Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Nov 1928, p. 6

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VOLO WVW^yTy -rfvpz*" .T^m*r? THE M HENRY PLAIKDEAL1TR THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8,1928 » ; x" J fke Ladies' Aid 61 th%M. E. church have again organized and expect to meet once each month as has been done in the pfut. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Lloyd Fisher on Dec. 6. Mrs. Ed Bacon has been elected president of the Aid. Mrs. Alvin Case, vice-president, an i Mrs. Anna Passfield, secretary and treasurer. Mrs. J. Kirwin returned jo her home Sunday evening, after caring for her sick sister, Mrs. Anna Compton, of Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. D. V. Wlait spent Sunday with the Elsworth Metcalf family at Guraee. This vicinity has been saddened by the news of the death of Edward Lusk, who passed away Monday morning. Mr. Lusk was widely known and enjoyed a large circle of friends and acquaintances t throughout the neighborhood. It is %i his bereaved widow that we extend our heartfelt sympathies. Mr. and Mrs. H. Stroker of Wauconda visited with Mrs. Stroker's mother on Friday. Mrs. Joe Wagner and children spent Sunday with the Lee Benwell family. , Opera louse-Woodstock THE MARIOLA CLUB Present a Home Talent -- Play -- "Nora Wake-Up" THURSDAY - FRIDAY ? AND SATURDAY ^ NOVEMBER 15-16-17 If ycru enjoy a well acted, up to the minute play, don't miss this presentation. Tickets may be .reserved at Opera house on Wednesday Evening, November 14, for any night. . TICKETS 50e EACH Ray Howard from McHenry is taking care of Mrs. Anna Lusk's store this week. ^ Mrs. Susan Wait, Mrs. Tom Wait and Mr. and Mrs. Roland Lewis and son, Carl, from Richland Center, Wis., spent the week-end at the home of D. V. Wait^ * On Saturday, Douglas Wait and Wisconsin relatives motored to Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Pence entertained John Weinke of Sterling over the week-end. yt$> Miss Evelyn Tonyan and Phil Wagner were married Saturday at 10 o'clock at the Round Lake church. Mr. and Mrs. _ Howard Converse were business callers in Freeport on Friday. . Mrs. Ira Smith was a Chicago caller on Monday. Mrs. Jay Vasey visited with her mother at Yorkville several days this week. Miss Sheppert entertained company over the week-end, from Sterling, III. Jay Vasey was laid up for a few days with an injured knee. Mesdames Bacon, Passfield, Vasey, Fisher and Vinie Bacon gave the M. E. church a god house cleaning on Friday of this week. George Benwell was a business caller in Waukegan on Tuesday. The Public Service Co. has completed setting the electric light polls on the Rand road between Volo and Wauconda. Heman Burg and friend attended the dance at Ivanhoe Saturday night. Ed Bacon drove the minister, Rev. Donham, to Liberty ville Sunday night, after services at the M. E. church. Rev. Ogers was unable to fill the pulpit at the Volo M. E. church last Sunday, but he expects to be with us either on Nov. 11th or 18th. MJany from this neighborhood attended the funeral of the little Seymour girl at Wauconda oh Thursday. Matt Freund, McHenry, announces that he has taken the agency for the NeW Idea Manure Spreader. Farmers are invited to inspect this machine. 23-2 Every department in Erickson's store is full of bargains. Come in and see what a real line of merchandise we earry.- WEEKLY PERSONALS COMERS AND GOERS OF A WEEK IN OUR CITY SPRING GROVE Angry Father: "What! You are at the bottom of the class again?" Albert: .'It's all right, Dad; they teach the same at •Doth ends."--Hardware Age. m m Men can't keep a good thing to themselves. Chaps who find that we keep them well-pressed and well-dressed send a lot of other folks to us. -- Mr. Before and After *£ "For Your Appearance's Sake" i PHONE 143-W .ANNA. HOWARD, (CLEANING & PRESSING XSWER.BOLQER'S DRJUQ STORE) OAttlfD i HONN IHt AMONG ALL SIXES OF ITS PRICE OFFERS IpsTiody by Fisher! The very phrase suggests the newest style, the greatest luxury, the finest construction. Y ejfc. only Pontiac among all sixes of it§[ price offers Bodies by Fisher. And their longL low, smart lines, their deep-seated comfort an# du rable hardwood and steel construction explain much of the tremendous popularity which Pontiac continues to enjoy. But bodies by Fisher represent only one of the many advantages offered by today's Pontiac Six. A 186-cubic inch engine equipped with a new, more highly perfected carburetor--the cross-flow radiator with thermostatic control* the G-M-R cylinder head . . . all these vital engineering advancements are provided by Pontiac and by no other six selling for as little as $745. i $2-7D75OO; TC Saebdriaonl,e t$,7 $47S9l 5C; oupe, $745; Sfxirt Rnadtter, $745: Pharton, 4-Door Sedan. $S25; Sport Landau iw<I«a» $875. Al I prices at factory. Check OaJijanj-Pontiac delivered pncM -Hheyinclud* lou«u handling charge*. General Motor* Tunc ncnt Plan available at minimum rat€* McHENRY AUTO SALES Phone 255 On U. 8. Route 12 Near Mill Pond Bridge As Seen By Plaindealefr Re ; porters and Handed In . By Our Friends Mr. and Mrs. Earl Brown were visitors at Rockford Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. Longenbach were Rockford visitors Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Frisby^lflite Waukegan visitors Sunday. MSss Laura Michels spent the week, end with friends in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Juliqs Keg were visitors at Harvey, 111.,, Monday. Dr. J. Hastie Odgers of Evanston was a McHenry visitor Sunday. W. G. Schreiner is a new employee at the Palace Recreation room. Laurence Senten of Chicago spent Sunday in the Fred Karls home. Miss Mayme Keg of Chicago spent the week-end at her holtte here. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Eddy were Woodstock visitors Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Peterson were Woodstock visitors Saturday evening. Misses Laura and Ro^ma Karls of Chicago sf>ent Sunday at their home here. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Clatxon and family wefre Waukegan visitors Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kane weTe Visitors af^Woodstock Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Schaefer were visitors at Waukegan, Sunday evening. Mrs. Raymond Howard spent a few days this week in the Ed Lusk home at Volo. Charles Ferwjrda of Illinois University spent the week-end at his home here. Mrs. Agness Wentworth of Chicago spent Tuesday in McHenry, "coming here to vote, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Krause and daughter, Marion, were Chicago visitors Friday. Mrs. F. O. Gans and daughter, Mildred, spent the week-end with relatives in Chicago. v Mrs. Jackson of Sploh spent the week-end in the hqjne' of her daughter, Mrs. Earl Monear. Mrs. Josephine Frett of Johrflsburg spent last Wednesday as the guest of Mrs. John P. Freund. Mrs. Theo. Winkel spent Sunday in the home of her daughter, Mrs. J. C. Peterson, in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. George H. Johnson and family visited with relatives at Crystal Lake Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Newman visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gus Ehrke at Solon Saturday. Miss Fern Bacon of the Victory Memorial hospital at Waukegan spent Friday at her home here. George Schreiner assisted at the new A. A P. meat market at Woodstock over the week-end. Mrs. Sarah Sherburne of Ringwood spent Friday afternoon as the guest of Mrs. Ella M. Wheeler. Misses Helen Becker and Helen Freund of Chicago spent Thursday at the latter'^ home here. Mrs. John A. Engeln spent the weekend with relatives in Chicago, returning home Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Martin left M<onday for Belleviev, Fla., where they will spend the winter. Mr. and«Mrs. F. E. Martin of Belleview, Fla., spent Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Sayler. The teachers' of the high school and grade school attended a teachers' meeting at Joliet on Friday. Fred Ferwerda, proprietor of the Riverside Dairy, is unable to attend to his duties because of illness. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Turner and daughter of Elgin were Sunday guests of Dr. and Mrs. J. E. Wheeler. Mrs. Fred J. Dowell is at the Sherman hospital at Elgin, where she is recovering from a recent operation. Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard and children of Ringwood spent Sunday evening in the J. F. Claxton home Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Burns and son of Oak Park spent the week-end at their cottage at Hickory Grange. A. C. Granger, with a party of friends from Chicago, spent the week end at his cottage at Hickory Grange. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thurlwell of Niles Center were Sunday evening guests of Mr. an<f Mrs. Frank Thurlwell. Misses Vera and Zelma Hutson of Woodstock were Sunday evening call ers in the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Sayler. Mrs. Ida Peterson and daughters; Ruby and Martha, of Marengo, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Eddy, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Sayler and daughters of Woodstock visited their parents, Mk\ and Mrs. W. A. Sayler, Sunday. . Vl Mr. and Mrs. Walter Patzke and Frank Thurlwell, Jr., of Chicago spent Thursday evening in the Frank Thurlwell home. Miss Mary Kinney and Mrs. Anna Barron spent the week-end as guests Of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Koerner at Naperville. * Mr. and Mrs. John Brefeld and daughter, Norma, of Waukegan spent Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Brefeld. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Benwell and family'visited in the home of the former's father, George Benwell, at Round Lake, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Thurston Newton of Lena, Wis., were week-end guests in the home of the former's aunt, Mrs J. E. Wheeler. j Mrs. Mary Simon went to Chicago last week, where / she will spend the winter in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Ed Hoffmeier. .Mrs. H. B. $ch'aefer and son, Earl, spent the first of the week in Chicago, where the latter fiad his tonsils and adenoids removed at a hospital. Harry Morris of Chicago spent the week-end at the McHenry Country club, where he has completed his work and closed the clubhouse for the win- **./• Fifty-four guests gathered at. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Stevens Saturday evening and enjoyed cards and games. The house was prettily decorated in Hallowe'en colors for the occasion and refreshments were served by the hostess. All enjoyed a pleasant evening. Mrs. Ed Bell of Ringtodod called on his daughter, Mrs. Bertha Esh, Monday. Joseph Bretz and two gentlemen friends of Rockford were over Sunday guests of William Bretz and family. At this writing Mrs. Fannie Carr has not improved. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. M)ath Lay were their son, Led, of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. John Lay and family, Miss Agnes Schmitt bf Johnsburg, Joseph Lay and three daughters, Martin Lay and sons of Volo, Mrs. Aman and son of Volo, and their father, Martin Lay. Mrs. Martin Butler is numbered with the siek. Miss Anna Jung is improving slowly- Nick Wagner and brother, John, of Chicago H><<nt over Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Wagner. Mrs. John Lay and four children and Mrs. Math Lay motored to Waukegan Thursday and spent the daT with Mrs.Regina Miller McCullum. Mrs. Mariam Cropley of Sojon, Mrs. Bertha Esh, Mrs. Minnie Pierce* Mrs. Emma Kattner and Mrs. Stan ley Beel motored to Elgin Monday. Mrs. Fanny Carr is still very sick at the home of her son. Her many friends hope for her recovery. Mirs. Harry McGuinness spent a couple of days the past week in Chi cago. Our groceries and smoked meats are of the best quality. Give thisxdepartment your next, order. Erickson- Dept. Store. Matt Freund, McHenry, announces that he has taken the agency for the New Idea Manure Spreader. Fanners are invited to inspect this machine. 23-2 In the United StateSHffiere ia one telephone to every eight persons. So if more than that number try to use yours, you are being imposed on.-- Southern Lumberman Journal. i. DR. JOSEPH 0. FEELET Dentist McHenry ,r - Illinois Riverside Drive, over Albert Barbian's store, between Elm and Pearl Streets, Fridays and Saturday*, until after May 1st, when he will be open full time." Office Hours: 11 to 12 a. m.--2 to and 7 to 8 p. m. Sundays "and Holidays by Appointment DR. J. A. STREET PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Res. and Office Phone 274 Pries Bldg. McHenry. IU. ? HENRY V. SOMPELrir ^ General Teaming \; s Sanct, Gravel and Coal forrSale Grading, Graveling and Road Work Done By Contrail ' or By Day '* Phone McHenry 649-R-l P. O. Address, Route 8 McHenry, 111. *"• (f. W. KLONTZ, M. D. Physician and Surgeon (Also treating all diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat and the Fitting of Glasses) Office Hours--8 to 9 a. m., 2 to 4 and <7 to 8 p. m. Sundays by Appointment Office at Residence, Waukegan Road. Phone 181 McHenry, IU. insure-la Sure-IflsorMce WITH Wm. G. Schreiner Auctioneering ' OFFICE AT RESIDENCE 5 J} Phone 93-R McHenry, Illinois McHENRY GRAVEL * EXCAVATING CO. , P. Freund, Prop. Road Building and Excavating of Every Description Estimates Furnished on ; ' Request Higli-grade Gravel Delivered at any time--large or small orders given prompt attention. Phone 204-M McHenry MaaSGBGUSK WEST SIDE GARAGE Adams Bros., Props. TeL 185 General Automobile Repairing t V Re*. Phone, 639-R-2 WM. M. CARROLL Lawyer OSee with Kent t Company Every Wednesday Phase 8 McHenry, IlUaaia Telephone No. 108-R 1 Stoffel & Reifcansperger Insurance agents for all classes rf property in the beet companies. WEST McHENRY - - ILLINOIS Phone 126-W Reasonable Rates A. H. SCHAEFER , DrayU* McHENSr, - - . ILLINOIS the most pleasing seating arrangement of any car in the world • . . another reason for the sweeping demand for the New Buick! x / / r~ Not only in beauty, performance, luxury and completeness of fittings... but in comfort, too, the Silver Anniversary Buick with Masterpiece Bodies by Fisher is .winning enthusiastic preference as the great car of the world! Every Buick model accommodates in complete comfort the full number of passengers it is built to carry. There's ample room in Buick's wide seats for three full-grown adults! . This vital comfort feature, in addition to extra-width smts aid comfortably-located arm-rests . . . the wonderful new adjustable front seat, twin-blade electric windshield wiper, at>d marvelously simplified operation, due to fingertip steering and accessible controls .. . insures in this new Buick a dejr ea of comfort absolutely unparalleled in any other car in the world! / Phone 6 WITH MASTS AFMECB BODIES BY F1SH1B. OVERTON 8 COWEN Buick Motor Cars West McHenry, III BVILT...B17I W e Can Meet With a If your first thought is quality, we haYe the famous Goodyear All-Weather made of SUPERTWIST, the cord which stretches far beyond the breaking point of other cords, and the scientifically designed tread which insures firm traction and long, slow, even tread wear. If it's price you're after, you can't go wrong on the Goodyear Pathfinder, a splendid buy at the money. You get Goodyear value at a price which meets the mail order houses and dealers in unknown brands. No matter what prioe yon want to pay, no matter what size you need--we'll fit you ont with a Goodyear Tilt. And yon have our guarantee and Goodyear's that you'll be completely satisfied. Certainly--our Goodyear Service goes with any tire--no matter what price you pay. We get , lots of pleasure out of making your tiros last longer. --.... Goodyear means Good Wear. Our Service means Good Cans. ' If you thought Goodyear prices were high, just look at a few of them we have listed here. Goodyear All-Weathers Goodyear Pathfinders High Pressures 30x3% CL Cord $ (Oversize) 32*4 SS Cord... 13.95 SSx5 SS Cord 23.50 'Balloons 29x4.40 $ 8.90 \ 31x5.25^ 14.35 33x6.00 17.35 High Pressures 30x31/, CL Cord $ 6.3$ ^Oversize) 32x4 SS Cord o J.1.35 32x4*4 SS Cord.. 15.75 Balloons 29x4.40 ( $ 6.50 30x4.50 7.90 Batteries that fit Ford, Star, Chevrolet, etc. $8.50 WALTER J. FREUND West McHenry, Illinois Complete Stock--All Sixes Phone 120-R Batteries -- Battery Charging and Repairing Tire and Tube Vulcanising

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