> -f- ' •'<- I ' *>/«».-* i' - \ - "* * * . - «.'* : v . •* 1 • ';- . 1 i "T V I* j. . * ' •" - A-^ ""- -*••*.•. *- Kl J" WV f * "V'i' *4fi- H ' . wv- "-.J. fe' ': fer--- •,! -" I «„ S.fev; <';••!' ': {' ty r ' k "•ft, >; L-.-" BOMB OP AMU8BMENT -WE CANT PLAY THEM ALL 80 WE PLAT THE BEST" SHOWS 7^-8:90 THURSDAY - FRIDAY • 7.:! DECEMBER lS-l4; • ••••?;•;* ^Warner Bros. Prsasit STREET BADIE" YHb Real r :tderwerld Withoat p$'C • . Fruis , , * AI*D METRO COMEDY > "PEACHES AMD : ; . PLUMBERS h. ^ SATURDAY h * • DECEMBER 15 ! A Dnaa of UbosuI Pmr« , and Appeal '* I ^CRAIG'S WI*!" j • "•*-' • with Irene feich Warner Baxter r f , , And a Briiliaat €&£?*• . with ' pNfce Warid^s Latest .News BIG TIME t <rVAUDEVILLE ^ vlMid the Metro Omt&if Pr ^CRAZY HOUSE" • «Mw» i SUNDAY DftCBMBBR IS Matinee I 'M Opening Csmedy Aesop's FaUea United Artists , €ilda Grey "The Devil tt Dancer** If * I*':;' isfcyt' »>' :s; M.- Y -, "r &*' Something ne* h dandag -- A rtery wttfc all Ike bisstj af ^ sir -p ' Wltlf •' . +*•"' ' V"".:- BIG TIME YAUDEVILIJI •Jfmi ii*K Metre Canity jf *MtHEN CAME TEX (V;: DAWH . . THURSDAY - FRIDAY DECEMBER 20-21 Win. l4x Presents - "THE FARMER'S f DAUGHTERS ft"- Aai Patka fe?< *• - 1't Wear Your Work Glasses "Out" It isn't "done." After a day in t^e office, store or shop, the tartly dressed business girl . tucks her work glasses into their i case. She dons another pair, \ more appropriate for going : "out," just as she lays aside the i rest of her work-a-day garb for | other clothes. ] Usa^e Demands More ) Than One Pair ; 7 p. m. to 9 p. m., except Saturt day. Wed. 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. . ML KRRY FREDND OPTOMETRIST Phone 175 MBW JURY LIST IB DRAWN BY CLERK Tcpk af Ute Hurt) -six Cimaen Fofiliist ; «M Art From Algonqidfe Towaslup Thlrty-sl* new petit jurymen were pelected following the meeting of tha board of supennsors Monday after* noon. Hie new list was picked by Circuit Clerk William T. Conn in the presence of ^ounty Judge Charles T. Allen, County Clerk Guy E. Still, Deputy Clerk Maude Donovan, Editor Williard Cobb of the Crystal Lake Herald, Editor M. F. Walsh of the Harvard Herald and George E. Sullivan of the Woodstock Sentinel. The list was drawn from a box which had Just been supplied with names approved by the grand jury. Clerk- Ccmn was blindfolded while he picked the new jury list. * Algonquin leads the list with tea memb«rs on the Jury. Chemung placed five men on the all-star selection while Dorr has seivau. Greenwood was humored with four places while the attar townships have only one and some hare no representatives at all The petit jury reported for duty Wednesday with Judge John K.. Newball presiding. The first case to be heard by the jury will be tha Max Wilcox conspiracy case which haa been held up since tho time the old jury was thrown out by th'e court. Following is the roster of the nejr jury picked late yesterday afternoon: Fred Fischer, Chemung Elmer Wbitely, Chemuqg* E. L. Axtell, Chemung s ; . Albert Bloom, Chemung#; v" ' ^ Harold Beard, Chemuilg" Charles Knopp, Alden ?\ * Herbert Eckert, Greenwood I. H. Eppel, Greenwood ^ John Pulver, Greenwood Robert Mansfield. Greenwood Elmer Doolittle, Greenwood Charles Joorfetz, Dorr J. H. Conley, Dart .. .... • jj Tom Davis, Donr % ^ Paul Jaster, Dot* Ray McAndrews, Dorr George Johnson, Dorr Charles Zoia, Dorr Edward Kilt*. Seneca Joe Losfte, Hebron Gilbert Carroll, Hartlarid Harry Kanka, Algonqu%>; Jbhn Kanka, Algonquin ^ Carl ReSber, Algonquin William Wahlen, Algonquin Joe Kosta, Algonquin Oscar Johnson, Algonquin Elmer Johnson, Algonqain Albert Dassonville, Algonq Jamee Cleary, Algonquin Elmer Ackman, Algonqain Charles Garliet. Grafton C. W. Richardson, Grafton Fred Wendt, Nunda --- - -- A. R. Baner, Nunda / Walter Carey, McHenrj^-^ *>r'S *•** PLAINDEALER, THURSDAY; PEC. 1^ 4888 m 'Vr^-' n WAUMAIN CLUB Mua Clan Schiessle wya hnataaa to the members of the Waumain Card club at her home on Main street Monday evening. Bridge was played during the evening and the first pris« w*' wr»» h> Uj«; ?!«•««• KinsaLa and the second prize watt to Mrs -L. A. Erickson. The next meeting of the club will be at the home of Mia Marie Powers Wednesday evening. Fifty-Fifty Between /Thief and Financier A. E. Fitkin, New York financier, told a story at a dinner in ceiebntton of his purchase for $240,000 of a Seat on the stock exchange. "The improvement in financial morals is almost unbelievable," Mr. Fitkin said. "I'll tell you a story that Tom Lawson used to tell about „ the days of frenzied finance. "Once upon a time a bank robber was interrupted in the midst of his delicate work by the sound of approaching footsteps. "The bank robber put down his acetylene drill softly. He pressed ills gloved hand--gloved to obviate fingerprints-- to bis thumping heart. Then the door opened, and a beautiful old gentleman with white side whiskers, wearing a long black frock coat, appeared. "'Who are you, atrT* said the old gentleman sternly. " 'I'm Buster Bill, the safi was the fierce reply, 'and if to be bored fall of holes like a cheese*--^' "But the old gentleman gave it cry of Joy. He advanced with outstretched hand. ^^Oh, sir,' he said," 1 am the president of this institution, and I waa afraid you were an examiner or Inspector or something. But you are only Buster Bill, a mere burglar, eh? Oh, thank heaven for that! I'm sure you and I between us will be able to come to an arrangement which will be more than satisfactory to our depositors.' "The two men sh6ok hands cordially. Then they went at the safe together." Twain Went Out With Comet, as He Wished While delivering a lecture on astronomy a year before bis death, Samuel Clemens had said: "I came in with Halley's comet In 1885. It is coming again next year, and I expect to go out with it It will be the greatest disappointment of my life if I don't go out with Halley's comet. The Almighty said, no doubt: 'Now, here are these two unaccountable freaks; they came. In together, they must go out together." Oh! I am locking forward to that.- We know now that Mark Twain was not to be disappointed. Wednesday night, April 20, 1910, Halley's comet, the mysterious messenger of his birth year, shone clearly% ln the sky in Its perihelion. And daring the following evening Mark Twain died. Hairy elephants once roameoin Ireland, according to scientists there, who have found bones of the mammoth. The animals were covered with red hair and their tusks were longer arid more curved than those of the modern elephant, the scientists declare- The description tallies with the crude prehistoric sketches found »n bones and os tha walls of nvM In Knmra 'Psraly Pmmhdmm. • • 'iPhe' •kale mosquito, according to the scientists, never bites. Neither does any other gentleman.--Boat on Transcript Here It Is--Ab* . . < » . _ • • solutely FREE Lyric to Queen ol Beauty, Julian ftawthorne saw .a great deal of Joaquin Miller, the "Poet of the Sierras," when both were living in London years ago, a writer in the Kansas City Times tells us. Once at a garden party at which Lillte Langtry-- then in the first bloom of her beauty--was the center of attraction, Hawthorne Introduced the poet to the ravishing Jersey Lily. "I left them talking prosperously," relates Hawthorne .Jn his retpintscenqes, "^'Shapes That* Pas*,". "but Joa» quin came htwtenlng aftsr tte in * few moments. " 'Have yoa got a bit of' pajwrT* he asked. 'I have a pencil; she Wants me to write her a lyric.* "I found an old envelope in my pocket," adds Julian, "he seized It. and squatted down on the turf, where I left him scribbling and went ba<*k to keep Lillie till he was ready. It hardly five minutes before lje Iking toward us Mi beard and waving the envelope." . And here 1# the lyric. Hawthorne says he does not think It has beeo-in tt all (Tod's fWth a garden W5ir», A>nd alt the women flowsrs, > And I * that bu»«d ttysre Through all the summer hour*. Oh. I would buss th» K*vd#n through, For honey--till I came to yoa!, Folklore Legends That < -i Have Many Believers Curious old iiistoms, legends and NEIDttMpROOD BUNCO CLUB The Iftffefiborhood Bunco club met1 at the home of Mrs. Ben Miller last Thursday afternoon,* at which time several games of bunco were played and the first prize was won by Mrs. Frank Grasser, the second by Mrs. A. H. Freund, the third by Mrs. Otto tHc fourth by ?/i!l Hsrris and the fifth prize by Mrs. P. W. Freund. Hie next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Frank Freund at Johnsburg. BOYAL ENTERT. The Royal Entertainers met at the home of Mrs. Mat Steffes last Thursday evening where a good time was enjoyed at cards, with the first prize gainer to Mrs. H. L. Ritter. the second to Mrs. Joos, the third to MTs> George Schreiner and the fourth prize to Mrs. Mfet Freund. Refreshments were served at the close of the evening. The next , meeting will be at the home of'Mrs. Jesse Wormley. CosBsporcial H*liotr*p«. One of the most important perfumes for blending Is the essential oil of the" little sweet-smelling heliotrope. It was formerly oqe of the mbst expen sive also, hut It can now be made from pepper at a price a hundred times less.than ,It «ost to extract It 'rajs Ml. iinwef. This has reduced the price of bouquet scents* wfeleh It is uaed. considerably. . Tight Ring C^uimI Death. ^ .'A. tight wedding rlhg caused a ftftm* an;s death at Nottingham, England. Owing to fattening flesh, the ring became t*o small and caused an abrasion <it the woman's finger. The woman c died from hiood hoiftoiitng, wh^ch originated In the ^r^slon. '--v Uttle «»tt£ tea mixed with warm LINGER LONOEB CLUB •: iftxa. Peter J. Schaefer entertained the members of the Linger Longer club at her home cm Waukegan street last Thursday afternoon. Bunco fuxn^ Lnhed the entertainMeut! !c? the afternoon and prizes were won by Mrs. Fred C. Schoewer, Mrs. Ray Howard and M>a. P. J. Schaefer. Delicious refreshraents were served. The next meeting will be a Christmas p«rt$ at the ^ome of Mrs. Louis McDonald. ^ ENTERTAINS CARD CLUB Mrs. Anna Barron was hostess to the members of her card club on Wedijwfr *nd epplled with a soft woolso #W< 4Wkgt. «ta#^^. :#<»od«ferk | IHpk fresh nrwj ht^ght. »i wmm IniKtrfeet Caa*b|. If canning of fruit is properly-done they need not stand at all before mov-* tog. If difficulty Is encountered from.. , moving canned fruits, it is probable; " that the seams are not good and leak-'**"4 age results doe to the agitation. Hold-glu ing the a period of time nff^ " er canning will not correct fault? V superstitions Still existing In the Brit- J nes<Jay evening of last week.1 Bridge Isli isles were recalled at a congress 1 was played during the evening aiyi of the British Folklore society. For ; for high honors was won Roadster i(8ol4 by Knox Motor Salfs*9 «. • *f«r . •. iik* >• To be given «? .,-i -4 uj.y ji ^ - ^„ to rIf customer r-^rf ' ; • • ^ *-w ' at .• HERMAN J. SCHAEFER >ving and ^ Distanoe Hanling lEeHanrf. •Mm** Wattles Main v *t' example, one speaker told the congress that there still Is a belief In the Isle of Man that the cats of the Island have a king of their own. During the day the "king" lives the life of an ordinary house rat. . At night h^ assumes his royal attributes and travels about in regal 6tate. It is dangerous for a householder with whom he-lives to treat the "king ont" unkindly. Cats nre further believed to be on Intimate terms with fairies and other Invisible Inhabitants of the world of mystery. by Miss Mary Kinney, while the see* ond prize went to Mr.s. Earl McAA drewa/ ^ „ '•} ' f^| EVENING BBIDOE 'CliUB ^ , The members of the evening bridle: club were pleasantly entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs; A. J. Schneider Wednesday evening. Bridge was played during the evening with high honor® going to, Mrs. H. Stephenson and H. C .Hughes. D«- ' • •• ,-i. •, I t - Id**!*. To preserve, to Infurtn uad to per- j i>etnate the aonrces and direct tn tbetr] most effective ctuinnel# the which opBtrlbuie to the public weal teSi the purpose for which government W9§.'. ; , instituted.--John QtHncy Adams. , {,4/ two Distinct Meaning* Ic, apeiied with a capital, i pertaining to Moses, to ti e law, h tntlooa, etc. Mosaic, spelt with «••• ? ,r, nwrtl letter, denotes an inlaid deefateS: • I,-'*; of sonll parUctas of .glsas, sMpMw J ^ of varloaa colors. * .<• 4-f f- • f'M innaoupnis or tne «u ^ refreshments were: served. T71ie rat is the only member of the ° /; household allowed to , remain In the kitchen when the. fairies enter to warm themselves after the-human residents have gone to bed. Again, larc<* black dogs with flaming eyes nre anr" posed to rop the Island at night. IW-* best way to pursue a witch Is to chaw her with a greyhound having not a slngle^btacfe hair. An old Manx law tn to the effect that any Manxman misch* bill a Scotsman, provided that thte Manxman must gp to Scotland and bring baek two goats to keep the vietllh's ghoet away .-^Pierre Van Paassen, in the Atlanta Constitution. •- "' *'x rv4:- " "" .»- rs,;Prt "Alaras docks." - timftg alarm clocks are quite the thing In Liberia. The little pepper bird takes it upen.hlmself to wake up the I.Iberians every morning. Poaflbly the bird Is aware that the natives cannot have the regular sort of alarm clocks heemwft, the climate takes all tho al^rm eet of them--and life, too. The pepper bird simply cannot stay still when the sun comes up. He flutters to the housetops, > fences and neighboring trees uttering his shrill, excited calls, which have come to mean "Get up." The natives, and the whites as well, can count on him, for he has been found to be dependable. He has been timed and checked, and it was found that his waking cries did not vary more than three minutes from day to day. During the hot part of the day the bird disappears In the woods.--Pathfinder DAUGHTERS OF G. A. It The Daughters of the G. A; It. Will hold their installation of officers at Hhe Woodmen hall in West McHenry Friday evening of this week. All members are urged to be present at this time. •T, , •••-••Mr:: • Big Day is History. •:AW*- %,(Wie Post Office department sffys the first aerial mail delivery made Is the United States took place In Sep tember, 1911. When the first bag' M mall was delivered to the Mtneola post office. Postmaster General F- H- Hltclfc cock sent rbe mail.and EL 4*. Ovtngto*: pilot, delivered lt« t i, " •? Diepellhig Molueholy. *aTe • '"dy two-ai recipes against melancholy; one was s bright lire; another, to remember all the pleasant things said to and of her; another, to keep a box of sugar-plums on the chlthney-plece, and a kettle simmering, eh | the boh. How true tt IS that little pleasures often banish melancholy better than higher and mors exalted objects.--Sydney Smith. fife# : TTRRB it tfasmost help^nseitalandpcaetiealeratt JUL Christmas sifts, for it provides its usau vitb thev-' modern, time-saving way to write. T : The smallest and lightest typewriter with standard^ keyboard. Weighs only |i^ pounds, net, and fits in only four inches high; strong and durable, simple andlieasy to operate. The recognised leader--in sales and* * popularity. Cbme ixt0ndM m$ THOMAS P. BOLGER "TheMcHenryDrnggiat" ^ " ; ; M % .«cH#,a* ». 1 '• v-' - . » - . *. '•"* • ». • Phone 4d '-4 m Uneapplo at Its Bilk ' Travelers in Costa Rica love to tell of the delight afforded in partaking of the pineapple grown in that country, and of the novel way of serving it at the table. Servants have developed unusual skill In paring the rind leaving the entire healt of the fruit for the diner. It Is served In a wide and deep plate, a fork is stuck In to hold It In place, a spoon then enables the diner to dip out the abundant fruit goodness and enjoy tt at leisure. The fruit Is overflowing with juice, delicate and refreshing, as the fruit ripens naturally while on the tree.-- R. Venning. , .. Pesattag! ^ ; .*4-.$ A boy entered a busy dry goods store and asked for "Half a yard of devil." He persisted In his request, explaining that it was to match his granny's dress. Still he was not understood. Then he said, suddenly, "That man over •here Is serving what grainy Hants." "Oh, It's black aateer. you Want,* said the clerk. "Ye*, air. It's black satan," replied the boy. '1 knew thus chap had two name*, but I didn't happen to remember the one the stuff is called aften^ At tho Training Camp* The recruit had hurried off to the drill grounds without his rifle. Bonht of the other rookies would be aloag soon, so stepping Into a canteSh M' telephoned his company sergeant tt» have one of the beys bring It along ' "What's that you forgot?" asked the sergeant,. - "My gun." "Your whStf* "My gun. You know, .G-TJ-N. 0 SS In Jerusalem, U SS la Efcirope, Jf at In pneumatic.** . . . . ir« rln" •K\ t%£- -f '• 'i- -'±1^ i s?' - " k'1 *toi)e certain t\iat you wnrii^e pteirty'bf money t& dfc yotii 'Oiristmas shopping next year, or to take some trip you hat 4 planned, jofn one of several Christmas Savings Clubs. It requires hut a small amount deposited each week to amount t^; considerable by next Christmas. Let ua explain how the plan work? out. Will YOU take the time to come here to investigate? . We have A club to fit every - Ostr. Robert E. Le« wrote In a letter to his son, that "duty la the subllmest word In the English language." To do one's duty as one see# It Is the secret of thoughtful and successful living. It sounds simple and Is simple--but la extremely difficult. Mistakenly we seek rest and comfort by shirking duty.- Strange that we find lr so bard to learn that the path of duty Is the way to rest--Grove Patterson In the " " . , k': mix "The Bank That-Service Built' ' t'i ••f