly appeared on the scene and ordered him off the place. On Monday J. D. Lodtz became a member of the Custom Garment Cutters' association of Chicago. It is an exclusive organization and only the best of cutters are admitted to membership. Every applicant must successfully pass a rigid examination. Joseph Frett will come out from Chicago next Saturday with a party of friends and celebrate his birthday •••»••»<»»»»»»•»»•»•••»« JI ' Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dowe, Charles at Columbia Park. Landlord Nell will JA Yard of Beaiily Americans are gardens] neroiiswithth and In Europe, where high walls hide each plot from view, the beauty-loving^passer-by can £et only a fleeting gjimpsp, through ittm galea* eaichantinent within. ; ' rl t* But in America, we beautify our gardens for the whole world, as well as our own families, to awjoy. If your yard is not yet so decorative as you wish it, let us supply you with rose trellises or arbors benches, a pergola or an ornamental garden fence, which will help make your place one of the beauty spots of our town. IVfrXJENRY LUMBER At AvX JL Quality and Service First V-r < JKeat McHenry, MB Buss of Chicago and Jacob Buss of jJelvidere visited at Mundelein Sun- Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Monear of Eljfrifc spent Sunday in the home of the former's brother, Earl Monear, and #ife. Mrs. Edward Larkin of Elgin spent § few days the past week at McHenry. Mr. Larkin also spent the week-end fcere. • Mr. and Mrs. Mat Karls and son, Bobby, of Chicago, were Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Karls. Mrs. George Schneider and children from New Orleans, La., visited with Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Norton one day this week. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Sampson, in Company with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Petrie, of Elgin, motored to Madison, Wis., Sunday. iMr. and Mrs. Earl Monear spent Tuesday afternoon in the home of the letter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Jackson, at Solon Mills. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Schaeffer and ahildren, in company with Louis Broughton of Wauconda, visited the scenes at Starved Rock Tuesday. Mrs. Arthur Bickler and children of Chicago spent last week in the home of her mother, Mrs. Helena Heimer, see to it that the party lacks nothing in the way of entertainment. ILLINOIS TO SHOW PHASES OF ACTIVITY Many Departments of Stats to Hare Exhibits at Kankakee Fair* What the state of Illinois Is doing In its many deportments will be graphically sliown in scores of exhibits which will be seen at the Kankakee Inter-State Fair, the week of August lo to 17. Almost every department of the state government will have an exhibit, which will present an excellent idea of the modern trend In governmental aid to the people of the stutei Owing to the fact that the Kankakee fair is one of the largest In the country, there will be an unusually large number of exhibits there. Most of the state exhibits will he arranged under one large canvas top, within easy access of visitors. Those which cannot be shown in the main state exhibition tent will occupy a prominent position on the grounds so that their excellent opportunities for education- /They returned home witfT Mr. iTickier "A DOt be ,OSt t0 the tl,OU* Sunday, who spent the day here. Mr. and Mrs. George Penny and sons, Paul and Francis, and Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Froehlich of Winnebago, Wis., are visiting in the home of the letter's son, Dr. A- I. Froehlich, and family. Miss Fern Bacon, who is taking the nurses' training course at the Victory Memorial hospital, Waukegan, returned to her work Tuesday, after spending a two weeks' vacation at her "home here. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Frett, George Frett and son, Richard, Mrs. Josephine Frett and Miss Kate Frett and i" rank Freund of Johnsburg were Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ford Jackson. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Wells, who have olade their home at Johnsburg this summer, have returned to Elgin for the winter. Mr. Wells was the resident engineer on Route 6L, His place will be taken by H. Hilton. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Holly, Mt. and Mrs. Frank Vergare and Mrs. Grover of Chicago visited in the tiome of Mrs. Nizzie Holly, Sunday. Mrs. Grover is one of the eld settlers of Chicago, having located there betet the big Chicago fire. sands of people who visit the fair. Some of the exhibitions to be seen will be those bt the Department of Public Welfare, the Department of Public Works and Buildings, the State Department of Public Health, the Illinois Departuiei.t of Agriculture and many of the divisions of these great state departments. lor Instance the Department of Health will have almost a score of exhibits showing what the statf is doing in disease prevention and control of epidemics.' The Department of Public Welfare will demonstrate the latest methods of caring for the unfortunate wards of the state tn a number of Interesting, exhibits. The Division of Highways will show the progress that has beca made and wh!«h is still under way in the great Illinois hard road system and the Division of Waterways will show the progress of Illinois* part In the Lakes-to-the-Gulf-Waterways project V "I heard Mrs. Grimes left her husband." "What for?" "She found a card in his j)ocket and I on it was written Wiolet Bay, I#.' --Midwest Magazine. . ; * . ™e McHenry Quality A!o prStoVMMcHenry's Leading Meat Market / Phollc 154 FRIDAY and SATURDAY SPECIALS BEST SHORT RIB Boiling Beef 16c BEST RENDERED llfllfii KerMr*k» S lbs. f< «29c PORK Roast Shoulder Loin Roast . _30c Boston Butt - 27c Fresh Hocks 16c SMOKED MEATS Kerber's Picnic Hams 22c Kerber's Bacon Squares , r 19c Fancy Breakfast Bacon 29c Smoked Hams J 28c melessLeg Lamb, Boston »tyl«,Wi 340 Boneless Rolled Veal (Coast, lit. * Choice Beet Roasts and Steaks, prices Fresh Pork Liver, : % lbs. 25* OPEN SUNDAYS 8:30 TO 10 A. M. MANY OTHER SPECIALS k Farmers[ Notice--Special Prices for Your Threshing Meats ;.wt --fT*** v,i' •n Only Buick cou • m Only Buick* could build such a carE 116 Inch Wheel Base Two p--ciigrr Buaiiyia Coupe.S1195.6S Five-passenger 2-dooi Sedan . • . .$1220.00 FYrri panTiigir Phaeton...... . .$1225.00 Fswr past--~g-- Special Cx>upe .. $12SO.OO Hw passniftrr 4-door Sedan . . . . 121 Inch Wheel Base Floor-passenger Sport Roadster. $1325.00 Two-passenger Business Coupe. $1395.00 Fowr-pa--rngrr Special Coupe . . $1450.00 Fbe-paM. Ooae Conpled Sedan .$1450.00 Hw |ia--mgrr 4 dooc Sedan .... $1520.00 129 Inch Wheel Base flu psssmifti i Phaeton $1525.00 fiwtB passrngrrTouring.......$1550.00 Fit* passnngf r Coupe $1865.00 Flw pass. Qma Coupled Sedan .$1875.00 Foor>-paaa. Convertible Coupe . ..$117540 flu pa--mgri 4 door Sedan .... $1»540 Seven passungfrSedan.........$$045.00 8ssn yassmgrrLimousine. jtttprices f. O. b. Buick f* Flint, Michigan Here, are the prict. Um Sil«w ilrmtitrnniry Buick! mach more of style, luxury, perfannano* and value you obtain In this new Buick thaai In any other automobile you might name! New Masterpiece Bodies by Flaher with •satebless lines, colon and appointments ,. New elements of power, tpwd, accefcm» Hnoothness and reliability unap* fid by any other ear in the world . . • MV features of eu--rfnrt and convenience now hoe equalled.. • and all at the prices rf ordinary motor eaisf Only Buick could give snefc vafcm • • • Buick could build such a ear! THE V SILVER ANNIVERSARY BUICK '£ A Phone 6 OVERTON & COWEN Buick Motor Cars West McHenry, m EN BETTER AUTOMQ_L.

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