• ... .- >• "•' ': :A • ' -n ••v*. •"•' i t ! u l j b i { - , • * { • - » * ) j«*-jv„ •• -. ' 'Tf MHXNRYPLAI , THURSDAY, SEPT. 20, 1928 k% . ryv 7^^ 't >. ---v A f e W : . v i a - 1 i, 'y* -' ^2L Z .'IJ':**;.1, - ^ .Jj City A Qood City in Which to £ivei ,This w,ekWe °°nti,ra«the ^toncal sketch of tlM early day* of our oity, showing who were lome of the pionetn, ttieir &rtiYiti*»in and several of the happenings way back years ago. The continued story will be carried on each week. \ :r^ . i / • * ., Tll^3erifS !f ma.de possible * *• Progressive busiMss Arms whose ads appear on this page. Each on^itMs'squaJeiy fir a Bigger and Bnter com «3 -"•m l™m"" * - •"" •?*-- T---» «•??%•« m 'W-: Save the Tickets for a set of Penn China We are giving a ticket with each 10 cents worth of family wash. -Let us demonstrate what we can do on family wash and be sure to save the tickets. Phone 189 and our wagon will call. McHENRY LAUNDRY L. V. Adams, Prop. i-.fi* N McHenry Artificial Ston# Company MASpN CONTRACTORS v " * ' ' ' All Kinds of Building Material ' Office Phone 257 . McHenry, Illinois JAMES E. BE A VIS Cleaning, Altering, Pressing denterville McHenry, Illinois New Furnaces or Furnace Repairing Wecan save you money on a new furnace or repairing your old oi||lL Estimates cheerfully given. Give us a call. > JOHN J . VYCITAL GENERAL HABDWAEE PtHJue 98-M . Green Street Jantxen Swimming Suits Mallory Hats Ray McGee Home of Hart Schaffner and Marx FIcrsheim Shoes - if. Wilson Bros. Shirts Come to the AGATHA SHOP A Gift far that new babv---A Flower to perfect your new gown or coat or one to brighten the old--Something to Embroider -- Your Prizes -- Tallies-- Hose -- Handkerchiefs -- 'Lingerie -- Luncheon Sets -- Towels -- Aprdns -- Umbrellas Stationery Blue Rose Toilet Articles -- Book Ends -- Glassware -- China -- Potteryt--Waxed Flowers -- Trays -- Lamps -- Pictures -- Mottoes -- Lards -- Hemstitching. / Visit Our New Store on DRIVE r &> © and wlien you need anything in the^line of r PLUMBING, HEATING, OR ELECTRICAL WORK let us figure oh the cost before placing the cop* tract. We employ experienced workmen and guarantee satisfaction. " v.- fi / •'; H. E. Buch v**ne 48 McHenry tAELY DAYS IN M'HENBY (CONTINUED FROM LAST WEEK) At the first election held in this county on June 1, 1837, the whole number of votes cast was 115. The election was for county officets and it was held at the store of Hiram Kennicott, near Half Day, on the DesPlaines river, within the present limits of Lake county. V In 1838 the county chose its first representative to the legislature, electing Dr. Richard Murphy, Democrat, over Giles Spring, Whig, by a considerable majority. The convention which nominated the successful candidate was held on the first Monday in March, 1838. About sixty delegates were* present, among whom were the following from McHenry county: William M. Jackson, Proctor Smith, William Sponable, Russell Diggins, S. Canfield, William A. McConnell and A. B. Coon. The county was solidly Democratic from its infancy until 1856, when the impending crisis changed the majority to the Republican side. In 1839 on a vote for county officers,, the number of ballots cast was 368, showing a rapid growth in two years. In 1840 the population of the county was 2,578; in 1850, 14,978; in 1860, 22,089; in 1870, 23,762 and in 1880, 24,908. The population of McHenry township in 1850 was 1,176* in 1860, 2,042; in 1870 1,988, and in 1880, 2,313. The population of the village of McHenry in 1880 was 874. The population of some of the other villages in the same year was. Woodstock, 1,475; Harvard, 1,607; Marengo, 1,264; Crystal Lake, 546; Nunda, 388; Huntley, 505, and Richmond, 464. Some of the manufacturing statistics of the county in 1880 are: Number of establishments, 214; capital invested, $519,329; male employees above sixteen years of age, 354; females above fifteen years, 127; children and youths, 215; amount paid in wages, $113,869; value of materials, $1,062,788, and value of products, $1,496,242. There were seventeen wagon manufactories, forty-one cheese and butter factories, twenty flour mills, three pickle factories, and eighteen harness shops, besides several other kinds of enterprises. The boundary lines of McHenry county were changed many times before the present county boundary lines were established. By an act of the legislature, approved Jan. 16, 1836, the territory now comprising McHenry and Lake counties was formed into McHenry county, a commission to locate the county-seat was appointed and June 1, 1837, was set apart as an election day for the choosing of county officers. Of course every important settlement in the county desired to have the seat of justice for its possession. Therefore. Independence Grove, now Libertyville, Half Day, McHenry, Crystal Lake and Fort Hill each urged its claims to the honor. The 1 commissioners, after examining the various competing points, on May 10, 1837, fixed upon McHenry as the county-seat, it being near the center of the county as then constituted. McHenry county then contained thirty congressional townships and a small population, most of which was east of Fox River. From the organization of the county until the adoption of the township system in 1850, the duties now devolving upon the board of supervisors were discharged by three commissioners, who fixed the rates of taxation, granted mercantile, tavern and ferry licenses, Established rates of toll and prices for entertainment, ordered roads, formed election precincts. appointed county and municipal officers and exercised general supervision over all county matters. The Commissioners' court met in 1837, elected Andrew S. Wells as county treasurer and divided the county into election precincts. The village of McHenry was in Fox precinct and this extensive precinct comprised more territory than the fktk of the present county of McHenry. * (TO BE CONTINUED NEXT WEEK) BUCH'S PLUMBING AND ELECTRICAL STORE The H. E. Buch plumbing nd electrical store on Riverside Drive is one which stands for a bigger and better community and is a modern and up-to-date establishment of which McHenry may be justly* proud. In the early history of the first, years of our city there is no mention of any plumbing or electrical shops such as this one. Why ? Because the modern conveniences and comforts such as furnaces, electric lights, bath rooms and other similar appliances were then unknown and unthought of. But today it is necessary to keep abreast of the times and their rapid advancement and in view of this Mr. Buch erected a fine new store building on Riverside Drive in*° moved his place of business last May. Mr. Buch's plumbing shop had been one of the busy spots on Green street for ten years until his removal to his own building near the river. Here e carries a full display of Crane bath room fixtures electrical fixtures and appliances, including Hot Point irons and toasters, the popular Frigidaire refrigerators, Majestic radios, Maytag washing machines, Mey. ers electric pumps, oil burners, Mueller furnaces and everything necessary in the plumbing line. • J*1"- ,Buch ('°es everything in the line of plumbp j electrical work, employs experienced workmen and guarantees satisfaction. He has had many years o, experience in his line of work and in l 40 vi8,t,his new store and look ov.r hi. stoc k before yon place a contract. To Our Friends and Customers On and after Wednesday, August 15th, 1928, the Fox i Biver Valley State Bank will be known as /the-^itizens State Bank of McHenry, Illinois. - Check books bearing the new name of the bank are-- gady^for delivery and can be obtained by callingjit the; Citizens State Bank ' OF M'HENRY, ILLINOIS ^ itifvinga and checking depositors are invited to comfl their old pass books for new ones bearing the new name of the bank. HEAT A PLENTY _ v . For Tow Hon* It is easy to banish Chilly Corners,, make every room comfort** ble and livable and save coal and money, too. Let us show you the right installation lor your home and give you a figure on a heating plant that will give you the comforts you bav« been wishing for. ' ; WM. H. ALTHOrPSDWI. • 5 Hardware, Pafcata, Oils, Sportinc Good*.^Protane Bottled Gas West McHenry, 111. . Phone tS-J Before You Place Your Order For TIN and COPPER WORK OR FURNACES Let Ua Give You Ofr Estimate .. - All work is personally supervised by Jotpri^. !&&>. / i « *'• The best in quality,-service and prices. BRDA'8 HARDWARE Tel 161 Green St. McHerity I N S U R V When or where or how fire may visit you and destroy iti a few hours or less the results of years of eifort, none can tell. The safe way to protect yourself from such loss is through the use of the various insuranoe plans we have for covering such losses. The cost of total coverage is <*t high. , '! Phone 8 KENT * COMPANY JflcHenry 1.1,1 II .II MIIj* H*. . • ! M. » j , •: THE JOY OF LIVING Full of |6y of living itfe healthy people who eat at BICKLER'B ' 'McHenry We serve nothing but the very be»t of foo^L, » tfte ki^d tlwi"feelfpli t^em healthy. • ^ / ' • $. , , . ; SPECIAL FISH DIN^EiS FRIDAY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SPECIALS RAISINS, Del Monte Seedless, 15-oz. pkg. --10^ RICE, Fancy Blue Rose, ^ lh*- 25# ? % RED SEAL HOP FLAVORED |jALTt &M.I --:49^ |' BOTTLE CAPS, grow. --19^ rV j MINCE MEAT, wet, 1 lb. jar ?--^28^ E06 NOODLES, Savoy brand, pkg. JOHN Here Is Yuor Chance To Secure PENN CHINA? Ask lis--Save Our Cards--They Are Valuably J One Ckrd With Each 25c Purchaae PLEASANT VEEW SERVICE STATION J George Troyke. Prop. • SHELL PRODUCTS EXCLUSIVELY Light Lunches, Refreshments, Cigars, Cigarettes On Route 20, West of N. W. Tracks West McHenry, IllinQi« Special Bargains in Used Instruments 1 Baldwin $450 piano at ^...$100 1 Oulbranaen piano, like new $250 1 Walworth piano at $35 1 Trombone, with case $10 ' Phonographs at .$20 Radios Complete at $15 and Upwards f$ye Jewelry, Mu$ic and Radio Shtt|) Phone 123-J West McHenry, 111. In New Quarters and Ready lor Business An up-to-date, fully equipped automobile and truck repair shop awaittri customers in need of anything in our line. Expert mechanics, satisfaction ffiiffiftjpteed. Give us a trial. WILKINSON A MEIER .. "•$;•«£.'/•..-.•ry . v * Service "K" Station On Route 61, Near Mill Pond Bridge "We Make No Excuses--We Make Good" i C.U..