Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Aug 1928, p. 4

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"f T1W 4* V-.4;"fV\. *•«?£>$> TBS M'HBHKY PLAHTDEAIJER, THURSDAY, AUGUST 23,1928 Bowling Prize Winners The prize of five dollars for the high score bowled at the Palace Alley* last week was won by Nick Huff, who rolled 227 to his credit. Charlotte Zanders won the two-pound box of candy with a score of 197, which was the highest score for the ladies during the week. Ladies' Aid Society SLOCUM'S LAKE The members of the Ladies' Aid so-! _ ciety were entertained at the home of | Mp &nd Mrg p Smith atKj chil. Mrs. Agness Wen^worth on last Thurs-^ ^ Mond ^ ^ Aarora day afternbon. A social afternoon was l - - J enjoyed by those present, after which refreshments were servecT. fair. 1Pl«indealers at Bolger's. V' • " • •••', • • ' •*' ; . * -Races World's Fastest Otttbc&rd Motors • given by Fox Lake'Outboard Motor Club at Twice Told Tales Interesting Bits of Newa Takem- From the Columns of the Plaindealer Fifty and' Twenty-five YdiH Ago Hotel Pistakee Bay * $ 2:30 R M June McAIister School of Nursing Victory Memorial Hospital , Waukegan, Illinois v--.* Offers an opportunity to young women contemplating tjie nursing profession. Three year course leading to a degree R. K, Next class enters Sept. 'i0. For further information apply to the Principal. 9-7 Yon*11 exclaim at the style and the saving.*/ There's style in this Cleaning and dyeing shof)- - And it's retwonablv priced for you. MR. BEFORE AND AFTER "For Your Appearance's Sake MRS/ANN A HOWARD CLEANING, PRESSING and REPAIRING Phone l43-W Located over Bolger's Drug Store buys the new, larger Erskine Six - the most that $860has ever bought in style, comfort and in PERFORMANCEproved by A. A. A. record, \ 1000 miles > in 984 minutes! * Fox River Motor Sales D0HERTY & RICHARDSON Elm Street Phone 261 STUDEBJ1KER. The Great Independent -•AUGUST 1903 i An enthusiastic meeting of the south section of the Fox River Protective i association was held at Emerald Park, i August, 23. The meeting was called to order by President Heaney at 1:50 o'clock and fraternal greeting extendi ed the north section of the association. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bacon and family attended the show at McHenry last .Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse and daughter, Frances, and Herman Christian were at Waukegan la?t Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Winkle of Harrington visited with the former's parents at^ Ardelou farms Saturday Evening. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Geary and son attended a show at McHenry last Tuesday evening. Miss Winetta Bandman of Waukepati spent the ^week-end with Miss Ttuby Grantham. Douglas apd Mae Smith spent Sun- ;iay afternoon witih the children at the Joe Dowell home. o ' Mrs. Sigrid Blomgren spent S«tur- .With Mrs. Harry Matthews. MrS^nd Mrs. Jack Geary and son S-and-Mi\Sjid Mrs. Henry Geaij. visited Notwithstanding: that the steps taken at the h5me of Mr. and Mrs. H. t. to dam the river occasioned some un- Maiman last Friday evening. ^ ^ 'easiness and interfered to some ex- Miss Alma Dowell accompanied Mr. ? tent with building projects, the inand Mrs. Lou Cypher of Wa^conpa^ °; Crests Vf all were str well protected Maywood Sunday. _ -by the association that further delay. Harold Brooks of Tecumse . *•';w*« not warranted and they have arrived at the ^_om^ °* his p®r^,n erected a large and permanent home at Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Brooks, last e -'^he north end of the Park.. Some mem- 'tifnesday, for a two weeks vaoa ion. bers, who were not able to be present, Mrs. Clara Smith visited relatives sy,owed their continued interest by at Edison Park last Friday • Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Grantham visited with relatives at Cary Sunday afternoon. * Mrs. F. B. Carr of Spring Grove is visiting at the home of Mr.,and Mrs. Harry Matthews. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bacon family attended the Aurora fair last Thursday. sending4 money by messengers. The open season for hunting snipe, ducks, geese, brant and other water fowl is at hand. The law fixes the date of open season for snipe from Sept. 1 to April 25 and for water . fowl from Sept. 1 to April 15. an On Saturday afternoon and evening of this week we offer you a fortunate mrsday. purchase in lace hosiery. They are of Roy Winkler of Chicago SP^ ^ e many colors and up to date in styl£ and quality, none helotf 25 cent quality and many worth 50 cents. We offer week-end with his parents at Ardelou farms. Mjcs. Ella Parks and Mr. and Mrs. qu vour choice at 10 cents while they Hugh Parks of Park Ridge were Sun-,,ast w c Evanson day evening callers at the w. • Postmaster W^it has left , at the Brooks home. ^ office some samples of peaches grown Mr. and Mrs. Otto Larsen an c 1 " his place in this village. They are dren of Crystal Lake and Mrs. iza- beauties and equal in every way to the beth Bacon and daughter\ mnie, <*, Coahoma " product; •measuring nine I Roseville spent Sunday afternoon a jncj,es ;n circumference. Mr. Wait; j the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wa>ne a" picked a full half bushel-of tKem yes-l icon. , iterday. I j Mr. and Mrs. LaDoyt Matthews of; Butter advanced a quarter of a Crystal Lake were Sunday af on the board of trade, the market and supper guests with relatives a |^ejng ^rm at 19 ^ cents. Oak Glen farm. I ilrr.INT 187R -Mnrr -,a nd M"r s.' H. .L . Brooks returned | T .t 0 t„,J J. Bonslett is putting- up a new home last e nes ay, j i barn on his premises oppositevBiJ^qp'S weeks' trip in coipp^ny with Mr. and | ^ ^ v./ Mrs. John Qua el of ; Knife plaiting made tt> order; also over the Canadian routV" 1 g j knife plaiters for sale at Mrs. Salis- Falls and other scenic pomYs.^ iburv's. Mr. and Mrs. William ^! P^er Schoemaker, who resides on daughter, Frances, an g , ' Coon Island, Pistaqua Lake, had twen- George Triggs of ^bertyville spent | ty foyr ^ one bull killed by last Friday at th* home of Mr. «•"!. li(,htnine 0„V night of the 17th. Mrs. Wayne Bacon. . They were all huddled together under Mr. and Mrs. Jack Geary and son) * killed Eugene, attended the card party and * dance at McHenry last Thursday eve-1 > ning Wm. M. Carroll, Solipitor. State of Illinois, McHenry County. SB. In the Circuit Court of McHenry County, State of Illinois, September' Term,* A. D. 1928. The Catholic Bishop of Chicago, ^Corporation Sole Complainant. vs. The unknown heirs or unknown devisees of Abiel Walker, deceased, the unknown heirs or unknown devisees of Chauncey Beckwith, deceased, and the unknown heirs or unkntrvm devisees of Sophronia Beckwith, deceased, and the unknown owner or owners of and the unknown heirs or unknown devisees •of any deceased person who may have been interested in and to the following described l'tal- estate, towit: All that part of Lot Number twenty- one (21) of the Assessor's Plat of Pistakee Cottage Grounds according to the Plat thereof recorded in the Recorder's office of McHen- - ry County, Illinois, in Book 1 of Plats on page 25; bounded and described as follows, to-wit: ffCommencing at the most northerly, corner of lot number twenty (20) of said • Plat arid running thence soytheasr terly along the northeasterly line of said lot number:twenty (20) to the shore of Pistakee Lake; thence northeasterly, along the shore of Vaid Lake, one (1) chain and fortyeight and one half (48 M:) links to ai stake; thence northwesterly on a line parallel with the said North-, easterly line of said Lot Number l ^Twenty (20) to the Southerly line of ( Lot Number twenty-two (22) of said j Plat; thence southwesterly to thej place of beginning. Said above described premises being located in and being a part of the fractional south west quarter (*4) of Section Number seventeen (17), in Township, Number Forty-five (45) North, of Range Numtfer Nine (9) East of the Third Principal Meridian, and situate, lying and being in the County of McHenry, in the State oi Illinois, defendants. In Chancery--Bill to Quiet Title. Notice is hereby given that the above is the title of the Court and the names of the parties to a suit which is now pending in said Court and that process for said defendants has been issued to the-Sheriff of said] County returnable to the said Court at its Court Room in the City of Woodstock. C-ounvy of McHenry and State of Illinois, on Monday, the 24th day of September.fcA. D. 1928. In testimony whereof 1 have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Court, at my office in Woodstock this 20th day of August, A. D. 1928. (Circoit Cpurt Seal) u CHAS. F. HAYES, Clerk. 12-3 WM M! CARROLL Lawyef Office _with Kent & Company Wednesday Phone 8 McHenry, Illinois Telephone I£o. 108-R Stoffel & Reihansperger Insurance agents for all classes of property in the best companies. WEST McHENRY - - ILLINOIS C. W. KLONTZ, M. D. - Physician and Surgeon (Also treating all diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat and the Fitting of Glasses) . Oftce Hours--8 to 9 a. m.. 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. m. Sundays by Appointment Office at Residence, Waukegan Road. Phone 181 McHenry. Ill McHENRY GRAVEL & * EXCAVATING CO. A. P. Freund, Prop. Road Building and Excavating of Every Description | Estimates Furnished on Request High-grade Gravel Deliverea. at any* time--large or smallorders sriven prompt attention. Phone 204-M McHenry Insure-In Sure-Insurance WITH . Wm.G.Schreiner Auctioneering J OFFICE At RESIDENCE Phone 93-R McHenry. nifnbis 0=^31 30QD! S. H. Freund & Son i •• % » General Building Contractors Phone /127-R - Cor. Pearl and Park Sts. McHenTy, HL SOQDE Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Harris and Mra. Will Whitman of Wauconda and Mr. and Mrs. Leon Smith of the "Flats,' and Miss Bertha Levernz and John Crabbe of Elgin were Sunday afternoon and evening guests at the Page Smith home. George Hamer returned to his home at Martinsville, 111-, last Friday? after spending five months in this commun ity. He will begin teaching school Sept. 3 in his home community. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Williams arid son James Howard, of Crystal Lake spent the week-end at the home of Mrs. Clara Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Geary and son, Eugene, and Mr. and Mrs.. Henry Gearry visited at the H. E. Maiman home at Wauconda Sunday. Mrs. Harry Matthews and sfin, Robert, and guest, Mrs. F. B. Carr, and Mrs. Willard Darrell were Monday dinner and afternoon guests at the Blomgren home. ' Mr. and Mrs. E. Lundjn and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Peterson of Chicago were Sunday guests at the Blomgren home. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowell and Frances Converse and Herman Christian attended the Aurora fair last Thurs- '.day. Misses Myrna and Beulah Bacon ara ^visiting with their cousin, Miss Dorothy Dowell. , Mrs. Cfara Smith accompanied Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Williams and- son to McHenry and Crystal Lake last Saturday,. Miss JPrances Davis spent last \Vert nesday with her sister, Mrs. Ray DowtlL 4 Stock up on Children's Wearing Apparel for school. This is the store that takes care of the needst of the entire family. Erickson Dept. Store. a single stroke. The McHenry public school will open for the fall term on Monday next, under the continued charge of S. D. Baldwin, principal, Miss Etta Torrance, teacher of the intermediate department and A. F. Parsons, teacher of the Gagetown division. Our school, under Mr. Baldwin's supervision, is second to none in the county. , PLAINDEALER PUBLICITY PAYS Phone 126-W A. H McHENRY Reasonable Kates SCHAEFEK Drayiitff - . - ILLINOIS We will iu»-pleased to f^ive you a demonstration of this wonderful receiver in your own home. Service That Will Please You Lay's Radio Service NextJ?oor to Adams' Store Johnsbnrg gbeat night show I AT EL^HORN FAIR | The Walworth County Fair is proud to present one of fjjt greatest night .-••hows in the history of tne Fair. Ihe big feature will ne the Robinsoh Revue to be offered on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday nights. In honor of Children's Day, a special display of fireworks will ' e offered in the afternoon and evening. The ^leadline r on the Tuesday njght show wul be the Style Show put on by the Walworth County merchants, together with the election returns to be announced before the Grandstand. Thursday night will hold special inteiest to the farmers when the Fort Atkinson Drum and Bugle Corps will lead the stock parade in the finest exhibition ever to parade before a Grandstand. Fireworks and the Revue will make up the grand finale Friday night. • r. We still have any nr.mbtr of bargains left from our Mid-summer Clearance Sale. Erickson D;pt. Store. Grady (to friend who has fallen five stoTies): "Are yei dead, Pat? Riley: "Oi am." _ • Grady: "Shure yer such a liar-©! don't know whether to believe yet or not." ' ^ Riley: "That proves oi'^n dead. Y$ wouldn't dare call me a liar if oi wtrc jjjve,"--'Wall Street Journal. * Cook County's HomeComing and COUNTY FAIR Sponsored By Board of CoiintyCcxiiinussionets and AJ.CERMAK, Presidents at Palatine, 111. FAIR GROUNDS Aug. 29th to - Sept. 3rd special Features Democratic Day SEPT. 2nd Republican Day SEPT. 3rd Horse Show Auto Races Free Acts Gigantic Midway Band Concerts Agricultural Exhibits Auto Show Flower Show Expositions Women's Work Junior County Fair School Work flight Society Horse Show Northwe*t Highway (Route 19) to the Gate. C&N-W.Ry.toftdtdne. < United Motor CorKw, bmtuct and Milwaukee to Pair Ground*. Just North of Arlington Race Track PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS m Cf © HANDY DDIJXHEf with jade green handles and rack The Sunbeam Kutraateed Iron has an all-over heating unit, and comes in a fireproof cawaoit con be put away hot. Brushes . . . Iron and case Regular Yalue, $11.50 2I * 1 * \ " > Purchase laundry equipment during August. The $10.50 clothes rack is priced with washers, and ironers to save uioney for you. $5 99 r/inw In and 'see these new labor ? saving machines. T/DOWN Also equipment to dry your wash the quick, scientific way, indoors, at $98 up. $1.50 VELMAID PAD and COVER for Ironing Board >.00 HOTPOLNT CALROO, SUPER-IRON T.50 flow you sufficient convenience outletaP IfYouP*efer Purchase The "Little by Little" Way JtSnjf11 Extra Coat 101 Telephone 280 Williams St., J. A Crystal Lake Schabeck. District Mgr •••fe a

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