Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Jan 1929, p. 8

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*.: mm mm * r.T ;r" i / COMMUNITY SERVICES wwt gltd to see so nnjr at (Mi but Stmday and we thank all those who helped to make the two services and dinner such a success. Three old friends of the church paid t»s a visit, Miss Alice Miller, Miss . Angela Petesch and O. G. Treadway, *< w% were glad to have them with m. Let as all make a special effort to 5^ be at church again next Sunday. The service is sure to help you if you come Seeking a blessing. Choir practice at Mrs. Co*' home on Wednesday evening. "The Good-Time ptnb" on Saturday at 2:00 o'clock. * a D. A. SOCIAL MEETING The members of Joyce Kilmer Court, Catholic Daughters of Ameri lea, held a social meeting at their hall Friday evening at which thne cards and bunco were enjoyed. In bridge the prises were awarded to Eleanor Miller and Mrs. Fred S. Schoewer and in five hundred the prises went to Dorothy Knox and Mrs. Anna Howard, while in bunco the prises were awarded to France# Niesen and Mrs. Vera .Purvey. Lunch was Mprt nnd s. pleasant evening enjoyed. MERRYMAKERS Mrs. Stero Smith iritertained the "Merrymaker s at her home Wednesday afternoon, at which time cards were wsjoyed, with the iknt prise going to f - Mrs. Jacob F. Justen, second to Mrs Peter Heimer and third prise to Mrs. John Young, who substituted for Mrs. Jacob Schaefer. Refreshments were served. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Ben Justen. MOTHER* CLUB "rtie Mothers' club met at the htfflie of Mfs. Jacob Brefeld Friday afternoon where an enjoyable meeting was held. Games were played at the close of the meeting and prises were won by Mirs. James Perkins and Mrs. George H. Johnson. Refreshments were served. i r . McHENBri BOMB OF AMUSEMENT "WE CANT FLAT THEM ALL SO WE PLAY THE BEST" The Empire Theatre - win open on I'abeut February lit ARE ENTERED HKAVT RlfEB IMPOSED ^ BY COUKT yH . £ Sam Salveson of Burton's Bridge Decodes To Stand Trial--Start Jury ' Selection Wfrfneedsy After several hours of conferences and debates five defendants, in Mc- Henry county's now famous special investigation of alleged crime and liquor violations, marched to the rail of the circuit court bench late Friday afternoon and changed their pleas of *not guilty" to "guilty" and accepted the sentence of the court. It was the long looked for break in the big battle of the special prosecution. Heavy fines were imposed regardless of tiM plea* of guilty. In the of Michael Worts, the state askei it J»enaltjr of $2500. This sentence was passed by Judge E. D. Shurtleff. In the ease of Nicholas Marinos a fine of $750 was imposed. Nick Justen and George Dewey Watts were let off with fines of $500 each. Matt Laures also entered a plea at guilty, but his- sentence has not been muttM •X % t r\ JAJTOA***, IMS +n by her nidce, Marion Weingart, Who sane, "At the End of a Perfect Day." Four past oracles acted as escorts to the officers during the installation ceremonies and carrying flags, fanned arches for the line of march. The officers of Riverview Camp fleeted for the coming year wwHi 7 Oracle--Mrs. Maud Rothermll. " Past Oracle--Barbara Weber, • Vice-Oracle--Mrs. Marie Vales. \ Recorder--Mrs. Florence Cobk Receiver--Frances Vycital. Marshal--Grace Granger. Assistant Marshal--Ida Reynolds. Chancellor--Mirs. Ella Can5. Inner Sentinel--Katharine Meyers. Outer Sentinel--Magdalena Bohr. Manager--Virl Smith. . > i- (Musician--Laura Kent.;- Faith--Mrs. Lydia Enpli Courage--Mrs. Grander. Unselfishness--Mrs. Josephine Basing. Modesty--Mrs. Wilhemioa Keg. Endurance--Mrs. Calla Perkins. At the eloSe of the installation the oracle presented the past oracle and the installing officer each with a gold piece and the ceremonial marshal with a gift from the camp. Under good of ih* order a program was given consisting of the following numbers: Solo, "Indian Lov« Call/' by M|rs. Lillian Krause, accompanied H A. A. C. VKM AT WOODSTOCK imposed yet. All of th* sentences i by Mrs. Reynolds; reading, Elsie Vycital; solo, Ida Reynolds; reading Mrs. Blanche Br;*wn. Following the installation ceremonies lunch was served and the remainder of the evening was spent in cards and bunco. In cards the first prise was won by Mrs. Kate Schreiner and the second prize by Mrs. Lillian Krause. In bunco the first prize was won by Mrs. Anna Meyers and the second prize by Mirs. Dorothy NickelSr with the exception of Watts were passed by Jodge . Shcrtleff. Judge Theo. Forby passed sentence on Watts. Guilty Pleas Monday More pleas of guilty were entered in the circuit court Monday. George May of Spring Grove, William Wascher of Cary and Elmer Anderson of Burton's Bridge hare pleas of guilty before the court, bat sentence has not been passed. Those- who entered pleas of guilty and were fined Monday are as follows f J. C. Bickler of McHenry, a fine of *2,600. John Anderson of McHenry, $500 fine. . Otto Broeker of laly L^ke, fine of $500. • 1 • • - Earl Judson of Spring Grove, $500 fine-and 60 days in jail. John Aylward of Woodstock, $100 fine and 90 days in jail. Judson and Aylward are o*>w serving their jail sentences. Three more defendants entered pleas of guilty in the circuit court Tuesday, the same being William Mertes, Henry Knell and Charles Waddell. Sentences were passed by Judge Theo. Forby as follows: William Mertes, $2,500 finfl( ^ Henry Knell, $1,000 line. ^ ** '•*- , Charles Waddell, $500 fine and 90 WEDDING ANNIVERSARY days in the county jail. ' Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lenzen cele< The epidemic of pleading guilty in (brated their ninth wedding anniverthe circuit court to violation of the j sary at their home Sunday evening by prohibition law in connection with I having a number of their friends in McHenry county's special investiga- for the evening. A four-course chicktion came to a sudden and surprising en dinner was served at 7 o'clock by end Wednesday morning when Sam the hostess. After dinner the rest of PARTY AT BLAKE HOME On Thursday evening Mr. and Mrs. Mat Blake entertained a party of neighbors and friends at their home west of town. A delightful evening was spent at games, including bunco and cards and all had a jolly time. Prizes were won by Mrs. Ford Jackson, Mrs. Peter Freund and Mrs. John fVhaid. Refreshments were served. The guests were: Mir. and Mrs. Peter Freund, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Freund and family, Mr. and Mrs. Will Harris, Mr. and Mrs. Mat Glosson, Mr. and Mrs. John Schaid and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ford Jackson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. John P .Freund and family, Mr. and Mrs. James Jensen, Mrs. Copley* Mary Pierson and Jack Harris*.- • Salveson decided to stand trial In the indictment against him. Salveson is from Burton's Bridge- He is being defended by attorney William Moran of Chicago. Work on picking a jury started at 10:30 Wednne/ Jny Twnrnittg ^Kflrlfttt W. TTaHIpV and Judge C. P. Barnes are taking care of the state's side. Judge Theo. Forby of Zion City is presiding over the case. The above is the third case to go to trial in the special prosecution of the alleged liquor violation and conspiracy cases. Both the other eaaes enden in favor of the state. THAT Used as a Physicians Prescription for Many Years Ijfoaey beck if not relieved Children like U FOR SALE BT the evening was spent playing cards. Five tables of five hundred were in play. The first ladies' prize went to MVs. Joseph Lenzen, second to Mrs. Edward Cook, third to Mrs. Joseph F. Wagner, and low prize to Mrs. Joe E. Freund, Frank St. George won the first gents' prize, Joe F. Wagner the second, John Wagner third, while the low prize went to Frank King. The guests presented Mr. and Mrs. sen with a beautiful gift. Thomas P. Bolger "The McHenry Druggist" W McHenry, m. GIZZARD CAPSU^ WORMS CHICKEN! . for WORI^S CHICKENS " tS H,,,, ^ ordiiyr to authoritie* -- worms which rob i wwl of iu food, lower Titallty, lunue' profluctjon, retard growth--rob yon of JK»ur poultry profit*. Tho GIZZARD CAPSULE will quickly rid IJPUr chicken# of both tape worms and round Worm*. Five timea u effective u worm •tmeSlM given in food or drink. Why? TiM FLKZAJRD CAPSULE ia inaolnble mU ^*rthe medfeinea intact to tiie gizzati %ti*re |t i(? broken like a grain of com, ro> MMiw the p edicinea into the worm in- Mated tnteatinea in full strength and u*. Slluted. Ab easy to aamintster at giving a pill. Adult •few for chickens 3 lbs. or more and turkeyt 6 Iba. W more. Chick size for chicks 1 to 3 lbs. and terfcs tto < lbs. Don't feod worms. Stop this Wstsand increase your profits. Give GIZZARD Sow W>m| rafuadad. Satisfaction guaranteed i THOMA? P. BOLGER • • M e g e n r y Druggiat" • ; Msflfenry, 111. RIVERVIEW CAMP INSTALLS OFFICERS Mrs. Maud Rothermel, New Oracle of lUyal Neighbor Caatp, Takes Office Tuesday A pleasant evening was spent by the members of Riverside Camp, Royal Neighbors of America, at their annual installation of officers at their hall on Tuesday evening, Jan. 22. ' The activities of the evening opened with a six o'clock banquet served at Niesen's Cafe, which was attended by forty-five members, who enjoyed the delicious chicken dinner. The members were seated at tables beautifully del orated in purple and white, the t-ulora of tto. ogder, and presented a happy andJNj*l|ng scene!. At tM WNHrif the banquet interesting talks were given by the past 'Cles present, including Mrs. Gertie Schaeffer, Mrs. AgneBS Wentrth, Mrs. Florence Cobb, Mrs. Lydij • geln, Mrs. Barbara Krause, outgoing oracle, Barbara Weber uuwly elected oracle, MrB. Maud ermel, also gave a talk, songs were sung by the entire assembly and Mrs. Blanche Brown gave a pleasing reading entitled, "Saying Grace At the close of the dinner the members adjourned to the hall, where the installation ceremonies took placet The installing officers for the eye-? ning were escorted into ; the lodge room, introduced by the marshal and welcomed by the oracle, Barbara Weber. * The installing officers were: Mrs. Florence Cdbb, installing officer; Mrs. Edith Karls, ceremonial marshal; Mrs. Varina Marshall, installing chancellor, and Mrs. Gertrude Schaefer, installing musician. The installing chancellor, Mrs. Varina Marshall, and the installing musician, Mrs. Gertrude Schaeffer, were escorted to their stations and pre sented with baskets of flowers by the ceremonial marshal. The graces were presented with flowers the color of their emblem as they were installed. As the newly installed oracle, Mrs Maud Rothermel, stood at the altar after being invented with the badge of noffice, she was delightfully surprised by the appearance of her little daugh ter, Katherine, who presented her mother with a beautiful basket of flowers and sang to her, "My Task. The scene was a beautiful and touching one as the mother and daughter stood at the altar during the beautiful song. The outgoing oracle, Barbara Weber, was likewise honored upon her installation as past oracle. She was presented with a basket of flow ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Miss Genevieve Carey gave an announcement party at her home on Green street last Friday evening, at Which time her engagement to Mr. Albert Woll of Chicago was announced. Three tables of bridge were in play during the evening. Prizes were won by Misses Dorothy Walsh and Clara Baxbian. PUBLIC CARD PARTY A public card party for the benefit of St. Mary's parish will be heM in the parish hall Friday afternoon, Jan. 25, at 2 o'clock. Refreshments will be served. Price 85c. 84 liMKStfi w-'dfr.y • sttfe' jr"" ' ;•'1.: v M*5 Overton Bacon Ffreund Pay .... Conway Kinsala P. Freund, the fourth prize by Mm Ford Jackson and the fifth prise by Q 'Ufa-: Ben Miller. 2 Mriijvntt. The next tt»Heting w$n be at ; home of Mrs. 1fat Okwftm. nitftlfr RIH» AND ASVOMfi FOB SAME Ladies' ASd eodrtr haa mgs w«*1ind IpNnia for sda at the home of Uka. P. E. Cobb. They will also tie comforters. 32-4 M. A. A, C. Ponies (»)-- Green Sonway S. owell Krause Steffes Conway, 1^ .». S W. A. A. C. Ponies (18)-- B Bier 4 Pratt, A, Sh6rb\|TB9 4BT01*. -• Wauconda Game Postponed On Atcont of Roads--LibertyviUe Here Sunday Last Sunday the McHenry A. A. club squads Invaded the Armory at the county-seat, with the basketball championship at stake. Though the ponies were forced to take a beating, thereby evening the series with the W. A. A. C. ponies, the big boys came through and handed Woodstock one of the worst trimmings that has befallen a team representing that city in a good many years. The Anal count wfes on«-sided eneufh, brijyhose who ifesw the game i^VHt^BuBt^lcHenry should have add* ed from te^to fifteen points more to their forty-five to really do themselves justice. Considering ^ the ftect that they held the Armory team to « 36~3 score at the beginning of the last'that his mtm could not make the quarter, this swems fairly reasonable.! triP frorn Elgin. There was a co*t of It was not until this last quarter thitj^® on the surface that covered svery, Woodstock scored a goal finmt tne! the wov-st that has been jwer* in f i e l d , r e g a r d l e s s of t h e f a c t t h a t | ™any f e a r s , a o n d i t i o n t h a t r o s d e j MlcHenry's defense centers aronnd | travel very treacherous. Without Capt. Conway, one of the best guards ®en Manager Kerwin was iMMHHlwuWWMtssssfy Inger Pratt, a Berg 1 WuMkin Game Peetponed' The weather proved to be sa bad Tuesday evening that ihe scheduled contest was called of? at the request of the Wauconda management, who :;tat- BARGAINS'- We have the following Battery Radios to be diapoaed oMfc iMifala prices: ' •' ONE ORKBB lTWAT^R KENT % y-f ^lUniANS '29L5S55SST- w 2 above are all in good wwrklBf eonditieiL the New Spart&n Radio at$189.50 g Dynamic Speakcr, Nine •wf in this section of Illinois, who was ejected from the game in the middle of the second quarter. The game started with Stuessy sinking a free throw on the first of Conway's fouls, giving Woodstock the lead. This did not last long, as Freund collected three baskets from short range in as many minutes, which, with ftis two free throws, a basket and free throw by Bacon, and a foul shot by Overton, gave McHenry- a 10-1 lead at the quarter. Not satisfied with this lead the home cagers continued their scoring spree, feeding Freund the ball under the basket until he ran his total of baskets to seven for the first half, which, with his three free throws, gave him a total of 17 points. All this was accomplished while Wood of the opinion that the crowd would not' be given the battle that was expected so it was deemed best to postpone the game to some date in the near future, which will be announced as soon as possible. ft is sure that a good gitae Will be in store for the fans when these two teams come together as Wauconda has three former Jelke stars in their lineup in Flora, Lansen and Durrenberger. The Jelke Good Lucks were long rated a% the best in this section of the state. Watch for the date. Libertyville Here Sunday Next Sunday the M. A. A. C.'s will act as hosts to the Foulds' fives of Libertyville, in two games to start at 2:30. Due to the long layoff of over a week between games in McHenry, the boys are expecting a good-sized crowd Wjr* Jewalry, Music and Radio Sbop m West JBeHfatf? showed their appreciation of the following they had at Woodstock and there should be even more fans on hand next Sunday afternoon to watch their favorites go after th#r eleventh in a row. stock was scoring twice from the i to fill the high school |£ym. They foul line via Grant and Stuessy. Scqre 22-3. •, Comeback Is Lacking v Thinking that the Woodstock ^flye would attempt a strong comebacKln the third quarter, the cagers from home staged another spurt which netted them 14 points with their opponents going scoreless. These wens chiefly on baskets by Kins a lis, suBforward, and Bacon, with Overton coming in for two also. In the last quarter Woodstock was allowed to run wild and collected 16 of their 18 points, while the five from McHenry looked on, content with running the score to 45. Though handicapped with a slippery floor, Fay and Overton turned in a very nice exhibition of floor work, a department in which MjcHenry far surpassed their heavier opponents. The pony teams of the M. A. A. C. 0VV 1 ENTERTAINS CARD CLUB Mrs. J. W. Rotermel entertained the members of her card club at her home on Riverside Drive last Friday afternoon. Two tables of bridge were in play and the first prize Was won by Mrs. H. B. Schaeffer, the second prize by Mrs. Will Bishop and the consolation went to Mrs. Albert Krause. Refreshments were served at the close of a pleasant afternoon. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. George Worts. • • r 7% - - " """ vf \y •' NOW yoanean get acquainted ^ ^ FLORSHEJM Shoes at a lowei* NEIGHBORHOOD BUNCO CLUB . . .r, ,. Mrs. Mat Blake entertained the and the W. A. A. C, put on an ex i-1 0f the neighborhood Bunco •it?' bition before the big game, which showed spurts of real basketball with quiet times interspersed that provided amusement for the crowd. On' the whole the game was rather slow and the McHenry outfit could not seem to find the skill "that has characterized their play in the past few games. The county-seaters prevented the day from being an entire rout by turning in an 18-9 victory. "Abie" Bier proved to be the scoring ace, with nine points to his credit. Folowing if the lln*St W. A. A. C. (18)-- B club at her home Thursday afternoon. Several games of bunco were played and the first prize was won by Mr3. Hubert Freund, the second by Mrs. Otto Johnson, the third by ^frs; John infee. or renew your scsssistasel i ^ 'V * iu* ft < ft a saving* r -1 HAY McGEE a Grant ,w, Stuessy Dale ..... Conley Corsott lnger r f M. A. tf.-'C. <48)11 B F P BALL wj: LIBERTYVILLE LIGHTS vs. M. A. A C. PONIES / •. • vMetR'- M. A. 'A. mmt,, £>:• * • 'fit JSc irM 0< i •?rw i! Account f j : * M HENEY HICm. SCHOOL GYM SUNDAY, JAN,' X7 ^cime Starts at 2:30 • . - •. TKe "Foulds company always puts a good team on (lie floor j and have been making a good showing in the North Shore League. With McHenry going at a great speed there will be a game that you shouldn't miss next Sunday at 2:30 P. M. Om of the beet business recommendations you can give to any business concern in this community ift the fa^trth^ - y^u hkve a checking account in this bank. / ^ 'ff;";- Better get this recommendation behind your name fm '*• y***; -- ADMI88IOW 25e AND . 4<The Bank That Service Built" • i •~"7 % m

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