*%*• Mt* r'& THE M'HBNTY PLAIHTTMULIR, TFEV&8DAY, OCTOBER 11 | 1 HE M'HENRY PLAIN DEALER %/• - published every Thursday at McHenry, 111., by Chftrles F. Renkh. Entered as second-claps matter at the post-office at McHenry, 111., un- Aar the act of May 8, 187$. v • gf^,. Subscription RatM .-^v " I: W* Y«* ------ -- *....*2.00 'i-1 ' Sfar Moiitlis .....-- A. H. MOSHER, Editor and Muatw ' • -Vn a- - r " • * * * • • • > * I K ' t « . •w/ »£S ' CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS USE THE CLASSIFIED COLUMNS FC>R QUICK RESULTS FOR SALE WANTED V Send to The Plaindealer Relatives arid Friends Take advantage of the offer on Dollar Day, FOR SALE--Bed and dresser. Math WANTED TO BUY--Soft coal heater. Freund, McHenry. , , 19 Frank E. Ehredt, P. O. Ingleside, 111. FOR SALE--Two hard coal burners. TcL McHenry 632-R-2. 19 Emil Patzke, West McHenry. *19 YOUNG MAN--21 years old, wants ~~ " " " steady work on iakm; 10 years exper FOR SALE-- Lady's black velvet ience. Address Howard Chamberlain, plush coat, fur-trimmed; size 38-40. suj|ivan Wis. 19 Like new and never worn in McHenry. WANTED-- Experienced polishers $10. Mrs. Edwards^ Pearl and Court an<j buffer^. Apply in person. See Sts. « 19-tf Amundsen. Alemite Die Casting ~T~ and Mfg. Co.,i Oliver plant;..' Wood- FOR SALE--Complete two-tone dm- gt^jj m/ 19 ing room set, chairs in blue leather. !-- n' Good condition. Very reasonable for LOST quick sale. Inquire at Plaindealer office or call Richmond 485. 19 LOST--Wednesday afternoon, between ;--: ; Wauconda and Volo, brown leathei FOR SALE--Choice onions, carrots bag, containing valuable papers. Reand potatoes. Inquire of James Hav- ward. H. W. Boylan. Phone 217-W, erin, phone 614-M-l, Lily Lake. 19-4* McHenry. \ 19* FOR SALE--Early Ohio home-growr potatoes, $1 per bu. delivered. Henry W. Ahrens, West McHenry. Tel. 58-M. 1 18-4 FOR RENT FOR RENT--One 4-room and one 5-room furnished house; modern conveniences. Phone 156. 19 FOR SALE--23 ft., V-bottom, Hacker ROOMS FOR RENT--Mrs. Edwards, dfsign, mahogany runabout, powered pearJ and court i9_tf with F-6, 125 hp. Gold Cup Scripps , --i motors complete equipment, first class GARAGE FOR RENT--See Edwards, condition. Boat can be seen at the Pearl and Court Stsi . 19-tf Fox River Valley Boat Co., McHenry, ^ RENT_Fur„i.hed room, with 111. Bargain to quick buyer. 18-tt or ^ Mrs mmy Foss TOR SALE--Modern 7-room bunga- Court street. Phone 84-J. 19 low on paved street, hot water heat, FOR RENT--10-room house on Rivbath, electricity, gas, etc.; one-car erside Drive Modern> Call at John garage; located one block from both Stilling»8 Tire Shop. Phone 157. 19-tf Catholic churches. Lot 82 •ft. wide. Price for quick sale, $6,250. Will FOR RENT--Seven-living-room flat, take $500 down, balance terms. Roy above store. Jos. W. Freund, West Kent,- McHenry. Phone 8. 18-tf McHenry. - 13-tf FOR SALE OR TRADE--My properHELP WANTED ty located in Champaign, 111., renting -------------- for *70 ner month. Phone 118-1 J. J. BIG BUSINESS FIRM OFFERS EMMarshall. 17-4 PLOYMENT--We have a place for several ambitious men in your localim One Whole Year [52 si for o: $1,00 -'1W 'J ; ' " h J & ~ K, k • ,i ' t. i Renewals will not be % accepted at Dollar Day price FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE---7-room ty to introduce and sell Heberling's house with three lots, at Solon Mills. Big Line of farm and household neces- Will exchange for a house in McHen- gities direct to the farm trade--quick ry. William Brennan, phone 221-J, sales--big profits--low prices--every McHenry. 15-tf home a prospective buyer--permanent • and profitable work. Must have car. FOR SALE--Small rfiickcn form, be- Write today for free catalogue., tween 4 and 5 acres, *4 mile from q c HEBERLING COMPANY,.... McHenry on Lake Geneva cement j)€pt 329 road. Mrs. Joe Phone 611-J-l. H. Justen, Rte 3. 6-tf Blooming ton* ill. MISCELLANEOUS DEPENDABLE USED CARS ON NO HUNTING OR TRESPASSING-- HAND allowed on the farms of Stephen N. 1925 Ford Coupe $100 Schmidt, Ed. Fisher, Robert Knox and 1926 Ford Coupe ......... <200 Edmund V. Knox. *18-5 1924 Nash Touring 140 -- 1928 Chevrolet Coupe....... 495 NO HUNTING--Notice is hereby giv- 1925 Nash Sedan 495 en that no hunting is allowed on the 1926 Dodge Sedan 495 old Whiting farm, occupied by John 1924 Reo 1-ton Express ...*.^.^175 P. Miller. Trespassers will be prose- 1925 Dodge Coupe 325 cftted. , 16-6 . We comptoV Hnfof 'track. WATK1NS PRODUCTS--takin UV-ton and ll^ton in closed ot «n the Mle 0*th* Catkins Proopeti body types. d"ct8' ] *» now *£** J* ®erV.6 ^ JAMES MORROW & SON f.ntire territory with anything m this PhWw m West McHenry, 1IL l™e: /hone McHenry 6W.. Earl . McAndfews. 12-tf HASLET ASKSfOB TWILVB INJUNCTIONS , ,r AT THIS STORE 1T0U WILL FIND $ SAVINGS Hearings Will Be Had Saturday Morning Before fudge *v 1 s K. . * E. D. Shurtleff K\ ' CSharles W. Hadley, special State's attorney, filed twelve bills for temporary injunctions in McHenry county Monday afternoon. The places described in the Injunctions |ire well known in McHenry county. The evidence for the filing of the bills was secured by James MoQueeny and his assistants. In the bills it is charged by members of the McQueeny agency that they had purchased intoxicating liquor in the places named in the injunctions. ' The hearing on the injunctions will be held Saturday before Judge E. D. Shurtleff. One indictment was returned Monday against Edward Schultz and A. Nelson. The complete list of Injunctions filed Monday are as follows: John J. Hauck et al; J. C. Bickler et al; Fred Justen; John Alward et al; George Wascher etal; Peter Johnson et al; Frank Nell et al; Frederick Schiessle et alrSelmer SalvesoQ et al; Rudolph E. Johnson et al; Elmer Anderson et al. % Special Deputy Sheriff A. H. Henderson was busy serving the notices of thg injupctions Tuesday. % 4 SHIELD Of PU* OCTOBER 13 to 19 Granulated Sugar, pkgs., each 17Vic Peas, Sifted Early June No. 2 cans, each 14c Bean Sprouts, for Chinese dishes, etc., No. 2 cans, each ......18c Soap Flakes, 20-oz. ) pkgs., each ltVi Karo Syrup, No. 1 Vi cans, each ...9e Rolled Oats, 2 20-os. pkgs. 17c Salmon, No. l Tall Cans, each :„25c Jos. J. Miller Pfrop. Pearl St. ft Riverside Dr. Buy two $3.00 Blankets-- Get a third for 5 yds., 24c grade, 36-in.. ii|e or^Fancy Flap^l ; $1.00 6 yds., 20c grade, 27-in. White Flannel ' ^ rW4" ^ f-1 # 00 i'-Jf-r. t •*' '•§ 8 iyds., 15c grade, 27-in JS^||jtf?|,lannel $1.00 •;>- $1 Specials in odd lengths or odd lot^ of Yard Goods Shoes, Hose, Underwear, Grroceries, Et<fe , IFISIT OUR STORE SATURDAY "A Hortie O^ned ^McHemy, Illinois v \ i^.. '.M % S-i:'- • >- Offer I Woodstock's Beautiful Play House FOR SALE--Cabbage at one cent per no HUNTING--Notice is hereby givpound, and potatoes at $1.00 per bu. en that no hunting is permitted on the Peter May, }A mile south of Solon 0id Baur farm, occupied by C J. Bend- Mills. 17-3* er. Violators will be ^prosecuted ac- --------------------- cor(jjrjg jaw> ie_e USED CARS •' --r. • iff* Evening Shows at 7 and 9 Matinees-- On Wednesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundafe, S p. a. STOP AY - MONDAY OCT. 14-15.. . ; Eod LaRocqae > TYPEWRITERS NASH VICTORIA 4-passenger CoUpe, ^ • - gg]eg and Service. « - il' excellent condition, full equipment^ jk Repaired and Rentals. rare bargain, new car service. Prompt attention to phone calls. Vhone 649. L. KILTZ, Woodstock MOON 5-passenger Touring Car, fine 49-tf TAKB TOUR Sewin, M.ehh» trouble ment with two spare tMt »««•- ^ B Popp Wm, McHenry. Repair onable• price. . <ionc on »1I makes. Also fluff anil LEXINGTON ^paseenger Coupe, "g rug WMving. Phone 182. 13-tf good mechanical condition, very good McllENRY - WAUCONDA MOTOR tijjes. Needs a little tinkering to EXPRESS--We handle express to and make it a good looking car. \from Chicago. Chicago freight de- Vartment, 411 W. Superior St. Phone FORD Light Delivery Truck, <>xplfesa^J£cHenry 21H-W. 32-tf body with covered top and closed cab, good condition. All Mail Subscriptions must TUNE--and keep your piano tunec^ Tuning makes your piano a |nusicar MASTER ltt-ton Truck, fine condi- P 1 ho"® 27 Tt^ '°,r Wri«* ^ tion, good tires, closed cab, platform H. Delhi, Woodstock, lit 2«-tf Plaindealer on or be- , , C fore Tuesday, Oct.'l6 body with removable sides. New paint DEAD ANIMALS -- Highest cash job included. •; * prices for dead animals. Telephone . v Merrick's, Dundee 810-J-l Reverse G. A. STILLING GARAGE. charges. Prompt service* 46-tf Send Your Relatives Friends The Old Home Paper ... . . <„* "•-'Ufc. • ->• \ 1• ' ' ' ' Gallantry should be fair with wMW, and not gallant Gallantry is always somewhat villainy. When we m«/o bow and scrape to the ladles, do the ladles know we do not mean half of it? I sugjiect they do, from the prompt manner they have alwuys had in rejecting my gallantry when It is too •trong.--E. W Howe's Monthly. Motive v msktf- Hfe drA^f The Eye* of Youth The old historian, Plutarch, when •Sked what boys should learn, suld: f^Tbat which they will use when men." The trouble Is thnt men (1o not use enough what they learned and what they thought and what they hoped as boys. The Idealism of youth too quickly fades, Mont men are too -practical--Exchange. ' [v' ^4 Holland's Big Dikes Most of the dikes of Holland are Hbout 60 feet In width and are used lor streets. They are made of sand •nd grasses and usually covered on the seaside with enormous granite fclocks, which have to be Imported, because Holland has no stone quarries. -"PhlladelptiiH Inquirer. MWlttlt Make- drwp* la'«!• want of motive." said George Klllwt. It is even better to have a little aim than no aim at ail. Be sure' of s«»itiething you want'to1, do,'somewhere j"ou want • to-get. Somebody you want to be. Whatevfer gitea life a purpose and a lueaning to '|4n> i< the tlilnt that holds for you fhe posslbiflty of happiness. Matter ot Psychology Woiuaii is primarily an unconscious and not a conscious helng. That Is why her nature Is 'so different to fathom, why every woman appears esceptlonul to herself.--Woman's Home £emnanlon m i Acid Caases Fatigac Fatigue Is discomfort caused by acid In the body, which is the ash or residue left when each muecntur movement burns up the tlssne.--American Magazine Melody and fiarmon,j? ^ Melodist are produced by nflttl lii succession, harmonU^ by notes in comhfnat'. cn. ' "LOVE OVER NlQfiT,J also PATHE NEWS AND. COMEDY OK THE STAGE SUNHAV VERY SPECIAL t Eddie Neib&ur . and his SEATTLE HARMONY KINGS Vfetiir Recording Orchestra 10 -- PIECES -- 10 Every One An Artist This will be the greatest stage bamd that we have had 4he pleasure of presenting. •DONT MISS IT! TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY ^ OCT. 16 . IT "THE HIT OF THE SHOWv' -with ^rttude OlmdtedH wonderful .jcasl ^ ALSO COMEDY FTIOM WLS CHICAGO ON THE STAGE WEDNESDAY FROM WLS CHICAGO ! THE .TRIPOLI TRIO Is a pleasing offering of melodies, both vocal and instrumental. THURSDAY and FRIDAY OCT. 18- t t , Charles Murray^.. „ , in ff;*. "THE HEAD MAf" also PATHE NEWS and FABLES SATURDAY OCT IS OCT. 20 V Warner Baxter in "BANGER STREET" A Thrflling Society Drama 0ftfvanizcd Pail, Scrubbing Brush; li&p Stick with 16-oz. head, Dish Mop ahd Choice Ball, ^r. $1.00| 4-piece Cannister Set, flonry sugar, coffee, tea SI.00 9-piece Spice Jar Set.... i Sl-00 i 8-cup Aluminum Percolatpr and 1 pancake • . J J turner ........ .: * ...^^.^.....Sl.OO| Lanternf with extra globe ^ „.Z S1.00 Lacquer Sprayer and lA pint lacquer -SI.00 £ Nail Hammer, Tack Hammer and 6-foot Rule si.oo| Wear-Ever Aluminum Frying Pari S1.00 I Pocket Kpife, Safety Razor and 6 Blades, all for...$ 1.00 X 36Blades for'Oem Razor 1.00 ^ 28 Blades for Auto-Strop Razor S1.00 t Socket Wrench Set, Screw Driver tflidPlifeirs, all for J_ .C $1.00 Syphon Hose and 2 lbs. Bottle Caps* 2 cans McAvby 's Malt and Hops..., 3 gallons Naptha, Dollar Day only_ Ever-Ready Flashlight, complete ^ -S1.00 -SI.00 .-S1.00 .^Sl.00 S1.00 S1.00 --81.00 --S1.00 Box Shells, only one box to a customer^.^....!.. 10Q assorted Giarriag^ Bolts„.„ --. Fuller Lawn Rake ^ -- Patent Apple Peeler,sCorer and Slicer... Cabbage Cutter-and set Glass Mixing Bowls^^J 1.00 H. : HARDWARE 9 DOLLARS DO DOUBLE DUTY DOLLAR DAY $ .»»»»»»»»»•»»» »• ••»»»»» * Amateur Boxing I ALL-STAR BOUTS--FIGHTERS THAT FIGHT ' SAMMY MANDELL'S GYM, Roekford, Illinois versus fINKIE MITCHELL'S GYM, Milwaukee, Wisconsin ANTIOCH PALACE/ f Oi^ Mile South of Antioch Friday, October 12 th ^ 8:45 P. M. SHARP Sammy Iftuirflelf; lightweight champioB ef the world. *ad Pinkie Mitchell, former junior welterweight champion and their 8-star cast will be present Friday night. GREATEST CARD OF THE YEAR Lou Buckman Bockford Tony Mandell Roekford* John Sarnar Roekford << Carl Coflti Roekford Ted Dobson Roekford Ollie Oy Roekford' Rollie Oy Roekford v" -; Ray Tramblp Roekford v Vs., Gus Desalvo 13* g Milwaukee Frank Stanzer 140 lbs. / Milwaukee r-Vs. Joe Fagen 133 lbs. Milwaukee V «! <John Gaudes 110 lbs. Milwaukee ; Vs. Mat Daulman 125 lbs. Milwaukee " Vs. Sig Novak x147 lbs. Milwaukee Vs. Elmer Bennett 144 lbs. Milwaukee Vs. We8tley Johnson 151 lbs. r ' M i l w a u k e e No 8eati Reserved * . 4 KL«st-- --r«ci«ny |»Tim "DANCING KVE&Y SATURDAY AND SUNDAY Music by WHITIE and his Blue Diamond Orchestra j ..