Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Jan 1929, p. 4

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fr^t "7$< • a*r^ f *J* ^?' f^flv - "'. ~" . . '-•'" ."•'. ^ A:-ill\ *t ' ,~rii v • ••'^*"A--- **»: ,t ,5> -,- ' -: »•• .: THE M'HllOtY PLArnDKALER' -ramWDAT p HE M'HENRY PLA1NDEALER ®SL Published every Thursday at McHenry, 111., by Charles F. Renich. J Entered as second-class matter at the poetoffice at McHenry, I1L, un- |^dw0the aet trf May 8, 187i. > / •| . p. 3f: 'Otte Year s Mx Monthi SsbtcripdM Rata* A. B. MpfiHER, Editor and Manager JH* t» tn CkurcK X?iL. Paul Is responsible for the custom of women bearing 'llUjlfc* to church through his dictum: ¥wm woman 'hat prayeth or prophwith her head uncovered, dls- |S||i0noreth her head." St. Paul had rea- ;H||aoTi for It, according to the days in fesy^hich he lived; but he lived a long S^ftime ago. Customs have changed, and ;.||»o bas the outlook of thousands who ;Jj|pSe still good churchmen and church-" BesWes, S* Saint Paul left an ® wolffian Be oj>t£g£\ fet her also be shorn." Today. ?5ir^e percentage o? til#? younger, **!£ Qttly "shorn," but think of wsarlng » hat wnleSS" Neither Is wet. Opinions may >-+mm. ?2 ytiether ja_ woman's ag^ |1j$Bran?e in church without a hat |constitutes an act of Irreverence, says ll-eed* Yorkshire Post. It is certain : the women do not intend it as such; (Jarid, In any case, if they go to church In the spirit of worship, can we say these days that It really whether they wear hats or not? Mr Ronald Ross, British physician and known as the leader In the dis- ; covery of the mosquito's role as the i disseminator of malaria, has sold a ^part of Ms library for $10,000 to ae- ; Cure funds on which to live. His high honors and recognition of* universities / and scientific societies do not help i him pay the expenses of his small ' apartment in London, and so. at the age of seventyfipte. he provides for himself by the sales of his possessions Here is a real illustration of thrift. What the British empire gained In XVest Africa through the reduction of malaria as a result of Ross' discovery can not be stated, but whatever it was remains a net pro(ft> Sir Ronald has none of It himself.'. • *!' > In a day when the foundations of the American home are subject to so many vicious stabs as to make them yt, v, resemble a lattice fence, another , J vicious stab comes with poor grace*" ;; says the St. I-eiiis Post Dispatch. We '• fi .A refer to the movement among pharmaceutical manufacturers to impart 'H^v sweet, scftoothi Seductive flavors to fti;i giioh rare old beverages as castor oil, W salt solutions and onion syrup. The •rfday has very few checks oung ones. One of his standee is to threaten a dose of cod liver oil if Junior doesn't quit filching neckties. What, now, if Junior comeback With **0. K. ril take pineapple flavor"? r» i-U: -- The time Is coming when a lady will descend with a helicopter on the roof of a friend's house to make call and will be admitted through a •cuttle, which wHl the place of the front do&^iA? the attic will then serve as the hail, it will no longer be the receptacle far old furniture and Junk, but will be elaborately furnished. father "Gmtar Lot* Hath No Man" Roald Amundsen, discoverer of the South pole and the first to fly across the top of the world, laid down his life trying to rescue a man who had basked in the glory of this "great Twentieth century Viking. Roald Amundsen gave his energy, his genius to push back the barrier of the unknown. What money came his way through lectures and his writings went back into ntv scientific expeditions. It was ^je wish of Amundsen Jitil frftHjji lis wish ha? >w made prajpblethMuglj jihe sale hi* 3jfc<f«ls to one Hon™-! Langaaj- for a sufficient sum to settle the obligations of his estate. The buyer presented them to King Frederick university at Oslo. Time will be kinder to Amupdsen than his own day. His name will go dpwn.wlth that company of "immortals--Leif Ericson, (yolumbus, Magellan and Peary. ^ ' * W ,V:*& '•••' •" W*:"' t • f:f Im " * m AEVERTISEMEKTS CLASSIFIED JANuABY 3, 1829 j -4, USE THE CLASSIFIED COLUMNS FOR QUICK RESULTS Fish Hatcheries SI Increase in t*ast Year Washington.--Henry O^MaBey, fish commissioner for the Oommavos department, explained In his annual report that the government had made progress this year in hatching fish ffom orgs and in in nurseries until they get to be three or four inches long. Notwithstanding, some <ft the principal sources of food fish, Mr. O'Malley said, are showing alarming de clines. He mentioned the halibut fish erles of the north Pacific coast, est) mating that the yield from the banks they formerly frequented had dropped to 40 per cent of what It was a few years ago, while oil ths Grc&i Lakes a somewhat similar diminution la being faced. FOR SALE FOR RENT--Modem room, steam 31-tf two blocks from Fox River, paved street, electric light, gas, city water, * sewer, etc.; two-car giar&ge. Price FOR RENT--Downstairs bedroom. K?nt * r ITS' M"' E"-^. >nd CoSrt St,: ? c:M'aT« ' A movement is on fopt ta .erect a memorial to the creator of "Uncle Sam." The fact that the Identity of the man who first used the term has beefi lost- probably "will not prevent well intentioned Americans from indulging their penchant for setting up a monument to some one. "Uncle Sam" Wilson, whose memory I* to be thus honored, was, the story goes, a New Hampshire meat buyer fyr the government In the W ar" of 1812, who stamped each carcass he passfd with the letters **U. S." When this meat arrived In camp some waggish, soldier dubbed It "Uncle Sam." Whence came the personification of the United States which cartoonists later elongated and adorned •with a set of whiskers and a beaver Jwt. Cost $3,000 four months ago. Will WANTED--80 to 160-acre farm for tske $550 for all or will separate, buyer who has small" building to turn Beautiful furniture of 4 room apart- in as payment. Building located ment. 3-pc. silk mohair parlor suite> in Waukegan. Kent * Company, hand carved frame; 8-pc. walnut din- MsHenry, III. Phone 8. 30-4 ing room set; two 9x12 Wiltoit rugs; ~ ! 4-pc. walnut bedroom set, complete NT ED--Same on* to take a new with spring and mattress; occasional ^or*' Rohdster free. Wattles* u"" From Para comes another slbry about "white Indians" living somewhere in the Amazon valley, arid an announcement that a scientific expedition is to be organized to look them up and find out what they are like, Jf they really are anything more than a product of imagination. The unexplored area of large extent which remains uncredited with the posses^ sion of a mysterious white "race is an unexplored area that has been neglected by the romancers. Occasionally one of them does yield some Individuals with light skin, and perhaps with blue eyes and blonde hair, but thKsy generally are a scrubby lot of an old Eskimo cfvtHaar t»n, far superior to that of today, have been found by archeologists on the Alaskan islands of t'ne Bering sea. They had long houses of whalebone and driftwood, carved utensils of Ivory and bone and weapons of better denlgn than any now in the hands of Eskimos. They probably found it was no ase away up there. ;,J The building which will house th$ Chicago apparel mart will have 92 passenger elevators vyhlch will travel 2.486 miles a day, or 633,300 miles In a 200 day business year. Their carrying capacity will be about 24,000 passengers an hour, or 192,000 passengers In *n 8-hour-day--more than the population of Bridgeport, Conn.; Dayton, Ohio; Des Moines, Iowa, or Fort Worth. Texas. The building will be seventy-five stories Is height and will be the tallest and largestjn thft world. ft would be a mistaife to mppeee that early education, the provision at school and college opportunities, will eliminate "stupidity" in the sense in which the term is usually employed. But between this kind of stupidity, wfilch is. mental incapacity, 'and Ignorance, .voluntary or Involuntary/ there Is n wide difference. > , (Ufce hatlsss fad threatens to embarnUM seriously the checkroom industry of Paris. The courage of a citizen who i can brave the elements bareheaded but can't face the tstony disapptoval' of; a' htatroom buncllt wonld faafafr an interesting Study in hflman " " - v 7 Jb an example of the hahlt of apostrdphiiarig everything associated with the'past, we have 'a plea for the presentation of the wooden cigar store In&an On the ground that he he'ped us form' our conceptions of art. We. ah^tild take that to be an arg ment for. forgetting him. The owner of a cedar grova fa Vlrgtnia has appealed to the Supreme court of the United States against an order of iu« state entomologist to cut down his trees, which was Issued on petition of apple growers who complain that cedar rust iqfetts their orchards. The order is an extension to the vegetable kingdom of the principle under which tubercular cattle and choleraic hogs are slaughtered. Agricultural authorities are worrying themselves over the problem of Improving the potato. We thought eveFybody knew how. The way to improve a potato is to baka ^t^i&d serve with plenty of butter. It's common enough for the boy of the household to ask his father to take him to the football game, but the age has progressed, or something, to a ' different point when ; daughter wants to be taken to a boxing show. Fashions do peculiar things. For example, they took the hatpin away from woman and left her nothing with which, to defend herseftf pinept the automatic pistol. . t . i. ^ r.i FOR SALE-- Woodstock typewriter . s WAHTB3 No. 5. Haa just been rebuilt, at tho ^ ^ 1 "-- -- factory and 5* like a new machine in WANTED--• Completely equipped every respect. Will sell for $40 cash ?arm' 80 160 acres, by buyer havif taken at once. , Here ia an oppor- in% reasonably priced home in town tunity for someone to get a real bar- to aPP1>r as Part of down payment gain. Call. 170.or inquire .at the Write Ai Anderson, 35 Phillippa Ave., Plaindealer office. ti Wauke^aa, HI." Phone Waukegan 5807. •Sl^ BARGAIN FOR YOUNG COUPLE-- ' 1 ^ table; 5-pc. breakfast set; lamps; chest of silverware. Must be seen to be appreciateid. Will arrange for. der livery. 7729 Yates Ave., near 79th Ro&dster free/ Street Drug Store. Main 28-4 MISCELLANEOUS HAVE BUYERS--fqt well improved St Chicago, HI. Phone South Shore 'eJuipjiedTarms 7<rf all'siz**eT also exchange your farm property for FUEL OIL FOR SALE--We are now valuable income producing property in r$ady to supply the trade with a highgtade distillate oil for all kinds of oil burners Phone 202-W. Freund Oil CHIMNEYS AND FURNACES Co., McHenry. ' OJ ** a live city. Address C. S. Pavey, 409 Washington St., Watikegan, 111. *31-2 24-tf CLEANED--Price# reasonable. Ad FOR SALE--M tons oarn, 8^000 bu. dress "CS," care McHenry Plaindealry 258. Phone Xsu£u- 26-tf HOME-MADE MAYONNAISE-- 56c FOR SALE OR RENT--Double store per pint; 30c per half-pint. Delivered with flat above, on Green street. Ev- anywhere in MicHenry. Phone 88-J. erett Hunter, Jr. Phone 77-J. 21-tf Mrs. Edwards, Pearl and Court. tf FOR SALE--Small chicken farm, between 4 and 5 acres, *4 mile from McHenry on Lake Geneva cement road. Mrs. Joe H. Justen, Rte 3. Phone 611-J-l. " 6-tf TYPEWRITERS r; Sales and Service. Repaired and Rentals." * Prompt attention to phone calls. Phofie 549. L. KILTZ, Woodstocf 49-tf . READ THESE PRICES! 1924 Buick Sedan '... $125 1922 Buick Touring .1 50 1924 Haynes Sedan.... 125 1927 Buick Sedan 550 All in perfect mechanical condition and good tires. Mchenry • wauconda motor EXPRE8S--We handle express to and from Chicago. Chicago freight department, 411 W. Superior St. Phone McHenry 213-W. SS-tf Law Observance High Among Auto Operator? Boston.--Massachusetts' state po3ie« Pfitrol found a high percentage of law observance among motor-car drivers during a surprise campaign against violation of the automobile laws. Less than 1.4 per cent of the drlv ers and autoitioblles f^^Dd to be at variance with the law, fJurlnV the 24-hour drive the police stopped 29,815 cars, and lc this number onlr 410 law violations were detected. The most frequent offense was unlicensed driving. Next to the 197 unlicensed drivers in number were cars with defective lights, totaling 166. Other offenses Included: Licenses unsigned, «8; defective brakes, 8; transportation of liquor, 4, and operating after license expired, 4. Blood-Red Lake Is Attracting Ntfffee Bakers field, Calif.-^-A bloodred lake 15 miles south of Maricopa" is a phenomenon attracting the attention of chemists at the University of California and the high school here. , Once crystal fleaiv ihNI the water of the small lake how is so strongly Imprejnmted with minerals as to be unfit for drinking purposes.' • The coloring of the water is due to the same Vegetation, "I'icr.tiiScsIlT jniAwn *a 41 iitnm<i that gave the Red sea of biblical renown Its name, according to Dr. Nathaniel H, Gardner of the University of California, who Is engaged ih classifying the minute plant growths. We Soaai. hearing ourselves u ers hear us would be worse than »eelng.--Terre Haute Tribune. TUNE--and keep your. piano tuneo 1928 Oldsmobile Sedan, 6 wire wheels. Tuning makes your piano a musical J McHenry Auto Sales instrument. Phone 274^ or write J.| u Phone 255 McHattr^ Ii. Deihl, Woodstock; I1L 27-tf i Woodstock's Beautiful Play tiou$g FOR RENT DEAD ANIMALS -- Highest cash! . prices for dead animals. Telephone: FLAT FOR RENT-- Inquire of B. Merrick's, Dundee 810-J-l f Reverse Popp, West McHenry. Tel. 162. 29-tf charges. Prompt Service. 46-tf 1 -4 r BOWLING NOTES }h. Schaeffer 1 l!lF. Freund ....129 161 ( |r"' i|F. ......«,^.....w.129 209 0" Schaefer^..;.4..k:^^89 166- wofr^ tfcfe ilrifitt of iiT .-....TTT TTT "T P. Tanyan A. Justen D. Huck . G. Justen 749 ^.186 L ......182 isi »..«...213 *w- : ......1?4 165 172 ../...161 .....177 TTWT five dollar gold piece at the Palace, w _ ^ Bowling Alleys last week for rolling the high score of 256. I®* The K. C. teams and the Jo^nsburg' . "J"1 Foresters did not bowl last week but1 ^ the Business Men's league pulled off their regular games as scheduled. Friday night the mighty Studebakers bit the dust when the Matthews- Tonyan bunch put all over, them to the tune of three straight1 ? _j games with a total of 2,698 pins, beat- son ing the Studebakers by 265 pins. So far the Studebakers have lost six games and three in a bunch was a hard blow. The score of 2,698 pins gives the Matthews-Tonyan team the Business !h. Schaefer 125 Men's league record for thfee games , J. Bowers - 97 and also the total of 935 pins for one L. Heimer ...„.................170 game ties them with the Studebakers A. Justen lor the high single game. Hats off G. to the Matthews-Tonyan team. The Karls Cafe team also took three straight games from the Ringwood V. Nursery team on Wednesday night P. while the McHenry Lumber company ; A. Weingart *.,,133 men took two games from Rothermel's, J. Weber ' lift 793 173 197 141 146 17? 886 182 165 166 168 182 173 166 167 •j 762 203. 158 171 i 226 177, 985 181 168 165 152 116 849 807 777 Thui&tey evening the McHenry Forester* bowled the f61 lowing games: --• 125 125 181 : » 723 Freund .......r......>..,.Ml 49 Freund ....146 Carpenters and Contractors. E. Freund .146 On Friday night the Woodstock A. C. team won three straight gameB from Schaefer's Carpenters. The Ed Smith games in til# Bufuaess Men's league joe Miller 39 were: ' :-S '1 *22 i .'I ^ 6 England's champlo^ winkle-picker picked 156 pounds of winkles in one hour and forty-five minutes. Winkle* are sea-snails. In England they ect them. But first they must be picked, hence, the merit In being an expert "de-picker as against fee&f. a champion marathon dancer. Thfe shipment «f a baby fronr Colombia to Ecuador by air mall contains a sugKestion for future mot'ic rs. A convention of dietitians offers no valuable suggestions as to whether there Is any lingering hope of restoring the reedblrd and the quail to a legal status on the menu. Maine now has a talking dog and a parrot that sings "America," and we are expecting any day to hear that It boasts a citizen who knows all of the "Star-Spangted Banner." In a commendable spirit of economy, after the day's financial work Is done, the ticker tape can be used for confetti. L An averse man's idea^ of a miracle Ih beinc nble to go to bed <m Friday night with $5 of his last week's Krause 148 Patzke 135 Freund r. 158 Rothernkfl 145 Simon .Uta.^;i&.^............168 745 E. Smith 170 H. Weber 185 ....149 ....160 ....162 H. Hughes ..... G. Weber R. Thompson ...... R. Page • H. Logenbach Average |U£T .......n^...... Karla^ Y76 ..168 .......168 122 179 .....186 165 143 180 147 188 823 144 146 143 164 151 748 M7 147 117 165 196 h.,.,136 IF. Rosing 154 J. Thennes 151 ' <6w Wteber ii i6fi^il78 234 ' • . * .r ,V- 159 ' V v ,^763 181 H. Weber .~^......«.m..«^.»155 m L. Smith .......n...«».»119 879 Average <..........'~!'.......;Xl25 197 G. Freund 96 164 G. Just eh 154 151 j '. < *§•• 191 . • 125 149 147 117 661 134 167 133 157 187 728 194 137 135 176 183 825 162 136 125 121 148 176 201 146 152 780 152 161 121 202 180 816 168 110 113 179 149 719 169 130 125 134 178 687 786 891 165 154 119 179 245 Hodges Wencel Walkington Whiting iTfijri i wi tjk >i»" v f \ . Expert repairman St the bench all the time at the Nyo. Jewelry, Music fAd Radio Shop, West McHecuqe,-- of the PtmU their an storj If his k is a dark iriagenta »m his" remarks with "I as good a sense of huext man," he hasn't GM*way Carson Miller loucester. Grant 141 on« p"caiB® °' the old-fashred Bt'11 Rd, who pointed reader and exclaimed, u 33 1-3 per cent?" ail gr»aln*idg sfttfiwntdt Ik dii'«,^her "'•lard Propriev £ He's just "frith tbe spittoo d1 rot ....140 AIR MAIL ENVBLOPBB . The Plaindealer l^ps jtir mail envelopes on sale for the accommodation of those who wish to use this branch of the postal^service. For letters routed long 'instances across the country this service is the quickest and under the newvjffestal regulartions the cost is five cents for the first ounce and ten cent^ for each additional ounce. The envelopes have the necessary markings and may be purchased in any quantity from one up. < fp*tf Who lavented Wmg--7 t The exact time <>f rhe start 'fa fat wage system cannot he found in' history, but it Is known from records to have existed long before 1321 B. CL ' . . •-$£$'> ) • • a' i/i- % Evening fiMiows at 7 and 9 Matinees-- On Wednesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays, 3 {k jm. \ v SATUEDilY s. Ton Mi i^SON OFTM . j * • i - f IfOLDEN W|ISlfh ALSO COM1 On the Sta^e Saturday ^ Big Time Stage Pr^sentatian SUNDAY - MotpAT ; l liNUARY 6 AwD 11 ^ Beb Danids in "TAKE ME H4MK PATHE NEWS and ixai&sf' Big Time Stage Pri mentation ts. V' sV ^ TTJESDA JANUARY Dorothy Re^ieri in 8UniBR8f TUfRADE also NEWS AND COllEDr (>* COMEDY -§*» WEDNESDAY THURSDAY and FRIDAY JANUARY 8, 10 LND 11 ' with | Clarji« Bow AlbO Nefth and Tabl^. I-. W We will try, to give e^en better service in 1929. As to Prices- , i We can't meet tofcifi ill-- «. ^^ x (•- Nor can we beat them all , t v % ^ But we do Meet and even lSeat wariy df fhem. ,We have built our business by selling Good Goods, at f&ir prices for such go<xk. ' ' mm u jr ••V ' ^ «.• v- v' ; - l'i A* ,- * Bros. "A Hume Ownsd Stort" HMnoii i it--. »4H %?*, .4: "d w v tiafi "Srs.;. "" ' 1-^- *' ' A- V »*» ai.?-; , 'Sj..;; K : ' . • w j f U r f i - s i ** A T J HIGH 8CSOOL GYM M'HENRY Tuesday, January 8th First Game A-«A f% JilL* j l j l * V^i He#': j f • • l^tirate tWo ot^rivals hook up there is always a battle tS. store. Neither team has lost a game this season and y$u shoulct be there to«ee who must bow' in defeat. Boost the hdme boys*' ADMISSION 25c AND &0e -- 1 ^ ; ? -V In We Want to Give Yon Even -'V Dtiring tlie coming year, Want to give yon even letter service, better meats, better attention than we have fy the past. Should you consider, at any time, that you are not gettipg all that yon expect, tell us and the matter be quickly rectij@ied. , . *' r|l,l ^F*4Th& ton'ie;0r^eted With-A Smik FRETT'S Phone 3 Market & Grocery 'r'V, ^HFest MoHeory t 1 iiiiy are always on the alert to serve you what- uever you want in the way of lunches or fountain drinks. How about a bowl of nice hot chile--er ^ a hot §^ndwich I We're always glad to epe you. •« KARLS* I f * R i v e r s i d e D r i v f r

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