M * •: '•?» w Farmers are very jbu|y noW sflo Ming. Many fields afe blown down considerably and coyfi badly tangled. A silo filler is s^n at about every third or fourth fff*n. Mrs. Dalzial-ts reported i&uch improved and afare to leave the hospital and was takeft home Sunday. The EJft^acisco farm iB rented to Frank Herdric, who will take posse s- \sion March 1, 1929. Frank Heroic y yifij be the first that ever lived on thi4 farm but a Francisco. Peter • Francisco purchased this farm of the government before his marriage. Af. ter his death his wife and children lived there and after her death, thirty years ago, it came into the possession of a son and daughter and is still their estate. John McBroom, wife, and little sons, Of Woodstock, were Sunday callers in the Henry Hobart home. C. E. Jecks and wife and Elbert Thomas and mother attended the Elkhorn fair last week. W. Yanke is still threshing jrraiij. He uses his own machine and but few helpers and in this way it takes a long time to thresh one hundred acres of grain. c • A great-change has been madte in the farm known as the S. E. Clark farm on the Hog's Back. If a person was dropped from a flying machine, that knew the place in past years, they would have to guess several times where they were. Rural carrier No. 3, from Woodstock, is still off the route and not recovering sufficiently .from an operation to be on the route. Joe Guener is expecting a brotherin- law from the old country, who it is said, wishes to rent a farm. We Have Funds Available \ To refinance your home or business property. Also will \ finance your home or building puf^ect. To see us incurs no obligation. Plans and estimates on new work cheerfully given. KENT BROTHERS an* 7~ BOWLUS TIMBER CO. Phone McHeniy 8 , McHenry, IE ' * tProduct of In Americans Most Modern Plant Miss Helen Althoff of Kenosha, Wis., visited with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hettermann, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Hettermann and Mr. and Mrs. William Althoff a few days last week. , Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Nanta and daughter, Madalene, and,Mr. and Mrfc. Lux of Wlaukegan visited with Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Hettermann, Sunday. Mrs. Peter May and daughter, Hilda, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs -William May, Tuesday. Miss Helen Schaefer returned home Monday, after being in St. Anthorty's hospital a week. . ? Mr. and Mrs. jtfartin Freund and Mrs. John Freund of MoHenry and Miss Catherine Freund visited at the home of Mr. and Freund, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Freund, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Regner of Chicago, and Mr. and Mrs Ray Horick of Woodstock visited with Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Smith, Sunday. Misses Esther May and Martha Hettermann were guests at the home of Miss Helen Smith, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Hiller and children visited with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Stilling of Richmond, Sunday. Mr. arid Mrs. Albert Justen and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gibbs visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Miller, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Miller and children visited with Mr. and Mrs. George Lay recently. Mrs. S. H. Smith is visiting, with her daughters, Margaret and Julia, and Mrs. Alex Freund and Mrs. Joe Regner of Chicago. Mrs. Henry Krift and /daughter, Elma and Miss fl{Iagdal§ne Krift of Bv.r'.ington, Wis., visited with relatives here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs? Joe J. Freund, Mr. and Mrs. William Mayf and Mrs. William B. Tonyan and childern mo- Page Smith was a business caller at \yaukegan last Saturday. Mrs. O. W. Grantham spent last Monday /at Waukegan. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brooks were business callers at Waiflcegan last Friday. Harry Matthews spent last Tlasday In Chicago. ~ * Mildred* Hoffman spent Monday in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowell and daugh ter, Dorothy, and Mrs. Mary Dowell w«r? *t Waukegan Saturday afternoon. Lee Larabee of Bristol, Wis., spent from last Tuesday until Friday at the W. E. Brooks home. ^ Mrs. Anthony . "L^ayi\e Bac°n and SO" last Wednesday afternoon *fi the hMhe of Mrs. Elisabeth Bacon at Ro Seville. Mr. and Mrs."J. A. Werden and son, Curtis, and Dr. and Mrs. L. A. Werden were Saturday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Myron Francisco at Wauconda. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowell and daughter and 'Mrs. Mary Dowell attended a show at Fox River Grove last Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews and son, Robert, and Mrs. F. B. Carr were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Spafford at Jefferson Park. Chesney Brooks and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Cook, and Althea Coss were callers at Huntley last Thursday. Sunday guests the O. W. Grantham home were Mi*. and Mrs. H. H. Alverson and family of Highwood, Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Keffey and family of Elgin, Mr. and Mrs. A1 Wilson and daughter of Palatine and H. S. Alverson of Chicago. Sunday dinner and supper guests at the Blomgren home were Mr. and Mrs. Emil Lundin, Miss Erickson and Youth tooth* are not 'necessarily happy; youth la It means freedolh. strength courage,, curiosity, adventure, growth plasticity, movement, action; disdain of danger and death and Indifference to self; passion to discover life ann . create It anew. Youth faces the fu ture, champs at the b't, dares greutl.v counts, no cost. Without convlctioi, tt will explore; without wisdom. It will experiment; without knowledp* It will learn; without adventure, ti will venture. Youth Is as remote from infancy as from senility. It created human cut ture and alone can save the human race. Human immortality dowers with youth; enduring happiness abides ia eternal youth. To be happy Is te be young.--George A. Dorsey, Is Cosmonolitan. ,.v . He: "I guess you've been out with worse looking fellows titan I • fp, haven't you?" V;' ^ " • No-answer.. . U He: "I guess you've been out with worse looking fellows than I am, haven't you? She: "I heard'you th<K$rst time>-I was just -trying to think. icMirst •yw toredI to Rockford Sunday, where they ^ EK of ^ Mrs Stra„d saw the damage done by the tornado. . Fred and Albert Pepping and "Buster" Amen visited with Mr. and Mrs. of New York City and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lusk of Wauconda. I Sunday callers at the W. E. Brooks Joe B. Hettermann, Sunday. home were Edwin Bowers of Spring Misses Catherine and Mary Althoff , WalmesIjr> Mr. and| vlsl Mrs. Wilbur Cook and Mr. and Mrs. Today's Pontiac Six is built in America's most modern automobile plant-- a vast daylight factory erected less than two years ago. Here are special machines, special processes and special methods of precision control far surpassing the accepted practice. Here are literally hundreds of inspectors enforcing the law of accuracy with an icon hand. Here every Pontiac Six is subjected to hundreds of separate inspections to make certain that every ultimate owner obtains a six which General Motors can be proud to sponsor-- and which will deliver uniformly satisfactory service for many thousands of miles! See and drive today's Pontiac Six--the best built car of its price in the world! 2-Door Sedan, $745: Coupe, $74$; Sport RoadiKr, $74St $77S; Cabriolet, $79S; 4-Door Sedan, $f $975. Oniif--nf Alt-Amrric<m SI'JI 825; Sport bamdmu Sedaa* $1045 to $1265* Ali prices at fac~ _G)i£cJc QflfctaxiPonf I etc drUvered price*--include lovuewt •ntPlm ( Phone 8 MCHENRY AUTO SALES Riverside Drive Temporary Office with Kent and Co. and Henry Althoff of Elgin with Mr. and Mrs. William Althoff, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Adams spent their vacation by motoring .through eight states where they saw interesting sights. They left here Sept. 5 at 5:25 o'clock and stayed at Joliet the first night, going from there to St. Louis where they crossed the Mckinley bridge and frcmi there they wtrtft to Kansas City. {grossing into Kans'as they went through^^famego, Topeka, Wichita, and crossing into Oklahoma arrived at Newkirk, where they Baw the Indian reservations. From there they went to Chilacco, Okla., where Rev Schmitt, formerly of Johnsburg, says mass every Sunday. Their next stop was Ponca City, Okla., where they visited the 101 Ranch. Leaving Oklahoma Sept. 11, they went to Lincoln, Neb., and to Omaha and on to Carroll, la.; thence to Council Bluff, where they crossed the Missouri River, then to Fairmont, Minn., and Albert Lea and on to St. Paul, and then to Taylors Falls where they visited the Inter- State Park; from there they went to Turtle Lake and Almena, Wis. and on to Chippawa Falls, where they spent a few days. Thence they journeyed to Lake Wissota, Eau Claire, Baraboo, Madison, Fort Atkinson and Elkhorn, Wis., and returned home Monday, Sept. 17, at 4:45 o'clock. » to all they motored 2,605 miles. 4mm-- F iPOTOTAVC SIX PRODUCT Of GENERAL MOTORS RINGWOOD WANTED--Lady to gather and send news items to the Plaindealer from Ringwood- ~ Write to the Editor Piaindealer, McHenry. ' I sell farms--Dan Quinlan. 16-2* Tire Talk that's 100% When aigreat big company likeGoodyear says this is The Greatest Tire in the World, they are not taking chances with their good nahie just to be sensational. , And you khow us, too! When we repeat here what Goodyear says it's because we know it's true. --"• • This is--beyond a doubt--the greatest tire in the world, and we have seen them all. ... * . That s talking "cold turkey.*' But we're sincere about it. Oopie in and see it the new-type All-Weather Tread Goodyear Balloon. It lias a tread designed specially for balloon tire wear. It has the genuine SU PERT WIST carcass---made only by Goodyear. Know these lat est things about tires. - - WALTER J. FREUND Phone 120-R Complete Stock--All Sizes West McHenry, Illinois,. Tire and Tube Vulcanising Batteries -- Battery Charging and Repairing An authorized Goodyear Service Station, rendering the help Ooodyeff pledges to enable you to get every last mile out of Goodyear Tires ail£ Tubes. More people ride on Goodyear Tires than on any other lriigj Ira Cook of Wauconda, Mr. Turk of Lake View, and Page Smith. George Roesslein of the "Flats" spent Thursday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Harvel visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bacon Sunday afternoon. John Blomgren, Mrs. E. Anderson and Mrs. Sigrid Blomgren were recent supper ajici evening guests at the George Lundgren home at Wauconda. Mr. and Mrs. LaDoyt Matthews and Miss Myrtle Darrell of Crystal Lake and Elmer Esping of Moline spent m* ^' Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Willard Darrell. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bacon and children, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse and daughter, Fiances, and Mr. and Mrs. William Davis attended the fair at Jefferson last Friday. Callers r last week at the W. E. Brooks home were M. H. Detrick and, Mr. Palmer of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Meyers and son of McHenry, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Gilkerson and children of Grayslake, Mr. and Mrs. George Jepson and son, Gerald, and Mrs. Lillie Toynton and daughters, Neva and Mrs. George Harris and children of Wauconda, and Mr. and Mrs. Al Jones of Williams Park. Harry Matthews was a business caller at McHenry last Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. "Ferdinand Thurough and children and Charles Tegtmeyer of Crystal Lake were Saturday evening callers at the- Wayne Bacon home. Lloyd: and Milton Dowell of RoseviV. e were Monday evening callers at the Ray Dowell home. Mr. and Mrs. George Lundgren and Mr. and Mrs. Axel Lundgren of Wauconda, Fred Etman of Chicago, and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lusk were recent supper and evening guests at the Blomgren home. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowell were v Sunday supper and evening guests at \ t h e h o m e o f M r . a n d M r s . E a r l C o n - J ,verse. « v Miss Freda Otta spent the week-end at the A. J. Amann home. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Brooks left Monday via auto for a month's visit with their daughter and family, at Mikkelson, S. D. Mr. and Mrs. Page Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Turk and Mr. and Mrs. Pitt of Lake View Villa, attended the Legion parade at Wauconda last Monday. Mrs. Sigrid Blomgren, Mrs. E. Anderson, Mrs. Willard Darrell, Mrs. Harry Matthews and son, and Mrs. F. B. Corr were entertained at the home of Mrs. Raymond Lusk, Tuesday afternoon. Those from here who attended the funeral of Mrs. Jane Johnston were Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brooks and son Chesney, Oates Phillip, Mr. and Mrs H. L. Brooks, Mrs. Clara Smith, Mr and Mrs. Joe Dowell, Mrs. Mary Dow. ell, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Darrell and Mrs. Harry Matthews. Mrs. Jane Johnston, a resident of Wauconda township for the greater portion of the past 58 years, passed away Monday of last week, at the Victory Memorial hospitat in Waukegan Although eighty-nine yeiptrs of age Mrs. Johnston had ei^Wed good health until a few weeks Vo when she had the misfortune to sfiffer broken shoulder in a fall. She was taken to the hospital and due to her advanced age couM not recuperate from her injuries. Although death aeemed imminent from the time she was removed to the hospital, her pass, jng came as a sad shock to those who tad known and respected. her for so Inainy years and the entire community Is grieved over so great a loss. Funeral services were held from the old. farm home, Mayor R. C. Kent of Wiauconda, officiating. She was laid to rest beside her husband in the family lot in Wauconda cemetery. An item in. a Chicago newspaper announces an exhibition at a museum of ancient chariots dug up in Mesopotamia. Sounds like another used car show,--Southern Lumberman. Silver-Marshal Shielded Grid Super-Heterodyne2 t AND 10 TUBE MODELS Operated direct from light socket--no batteries The machine which will get more distaif^e and sef^ ectivity than any other on the market today. If you want something better than your neighbor, don't fail to investigate this high-powered outfit. Let us demonstrate in yotir own home tonighf. "Service That Will Plea* You" Lay's Radio Next Door to Adams' Store Jaiwsburg^ rs.Xj.V».. *Y-'; 3 *, ' £W*:. ' a # ' V:*- ^ • .X; jtL ? ; |Re «l&m and wellaays the wise |f. fcf,C. V ' •Ojwijiuid for this the^ doctor asks no fee. , , * . v-N&r. Before $nd After? ' *r[ v Sanitary cleanliness isv-accomplished by our ^ modern cleansing methodjsX And our fee i# > ^-'vinoderate, you'll agree. sft ... ttFpr Appearance's^aici^ > PHONE I43W:K 4( :. „. v ANNA HOWARD tojCLEAHIHG &PKESSIN0 : BOLQER'S DRUG STO&! V "-fe ; .4" . •/ A Bank Account ' is YtfUr Protection iri Case of Fire Just think what it would mean to you, should you have a fire that would wipe out your home and all of your personal belongings, if you had a substantial balance in this bank upon which you could ©all in your time of need. Others have realized? too late, the adyantages of a savings account.. \^Jiy not profit by their experience! Start an account now and be ready. We pay 3% interest. Savings and checking depositors are invited to come In and exchange their ohf pass-hooks fer mar ones bearin^ike new name of the bank. OF McHENRY, ILL. 1 "What is the school of experience^ dad?" "It's the school that teach-- you to keep your month shut."--Kanaa* farmer. <>• • A triumph in individual be&ufy ... a refreshing" and radical departure front the tiresome commonplace ... a new style, a richer style, a more alluring style than the world has ever known! •- : .V.y--'--- THE S I L V E R 7 A N N I V E K S A K Y BUlChv Only on* «ompletd]r ntfi motor car style in the past twenty-four months--only one truly original and beautiful development in body design--and, as the whole «<ltb world realizes, it is the # T Silver Anniversary Buick witl^ MmiM* • piece Bodies by Fisher! Here is an entirely new scheme of body lines aqd contours--arresting new color combinations--matchless new interiors-- new appointments of comfort and convenience unapproached by any other automobile of the day! . Here is true distinction wedded to gtStte Jm good taste. Here is a new style--a richer style--a mod alluring style--than the md» tor world has jever knows. And here, too, is tremea- By Fuber dous increase in power, ia flexibility, in responsiveness --so outstanding as to amaze even those motorists who have long been familiar with Buick's superior performance. That is why America is according the Silver Anniversary Buick the most enthusiastic reception every enjoyed by any fine car. That is why this beautiftri new Buick has already become a country* wide vogue! OVERTON » CO WEN Buick Mptor Cars West McHenry, III f If• Bit... Bimi AOTOMO9X1418 Aft« BVIVf ...IVICI VIU BUILD TM11I M xt' • .