Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Sep 1928, p. 4

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HE M'HENRY PLAINDEALER Published every Thursday »t McHenry, II!., by Charles P. Renich. »- Entered as second-class matter at the postofBce at McHenry, 111., un/ ^fer the act of May 8, 1879. ' / Y««p Months jt H. MOSHER, Editor and Manager WEEKLY EXCHANGE ITEMS Of INTEREST fAKEN FROM COLUMNS OF OUR EXCHANGES Assortment of Newsy I tews la a Condensed Form For • Busy People Becoming exhausted or ^stricken Hith a cramp while, swimming in Channel Lake, Sunday afternoon, George Shaw, aged 19 years, a resident of Forest Park, and regarded as expert swimmer, sank to his death after companions had rtiade unsuccessfu efforts to rescue him, The youth POLLY PRIM BOUTS v AGAIN PLEASE FANS QrVrt:?', • •.v*v / • Mr-' & rt V •; Faat Scraps Are Again Scheduled For the Local Pavilion Tuesday Night Another good card was put on at the Polly Prim Pavilion Tuesday night and eight interesting boxing matches were pulled off for the en* tertainment of the spectators. The first bout was. scheduled to start at 8:30 o'clock standard time with the. popular referee, Jabber Young, on the job and W. Hamburg of Fox Lake and A. J. Kircnberg of Crystal Lake as judges. The first bout was at 135 pounds, between a near -local boy, George Waspi of Richmond, and Jimmy Raymond of Chicago. Raymond was too Was the twenty-first to meet with1 much of a match for Waspi and wasjs,ze*' death by drowning in waters of Lake declared the winner in the third round. *S»unty this year. The second bout was at 135 pounds ^ Mrs. Mike McKutis of Round Lake with Mickey Meyers, another near loeuffered a bad cut on her right knee cal boy, from Crystal Lake, meeting recently when, as she was riding to-! Msort liiaxidon of Waukegan. Mort ward Lake Zurich with her husband had a long reach and proved to be too «ad three little girls, their car was good for Meyers, being declared the CLASSIFIED AEVERTISEMENTS USE THK CLASSIFIED COLUMNS FOB QUICK BESULTS * * « • | . 1 * . they have tmild a person shahbOy, tell to aveng* themselves on their victim by another offense, ©orapensattag for this second by a third, and BO on. Whereby you may imagine how much spite must accumulate in a man who hates you and has not yet found bis first opportunity to do you a bad tarn.--Arthur Scbnitsler la Yaalty fair. FOR SALE FOR SALE--Haines, 4-door sedan, 6- cyl., Standard 60, 1925 model, fully •quipped; with heater. Upholstery ^iid tires good. A bargain for someone who can use this kind of a car. Price $235. McHenry Auto Sales. Riverside Drive. 11-tf FOR SALE OR TRADE --Nine-room modern home in center Phone 8. of McHenry, corner Greeif and Pearl streets. Shower baths, hard and soft r u n n i n g w a t e r t h r o u g h o u t . S u n - p a r - . . . . lors, hot water heat, etc. Large cor- reaaonahle m order to settle estate ner lot. t Priced very reasonable for Math M. Blake. TeL 607. quick sale. A splendid opportunity for w"1* FOR SALE -- Seven-room modern house on Green street. Will sell 34 tt some one who wants a home of-this for SALE--Small chicken farm, be- Address ( . tween 4 and 5 acres* *4 mile from WILLIAM PRIES, McHenry on Lake Geneva .cement 526 Keith Ave. Waukegan, 111. road. Mrs. Joe H, listen, Rte 3. 13-tf Phone 611-J-l. 6-tf FOR RENT FtJRNISHED ROOMS FOR RE5JT-- Modern. Green street, near St. Patrick's church. Anton F. Blake. Phone 88-R. . 14-tf forced off the road and turned over in J winner in the third round. Mort Max-; FOR SALE--Ford trqpk in good con- •the ditch near Wauconda. Mrs. Mic-'idon made the acquaintance of the|dition; sigall kitcnen heater and gas Kutis was taken to the office of a phy- j boxing fans here last week when he ; rarfge, also Silvertone Victrola. Call rician where her injury was treated, opened the evening's program in a 78-W. 13-tf GARAGE FOR RENT--Inquire atthe None of the other occupants of the car bout with Dick Thibedequ of Grays- " trtre injure^ but the auto was badly" lake. He did not score so well in his damaged. Another car, traveling at a first appearance, however, and met de- • FOR SALE--Tomatoes. Call 614-R- 1. Mr. Peter A. Freund, Route 1. 13-2 Plaindealer office. 14-tf FOR RENT--Seven-living-room flat, above store. Jos. W> Freund, West McHenryi 13-tf ligh rate of speed, was reported to feat at the hands of Thibedeau, but FOR SALE--Golden Bantam corn, cuhave forced McKutis off the road, and came back again this week and won cumbers and tomatoes for canning did not stop when the accident oc- the bout with Meyers. i Phone 620-J-2. Louis McDonald. 12-2* " f&Ted. | The third bout was a return match : ;-- -- x Carl Lindmark, Chicago, landed a at 140 pounds between Jerry Miller of FOR SALE--10-hp. Westinghouse 3- . ~ , pickerel weighing eleven pounds and Kenosha, Wis., and Joe Harris, known | phase induction motor and starter. »» <5tnr»> M>>Hi>nrv Tuaa<iav measuring thirty-seven and one-half as the/Jew York state champion.' Suitable for running cotter and N CMmm Mar kit Dmy Market day In China »r"y affords many quaint sights to the foreigner. As the country is one largely devoid of vehicles, the commodities to be offered for sale are carried to the mar* ket places in many odd ways; by wheelbarrow, on man hack, poised on the heads of women, or swung to a pole borne on the shoulders of two rarrlera. 'J--- Helgoland Legend* Helgoland's great staircase that mounted to the rocky heights had fairies lurking above it, according to legend. In the Eighteenth century, when a baby was born, its feet were Buttered promptly so the child would slip through the fingers of a fairy who might try to exchange it for the fairy's bahe - >> • We efc# a Ml Hrie ife&ssitie's. Bring in the children and let them select what they need. Erickson Dept. S(ore. ILL] THEATRE, . 'WOODSTOCK, ILL Woodstock's Beautiful PlayHous« SOCKS FOR • ?$¥ --'M Fancy checks and stripes, and plain "colors. Sillro* and nice looking. .'Af'1 Wear as good as they leiok. The lisle at 35c a pair, 3 for $1.00 are a good seller .i^or-us and a good'bny for yoli. r '. ; . - , • ' ys&e&'-i \ Aff *v, *11 M# « Like our Ladies* and Children's, they are *'fiollii^^' "Hiles of wear in every pair." "A Home Owned Store" tenry, Dlinois / - LOST inches long, in Channel Lake near the Miller won the match at the end of other farm machinery. Will be sold ,Ca11 Blue Lantern boat house, Sunday of; the third round. j reasonable if called for at once. Wil- ftew#rolast week. Three years ago a pickerel1 Perhaps the best bout of the eve- j Crystal Lake 14 WANTED weighing 13 pounds was caught in ning was the fourth one between Joe FOR «54LF Wp havp » fpw choicf ' .,' ' ~-- --: : L---- Channel Lake, but this is the first one Drinka of Waukegan and Jim O'Brien /«<•,,ioo ft \ lpft in Wattlp<?' 9nh WA?>JTED--A woman ift kitchen who I--J.J u:-!. - ™ 10ts cf Chicago at 150 pounds. These boys division thatt t.bje aleuitti fuml weraotvtlee so f &oUlDd- understan, ds pPaasstlrryy wwoorrKk.. AAllssoo aann eexx-- started a bout last Tuesday night, but oak tre' jugt 0g Route 61 All im- waitress. Apply Elk Block during' the first rnund O'RriPn in 8nm, A" 1P Cafe, Woodstock, 111. 14 landed since then which comes near to that record. „ Frank Conway of Leona Cfy- reeved recently by . express, ^ ay receivea Daa cm toe $'600, ,'easy terms. See Howard That may be _ said to b? the largest , and the referee declared a no d^ci -:ion • Waives at Wattles' Drug Store, West watermelon that ever landed at Cary. bout. The bout this week was a good McHenry. Phone 37. *11-4 WATKINS PRODUCTS--Having takfarm, during the first round O'Brien in some py&wafents in and paid for. 1*,.^ Jtpress .way" received a bafd cut over the eye t#rmc Spp HnwurH MISCELLANEOUS USED CAR PRICES THAT ARE €UT 10 THE LIMIT If you can use any of these motor j{nevehicles, don't paSB them by for they McAndrews. The fifth bout waa a long one, als<5,1 never will be leas. en over the sale of the Watkins Products, I am now ready to serve this entire territory with anything in this phone McHenry 54-J.. Earl 12-tf TYPEWRITERS < Sales and Service.^ . Repaired and Rentals. Prompt attention to phone calls. «75. Phone 649. ^L. KILTZ, Woodstock ^ 49-tf It was sent to Mr. Conway by one of one, the two men being pretty evenly his old-time friends, Capt. Henry B.! matched, with Joe seeming a little Lewis, chief of police at Fort Worth,' bigger than his opponent. The match Texas. The melon weighed 81 pounds' continued for four rounds before and measured 56 inches in circumfej*-1Q Bfien was declared the winner. ence. Through the courtesy of Mr. j ----- - - Conway, the melon wais exhibited at ^ between Joe Sto^rf of Kenosha, and 1926 Star Touring; good condition; the Cary Gardeti Flower show last Haywood Story of Chicago, who is .«oj. good paint and tires. Motor Friday at the village hall and a co£- black that he is known as the "fight-j mechanically perfect. Price $185 , test to guess how many seeds were m in^ shadow." This bout Vras at 150,1923 Buick Touring; good mechanical the melon was started. More than pounds with a good lot of action in- j condition; good tfres. Only 100 guesses, ranging from 1 seed to eluded. Story is as fast as he is black! . McHENRY AUTO SALES eo,000 was guessed and a neat sum of and he gave Stowe a good workout Riverside Drive Phone 8 $7.46 was taken in. I before the latter was declared 'he. ; ; •? Reward of $100 was paid to Joseph winner at the end of the foarth round. DEPENDABLE USED CARS ON JBiggs, Fox Lake village marshal, last The sixth bout was at 130 pounds ' HAND :<|eek for the recovery of the body of between Barney Ross and Joe Brown 1926 Dodge Special Sedan ' $525 {Jfcarles Wanchure, 33, of 620 90th 0f Chicago. Brown, vfho appeared in 1926 Dodge Special Coupe!!!!!!!!."!! 550 McHENRY - WAUCONDA MOTOR place, Chicago, in Pistakee bay, near the ring last week against Lyle 1925 Nash Advanced Sedan!.!!!!!!!! 525 EXPRESS--We handle express to and 0pon Island. I Drake of Kenosha, and who was'de- 1926 Dodge Panel Truck !!!!!!!! 45X) from Chicago. Chicago freight de- ^ieo(*ore Gurka, aged 30 years, of clared the winner in the fourth round, 1924 Dodge % Stake Truck 195 partment, 411 W. Superior St. Phone giicago.was instantly killed" early ios| oUt jn his bout with Ross, who 1924 Chevrolet Sedan !!!!!!!!!! 125 McHenry 213-W. ' " 32-tf Monday morning of last week, when was declared the winner in the third 1906 Ford Tudor Sedan - ---- ; 7 his motorcycle skidded on the curve on round . V r® A"a°r TUNE--and keep your piano tuned. Grand avenue known as "Dead Man's The seventh bout wal between J927 PaSe ^e 85 Tunin^ makes your piano a musical Curve," about two miles east of Fox Frankie Hughes of Kenosha, Wis., andj p.vment Plan V* ^ ^ °* Uke. Joseph Soupe, who is employed a Chicago, who substi-j. We have a%omptte 1^ of trucks * De,W' Woodst°ck' nL TAKE YOUR Sewing Machine trouble to B. Popji. West McHenry. Repairing done on all makes. Also fluJf and rag rug weaving. Phone 162. / 13"-tf 27-tf at the McNeal farm nearby, heard the tuted for Willie Simms, at 133 pounds. ]n and 1 V2-ton in closed or DEAD ANIMALS -- Highest cash; «c..aass..nn,, aanndd wwhheenn hhee wweenntt oouutt ttoo iinnvveess-- FFrraannkkiiee HHuugehheess,. wwhhoo eeaassiillyv ttooookk aallll «0p>e»n. body types. *" np»ritcAensa for dead animals. TTaeilaenpThionnnoe togaTe found the wrecked machine and three rounds from Jimmy Raymond JAMES MORROW & SON Merrick's, Dundee 810-J-l Reverse the d-ad man in the ditch. | last week, was also declared the win- pfcene 186 West McHenry, I1L charges. Prompt service. 46-tf B. P. Anderson of Crystal Lake ner at the end of the three rounds n •. . b ought to the Herald office in that Tuesday night. j fAirwfliHTnn c"-. o three dollar bill printed in 1775, The eighth match was also a good ; /:-- J01MISI5UKQ beiore the days of the Revolution. The one, being a return match between Joe' Mil is wep preserved although if is Lunetto of Chicago and A1 Amzolone,!. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ouyser of Bosi tha» 150 years old and most of tthhee WWiissccoonnssiinn ssttaattee bbaannttaamm cchhaammDpiioonn,. ton, Mass., and Mr. and Mrs. Richard the writing is still - plainly legible to at 116 pounds. Luetto won in a fourth Guyser of Chicago visited Mr. and the naked eye. The bill is numbfred round battle with Howard Kraft last Mrs* William OefTling one day last and states that it can be redeemed for v-eek and is a peppy little fellow • *®®k. * three Spanish milled dollars. It was while Amzalone is an old favorite of Mr* an<* Mrs. William Shabow and jointed in the days when the capitol Polly Prim fans. The match was an' Mr. and Mrs. Joe Guzzardo and chilwas at Philadelphia and before the even one, but Amzalone was declared dren of Chicago were week-end V\BAmerican Revolution. The bill was the winner in the third round. jitors with Mr. and Mrs. William Oeffound by Mrs. Anderson in 1882 when Another good card is being planned 1 m building in Evanston was being for next Tuesday night. Remember r Miss Rose Miller and George Riemildeaned and the bill was thrown out the time and the place. j,er of Chieago, visited with Mr. and' „ * wtih some accumulated waste paper. Mrs. Math Miller Saturday and Sun- The bill, because of its age and rare- MTfta "ET.TP. AKHP WTTT?TWT A Iff (day. Mr. and Mrs. George OefTling and children visited w'th Mr. and Mrs. Beautiful Dogwddd " Contrary to the general twllef the attractive white parts of the flower* ing dogwood (Cornus Florida) are not the flower but only modified leaves known botanlcally as the Involucre. The true flowers are the small. Inconspicuous parts at the center of the showy involucre. They are greenish yellow and are formed in early spring. Evening Shows at 7 and 9 Matinees-- On Wednesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays, 3 p. m. SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 8 "A SHIP COMES itef with ' ; Rudolph Schildkrattt and Louise Dresser Also Pathe News and Comedy SUNDAY - MONDAY SEPTEMBER 9 - 10 William Boyd * . in "THE COP1? " ALSO I'ATHE NEWS AMD V COMEDY --On the Stage-- 'Sunday From Radio Station WLS ' / Radio Stars In Perso«| THE LOMBARDS MA Singing, Talking and Comedy Duo" "PIE PLANT PETE" TUESDAY and i WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 11-12 Marion Dayies * f • in "THE CARDBOARD LOVER" ALSO COMEDY -- I'wjfr-,; THURSDAY and % FRIDAY ^ SEPTEMBER 13 - 14 "WAKING with Sle Carol ALSO NEWtS. FABLES AND SPORTLIGHTS USE THE CLASSIFIED -COLUMNS #OR^QUICK RESUL1 WEST SIDE GARAGE neral AutomoB pairing Res. Phone, 639-R-2 We Mix Sodas That WiU Please • Have you some special combination of Savors or other idea of your own about the way you like a soda? Tell us what it is and we will mix it ex- N aetly as you wish. If not, then let us suggest that you try one the way we make it. Smooth and creamy, just sweet enough and with plenty of ice cream. * . Extra Heavy Malted Milks Chapell's Ice Cream--bulk or brick _ SPECIAL PLATE LUNCH AT NOONTIME EVERY , v ' ; . d a y " ' Riverside Drive t A- McHenry jaess is worth considerabj^ an^ its owners value it highly. MISS ELEANOR HUEMAN BRIDE AT JOHNSBURG William Oeffling Sunday. NASH REACHES PRODUCTION -j'Married To Mr. Vincent Knorst Mr. and Mrs. John P. Schaefer were OF OVER 1,000 CARS DAILY. , at st- John's Chun* Kenosha, Wis., Sept. 5.-Nash Mo-' Saturday Morning tors Company officials announced to-' The marriage of Miss Eleanor Hueday that quality production of the new man, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph "400" Series cars in the great Keno- H. Hueman of Johnsburg, and Mr., _ sha, Racine and Milwaukee plantB has Vincent Knorst of Chicago took place! them select what they need. Erickson reached the record total of more than at St. John's church on Saturday; Dept. Store * 1,000 automobiles daily--the highest morning, Aug. 25, Father Weber offiprecision manufacturing mark record-1 bating. *ed in the history of the company. | The bride wore white lace over taf- This record peak, which closed the feta, lace headdress and veil and car Chicago visitors last week. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Oeffling were in Chicago one day last week. We carry a full line of school necessities. Bring in the children and let Conscien tioaa liar* It Is often said the Lord hates a don't believe the Lord cares much about it 1 think Hare them selves started the story; 1 am always hearing liars abusing their had habit. --•E. W. Howe's Monthly. »»»»»»»<«»••«M U »»»»»•»••<»»»< »«»»»»•••»<»<<••< I > »•»' If cm to B* Purchased Peace, above all things. Is to be de* sired, but blood sometimes must be .spilled to obtain It on equable and lasting terms.-- Andrew Jackson. * High Speed Cable• The "regenerating" system of'trans month of August with a total produc-1 r'e^ a bouquet of white roses and lilies! Africa* Is "he fa'stes' 'hwhe0 JorW^In Mm of more than 21,000 cars, and of the valley. She was attended by r splte of the racn;H, ,hTdr«,ante Is which attained a one day peak of (the bride s sister, Miss Theresa Hue- 8,500 miles, 1,020 cars on August 23, has been de- man> w'ho acted as maid of honor. ( vtloped in little more than two months Her sister, Miss Rosemary Hueman, lifter the introduction of the newiand Miss Eileen Knorst, sister of the Nash Series to meet the greatest sales groom, attended as bridesmaids, each; fured. Remands ever experienced by Nash in-1 wearing yellow chiffon gowns ranging -tercets. This is said to be the result from light to dark, with slippers and a planned and executed hose to match and carrying spring -pnanufacturin^ expanslofl bouquets of gladioli in shades of yel- ; %*!ich will gradually increase produc- 1°"- lion through September and October, * Barbara Anne B&glund, rilefcfe of the •within the rigid Nash standards of ac-, bride, acted as flower girl and Wore curacy and fine workmanship which ye"ow chiffon, carrying a pretty basform the cornerstone of the company's roses. business policy. i A reception And diWPlfer for the fam a message can be s^nt and a reply received In one .minute. Mistakes-in the messages sent "fire Iro- | pos»lhl« and absolute secrecy is In- 1 While this production accomplish-j % and * few was hold at the Iment has been going forward in the bride's hoM%> They took a trip to three Nash plants, unprecedented de- Buffalo t)h their honeymoon and will r ftnand for the new cars has been piling m*ke their home in .Chicago. s . up ever increasing order totals for the ' - -- : 4| Sales Department. August opened Jft'HENRY COUNTRY CLUB 1 "'*4'with 32,360 orders already on tht Colon o4 Silk ere are tmtny cortimprrlnl vnrl tKe silkworm graded ncc<»rd ing to the str.e. color. And quality rJ the cocoon, The color fK? ^*111 » prolegs before Indicates the color the cocoon will be. This varies In different species and may tve WUery white, 'rteam, yellow, lemon or ifcffvn. •t:' lfcbook$ for August delivery, and this' total had increased to approximately ^35,000 in the month's Closing days. Both production and orders booked mad^ August the crowning month in Labor Day and the week-end Was a busy time at the McHenry Country club golf grounds. i . A blind bogey was put on for the guests with the bogey number, being 91. The winners were H. A. Olsen, company annals and convinced sales j R. A. Erbach and J .Gibbons. officials that Nash business in Sep-] On Sunday, Sept. 9, there will be a: temter will exceed even these high flag tournament and a fine line of I - - ' w f l l * 'For /VotWtM The .tisiblt of a 'blrt futtfnfc fti Wad under its wing to go to 'sleep hafl its origin most probably in the necessity of protecting its eyes from Tteezlng. Ail birds, however, do not do'thb. "Little children shoikld ail Very fond of b^rds. ' Afe you fond of them, Tomniy?" .. "Yes,' sir." . . . 'that's a dear little^boy! of t%em do yon like best?" -< V ^iEi£er< September 8th Lux Toilet Soapi 3 bars for .... Good Cup Co&efe) per : i :• Fotdd's Maeareal or ; Z pkge, tjhr Mr* Non^Stfoh full qt. ; Tel jar» Hereiia real bUy. sMe.-9. Prop. Pearl St. ft Riverilde Dr. • Real Value FURNITURE Of special interest to shoppers seeking "something uyusual^yet moderate in price, for their home. The Very low^prices we have placed on these quality furniture offerings provide an extraordinary opportunity for you to shop eco- DOmk^LHy and well. <3ome In &nd lod^ oier oar stook before placing jbar order ttis season. f t ) TUSTEN & SONS yirarraroe hhmrtakhio I.-' J, i,.. •' . %

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