Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Jan 1929, p. 6

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THE M HENEY FLAINBEALER, THURSDAY, JANUARY 3, 192* SLOCUM'S LAKE I. Brooks was abusiness caller at McHenry Saturday morning. Fred Dowell and son, Alvin, of McHenry called at the Joe Dowell S0016 One uajr IcCtlitiy. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Geary called at the li. J. Schaffer home at McHenry Saturday evening. William Darrell was a business caller at Waukegan Monday morning. Miss Frances Converse spent a few dajft the first of the week at tjhe home of ner grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Davis. James Stern of Antioch was a caller tet the W. E. Brooks home last Friday morning. C. A. Bevans of DesPlaines was a caller at the Harry Matthews home last Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs, Emmet Geary and sod, Forrest, enjoyed supper and the evening at the home of the former's parents, Christmas. Other evening guests were Mr. and Mrs. John ft. Kmo* i»nd Mr. and Mira. J. N. Zimmer of McHenry. |frs. W. E. Brooks And son, Chesmy, tnd Mrs, Neva Stubbinga and two'Clara Smith. guest, Mrs. Lucile Rohman of Chicago spent Christmas afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Larabee at Bristol, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowefl and daughter, Dorothy, were callers at McHenry last Saturday. Inj. anu Mrs. Walter Wrgkier of Barrington visited at the home of the former's parents at Ardelou farms Christmas afternoon. M!r. and Mrs. W. E. Brooks and son, Chesney, spent last Thursday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Cook at Wauconda. Mary and Edwin McCabe of Norwood Park were Sunday evening guests at the home of Mr .and Mrs. Henry Geary. George Roesslein of the "Fla^p" spent last Thursday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry • Matthews. Mrs. Henry Winkler, Sr., and daughter, Lillian, called on Mrs. Henry Winkler, Jr., and little daughter, at the Victory Memorial hospital at Waukegan, last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Williams and son, James Howard, of Crystal Lake spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. children of Wlauconda called on Mrs. F. P. Carr at Spring Giove last Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Baseley and children of Wauconda were Smday dinner and afternoon guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dowell. Mr- and Mrs. William Darrell were Sttjiday afternoon and supper guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. LaDoyt \ Matthews at Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Will Davis and daughter, Frances, were Sunday gu&ts at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brooks and son, Chesney, spent Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Underwood at Mundelein. Miss Helen Bernier of Chicago spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Jack Geary. Mr. and Mrs. George Lundgren of Wauconda and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lusk of near Round Lake have made recent calls at the Blomgren home the past week during the illness of John Blomgren and Mrs. E. Anderson. They aire better at this writing . MSss Ruby Grantham of Waukegan spent her holiday vacation at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 0. W. Grantham. Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Binks and children of Oak Park enjoyed Christmas at Ardelou farms. Ferdinand Thurough and Albert Smelter of Crystal Lake were callers at the Wayne Bacon home last Wednesday evening. George Bagley of Chicago spent New Year's with his wife and rela tives at the Blomgren home. Mrs. Bagley is caring for her sister, who is ill with pneumonia Mir. and Mrs. Wayne Bacon and children and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowell and daughter, Dorothy, attended a show at Barrington Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ollie Grantham and two children enjoyed Christmas at the home of the former's^ttarents at Cary. Mrs. Wayne Bacon and two chil- Mr. and Mars. Henry Winkler, Jr., at Waukegan. " Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bacon aqd children were callers at McHenry on Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews, H. L. Brooks and Willard Darrell attended the public installation ul ihc Masons at Wauconda last Saturday evening. Mr. Darrell was installed as Worshipful Master for the ensuing year. Mr. and Mips. Harry Matthews attended a New Year's Eve party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Dickson at Wauconda. Euchre was . the pastime of the evening. Mis. Matthews received the first prize. Willard Darrell was a caller at Crystal Lake New Year's Day. Mrs. LaDoyt Matthews of Crystal Lake spent New Year's Day with relatives at Oak Glen farm. George Roesslein of the "Flats" spent Sunday evening at the William Foss home. Willard Darrell and Harry Matthews attended the annual meeting of the Life and Casualty Co., of Chicago, jn Chicago Wednesday. You can find real bargains, in every department of Erickson's Dept» Store. Don't buy tires until you see Walter Freund's Goodyear ad. 31-4 •#SIS|RINGW00D-' SfeS Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard. and children were McHenry visitors Thursday morning. Wayne Foss and Lyle Franzen ware Chicago visitors Thursday. " » Mrs. George Bacon of Antioch spent Thursday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Dodge. Mrs. Del Bacon of Crystal Lake was a Ringwood caller Thursday. Mrs. Jack Nichols of McHenry spent Thursday in the George Young home. Mrs. J. F. Claxton and Mrs. John Dreymiller of MicHenry were callers in the G. E. Shepard home Friday. Miss Eleanor Dodge is a patient at the Harvard hospital suffering with mastoid trouble. in the Edgar Thomas home Year's morning. Mr. and Mrs. Clay Rager and family had as their guests on New Year's Day, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Antcliffe and Mr. Sumner of Hebron, Arthur Antcliffe of Elgin and Mrs. William Auiciiue vi Riciuiiuuu* Mrs. Henry Foss of McHenry was a Ringwood caller Tuesday evening. v Miss Lora Harrison of Evanston is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Clay of Rockford spent Monday and New Year's with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Peet. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Huson and daughters of Mundelein spent New Year's with Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Jepson. Miss Lora Harrison spent Sunday and M<?nday in Elgin. Winter weather requires one to wear wanner underwear. We have just what you are looking for. Erickson Dept. Store. Don't buy tires until you see Walter Freuitd'i Goodyear ad. VOLO % Mr. and Mrs. Peter We in part and drer^ "spent* Friday"afteraoon Vthe; ^fmily of McHenry were callers in the home of Mr. aAd Sirs. Earl Davis near Wauconda. Mr. and Mrs. Ollie Grantham and and Mrs. H. L. Brooks and j children spent Sunday at the home of A Large Auction 160 ACRE FARM it MONDAY, JANUARY 7th Located 4 miles north of McHenry on U. S. Highway 12, known as the j&rving Walker farm; black soil; basement barn, silo, residence, chicken house, gfeanary, machine shed; 40 acres of timber pasture. Terms of sale--5 per eatit on the day of sale and balance to mortgage when deed is delivered. Farms are selling higher every day. Come buy a farm at your own - price. Make some easy montfy. A Teal opportunity for both farmer and inwator. - - . , > IjTann will be sold at 2 p. m., personal property at 12:30, consisting of " t ATTLE. 7 HORSES. 45 Sheep, 30 Hogs, 200 Chickens, 5 Geese, 1800 bu. Orain, 25 tone Alfalfa Hay, 2 Straw Stacks, silage and corn in shock. A com* line of farm machinery, including 6-row Corn Husker. K G. RUSSELL, Owner, Auction Sales Co., Waukegan, I1L, Mgr. fit C. CMatenaoin A Son, Auctioneers, Franksvitte, Ipp , A 120 ACRE FARM f WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 9th ° " Located near Parish Church,. 14 miles north of Antioch. Fatal is deep tiack soil; 6-room house, large barn, silo, granary, chicken house, milk house, I etc. This is a choise, clean, up-to-date farm, located 10 miles west of Kenoaha, near Highway 43, where land; can still be purchased for about $100 per litre. A wonderful opportunity for farmer or investor. Will positively be .gold regardless of price. Terms, 5 per cent on day of sale, balance to suit purchaser. Be there at 2 p. m. and buy a farm at your own price. Personal property sold at 12:30 o'clock, including 18 catle, 4 horses, hogs and poultry, grain and hay and silage. Complete line of farm machinery. Farm known as Matt Hensgen farm. Owner, O. E. BOWERS. Wisconsin Sales Corporation, Mgr. L. C. Christenson A Son, Auctioneers, Franksville, Wis. m „ MW Jhe Gangfc all Here/ Every one of thfcm. ' ' ' , " . . . ' • A Father, whose unselfish labor provides the ilecessary wherewithal for running a ho use- - • , 3 » Mother, whose energies are spent ia keepthe household in working order; 1 * ; Bobby . and Jane jand the baby, whose f ecious little lives furnish a motive for holding e household together--and provide a bewil4- 7<p*ing number of ways to spend the budget? Jknd Bill Ding, whose help in. home buildenthusiasm up and expenses down. % If you, too, would like to have Bill Ding's A i;%8sistance in building, call 46--our yard's tele- ^ phone number--and ask for him. am-Xt LUMBER Quality and Service First West McHenry, BL George Young home Tuesday night. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young and Anton and Eva Williams spent Thursday evening in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Weber at McHenry. Mrs. W. A. Dodge spent Friday and Saturday at Harvard. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Buss and daughter of McHenry spent Sunday evening in the George Young home. Mr. and Mrs. James Rainy were guests of McHenry relatives Christmas Eve. Mr. and Mrs. Jensen of McHenry were callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Young Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Carlson left Saturday for Milwaukee, where they will visit yrith relatives for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Shepard and family spent Sunday with McHenry relatives. ? Mr. and Mrs. Fred Maaske and daughter, Mrs. Leland Moor, of Genoa City, spent Monday evening in • the William Kelley home. Mr. and Mjrs. Robert Schutze of Monroe, W5s., and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Block of Kenosha spent Sunday with their parents, Dr. and Mrs. WHlianj Hepburn. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kelley and daughter of North Crystal Lake spent Saturday in the William Kelley home. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Carlson and daughter spent Sunday at Hammnd, Ind. Cora Beth and Helen Lawrence were Woodstock visitors Saturday. Mrs. William Hepburn and Alice Wilcox spent Monday at Kenosha, Wis. Mr. and jWrs. David Sftanley ,of Woodstock spent Sunday afternoon in the William Kelley home. Mrs. Harold Whiting and daughter, Mercedes, are visiting in the Louis Schroeder home. Mrs. Frank Stephenson spent the Christmas holidays with Woodstock relatives. Carl Fay of Chicago and daughters Mrs. Vivian Nelson and Mrs. Hilda Olsen of Granville, 111., spent Sunday' with Mrs. Jennie Spaulding. ^ Mrs. J. F. McLaughlin and ""daughter, Julia, spent Monday afternoon in Woodstock. Mrs.^J. M. Butler of Bath, 111., Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Sutler and daughter of Elgin, Mr. and Mrs. G. O. Allen of Chicago and Miss Lucy Thomas of Woodstock were guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Hitchens on Christmas Day. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Peters spent Sunday with relatives at Hunter and Belvidere. \ Byron IJitchens had his tonsils removed at St. Anthony's hospital in Chicago Friday. His mother accompanied him and they returned home Saturday evening. Mrs. Emma Merchant is visiting in the home of her son, Floyd, in Wood-, stock, who is ill. Mr. and Mlrs. Sam Beatty had as their guests New Year's Day, Mr. and Mlrs. Charles Frey and children of Deerfield, MT. and Mrs. Glen Jackson and family of Solon Mills, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Olsen and Mrs. Viola Low and children. 'Mr. and M}rs. Frank Hitchens m company with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Foss of McHenry were Waukegih visitors New Year's Eve. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Weber of McHenry spent New Year's Day in the home of MTS. Weber's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Hick Young. ^ Miss Nellie McDonald spent New Year's Day with her parents, %t Keystone. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peet entertained Mr. and Mrs. George Harrison and son, Edward, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Harrison and son, Earl, Mr. and Mrs. Harrison and sons and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Henie and Lora Harrison, on New Year's Day. Mrs. Maud Gast of North Crystal Lake was a recent guest of Miss Wynne Kelley. Mrs. Clay Hughes entertained the Masonettes Monday evening. Five tableti of five hundred were in play. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Mann and Mrs. Mrs. L. Lask and daughter, Bather, spent Thursday in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bacon and family spent Christmas with the latter'g parents at Round Lake. Mr. and Mrs. I<ars»n of Wauconda visited at the Raymond Lusk home last Friday. Mrs. Esse Fisher spent several days last week caring for her daughter, Mrs. L. Davis, who has been seriously ill of flu. Mir. and Mrs. Thomas Fisher were Libertyville callers Friday. Mr. and Mrs. H. Passfield and son John, were Grayslake callers Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Wilson and sons, Clifford and Junior, and daughter, Beatrice, were Waukegan cajlers on Wednesday. , Ed Bacon and daughters of Round Lake spent Sunday with his mother. Nearly every family in this com' munity have one or more members ill with the flu. Mr. and Mrs. Will Dillon and family of Champaign are spending the holidays with the latter's father, John Walton. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Davis of Round Lake spent Sunday at the home of the former's sister, Mrs. Lloyd Russell. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Case spent Christams with the George Case family at Wauconda. The many friends of Raymond Lusk will be sorry to hear he had the misfortune to break both bones in his thumb on Monday. n Vinnie Bacon spent Wednesday at the Seymour home near Wauconda. George Richardson of Round Lake spent Friday at the Oak Grove Stock farm. You can find real bargains in every department of. Erickson's Dept. Store. Don't buy tires until you see Walter Freund's Goodyear ad. Sl-4 TERRA COTTA Mrs. Nels Person spent a Jew days recently with her husband in Chicago. Donald Fitzgerald of Libertyville called at the home of M. Knox Friday. M!r. and Mrs. Henry McMillan visited with relatives in Carpentersville Monday and Tuesday. Mrs. Nels Person and Miss Alice Leisner were Elgin visitors Thursday. Robert and Vernon Knox were libertyville callerg last Thursday. Mrs. Karper of Franklin Grove spent several days recently at the home of her son, Howard F. Karper. Misses Genevieve and Dorothy Knox of McHenry called on relatives here Friday. . Mrs. Fred Bergman of Chicago was a recent guest of her sister, Miss Alice Leisner. Mrs. M. Knox am} son, Robert, and three daughters, called on relatives in Harvard Saturday. Howard F. Karper, who has been quite sick with pneumonia, is improving at this writng. Mr. and Mrs. George Wegener of Lily Lake called at the home of P. A. Huffman, Christmas Day. Vernon Knox and Howard Phalin were Chicago visitors Friday. Mr. and Mrs, J. J. Doherty and daughters visited with relatives here Sunday evening. Miss Eleanor McMillan spent last Tuesday evening with relatives Jn Wheaton. Mrs. Thomas Phalin and Miss Florence Knox attended a party in honor of Miss Eleanor Phalin at the home of the Misses Genevieve and Dorothy Knox in McHenry Thursday evening. Howard Phalin and John R. Murphy of Louisville, Ky., visited at the home of M. Knox Sunday evening. Mark McMillan was a caller in Carpentersville Monday. Rev. Raymond Murray of Notre Dame and Rev. Wm. A.r: O'Rourke of McHenry called at the home of M. Knox last Wednesday. Robert and Vernon Knox visited with relatives in Woodstock Sunday. Joseph Tomiskey of Crystal Lake was a business caller in this vicinity Thursday. Harold and Robert Knox w^re Christmas dinner guests of MT. aild Mlrs. J. J. Doherty and family. P. H. Conway and Ed Conway and son, Dick, spenft Christmas "\Hrith Mr. and Mrs. George Adams and family at Ringwood. Winter weather requires one to wear warmer underwear. We have just what you are looking for. Erickson Dept. Store. Don't buy tires until you Freund's Goodyear ad. * ia: ,s%, as 15HH5F tjmf 'l m' «m>•,£ I J $ WEST SIDE PARAGE Adam# Bros General Automobile Repairing1 Res. Phone, 639-R-2 STOP! THINK! YouVy to get all the mileage possible out of gasoline and titfi. Do you get all the possible mileage out of your shoes? ' ' - If you punetured a tire you wouldn't throw it away. . Than why throw away otherwise good shoes simply because the sttfes or heels are worn? " j ^ « •' '• . ' Let us rebuild them far ytok dewing Mfachiqes Repaired , Ice Skates Sharpened Sxpert Shoemaker Phone 162 West McHenrv /Celluloid lor you* Avto Curtains •rss LAST FLAMINGOES MAY HAVE PERISHED Stand Believed to Havt Out Colony. :f Walter 81-4 Washington.--An expedition has been sent out from Andros island to search for traces of the last colony of flamingoes In North America.. lfcar«l wiped out by the hurricane in September, Arfhur Newton Pack, president of tlie American Natui«e associaj tion, has been informpd. From Andros Island, off the Florida coast. Eh-'in W. Forsyth, commissioner and warden nt Mangrove Cay, says two hurricanes passed over the flamingo areas and no don lit destroyed large numbers of the b'rdR. He says he sent out an expedition In June to locate the flamingo colony because it was nesting time. The men ranged the Grassy Creek area snd reported^ seeing only three birds. He concludes: "I fear the bird life of the colony generally has suffered disastrous losses and the need of conservation is greater than ever.** Andros was declared a flamingo sanctuary by the British government after bird lovers of the United States and England became aroused at the wanton killing of the birds by natives. ._ ••After the disastrous hurricane ef 1926," Mr. Pack says, "Forsyth was appointed special hurricane commissioner for all of Andros, with the tremendous task of providing for the injured, homeless and starving natives. Then he hunted for his flamingoes and found thousands killed. "Last year several hundred young were saved and watches were posted for the present season." The Andros negroes, cruising for two or three months at a time In their sponging schooners, trap the flamingoes by breaking tlielr legs with ropes and eat the meat. For 9 Years Gas Ruined Her Sleep "Due to stomach gas I was restless and nervous for 9 years. Adlerika has helped me so that now I eat and sleep good."--Mrs. E. Touchstone. Just ONE spoonful Adlerika relieves gas and that bloated feeling so* that yott can eat and sleep well. Acts on BOTH upper and lower bowel and removes old waste matter you never thought was there. No matter what you have tried for your stomach and bowels, Adlerika will Surprise vou. Themas P. Bolger, Druggist. : 'T •• '• 'rkr-- , & Delivered to McHenry 'M* <"•»" . .r • - Best Franklin County Goal, sise 6x3 or * $ 8 • 00 • Best Pocahontas Coa|„ .r.^„ $11.5© Beat Hard Coal, rangp or chestnut...... $17.5# Jffft flnawmisa thf fifta) ;"'if J. ,\ T. M.PALASKE 1SOLON MILLS, ILL. -Tfn Telephone Richmond 536 USE THX CLASSIFIED COLUMNS FOB QUICK RESULTS TRADE-IN SPECIALS for the JV*ew Year BRING IN YOUR OLD IRONYOUR OLD HOT WATER BOTTLE NTIL Fdjruary 19th your old iron (whether it is electric or not) has a trade-in value of $1.00 towards the purchase of any new electric iron selling at $7.50 or more. Bring it in to the Public Service Store and make your selection from the many improved guaranteed models on display. On the purchase of any electric h for $7.50 or more, $1.00 will be Factory Foreman Has ... Knack for Needlework Mount Airy, N. C.--A furniture factory foreman whose mother taught him In his boyhood how to darn socks has become an expert in embroidery and other forms of needlework. He is^. H. Mncey, *ho perfected his early training several years a«<[ when, while a bachelor, he decorated; his own rooms. Employing his ldh time with the needle, he soon had created all the Interior Effects usually credited to the "feminine touch" in % home. The work has become « regular pastime, J&st as In earlier days It wa^- said of him that he would rather dari| socks than pitch horseshoes with oth. er boys In the alley. Macey is married now and his wife Is authority for the statement that his ability with the needle Is not his onlj domestic accomplishment He also i| said to 1>e a good cook and a cakf maker par excellence. old hot water bottle. In addition to these unusual tnn-in valuqp, the Fedelco Hair Dryer is offered at the very special price of $5.79. ting pad selling lowed for your The Hotpoint Super-Automatic Iron can be set to maintain any temperature desired -- a new $Q80 feetur*, » . , At a small additional may be purchased-- cost, The tittle by Little It takes 1,600 nuts to hold an auto* mobile together but only one to scat> ter it all over the place.--Progressiva ClTPIIl^vc- • " © for a limited fiititf v ; The Fedelco Hair Dryer -- inexpensive and thorough--an indispensable aid for the cold weather shampoo. items This guaranteed American Beauty lb. Iron. ir $^50 A heating pi<t\fs indispenj sable for sickness and chillj|, weather--whenever hat ap^ plications are required. Threesheat control and high tan and hem able cover. Universal P; Simplex P low price) PUBLIC SERVI OF NORTH --101 Williams *i Tclept I A. Schabeck. .."•S - K -• • ediunt The Sunbeam Guarahleea Iron has an all-over heat- ~ ing unit and cotnes in an attractive steel fireproof case so it can be $ Q50 put away hot. . 0™~ ' {Vfehoot Case >7JO) COMPANY NOIS stal Lake 0 t Manager \

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