Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Sep 1928, p. 7

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RPI • i*\.f W W^'W'W T: ;£t7>^7®y.- '>yyj** n^v'^.if^*$v^ ; -;v:'^>If' it* Z..Csh* l*vT>1:" '. . t',.t*j • . tJL- ^ >' - ,1. ". ..4.. ,. ', *.i. «.• I -4 :... • THE M "HENRY PLAINDE , THURSDAY, SEPT. IS, 1928 WAUOONDA , Mr. and'Mrs. Bernie Geary of Round Lake spent Tuesday evening: with the former's mother, Mrs. Alice Geary. Clarence afid Harold Wheelock of Chicago spent Labor Day here. •> Mr. and Mrs. George Broughton and daughter, Lois, enjoyed a trip to the Dells over the week-end. Mrs. Nellie Oakes and daughter, Loin, of Chicago spent the week-end here. George and Emily Bates spent Sanday with relatives in Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. John Hironimus attended the Elkhorn fair Wednesday. Mrs. Fred Thomas called on Mrs. Albert Paddock of Sound Lake Toesday. Ronald Geary of Gilmer spent several days last week visiting with Tela. tives here. Mr. and Mrs. John Dobner called on relatives at Mundelein Wednesday. Mrs. Fred Thomas spent Wednesday. & Waukegan. X31arence and Frederick Thomas were-LibertyviQe callers Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Krell were Chicago callers Tuesday evening, f Edward Geary was oil the sick "fist Tuesday and Wednesday. \ Mr. and Mrs. George Foote werip Crystal Lake callers Friday. Walter • Severns of Barrington wa a business caller here Tuesday. Mrs. Jennie Murray and friends of Chicago spent the week-end here. Henry Maiman is visiting with friends in McHeniy. Fred Larsen of Highland Park spent the week-end here. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kramer spent the week-end m Chicago. Miss Georgia Vasey is teaching the Roseville school. Mrs. Lizzie Wragg is visiting with Mrs. Lizzie Catr this week. Thomas Moffitt of Chicago *"« returned here to attend high school. . Mrs. Emmett Geary called at the Eugene Prior home Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Francisco attended the Palatine fair "^Thursday. Harry Hai&rick of Chicago spent Sunday and Monday at the Carr home. Mr. and Mrs. George Lungren spent Wednesday in Chicago. * Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Boehjaer were Waukegan callers Tuesday. Harold Hapke and Earl Harrison were Chicago callers Wednesday. Mrs. William Johns returned home from the Victory Memorial hospital Tuesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nordmeyer and family and Mrs. Kate Dewald attended the Palatine fair Friday. Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Burke and fam ily have left for an extended trip in Minnesota. Mrs. Frank Meyer and son, Donald, of McHenry called on relatives here Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Potter and sons, Kenneth and Arnold, have returned from a trip through Minnesota. Mr. and Mrs. George Deinlein spent Thursday afternoon at Fox Lake. Billy Hughes, Jr., of Wkukegan is spending a week at the M. W. Hughes home*. Mrs. Mort BasJey, Mrs. Howard Anderson and Mrs. Alice Baseley were Waukegan shoppers Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. William Geary and son, Edward, spent Thursday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Lee Geary at Gilmer. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Blackburn and Ughter of Chicago are spending their acation with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Cook and Misses Frances and Fern Nicholls were Elgin callers Tuesday. v Mr. and Mrs. Ray Paddock and family called on Mr. and Mrs. Howard Murry at Grayslake Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Stroker and daughters spent Sunday with Mr. and % Gowns and laces, cleaned with care And brought to you at prices fair. - „ --Mr. Before -and After. Chir work trill prove to you that we are worthy of our hire. A skillful, obliging service of pleasing promptness. "For Appearance's Sake" PHONE 143-w ANNA HOWARD (CLEANING &PKESSIN6' l OV£R B0LQE&5 OWO STOK! . Mrs. D. V. Waite at Round Lake. Harry Case of Roseville spent Thursday with his aunt, Mrs. Marshall Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harrison of Chicago spent Labor Day with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Seymour. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Golding entertained relatives from Chicago over tile week-end. Miss Marguerite Garvin who has been visiting in Berwyn, returned home Sunday evening. Mrs. Chester Wells, Mrs. Dan Meyer and Mrs. C. J. Coleman and sons were Elgin callers Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Meyer and son, Donjald, of McHenry called on the Grantham family Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bristol and children of North Chicago spent Tuesday evening at the John Brown home. James Carr and friend of Chicago spent a few days this week at the Canhome here. < Mr. and MIms. Owen Paddock and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gossell attended a show in Waukegan recently. Mr. and Mrs. George Jepson and family and J. B. Turnbull spent Thursday at Ring wood. James Koser returned home Sunday, after several weeks', visit with relatives in Pennsylvania. * Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Daley and daughters called on relatives at Libertyville Wednesday evening. Miss Helen Downs of Chicago spent Labor Day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Downs. Miss Esther Hironimus of Lake Zurich spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hironimus. Lew Hubbard, Mrs. Lena Hubbard, Mrs. Martha Harrison, Mrs. Carrie White and Miss Laura Harrison motored to Lake Geneva Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. William Daley attended a show at Barrington Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Cypher and son, i Lorraine, motored to Dubuque, lau, i and spent Sunday and Monday with Mrs. Cypher's uncle, Orrin West. Mr. and Mrs. Owen Padodck and children of Chicago spent Thursday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gossell. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thomas entertained friends from Highland Park Monday. • Mr. and Mrs. Gilbrt Burnett of Slocum Lake spent Thursday evenihg with Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Grantham, Sr. Harry Kirwin spent Thursday,; jvith friends at Hinsdale. We handle the standard brands of canned goods and our smoked meats are always of the highest quality. Erickson Dept. Store. PUBLIC CARD PARTY The Young Ladies' Sodality of St. Patrick's church will sponsor a public card party at the church hall, Sunday evening, Sept. 16. Refreshments will be served and prises awarded. We handle the standard brands of canned goods and our smoked meats are always of the highest quality. Erickson Dept. Store. Kind Lady: "What cavses the Ht* tie girl's tears, me lad?" Little Lad: "Aw, she's got her heart set on a church wedding an' I won't stand for it."--Sovereign Visitor. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF THE CITY OF M'HENRY, ILLINOIS, TO LEVY A SPE* CIAL ASSESSMENT FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF A PORTION OF CRYSTAL LAKE ROAD AND OF MAIN STREET IN SAID CITY BY GRADING, CURBING, DRAINING, PAVING, ETC. Notice is hereby given to all persons interested that the City Council of the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois, having ordered that a local improvement be made for the im-, provement of Crystal Lake Road from the Southerly corporate limits of the said City of McHenry to an intersection with a line at right angles with the center line of said Crystal Lake Road extending through the intersection of the Northerly street line of Main Street with the Easterly street line of said Crystal Lake Road, and that portion of Main Street lying within the street lines of the said portion of Crystal Lake Road and not included in the roadway thereof. And Main Street from the Easterly street line of Crystal Lake Road to a line 5.0 feet distant from and parallel with the center line of the Westerly track of two tracks of the main line of the Chicago and Northwestern Railway crossing said Main Street, except that portion lying between lines 5.0 feet distant from and parallel with the center line of the switch track of the Chicago and Northwestern Railway crossing said Miain Street, by adjusting all existing manhole covers, grading and preparing the subgrade to receive the hereinafter described pavement, grading and leveling earth shoulders, and by paving the said roadways with a Portland cement concrete pavement, all in the said City of McHenry, as provided for in and by an Ordinance passed by the City Council of the said City on September 7th, 1928, and approved by the Mayor on September 7th, 1928, entitled "An Ordinance for paving a portion of Crystal Lake Road and Main Street, in the City of McHenry, McHenry county, Illinois." The Ordinance for the same being now on file in the office of the City Clerk of said City of McHenry and having applied to the County Court of McHenry County for an assessment of the costs of said improvement according to the benefits and assessments therefore having been made and returned to said Court,, which assessment is divided into ten (10) annual installments, bearing interest at the rate of six (69*) par cent, per annum; the final hearing thereon will be held on the 1st day of October, A. D., 1928, at the hour of ten o'clock A. M., or as soon thereafter as the business of the Court will permit. All persons desiring may file objee tions in said Court before the said day andf* may appear at the hearing and make their defense. Dated at MbHenry this 12th day of September, A. D., 1928. MAYME HARRISON, Person appointed by the Board of Local Improvements to spread the assessment* . - 16-*2 • V JAZZ PIANO Instruction in Piano Syncopation for beginners and advanced pupils. Keyboard Harmony, Bass and fill-in work. For information call Madelyn Dimmel, 52-J. 13-4 HENRY V. SOMPEL General Teaming Sand, Gravel and Coal for Sale Grading. Graveling and Road Work Done By Contract or By Day Phone McHenry 649-R-l P. O. Address, Route 3. McHenry, 111. HENRY GRAVEL & XCAVATING CO. v;-: A- P. Preund, Prop. Road Building and Excavating of Every Description Estimates Furnished oil Request High-grade Gravel Delivered at any ^ime--large or small orders given prompt attention. Phone 204-M McHenry WM. M. CARROLL Lawyer Wfce with Kent * CempW PlM»et Iwy Wednesday McH Phone 126-W Reasonable Rates A. H. SCHAEFER McHENRY ILLINOIS C. W. KLONTZ, ML D. Physician and Sturgeon (Also treating all diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat and the Fitting of Glasses) Office Hours--8 to 9 a. m.. 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. m. Sundays by Appointment Office at Residence, Waukegan Road. Phone 181 ' McHenry, 111 Insure--Ib Sure-Insurance WITHWm. G. Schreiner Auctioneering OFFICE AT RESIDENCE Phone 9S-R Telephone Net. 1W-R Stoffel A Reihansperger Insurance agents for all classes rf property in the beat companies. WEST McHENRY - - ILLINOljj * ' Is Different Just the same as anything else you use. Some is good, but some is better, too. It is pr6per that you convince yourself that you are getting the best possible for the sake of your health and your family's health. We handle nothing but Bowman's and Degreed Products ^ Community Dairy Ben J. Smith, Prop. \ Our Phone Number Is 660-R-l .M. - r s * / /;v' 'Mm rfH-- r I ( H K Y R O I K This Tag is Your Assurance ! of Honest Used Car Values If you are In the market for a used ear--come In and learn how completely we protect your purchase wkMrn boy a used car from us! -Our a ted ' car department Is operated under the famou* Red O.K. Tag system--developed by the Chevrolet Motor Company to protect the used car buyer. Under this plan, we attach to the radiator cap* of all our re-conditioned can the famou* Chevrolet Red O.K. Tag -- showing exactly what vital units law b*M checked O.K. or recuniHtknnJ by oar empert mechanics. We believe that no fairer system of used car merchandising has ever been worked out --foe It aaaurn the customer honest value as well as a dependable, --Hi • factory car. Come in today and inspect our •Sock of O.K.'d used cars. You are sure to find the car you want, at a price that will please you--and our terms are exceptionally easy. A Few of ont exceptioimi Used Car Values "with an OK that counts99* . ^ ^ ' -t ~v; OwiWI Cfcevrvtat Coach--like new On* 1924 Itndtbaker touring, special fc* " ^ good conditio* One lf!7 Chevrolet ton track Ooe 1*27 Chevrolet ton truck, with take body " A Hettermann Motor Sale* Phone 191 West McHearjr , #" * • „ - Look for tko Sod Tag "with an OK that counts" Is there anything mpty foonUin peal The acme In daring: A padflllt •pending his vacation in Chicago. Irene Castle says skirts should bO halfway to the ankles. Halfway fro* wheret N After 65 boors of playing MA1«^T* a London pianist (Meted, --king It unanimous. An Optimist is a Possibility only has a couple of places open * Cabinet We never did find described the whale pair of arms. <fut ; Wl how Jonah Ith only on• McHenry, Illinois The time is about here when dad can be credited for working his son through college. Don't worry about the next generadon being soft Look at the bond Issues it will have to pay off. There must have been one dgat lighter that worked, otherwise the patent could not have been issued. This Is • funny world. While part of It Is trying to reduce, thousands seek the bread line to take on weight It Is strongly suspected that the foreign substance unpleasantly dls«>T* ered in spinach Is not all vltamlne B. The master mind of a French bandit band was traced to his lair by his flat ftot, A sort of fallen arcb-crlnlnal. World flyers are putting some Islands on tha map that have been known heretofore only to the map maker*. "According to Paria, 'stylish etout* la no longer to be a paradoo." It toay In some cases, however, a euphemlsta. Admiration must be accorded 'the transatlantic flyer who competes the trip without once loaing bis grip on his monocle. The, best thing sbout published radio programs Is they give warning* of what stations are going to broadcast political speeches. Fashions follow the heroes of the air, as styles In women's hats frankly admit Huenefeld may yet in popularizing the monocle. She: "Oh, Phillip, what can equal the warmth of a true woman's love ?" He: "The heat tif ker tsaiper, mf dear."--Answens. - extra EXTRA POWElK No Extra Cost J ERE is nothing ordinary about Shell Gasoline except its price. The process by which it is made is a vast improvement over older methods • •• the results it delivers are consequently a revelation to the motorist who is using it for the first time. ^This Shell refining process is discriminating. It takes only the most volatile elements from the crude oil and rejects all the greasy, sluggish parts* It is a more costly manufac-, turing procedure, but is necessary to insure a lively, quick* starting, superior gasoline worthy to bear the Shell name* You will realize the advantages of using this "Extra Dry" gasoline when you fill up with Shell* Smooth, effortless acceleration. Extra speed for the open road. Extra power on the hilfr* / Drive to any Shell yellow-red service station or Shell dealer today and try this superior gasoline. Remember, k coots more to produce, but costs you more than the ordinary kind, o BAUER y BAUKR CRYSTAL LAKE--M 'HENRY WOODSTOCK SMELL MOTTO* Vain Office, Phone 75, Crystal Lake Oil m MOT TOO THICK MOT TOO TNIN "~1P r r v: rS

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