> # ^.-a.^ .*, -; -• '"" *',. ^ -hi* _J, . j"V* V fiv " £ V .. •'. • v";.--'. -'•: '!T'.. ; -'.' f\ :* : V. *' .' ' V" • r^-:;W'-^W- •'• - V - : 1 - •' • ; • V ' - ' Vfc ; :'f^€ THE M'HENBY PLAINDEALEE, THURSDAY, NOV. 22, 1928 SLOCUM'S LAKE •/* ] '•' •' ft Mr. and Mrs. Jack Geary and son, '• rjjltagene, spent Saturday evening at IptcHenry. |; Harry Matthews was a business j^jgaller at Grayslake Thursday. tMr. and Mrs. Ray Dowell spent last riday at Libertyville. Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett called at "•Jibe home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pass- 1* field last Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bacon and Ihildren visited at the home of Mr. r &Mid Mrs. Earl Davis last Tuesday i . Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Zimmer and Mrs. tohn R. Knox of McHenry spent last "hursday afternoon at the home of 'Jjfcheir parents here, ,.s jV Mrr. Earl Converse spent last Wednesday at the home of her sinter, Ray Dowell. Mr. and Mrs. George Dowell and Children of Roseville visited at the jy Passfield home last Wednesday Evening. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews and Ion, Robert, Mr. and Mrs. Willard irrell and daughter, Myrtle, and Irs. LaDoyt Matthews of Crystal ike called at the R. D. Carr home itt Spring Grove Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Bay Dowell and uxghter, Dorothy, visited at the home •f Mrs. Dowell's parents Sunday evening. Mrs. H. S. Schaeffer of McHenry, And Mr. and Mrs. Emmet Geary of p¥auconda visited at the home of ftoeir parents here last Tuesday after- ;fioon. Mrs. Sigrid Blomgren entertained members of the Ladies Auxiliary the Federated church of Whuconda ; ast Thursday afternoon. Mrs. George ; Oowell, Mrs. Alvin Case, Mrs. William tichols and Mrs. Clara Nichols of Dseville, and Mrs. Fred Nordmeyer |ilso attended the meeting. Martin Brower and Miss Frances »vis were Wednesday supper and Evening guests at the home of Mr. id Mrs. Wayne Bacons- Mrs. Harry Matthews and son, Robert, were business callers at McHenry Bt Wednesday afternoon: •s1 I' Mr. and Mrs. Henry Geary and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Geary and son, Ettgen*. were Sunday guests at the H. E. Maiman home at Wauconda. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Park# and Mrs, Ella Parks of Park Rid^e were Sunday callers at the W. E. Brook* horn* John Blomgren li driving S W* Buick sedan. Iner J roth spent last Friday tn Chicago. Chesney Brooks spent last Saturday in Chicago. Mrs. Richard Dowell and two children of Resejcill^ visited at the Roy Passfield home Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brooks called at Grayslake Monday afternoon. Those from this community who attended the Federated church supper last Saturday evening at Waucor. ds we™: Mr, and Mr?. W. E. Brooks and son, Chesney, Mr. and Mrs. Willard DarreU, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews and son, Robert, John Blomgren, Mrs. Sigrid Blomgren, and Iner Jroth. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Passfield of Volo cabled on Mr. and Mrs. Roy Passfield Saturday evening. Mrs. Clara Smith called at the home of Mrs. Josepji Haas , at Wauconda last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. EL L. Brooks visited at the home of Mr, and M^s. William Cook Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. O. W, Grantham visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Kelley at Elgin Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Williams and son, James Howard, of Crystal Lake were Sunday dinner and afternoon guests at the home of Mrs. Clara Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dowell and children were callers at Elgin last Wednesday afternoon. . Mildred Hoffman is holding the position of organist at the Auditorium theatre at Libertyville. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mktthews and Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Grantham attended the Euchre club party entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Fink last Wednesday evening. William Darrell and Bill Dowell were business callers at Waukegan Monday morning.' t^e charainff woman pay attention to dress * derails. To look your best; bright, clean, well ifo dressed, let this sho|> serve. £ :--Mr. Before and After "For Tour Appearance's Sake" ssr4, Ik ,r •: PHONE 143 W ANNA HOWARD CLEANING & PRESSING CN£R BOLQER'S DQUQ $T0> f": ri -T- "• <• ••'••J# :Twlc« o l d lies Nils mi Mews Talma' ffem Ctttamns of the Malndealer Fifty aad - 1>weiy«lra Yeaiti^' Age ; .r ' WAUCONDA NOVEMBER, IMS Peter Doherty will soon build a house on the lots recently purchased of the Kearns' estate, on Green street. A car load of stone for the foundation i Eileen Harris are now employed at Mrs. Roy Paddock, Mr^ Leslie Turn bull, Mrs. Harry Francisco and Mrs. Arthur Boehmer attended Worthy Matrons' night at McHenry chapter, O. E. S., Monday evening. Mrs. Paddock acted as Warder. Mrs. Ernest Goodlujjk of Lake Zurich and Mrs. Anrj» Garvin attended a Commission meeting of the Illinois Bell Telephone company at Woodstock Friday.1 ' ^ Mrs. Ray Seymour returned heme Saturday, after spending -several weeks at the Owen Paddock home in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wragg and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Wragg of Chicago spent Sunday at the William Nicholls home. Ciyde Wright is driving a new Ford truck. Misses La Verne Wheelock and was unloaded this week The mill pond tare 1>een the scene of joyous life during the past week. Skating has been quite good and hundreds of young people have taken advantage of the pleasant weather. There is usually such a high wind blowing across the pond that there is little pleasure on the ice, but the pa&t week has been an exception. Butter sold, for 24 cents on the Elgin board of trade Monday, one lot being disposed of at that price. An advance of two cents over last week's price. Last Sunday evening Miss Margaret M. Adams was suprrised by a party of her friends, there being about seventeen couples present. The party was given by Helen Adams in honor Barrington. Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Johns and Mrs. Florence Green were Waukegan callers Sunday afternoon. Vincent Davlin, Marshall Smith Eugene Prior and George Blackbuifn were on jury at Waukegan a few days last week. Peter Hess returned home Friday after spending several with his son at Woodstock. \ Mrs, C. H. Do-^ns &f£ Wednesday for Iron Mountain, Mich., to attend the funeral of her sister, Mrs. Alice Hughes. . .. Albert Martiin is spending a few weeks at Springfield, 111. i Mr. and Mrs. William GosSell and daughter, Norma Jean, and Mrs. C. R. Wells of Waukegan, called at the of her sister's birthday anniversary. John Gossell home Sunday^ All enjoyed a pleasant evening, Ice cream and cake were served. The Am. Terra C-otta and Ceramic Co., following the usual custom, gave each of their employees a turkey for Thanksgiving. NOVEMBER, 1878 Tuesday, was evidently hog day. P. K. Granger and C. T. Eldredge shipped four cars from here and three cars came by from the north on the afternoon freight. The German school in this village opened on Monday last with F. A, Frank as teacher. Mr. Frank is an experienced teacher, having taught for many years in both this and the old country. - • Shedd ft Co., the ice men, have put upon the pond in this village a small, steamboat for the purpose of cutting the weeds in the pond. ^ A Thanksgiving party for the benefit of the Johnsburg band will be given at Gillis' hall in this village on Thursday evening. The band has just been organized and it is hoped that they ttfeay receive a rousing benefit. The wonderful phonograph of which we have heard and read so much of late, will be on exhibition at'the Riverside hall on Friday evening of this week, where all can have an opportunity of witnessing its wonderful workings and hearing it talk. It seems almost impossible that a machine can be made to talk, but never, theless it is so, and as this is a chftrtCe where all can hear and see for themselves no one should fail to avail themselves of it. Wle hear that Charlie Bacon is going into Chicago with his celebrated driving mare, "Lady Bourne." He thinks that he will have no trouble to sell -her as all that is necessary to insure him of success is an exhibition of her speed. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Meyers of McHenry. Miss Martha Hughes of Waukegan spent Tuesday evening with friends here. - Mr. and Mrs. George Scott and daughter, Mary, Mrs. H. K. Harris, and Mrs. Lillie Toyton were Waukegan shoppers Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Burton of Libertyville spent Wednesday afternoon at the W. V. Johns home. Our grocery department is filled with all the necessary things to make your Thanksgiving Day dinner a success. Phone your order in and we will deliver it promptly. Erickson L»ept. Store. Order your Christmas Cards at the Plaindealer now so we will have plenty of time to print your name on them. Chemistry Prof.: " "What ,:H 16he formula for water?" - Frosh: "HUKLMNO." r ll Chemistry Prof.: "Where did ever get that idea?" Frosh: "Why, yesterday you said it was H to O."--The Open Road. you JfOX UVCS OBOVE November 24 DEL-ANDREWS RHAPSODY BOYS "Hello, what are you doing here, old fellow?" "I'm on my honeymoon." "Where's your wife?" "Well, somebody had'to stay at home and look after the store."--Progressive Grocer. HEAP BIO INJUW--JOHN MIDDLE SKY-- AND BLACKIE WHITE WILL BE ON THE JOB iPfcENWO* TthlKS--DtJCKS--OEEs! B" w T H E WORLD A N D F I N E R MOTOR «4M»SCaa4ar<i91ii $998 DEL ERED FULLY EQUIPPED prthing more to The Quoted Price InrMudes Freigh§ and Complete JEquipwneni WHEN die Nafh salesman quotes you the price on a Nash "400," you will find that it includes not only the car, but the freight, bumpers, hydraulic shock absorbers, ytbimgt There's nothing mora to buy. Nash puts on the extras at the factory, instead of you or the dealer potting them on,«/ rtUul pricm! The "400" Standard Six Salon Body 4-door-Sedan, illustrated above, will give ftm an eacceUent idea of Nash 9 4NF" M $930 to *2245, JeUvtrd *400" value. Come in and see it. Tain it out and drive it. The money never bought so fine a mo* tor car before--big--handsome--pow>X • •red by a new, high-couipressi&nir"™' 7-bearing motor--longer wheelbase-- " Mw double drop frame--all exposed metalware chrome plated--and a host other vital improvements. Read below. V £ then remember that d» price ioi^- dudes everything wtbimgm*mi 8 Covf**, CabrtoUts, Virtorias from $9W to $1830, f? NA5 H 400 Cor FtalsM IMPOST ANT High-compression Motor High Turbulence lovtjoy shock absorbers (mMI/WmM FBATVBEd-^O OTHMSM CJlM MJLM Aluminum alloy pistons (!•--i teitt) New double drop frame ^torsional dbtilfce damper VhtWaMdMaMris# T-bearing crankshaft (kuih m crwl ptm) bterior etuetalware chrome plated over nickel tkott turning radius Ose-pi«ci Saloa lender* Clear vision Croat pillar posts Nasb Special Design front mad rear George A* Sailing Gat-age m»u MiHenry, Ilfttttlt (fill) ppfMi Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Daley and daughters spent Saturday in North Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. E. Goodluck of Lake Zurich were callers here Friday ^vetting. - Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kramer are spending the week in Chicago. E. H. Dalrnis and F. C. Knigge weft Libertyville jcallers Tuesday. Mr., and Mrs. William Daley were Palatine wallers Thursday evening. James Carr of Chicago called at the H. L. Grantham home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Dobner spent Monday at Mundelein. , Mrs. Frank Meyers of McHenry attended the Tuesday Evening club at the home of her sister, ^Mrsr-Harry Grantham. < Miss Anita Baseley was a Waukegan caller Thursday afternoon. Jerry O'Connor of Chicago spent the week»end here. George Deinlein of Chicago spent Sunday with his family here." Ray Paddock wis a McHenry caller Monday evening. Mra. Arthur Krell was a Wilmette caller Saturday. Miss Anita Baseley announces a basket social to be held at her school at Slocum Lake on Saturday evening Nov. 24. M. L. VanNatta of Franklin Parkt E. D. VanNatta, Raymond, Kenneth and Verne VanNatta, and Art Peter Leon of Chicago spent the first of tht j week at the H. L. Grantham home. | Mr. and Mrs. Robert Blackburn an< daughter and Mr. and Mrs. George Blackburn and son, Glenn, and Miss Grace Ripkey of Chicago spent Sunday with relatives at DeKalb. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rudsinski and 'family spent Sunday in Chicag^ Miss Lena Bonin is enjoying a vaca tion with her parents in Elgin. Mr. andvMrs. Henry Dehne are vis-* tting friends at Wilson, Kan. Mrs. Editf^-Peck and daughter, Dor bthy, spent Thursday and Friday a* Libertyville. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Nelson and Fred jNelson of Chicago called at the Grantham home Sunday afternoon. ^ Miss Hazel Haffey spent Tuesday; Jevening with friends at Barrington. Mr. and B^ks. Charles Thomas anif - json were Elgin shoppers Saturday 1 Konala Geary of Giliiic ipent Sun - iiay afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Har 4ry Grantham. Fred Thomas and son, Clarence, were Libertyville callers Wednesday. NJrs. Gr: I 2 Moffitt was a caller at 'the Miles Fuller home Saturday eve-» tiing. Harold'Wheelock and friends spent Sunday at the C. E. Wheelock hoqie. Mr. and Mrs. William Dillon of JOhampaign spent Monday at the Henry Kruger home. Mr^-and Mrs. LeRoy Kirk and fam- -tfily pt Chicago spei^t Sunday in the j. A. Jones home. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Paddock of Hound Lake spent Monday afterpoon with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Will Geary and son, • iEdward, spent Thursday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Lee Geary, at Gilmer. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kruger and son Kenneth, spent Sunday with relatives at Long Grove. Miss Mae Daley is spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. Henrjf •j JjBeckman. at Wheaton. Mrs. Mary Maether and d>ighter, Phoebe, spent Sunday with Mr. and; Mrs. Ernest Meyer, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. A1 Heiden and son^ -Buster, spent the week-end at the. Ihome of Mrs. Emil Rades. Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Houghton and ^daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Arthth* Houghton of North Chicago spent Sun-, Hay at the Clarence Daley home. Mrs. E. 0. VanNatta and son, Ken heth, of Chicago spent Friday at the JH. L. Grantham hone. Asa Crabtree of Cary was a called in town Sunday. i Mr. and Mrs. Z. H. Osmun of Cry tal Lake were Saturday callers at the ^George Knigge home. Mrs. Edith Peck and daugh^r, Dorothy, and Lon Hubbard spent Monday "dlftt Libertyville. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Scha«jfer and ^hildren of McHenry spent Sunday. xjpt the George Broughton home. Mrs. A. N. Larson was a Chicago!. caller Monday. Mir. and Mrs. Owen Paddock and, _ eon, Clayton, of-Chicago spent Saturday at the Seymour home. *•' Mr. and Mrs. Will Geary and sonj Idward, and Mrs. Alice Gengj, called IH>NT WAIT--TAKE THEM IN TIME When Chas. McAllister, Kearney. N. J., reached the point where he had to drag his tired, aching weary body from *. well-nigh sleepless bed, he did a wise thing--bought a bottle of Foley Pills diuretic, and then: "After taking Foley Pills diuretic for a time I became all right, and my kidney distress, pain and weakness are all gone." Cost little. Satisfaction guaranteed. Men and women everywhere use and recommend them, Thomas P. Bolger. ' > . v THE GREAT HOLIDAY EVENT OF THE YEAR FOR FARMERS International Live Stock Exposition and Horse Show CHICAGO 7 r Deo. 1st to 8th, 1928. AI! previous entries have been exceeded this season. Many entertainment features for all the family. See Chicago ia holiday attire. RARGAIN FARES Vj off regular fare ' Excursion tickets on sale Nov. 28th to Dec. 4th, inclusive. Return limit December 10th. For full particulars regarding fares, schedules, etc. consult local ticket agent. THICAGO NORTH WESTERN RAILWAY irates 0o ^oti know who they ate t They are m old as time. The yearly haul of each of them runs way into the millions of dollars. are: ETDr r ixvC "MISPLACEMENT You can't be sure of escaping any one of them for a minute unless you store your valuables in a safe deposit box in our burfire- proof vault. Year Bot-TODAf! State Bank OF McHENRY £he Bank That Helps Yon Get Ahead ji wonderful news comfort - factors not combined in any other automobile •• all playing their part in the tremendous country-wide demand for the new Buick ei c/foadjurtqttf} 'Wideseatrj[ ofhmt seatfComfortfit ma •i'MS cjm-Uade Adric mmdshietd m>\ -Skrfutm 1 for2 adults sa s-s la addition to its vivid new beauty" --ia additioa to sensational performance-- the Silver Anniversary Buick provides comfort aad convenience not combined ia any other automobile. - y \ A new sdfattirM* seat--«« electric windshield wiper with two wiping blades--seats affordiag * pleatj of room for three fall-giopii adults--all cembiae with countless other comfort factors to make the Silver Anniversary Buick the easiest car ia the world to ride ia aad Jo drive. - • > ' • aew Buick maAs* new epoch •**a new era--ia all elemeats of Style, comfort, performance. QSb SflverjSn n tvermry t i i H M A N t i t K P I E C E b o d i e s B Y F I S H E K fhon# 9^+ OVERTON & COWEN - • - Motor- C|IB Melttrj, tanr IITTBI IRROMOTTLII IM BOIITM.>VICI flit »UIL»