. * / i ' .* • "?"•, J ,'.. •*' ;' ' • ",f»j**' u., " 1 ^ •" , f~ ' "' 1 ^ ' : ' * THK M'HXHKY PLAIHDKALX&, •?«*?.'.': Yoto. " r *<•*• I . :i Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Davis and family ppent Friday evening at the Meyer ^ brothers home in Fremont. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Case and son, Harry, called on the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Converse at,Libertyville, Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Wilson and daughter, Beatrice, and son, Frank, Jr., attended the fair at Elkhorn, Wis., Monday. Miss Georgia Vasey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jay Vasey, is teacher at the Roseville school this term. Mrs. Cora Dowell spent Wednesday evening with her daughter, Mrs. Lloyd Fisher. 4 Mrs. Leslie Davis and daughters were McHenry business callers Sat- . urday. 9 Ellwood Dowell and Leo Meyer attended the fair at Elkhorn, Wis. Fri- * day. Mr. and Mrs.* Leslie Davis and fj jjy were Friday callers at the Earl Converse home at Slocum Lake. William Davis of Wauconda called on hi% son, Leslie P. Davis, Wednesday. « ,, . lifr. and Mrs. Frank Hironunus at- ; tended the fair at Elkhorn, Wis., on Wednesday. t Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher, son, Richard, Mrs. Esse Fisher, and Mrs. Cora Dowell were Libertyville business callers Saturday evening. Mrs. Ditlevsen is spending a few days at Round Lake. _ Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Vasey, son, Walter, Mr. and Mrs. Esse Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Davis and family, Mrs. Richard Dowell, daughter, Ada. Mrs. Cora Dowell, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher and son, Richard, Milton Dowell, Lloyd Dowell and Henry Dowell all attended the fair at Elkhorn, Thursday. Mr. Ellwood Dowell spent Thursday evening at the Meyer brothers home in Fremont. Mrs. George Scheid of Wauconda called at the Lloyd Fisher home Wednesday. George Scheid and Martin Immeago of Wauconda have their Chevrolet 'dump trucks on at the new cement road at Volo. | Mrs. George Scheid, Mrs. Lloyd Fisher and son, Richard, and Esse Fisher were McHenry Callers Wednesday. j Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Fairweather and family, and sister, and Mr. and Mrs. Crouse of Chicago spent Sunday at the Bacon home. I Mrs. Lloyd Eddy and daughter called on her parents the first of the week. | Mr. and Mrs. Roy Passfield and son were Sunday callers at the Harry Passfield home. j Mr. and Mrs. Jay Vasey and children spent Sunday afternoon at the Esse Fished home. i | Miss Vinnie Bacon was a McHenry caller Friday. . Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Case and son j spent Sunday afternoon at the Dowell Jjrothers home. y Seymour of Wauconda, and ik Harrison of Chicago were Sunday callers at the Bacon home. Lloyd Fisher was a McHenry caller iturday j. -. and%frs. Ed Bacon and family of ""Round Lake spent Sunday at the Bacon home. Mrs. E. Bacon spent Friday afternoon with Mrs. Loretta Seymour at Wauconda. Miss Margaret Steinsdorfer and Miss Belle Harwell of Griswold Lake were callers in this locality Saturday. >^rs. Roy Passfield and son of Slocum Lake spent Saturday with her sister, Mrs. Joe Passfield. Ellwood Dowell was a Sunday caller at the Dowell brothers home. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wiser and family, Mr. and Mrs. Tony Wegener and son, Junior, of Volo, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Becker of Maytown, 111., Mrs. Amos Leffleman and sons, Paul %n^ Leonard, of Amboy, 111., Sylvester Leffleman, Christina Lecomtia of Freemont, Edward Leffleman of Libertyville, all spent Sunday at Lincoln • and Riveryiew parks, Chicago. CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS Council Room, Sept. 4, 1928. The city aldermen, with Mayor Frett presiding, met in regular session Tuesday evening. Aldermen present: Doherty, Frisby, Knox, Kreutzer and Stoffel. Absent: Bonslett. The minutes of the last regular and two special meetings of August were read and approved. The clerk's and collector's reports were approved as read. Motion by Doherty, seconded by Frisby, tht the following bills be paid. Motion carried. Jos. Engeln, hall rent for election, Apr. 21, 1928 $ 10.00 L. A. Erickson, ball rent for election, Apr. 21, 1928 10.00 Public Service Co., city halL 3.57 Public Service Co., traffic light.. 15.01 Public Service Co., power for electric pump 74.00 Public Service Co., city hall 6.33 Public Service Co., street lights.. 83.53 Public Service Co.,street lights.. 122&1 Public Service Co., mdse Mayme Buss, com. on collections and postage 92.90 John Walsh, services at sewer lift 15,00 John Walsh, marshal services.. 115.00 Valvoline Oil Co., gasoline 16.11 Valvoline Oil Co., oil .'. J2Q.Q#, Fred J. Nickels, labor cutting \V" weeds and two days' special police 1#.W McHenry Plaindealer, stamped envelopes 10.50 Harry Nichols, labor 14.25 M. M. Niesen, one month salary as Supt. of W. W 50.00 Teach the ChUd Thrift Habits OPEN a savings account with us now for each of your boys and girls. An individual home savings bank will be furnished, in wfiich to deposit the pennies and nickels. These may be removed periodically wd deposited with w. AU suffi^avv . ings will draw three per cent interest,.winch 1 will be compounded quarterly. * Teach your boys and girls to save while young and the habit will grow upon them before they reach maturity. A Borne Savings Bank Free To Each Depositor Savings and checking depositors are invited to come in and exchange their old pass books for new ones bearing the new name ct the bank. CITIZENS STATE BANK' OF McHENRY, ILL. 93.50 6.00 6.00 6.00 e.oo 6.00 6.00 10.00 10.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 18.18 15.35 Motion by Knox, seconded by Bonslett, that an amendment be made to the above motion and the name of Mayor Peter W. FTett be included and a notice sent to him as well as Julius Keg and Fred Beller. Upon roll call the aldermen voted as follows: Bonslett, ay4( Doherty, nay; Frisby, not voting; Knox, aye; Kreutzer, nay; Stoffel, aye. Motion carried. Motion by Doherty, seconded by Kreutaer, that the council adjourn to meet on call of the mayor. PETER W. FRETT, R. F. Conway, Clerk. 8FRIHG GROVE j- A SUCCESSFUL SIX NOW WINNING EVEN GREATER 8UQGBM r-:"; IECTACUILAIR IUCCESS is proving it "(Chiefof the Sixes In the tremendous success which rontiac Six is enjoying is ample reason for designating this great General Motors car "Chief of the Sixes." Never has any new car risen so rapidly in the estimation of motor car buyers for during; the first six months of 1928, over 136,000 Pontiace were sold---the largest volume ever achieved by any car during the first half of its third year In production! Tim great public acceptance tells more of what Pontiac offers at $745 than even the most complete listing of such n ^ Lb°^ics,186cuuin,cngine»the O-M-R cylinder head, cross-flow radiator, foot* controlled headlights, coincidental l^rV, etc^ etc.. Come in for a ride today and learn Why 7* sales sweep ever upward. E. H. Merrick, labor on streets.. 258.05 Yoeman Bros. Co., labor on sewer 206.22 John Malch, labor on streets.... 80.00 R. F. Conway, phone calls and postage 1.35 H. E. Buch, setting drinking fountains 11.60 Louis Althoff, threading rods.... 2.2$ Bi-lateral Fire Hose Co., fire hose, etc 490.00 Thos. P. Boger, fumigator..~.... 4.00 111. Bell Tel. Co., calls 1.72 Elisabeth Gruenfeld, gravel 8.05 Amer. LaFrance and Foamite Corp., chains t 12.73 D. J. L. Walther, labor on sewer 135.00 McHenry Artificial Stone Co., labor and material Barbara Weber, clerk at'election Mrs. Jos. Smith, clerk at election Alfred Patzke, clerk at election ..... ~chn FreuriJ, cieri: at e'.ccticn.. -Isy Martin, clerk at election.. M. M. Niesen, clerk at election.. Dr. A. I. Froelich, services on board of health. 10.00 Dr. D. G. Wells, services on board of health Gilbert Howart, service on board of health Geo. Steilen,. judge of election- Mrs. Frank Cobb, judge of elec tion .'. John McEvoy, judge of election Peter Doherty, water for construction work Carey Elec. Co., labor on motors Carey Elec. Co., labor and material on street lights 107.49 Peter W. Frett, mayor services for three months 20.00 j Wm. Bonslett, alderman services for three months Peter J. Doherty, alderman services for three months...*..........' Robt. Frisby, alderman snrvices for three months ..' John R. Knox, alderman services for three months Herman Kreutzer, alderman ser vices for three months John Stoffel, alderman services for three months R. F. Conway, clerk services for three months 30.00 Motion by Frisby, seconded by Doherty, that the bond of the Publijc Service Co., to the amount of $5,000.00 be accepted. Motion carried. Motion by Knox, seconded by Stoffel, that the repairing of the public alley at West McHenry, be referred to the street and alley committee. Motion carried. Motion by Doherty, seconded by Kreutzer, to adjourn until 8:00 p. m., Friday evening, Sept. 7. Motion carried. PETER W. FRETT, Mayor. B. P. CONWAY, Clerk. / , Mrs. Charles fBehrnes and daughter, Dorothy, were Chicago shoppers Saturday. Mrs. Vincent Feltes celebrated her 19th birthday anniversary Saturday evening. About twenty guests had been invited. Cards and a real social time was enjoyed by all. She received many useful presents. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Herman Siedchlog, Mir. and Mrs. Howard Christensen and two sons, Mr. and Mrs. William Boneman and son, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Pacey and two children, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ellhert and two children, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ellhert and three children, Mr. and Mrs. John Zormstorff, sons, Arthur and George, Mr. and Mrs. Harry iSormstorff, and "Herman Franks. About forty relatives gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Stevens Sunday, for a family picnic, in honor of Mrs. Georgia Stevens, an aunt, who has been visiting in this vicinity from Rochester, N. Y. Among the guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Ed VanSlyke, Mr. and Mrs. Ashel Stevens and families of Waukegan, Mrs. Elmer Francisco and son and daughter of Woodstock, Mr. and Mrs,, Gust Ehrke, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lopeman and son, Mrs. Ida May Castle and daughter, Edith, of Richmond, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Thompson, Mrs. Elinor Hodge of Lake Geneva, Miss Emily Pierce, Mrs. Edith Thompson, Mrs. Louis Robbins, Miss Lucie Stevens of Chicago, Mrs. Myrtle Thompson and daughter, Lois, of Montana, and William P. Stevens of Solon. Frank McMellen of Crystal Lake and Frank Sprand of Chicago called on P. G. Hoffman Monday afternoon. Miss Alice Nodland of Fox Lake spent Monday afternoon with Miss Veronica Bretz. Joe Bretz and th^ee friends of Rockford were over Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Bretz. Master Billy Hubar of Antioch is attending parochial school here and is staying with his grandmother, Mrs. Parry* McGueniss. ' Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Math Nimsgfcrn were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ziegler and son, Mrs. Ketter of Long Lake, and Mrs. Joe Pittges of Chicago. Mlis Evelyn Sanders of Hebron sp^nt the last of the week with Mrs. Jofc G. Wagner. Joseph Brown entertained his brother from Wisconsin the past week. Nick Nett moved his family here Saturd&y to his own house. Our Fall arid Winter line of shoes and oxfords have arrived. Let us show you what a complete line we carry. Erickson Dept. Stp)pf\i^ \ 13, 11 PUBLIC CARD PARTY The Young Ladies' Sodality of St. Patrick's church will sponsor a public card party at the church hall, Sunday evening, Sept. 16. Refreshments will be served and prises awarded. Little Charlotte was impatiently waiting to see her father who was in the basement. She was not allowed to go down, but stood at the top calling: "Daddy,, hurry up, Daddy. Come upstairs to Sharlie. Come on. Daddy, come now. Her father replied somewhat sharply that he would come soon bat that she would gain nothing by her impatient teasing. Silence--then in perfect imitation of her mother'; voice, Charlotte called down: . » , ' "Bill, you're,wanted ett"; Urn telephone."-- Children. > '®ave you heard about the Scotchman whose girl got so fat he wanted! to break the engagement but she couldn't get the ring off and so he had to marry her?"--Berwick Register. S. H. Freund & Son MB •O I w G•V. e-XnT,',e*,r al Building Contrt«BaLc- ' tors Cor. Pearl and Park '{Phone 127-B "'•SkA ' *V"' ' ' V ' ' 5' v •i i,, * m. / Have Funds Available So refinance your bone or basineas property. Also wilL>^ r name your home or building prelect. To see as iacarf » , / no obligation. Plans and estimates on new work folly given. ; KENT BROTHERS an* : - BOWUlf TIMBER COT v-.'V Phone McHenry I' ll _ ^ HcHenry, IE TERRA COTTA 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 Sport LaNwUm Se4m! t . .v • U ' L t f p;. Sr:'^ i-'W' I MeHENRY AUTO SALES 1 KivonidlVrtv* Temporary Office with Kent and Go. Council Room, Sept. 7, 1928. The city aldermen, with Mayor Frett presiding, met Friday evening to take up the unfinished business of the adjourned meeting of Tuesday, Sept. 4. Alderman present: Bonslett, Doherty, Frisby, Knox, Kreutzer and Stoffel. Motion by Doherty, seconded by Kreutzer, that the treasurer's report be accepted as read. Motion carried. Motion by Doherty, seconded by Frisby, that the Carey Elec. Co., bill for $122.84 be paid. Motion carried. Motion by Frisby, seconded by Kreutzer, that the Peter J. Doherty bill for $18.18 for water used for construction be paid. Motion carried. Motion by Doherty, seconded by f risby, that injured firemen's hospital bill aftd doctor bill be paid. Motion carried. Motion by Kreutzer, seconded by Frisby, that an ordinance for paving portion of Crystal Lake Road )and Main Street in the city of McHeinry, McHenry county, Illinois, be passed Motion carried. Motion by Doherty, seconded by Kreutzer, that the clerk be advised to write to the Boyer Fire Apparatus Co., explaining that the city is unable to meet their bill of $2,700.00 at the present time. Motion carried. Motion by Stoffel, seconded by Kreutzer, that written demand be made on the persons responsible for the damage to the sewer system, to reimburse the city of McHenry within the next 30 days for all expense in< curred in repairing said damage, persons responsible; namely, Julius Keg and Fred Beller. j Mrs. Edward Keil of Peoria was I guest of Mrs. Henry McMillan last week. Charles Gass of Columbus, Neb., spent last Wednesday evening with Robert V; Knox. G. W. Ames visited With relatives in Waukegan last week. Wallace A. Preston of Chicago visited with friends here from Saturday until Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wilcox of Chicago were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Huffman and daughters Sonday. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Leisner of Chicago spent Sunday with relatives here. Frank Sprand of Chicago visited at the home of Frank McMillan Sunday. B^r. and Mrs. M. Knox and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Malone of Elgin spent Thursday and Friday at Clinton, la. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ainsworth of New York visited at the home of the latter's sister, Mrs. Henry McMillan, a few days last week. Miss Lorraine Green of Woodstock is visiting with relatives here 'this week. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Walsh and sons and Miss Ellen Doherty of McHenry called on relatives here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Irving Laurenz of Chi cago visited at the home of Henry McMillan from Saturday until Monday. K j Mr. and Mrs. M. Knox and Mr; and Mrs. Edward Malone called at the Courtney home nearr WauconBa Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Huffman and daughters were Lake Geneva visitors Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Malone of El gin visited with relatives here from Friday until Tuesday. Vernon J. Knox left Monday for Notre Dame where he will enter his second year at the university there. Mr. and Mrs. P. Huffman and daugh. ters were Belvidere visitors Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sund and daughter of Carpentersville called on relatives here one day last week. jSamuel Prout and son, HarryJ of Honey Creek visited at the home of Merton Gracy Sunday. Mrs. J. H. Gracy, Mrs. Merton Gracy and Mrs. Ralph Wingate were Spring Grove visitors Friday. Every week is bargain week at the Erickson Dept. Store. ' vrp% HAS FINS MO T O R CAR f?mk. RINGWOOD WANTED--Lady to gather and send news items to the Plaindealer from Ringwood- Write to the Editor Plaindealer, McHenry. Hubby: "Really, dear, every time I look at that new hat of yoors, I can't help laughing." Wife: "Can't you? Then IH put it on when the bill arrives."--Punch. or Service Plus? When you figtSre the price of ft mail order tire ADD bother, delay, and hand labor of getting the tire on your wheel to the-delivery cost. Then remember--when you buy a Goodyear-built tire from us --you get your exact size when you want it. * You examine it before you buy it, 'We put it on for you, inflate it, and SERVICE it. - Our Service plus Goodyear guaranteed quality will save yon t^p, bother, and tire money. _ , ^ 30x3i/2 CL Cord.. 30 x 3% CI. Cord (oversi*e)_ 32 x 4 SS Cord 28 x 4.40 Balloon :v 31 x 5.25 Balloon. 38 x 6.00 BaUooi&J*~ yuuDTcsR. PATHFINDER $ 5.95# 6.35 11.7$ 6.50 12.95 15.50 A W T % 8.25 9.05 14.95 ^ 9.95 15.95 19.50 Other Sues at Equal Savings--Buy at Home and Save Money TIRE BARGAINS--We have some odds and ends in all sizes from 30x3y2 high pressure to 33x6.00 balloons, in six standard makes, which will be sold at greatly redSji|^y^M^|:,,'. &nd get yours before they are all gone. * in Vulcanizing prices greatly reduced due to the low-price of tire* and repair stock. WALTER'IT. FREUND ' Phone 120-R; , West MqEenry, Illinois Complete Stock--All Sixes Tire and Tube Vulcanising Jfeitteries -- Battery Charging amdRepalring Special 8tx «4M» Sedan <1345 fW(V<«N4nM4 1,000 A DAY ! August Sales 21,000 Cars --the greatest month in Sash History • Higher and higher goes the nationwide demand for the new Nash "400'*. ^Sales returns for August are in and, by thousands of cars, it was the biggest month in tk* tariff Mtfh history. The three great Nash" factories are now producing oyer lOOO cars a day, to supply the avalanche of orders for new and finer motor car. The country has gooe Nash! In the oigbt short u**ks since it* introduction, approximately 55,000 Wish have been delivered--as many Nash eft* at m six full months of 1927! There's only one conclusion to he drawn from these facts and figures-- this is the car of tho yoarf This is the car with the new Twin-Ignition motor--more power, more speed, less gasoline. The easiest steering, easiest riding car the motor car industry ever has produced. And the car with exquisite new Salon Bodies of surpa|i» lag beauty. NA5 H "400 Me WWtok 4ss lister Car HSJM efBIB HASH FEATURE#--JfO OTMKM CJtM H^« TtTMM 41.1. Twin-lgoMoo bocoT High compt«uiofl Saloa Bodies Sbort taming radios 12 Aircraft type spark New <kmbl« drop frsase Oy-^iacs Salon Vasiqr cut »od iMkabsorbers 7-be*riog crankshaft Body, rubbot lasalated Nash Special Design iMwrfw*#**) Crom frame front and rear Imrsfsrs George JuStUliag Garage M n A * - > ..VdL \