Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Nov 1928, p. 4

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A.v*S ,« ' ,. =>«.¥<' 'W5^«mSBK«S* OWffW' "WWW *:^™r ir/'"*-" •< \j- --^v; " -'•», !* WWSSP^HISi^lJAimiMW «*S¥5 \ "l RMWU^taMJiMMWUU '•««:'*H THE M'HENRY PLA1NDEALER, THURSDAY, N0V.15, 1«* ipit«ppsr THE M'HENR Y PLAINDEALER blished every Thursday at McHenry, HI, by Charles P. Renich. Entered at second-class matter at the d«r the act of May 8, 1879. at McHmij, Hi, on- O&S * Ca Six Months Snbacriptita Kates ••tin 'I II11 y.OS ...$1.00 A. H. MOSHER, Editor and Manager V-K;'v;;. ^ BOWLING LEAQintt v."' / *n»e opening games of the week were played at the Palace Alleys on Moni$£;^ day evening, Nov. 5, with teams No. ;v 2 and 3 matched against pach other ' end teams No. 1 and 4 matched also, Ed Tonyan......... Geo. Miller.\.'.j,....... Leo Smith... S. Tonyan W. Tonga*, •uinilnfc ..168 ...104 ... 08 ...102 >..184 148 87 111 188 161 166 170 118 119 176 601 640 748 On Nov. 7, Schaeffer's Carpenters met the Woodstock A. C. and the Matthews-Tonyan men met the Karls' Cafe team in the Business Men's tournament, with George Thurlwell bowling bigh score of 282. H. Kreutser J. Schneider. H. Schaefer ... P. Freund.--...--...,..u...l25 J. £umtXer„_^^.^..l42 Miller .....,w. Sherburne and H. Schaefer bowling - score of 194. :Awrage 125 iSteffeS ,m^mtitimt.ll8 Overton ...m.M.^,..144 the high | carton McGee 188 730 2168" 122 431 Green. 126 E. Bite 163 Average --126 • •. - s~ 788 |G. Worts ~wt.~~.108 P. Brefeld 137 N. F*und. --.174. Sutton. ~.~...*.144 Schaefer.. & " -#98 . R. fttuitl .HH? A- #. Frisby. ....110 ¥ '--A- Schaefer 162 j ^ ^Average ~~.~..»125 :$'7p. Conway..~w~~J84, 711 147 146 174 160 168 780 183 148 134 125 191 784 2183 151 412 146 174 186 194 429 5221 430 492 >....187 739 ..200 ..........159 ....^-119 ..111 164 789 704 „034 J67 ~.166 126 *W *-Wi"V5 **• CLASSIFIED ^-1 USE THE CLASSIFIED COLUMNS FO& QUICK RESULTS FOE SALE road. Mrs. Joe Phone 611-J-l. H. Justen, Rte 3. 6-ti ' FOE SALE--Small chicken farm, be- 1VT „ftr> 4 and 5 acres, % mile from BARGAIN FOR YOUNG COUPLE-- McHenry on Lake Geneva cement Cost $3,000 four months ago. Will take $550 for all or will separate. Beautiful furniture of 4 room apartment. 3-pc. silk mohair parlor suite, hand carved frame; 8-pc. walnut dining room set; two 9x12 Wilton rugs; 4-pc. walnut bedroom set, complete with j/ring and mattress; occasional table ^ |y-vw*a rr-f • > chest of silverware. Must be seen to be appreciated. Will arrange for delivery. 7729 Yates Ave., near 79th St, Chicago, 111. CHANGES NAME TO SHELL PETROLEUM CORPORATION St. Louis, Mo., Nov. 12-- U. de B. Daly, president of the company heretofore known as the Roxana Petroleum Corporation, has announced that' his board of directors has today approved a change in the corporate name U> Sue]I rViruieum Corporation. The name "Roxana" has been in use since the organization of the company in 1917, when offices were opened in Tulsa, Okla. Headquarters were removed to St. Louis in 1920 and since 1626 have occupied large space in the Shell Building owned by the corporation. Since 1923, when the marketing of Shell gasoline, Shell motor oil and other petroleum products under the Shell Trade-mark was inaugurated, the name "Shell" has become so popular and so closely identified with the cor- BUNCO CLUB MEETS Mfcrs. P. W. Engeln entertained the ladies of her bunco club at her home last Thursday afternoon. A pleasant afternoon was spent in playing the game, with the first prize going to Mrs. Lawrence Huck, the second to Mrs. J. J. Rothermel and the third COMMUNITY SERVICES The board and members of the above services have invited the Rev. F. J. Moore to become their pastor, and a reception wil be given in tht church next Saturday, Nov. 17, at 8 p. m. All interested are invited to at* ' tend. A board meeting will he MA the §§a,t to iur*. i . w. jtatgem. me nexi 8ame evening at 7:30. meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Frank Rosing. The guests were: Mrs. Fred Miller, Mrs. Will Rothermel, Mrs. Martin Wegener, Mrs. Lawrence Huck, Mrs. Frank Rosing and Mrs. J. J. Rothermel. iy ;*Vy •AjV. 'i IDLE WHILE CLUB ^0 TW'tdle While club met at th^*hSffie of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Moberg Tuesday evening. A pleasant couple of hours were spent playing cards. First prize .was won by Mrs. Georgia Lenzen and "rank DEPENDABLE USED CARS ON HAND " 1926 Ford Coupe $100 •ees«fr--»••< 3774. 1926 Ford Coupe 1924 Nash Touring lOOQ PkawnlA^ 1925 Nash Sedan,.. 1926 Dodge Sedan. 1924 Reo 1-tor) Express ......... Phone South Shore 1926 Dodge Coupe... 200 140 455 495 495 & , , St. George, second prize by poration itself that the name ;'Rox- Mrs, Joe Wagner and Joe Lenzen, *24-12 Ea»y Payment Plan We have a complete line of trucks in and lVjj-ton in closed or 807 2285 216 552 132 114 125 167 385 410 375 542 734 776 754 2264 E. Tony; B. Schmitt..'...,..*. B. Freund M. Tonyan. -Mr-Smith... R. Page. F. Zuelsdorf..., G. ThurlwdL ............282 P. Karls 117 Average ~..~....~~.......188 "\ • t „ 777 695 769 On N*k 8 the McHenry Foresters bowled the foUoifing games with the high Score of 208 bowled by A. Justen: . ; H. Schaefef. ...~<>...~...182 FOR SALE--Reed baby buggy, like new. Reasonably prleed. CaU 88 or opeAody t"ypes." Niesen's Cafe. 24-tf JAMES MORROW A SON PIPELESS FURNACE FOR RALE-- 186 -- West McHenry, III FOR RENT ^Baifer L. Heimer~, A. Justen. C. Freund~. ~...125 ......121 208 ..--144 1 ^ : O n N o v . 6 , t h e J o h n s b u r g F o r e s t e r s ilf^lKmied their games with the high .iscore of 214 being bowled by B. M. jSchmitt. The games were: sA. Smith .... A. Schmitt...~~~.~ -J. Mr 9chmitU~~ iHuff 178 ;.~...~..i48 .141 .....160 •-^~t«.137 M. N. 8c Jung L. -Schmitt., Hiiller 764 .100 ....... 94 108 ... 128 V .. *, . i X ..r'-fct-%• •'**« i~A r > '667 ~^^78 |i 1H. Weber 138 Mi Weber. 181 - Bill Sn«ith..~~M~~~ 176 l^'W. Smith 140 207 111 153 123 214 813 126 141 82 134 133 616 167 126 182 140 169 166 139 123 128 168 709 14S 114 117 110 192 676 129 110 98 120 179 780 L. i..U9 Wm. Althoff ^...125 G. Freund~.~......~..~..~...114 H. G. Weber 149 G. Justen......~..~~^~~~.126 5 1 - " ' 662 J. Thenne^,,. .'127 F. Rosing. .~~~..~1~U~«.«.194 J. Miller E. Smith... G. V / - 758 764 681 .> / "A woman with a mirror door is like Pathe News: she 'sees all, knows all'." !:ii|Beople jdu. have traveled ^everywhere say, that 'if* American women are tl* fe- - best lookipgjffomon in.tho m., ' mrld.. ,-i-- ' - . ' ' ' . ' We can quite believe that: " if there is a country which has better looking ones, ' "wiiere is itr and whpji i's $ V.* • -' nex* traisi'f"; f;^ V 1 But we have an idea that v they help along this repu- "iation by knowing how to " make the most of their .natural good looks. They jk ^ keep well groomed from . bead to toe. W\ 'i . And this is j?ard to*do ' -Without a mirror door. j |f you've got a good looking girl in yout home, help her to dress up her looks by giving her a mirror door. -v.j'£.y - V. Freuni P. A. Freund. A. Weingart ...... J. eber.~.M....~~w,.t... E. Freun<L..~.~..~^.~~. ...107 ~...181 .166 774 ..141 ,.188 .169 ..125 ..146 193 126 178 171 125. 792 146 125 103 179 186 739 155 104 132 146 113 660 167 153 110 126 170 Reasonable. Raymond Powers, McHenry. Phone 134-M. " 24 , FOR SGAilLDE - ^Ho usehro.ldj \fu rn7it7u"r--e, FOR RENT-- Downstairs bedroom. Mrg Edward Pearl a d Cour1i Ste. consisting of gas range, 8-piece din- phone gg^j 23-tf ing room set, almost new washing maana" has gradually lost its signifi cance. A change in the firm style to correspond with the trade name of its products has therefore been made. The. Shell Petroleum Corporation operates refineries at Wood River, 111., Arkansas City, Kan., and East Chicago, Ind., from which Shell Petroleum products are distributed over twenty rtatec in the middle west. Bauer <fe Bauer of Crystal Lake, HI., are distributors ©f Shell Petroleum Products in this territory. while Mrs. Frank St. George and John Molidor got third prize. Ed Moberg and Mrs. John Molidor shook hands on being the lucky consolation winners. Mr. and Mrs. John Molidor will entertain next. Dress rrfjts. with Next Sunday we will welcome you at our services. 10 a. m Sunday school; 11 a. m.--Morning worship and sermon. Subject: "A Great Pari* nership." ft. i"*J All we have and are we owe to - God. Let us give Him our best--it brings the purest and highest happi. new. , • ENTERTAINS bridge Mrs. Simon Stoffel entertained members of her bridge club at home on Main street on Wednesday evening.of last week. Three tables of bridge were in play during the evening and high honors went to Mn. George H. Johnson and Miss Lena Stoffel. The guests were: Mrs. Walter Donavin, Mrs. Hess, Mrs. C. J. Reihansperger, Mrs. George Johnson, Mrs. Earl M'cAndrews, Mrs. E. E. Bassett, Miss Mary Khmey, Mrs. Ab» na Barron, Mrs. Frank Schneider aft! ?<£jag»s Clara and Lena Stoffel. ? •>* .13 - • > '! s ' " ouk <u r-^ ..-4.V * lined the LADIES' AID SOCIETY The Ladies' Aid society met at the home of Mrs. C. W. Klonta on last Thursday afternoon. A large number of members and friends were present and the names of several new members were added to the roll of membership. Work was given out and plans for the basaar and chicken dinner were discussed. It was decided to hold a work meeting at the home of chine, etc. Will sell reasonable. Phone FOR RENT--Bedroom with clothes Mrs. William Bacon on Wednesday 175. G. A. Gunderson. 24 closet and heat. Inquire at. Plain- afternoon of this week to sew and dealer office. 28* -- LOST LOST--The lower part of cotta colored fountain pen, 188 125 142 186 145 786 158 125 151 135 141 710 137 175 102 144 177 735 119 171 111 125 168 FOR SALE--Jewel heater, burns coal or wood. Good as new, cheap. Peter A. Freund, phone 614-R-l. 24 FUEL OIL FOR SALE--We are now ready to supply the trade with a highgrade distill*ie oil for all kinds of oil burners. Phone 202-W. Co., McHenry. FOR SALE--Three light weight young WAHMD horses. Two geldings and one mare. ; ' Any reasonable price accepted. W. J. BUI--Your acres on Lake Kittle, phone 233-J, Crystal Lake, 111. ®r River m McHenry county. I also 24 have buyers and renters for farms. --• • What have you? P. O. Box 187, FOR SALS-- Several Duroc-Jersey Round Lake, 111. Phone 3. 24-8* make articles to be on sale at the ba zaar to be held at the K. C. hall on Dec. 8. A delicious chicken dhme/ with all the good things will be served terra *t the bazaar on the above date ird between I ^e ladies are preparing to serve a Mrs. M. McCarthy's and high school. Freund Oil Finder please rcttufti to William Brit- 24-tf tain. ^ 24 better dinner to a larger crowd t ian ever before. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. E. E. Bassett on next Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Members and friends are invited to attend this meeting. SURPRISE PARrfr' Mr. an3 Mrs. William Smith were pleasantly surprised last Saturday MISCELLANEOUS night when a number of their friends came in to enjoy the evening with them. Among the guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Randal Kirk, .Mr. and Mrs. Spring Boars, grandsons of Super Col's Wonder. All eligible to regis- ^ine WATKlNS PRol)UCTS--Having tak- £11' fnl nrTv^ L^nr^ Lrd of en ov<* the sale of the Watkins Pro- £anaai ^irK-^ h*%£* M^Henrv ducts» 1 am now to serve this! g8^ Tr*™> McGuire and i iTwS £1 entire territory with anything in this ^ Ste^,f Ch,ff«0' Jo® £rod- 620-R-l. W. E. Whitiag. 24-3 lim, PVlnnp fiAJX ir.-rl hause T a"d William Stephens of Whiting, Ind., and Mr. and Mrs. Masquelet and Mr. and Mrs • . 759 725 694 Ott Nev. 9 the McHenry Lumber company team played Rothenttel's Carpenters and the Ringwood Nursery men met the Studebakers with high score of 224 bowled by G. Justen. The games were: Freund ...u.....~..~~.~...w..166 187 135 Smith 190 148 145 H. Weber ...... 182 168 131 G. Weber...-....*.!..-.. .201 161 120 Thompson ...~.~Lw^..Wf.161 180 126 889 764! 665 BOWLING-- GAL TWO-- Krause ..~...w.,;,... .139 Patzke 160 J. Rothermel.........*.........195 C. Rotherap»L.^...n,..;..167 H. Simon--,......^.~........190 . <.PWhiting Wincel .....T.. Walkington Lucas Kytil| Cna T4u,s/1o v.n„ ..... L. Huck...».....v E. Freund D. Huck...., G. Justen.., •T"". , 861, 147 ..162 ..124 ..........177 180 180 127 160 181 818 174 150 106 135 169 159 13« FOR SALE--Appleton corn busker in No. 1 shape. Will Buckert. Phone 613-R-2. 23-8 FOR SALE--A few choice Big Type Poland China Boars, sired by Bobs General. Phone 617-J-2. James Hunter, Route 2, McHenry. 23«tf FOR SALE--Rabbit Hound, broke on pheasants and rabbits. Henry Ahrens, West McHenry. 28-2* TYPEWRITERS Sales and Service. : Repaired and Rentals. Prompt attention to phone calls. Phone 549. L. KILTZ, Woodstock 49-tf TAKE TOUR Sewing Machine trouble to B. Popp. West McHenry. Repairing done on all makes. Also fluff and rag rug weaving. Phone 162. 18-tf h^llRcafvl^^ed^ sTr^Besf O^l" McHENRT - WAUCONDA MOTOR u"U "L?" " . EXPRESS--We handle express to tnd Beanaufie of McHlenry. Frank Fred Woodstock,** Beautiful Play House from Chicago. Chicago frslf' partment, 411 W. Superior St de« ran St-tf by Fobes, 73rd, backed by BMne of the present day's very best breeding. C. T. A. record danism herd ir.ii.-_ o-i• nr average nearly 400 pounds butter | fat, 11,000 pounds of milk. Henry TUNE--and keep your piano tuned. Wegener, 2 miles north e£ Volo, Tuning makes your piano a musical 111., Lake county. *22-3 instrument. Phone 274-J or write J. FOR SALE OR RENT--Double store with flat above, on Green street. Ev- DEAD erett Hunter, Jr. Phone 77-J. H. Deihl, Woodstock, 111. 27-tf ANIMALS -- Highest cash 21-tf prices for dead animals. Telephone . „ „ . -- Merrick's, Dundee 810-J-l Reverse FOR SALE--Spotted Poland China chargWBt prompt service. 46-tf Spring Boars, eligible to register. 143 j inquire of Geo. E. Adams, Ringwood, 130 111, a . ' 22-tf 200 7^" Lnai 6oaeinin|7 Look ia iha classified column. 768 170 155 158 164 Grocer: "Who broke the window when I was out?" Clerk: "The butcher did, sir. He ducked when I threw a potato at him." --The Open Road. *» • "• . - .....165 138 ...180 ^ HUNTERS INJURED With the opening of the season for shooting pheasants and rabbits several accidents occurred as the result of the great number of hunters 128 through the country. j H. H. Porter, city clerk' of Park tw7FCTPDN TTTVTTFT~\ 77&i Ridge, was t^e victim of a wild shot! y\/ JT t\ I > UJ Yl J E I 1 ---1 fired by one of a party of Chicagoans ; vvGAS ctLiCTRICCX3MPANYl_X -.-'hunting near Wauconda Saturday.) Interest ' , I The charge penetrated his face, neck , j™ | and shoulders. Paul McFewen, 23 The semi-annual interest^ doe Decemyears old, of Zion, was shot by his ber 1, 1928, on fester®. United Gas brother while the pair were hunting; and Electric Company |5ve and One CK1 pheasants along Sheridan road north Half Percent <£%' , ) fi|st Mortgage 851 v r Tlr_., rr^-_ u;„ Gold Bonds Series "A"tM P V , . IkB'flx. A:sc.-- BNRY LUMBER ialitv amd Service First Phene 46.1m;./'^ .-a- i^es;- McHe«y CO. ORGANIZE EPWORTH LEAGUE A large group of young people, nearly fifty in number, met at the home of Miss Louise Chamberlin Tuesday evening, at which time an Epworth League young people's society was formed. Several enthusiastic Epworth League members from Greenwood, accompanied by Rev. and Mrs. Hoover, were present and related some of' their entertainments and activities in that vicinity. Rev. Bonham was also present and assisted in the evening's program. The officer for the Epworth League were elected as. follows: President, Bob Peterson; first vice-president, Arnold Anderson; second vice-president, Bernice Ferwerda; third vicepresident, Ted Anderfeon; fourth vicepresident, Minnie Ferwerda; treasurer, Carl Thorsell; secretary, Grace Granger; pianist, Ida Reynolds; sponsor. L. G. McCracken. Meetings will be held from 6 to 7 o'clock every Sunday evening at the Methodist church and all young people who desire to spend a pleasant and profitable hour are invited to join. Various activities will be planned with at least one party every month and an interesting program will be made out. ; The remainder of the evening was spent in music, singing and playing games and a general good time after which refreshments were served. What becomes of the cheer leaders after U\ey graduate? They cant all get jobs as train announcers*--Shoe it Leather Reporter. of Wbukegan. The right side of his face, neck and chest was punctured with shot. Another young man was shot in the eye while hunting near McCollum's Lake Saturday.' He was struck by the single shot which lodged in bis eye causing the loos of sight in the injured eye. At dl! 1925 is pay able on that date at the Illinois Merchants Trust Company, Chicago, Illinois. JEWEL T. PARSONS, Asst. Treas. TUNE IN KYW SATURDAY NIGHT BETWEEN 7 AND 8 On Saturday, Nov. 17, between the hours of 7 and 8 o'clock, p. m., the Chicago Chapter of the Izaak Walton League will broadcast from a banquet at the Palmer jHouse, Chicago, a real program, over the National Broad-! casting system. | Under this arrangement the pro- J gram will reach millions of people and . will be of great value in educating the people of this country on the League and what it is doing. This is the first nation-wide hookup fover the radicJ ever devoted to conservation. Vice-president Dawes will be the principal speaker and Dr. Henry Baldwin Ward, president of the Izaak Walton League, will make the closing address. Listeners can secure the complete program over KYW, Chicago. "Waiter, there's a fly in my cream." i "Let him freeze, and teach him a • lesson. The little rascal was in the I soup last n^jiJU"--Stratford Baacon- ( helard. . ... im."*'1' '| "What is Tai ddee it our?" "The roughest distance between two points."--Oil .Wleekly. NOV. 17 TO NOV. ^ ASK US ABOUT " ^ PETER PAN The Doll From Fairylafct.. Macaroni or Spaghetti & pKgs. for 22c Chili Con Came, No. 1 tall cans, each 14c Gold Dtutt, large vise pkge 23c Codfish Tablets, regular 30c value, 1 lb. pkge, each ,^.... Prunes, 30-40 sise* per lb. ...„...„„.14c Pancake Flour, 20-ox. cartons, each Jos. J. MUSce " Prop, Pearl St. and Riverside Dr. Evening Shows at 7 and 9 Matinees On Wednesdays. Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays, 3 p. m. SATURDAY NOVEMBER 17 .William Boyd fa "POWEgV f ?Sft}iieline Logan ihd Alan Hale Drama, comedy, romance, thrills and laughs ALSO COMEDY SUNDAY - MONDAY NOVEMBER 18-19 I^H0W FOLKS" with Eddie Quinlan axtjt Lina Basqnette Head liners in vaudeville--nfew acta--new music--big; time performers-- they're all/ in this great love romance. / Also / PATHE NEWS and COMEDY On the Stage Sunda^ Big Time Presentation Tuesday « NOVEMBER 20 j One Day Only Dorothy MacKaill and ; Jack Mulhall ";" .•••,j: "WATER FRONT* Homance on the docks of 'Frisco, with the tang o' the sea to ; apke •••' Also " " v" News airf WEDNESDAY - THURS DAY FRIDAY ' NOVEMBER 21-22 2fc ^ ®HREE BIG DAY^^V - v^lilac time-1 ; 7£4 with " ^ ^fjCdlleen Moore picture CoIleMi iiu ever made. ALSO PATHE NEWS Added Attraction-- RALPH WALDO EMERSON World-famed Artist from ¥LS, Guest organist for three days engagement. The picture and the music you'll hear them talking about! H off. ,iX'p'^^QX^irr •> s, *+-'y v \ t>-&M »-4'J We still sell the Converse Rubbers for real service. That tire sole on men's rubbers and overshoes, wear better than any we know of. ^or women we have a new last, to fit a good many shoes. Snap fastener overshoes in many styles to choose from. Buy them while we havfe all styles and si«es--now. • Smith Bros A Home Owned Btotijf McHenry, Illinois j • Rjf-iif'iri • x; - .msi start you *** ffetV The real way to get ahead and b|> come independent ig to depoeit a palt %M of your salary or wages in a saving! bank every pay day. You'll get a new kick out of life, tqa, when you start receiving iftetrest 9P, money saved instead of paying ofp interest on money borrowed. . •'v JF". Start* Savings / Account next pay day at ^ the .$' Opportunities ^urtliermore, an accumulated Sa^flgs account will put you in a position to take advantage of good investment propositions. The man with capita)^ is the man who profits by grabbing off wi Citizens State OF McHENRY .. The Bank That Helps You Get Ahead Mr j| ^ *" H l| "What could be better these chiiiy days than a plate of hot waffles with syrup? They all like 'em and Wiil, / AU your >•- We also carryN a complete line of Candies, €lg& rg, Cigarettes, etc. - Muke It a Habit to Drop in KARLS9 Riverside Drive

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