Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Oct 1928, p. 4

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ipagppi. 1 V%' - -. 0,y{ v "'\ -h-V. *f"Tf,pv " I*"*. ?. 1 y , * y S 3 f r ^ :'i ' ' *•' • .""£ •• •' '" ' V "• ' , ^ " ' , | "n" THE M'HENRY PLAINDEALIR, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4,1928 [£?* f£ THE M'HENRY PLAIN DEALER |fvv" Published every Thursday at McHeitfy, 111., by Charles P. Renich. V v Entered as second-class matter at, the postoffice atMcHenry, Bl., un- V^%r the act of May 8, 1879; • Six Months Subscription Rates Tear .$2.00 fkiW1 «••• j $1.00 A. H. MQ6HF.R, Editor and Managw HA WTHORNE-S ANGER NUPTIALS SEPTEMBER 26 5^ Redding of much interest was ' .Celebrated at hifjh noon, Wednesday, 26, at the Chicago Temple, when f' * '"JUSts Arlyne Marie Hawthorne, only ' ' ; daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward 'Hawthorne, of Hebron, became the t»ride of Rev. Raymond Sanger, of f; .Hebron. 7 The itapressive double ring seiVice ;^vas read by Dr. J. Hastie Odgers, ..superintendent of the Chicago North- \ trn District, of the Rock River conference of the Methodist Episcopal , church, the only witnesses were the , , father and mother of the bride and Mrs. Odgers, wife of the officiating clergyman. The bride was lovely in a gown of golden brown transparent velvet, with hat and slippers to match. She wore a fox scarf, and a shoulder bouquet of sweet peas. l$e groom wore the conventional attire. They were unattend. "" . -- • Immediately following the ceremony » three-course wedding luncheon was served the above named, who com- TWO YOUNG LADIES FINISH LONG TOUR (« Vint inued from Front Page) through the gorge and embraced much wonderful scenery. Tree 4,000 Years Old The journey then led into California, where Sacremento, San Francisco, Los Angeles and all the principal cities were viaited. At San Francisco they visited Yosemite Park, the home of the mammoth trees. The trees are of the sequoia variety among which is the third oldest tree in the world said to be 4,000 years o]jj and known as the Grizzly Giant. The tree is so large that twenty people with arms outstretched can just reach around it and if cut through three cars could pass .through it at one time. There are also many beautiful lakes and f*ills which' are a feature of the park, Glacier Point was also visited. They stopped at Hollywood and from San Diepro they crossed the border irised the wedding patty .t the Hotel »"<l * Tiajuana Mexico. This i o-ii. | city, which is seventeen miles over the border, is noted for its beverages and has the longest bar in the world, which is one block long. Across the desert they reached Phoenix, Ariz., and visited the Grand Canyon, which they thought one of the most beautiy " "W*' vV 4'- ', CLASSIFIED . i AD/ERTISEMENTS USE THE CLASSIFIED COLUMNS FOR QUICK RESULTS ii i i ----mm• i . , FOR SALE FOR SALE--Richtex7 electric vacuum -- cleaner, good as niwr, $15. B. Popp, FOR SALE--Early Ohio home-grown phone 162, West McHenry. 16-tf potatoes, $1 per bu. delivered. Henry WAI> , W. Ahrens, West McHenry. Tel. SALE--Cabbage at one cent per gg_jl , pound, and potatoes at $1.00 per bu FOR SALE--Hard coal stove and ^ 8' > small hot blast, both in good condi- «E' tion. Ray Conway. Phone 167. 18 ^ Peter May, % mile south of WANTED Solon 17-8* » FOR SALE--23 ft, V-bottom, Hacker WANTED-To rent 4 or 5-room house" design, mahogany runabout, powered flat> unfurnished, by Nov. 1. Phone with F-6, 125 hp. Gold Cup Scripps • motor, complete equipment, first class condition. Boat can be seen at the FOR RENT Fox River Valley Boat Co., McHenry, ROOM FOR RENT--Inquire Mrs. Ed- 111. Bargain to quick buyer. 18-tf wards, John Blake place, Pearl and SEED CORN FOR SALE--$1.00 per *ICourt streets. , ( 18-tf LaSalle. The bride of this happy union is one * of Hebron's most charming young ladies, a graduate of the Hebron high school, and of the Northern Illinois .'.jStafe Teachers' College, of DeKalb, Vi^nd for the past three years has-been very efficient instructor in the Thayfr district school. ; • The groom has been the pastor of ^ilphe Hebron and Alden charges for the - 'j.jpaft two years, previously being as- ' i . 'Signed to the McHenry and North prairie charges. He is a graduate of T*i r%e East Denver, Cok>., high school, bu. if taken at once. Can have pick FOR RENT--The N. H. Petesch resiout of 5,000 bu. This is all raised on dence, 7-room hous^ and bath; two the little chicken farm which is for car garage. Rent $40. 18* sale. Mrs. Joe H. Justen, McHenry, HI. * 18 GARAGE FOR RENT--Inquire at the FUR COAT FOR SALE-- Lady's Plaindealer office. 14-tf Princeton University, and the Garrett ™!; wJ*hJ°°ks '*e » ri t bb»" v|he"™E™al Seminary,of Chicago, lit- «•"•» 300 feet and H Jing himself for the ministry and in Vhich chosen profession he has showed . i marked degree of ability and while j evenmg tiredand much wiser, find- Sastor of the Hebron and Alden >"g that they had walked twelve miles, churches he has given universal satis- taking them all day as the climb up faction and is regarded with the very the almost perpendicular cliffs was a fcighest esteem by all who know him. and Mrs. Sanger have a host of friends who join at this time in wishbeautiful seal coat with mink, collar FOR RENT--Seveti-living-room flat, and cuffs, brand new and never woju, above store. Jos. W. Freund, West | size 38 or 40. Will sacrifice. Only McHenry. ' , 13-tf f 1 J J * . • V* ^ • ! $95- Call or Write, Mr. Brennan, " 1 ...... .... ' - ful and wonderful sights seen on the!riE t Htel H d m lg_4 HELP WANTED V journey. / | ' . -• . - • The steep walls of rock which rise | FOR SALE--Modern 7-room bunga- BIG BUSINESS FIRM OFFERS EMhigh above the Colorado River are j low on paved street, hot water hfeat, PLOYMENT We have a place for composed of the most beautiful shades i bath, electricity, gas, etc.; one-car several ambitious men in your localiand colorings, making a fairyland of] garage; located* one block from both ty to introduce and sell Heberling's color. The canyon is thirteen miles j Catholic churches. Lot *82 ft. wide. Big Line of farm and household neces- Price for quick sale, $6,250. Will sjties direct to the farm trade--quick take $500 down, balance terms. Roy sales--big profits--low prices--every Kent, McHenry. Phone 8. 18-tf home a prospective buyer--permanent Z ^ , and profitable work. Must have car. FOR SALE--Grapes. Call 607-M-l. Write today for free catalogue. 17-2^ ... G. C. HEBERLING COMPANY Bloomington, 111. across and one mile deep and the is in twentyeight feet deep. The girls hiked to the bottom of the canyon and returned at |pg the happy couple health, hap»i- [cj ;jfcess, and prosperity during their fjiredded life. fT As Rev. Sanger is expecting, to be fransfered to some new charge, the Residence of the newly weds will not |>e known until after conference meets |st the Morgan Park Methodist Episcopal church, next week. tedious one. Cliff Dwellings At the National Monument FOR SALE OR TRADE--My proper- Dept. 329, ty located in Champaign, 111., renting urToniPT t A wonna for $70 per month. Phone 118-J. J.J. WIObiliLIiAiifiU U o Marshall. 17-4 NO HUNTING OR TRESPASSING-- near CHANCE FOR YOUNG COUPLE, allowed on the farms of Stephen N. Flagstaff, Ariz., they saw the cliff $550 TAKES ALL--WORTH $3,000-- Schmidt, Ed. Fisher, Robert Knox and dwellings, which were rows of rooms Beautiful 3-piece parlor suite; 8-piece Edmund V. Knox. *18-5 cut in the rocks of the cliffs thought ^walnut dining room suite; 4-piece wal- • ' PERSONALS Misses Catherine and Alvera Wieingart spent Saturday in Chicago. A. E. Nye and Herman Ny« returned Tuesday from their motor trip through the east. F. L. Bonslett of Chicago was a McHenry visitor Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. James Boyle and daughters of Chicago spent the weekend at McHenry. Mrs. John Wiajsh, daughter, Bernadine, and sons, Robert and Howard, of Fox Lake were Sunday visitors in the home of the former's mother, Mrs. B. Frisby. Mrs. Mollie Givens and family were Sunday visitors in the Walter Warner home in Elgin. Little Audrey Warner, who spent the past two weeks with relatives here, returned home with them. jMiss Laura Unti will spend the week-end at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. Unti. She is attending St. Patrick's Academy at Desplaines, aod is allowed to visit home folks once a month. Notice of Meeting A meeting will be held at the city hall on Tuesday, Oct. 9, at 7:30 p. m. for the purpose of organizing a local Democratic club. Everybody cordially invited and urged to attend. , Attention, K. C. Members The next regular meeting of McHenry Council, K„ Of C-, will be held Thursday, Oct. 11. Installation of officers will be held Thursday, Oct. 25. EASTERN STAR V Next Monday evening^ Oct. 8, will ji> ;be Friends' night at McHenry chapter, Order of the Eastern Star. Each of- :: n ficer will invite a friend to fill her ii chair for the evening. '£>• On Thursday evening the worthy ! ,matron, Mrs. Belle Hankermeyer, , ^acted as chaplain at Union chapter at 4,jtheir worthy matrons' night. Those ii, jfrom McHenry who attended the naeet- ;*iinw were: Mrs. Ony Wheeler, Mrs. Eljbert Thomas and Mrs. Valesca Hoppe. v On Friday evening Nunda chapter at V^Crystal Lake observe their Friends' y ^ wight. At this time Mrs. Ony Wheeler /iacted as marshal and the associate J imatron, Miss Ariine Harrison, acted jas associate matron. Those from • iMcHenry chapter who attended the "(meeting in addition to Mrs. Ony Wheeler and Miss Ariine Harrison, were: Mrs. Calla^Perkins, Mrs. Emma Fay, Mrs^Mabel Johnson, Mrs. May me Haron, Mr.jand Mrs. C. W. Harrison and Mrs. Kthel Smith. On Saturday evening the associate matron, Miss^Arline Harrison, acted as secretary Vt^orth Chicago on their AdvancetKOfficers' night. Those from McHenry who/attended the meeting were: Mrs. Ony Wheeler, Mrs. Emma Smith, Mrs. William Bacon and .Miss Airline Harm6n. to have been made by a prehistoric nUt bedroom set complete, with spring NO HUNTING--Notice is hereby givpeople who inhabited this country be-1 and mattress; library table; 5-piece en that no hunting is allowed on the fore the Indians. The petrified forest j breakfast set; silverware; lamp; two Whiting farm, occupied by^ John near Holbrook, Ariz., was also a most 9x12 Wiltoti rugs. Must be seen to be P- Miller. Trespassers will be proseinteresting sight, with trees and pieces | appreciated. Will separate. Will ar- cuted. 16-6 of wood turned into stone. I range for delivery. 832 Leland Av- w ATKINS PRODUCTSHaving +ok- From Arizona the girls entered New , enue, one block east of Sheridan Road, Qver the - of th ^rfltkin8 pro. Mexico, a state of sage brush, cactus Chicago, 111. Phone Sunnyside 6190. d t j d ^ this and sand, where many Indians and, 16-4 LSJTUSS! I.!!**™ 2l! Mexicans were seen near their little •' -- huts and puemos. At Carlsbad, FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE--7-room Bradley' Sweaters "SUP U|TO A BRADLg? An old, saying, ^nd very good adviee. Buy the choice All Amterican Sweater^ It looks warm--and is warm. Looks like a million dollars and we sell it for ' ' J Smith Bros. 'A Home Owned McHenry, Illinois av V S«IEU)0f9»* Friday-Saturday Specials New Mexico, they visited the Carls- house with three lots, at Solon Mills, bad Cavern, said to be the largest cave, Wjll exchange for a house in McHen- 1n the world. It is composed of twen- ry* William Brennan, phone 221-J, ty-nine rooms, one of the largest McHenry. *5-tf rooms .being large enough to contain entire territory with anything in this line. Phone McHenry '54-J.. Earl McAndrews. 12-tf NO HUNTING--Notice is hereby given that no hunting is permitted on the old Baur farm, occupied by C J. Bend- FOR SALE - Seven-room modern er- ,. Vio.l ato, rs will be prosecuted achouse on Gnen street Will sell cordMlg law reasonable in order to settle estate. Inquire of Math M. Slake. Tel. 607- W-l. 84tf the White House. It was discovered 16-6 twenty-six years ago by a Texas cowboy and although it has been the property of the government for two years he still remains there and acts ^ . m guide. Tlfe hike through the «ve F0R SALE_Small chicken farm, beis seven miles long and requires 4 and 6 % mile from about five hours to make the tour with McHenry on Lake Geneva cement a stop at a cafeteria in one of the road Mrg Joe H JugteIlf Rte 3. TAKE YOUR Sewing Machine trouble rooms for lunch. At evening millions phone 611-J-1. 6-tf to B. Popp. West McHenry. Repairof bats may be seen emerging from the cave, flying around to return at sunrise to enter the cave again. A visit was made to Fort Worth, Typewriters Sales and Service. *", Repaired and Rentals, Prompt attention to phone calls. Phone 549. L. KILTZ, Woodstock 49-tf OCTOBER 6 to 12 None-Such Evaporated Milk, tall cans, each 9c Rinso, 2 large pkgs. 37c Gold Medal Flour, 24 l/2-lb. bags, each.,97c Fresh Fig Bars. 2 lbs. for 25c None-Such Fruit Jelly Assortment, full lb; boxes, each 49c None-Such Grape Fruit, in syrup, No. 2 cans each 26c Clover Hill Sliced Peaches, in heavy syrup, 8-oz. cans, each 10c Jos. J. Miller Prop. Pearl St. & Riverside Dr. Woodstock's Beauti ful Play Hous* DEPENDABLE USED CARS ON HAND 1925 Ford Coupe p ,........$100 200 ing done on all makes. Also fluff and rag rug weaving. Phone 162. 13-tf Texas, and Oklahoma City and then 1926 Ford Coupe homeward bound to Golden City, Mo.,' and from here to McHenry by way of Springfield, reaching home last j Saturday McHENRY - WAUCONDA MOTOR EXPRESS--We handle express to and 1924 Nash Tourin^rir™! 140 from ancago Qikago freight de1ic9o2f8i Cruh„e,v rowlet CoupLe 4lo9c5 partmen7t, 411 W. Superior St. Phone 919 VtT " 82-tf 1925 Nash Hi 2is-w- . , . . , . 11926 Dodge Sedan 495 TTJNE--and keep your piano tuned. The girl^ |1924 Reo 1-ton Express 176 Tuning makes your piano a musical 1925 Dodge Coupe ...... 325 instrument. Phone 274-J or write J. Easy Payment Plan H. Deihl, Woodstock, I1L 27-tf We have a complete line of trucks Deaths good weather and good roads, with the exception of the Texas mud which was very slippery. The travelers had a very wonderful trip, which will never be forgotten but lived over again many times. MRS. CHARLES SHALES Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Martin, Mrs C. E. Martin, Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Wattles, Mr. and Mrs. Arthtfr Whiting ani Mrs. E. E. Bassett were among those from McHenry who attended the funeral of Mrs. Charles Shales at Woodstock and Ringwood Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Shales died suddenly on Sept. 24 at her home at Woodstock, ' The deceased, who was 53 years old, was the daughter of Arthur and Antonette Whiting and was born at McHenry on Nov. 4, 1874. She was united In marriage to Charles Shales of Ringwood on Feb. 3, 1897. She is survived by her husband, two brothers, Bert of Portland, Ore., and Arthur of McHenry; two sisters, Dora, Mrs. Guy Graham of Fargo, N. D., and Lena M^ Mrs. Casper Krumpen of Richmond, 111. ^ Funeral services were held at the M. E. church at Woodstock on Wednesday afternoon of last week with burial in Ringwooj) cemetery. \ . Entertain At Cards Mr. arid Mrs. F. E. Cobb entertained several friends at a party at their home last Thursday evening. An hour early in the evening was devoted to the demonstration of electrical appliances for the home, after which five tables of bridge were played and first prizes were won by Mrs. A. C. Reynolds and A. L. Purvey, while Mrs. E. G. Peterson and Dr. R. G. Chamberlin carried off the second prizes. Refreshments were served and music and dancing were enjoyed until the guests departed in the wee small hours of the morning. Those who enjoyed the jolly evening were Messrs. and Mesdames A. C. Reynolds, Walter Walsh, A. L. Purvey, R. G. Chamberlin, Simon Mlchels, Ray Conway, James Sayler, A. J. Schneider, E. G. Peterson, and Mrs. Martha Page. /ij-tor openi lbwoddyj types. prices for dead animals. Telephone JAMES MORROW & SON Merrick's, Dundee 810-J-l Reverse Phone 1M West McHenry, HI. charges. Prompt service. 46-tf Mrs. Hutson 111 Mrs.^Ben Hutson is very ill at her home at Woodstock, sufferihg from a Ftroke with which she was stricken fin Monday. Mrs. Hutson, who is a sister of Mrs. J. C. Bickler of this exty was a former resident here. Don't fail to hear Judge Floyd E. Thompson at Justen's hotel tomorrow evening at 6:30 o'clock. Everybody Ds-H; G. ciuh *• The members of the D. H. G. club, entertained at a farewell dinner party in honor of Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Petecsh Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Goodell. A delicious dinner was -served at 7 o'clock, after which cards furnished the entertainment for the evening and prizes were awarded to Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Eddy, Mr ft. N. H. Petesch and James Sayler. A gift was presented to Mr.* and Mrs. Petesch, who left this week to make their home in Oak Park, after a residence of many years in McHenry. Hydrant Repaired** The hydrant at the cornel; of Pearl street and Richmond road has been repaired and is again in good working order. See the New Rayfield Oil Burner - - i ^'s silent, and entirely automatic. J?* Udies in-j Now on display at the H. E. Buch & ^ted. , Co. store on Riverside Drive. Evening Shows at 7 and 9 Matinees On Wednesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays, S p. m. SATURDAY OCTOBER 6 Bob Steele in "CAPTAIN CARELESS" also PATHE NEWS AND COMEDO SUNDAY - MONDAY OCTOBER 7 - 8 William Haines in "EXCESS BAGGAGE" also PATHE NEWS AND COMEDY No Park Bench Seal For the Saver If something unforeseen should happen tomorrow and you should lose your job--whatf Would you, because of lftck of finances be forced to give up your hotne and pleasant surroundings? Not if you take time by the forelock and start saving now while earning. Then you will have a bank account to care for you in time of need. | We pay you 3% interest on Savings Accounts Savings and checking depositors Igre invited to cope ill and exchange their old pass books for new ones bearing the new name af the bank. CITIZENS STATE BANK OF McHENRY, ILL. asiGiaDmoia ON THE STAGE SUNDAY FROM WLS CHICAGO LYRIC TRIO Singing and Instrumental Banjo, Piano and Guitar also The Sw&nee Songbirds HARMONY SINGING TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 9 - 10 8yd Chaplin l in % "SKIRTS" ALSO COMEDY ON THE STAGE WEDNESDAY FROM K-Y-W CHICAGO LOU ZOELLER Hm Great Composer Pianist |]g0 JANET BODWELL World's Smallest Prima Donna - THURSDAY and PRIDAY OCTOBER 11 - 11 ;*THE BUTTER AlTC> EGG MAN" Broadway's Biggest Laugh-Drama with Jack Mulhall and Greta Nissen PATHE NEWS--FABLES SPORTLIGHTS aamaaBHsaij o CO o c o Apples, Jonathan, Celery, per stock Fancy ^Canned Peaches, Pineapple and Pears, large can, each * Salmon, Libby's fancy red, tall can U • 3 D , ml .4 lbs 25tf „_10£ * 25d i: 29<* " * A Real Bargain! A f ancy colored shopping basket, containing 2 oars American Family soap, one bar Jap Rose soap, one bar Whitewater Castile soap and one 25c package American Family Soap FlakeSfj--. Regular $1.85 value, special I 99c Meat Spe^als ^Sm&U Pprk Lojns, per lb Pork Shoulder Roast, per lb.. 294 254 RIVERSIDE GROCERY & MARKET f * ALBERT BARBIAN, Prop. Phone'180 _ . ^Riverside Driye : * '!• •«' 1' i t O » » * *• • • • * * * » 4' < • <•» » 41' <•» » » » • » <• 4' <•» » » . M - ' i SUPER ATTRACTION I--? Marathon Dance NOW GOING STRONG Marathon To Continue During Boxing ANTIOCH PALACE One Mile South of Antioch Friday, October 5th 8:30 P. M. (Standard Time) 8 ALL-STAR BOUTS--FIGHTERS THAT FIGHT CHARLEY ZAHNALE, Highland Park, Jill., vs. MORT MAXEDON, Waukegan, Ilk, 128 pounds. ; Return. . E3I)Dlfe PEDDLE, Lake ForesiriU., vs. HENRY * MTTIRE, Qravshtkerlll., 116 pounds. FRITZ BEHRENZ, Lake Forest, III, vs. JOE DRINKA, North Chicago, 111., 155 pounds. LES DARCEY, Belle Plaine A. C., vs. TONY MANDELL, Sammy Mandell's Rockford Gym, 140 pounds. JIMMY MURPHY, Chicago, 111., vs. OLLIE OY, Sammy MandeU's Rockford Gym, 140 pounds. JIMMY CHASE, Tribune Golden Glove Winner, vs. CARL CONTI, Sammy MandeU's Rockford Gym, 113 pounds. BARNEY ROSS, Chicago, OL, vs. TED DOBSON Sammy MandeU's Rockford Gvm, 125 pounds. EDDIE BURKE, A. A. U. Champ Central States, vs. LARRY LEVETTE, A.;^. U. Champ ^orida, 1$0 pounds." j. { ADMISSION $1.00 t , MArathon Dance Started Saturday, September 22 HOW LONG WILL THEY GO? PUBLIC DANCING DAILY ' \ ' s . . o • i..

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