Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Nov 1928, p. 2

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* ' ' * ' f • • , ' " ' * , < \ * " " * * ' • • ( . ~ f ' " * * • .. >••.-*»» • •• ••>-•• • ;- -" --• ->• -•• • • . M ' *m**.yk<* v#f *•- i ji#w< v« V '\«f» ** «*«n- '?**&. 1 "' -vl » \" -- " f .*• ~'Z *„ .k v |kv \,^^r >V, >.•' , . »* - •%. JAf ^ . •' .1 • *-. * /. _ • 'V>, >• ' ii ".«:r< *'••'V- ^ "n _•!-• ..•> PLAIMSBALXR, THURSDAY, -HOV. 18, 1928 *••",<«.ft -P | V CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS ) *• v Council Roofi, Nov. 5, 1928. Tbt city aldermen, with Mayor * Frett presiding, met Monday evening ta regular monthly session. Aldermen present: Bonslett. Doherty, Knox, > »Jtrcutzcr and Stoffel. ; ' Motion by Doherty, seconded by • Jret/z^r, that the minutes of the last ^ 'trgwar and special meetings be ac- •fcpred as read. Motion carried. V; .« Motion by Kreutzer, seconded by r Btoffel. that the treasurer's report be J-; 'accepted as read. Motion carried. Motion by Doherty, seconded by " Inox, that the collector's report be Accepted as read. Motirin carried. . Motion by Doherty. seconded by / treutzer, that the clerk's report be ' : accepted as read. Motion carried. Motion by Knox, seconded by treutzer, that the following bills be paid out of the piT>per funds when Ok'd by the finanace Committee; , . 5 fublic Service Co., power for % „ sewer lift.--.... * . ...$ 20.10 j l^ublic Service €o., power for electric pump.. i... 106.60 / f^cbiic Service Co., power for ' sewer lift............ -- 25.02 'S^hiblic Scrvice Co., city half.... 4.58 public Service' Co., traffic lights 81.10 public Service Co., street lights 112.41 - 1 -public Service Co., power for "• "I*: sewer lift £ lfiTsnfipr lumber Co., jndse-... jkcHenry Plaindealer, printinf.. t~ ,*- i^nibrose Schaefer, fgt. and •• *> - « drayage Valvoline Oil Co., oil and gtt~ <*- -"t IS. E. Bassett, envelopes ft. F. Conway, postage and phone .* -calls 2.45 fiarvey E. Nye, recharging and • trip If/m. Ahrens, lbr. on streets.... Chais. S. Ensign, lbr. on W. W. fll. Bell Tel. Co ........4 ... ohn Malch, service* on street* Motion by Doherty, seconded by Knox, that six lights be installed on Routes 20 and 61, between Richmond Road and Front street, 2 suspensions and 4 brackets, under the spervision of the street and alley committee and remove bracket where suspension g^s at Richmond sad 61 and SO. Motion carried. Motion by Kretrtzer, seconded by Stoffel, that an additional light be installed at the end of Crystal Lake Road near Spencer's residence. Motion carried. Motion by Doherty, seconded by Knox, to adjourn until the call of the mayor. Motion carried. \ PETER W. FJUfiTT, Mayor. R. P. CONWAY, Clerk. ' PERSONALS Tr Mn. J. E. Freund was a Chi visitor Friday. Harry Morris of Chicago spent Sonday in McHenry. Mrs. F. E. Eppel was a Woodstock visitor Saturday. Miss Theresa Karls of Chicago spent Sunday at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Cobb were Woodstock visiters «•*•«* F. L. Bonslett of Chicago was a business visitor here Thursday. Floyd Thompson of Chicago visited McHenry relatives Sunday. Mrs. J. J. Ectherrnci was a Wood- 81.751 stock visitor Saturday afternoon. Miss Genevieve Knox of Elgin spent the week-end at her home here. Mrs. Silas Swales was a Chicago passenger last Wednesday morning. Miss Eva Adams spent Thursday and Friday at Stevens Point, Wis. | Mr. and Mrs, J. E. Pufahl of Genoa 1.50 City, Wis., were recent visitors here. 1.501 Dr. and Mrs. A. I. Froehlich and 45.75 daughter were Elgin visitors Satur- .50 d*y. . 80-00 j ^ c. Klein is spending a few weeks f ohn Walsh, marshal services.. 115.00! wjth bis daughter and family at De- SLOCUM'S ItAKK 80.56 L22 9.06 14.90 j 12.74' Mr. and Mrs. Jack Geary and son, Eugene, were callers at McHenry Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse and daughter, Frances, were business callers at McHenry Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews and son, Robert, and Mrs. Willard Darell were business callers' at Lake Zurich Wednesday. Mrs. Sigrid Blomgren accompanied Mr. and Mrs. George Lundgren of Wauconda to Chicago Saturday and spent the day at the E. Lunden home. Miss Hazel Haffey of Wauconda, Miss Myrtle Darrell of Crystal Lake, and Elmer Espftig of Molihe spent the week-end at the hon»« of Mr. and Mrs. Willard Darrell. Mrs. Wayne Bacon was a caller at the home of Mrs. Elisabeth Bacon at Koseville last Tuesday. Miss Helen Bernier of Chicago spent Saturday night and Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Jack Geary. Mr. and Mr®. W. O. Brooks of Waukegan spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Brooks. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowell called on Mrs. Chester Decker at W&nkegan last Wednesday. Mrs. Decker recently returned from the hospital. Willard Darrell called on his aunt.. Mrs. F. B. Carr, at Spring Grove Sat. urday. Mrs. Carr was a little improved in health. Z. H. Osmun of Crystal Lake called at the Joe and Ray Dowell homes Saturday! v Mrs. Raymond Leak of Wauconda spent the week-end at the Blomgren home. Mr. and Mrs. Mort Baseley and children of Wauconda were Sunday dinner and afternoon guests at the home af Iflr. and Mrs. Joe Dowell. v 41 ohn Walsh, services at sewer |y' lift 1). I. Granger, four months ser» j *- a vices as special police...... ? W. Frett, phone calls........... ;t>:S, - jlf. M. Niesen, one month's MriiJ. v*ces Supt. of Wateiv 7. „s _ works ; - /&. W. Frett, mayor- services for *' three months 15.00 40.00 8.90 f».M 20.00 Wm. Bonslett, alderman services for rapnths 20.00 *, D^heriy, atdennpn ser -*>V tor three months., 20.00 Klotert Frisby, alderman services ^ for three months 15.00 ^ - jJ^hp R, Knox, alderman service! l:* for three Months,... 20.00 ertnar. Kreutser, aldeiman ser- J vice» for three months 20.00 ,i .V ;.John Stoffel, alderman services A, for three months. - 20.00 rr^-'R- Conway, clerk services for three months 80.00 ^ Carey Elec. Shop, lbr. and material --.............. ..... 6.75 ;t, ,ti Motion by Knox, seconded by Doherty, that the bill of James Anderson, Incorporated, be tabled for future ref- . erence. Motion carried. • * • Motion by Kreutzer, seconded by , f ^ Doherty, that D. I. Granger be re- ~, tained as special police till May 1. v' |c 1929. ,s , Motion by Knox, seconded by Kreutzer, that the city clerk order the city vehicle tax tags for 1929, 580 tags for $66.00. Motion carried. Mrs. Harry Matthews and son, Robert, Mrs. Willard Darrell and daughter, Myrtle, and Mrs. LaDoyt Matthews of Crystal Lake were business callers at Wlaukegan Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dowell and daughter of Elgin, Mr. and Mrs. Gvorgc Dowell fciiiu children, alid Mrs. Harry Paasfleld and son, John, of Roseville were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mirs. Roy Passfield. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowell and daughter, Dorothy, spent Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Darrell and daughter, Myrtle, and guests, Miss Hazel Haffey and Elmer Esping, were Sunday callers at - the hoins of Mr. and Mrs. LaDoyt Matthews at Crystal Lake. John Blomgren, Mrs. Sigrid Blomgren and Mr*j. £. Anderson and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lusk of Wauconda attended a party at the G, Lagerlund home at Elwood Park, Thursday evcjmg. Miss Vinnie Bacon of Roseville visited at the Wayne Bacon home last Friday. * " Leslie Foss, George Roe«slein and Miss Pesr? Foss of Qrmwold T,*lre visited with friends in Chicago Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowell were callers at Libertyville Monday Miss Hazel Haffey of Wauconda and Mrs. LaDoyt Matthew, of Crystal Lake were supper guests at the Harry Matthews home Saturday. Mr. and A^s. Emmet Geary and son spent last Thursday at the home of the former's parents here. R. I. Overton of McHenry was a' caller in this community Monday. , Mr. and Mrs. Page Smith 'Reiki Ifist Friday in Chicago. * » , J) \ j Mr. and Mrs. Page Smith were callers at Waukegan Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Grantham spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Winkler at Waukegan. Mrs. Page Smith and Mrs. Clara Smith and Mrs. B. C. Harris of Wauconda spent last Thursday at the home of Air. and Mm J. D. Williams at Lake. ' Mir. and Mirs, W. E. Brooks and son, Chesney, were business callers at McHenry last Wednesday. Mr ."and Mrs. W. O. Brooks of Wapkegan were Sunday guests in the W,. E. Brooks home. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Williams and son, James ^Ward, of Crystal Lake were Sunday dinnef guests at the home of Mrs. Clara Smith. Mr. and Mirs. Wiiiard Darrell and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews and son, Robert, and Chesney Brooks attended the second number of the Lyceum course at Wauconda last Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Cook and Mrs. Wilbur Cook of Wauconda were callers at the W. E. Brooks heme last Tuesday. Lloyd, Milton and Elwood Dowell and George Passfield of Roseville, John, Louis and Frank Wiener and Harold "Wlteeloek and three friends of Chicago were Sunday callers at Oak Gien farm. Mrs. Hfarry Matthews entertained the members of the Past Matrons' club, O. E. o.. of Wlsuccnds., her heme last Friday afternoon. Matt Freund, McHenry, announces that he has taken the agency for the New Idea Manure Spreader. Farmer* are invited to inspect this machine. Viiiini^iiniri ------1imm ' MA waffle is a pancake with a non* •Jtid tread so it won't slip off your plate."--Railroad Telegrapher. "No, Bobby; for the third time I tell you that you cant have another chocolate." "Gee, I don't see where father gets the idea that you are always changing your mind."--London Opinion. DR. JOSEPH C. F22LET ry ""*• •' Dentist ^ McHenry - - Illinois Rivers18e Drive, over Albert Barbfaii's store, between Elm and Pearl Streets, Fridays and (Saturdays until after May 1st, when he win be open full time. Office Hours: 11 to 12 a. au--to 4 and 7 to 8 p. m,' Sundays and Holidays by Appointment DR. J. A. STREET PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Res. and Office Phone 274 t' Pries BIdg. McHenry, HL WM. M. CARROLL -^;;v;.Lftwyir ^ ' witib Kent A C^mpVny Every Wednesday Phone 8 McHeaty, nifasis Telephone Na. 1M-R Stoffel & Reihassperger Insurance agents for all classea at property in the beat companies. WEST McHENRY - - ILLINOIS 126-W Reasonable Kates ^M-BCHAEFm , Drayiag • McHENRY ILLINOIS bsve~h Snre--lBsiruc» WITH Wm.G. Schreiner Anctioaeerin^ Of FICE AT RESIDENCE 93-R MeHeory, IWhw|f : -i!-: 0. W. KLONTZ, U D. Physician and Surgeon (Also treating all diseases of the Ear, Nose and Throat and the Fitting of Glasses) (Mka Hoar*--8 to 9 a. m., 2 to 4 7 to 8 p. m. Sundays by Office at Residence, Waukegan Phone 181 McHenry, D|^ A HENRY V. SOMPEL General Teaming Sand, Gravel and Coal for Grading, Graveling and Roa|| Work Done By Contract ^ or By Day ^ ^b^ne McHenry 649-R-l P. O. Address^ Rcuta 3 ^McHenry, 111. • : KcHENRY GRAVEL * EXO&VATme €?0. A. P. Frennds Prop. ^ s - Eoid Bnildinr and Ezcavrntfaif' « of Every Description Estimates Furnished on 'Request , : High-grade Gravel Delivered at any time--large or smaf * orders given prompt attentioik. Phone 204-M , MoHenrf - a' * • • > whi mi- ;p- TTTiiSIKKN UNITEr| W CORPORATION U m . r. catur. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Newman were Woodstock visitors Saturday aftgr« noon. Leo and Edward Smith of Chicago Heights spent the week-end at their home here. Mrs. Frank Rosing and Mrs. Jack Nicholls were Woodstock visitors on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Coleman of Chicago were Sunday guests in the Fred Karls home. Mr. and Mrs. Dana McKnight of ClilcAtfd Ktights spent Sunday with relatives here. Mr. and Mr*. William Perkinson of Chicago spent Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thee, Winkei. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Caldwell and children of Waukegan were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rosing. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Houlihan of Chicago were guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis McDonald Sunday. Mrs. Margaret Giles and son, HaTold, of Woodstock spent Monday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Doherty. COUGHS DANGEROUS GERM" SPREADERS Every person afflicted with a cold becomes a germ spreader. An old health officer says he had rather be shot with a pistol than take a cough or sneeze in the face, spraying the air with infectious germs. To arrest an oncoming cold, absolutely stop coughing, take Foley's Honey and Tar Compound, a medicinally scientific, carefully compounded cough and cold remedy, every ingredient of which is active and potena. No opiates, safe \ . Interest J The semi-annual interest due December 1, 1928, on Western United Corporation six and one half percent for children, effective for grown per- Sa"' Collateral Trust Gold.Bonds, Series "A" of 1S25 is payable on that date at the principal office of The Bank of America, New York City, New York, or at the principal office of The National Bank of the Republic of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois. ' JEWEL T. PARSONS, Asst. Treas. sons, the ideal family medicine, for it. Thomas P. Bolger. Ask Matt Freund, McHenry, announces that he has taken the agency for the New Idea Manure Spreader. Farmers are invited to inspect this machine. 28-2 No. 3 of a Series on 'Metropolitan Chicago --duwimg tofcy Mttropelitan Chfcafp has awry fwssjfctttty of tecawlug the worlfs foremost mitroSollhwi enter--in £o£uloHon as well as in trad* importance--«ul that in a day relatively near. Lsaaing authorities fntdict fifteen million poftdaHon for Metropolitan Chicago inithtn a lifetime. & f. • *Fm CHICAGO ST. LOUIS WAS LARGER ** t v 4,*? ft I •+ H ~ In its Pulse-stirring Performance TfouH Find New Motoring Thrills! Skimming the straightaway at seventy better. TuFiiiug up sixty-eight horsepower . when it's really exerting itself. Accelerating j from 10 to 25 miles per hour In si* short aeconds. That's what this New All-American has been doing for months on General Motor* Proving Ground . .. And now it's here where you can try it. Where you can experience (ta glorious performance yourself. A smartf colorful car that you're sure to admire • • • especially after you've had it out on the road • • . Here's real pulse-stirring performance* Just try this New Ail-American. You'll find that it offers brand new motoring thrilla* ^r4rrmr/m^r--a»- CM, iMcBIhHT AVlOlfAUS . Phone 255 ^ ^ SLEouto 12^e«MillPoadBridft iaeo mo taso iseo 1000 mo MO 1690 ICAGO I DETROIT ST UOUtf sorrow mm 5if * .Tht about gmjA illustrstt* tiw rabid and ftiady rat* of incrcaM in Chicago's fx>f>ulatu>n. It a)<o diouw a few of the many cities of tht UniUd States which Chicago has i>au«<i. TTJEOPLE living today remember when St. Louis XT was larger than Chicago. Only 58 years ago, when the population of St. Louis was 310,864, that of Chicago was 298,977. Even as late as 1880, Chicago's population was but half a million. Today the city of Chicago houses more than three million people, and well in excess of another mil-. lion live within the metropolitan area. No modern metropolitan center has ever grown so large in sa short a civic lifetime. Every year, ^Metropolitan Chicago increases its population by 125,000, or more than the entire population of Albany, New York! Who can say what our population will: be in ten years? In twenty? Outlying Communities Now. ^Growing at a Rate Three Times as Rapid as Chicago The Chicago Aa*ociatkm ot Commerce lists 160 citics and towns within 35 miles of Chicago Of this number. 44 have a population a! $.000 or more The following population figures, covering only ' i--iiiiiiiiliin of over 5.000 population, other than Chicago, show W what an --wwiithing pace the metropolitan area is growinf. Estimated lut&l. MSB (CUmco AsSRiatioo Ceaaokr " * ' Aurora . . . . Cui TO ot Commercci .V* 29.807 • ....36,397. .. 46.600 Betavia ;... .•k. 4.436^. .... 4.395 . . . . . , , .. 5,100 Berwyn .... a 5.841 ....14,150 .. 46,000 Blue Island ; .U 6.043........ .. .11,424 . , . . .. 14,750 Brookfield. ...... .. 2,186........ .... 3,589 . . . . . . . .. -»7,750 Calumet City'.... . , 4.048^. "7.492 ..13,650 Chicago Height*. .. 14,525 ... .»9.653 .. 29.325 Cicero ; .. ...14.557........ *...44.995 . . . . . . . . .. 6b. 500 Des Plaines .... ..2.348r..,,'t,. ....3.451. .. 8,800 Downers Grew. ... 2,601,.. ,...>543 . . >0.400 East Chicago.... .19,098;#... . w, 45.967. .. 58.000 Elgin 25,976 .. . ."17.454. • *'• * »"* • .. 35.500 Elmhunt....... ... 2,360.,,.. .... 4.594 .. 13,500 Elmwood Palfc.. . * *"(» •* ^.r. 1.380. .. *".35C Evan (ton • 24,978. .1.6,594..*.^.. ....57-«4. .. 65.000 Forest Park. .. . ....10,768 ... 14.750 Gary •; .., 16,802 ....15,378. • . . ..102.500 Glencoe 1.899*.. ...... 3,381. , ,; i, ,. .. 5.950 GlenEllyn ... 1.763........ .... 2.851 /'• .. *\450 Hammond.. .20.92S........ $6,004 C«i . . ... «1.70D Harvey.. Highlmd Pnu. 7,227........ ... 4,209. ....9.216 ....: 6.167. » V • »' M.X *- ' • • • M M . . . 3 0 , 1 0 0 ..V,|4.500 Hinsdale... . . . 2 , 4 5 1 . . . . . . . 4,042. ... ^.45C Hoban : . . 1.7W. ...^3,450 » • . . . 1 5 , 2 0 0 Joliet ,. 34,670....... • w,38.442 . . . 4 2 , 2 5 0 La Grange . .V 5,282....V.. rs-i'6.525. . . . 1 0 , 4 0 0 Lake Forest, „ ,. . . . 3 , 3 4 9 . . . . . . . ..a.N 3,657. . . . 5 , 6 5 0 Maywood ..., . . . 8 , 0 3 3 . . . . . . . ^.:^2,072. • • > • v* • f ...85.500 Melrose Park... 1 , . 4 , 8 0 6 .iW 7,147. iff* » 6 • • • • . i . 1 0 . 7 5 0 Naperville . .. 3,449 : 3.830 . . . 5 , 0 7 5 North Chicagifc. .. 3,306....... . . . . . . 5 . 8 3 S .., ^9,200 Oak Park . . .19,444 ....$9,858 ... (16,500 Park Ridge .... . . . . 2 , 0 0 9 . . . . . . 3,383 »y • « • • . . . 9.00C River Forest... . . . 2 , 4 5 6 . . . . . . . r.1.-.. 4.358. V . . . 8 , 2 0 0 Riverside. . ^1. 1,702. . . 2,532 ,l,t4 t Sc Charles..... . . . . 4 , 0 4 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 , 0 9 9 w. 5,250 Summit..... . . . . 9 4 9 . . . . . . . 4,019 ^20C Villa Park. ... . , . . i 854 . . . 5 , 9 0 0 Waukegan , i .. 16.069....... .....19.226 ... jo.700 Wheaton.. .i'-.... 3.42} ^ 4.J37 V..--t8,250 Whitms.. . . . . 6387 -.....;io,i45 ...13,750 W i l m e t t e. . . 4, 941..... 7.814 14,000 Winnetka... 3,168..... J. 6,694 •' f • • . . . 1 1 , 3 0 0 Zion i V . . . . 4 , 7 8 9 . . . . . . ' . . . . . . 5380 . . . 6300 TOTAL ...3S7JW ...,fT74«6 ^ * . 971^50 Total, all cities and town* in area except Chicago. . ,S®7337.. . .820,084. .1057.000 form. Address Public Service Company of Northern Illinois, 72 W. Adams St., Chicago, and a copy tuill be reserved for you. There will be no charge. PUBLIC SERVICE .COMPANY " l OP NORTHERN ILUNOIS - Supplying Electricity and Gas to 6,000 square miles, inciudling tki is Clkicdfo iaeblM t^a City «f Ckies«« «ai tfct Urrilwy 50 to 75 mtlaa •/ the Ckiu|s City HmVL -i a :i

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