Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Jan 1929, p. 8

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Iff, »'yv THX M'HINBY MJOWD1A1J!®, TBUttSDAT JAHTJAKY10. 0S» .7. vtT'S. 7&s.&* •"• &&?*&*'!>&«%& »*» "'• - •• "•" •"- A - •••- " -•' v '« -•'• -:; HIKERS' CLUB The Bikers' club met at the home of Mrs. T. J. Walsh on Friday afternoon. Cards were played during the afternoon and ^the first prize was awarded to Mrs. F. O. Gans and the second prize to Mrs. Julius Keg. The next meeting' will be at the home of Mrs. F. O. Gans. ^ v'"> « - "V : f •> . MCHENRY'S HOME OP AMUSEMENT "WE CANT PLAY THEM ALL 80 WE PLAY THE BEST" rV" Notice £:•• Theatr#;.: will open on • . fsgtj about ^ February 1st WOODSTOCK A. A C BOWS TO M'HENRY Lecfel Town Team Displays Basketball and Wins Score of 45-26 A Good Berg Miller Pratt, C. M. A. A. GIZZARD CAPSULE W S JV Wonderful f \eic - - lnven[ion WORMS CHICKENS More than 75% of all chickens are totested with intestinal worms, according to fim'ltsy authorities -- worms which rob a -fowl of it* food, lower vitality, decrease t«K production, retard growth--rob you of Jour poultry profits. The GIZZARD CAPSULE wiU quickly rid Cr chickens of both tape worms and round na. Five times aa effective as worn itemediea given in food or drink. Why? Ttka •GIZZARD 0AP8ULE ia insoluble and caress the medicines intact to the ginarfl yture it is broken like • grain of eon. If- Isaaing the medietas* into the wora^i*. • J*4- tetwMma ia full strength and » . Aamit to aamiBisteT aa tiviai a pill. Adult • for ckickans 3 lbs. or more ana turkeys Ilb*. for chicks 1 to 3 lbs. and t fsad worms. pSttyoTpA thtfins n, Chfek aias lw«a*. Doa' iMslAAaA ji GWaC iThonas P. Bolger H: "The McHenry Druggist" Hi""- 40 McHenry, UL CHICHESTER S PILLS ^•vl x uoBunjr rugiiL me mgn scnuui gym was a regular battlefield when the basketball teams representing the Woodstock A. A. C. and the McHenry A. A. C. met for the first time this-jFay year. The game started with a bang with Dale sinking the first shot from outside the foul line a few minutes after play started. Then Overton found theh oop and Bacon sunk a long one to put McHenry ahead with a lead they never relinquished. Freund then got in for a few short ones before the half ended with the score 19-12. Expecting the Woodstock boys to come back with a bang the home team played cautiously "lor a few minutes only to let loose and gradually run the score up out of danger of being overtaken. Dale was the big gun of the W. A. A. C. with 14 points to his credit, while Freund and Bacon tied with 16 each for McHenry. The final score was 45 to 26. The pony squads of the clubs put on a real thriller with the game seesawing throughout the entire fourth quarter and M>Hienry was ahead 35- 34 when the whistle blew. This game was even faster than the one following as Woodstock has a few speed merchants in Pratt, Behr and Berg. McHenry started slowly and couldn't seem to get their defense working and as a result were seven points behind at half time. - During the third quarter they pulled up slowly but surely and tied the score just after the fourth quarter started. It was Kinsala who made the basket winning the game for McHenry although he shared scoring honors with Green and Conway, who had nine and ten points respectively. Kinsala accounted for eleven. This double victory will serve to pep the home team up for their real test against the Barry Council K. of C. five from Chicago. With eight victories in a row there will be a real battle in stpre before they allow their record to be broken. There should be a good crowd out Sunday to cheer the boys on to their ninth victory in as many starts. New sweat suits and are expected to be here before Sunday. A real treat is in store for those who are there and see ' these suits when they first come out as they will make the McHenry outfit a real snappy looking as well as a snappy playing team. The box pcore of the Wodstock games follow: Pehiea (16) . B. ~...4 4 2 Overton Bacon ... Freund . Conway s .0 mt <fc (45) B. 10 14 --.--.^.;7 •MM. • .... ... • • F. 1 2/ 2 1 1 J'.V* Confey * Grant .... Dale Stuessy Coraon < Ehlert .. W.& A."«X (K) 1 ' ' / B- F- Pi) . 0. 4 1 2 • 2 1 2 3 8 10 15 The McHenry management reports that games have been scheduled with Libertyville here for Jan. 27; Cicero All-Stars, composed of the Morton High School National Champions of 1927, Feb. 10, and Clem's Staioke ALMON GANGER passed away at his home at 8311 S. Elizabeth street, Chicago, on Saturday 'morning, Dec. 29, 1928. He was born at McHenry on July 24, 1801, being the son of Flavel K. and Fannie Shirts Granger. Here he grew to manhood and received his education. In December, 1887, he was married to Mayme Lamphere and to this union on Oct. 15, 1888, one daughter, Mayme, was born, the mother passing away soon after. * In 1889 Mr. Granger went to Chicago, where he had been connected With the same firm and their successors for forty years. He commenced his business career with Patterson Brothers, who were later succeeded by Sparrett & Company, with whom Mr. Granger's position has been one of Responsibility and trust. ' He was later married to Miss Clara Curry in Chicago, who is left to mourn his death. Besides his wife he is survived by his daughter, Mrs. Mayme Arvedson of Hammond, Ind., two grandchildren, Raymond, Jr., and Alice Louise Arvedson; three sisters, LADIES' AID SOCIETY The Ladies' Aid society met at the home of Mps. William Bacon on last Thursday afternoon in their first meeting of the new year. A pleasant afternoon was enjoyed by all present and refreshments were served, i It was decided to continue the saie of rugs and aprone which are at the home of Mrs. F. E. Cobb. The ladies will also tie comforters, RUGS AND APRONS FOR SALE The Ladies' Aid society has rugf ' and aprons for sale at the home o| " • Mlrs. F. E. Oofefct: TfceywiU also_fcif comforters. : v'-> 32-|| •' Expert repairman at the bench al| tSie time at the Nye Jewelry, Musi' and Radio Shop, West McHenry. V. a Shop of Elgin on Feb. 17. Clem's;^ Ada smitffof Elgin! Mrs. Gecrgtf are reported to have the best team in H Johnson of McHenry and Mrs. A. K. Northern Illinois. Negotiations are gurng 0f 0,^ pari< and several nieces also under way with Hinckley, Waukegan and Batavia Green Pheasants, so some real basketball is in store for those faithful supporters of the team. A good backing is needed in order to meet expenses as tcatns of this calibre demand large sums to travel. Sup* port your home team. Remember Barry Council Sunday, Jan. 13, at 2:30. Curtain raiser Ponies vs. Genoa City. EASTERN STAR McHenry chapter, O. E. S.f received an invitation to attend the installation ceremonies at Mayflower chapter, Wauconda, on Wednesday evening, Jan. 9. Among those who attended the installation of officers at Nunda chapter, Crystal Lake, Friday evening were: Mrs. James Perkins, Mrs. Mayme Harrison, Miss Arline Harrison, Mrs. Ony Wheeler, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Stephenson, Mrs. Rilla Foss, Mrs. Robert Thompson and Mr .and Mrs. Louis McDonald., C. W. Harrison and Will Brown of Ringwood assisted in . , the escort of Knight Templars for the have been ordered newjy installed worthy matron, Mrs. Myrtle Hayford. Conway, Ik Green ........ Dowel 1 Wood burn .. Bacon, W. .. Krause KSjisal* Steffes 0 _ _ 1 M $MnNUiti6!SE\tQlYWE8| pfuwliliN k (34) 5 13 Pratt, A Behr .... Inger .... Lehman B. ..JS ...2 ,.„1 F. 1 2 1 » METHODIST CHUIK* « You are invited to attend the church services at the Methodist church Sunday. Preaching by the pastor at 11 o'clock. Sunday school at 10 o'clock. Epworth League at 5:30 p. m. Lunch will be served at 5:30, after which the league will corivetie for it# regular meeting. Rev. Bonham was welcomed back after his absence during the holidays, which he spent with relatives in Iowft. Members and friends of the church are asked to attend the services and in this way show their appreciation of the fine sermons and earnest work of the pastor. PUBLIC CARD PARTY public card party will be held at the Parish Hall In Johnsbwg next Sunday evening. Read the ads and save your dollars. ;•« i and nephews, besides a host of friend* both in Chicago and McHenry- Mr. Granger never lost his interest in the surroundings of his old home and has made his summer home at Hickory Grange on Fox River for several years, where he owned a cottage. Funeral services were held at the late home in Chicago at 11:30 o'clock Tuesday morning, Jan. 1, 1929, with interment at Woodland cemetery, M c H e n r y ; . ' / ' ' • • • „ ^ MRS. CATHERINE PtJfABl Mrs. Catherine Pufahl, widow of the late August Pufahl, who preceded her in death two years ago last October, passed away at the family home in Hebron, Monday morning at 4 o'clock, death being due to influenza and* pneumonia. The deceased is survived by several sons and daughters. One daughter, Mrs. George Schneider, resides in 'Woodstock; two sons, Frank and Gus Pufahl and a daughter, Mrs. Roy Reynolds, reside in Hebron, and a daughter, Mrs. Goff, resides in Crystal Lake. Other sons are George of Capron, John of Genoa City and formerly of McHenry and' August of Lake Geneva. Funeral services were held from the Catholic church in Lake Geneva Wednsday morning at 9:30 o'clock. - / Miss, Pauline Pufahl, a teacher in the McHenry Grade school, attended the funeral of her grandmother Wednesday. Circus town money house even 1 »/'*• s NYE and RADIO SHOP Where one can listen to any of the nationally known Radiotb R* C. A, Radiola, Howard, Spartan, Bosch, Zenith, FreshmaH* Crosley, Readtf tp serve your every Radio need* ¥• Radio's Richest Voice Hear it to appreciate it Priced from M $495 Easy Terms Radiola No. 18, complete • L $.1^4 No. 60, complete.. -...$219 No. 41, Console, complete $243 'Complete line of Victor '/. Records Hear the latest Hits Stage and Air of Phone 12&J Howard " A Rectf Value Dynamic Speaker * ' "v Console , Model $225.00 -r^Masy Terms Everything in Music EXPERT REPAIRMAN AT BENCH , Music and Radio Shop Wert McHenry, III.' MAEJOEIE EDDY , Sorrow filled the hearts of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Eddy of Grayslake Mid th0ir home was saddened by the untimely death of their little daughter, Marjorie Virginia, age 5 years, 7 months and 18 days, on Friday morning, Jan. 4. Little Marjorie had been ill with the flu which was followed by hemorrhages of the stomach which she could not withstand and to which she succombed early Friday morning. She was born on May 17, 1923, at McHenry and is survived by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Eddy, and her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Har- £ry Passfield, of Volo, and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Eddy of McHenry, besides other loving relatives. She was preceded in death by two little sisters. Funeral services were held from the Methodist church in this city at o'clock Sunday afternoon with Rev. Hoover officiating. Burial was in Woodland cemetery where the loving hands of four of her uncles carried her to her final resting place. ^ *• V one quality in & drug business that more tha& Kfrriuiy other insures its success is personal responibilitjjl^' :'>fjviien you trade with a distant mail order house or d# V£$>artinent store, the personal responsibility, the humafr nterest element is lost--and your dealings must necegrt,. • :v* 'jrf; •m farily be on a cold-blooded basis. i• * M Under the zone system cjf the parcel post,' t1i.e loeai " dealer can furnish yon with goods cheaper than distant ^houses. Convemence and time-saving- should also be considered. When you need medicines or other drug istore goods, save yourself a tiresome trip,'yet have tliff. .advantage of selecting from our complete stock. Tele*< |f|)hone your order or write us what you want, and goods '" -.will be delivered by first mail after receipt of order; • . j, . Send your money away, you get nothing but goodif jfpend it at home and it will come back to you in bett#^ ^ Clowns, better stores, better schools, better churches and ^ : better social advantages. Xoufge|^mor^ than ww%igoQd$ t^C^hen you trade at home, iij J - - > * ^ Another point--you probably have a family; sonte time your son may think of going into the drug (or other) business for himself. Where is there a chance for out/ ^ oung men with limited capital to ever become a merchant * it ' When the people send their money to the big cities to lielj* ; <:*; ^ .|)uild up gigantic com.Q^tiQasJft CQgmet^, ^#^ your so« • <- son's so«K ^ ^ ; ^ ' ' - / V . u --V" . Be true to yourself. Buy ^at home. We have til* goods you want at pries that are right. Remember that •/'. t ^ Quality, after sill, is the true test of cheapness. THOMAS P. BOLGER 4' The McHenry Druggist" n-: h. ; CARD OF THANKS We wish to extend our sincere thanks to all friends and neighbors who assisted us during our recent bereavement, also to Reverend Hoover of Greenwood, for his kin* words, and Mrs. Cox and Mrs. Goodell for the songs they rendered, and to those who contributed floral offerings and loaned their cars or services in any way, also to the girls of the Grayslake telephone office for their service. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Eddy Mr. and Mrs. Henry Passfield and Sons Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Eddy CARD OF THANKS * We desire in this way to express our appreciation and thanks to our many neighbors and friends who so kindly assisted us during the illness and at the time of the death of our son an«^ brother, Jerome Freund, and also for the expressions of sympathy extended. Anton H. Freund *."• * and Family WOODSTOCK BOY WITH UNIVERSITY GLEE CLUB Several McHenryites went to Woodstock last Thursday evening, where they enjoyed the splendid program put on by the University of Illinois Glee club at the Miller theatre. One of the members of the club, Walter Besley, Jr., is a Woodstock boy and alw is well known in McHenry, where h« has many friends. Besides singing first tenor in the glee club, Walter has also been elected librarian of .the club for the year. The singers put on a varied pr6- gram of college songs, solo numbers and instrumental solo numbers. Raymond Dvorak of Algonquin is director of the club, which is on its thirtyeighth annual tour. (OFFICIAL PUBLICATION) Beport^kf Condition of Located at West McHenry, State of Illinois, at the olose of business on the 31st day of December, 1928, as made to the AudiJ^ of Public Accounts of the State of Illinois, pursuant to law. ^ ^ v . RESOURCES § Cash, Other dash Resources and Due from Bankfe. Other Bonds and Securities^, Loans on Collateral Security^. Other Loans Loans on Real Estate..; Overdrafts , Other Real Estate*.! ••v. r:. ENTERTAINS CARD CLUB Mrs. A. L. Purvey was hostess to the members of her card club at lier home on Wednesday afternoon of last week. Bridge was played during the afternoon and the first prize was won by Mrs. H. B. Schaefer, the second by Mrs. Albert Krause and the third prize by Mrs. F. E. Cobb. The next meeting will be at the home of Mr*. J. W. Rothermel. The Ladies' Aidr .society will meet with Mrs. L. A. Eriekaen next Thursday afternoon ~ -- mimMm -y • ••fesC li Banking House, Furniture and Fixtujgfes;... ..^102,90^.78 78,175.14 71,366.02 502,191.35 76,825.00 ^ l,: 561^1 3,233.06 -24,236.10 Total 'Resources ..., . Capital StocMM Surplus agu ~4)'y aj^-$860,297^6 j Undivided Profits Reserve Accounts-^ Pemand Deposits, Time Deposits Dividends Unpaid - - &gnds Sold Under Repur^MM^ ' Total Liabilities r* « si 50,000.00 40,000.00 5,974.06 1,000,00 291,778.00 449,045.80 , 2,500.00 ^^0,000.00 r f . I $880,297.86 I, Oerald J. Carey, Cashier of the West WcHenrv State Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to tbe best of my knowledge and belief, and that the items and amounts shown above correspond with the items and amounts shown in the report made to tbe Auditor of Public Accounts, State of Illinois, pursuant to law. 3 aF.R \T.rt t PAPinv STATE OF n.LINOTR, 1 ^ ^ ^ - 7 ' COUNTY OF M'HENRY. mL'.\ Hit:..., Subscribed and Sworn to before me this 7th dav of January, 1929. .WBHsR.-V* mb*r' i ' E0BEBT»W^*W - t .y " •bsi'1 4

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