••'*',;> "' • / • ;<•*' y '.'- */.; "XTHUEiDAY, OOTOB^n 11, 1SJ< ' " * So Much Explained "With the moon directly abofi It ocean liner weighs ten pounds ISM at any other time." fie strip* the same way In the moonlight-- News. Furruturm Fog IHower vases often make whit* gpots or "fog" on the furniture. Remove this by wiping with a cloth wrong out In ammonia, dry thoroughly and polish with furniture polish. 8*7? *; Twlc« Told Tale* fntereMliig Bits of News From the Columns of tke Plain dealer Fifty apd Tweaty-five Year* Ac* UNTI BROS. confectionery Brick and Bulk Ice Cream Regular value 55c, Dollar Day, per quart Maple Nut,Vanilla,-New. York, Strawberry and Chocolate. This prifce is good for both Saturand Sunday. *• ' • CaUdy Special ; \ Johnston's and Bunte's Fancy Box Chocolates • S1.00__ $1.25„_ *#$1.50-- $1.75 _ 75^ .... 95^ $1.20 $1.40 OCTOBER 1878 Mrs. E. H. Bartlett, formerly Miss Laura Mayes, is now visiting her parents here. She resides at Marshalltown, la. The new. Methodist parsonage is fast approaching completion, and will be one of the finest residences in that part of town. Hanley & Sons are making some improvements in and around their mill, the most important of which is the widening fcnd straightening of the race above the mill, which will greatly increase their power. Our notice last week of the big corn husking feat near Wauconda has i brought out the experts in -that line, I and now we hear that A. Still, who WEEKLY PERSONALS COMERS AND GOERS OF A WEEK IN OUR CITY A8 Seen By Plaindealer Reporters and Handed In By Our Friends Mrs. Fred Breyer was a Chicago visitor Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Meyers were in Chicago Monday. Miss Theresa Karls of Chicago spent Sunday at her home here. Mr. Henry Vogel of Richmond visited with friends tyere Monday. Richard Stenger of Waukegan visited friends here over the week-end. Mrs. Roy Hankermeyer of Waoke- j gan was a McHenry visitor Monday. | Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Detrick were Chicago visitors the first of the week. Dr. and Mrs. R. G. Chamberlin saw the Cubs play ball in Chicago on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Richardson ,of Richmond visited with (friends here Monday. Miss Mabelle Wheeler is visiting with friends at Oshkosh, Wis., this j < > week. Mrs. Ellen Ensign visited with' friends and relatives at Richmond Sunday. | Misses Theresa Brefeld, Vera Buss Mr. and MTS. H. Durland and children of Chicago spent the week-end at McHenry. F. E. Martin and son, Clinton, E. A. Thomas and E. E. Bassett saw the ball game in Chicago Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schuenamann of Chicago spent the week-end with the former's mother, Mrs. John Schuenamann. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Althoff and family and Mr. and Mrs. William H. Althoff and family attended the golden wedding anniversary celebration of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Althoff, at Johnsburg, Sunday. ives east of this village, husked one and Mayme Buss were Elgin visitors Tueday. * Misses Ruby and Martha Peterson of Marengo visited with friends here Monday. Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Adams and fanr day last week one hundred and fortyfive bushels between sun and sun. OCTOBER 1903 John>Gibbs, who resides down near Burton's Bridge, and a friend from j ily visited at Trevor, Wis., over the Chicago, were nearly drowned in Fox I week-end. river last Wednesday and but for the Mr. and Mrg, Floyd Coleman of Chitimely arrival of friends would beicago were Sunday visitors in the Fred numbered among the victims of 1903. | Karls home. . . / They were returning to camp downj Mr. and Mrs. Louis Althoff were the river in a row boat, and in some; callers at Burlington, Wis., Wednesmanner when about a mile from thkjday evening. point where the party of McHenry "Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Eddy and m Adams Bros General Automobile Repairing Tel. 185 Res. Phone, 6S9-R-2 A Ce»»Mt Jttttty tf W< QfeHty AIvmjBaili«MF*§«?tag PriMg Every Da* «he Natfooal Way** Corner of Green and Elm Ste. Dollar Day Values . Saturday, October 13 'i , 4 1 ALL 15c CIGARETTES, CARTON f1.4A Dollar DR Y Price $1.20 m 50c 20<* $ DOLLARS DO DOUBLE DUTY DOLLAR DAY $ men were camping, the boat cap- ! sized. Mr. Gibbs, who by the way is an excellent swimmer, became entangled in a submerged barbed wire fence, making it impossible for him to move. The other man hung to a keg which had been in the boat, thus keeping his head above water. It is estimated by friends that the men must have been in the water over an hour before they were rescued. The Elgin butter market quotes the same price as last week on butter, which is 20% cents. For a consideration of $600, Joseph Heimer has purchased the lot on the river recently occupied by John Niesen's blacksmith shop. Mr. Heimer is now removing all the debris and will convert the lot into a small park for the comfort of hi6 summer guests. It will also make a great improve* ment to the street. Robert Schiessle is making more improvements on his corner this week. I The old barns at the rear of the hotel will be moved back to the rear end of ^tha lot. The old ice house that has been doing duty for thirty or more years is being razed and a large new one will be constructed where the barns now stand. { J? in riding co: " ' since balloon tires STUDEBAKER'S exclusive * • ' *" Ball Bearing v % Spring Shackles smart new I 1 i V at $1185 . has fhfm as , ^ f standard equipment Fox River Motor Sales DOHERTY ft RICHARDSOH Dm Street Phone 261 family were Marengo and Mooseheart visitors Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Kilday and Mr. and Mrs. Joe W. Rothermel spent Saturday in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Mat Karls and son, Bobby, of Chicago visited in the Fred Karls home Sunday. Miss Frances May of Woodstock spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Martin May. Mrs. Martha Stupfel of Woodstock spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Martin N. May. Mrs. A. Krause, Mrs. A. L. Purvey and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Rothermel were Elgin visitors Monday. Mrs. B. J. Brefeld and daughters visited in the John Brefeld home at Waukegan Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Adams of Austin were Sunday visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thurwell. Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Elliott , and children of Austin were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thurwell. Miss Viola Sayler of Woodstock spent the week-end with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Sayler. Mr. and Mrs. James R. Cox of Chi cago were week-end guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis MfcDonald. Mr. and Mrs. George Meyers and family of Woodstock were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Phil Meyers. F. W. Sayler and daughter, Viola, tf Woodstock were Wednesday edging callers at the W. A. Sayler home. Mr. and Mrs. Everett McClure and gam ily of Woodstock were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Louis McDonald. Miss Laura Unti, who is attending the St. Patrick's Academy at DMplaines, spent Sunday at her home here. Mrs. Ed Sutton, Mrs. Lou Schneider, Mrs. N. J. Nye and Mrs. Albert Vales |vere Waukegan visitors last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Newman spent Sunday in the home of their son, Charles Newman, and family, in Chicago. ' „ Mrs. Margaret Gillis and son, Harold, of Woodstock were guests in the Jjome of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Doherty (Sunday. , Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Covalt and daughter, Shirley, visited with their son at St. John's Military Academy, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Harrison of E\- gin visited in the home of the former's mother, Mrs. Alice M. Harri son, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Schoewer and Mr. and Mrs. R#" Howard attended the city series at the Cubs park, Friday afternon. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wightman of Lake Geneva, Wis., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Newman on Wed oesday* evening of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Fenton McEvoy and^ | children of Chicago visited in the* home of the former's parent!, Mr. jfmd Mrs. John McEvoy, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dowling and $iiss Phyllis Moulton of Chicago were rsts in the home of Mr. and 0. Gans over the week-end. ^ Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Goodell, Miss Ethel Jones and Master Warren Jone* {risited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn Jones in Chicago Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe VanBuren and, j Miss Mary Brefeld of Elgin ^ were {guests in the home of the latter s parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Brefeld, Sunf «y- _ . Jlr Mr. and* Mrs. George Hanly and f daughter, Gracte, and H» R. Bennett of* ®lgin were .Sunday Quests in the' Jiome of Mr. and Mrs. William A {Sayler. Fred Thurwell and Messrs. Fisher Itnd Hildebrand of Niles Center visited In the home of the former's toother, |tr. and MTS. Frank Thurwell, 8unday evening. Mr. and Mrs. William F. Rchmeling; find daughters, Joyce and Betty Ann* -fcnd Miss Gertrude Kopsy of Rockfordi visited in the Fred C. Schoewer homet on Sunday. Miss Evelyne Hacker of Chicago^ |and Miss , Buddy Smith of Oak Park i^pent the week-end at Justen's Hotel, ^dividing their time between horseback;, tiding at Colby's farm and visitingf **ith their friends in town. T H E WORLD NEW • 1> jlr The Jt OC vJ Naptha Soap 30 Bars $1.00 Libby's^r 4 Oans $1.00 Corn Van.2 , "ii 11 Cans $1.00 Campbell's LTlSeans 12 Cains $1.00 Milk Evaporated Tall 12 Cans $1.00 Peaches No. 2% 4 Cans $1.00 Pineapple No. 2 5 Cans $1.00 Buckeye Malt 2 Cans $1.00 Flour rinett Patent ,, ; " '24V« »• Bag 85C m • < » Chipso Quiclt Suds Lge. $1.00 *3 % DOLLARS DO DOUBL3B DUTY DOLLA&PAY $ f ALWAYS BIG VALUES ' . . . . •. . . AT NATIONAL TKA STORES --YOU* HANDY PANTRIES m - ^ jfiWr^-- ,• AND FINER MOTOR CAR • • • • 2916 more can than best previous July in Nash history ,#• . . ^ AUGUST •• 4498 more cart tihan best previous August in Nash history SEPTEMBER* 6176 more curr than best previous September in Nash histoiy ' r.fe* f the year, the peppiest car, the easiest steering car, the easiest riding car they've ever driven. L LL sales records for all rime have been broken by the New Nash "400". People everywhere are telling other people that the "400" is the finest car of the year, the smartest looking car of • Medrnm* fr--m 0»»S t. •.*. tmefryg Vte*mr*m» fr--I SJil f tltfl, t. 4kfc » NASH "400" JLemMt tMe WWW im Mm**r Cmr Wtmimt fiPOBTARf FEATIBEi-^O OTMMEH C4 * *4* TMMJM America has gone Nash-- no wonder/ The Nash price never bought so fine a aotu car before. tWi»-I|oitioo motor U Aircraft-type spank plosa High compretsioa Houdaille aad Lore^oy •hock absorbers Ns*I gfek>it Bodies Almnioum alloy pistoos (Immmr Slrmti) New double drop frame Toraiooal Wbndoa damper World's--* ISM WEERIF 74kris| cnokiUI 4MnrmUfM) Loo«er wlMelb^Ma One-pMC* Smkm Bii«ur oentralJaed chassis lubcicatipa Electric clocks „Cl ear s tTHoa UXMM Eittrior flMttlwtft. pillar poses ochidrowals e plassd over Wm r> Sr pecmy i^Pee^ SkxtanimiaiMv 1 George A. Stilling Garage t li'*: Mk't.