Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Sep 1928, p. 3

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• k i f >, i, t ^ - • , -v \i <>;* "a;.*; t?¥ \ * ><'•' • ' ' "V * ,, THE mvH£H&Y FLAtfflttSALSR, THTJRSDAY, SEPT. 20, llraff V LT---.' /t |Ms«e Bre*., Props|j . j wuqscss "V ?. 5>.i -„•?' General Automobile Repairingff 'J TeL 185 See. Phone, 639-R-2 " Call Us When You Want A Laundress! No laundress- can wash your week's washing through 600 gallons of rainsoft water, nor finish it in the sweetly fresh manner of the modern laundry. And yet laundry wash- ' ing costs no more . . . often less . . . than home washing Let us take over the burden of washday ... let us prove to , you that the laundry way is the .soundest economically »ii practically. Call us TODAY! C SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF THE CITY OF M'HENRY, ILLINOIS, TO LEVY A SPECIAL ASSESSMENT FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF A PORTION OF CRYSTAL LAKE ROAD AND OF MAIN STREET IN SAID CITY BY GRADING, CURBING, DRAIN, ING, PAVING, ETC. Notice is hereby given to all persons interested that the City Council of the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois, having ordered that a local improvement be made for the improvement of Crystal Lake Road from the Southerly corporate limits of the said City of McHenry to an inte^seci tion with a line at right angles with the Twic* , T o l d T a l e s Interesting &t« of News Takes From the Columns of the Plaiadealer Fifty and Twenty-five Years Ago \ ir 1#**4 The Laundry Does It Best f OAK TERRACE LAUND&JT / Dry Cleaners and Dyers JLiOeal Phone, McHenry 271 A , 'r & ". $lkphone Highland ftark J 34^7 and 3488 -• * »»»»»# n Announcing the Reopening s * °f '£ v Palace Bowling -Alleys Saturday Evening, Sept. 15 Our splendid alleys have been completely re-surfaced by professional men and none better can . be found anywhere. a*e requested to arrange their schedule at the •> ; earliest possible moment^ bo tfcat dates may be f" kept open. Weekly Prises for W • The ladies are invited to again , schedule for ,thie coming season. J / x * _ _ center line of said Crystal Lake Road extending through the intersection of the Northerly street line of Main Street with the Easterly street line of •said Crystal Lake Road, and that portion of llain Street lying within the street Tines of the said portion of Crystal Lake Road and not included in the roadway thereof. And Main Street from the Easterly street line of Crystal Lake Road to a line "5.0 feet distant from and parallel with the center line of the Westerly track of two tracks of the main line of the Chicago and Northwestern Railway crossing said Main Street, ex- J cspt that portion lying between lines i 5.0 feet distant from and parallel with j •he center line of the switch track of; the Chicago and Northwestern Rail-j w ay crossing said Main Street, by ad-j justing all existing manhole covers,; grading and preparing the subgrade to receive the hereinafter described pavement, grading and leveling earth shoulders, and by paving the said roadways with a Portland cement conciete pavement, all in the said City of McHenry, as provided for in and by an Ordinance passed by the City Council of the said City on September 7th. 1928, and approved by the Mayor on September 7th, 1928, entitled "An Ordinance for paving a portion of Crystal Lake Road and Main Street, n the City of McHenry, McHenry c r u n t y , I l l i n o i s . " The Ordinance f o r j the same being now on file in the office: f the City Clerk of said City of { McHenry and having applied to thej County Court of McHenry County for! an assessment of the costs of saidj improvement according to the benefits and assessments therefore having been j made and returned to said Court, which assessment is divided into ten (10) annual installments, bearing int-' erest at the rate of six (6rA ) perl cent, per annum^the final hearing' thereon will be held on the 1st day of October, A. D., 1928, at the hour of ten o'clock A. M., or as soon thereafter as the business of the Court will permit. All persons desiring may file objections in said Court before the said day and may appear at the hearing and make their defense. Dated at MlcHenry this 12th day of September, A. D., 1928. MAYME HARRISON, Person appointed by the Board of Local Improvements to spread the assessment.. IL16-2 SPRING GROVE Alfred Richardson motored to the city Friday. Bud Volt of Geneva, 111., assisted in .the bank during his absence. Mrs. Bea Pierce and daughter, Flo* ence, of Richmond called here Saturday morning, the latter going on to Fox Lake to meet her father, Warner Pierce. Miss Regina Kattner left \h® first of the week for the city, where she will spend the winter. Miss Alvina Engles, who has been spending the summer at the Bay and Chicago, is enjoying a few days vacation. Raymond Pierce o£ Richmond spent SEPTEMBER 1878 Tuesday night with his cousin, Clar- * ence Pj^rc6 The wife of Richard Grant died of m-o u„« . , , consumption S.turdw night U»t. «J Ohio, i, spending . f/w^kThTre irtr th~ch,ldr"" is&'&asr m*"'" Ato»- r ! Just „ we fo to press we lea™ j CtorKe Zomstorff, Fr'c(, R,,chi Li 12!fi I.'Eh T8S T'T Rwilfc, be held at Woodstock on the af- i ,sch "nd« •„ «• uil UK_ h o, f Wi,lm, ot .« 1 ternoon of S«t»rd.y, Oct. 5. GeneWt STl?. ^ J JI j John A. Logan and Mhers will be pres.! *" * l°*d °f PM<*M bn"« 'SL"S5ri.<m *1 ""'"I Mike entertained the ^ Afternoon Euchre club Wednesday. We saw at the Central Market of Mrs. Charlie May and mother, Mrs. W*2!: ®n M°ndy ,a8t\80™e °/ ^ J. Freund, were McHenry callett finest beef we ever saw ,n this town. Friday and had dental work done t was a five-year-old cow and to say, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gobe and that she was fat does not express >t. Richard, erijoyed a week.^ vacation at The k,dneys we.ghed 43% pounds | Woodstock, returning home Friday. \*e learn from the Beers that an, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Qxtob Jere infant child at the settlement was Rlchmond callers Frida bitten by a rat one day last week and Sweet t Mond and quite severely injured. The child was Tuesday in the city. asleep m the cradle, its hand hangmg Mr. and Mrs Math Ni „n have over the side when a largerat sieved a new fordor Ford which th are en. it by the hand and despite the screams joying of the child hung on until driven away ^ Esch and fathe ^ by the mother. The doctor was caHed were Riogwood caUers Mond and dressed the wound, and it is hoped The ,atter is p!anning make h\s ithe mother killed the rat. | },ome jn Rjngwood again. SEITEMBER, 1903 i Mr. and Rfrs. James Fouljte and Butter was declared firm at 21% two sons, Lowell and Robert, attended cents. Fifty tubs of Dundee were the fair at Union Grove, Wednesday sold to Kilboume at that place. evening. The streets of McHenry are in very Mr. and Mrs. George Hoff are the bad shape at present. A little gavel proud parents of a fine baby boy, born would do no harm. t ^Thursday. He will answer to the name Have you noticed how the old fences of Louis William. are disappearing ? Quite an improve- j Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Richardson and ment to the village, isn't it? J son, Bobby, spent Tuesday evening in The front of M. J. Walsh's store is the home of Mr. aftd Mrs. Chester being treated to a coat of paint, the Stevens and family. ' color.'plainly showing the nationality j Miss Fanny Bretz of Wilmette was of the occupant. That's right, M. J., a Wednesday guest of her parents, show your colors. j Mr. and Mrs. William Bretz. John Niesen has discontinued his! Mr. and Mrs. Seliam Pierce and son, | blacksmith business on account 6f poor Gerald, motored to Woodstock Wedhealth. The old shop on Water street, nesday afternoon. adjoining Buch's new building, has: Mr. and Mrs. Mike Dagon of Kenobeen razed, giving that part of the: sha Were Sunday evening callers at street a better appearance. the home of Math Nimsgem. They The Borden Condensed Milk Co. has spent the day with Mrs. Katherine commenced operations on a new ice Nimsgem, and family. house at their plant in this village, the i Louis Hoff returned to his work present structure being too small. The in the city, after a three weeks' va4anew building will be located just north tion. r HENRY V. SOMPEL General Teaming1 Sand, Gravel and Coal for Sale Grading, Graveling and Road Work Done By Contract or By Day Phone McHenry 649-R-l P. 0. Address, Route 3 McHenry, 111. •. • * " , ; ' " a 126-W Rea^ A. H. SCKAEI DrayJ^r McHENBY - ILLINOIS C. W. KLONTZ, M. D. Physician and Surgeon (Also treating all diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat and the Fitting of Glasses) OIBee Hours--8 to 9 a. m>. 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. m'Sundays by Appointment Office at Residence, Whukegan Road. Phone 181 McHenry, 111 losore-- In Sure-lnsormce WITH Wm. G. Schreiner N -1' Auctioneering OFFICE AT RESIDENCE Phone 9S-R McHenry, Illinois McHENBY GRAVEL & EXCAVATING GO. , A. P. Frennd, Prop, Soad Building and Excavating of Every Description Estimates Furnished oip^? Request High-grade Gravel Delivered at any time--mrge or small orders given prbmpt attention. Phone 204-M ( McHenry WM. M. CARROLL Lawyer (NRce with Kent A Coapaay Every -Wednesday Phone 8 McHenry, Illhieie - » ' /-T-jfi ' Telephone Net 1M-R *-•#' Stoffel & Reihansperger Insurance agents for all classes ef property in the best eompaaiea. WEST McHENRY - - ILLINOIS of the present house and will be 60x 90 feet. Messrs. B. Nordquist, John Heimer Thursday evening |ir. and Mrs. F. J. Wagner entertained a few friends at their home. Cards furnished the and John J. Buch have purchased of! amusement. Those present were Mr. ' / If ft --because ^Distinctive Beauty Formance --^Amazing Economy nu Cmm The j* lEhe COACH •585 "495 ..•59S .,.•675 TWCMwdblt SB5--....*69S . IMUn *526/ (Duuw Omly) t^M DeU^rr *375 (Cli nmii Omly) MfricM f.'o.b.NM Week after week and month after month the Bigger and Better Chevrolet has swept . on to greater and greater heights of popularity--until today it stand* acknowledged ^everywhere a* first choice of the nation Cor 1928! Never has any Chevrolet enjoyed such overwhelming public acceptance--for never has any low-priced car prov. vided such an outstanding combination of distinctive beauty, thrilling performance ^td amazing economy! rs Its beautiful bodies by Fisher-- • long, low and racy* and finished in colors that reveal to-day's ' mode for smartness and indi' viduality--are far in advance of accepted standards in the field of low-priced cars. Inside " ' V - and out they prove anew that Fisher craftsmanship Is a thing apart. But Chevrolet performance is no less impressive than Chevrolet beauty and style. Never before was a low-priced car so easy to handle--for the steering mechanism is fitted with ball bearings throughout ... the clutch and gear-shift lever respond to the slightest touch ...and big non-locking 4- wheel brakes give a measure of braking control that is more than equal to every occasion. Come in and see the car that has won the approval of more than three-quarters of a million buyers since January 1st. Learn for yourself why it is scoring the greatest success of this great automotive year! -I' ? i w Wtft McHrarjr Oh Q U A L I T Y A T , X O . W C O S *- ^ • I ' ' - 5^ • , •• Chris Steggmann, the tract of land lying on the east side of the river adjoining Rosedale, consisting of 13-81 acres, the price paid being $1,400. We have not heard for what purpose the land is to be used, but it's a cinch that neither one of the three gentlemen will go to farming. A deal was closed the latter part of last week, whereby W. F. Halts became the possessor of the west side livery, having purchased the same of Mrs. Ella Lamphere, and taken possession the first of vne week, both liveries now being under one ment. TERRA COTTA Miss Alice Leisner is visiting relaves in Chicago this week. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Doherty of McHenry were guests at the home of M. Knox, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wilcox of Chicago visited at the home of Philip Huffman, Sunday. Thomas Bernston of Elgin is spending the week at the home of B. J. Shine. Edward Knox and son, Thomas, of Chicago, called on relatives here Sunday. Nels Person of Chicago spent Sunday with his wife here. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Powers and famiy visited at the T. A. Bolger home, Sunday. Misses Florence, Mabel and Marie Knox called on relatives in Woodstock Sunday. Miss LaNette Covalt of Crystal Lake is visiting with Mrs. Nels Person. Raymond J. Riley spent the weekend at„t)shkosh, Wis. Mrs. M. Kirby of Aurora and Mrs. Edward J. Knox and daughter, Patricia, of Sycamore, visited at the home $f M. Knox last Wednesday. Mr. ^and Mrs. Louis AinswortH of New York spent Monday apd Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Henry McMillan. Harold Knox called on relatives in Elgin last Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Edward K^il and Mr. jmd Mrs. Clarence Keil of Peoria visited at the home of Henry McMillsn, Sunday. W. F. Burke of McHenry called on relatives here Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Pierson and fiie letter's sister, of Peoria, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry MeMillan, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sund and daughter of Carpentersville visited ith r e l a t i v e s here Sunday. Frank Doherty epent a few days this ireek with relatives here. Howard Phalin of Rochester, N. Y., and Miss Eleanor Phalin of McHenry, were callers in this vicinity, Monday. I sell farms--Dan Quintan CPHEsrasnus and MrS. Frank May, Mir. and Mrs. Joe Kattner, Mr. and Mrs. Math Nimsgem, Mr8. Mary Freund, and Mrs. Frances Freund. A dainty lunch was served. Ladies' prizes were won by Mrs. M. Nimsgern, first, and consolation, Mrs. Lillie May; gentlemen, Joe Kattner, first, and Math Nimsgern. consolation. Bowman's Milk contains the food elements that help hjlild bpvs into big, healthy men. A phone call to 660-R-V will assure yon receiving a fresh supply each «ay. We handle nothing but Bowman's Pastenxiaid •fed Degreed Products 1 .Community Dairy ; Ben J. Smith, Prop. 'm 'M No Home Is Modern with' out an Automat'ic Water Heater Customer: "These eggs aren't fresh." Grocer: „ "The boy just brought them from the country." Customer: "What country?"--The Open Road. ere rest the bones Of Emily Bright; jphe put out her left hand And turned to the light. % t. 2 3 •# CLEANING 18 EASIER with plenty o/H9T WATER Now you can have all the hot water you need for cleaning. Enough for scrubbing and window washing. Plenty for kitchen and bathroom needs. Install this remarkably efficient and economical Automatic Gas Hot Water Heater. Bujr now at a big saving. Special low price for a ^ short time only. Come in today. See it. , Balance on easy install ments on your monthly DOWN gas service bill. WESTERN UNITEF) WGAS*-. ELECTRIC COMPANY.L/ •.Warn B. J. CQKgfAY =2^

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