•<*5 RINGWOOD "K :|^Im teachers and pupils «t the iL E. Sunday school will (five a pro. gram at the Bt. E. church Sunday evening* Nov. 25, as follows: March, Pilgrims Qoing To Church; song. TlaiiivDjtii ring Seng; Prayer, 5ev Hoover; Pumpkin Pie--four girls, Jane Walker, Dora Anderson, Gladys Shepard and Virginia Jepson; Recitation, "Thanksgiving Is Coming," Loren Harrison; A Thanksgiving Dinner--by six boys, John Cristy, John Noble, Neil Harrison, Kenneth Franzen, Junior Cristy and Douglas Noble; Song, Thanksgiving, by Primary; In Ye Olden Tyme--six boys, Irving Walker, ftossell Franzen, Loren Harrison Kenneth Noble, Earl Klintworth and Gerald Noble; Harvest Time--seven girls, Rita Mae Merchant, Margery Noble, Esther Smith, Pearl Smith Amy Harrison, Bobbett Cristy and Shirley Hawley; Song, Turkey Song, Howard Shepard; Recitation, "Turkey Hunt," Lucille Peet; "The Origin of Thanksgiving Day, Clarence Harrison; "Our First Thanksgiving," play, by Helen Harrison, Alice Peet, Jessie fichroeder, Frances Harrison, Paul Walkintfton, Jean WJhitfng, Irving Walker nnd Marion Feel, 3uu$, C< jTfcg»tion; The Mother's Letter, by Kdna Peet and Ellen Smith; Recite' tion. "When Father Carves the Duck," Roth Klintworth; "The Return," play, by Olive Jepson, Lyle Franien, Earl Harrison, Darlene Merchant, Mercedes -Smith. Marion Peet, Ellen Smith, Ken. aeth Franzen and Paul Walkington; tffcort talk by pastor; collection; "A Uttrnksgriving Harve/t," tableaux. Kr. and Mrs. Robert Schutze of Iffonroe, Wis., spent a few days this week with Dr. and Mrs. William HeplmrR. lCr. and Mrs. Nidc Young and daughter, Adele, and Joe Weber were Elgin visitors Wednesday. Kiss Lor a Harrison of Evanston spent Wednesday and Thursday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Harrison. Kr. and Mrs. Charles Shepard and KTS. Ed Hamilton of Richmond were callers in the George Shepard home Friday evening. Kr. and Mrs. J. J. McGuinnis, Mr. aad Mrs. Arthur Bopp and Misses Bertha Justen and Sabina Huette of Chicago spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Justen. Kr. and Mrs. Leon Dodge entertained the Five Hundred club at their Imne Thursday evening. Prices were awarded to Mrs. Ray Peters :»id Leon Dedge, first, and Mrs. Clinton Martin and Bruno Butler, the consolations. At the close refreshments were served aad a joiiy time was enjoyed. KRA. C. J. Jepson was pleasantly aorprised at her home Friday afternoon, it being her birthday anniversary. Bunco was played, prizes going to Mrs. Viola Low, first, Ethel Biggars, second, Mrs. Paul Meyers, third, aad Mrs. A. W. Smith, the consolation. Kiss Ethel Biggers also received the Prize for having made the most bunco*. At the close of the games refreshments were served. Mrs. Jepson was presented with a card table. Kiss Adele Young, only daughter of lflr. and Mrs. Nick Young, was united te m&ri aige to Mr. Joseph Weber, son of Mr. and Mirs. Hubert Weber of McHenry. Saturday morning at St. Mary's church, McHenry, by Rev. Fr. Charles Nix. They were attended by Kiss Julia Huff of Spring Grove, a close friend of the bride, and Joe Freund of McHenry. They left immediately for a trip to Wisconsin. They will be at home to their friends in the Frank Hughes flat at McHenry Ringwood friends extend congratulations. Mrs, S. W. Brown and son, Lenard, spent Saturday afternoon in Woodstock. Kr. mud Mrs. Lcois Sshroede? and daughter, Jessie, and Mrs. Emma Merchant attended the show in Lake Geneva, Sunday evening. Kiss Bernice Smith and Mrs. Bruno, Butler entertained at a kitchen showet in honor of Mrs. Lester Carr at tho* home of Mrs. Butler, Saturday afternoon. Seventeen ladies were present. Games were payed and the ladies tied a comforter. Mrs. Carr received many useful articles. The Ladies' Aid society wtii hold its bazaar at the M. W. A. hall, Nov. 21. There will be plenty of aprons and fancy work; also parcel |qst booth, and plenty to eat. Come and bring your friends* ^Mr. and Mrs. Gus Pearson and son, Clarence, and Miss Arline Harrison, ana Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Matsen and son were guests of friends at Highland Park Sunday. Mrs. Charles Bacon returned home from the hospital at Hinsdale, much improved. Mrs* J. F. McLaughlin and daughter, Julia, were Chicago fehoppers Saturday. Mt. and Mrs. Lyle Hopper were week-end guests at Mt. Morris. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hawley of Chicago spent Sunday with Ringwood relatives. , Mr. and Mrs. Ed Thompson and K. M. Bradley visited with John Thompson in Chicago, Sunday. Mrs. Clay Rager And daughter, Mae. spent Saturday in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Matsen and son of Chicago spent Saturday and Sunday in the Gus Pearson home. Mr. and Mrs. Will'Hendrickson of Richmond and Mrs. Sam Beatty spent Saturday with Ringwood relatives. Miss Mina Laurence spent the week, end in the H. E. Kelley home in Crystal Lake. Mrs., Hepburn and Alice Wilcox spent Saturday in Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Carlson spent Sunday in the Randal home near Keystone. Gwendolyn and Arline Jackson of Solon Mills spent the week-end in the home of their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Beatty. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Olsen entertained relatives from Chicago Sunday Mr. and Mrs. George Young entertained friends from Chicago Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Hitchens entertained relatives from Jacksonville over the week-end. William Beth, Jr., of Chicago spent Saturday with his father, William Beth, Sr. Frank Walkington and Miss Fern Lester of Libertyvjlle spent Sunday in the Ben Walkington home. Mrs. William Hepburn and Mrs. Bob Schutze spent Friday afternoon with Mrs. Frank Block at Kenosha, Wis. Mrs. Emma Maaske and Mrs. Leland Moor of Genoa City spent Friday afternoon with Miss Wynne Kelley. H. E. Kelley and daughter of Crystal Lake spent Sunday afternoon in Ringwood. Mrs. William Hepburn, Kiss Alice Wilcox and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Block spent Monday at Monroe, Wis. Mrs. Charles Stephenson spent a, few days the past week in Rockford. Mr. and "Mrs. Leslie Olsen of McHenry spent Saturday with Ringwood relatives and friends. Floyd Hopper of McHenry spent Sunday with his parents, Kr. and Mrs. Ed Hopper. Joe Young and family sprat Sunday in the Nick Young home. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Shepard and family were Woodstock visitors Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. George Yoong and son Stanley, were McHenry visitors Sunday. Matt Freund, McHenry, announces that he has taken the agency for the New Idea Manure Spreader. Fanners are incited to inspect this machine. WAUGOHDA Mr. aricl Mrs. Paul feronchean were Waukegan callers Thursday. Gilbert Burnett of Slocum Lake called at the H. L. Grantham home Friday morning. Mrs. Harry Matthews of Slocum Lake entertained the Past. Matrons' club Friday afternoon. Mqs. R. C. Wells and Mrs. William Gossell and daughter of Waukegan called oti friends here Thursday after noon. \ J x Mr. and Mrs. Roy Paddock and Marsh Kuson were Waukegan business callers Thursday afternoon. Mrs. FrAnk Harrison of Chicago is spending a few days with her mother, MTS. LorettvSeymour. Mrs. Howard Davis, who, has been seriously ill, is much better at present. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Paddock of Round Lake are spending a few days with their daughter, Mm. Leslie Turnbull. M. L. VanNatta of Franklin Park spent Thursday evening with Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Grantham, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Bemie Geary of Tfound THURSDAY. NOV, 15, 1938 SPRING GROVE 1 Charles Behmes, who was sick the past week, is able to be at work again. Mrs. Ruth Oxtoby was, taken to a Janesville, Wis., hospital Wednesday. Miss Eleanor Karis spending a couple of weeks in the city with Mr. Vd Mrs. Joe Ailwiler and family. "Earnest Peacock had the misfortune to loose his milkhouse and pumphouse by fire one night last week, the damage amounting to about |200. Hejwas lucky that it was a windstill night as it was about halfway between the barn and house. Ed Bell of Ringwood spent Saturday afternoon and Sunday with his daughter, Mrs. Bertha Each, and faffi. iy. Mr. and Krs. James Foulke and two sons, Lowell and Robert, attended the football game at A«tfoch. Lowell was one of the players from Libertyville. This game was the last one of the,season. Mrs. Leon VanEveory, Mrs. Minrue Pierce, Mrs. Byron Orms and Mrs. Clara Brown (spent Thursday with Mrs. Jennie Oxtoby. Mr. and Mrs. Joe AlhrfilOr have Mr. and Mrs. Alfred .{Richardson and soii, Bobbie, and Mr. and Mrs. Math Nimsgren motored to Woodstock Friday afternoon. Edmund Keefe, Ernie Kattner and N. N. Weber were Chicago passengers Thursday. Masters Lyle and Eugene Franzen wwu apvut S»tuTu«| mTIU Sunday with their aunt, Mrs.jJoe G. Wagner. Mir. and Mrs. Fred Shotliff are rejoicing over the arrival of a baby boy. Mrs. Kate Orms and Mrs. Alice Wfcigner motored to Hebron ^o see the grandson of Mrs. Orms, Friday. Miss Viola Roepke, Misg Estelle Roupke and Arthur Zornstorff motored to Waukeg&n Saturday and spent the u«»V Tilth Mi"" ® Paav\VA MT. and Mrs. Anton May entertained about twenty-five relatives at dinner Sunday in their home, from Johnsburg and McHenry. " A complete range of styles and$®j'y?, weights in underwear for the winteriiil?; You will be able to find exactly whatt%|^ you want at the Erickson Dept. StoreJjFT**" Matt Freund, McHenry, announces^Lsi that he has taken the agency for the ^ Nesr, Id.e s M' an"r~^ *o->-**--* •*r-jtv--u«ci » ** are invited to inspect this marine. ,, . 2^*-^ •s-Z- ', - Lake spent Tuesday with the former's , .. mother, Mrs„ Alice Ueary. : <4^?^ *> .the_13" home in the city. 23-2 A complete range o^ styles and weights in underwear for the winter. Too will be able to find exactly what you want at the Erickson Dept, Store. Plaindealers at Bolger's. S. H. Freund & Scfe General Building Contractors Phone 127-R tier. Pear! and Part 8ts ^, .2* On Your Porch '>*5i- > • 'K^elay in delivery. A bottle of pure milk or cream on your ^tep each morning is a welcome eight to ©very house* holder. : "• " This dairy is ready to serve you. |i^ Us a Ring on the Phoa® • r haniKe nothing hut Bowman's Pasteurised and Degreed Products ^ Community Dair ffttoae 660-R-l _ 3en J. ftwti I '•3->Pb Miss La Verne Brown was <MH &ie sick list this week. " ' Mr. and Mrs. George Jaeger, who have spent the summer months in one of Eugene Prior's cottages, returned to their home in Peoria Wtednesday Eunice Ladd of Half Day called at the Harry Grantham home Saturday afternoon. Mrs. EL H. Prior was a Waukegan shopper Thursday afternoon. Teddy Sims spent the week-end at his home at Charleston, 111. Mrs. E. H. Dahms spent Monday in Chicago. Mrs. Zoe Smith of Milwaukee spent the week-end with Kr. and Krs. E. H. Prior. Gilbert Burnett of Slocum Lake was a Wauconda caller Saturday morning. J. M. Fuller spent the week-end in Chicago. Thomas Mbffit visited with his mother in Chicago Saturday and Sunday. George Deinlein, Robert Harris, and Glenn Blackburn went on a twentymile hike Saturday. Mrs. Tony Wasilowski and friends were MicHenry callers recently. George Deinlein of Chicago spent the week-end here. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Powers celebrated their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary last Sunday by entertaining Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Stoxen of Bassett. Wis., and Mr. and Mrs. Homer Cook,' Mrs. Laura Cook and Mrs. Cora Dowel at dinner. Their children, Warren and Hattie, of Elmhurst, were also present. Mr. and Mrs. August Hapke of Waukegan spent Saturday at the George Hapke home. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Crabtree of Elgin are the parents of a daughter, born Oct 26, 1928. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth KcCullen. of Elgin announce the birth of a son on Nov. 1. Mrs. McCullen was formerly Miss lone Crabtree of this place. Mrs. Dan Meyer spent Thursday at the home of Mrs. Howard Davis, who has been very ill. Miss, Emily Davidson spent the weekend with her mother at Hinsdale. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Haas of Wauconda were Tuesday callers at th# home of Mrs Clara Smith. Mr. and Mlrs. Arthur Leary and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Georgf VanNatta of Chicago were visitors Tuesday at the H. L. Grantham home. Mrs. Frank Meyer of McHenry spent Friday afternoon with Mrs. Harry Grantham, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wheeler of West McHenrv and Mr. and Mrs. John Newton of Lena. Wis., spent Saturday M the H. K. Hariis home. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Houghton and Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Houghton and daughter of North Chicago spent Sundav with relatives here. Misses Lenore and Marguerite Garvin. who are attending school in De*> Plaines, spent the week-end at their home here. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Boehmer of Bairlfin^ton fenent fPuesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Lee Brown. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Hicks and Charles Barker of Woodstock spent Wednesday at Waukegan and Liberty ville. Morris VanNatta and son, Glenn, of Franklin Park called at the H. L. Grantham home Saturday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schaeffer and children of McHenry visited at the George Broughton home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Lundgren entertained relatives Sunday. Mrs. Russell Daley and daughter. Dorothy, of Libertyville spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Krs. C. T. Daley. Mr» and Mrs. Frank Dickson entertained relatives from Chicago Friday. Mrs. Mat Wirtz and daughter, Viola, and Mr. and Krs. P. Wlirtz of Chi. cago spent Tuesday at the J. E Gainer home. ; u Mrs. Ray Seymour is spending few weeks with her daughter, Mrs, Owen Padlock, in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Krueger and sons called on Mr. and Krs. ^Albert Maether recently. / / Mir. and Mrs. Gbrdon Haxelton and son of Batavia spent Sunday in the J. A. Jones home. Verne VanNatta and boy friend of Chicago called at the H. L. Grantham home Monday. James Carr of Chicago spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs. Ussie Carr. Harold Hapke ieft Sunday for Gaff, Ind.. where he has secured work in an A. & P. store. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Gossel war* McHenry callers Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. George Scott and daughter, Mary, Mrs. A. C. Sorensm and Miss Laura Harris spent last Wednesday in Racine, Wis. Colder days will find many woman Honning our smart Rayon and wool hose that are so comfortable mnd warm. The ehades are.^ t^^ygj, / - \ " Mr. and Mrs Robert Price and family, Mrs. Garland and Kr. and Mrs. William VanLier of Bristol, Wis., were Sunday dinner guests of Kr. and Mrs. James Fouke. M?r. and Mrs. Joe J. Wagner and sons, Kenneth and Clair, motored to the city Wednesday afternoon. AUCTION! CHARLES LEONARD, Auctioneer Have decided to sell all live stock, feed, and some tools, on my farm, known as the Hanley farm, V4 mile southwest of West McHenry depot, on Crystal Lake Road, SATURDAY, NOV. 24 commencing at 12:30 o'clock sharp, the following described property: . 100 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK Consisting of 25 Milk Cows--Tested Holsteins, milkers and springers; Holstein Bull, 8 years old; 10 Tested Holstein Calves. 8 Work Horses *r" a* .--Trp-,-* " * . % :Zmk :sU. 7 i/.. ; • ' -V-Ik ^ '• immni $1265 t. a b, STUDEBAKER , Bearing Spring SKackles! raveled 5000 miles mm €i\L - 'i' , 100 HOGS g 10 Sows With pigs six weeks o4. HAT, GRAIN AND CHINERY 400 Shocks Corn; Corn'in Crib; Timothy Hay in the Barn; 1 Manure Spreader; 2 tons Fertilizer; 1 Bobsled; 1 Feed Grinder; some Household Furniture and other articles too numerous to mention., , TERMS--All sums of $25.00 and wider, cash. Over "that amount a credit of six months' time will be given on good bankable notes, satisfactory to the clerk, bearing 7% interest. Positively no property ^o be removed until settled for with clerk. M. H. Detrick GERALD CAREY, Clark. in If consecutive minutes! (Under A. A* A. Supervision! m DOHSRTY « BIOHABDSOK Ml STUDEBAKERt The Great Independent When it^eomeg to tires, we offer yon the prodi^t • i' i|f the world's greatest tire factory. Tires may / f^iffer in looks, but on the road, where performance is judge, values appear in their true light* And Goodyear Tires stand up under the mo#t exacting conditions^--it has been proved by mil- Jions of motorcar owners tW Wear." v We are proud to represent Goodyear, and we .are equally proud of our own record-- "Our -"Service means Good Care." We put the tire <m • ' ^ <juickly and correctly--then we inspect it regularly to see that you get every trouble-free mile W«'U quote you on f ^ a^y size All'Weather-^^ ftere's just a sample 4~ GOOD CAREt • • ' • ' - - ' " that you ire entitled to out of it. The greatest tronbl-iHsuraiice in the world--and it is all free too. . . . - ' < " M Many tirg buyers do not know that there is a Goodyear Tire for every pocketbook. It's trne. notrever, and wise purchasers, to whom Price is an important factor, are lining np solidly for GOODYEAR PATHFINDERS, a real Goodyear Tire built to sell at. a low price. We are * prepared to fit you out at once in any size-- either All-Weathers pr Goodyear Pathfinders. JnuBt drive in. ^ r Qoodyear Pathfinders compete with mailorder or unknown bargain br< Doesn't this prove itI Ertokaon Dipt Store. W GOODYEAR ALL-WEATHERS High Pressure 30x3% 01. Obrd Oversize 32x4 SS Cord . :i'5x5 SS Cord...... 29x4^40 31x5.25 33x6.00 Balloon Type Balloon.' Balloon. % 8.05 13.95 23.50 8.90 14.35 17.35 GOODYEA^R-FATHFINDERS . . I ---- | ! ( High Pressure 30x3^ 01. Cord Oversiae ^ 32x4 SS Cord •spwm 6.35 Balloon Type 29x4.40 Balloon.. 31x5.25 Balloon.. ~ 6.50 12.95 /AL'l Phone 120-B. West McHenry, Illinois 0«mi^ Stook--M 81** SktUrto» - »nd R^wiriaj ^ Tii* ud Tube ValcMisiBc M- • :