Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Jan 1929, p. 2

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** , k, ik " %.* ^ A * 1 » V* 1 * * THE M HEHEY PLAINDEALBR, THURSDAY, JANUARY 10, 1929 :wm. WAUCONDA 1 c -> • ;~ir •7V" John Hironimas «m a Chicago caller Saturday. e Mr, and Mrs. Renry Dehne were W»ulr»<ran viatMr* Thnradav, Mr. and Mrs. O'Brien and daughter, Locille Danahar, of Chicago, were Sunday callers at the Garvin home. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Powers and daughter, Bemice, were Waukegafk eailer$ Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Bernie Geary of Hound Lake were Saturday callers at the home of Mrs. Alice Geary. Mrs. Clyde Wright was a Friday caller at the S. J. Russell home. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Meyer and son, Donald, of McHenry, and Mrs. Alice Geary and daughter, Edythe, spent New Year's with Mr, and Mrs. Will .Ovary. Dr and Mrs. J. A. Ross and daughter, Jacqueline, were Chicago visitors "Sunday. Miss Lucille O'Brien of Chicago is •pending the holidays with Miss Lenore Garvin. • Miss Ernia Banks spent Says of the holiday vacation at the Chicago home of relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Wagner of Chicago spent Monday and Tuesday at the John Flood home. Victor Carr was a Barrington caller fcttesday. Miss Jane Doherty, Mareellus Donbigan and Dan Diamond of Chicago spent Monday and Tuesday here. Mrs. Grace Mioffitt of Chicago spent Npw Year's with relative® here. Ed Daley returned home Tuesday, after spending several weeks with Telatives at Wheaton. W. V. Johns and daughter spent Tuesday at the Archie Foss h<Jme at Libertyville. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kammes of Wheaton were visitors here Tuesday. Arthur Krell was a Chicago busi- ' mss caller Friday. Mr. and Mrs. John Brown and fami ily are recovering from the flu. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Paddock, Mrs. Denny Putnam ,Mrs. Homer Cook and Mrs. Harry Grantham attended O. E. S. installation at Antioch Friday evering. Mr. and Mrs. Joha Stilling and son GET RID OF THAT % - Used as a Physicians Prescription for Many Years Money back if not relieved Children lifce U Mmleby IOR SALE BT ' Thomas P. Bolger *Tfce MeHeary Druggist" I McHenry, IB. tof McHenry spent Sunday at the John Brown home. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Granthaflri, Mrs. George Blackburn, Miss Emily David, son and Mrs. Dan Meyer attended O. E. S. at Deerfield Thursday evening. Miss Joyce Uvans spent the holidays in Chicago. Mrs. George Deinlein spent several days in Chicago recently. Mrs. H. E. Hicks spent the weekend in Libertyville. Albert Paddock mm a Gray slake caller Monday. r , John Dobner wad, a Palatine business caller Monday. Mr. and Mrs. George Hapke spent Sunday at Deerfield. Oliver and Russell Knigge were McHenry callers Tuwday. v" James Carr of Chiiagft spent New Year's with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. George Hapke wer* Waukegan callers Monday. Mrs. Homer Lincoln and children spent Monday in Ringwood. Dr. L. E. Golding, wife, and daughter, of Libertyville spent New Year's with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Golding. Mrs. Fred Thomas and sons were Libertyville callers Monday. Arthur Koser and Clarence Thomas were Round Lake callers Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Brown entertained relatives on New Year's Day. Mr. and Mrs. William Gossell and daughter, Norma, of Waukegan, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. John Gossell. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Lincoln called on Clarence Bristol at Victory Memorial hospital, Waukegan, Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Will Geary and son, Edward, spent Friday evening with Mir. and Mrs. Frank Meyer at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dehne and son, and Udell Grantham were Round Lake callers Saturday. J. B. Turnbull, one of Wauconda's oldest and most highly respected citizen's, passed away Wednesday morning following a long siege of poo* health. Prior to his passing, the deceased was one of but two surviving members of the local G. A. R. post. He had shared this distinction with H. K. Harris, now the only remaining Civil war veteran here. Mrs. C. R. Wells was a Waukegan caller Friday. Harry Grantham and daughters, Audrey and Arbutus, were Palatine callers Friday evening. E. P. Jeck of Cary, who was operated on at the West Side hospital was able to return home Saturday and is recovering nicely at this time. Miss Gladys Lincoln spent last week with Mrs. Clarence Bristol at Waukegan. Mrs. William Shaw and son, Gordon, of Kenosha, Wis., called on relatives here Sunday. Clyde Whitman of Danville spent New Year's with Mr. and Mrs. William Whitman. Mrs. Gertrude Otto of Chicago spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles August. Herbert Schroeder of Chicago spent the week-end at the Edith Peck home. Mr. and Mrs. George Stroker, Mrs. Denny Putnam and Mrs. Ray Pad-j?; dock spent Friday in Chicago. Don't buy tires until yott sae Walter Freund's Goodyear ad. 31-4 Twice,,! m jm'v* V A T a l e s Interesting-Bits of News Takes From the Columns of Plaind^aler Fifty aai Twenty-five Years "", i s f V ' JANUARY, 1M4 Matt Freund, who has been conducting a blacksmith shop at GHftteiS h«s discontinued business there 'will make McHenry his.residence In the future. Butter is steady at 84 cents. ' The quotation committee of the board of trade so reported. Oft invitation of Jos, Newman board members sampled the prize butter which scored 97 at the Greenville state convention and carried off the sweepstake and Elgin board of trade medal. Those who have been depending on the Borden whistle to arouse them from their slumbers in the morning are inclined to oversleep of late. One short blast is all that can be heard at any time and even then a person must be wide awake to hear it. Our readers should bear in mind that when making a purchase at the store whose owner is a tax-payer and a permanent McHenry business man, they are sure of getting their money's worth. If not there is a chance for redress. Trade with the transient and if you get the worst of it, just grin and bear it. He will be gone before the wrong can be righted. ! JANUARY, 1879 Ijean sell you a First-class Top Car. riage for $80, and Warrant ifc for One Year. Who can afford to ride in an open buggy when a Carriage can be bought forjthoBe figures. E. M. Owen. I am glad to hear that the Baptist Church of Richmond, has secured, as a pastor, the Rev. J. H. Cox, a gentleman of fine abilities and much Christian zeal. Between one and two o'clock on Monday morning our citizens were awakened by that dread alarm of Fire, more dreadful at this time, from the fact that the thermometer was close down to 20, and fighting fire with wooden pails under such arcumstances is not the most pleasant to contemplate. The fire was found to be in the woodshed connected with the Riverside House. A few frosted toes, noses, fingers and ears are the result of the cold snap. Six 8x10 Chromos, for 25 cents, at J. B. Blake's. , , We are now offering one of our celebrated Lumber Wagons, with top Box, Steel Spring Seat, Whiffletrees, Neck Yoke and stay chains, all complete for $50. Warranted for one year. R. Bishop. RINGWOOD I cooling system a feature wV* new Mrs. .Elmer Olsen and Mrs. Ray Peters entertained the Five Hundred Louise WilUame of Chicago spent New Year's Day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Williams and family of McHenry and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Tonyan and family spent New Year*® in the Henry Williams home. Irving Walker held his sale Monday, Jan. 7th. Hie Walker family have disposed of their farm for Waukegan property and will piake that city their home. Miss Eleanor Dodge returned to her home Monday morning from the Harvard hospital much improved. Mrs. G. A. Stevens was called to Wlayne Wednesday by the serious illness of her sister, who passed away the following Friday and was buried on Sunday, She returned hottie Monday morning. Rogrer Stevent returned to Madison to re«u»ne his studies Wednesday inoMliftg after his holiday vacation., Nellie Evans of Chicago spent the past week in the home of her sister, Mrs. Louis Schroeder, and family. Mrs. Emma Merchant has returned honje frolfi a visit in the home of her son in Woodstock, Read Jos. J. Miller's special grocery prices in ad. every week. 82-2 Don't buy tires until yon we Walter Freund's Goodyear ad. 31-4 ; ; C. W. KLONTZ, M. D. ( Physician and Surgeon (Also treating all diseases of the Eye, Ear,1 Nose and Throat and, the Fitting of Glasses) Office Hours--8 to 9 a. m., 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. m. Sundays by Appointment Office at Residence, Waukegan Road. Phone 181 McHenry, HI Telephone No. 106-R Stoffel ft Reiharmperger Insurance agents for all classes of property in the best companies. WEST M-HENSY - ILLINOIS Phone 126-W f H. Reasonable Kates m McHENRY SCHAEFEtettfVDraying ILLINOIS SENEY v. sompeiL; "General Teaming Sand, Gravel and Coal for Sale* ; Grading, Graveling and Road*. Work Done J»y Contract or By Day Phone McHenry 649- P. 0. Address, Route McHenry, 111. .»' • v?", i" r ."*1 tim* who i £ Expert repairman at the bench all the time at the Nye Jewelry, Music and Radio Shop, West McHenry. 32 DR. JOSEPH C. 7EELBY Dentist McHenry - - Illinois Riverside Drive, over Albert Barbian*s store, between Elm and Pearl Streets, Fridays And Saturdays until after May 1st, when he will be open full time. Office Hours: 11 to 12 a. m.^2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. m. Sundays and Holidays by Appointment DR. J. A. STREET PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Res. and Office Phone 274 Pries Bldg. McHenry, III. • *r:M . M. CARROLL as*1 Lawyer Ofike with Kent ft Company v| v Every Wednesday Phone 8 McHenry, Illinois McHENRY GRAVEL A EXCAVATING CO. A. P. Freund, Prop. Road Building and Excavating of Every Description Estimates Furnished oft ' ' Request High-grade Gravel Delivered at any time--large or small orders given prompt attention. Phone 204-M McHenry r A COMPLETE water plant is ,a part of every automobile m it is a put of every mod* ern city. The purpose of this water |»lant is to keep the engine Cooled to a temperature that will make it efficient in oper- Srtion. If it were not for this, the cylinder walls would become overheated and the fpfstons refuse to operate. j The cooling system of die new Ford is particularly in? feresting because it is SO anrr1" ^ reliable. When the radiator is full if water, the engine of the new Ford will not overheat Under the hardest driving. Yet the water is so regulated that it will not impair engine operation by running too cold in winter 'j; The cooling surface of . lie Ford radiator is large, Vith four rows of tubes set ftn staggered position so that each receives the full bene- It of the incoming air. The fan is of the airplane pro- > yeller type and draws air through the radiator at the rapid rate of 850 cubic feet &;>er minute at 1000 Revolutions per min- »te of the motor* The hot water arornti' the cylinder head is draw® to the radiator to be cooled by a centrifugal water pump' of new design. Hie entire cooling system •of the new Ford is so simple in design and so carefully made that it requires very little attention. The radiator should bto kept full, of course, anil drained once each month so that sediment will not collect and retard the free passage of water. In cold weatl •a reliable anti-freeze -tram should be added. As owner and manager of this important Water plant you should also see that the water pump and fan shaft are properly lubricated and the packing around the pump shaft kept in adjustment. Hose connections also need replacement aft long service. For those little adjustments, it pays to call on the Ford dealer. He works under dose tory supervision and he has been specially trained and equipped to do • thorough,competent joh at a fur price. MP ANY club at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Olsen Thursday evening. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Clay tHughes and F. A. Hitchens, first, and Mrs. Leslie Olsen and Bruno Butler, the consolation. At the close of the game a lovely lunch was served. Mrs. Clarence Hopper passed away at her home in Crystal Lake Friday evening with pneumonia. She leaves to mourn her loss her husband and five small children. Ringwood relatives and friends extend their sympathy to this bereaved family. The members of the Bunco club and a few friends journeyed to the home of Mrs. Ben Justen and reminded her of her birthday anniversary Thursday afternoon. Bunco was played and prises were awarded to Mrs. George Worts, first, Mrs. Viola Low, second, Evelyn Justen, third, and Mrs. Nick Justen, the consolation. At the close of the games a cafeteria lunch Was served. Mrs. Justen was presented with a gift. Fred Wiedrich, Jr., of McHenry was a caller in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich Mrs. W. A., Dodge and son, Leon, were Harvard visitors Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard and family were McHenry visitors Thurs day morning. Mr. and Mrs. Buiio Butler were Chicago visitors Friday. Mrs. Leslie Olsen of McHenry assisted in the Brown drug store Wed nesday and Thursday. ! Miss Dorothy Peet of Wopdstock ip spending the week with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Peet. Miss Viola Rager spent Friday with her grandmother at Richmetod. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Olsen were Woodstock visitors Saturday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. Burton Ball and daughter of Hunter, 111., are spendng the 'Week in the home of Mr. and Mrs, Ray Peters. Elmer Hopper spent Saturday the home of his sister, "Mrs. Arthur Peet, at^ Greenwood. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Slockenmeyer and son returned to their home here Saturday afternoon, from a two weeks ytsit with relatives at Mt. Carmel, 111 Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walkington spent a few days in the Clarence Hopper "home in Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Harrison and family were Woodstock visitors Saturday evening. „Harold and Lorena Jepson returned to Mt. Morris Sunday to resume thejr studies, after their holiday vacation at the home of their parents. d C. J. Jepson was a visitor at Mar- •~~~*Hgo Sunday. , Mr. and Mrs.-Clarence Harrison and family were guests in the Frank Wattles home in McHenry Sunday Fred Wiedrich and son, Harold, Were Richmond callers Thursday. Charlie Coates of Genoa City spent Sunday in the home of his sister, Mm Ff f o W iedrich, and family^- I'iBiai' -art osure-In Snre-hsnnmce WITH Wm. G. Schreiner Auctioneering m OFFICE AT RESIDENCE Phone 93-R McHenry, Illinois 'It' Outstanding Chevrolet of Chevrolet History ! ' th« pric€ nmnge of ihtjbmr] ifbt Outstanding Chevrolet of Chevrolet History has now been seen and inspected by millions of people in every section of America -- and everywhere it has been enthusiastically hailed as exceeding all expectations. Everyone anticipated that Chevrolet would produce • remarkable automobile --but no one expected such a sensational sixcylinder motor . . . such delightful handling ease • • . such marvelous coo»- lort • • . audi faxnrioqf Fisher bodies . . . ind1!' fuel-economy of better than 20 miles to the gallon .' And no one believed that it would be possible to produce such a car In the price range of the four! If you have not already made a personal inspection of the new Chevrolet* we urge you to do so at your earliest convenience. We are now displaying these beautiful new models--and we cordially l^iteyou to calL • £ i ...*525 Thm ^ ...'525 CTahme pm... . .."595 The ...$67S The Sport Cabrloll ...•695 COACH •595 AH prica* f. •. b. Flint. MicU|n. Thm ConntlOl* iDaUrarr" Light Dalivary g 40f tHTonCh*Mi*$54S iarss^65o W': 'V1. " Rendwhut them lead' ing axtomoink editors said after seeing and riding in the new Chevr olet SI*-- "la the new Chevrolet Mi prepetupl vMu« tmr be- JSP pnee --Rmcd OBMIII w ^ IWnr York Wortd "Aride from beauty in body lines and attractivenees in finish, tfae astoundfag feature of the new Chevrolet Six is its powerful and flexible motor. One will have to go far to equal the high performance of this new Chevrolet in general road aad traffic use." --Leon J. Pinhson San Ftmnoimoo Chrotualm "The new Chevrolet la a triumph for volume production. The car at its price is one of the greatest achievements ever recorded in the automobile industry. Its beauty is a treat; its riding comfort a new delight and its performance a real --Ray Priest tjmtroit Timm "St Louis ipotordom is tremendously enthused over the new Chevrolet Six. Personally I have never seen the public so interested in a new car. The factory should be congratulated on the truly monumental engineering feat it has accomplished." --Robert Henry Hall St. Louis Pomt-Diapatch Come in and See these Sensational New Cars ^ Now on Display Hettermann Motor Sale# Phone 191 West McHenry, Illinois Q U A L I T j r - A T 1 i L j C L J V Real Non* cos. M ' Even Tread Wear That's what the Goodyear All-Weather Tread Balloon Tire gives. ,-- ; Real Non-flkid Performance--because the deepcut, sharp-edged blocks ia cen^er gieze, grip and hang o4 \ ..J.,, ,.;yv -J\ Slow, Even Tread Wear--because these sharpedged blocks are placed in a semi-flat design. They not only grip the road, but retain their usefulness longer than any non-ski^ tread heretofore offered.- Come in and see ife We-l^ let the tire <do all the talking. It's backed by our standard Goodvear service. v V. • . f. Va GOODYEAR ALL-WEATHERS ' i; '• ^"" ;| High Pressuisif * 30x3^ C!. €ord Oversize_. 32x4 SS Cord.^:^.^. Z,..„ 30x5 SS Cord, l^mek^ 33x5 SS Cord„. .„.l„. 1 32x6 Track 29x4. 30x4 ,5b Balloon...; Balloon : 31x5.00 Balloon..,, 30x5.25 Bajloon. 31x5.25 Balloon. 32x6.00 Balloon.. 33x6.00 Balloon.. illMUUiilV' 8.05 13.95 22.00 22.95 36.00 8.90 ©.90 12.45 13.90 14.35 16.80 17.35 GOODYEAR PATHFINDERS Pressure 30x3y2 CI. Cord 30x3Vi CI. CordQvjersi^fe 31x4 SS Cord., ....^L 32x4 SS Cord.. SS Cord. Balloon Type 29x4.40 Balloon. 30x4.50 Ballo<lBCr.77r jfe $ 31x5.25 Balldosu^---- 5.95 6.65 10.60 11.35 15.75 7.50 8.60 12.50 l iV m Prices of all other tire sixes quoted on re<iuest. Ever-Beaay PmMom far uOc tore. This «olve» aU your radiator trouble to crtd wither iBMteftee for Ford, Star. mM JL. $8.50 Gnatly redmed priceg «m chai* w Alcohol for your Radiator can be secured here. WALTER J. Complete Stock--All Sixes Phone 120-R West McHenry, Illinois -Batteries -- Battery Charging and Repairing fire and

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