Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Jan 1929, p. 7

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THE M'HENRY PLAINBEALKE, THURSDAY, JANUARY 10, 1929 WSM0^I "V »-'3. Full Cream Milk ilk is a splendid food for growing \**£\Children especially if it is as rich in ^ cream content as milk we supply. get this better milk for youx children just phone 660-R-l and wc ^ deliver it to your home each day. We handle nothing but Bowman's Pasteurised and Degreed Products & ^ - mm Community Dairy a Phone 660-B-l . Ban J. Smith, Prop. BOWLING NOTES On Sunday night, Jan. 6, the Grayslake town bowling team trimmed the McHenry aggregation by the small margin of ei^itwn pins for three games. In the first game the Lakers only won by four pins, in the second game by twelve pins and in the third game by only two pins. Just follow the box score below and you will get a thrill next to seeing the game itself. McHenry had every man working with the high score of 631 for three games made by W. E. Richardson while the low man was not far behind with a total of 530 pins. The total scores of 2813 and 2795 were big ones with every game of the opponents adding 900 or over. C. Hook 178 194 E. Hook 147 147 H. K. .... 194 167 L. Hook ............JS01 200 L. Waumbaugh ..201 202 284 2 208 18S 606 479 533 609 586 921 900 992 2813 E. Smith 182 153 192 < 530 W. Richardson ...,218 201 212 631 W. Bickler ^^182 148 222 552 G„ Glay .. ^^169 205 170 544 A. Meyers --^.166 178 194 538 EVERY DEGREE OF ACCURACY USED IN FORD MANUFACTURE •A million axle shafts, each one exactly like the other 999,999 within onethousandth of an inch--four million pistons ntiihg four million cylinders with a degree of exactness that all but staggers the imagination--many more millions of drilled and threaded holes, all placed with an accuracy of location that is incomprehensible to any but the mechanically or mathematically minded--and all these factors, combined with other millions of parts manufactured in widely separated units of a gigantic plant, meeting on an assembly line to fashion a million automobiles! This is the miracle that is modern mass production, the miracle that was conjured up by Mr. Hairy Ford when he started his first automobile assembly line. The story of how it is possible to make a million--or ten million, or twenty million, for that matter--of any machine part, each one identical wjth all its fellows, is a story of meas- SPRING GROVE Joseph Klause, Jr., was operated on at St. Joseph hospital at Elgin, Friday. for appendicitis. His manyfriends hope for his speedy recovery. Mrs. William Engels and three daughters, Misses Alvina, Marcella and Geraldine, motored to McHenry Saturday. Leo Fay of Chicago is home on account of illness, but he is some better at this writing. Mir. and Mrs. Henry Adams and family visited at the home of their brother, John, and family, Wednesday evening. • * Mr. and Mrs. Glen Esh of Watertown, Wis., attended Lowell Foulke'a funeral Friday. R. A. Oxtoby motored to HpHemry Friday on business. Rev. Bohr called Saturday afternoon on Mr. and Mrs. Harry Zornstorff. Mys. Davey, who has spent 'the past two weeks in Madison, Wis., with her 990 2795 McHenry Heading for ' * ; 917 888 On Ararsd&y Tiight the Foresters bowled their games at the Palace Alleys with team No. 2 taking two out of three games from team No. 1 and team No. 4 lost the first game by seven pins and won the next two from team No. 8^ j H. Weber ;^.«L.....lll L. Smith 175 Average .,_..125 G. Freund 123 IS. Josten 168 V. Freund P. Freund A. Weingart J. Weber E. Freund urements. Just as that story of meas- <,aughte jfc,. C. Parfrey> who is in urements explains the ability of the the hospiu, there, report* her recov- Ford Motor company to produce fif-!ery *»*»»» teen million Model T automobiles, it, Migs Evelyn CUrk of Fox also explain? Mr. i*ord s ability to' t Thursday wlth Veronica produce the Model A in the same Bretz plants and by the same methods that, M;8s Paulena Adwns is~ RSfiigtirig in madepossiblethe p.oneer Ford cars the home of Mr and M„ Joe j w* yet limits that are from % to % on account of illneeg. ^ what they were on the Model T Danie, Feltes had an attaek of Today ,n the Detroit pfcnte, me-j pendicitis and was uken J, chamcs who have never looked through chj ^ a h ^ Hig the eye-piece of a microscope are fdendg hope for h* gpeedy recovery. itMniilAll Atfa VA OAO MAitAJ A 1 The many» friends of Mr. and Mrs. 106 177 measuring within limits too fine for unaided «ye to see. Model A James f „ d ^ parts machined to within one tenthousandth part of an inch accuracy are all in the day's work. Back of this UCU Remember, back in the days of the horse buggy, When old Dobbin would have to be clucked at and whipped to make him go? But just as soon as he headed for home-- ! You could hardly 'hold him! When life seems to lose some of its zest, When it hardly seeins worth while to go o& any longei, ^^ . Perhaps ItV rata* a*, too, ^ **iieiid fp-. home." » . To those who want to recapture* some of this early joy of living, we suggest-- Build you a home yon'l! love to "head a home of your own. ENRY LUMBER Quality and Service First W«st McHen^p, BL. Phone 46 Smith F. Rosing J. Miller .. J. Thennes G. Web« H. Schaefer J. Baur .... L. Heimer A. Justen ........................162 C. Freund .147 810 761 680 On Wednesday night, Jan. 2, the Woodstock A. C.'s won two games from the Ringwood Nursery team and the Studebakers won two out of three games from Rothermel's Carpenters. Conway 150 147 135 Corson ,...........................175 162 162 ..J.. 182 171 112 ..........191 177 152 .170 156 156 sympathy to them in the loss of their son, Lowell. . . ... ... .... Mrs. John Behrnes of Walworth, precision are something like a million Wi Thursday afternoon with gages that must be kept in correct ^ Charleg Behrne8 adjustment at all times, and many j Thursday morning Mrs. Clara Behrthousands of these gages are m con-, nes went ^ Waiworth burning on stant use throughout the Ford plants.1 the noon train There is no time for hand-fitting of ( ^ and Mra Anton Meyer and inaccurate parts on the assembly line, daughter were among the Sunday They must either fit the first time or dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Anton they are valueless. Therefore, the parts must leave the various machines which fashion them with every specified dimension correct. The result is that when put together, the car move3 off the assembly line under its own power, a completed means of transpor- poujke May. Mrs. Charles Behrnes and daughter, Dorothy, were Chicago shoppers on Saturday. The community was saddened Tuesday, Jan. 2, by the death of Lowell tation requiring no special adjustments. ri There are inspection and working gages to measure outside and inside t William Bretz and Albert Bretz motored to Elgin Monday afternoon to aee Joseph Klause, Jr. Read Jos. J. Miller's special grocery 32-2 Don't buy tires until you see Walter Freund's Goodyear ad. 31-4 diameters, lenghts, widths, heights, an- , jn ^ every week, gles, pitch diameter and lead of screw threads, which are in the hands' of workmen throughout each day, testing and checking each part as it passes from machine to machine through the plant. But these gages will wear or get slightly out of adjustment under the adventures of the third before they take the fatal leap, forms the romance of the story. , . Bright and sparkling lines, original constant use, therefore, they must be sjtuations and unlooked for denoueconstantly /watched. So behind them 3 (ilasses Viter Help Constipation On* glftfls of water is not enough-- take three glasses one hoar before breakfast. Much better results are obtained by adding a teaspoon of simple glycerin, saline compound (known as Adterika) to each glass. Adlerika acts on BOTH upper and lower bowel and removes old waste matter you never thought was bt your system. Stops giks and sour stomach in TEN minutes! Relieves Bolger, Druggist Expert renairman The Nye Jewelry, Musi* at the bench the time at and Radio Shop, West McHenry. fr WEST SIDE GARAGE, x ' KW-*X' '. Adam* Bros., Vrofs. '$&:• Tel 186 Re*. Phone, 639-B-2 V;":. STOP! '•$'THINK ^41 Yotl "try to get ail the mileage possTbie out of gasoline tibnM., - Do you get all the possible mileage out of your shoes? If you punctured a tire you wouldn't throw it away. > ** Then why throw away otherwise good shoes simply becaase the soles or heels are worn? \ _m refenid them for you. BERNARD POPP Bxpert Shoemaker Phone 162 1 ; Sewing Machines Repaired Ice Skates Sharpened Celluloid for your Auto Curtains West McHenrv iJler Grant McGee D. Hodges hmhwm.~w.161 H. Wencel 1S1 S. Lucas 213 Average ......................... J 50 Average ^....^....125 , f. . ' .. •• > r-"-- ;;/y ; *;-TSO A. Kranee • Bn'mi 197 B. Freund J. Rothermd -- -.166 C. Rothernial ^.>.130 H. Simon - w~~~....138 818 169 207 161 147 125 809 178 126 169 142 152 717 141 170 205 112 125 753 224 149 148 162 182 must be master gages, of greater accuracy, for use as standards. These master gages, the product of the C. E. Johansson Division of the Ford Motor company, are accurate within a millionth part of an inch! Throughout the Ford plants inspecments furnish the chief charm in this tale «f high life, which has been pleasing large audiences in NeW York all this season and is now brought to Chicago with the entire original cast and production. The price scale for the engagement of "This Thing Called Love" at the tors are moving constantly, each* with- Woods has been made extremely modspecial hardened, ground and lapped era^ with best seats at $2.50 except rectangular steel blocks Johansson jor Saturday evening, while both Wedgages. These gage blocks are m CO. 817 ..167 152 163 184 768 181 175 178 875 171 151 173 .186 4.t v 1J52 189 173 188 191 A. Justen ... D. Hack E. Freund ....... L. Huck W. Richardsop G. Justen t " 866 824 On Friday night the McHenry Lumber company team won the first game from the Matthews-Tonyan team but slumped badly and the opponents easily won the last two games. On the same evening the Karls Cafe team won two games by a narrow margin, the first one by seven pins, and the second game by three pirts while they lost the third game to Schaefer's Carpenters by 84 pias. F. Zuelsdorf 113 R. Page 161 DiocKs are in ne8day and Saturday matinees the best special sizes to meet requirements of orchestra seats are $2. " the workman's scrutiny; making it un. IWCmjm. tn*s b. factorT* ANEW AIL-AMERICAN that All America is Acclaiming The New Oakland Ail-American Six is winning the praise of all America. It ia enjoying the admiration caused by its new beauty. And ^ those familiar with its mechanical quality marvel at such fine car features atln accurately balanced "line of drive" ... .' dynamically balanced, counter-weighted j crankshaft . . . exclusive patented rubber < cushioned engine mounting . . . dirt -and- | weather-proof internal-expanding fourwheel brakes ... Small wonder that a car so wonderfully constructed ... so brilliantly styled . . , should be winning America's acclaim. Pitvm |IJiS t* $IS7Sm /.«. b. /(Miavv. mimm AAmv . t»mt Lowejoy BydrwuMe Sh&^k Ahaorbmr* mm4 tmmm j inrhirfwj srwf rssr srtserele mxtwm- r>| *- OalLUnd d*Ut*r prw.. _ rinJmi, lmo.1 hmndting -Prrr-grT '» i IIM rmytnmu "tn mtmilml lt I " ' N. Huff . Average P. Karls ......157 .101 189 15. t. Freund ... C. Hughes . C. Weber -.... R. Thompson MCHENRY AUTO SALES Phone 255 *0n U. 8. Route 12 Near Mill Pond Bridge -. - - ?2i ' Kreutier ..m• *.157 G. Johnson , H. Schaefer F. Freund . J. Schaefer W. Smith . iE. Tonyan .. B. Schmitt |B. Freund .. 1W, Tonyan .101 ...168 >m«I53 ....135 714 ,„.^_...148 ...143 155 - J43 179 |68 1..148 ....154 ....158 »..189 ...;.....162 164 179 162 127 138 770 172 127 143 165 160 767 161 153 175 144 133 766 162" 148 141 139 162 134 141 157 139 154 725 168 139 191 160 151 809 183 164 144 160 225 876 138 145 119 179 157 necessary for inspectors to make up combinations to measure different dimensions of length. A set of 81 gage blocks, such as is used in the tool rooms, can be combined to measure 120,000 different size lengths, from three-sixteenths inch to over twelve inches, and each of the 120,000 combination gages represent a variation of one ten-thousandth part of an inch. On some operations where the limits are close, the gages are changed every two to,four hours to correct a wear of one ten-thousandth part of an inch which occurs in that time. Others are adjusted or changed at less frequent intervals, as frequency of use and amount of wear dictates. In addition to their use in the production of Ford cars, trucks, airplanes and Lincoln automobiles, the Johansson gage blocks are 'the standard of the world for industrial precision measurement of length. • ft • ' Plaindealer Publicity Ftyfc. You'll tell us you are satisfied |f onee our service you have tried. --Mr. Before and After - Scientific cleaning that improves the life garments. Skillful pressing that your tailor '^ilLpnuse. "Por Appearance's 8ake" /ANNA HOWARD f CLEANING &PKSSDW , OV£R BOLQER'S DWJQ STORE' ' U BUICK % 811 752 738 W. Green holds the high honors for the week at the Palace Alleys with a score of 251 while Mrs. A. KraUse won the ladies' prize with a high score of 168. - flfoad of A»ima|fc . Ezra, the Janitor, found occasion to make himsolf «iuire hus.v in the Jnrins a husiness session «if the stockioMers of the firm Aftpr their rte pcrtnre lie 'said to the m:in;iRfr of the business: "Boss, you mind showing me thai white eler>hant l hern-d yoo all sav yon sr«'t ?" ^ . Rebirth. The question of life lifter death h^*' been solved by a Texas headline writ who wrote; t>"Texan Kills SHf 'nn<; "THIS THING CALLED LOVE" TO COME TO THE WOODS * Commencing Monday evening, Jan. 14, Patterson MicNutt, producer of "The Poor Nut," which had a successful run at the Cort, will bring to the Woods" his latest production by Edwin Burke, a light mirthful and delicate comedy, entitled "This Thing Called Love," direct from an engagement in New York of five months at the Bijou theatre, where it was acclaimed by press and public as the payest comedy hit of the year. Instead of a star, Mr. McNutt has provided his play with three featured players all well known to Chicago j audiences, in the persons of Violet Heming, seen here in many successes' and one of the leading personalities in | all the star cast of "Trelawney of the Wells," and also that of "The Rivals." Miss Heming also lent her talents to the cast of "Disraeli" as leading player with George Arliss. Minor Watson, personable young leading man, who is best known to Chicago audiences through his performance here In "Howdy King," and who also played with Chrystal Heme in "These Modern Women" and with Ruth Chatterton in "Magnolia Lady," and Juliett Day, whose last appearance here was in "No, No, Nanette," in which she was one of the leading hits during the run of this success at the Harris. Miss Day has had a long list of successes to her credit. Since her first appearance in the "Blue Bird," she has scored in "Everywoman" in which she played "Modesty," in the original production of "The Yellow Jacket" and in "Upstairs and Down." Other leading members of the company, include Malcolm Duncan, wfi?f was last popular w$th Chicago audiences in "Whispering Wires," Ruth Garland, Henry Wittemore, Bruce Elmore, Josephine Lewis and others. "This Thing Called Love" relates^# sparkling tale of Park avenue life and romance, with widely diverging lives as new and unrrvaled to day as the day it appealed m - - With all makes of cars on display---with the improvements for 1929 a matter of record--it 'must be plain to everyone that the new Buick with Masterpiece Bodies by Fi her merits final recognition as the most advanced automobile " of the day! Its arresting new body lines and contours stamp it ia»> mediately as the newest and most distinctive motor car style. Its new Valve-in-Head six-cylinder engine is not only the most powerful automobile engine of its size in worid but the leader in getaway, swiftness and stamina as wed. Moreover, a host of new luxury factors makes the new Buick the most comfortable automobile to ride in and to drive. Scores of thousands of buyers have these &ctl and entered orders for the new Buick during the past fin rrange"'o*'thYTib*r*l *nont^*- And scores of thousands of others are acclaiming C. M. A. C. Tame Payment Pimm. Buick's advanced quality at automobile displays throughout the country. Coupes . *1195 to *1873 Sedans . >1220 to *2145 Sport Cars *1225 to *1550 These prices /. •. k. Bmick Aft* Cmmvenient terms emu ©very comparison proves the new Buick an outstanding ' f>he--as new and unrivaled today as the ddaayy iitt aappppeeaarreedd!! WITH MASTERPIECE BODIES B' ' 1 .M aft Phone fPKTON & COWEN .6 .' • • V Buick Motor Cars West Mc] and tastes of three young couples, Bhaot^xWtf* rf'l|rl»i».rl two of Which a*e already mated, while McHenty, EL5

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