Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Aug 1928, p. 9

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? ' " \ t ' £ ' ' ^ V " ' , S , . • "." v . . " : : ; t . . . , ' . v ' -'.J, ••%!••: . ,;V ! «w U'-', •: • ,.'T;: ;" "• • , • »• ' "•'•1 V-24'- HOMK OF AMUSESrEKT "WE CANT PLAY THEM ALL 80 WE PLAY THE BEST" THURSDAY-FRIDAY AUGUST 16-17 Tex Rickard Presents the TUNNEY HEENEY FIGHT PICTURES 11 Rounds of Action ami the 6-reel Comedy of r ^BRINGING UP FATHER" Marie Dressier • Polly Moran J. Farrell I SATURDAY * AUGUST 18 v Hoot Gibson "A TRICK OF HEARTS" with Georgia Hale aii| Heine Conklin with BIG TIME VAUDEVILLE PATHES WORLD'S LATEST NEWS and the next chapter of the absolutely different adventnre play "THE HAUNTED ISLAND" SUNDAY. MONDAY AUGUST 19-20 MATINEE 2:30--Prices 10c-25c Opening Comedy Aesop's Fables Richard Barthelraess "THE LITTLE SHEPHERD OF KINGDOM COME" with ^ Molly O'Day 'All the big hits of "Our Dick" rolled into one. This is his fourth, starting with "Tol'abie Uavid." BIG TIME and PA THE COMEDY XUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY * AUGUST 21-22 !; Lon Chaney in his greatest r "XiAUGH CLOWW, LAUGH" \ with Loretta Young .The Tears, Laughter and Joys of life--the lure «f the sawdust ring. Don't Miss It And the Comedy "TAKING THE COUNT" THURSDAY-FRIDAY AUGUST 23-24 "aap COUNT OF ymi* with ? ^ Charles Ray WEEKLY PERSONALS COMERS AND GOERS OF • IN OUR CITY Miss Nellie Doherty is end weeks in Detroit. Mrs. Henry Heuser of Chicago -visited relatives here Friday. Mrs. N, H. Petesch went to Chicago Wednesday for a few days. Mrs. George Miller spent last Thurs- By Plaindealer Re- day as the *uest of Elgin friends. Por^r,™,, Handed In ^Sn"" By Our Friends » Clarence Ki»us« of Woodstock is •r. and Mrs, George Miller were spending the week with relatives here. Chicago visitors Friday. I Eugene Thennes of Chicago, spent Miss Lola Boyle spent, iMi Than- week-end with-relatives in McHenday with Elgin friends. TMiss Maxine Bacon is spending a: Mrs. William Bacon and Mrs. Ray few days with Elgin relatives. Howard were Elgin visitors Wednes- Mrs. Mollie Givens spent last Thurs- day. day in the home of her sister, Mrs. Mrs. B. J. Brefeld and daughters Walter Warner of Elgin. visited at Wauksgan Thursday after- Mrs. J. F. Brandt of Chicago visited noon. with her sister, Mrs. Ray Page, Wed-! Mr- and Mrs. Pfeter Glosson of Waunesday. j kegan sperft Sunday in the Fred Karls Mr. and Mrs. John Keg and daugh- home. , ' t,er, Juanita, were Chicago visitors Philip Mahoney of Chicago was a Monday. ; recent g&est at the William Doherty Misses Katherine, Pender and Ellen home. Walsh visited at Harvard Monday af- • Charlie Howard of Woodstock visternoon. j ited Mrs. Anna Howard Monday after- A1 W oil and mother of Chicago are noon. enjoying their vacation at a cottage at' Mr. and Mrs. K. M. Bradley and Howelis'villa. daughter, Alice, are Chicago visitors Mrs. Edward Comiskey and sisters '• this week. of Chicago called on McHenry friends ! Mr- and Mx^- E- E- Bassett and famlast Thursday. ! ily attended the Aurora fair Sunday Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Sayler of Wood- afternoon. stock attended the funeral of George! Albert, Lillian and Virginia Vales Grasser Tuesday. } of Chicago spent Sunday in th$ Albert Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard and Vales homechildren of Ringwood werfe McHenry Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Monear of Elgin callers Tuesday. were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Miss Gladys Hitchcox of Rockford Monear Sunday. is spending the week as the guest of; Mi^s Elsa N?e of Milwaukee, Wis., McHenry relatives. : »* • guest in the home of Dr. and Mrs. Mrs. Alice Bowles and daughters N- J- Nye this week. of Chicago called on relatives and' Mrs. Frances Overton of Solon is friends here Sunday. Mrs. Roy Hankermeyer and son, Marshall, of Waukegan visited with friends here Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Donavin aqd daughter, Katherine, attended the Aurora fair Wednesday. Leander Hughes of Chicago was a visitor in the home of iris father, James Hughes, Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. William Zenk and family were in Elgin Sunday and attended the funeral of Leo Zenk. visiting in the home of her son, R. I. Overton and family. Richard B. Walsh of Chicago spent Monday in McHenry. * William Spencer and Jaejk Ryan spent Monday in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Thiele were Sonday visitors at Dixon, 111. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Lonergan of Chi* cago visited with relatives here Sonday. Mrs. Ellen Ensign called on several at Richmond the first of the Forrest Gary of Waoconda is spending the week with his cousin, Stanley Schaffer. Miss Agnes Sobaski of Coal City, HI., is the guest of Miss Rosalind Nye this week. Mrs. Raymond Whiting was a recent visitor in the home of her cousin, Mrs. M. J. Kent. Mrs. J. Knox spent a few days last week with her daughter, Mrs. Winkleman, at Elgin. Miss Harriett Boger is spending her vacation in the home of her uncle and family at Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Herrold and daughters spent several days last week with Chicago relatives. Mrs. Floyd Covalt and daughter, Shirley, returned home Thursday from a visit with friendj.. at Pell Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Foss and Mr. Foss' mother from New York City attended the Aurora fair Wedneday. Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Sholes and daughter, Joan, of Chicago spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Kent. Mrs. F. E. Boger of this city and Mrs. M. G. Schaffer of Crystal Lake spent Friday of last week shopping in Elgin. Mrs. C. W. Klontz and Mrs. A. H. Mosher returned home Sunday from a trip to Detroit, Niagara Falls and Canada. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Thomas of Mor- Mr. and Mrs. Philip Aylward and | ^on Grove visited with their mother, 2000 People Visit Public Service Company's Model Farm v- Left To Rig£»--C. More than 2,000 northern Illinois farmers and people interested in rural development were present at the opening day of the Public Service company of Northern Illinois' Model Farm near Mundelein. Impressions of the Model Farm from the point of view of visitors, and the purposes for which it was built were expressed in the addresses to the guests by Harry Gilkerson, Lake ^County Farm Adviser; Clifford V. GMgory, Editor of the in these days of high priced labor and high cost of living, must be supplemented by the use of the labor of the machine." Model Farm has the additional purpose of demonstrating to city dwellers that all the comforts and conveniences ensilage cutter and silo loOder, *ed numerous other devices. In addition to the equipment In DM on the farm and in the home, there is on view in the exhibition hall a uous exhibit of various types-of trie and gas children of Harrisburg, S. D., visited in this vicinity Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Stocking of Chicago were Sunday guests of If*- and Mrs. William Freund. Rev. Fr. Norbert, O. S. D., and Mr. H.;) Bond of Jasper, Ind., visited in McHenry the first of the week. Mrs. Alma Thomas, here Wednesday and Thursday. Mayor Peter Wm. Frett attended the Emmerson meeting at Mount Vernon, 111., Wednesday, accompanying a delegation from Chicago. % "•** Mr. and -Mrs. C. G. Burkhart of Des Plaines and Mrs. A. G. Barbian Mr. and Mrs. Knole and family ofjwere <jjnner guest? of Mr .and Mrs. Chicago called on Mr. and Mrs. Hen- Mrs. Aimy Wiswall and son, Austin,! IT Heimer one day last week, and .Mrs. John Buss of Chicago spent : Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Martin of Bellelast Thursday with relatives here. i view, Fla., arrived the first of the Mrs. Nan Boyd of Chicago * spent, week for a visit with home folks, several days this week with heT par- j Mr. and Mrs. Mat Karls and son, ents, Mr. and Mrs. John McEvoy. (Bobby, of Chicago were week-end Mr. and Mrs. Walter Warner and guests in the Fred Karls home, children of Elgin spent Sunday in the! Miss Mary Brefeld of Elgin spirit one day last week in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Brefeld. Mrs. Otta Spanko, Miss Laura Karls and Laurence Senten of Chicago were week-end visitors in the Fred Karls home of her mother, Mrs. B. Frisby. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brood's and son, James, of Chicago visited with McHenry relatives Friday evening. Mr. and MTS. James Burke of ChU cago are spending their vacation in home. the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Walsh.' Mrs. Nick Goeser and children of Dr. and Mrs. J. E. Wheeler and Mr. j Glen Beulah, Wis., is a guest in the and Mrs. William Bacon and son, Bob- ihome of her sister, Mrs. William by, visited at Kenosha, Wis., Sunday. I Freund. Miss Mina Wheeler of Libertyville spent several days the past week in the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Sampson. Miss Hazel Bell of Highland Park spent several days the past week in the Mr. and Mrs. Walter Schneider and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Meyer of Woodstock were guests in the Leo Lawson home Sunday. M. J. Kent on Thursday. - M iss Bernice Olsen has returned to the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Olsen, at Riverdale, following a six weeks' visit with friends in the south. She ^visited Daytona, Fla., and Asheville, N. C., and report*-#* enjoyable trip. Five Hundred Party Mrs. Anna Howard was hostess to several friends at her home on Green street Friday evening. Twelve guests were present and spent a pleasant evening in playing five hundred and the first prize was won by Mrs. Henry Foss, the second by Mrs. Henry Weber and the third prize by Mrs. George Schreiner. The guests who enjoyed the party were Mesdames Henry Foss, George Schreiner, Elizabeth Krause, George Worts, Henry Weber, Henry Heuser of Chicago, John Thennes, Leo of city life are made available to them; rural use by gas and electric equipment on the Model Farm has an assembly hall farm. where farm bureaus, farm clubs, and he Model Farm will continue in op-[similar organizations may have meet- " *' ~ eration as on the opening day. Elec- (ings, carry on discussions and attend Prairie Farmet, and Samuel Insult, tricity or gas are now operating such lectures by agricultural experts. Tho Chairman of the Public Service Com- devices on Model Farm as, chicken 1 assembly room is equipped with a Hpany. | brooders, milking machines, incuba- j brary of the latest books on all phases "We want to be of assistance," said cleaners i of agriculture, the plan being to "f- Mr. Insult, **in teaching the fanners the economic fact that the basis of wealth is labor, and that 'man-labor,' j stimulating growth of baby tors, water pumps, vacuum for the cows and horses, lighting, heat- J ment the library from ing, ultra-violet ray equipment for books are published. home of her aunt, Mrs. Harry Samp-| tin were Woodstock callers Tuesday evening. MTS. E. E. Bassett and daughter,, Lawson, and Misses Celia Thennts, Floribel, and Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Mar- J j>Qrothy Freund and Laura Weber. • f 9IG BOUTS --TRIPLE WINDUP! OUTDOOR ARENA BOXING STATE LIB IS PARK tt^Boote 12, between Rkfmoad sad ? Genoa City felDAY NIGHT, AUG. 17 Auspices American Legion 8 >45 P. M. Standard Tine Tommy West, Owcago, vs. Jack Ryan, Chicago, 120 lbs. Soldier Larson, Chicago, vs. Billie Bos, A. A. U. Champ, 130 lbs. Sparky Cory, Pell Lake, vs. Jack Saniders, Chicago, 126 lbs. Joe Greb, Chicago, vs. Jack McCMlaa, Johnny ROBS' Camp, 140, lbs. Ben Simons, colored, Chicago, vs. W31 Williams, Rockford, 160 lbs. Jim Watson, Chicago, vs. Kid Fred, Milwaukee, 130 lbs. Joe Wolfe, C. A. A. U. Champ, vs. Frank ie White, 116 lbs. Bob Hermance, Genoa City, vs. Micky Clementi, Chicago, 118 lis. FIGHTERS THAT FIGHT Admission $1 Ladies Especially Invited Can-Toting Puritans The early Pnrltatns always went armed to t. eetlng, all hough to Justify tad per hap* sunrtlfj 'he Snnday •gun-totlng" they were forbidden to Are at anything save their two "•xrent- Ost Inconvenience?" -- Indians and son. Mr. Aid Mrs. John Harrington of Chicago were guests in the E. R. Sutton home a few days the last of the week. , Mrs. Dana McKnight of Chicago Heights spent a few days the first of the week with her sister, Mrs. F. J. Nickels. Mrs. Thomas Liston and Mrs. Jack Liston and families of Chicago are enjoying a few weeks at a cottage on Fox River. Mr. and Mrs. Dalziel and daughter of Milwaukee, Wis., spent the past week in the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Sutton. Mrs. M. Allen, son and daughter of Terre Haute, Ind., spent the weekend in the home of Dr. G. W. Hess on Main street. Mrs. Glen Robiaon of Woodstock spent several days last Week and this week in the home of ber father, William J. Welch. Mrs. Katherine Weber returned to her home at Rochester, Minn., after spending a week in the home of Mrs. Henry Kennebeck. Mrs. Simon Stoffel and daughter, Clara, and Mrs. John H. Miller and daughter, Elizabeth, motored to Kenosha, Wis., Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Carey and members of their family enjoyed a Mrs. Thorsell and daughter, Clara, returned last week from a week's visit with the former's daughter at Sheboygan, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Karges and daughter of Kenosha, Wis., spent the week-end in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dowe. BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kennebeck are the proud parents of a baby girl, born Friday, Aug. 10, at their home east of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Ferris Rynearson of Chicago announce the birth of a little son on Aug. 8. The young man will answer to the name of John Elmer chicks. SN General View of Crowd In Yar d On Opening Day, Taken From Fahn Housr Mr. and Mrs. John W3rfs of Oak; Mrs. Rynearson was formerly Miss Park are spending a few days this week in the B. J. Brefeld home on Green street. Misses Blanche Babka, Anna Zeman and Dorothy Vrba of. Chicago were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Vales and family. Arline Warner and brother, Richard, of Elgin, were visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Sutton a few days the -last of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Bonslett have left for their home at Antioch, Calif., after visiting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Bonslett. Mr. and Mrs. Michel Mirous and son, James, and Frank Karasek of Fox Lake were Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Vales. Mr. and Mrs. K. M. Bradley and children were business callers at Milwaukee, Wis., one day last week and also called on Mrs. W. P. Schomer. Mrs. Kiser and daughter, Mrs. Miller and family, Mr. and Mrs. Seibert Adele Pufahl of this city. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Peter Miller of John?burg, * 9-pound son, on Thursday, Aug! 9. Pfstakee Go-Gettera 4-H Clab The members of the 4-H club held their third good time meeting Wednesday, Aug. 8 at the home of Rose and Angela Tonyan. All the girls, includ sL ROUTE 61 OPENED M'HENRY TO LINE New Route Opened To Traffic Sunday and Provides Hard Road, Chi« cago To Lake Geneva Chicago and Lake Geneva motorists were pleasantly surprised Sunday morning when they found the barricades down on the new cement just south of Richmond, and the route open through Richmond to the state line. There has been a detour around this city as that part of Route 61 through ing their club leader, enjoyed swim- "R,Vic"h™mUoMndU wW"aBs . the l™as t concrete •ninr «t the Pitfqo. Height, .wim-! I"""*1 "nd W™* «"• ming pool. The girls went back to the Tonyan home, where a delicious luncheon was served. After the luncheon games were played. heat trip to Fox Lake and the Mineola and family of Racine, Wis., were callhotel Thursday afternoon. M. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Murray and daughter, Margaret, and son, Raymond, of Geneva were Sunday visitors in the home of Miss Kate McLaughlin. William J. Wfelcli and daughter, Helen, and Mr. and Mrs. George J. Donavin spent a few days the last of the week with friends at Staunton, 111. ers at the Henry Heimer and K. Bradley homes one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Thiebold and Mrs. Nick Winkels of Meyer, Iowa, and Rev. John Thiebcld of Dubuque. Iowa, arrived Thursday for a visit in the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Freund. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Lawson and Mrs R. N. A. Picnic Members of Riverview Camp, No. 6818, Royal Neighbors of America, and children will hold their annual picnic at Conway's w'oods, Tuesday, Aug. 21. Potato salad and baked beans will be served and each one is requested to bring their frankfurters to roast and whatever else they wish. amount of time to dry. The new pavement on Route 61 is now open from McHenry to its connection with Route 12 at the State line and although work on the shoulders is still in progress motorists are happy indeed over the completed route; The pavement is the best in the country and is twenty feet wide, the extra two feet , being of groat advantage in the heavy traffic. Automobile Vacation Trip Mr. and Mrs. William Bonslett. accompanied their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Bonslett, of Antioch, Calif., on a two weeks' automobile vacation trip through eastern Canada and the following states: Indiana, Michigan, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, District of Columbia, West Virginia and Ohio. A distance of Two youthftal ^get-rich-^ntafer are "slugging" northeastern Illinois slot machines . to death, judging from the angry mutterings of prietors of various road houses are complaining of the doo's at ions. Inasmuch as ownership and operation of slot machines is prohibited' under thO law, the said proprietors Read the ads and save your dollars, pain. You will be delighted. 2,600 miles was covered, including 200: are in a quandry as to who to apmiles of mountain driving. Many > peal to in an effort to stop the robpoints of interest along the line wore j blng of the machines. The met bed visited. used, it is said, is very simple. Two young men walk into a place and while one engages the proprietor in conversation the other uses slogs to drain the slot machine of Its monetary contents. Single slot machines have yielded as high as $30 to the duo for just a few statutes work at the handle and at; use of a handful of slugs. Sloop All Winter .Long When raccoons sleep away the cold snaps in the winter, says the American Forestry Magazine of Washington, it Is not an uncommon thing to Ond a whole family, or maybe several families, curled up together in the hollow of some big tree. Light, Beamty, Health The monthly expenditure for light is an investment which should pay dividends in comfort, convenience, health and beauty In the home.-- Woman's H«>me <*ompanlon. Twentieth Century no first century comprised Ml years 1 to 100 Inclusive; the Seconft century, the years 101 to 200 Inclusive and so on to the Twentieth cauturj^s which is the period beginning wltfc 1001 and extending to the year 3001. Britfiy Told Think not that thy word and Hdne •lone, niitkt he right ' Card Party - Mrs. Ctaus Ander was hostess at a patty last Friday evening. The evening was spent at cards, four tables of five hundred being in play. Mrs. Ben Olsen received first prize, Mrs. Swanson, second, Mrs. Holberg, third Anna Howard, in company with their (and Mrs. Freund, fourth. A daihty guests, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Schneider j lunch was served at midnight. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dowling of i and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Meyer of Wood- ' ' Chicago visited in the home of the' stock visited the Lotus beds at Grass Bowling Prizes later's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. O. jLake Sunday. " The prfce of %* dollars offered at Gans, Wednesday night enrotite^ to] Misses Mary yd Laura Murray of j the Palace Alleys last week for the Baraboo, Wis., to visit friends. Connecticut spent a few days last high score bowled was won by Harold , Mr. and Mrs. James Burke, Quentin' week in the home of their uncle, Rev. Bacon with 245 pins to his credit. The f Walsh and Misses Dorothy and Mary Fr. Wm. O'Rourke. Walsh motored to Waukegan Tuesday route to the National Catholic Studevening where they visited with Dr. ents' convention at St. Louis, which is in session this week. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Smith, Mrs. N. H. Petesch, Mrs. George Lindsay, Mrs. J. R. Smith, Miss Arline Harrison, Mrs. Mayme Harrison and Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Harrison and daughter attended the Eastern Star meeting at Bethel chapter, Elgin, on Friday eveand Mrs. H. F. Cannon and family. Mrs. E. F. Kelter left Monday in company with a party of Chicago friends, on an auto trip to Yellowstone Park and other points of interest in the west. They expect to be p^ne about two weeks. Mrs. A. J. Butler and daughter, Dorothea Ann, of Chicago visited with i ning. her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Henry Heimer, last week. They were accompanied home by Elaine Bradley and Ruth Nye, who will spend the week in the city. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Aylward and children and Miss Marian Deady of Harrisburg, S. D., Miss Margaret Aylward of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Aylward and sons, Floyd and Melvin, Mildred and Robert Kee, Mr. and Mrs. John Aylward, Minnie, Jean and Irene Conway, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cleary and daughter, Charmayne an<| Miss Mayme Aylward of Elgin enjoyed a picnic in Conway's park Sunday Mr. and Mrs. William Freund and their guests,. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Thiebold and Mrs. Nick Winkel, of Meyer, Iowa, Rev. John Thiebold of Dubuque, Iowa, Mrs. Nick Goeser and children of Glen Beulah, Wis., and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Stocking of Chicago visited at Mundelein Sunday. Dr. and Mrs. H. F. Cannon and children of Waukegan and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Kemp of Calgary, Canada, and Mrs. Stein of Waukegan visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Walsh Sunday. Mrs. Stein and lifer little granddaughter, little Betty Cannon, left this week for a visit with relatives at Chatam, Ontario. .. box of candy given as the prise idr the ladies' high score was won by Carolyn Biba of Des Plainos, pfho rolled a 163. - Golf and Bunco Psrty The ladies of the M. E. church will give a golf and bunco party in the Woodman hall on Tuesday evening, Aug. 21. Lunch and playing, 85c. Everybody welcome. 11 Social Wheel The next meeting of the Social Wheel will be at the Universalist church parlors next Thursday vritb Miss Mabelle Wheeler as hostess. McHenry Band at Woodstock The McHenry band will give a band concert at Woodstock this (Thursday) evening. The band will be turned by Prof. Sears. Bunco Party ** The ladies of the M. E. church will give a public bunco party at the M. W. A. hall, Tuesday evehing. Lunch. Come and invite your friends. THE Next door to A* & P. Store McHenry Quality McHenry's Leading Meat Market FRIDAY and SATURDAY SPECIALS " PORK Faucv Strip Bacon 27c Roast Shoulder 21c Boston Butt • J28c Fresh Hocks 16c , BEST RENDEREDj * Berber's, 2 !m. fist 29c BEST SHORT RIB Boiling Beet 16c SMOKED MEATS i - * • Kerber's Picnic Ham# 22c Keroer's Bacon Squares "^Tancy Breakfast Bacon ' "y29c r £«iiaied Hams -..28c Boneless Leg Lamb, Boston style, lb* Boneless Rolled Veal Roast, lb. Fresh Pork Liver, • ' • J • * on* SUNDAYS 8:30 TO 10 S!Sf^1fijirV*H«a SKOU1S 7Z ------ Farmers Notice--Special Prices for Your Threshing Meats s.

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