Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Jan 1929, p. 2

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-"I" " •# etah, ,: #"<s. f -- ^ A - . r * . * r . . ' ^ , \ " THE M'HEHRY PLAIHD*ALBB, THUIBDAY, JAKUARY 24, 19M RUfGWOOD Mn. Nkk Freund entertained the |Naco club Thursday afternoon, there Mnf four tables in play. Prizes were MTarded to Mn. Bay Merchant, first, •En. Ed Thompson, second, Mrs. Viria Low, third, and Mrs. Lester Carr Km consolation. Mrs. Ben Justen was presented with a prize for having •ade the moet number of buncoe. At 4he close of the games a nice lunch wrved. and Mrs. Bruno Butler enterthe Five Hundred club at their Friday evening. Prizes were ton by Mrs. H. C. Hughes and Clar- £Pearson, first, and Mrs. F. A. ees and Ray Peters the consola- At the close of the games a lu*th was served by Mia. sr and Mrs. Leon Dodge. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie AUea of Hebron qpere callers in the Sam Beatty hone v<fuesday afternoon. ; Mr. and Jfrs. Stephen Schmidt and ' Ijlr. and Mrs. Ed Young and daughter «f McRonry were callers in the George ffcong home Tuesday afternoon. attend the Eastern Star installation at MteHenry Saturday evening were Mrs. A. W. Smith, Mrs. Emma Brown, Mrs. G. A. Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Hitchens, Mr. and Mrs. H. M, Stephenson, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Hughes, Mrs. Rillah Foss and son, Floyd, Clarence Pearson, J. V. Buckland, Miss Flora Taylor, S. W. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Harrison, Mrs. Roy Harrison, Mrs. Chauncey Harrison, Mrs. Ray Merchant. Mrs. Lon Smith, and Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Harrison. Edward Harrison of Elgin spent a few days this week with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Justen and family Vfere McHenry Visiters Sunday morning. Miss Nellie McDonald spent Sunday with her parents at Keystone. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Murray and daughter, Marjorie, and son, Raymond, of Geneva, Thomas and Catherine McLaughlin and James Dohertf of McHenry, Edna Beck and Armour Be< V of Woodstock, spent Sunday in the Jack McLaughlin horn*. Mr. and Mrs. McLaughlin celebrated tfcefe 86th weddihg anniversary. Miss Crokett ot Bvaaston spent the' spent Tuesday in Edward Thompson of Chicago speat J wee)CH.nd in the George Harriaou Mr. end Mrs. W Donne ef WAUCOKDA Mi-, and Mrs. James Gainer spent Thursday in Elgin. Dr. J. A. Ross was a Waukegan caller Wednesday. E. F. Redgate was a McHenry call' •r Thursday evening- Mrs. Emmet Geary #a£ a W«Ukegan caller Wednesday. Ray Muirphy is spending a few days in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Grantham and children spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Geary of Gilmer. E. H. Prior was a McHenry caller Tuesday. James Koeer spent Saturday in Waukfgan. Dr. Nye of McHenry was a business caller here Saturday and Monday. Ronald Geary of Gilmer is spending a few days with his grandmother, who has bees ill. Mrs. Mary Davlift entertained relatives from Elgin Sunday. Albert Paddeds called OR salatfrres a* Round Lake Wednesday. Metvia Ptotter and James Koeer ^Wssday with his pareEts, Mr. •'vPtTs. FA Thompson. t* Byron Hitchens of CMeago ediwsday with his parents, Mr. sad rMe.J F, A, Hitchffea. v -B. Edgar Thomas, Mn. Vieia and Mrs. William McCannon jrarc Woodstock shoppers Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Carr attended Km show at Woodstock Wednesday feening. . _ . "Mr. and MVs. Nick Young and Mr. i v^nd Mrs. Math Nimsgern were Woodstock visitor* Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard were ' Woodstock visitors Thursday morning. ^ Mr. and Mrs. George Noble and •hildrea were McHenry visitors Wad- Mr ^ and Mrs. George Shepard and - fhilun-a were McHenry visitors Thurs- , i|ay evening. Mrs. J. F. McLaughlin was a Chi- . V €ago visitor Thursday. W. A. Dodge and daughter, Eleanor, £, Spent the week-end at Sturgis, M3ch. " ' Wayne Foes of Greenwood spent the iv>- 'i3r,e ek-end with his mother, Mrs, Rillah . r oss. tj;- Lora Harrison of Evaaston spent a few days this week with her parents, Jfr. and Mrs. George Harrison. e-- . vrrCrgc YOuS^ and son, Stanley, . vtrere McHenry visitors Sunday mora- :v* <fa*. ^ Ben Stevens was a Woodstock visi- •' tor Sunday. Mrs. Frankie Stephenson wfw a J;1'", Woodstock shopper Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. James Bell and son, a H«rrid, and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Rcherm " ||SDJ§f Lake Geneva were callers in lie r $eorge Young home Saturday eve- -ting. • • Mr. and Mrs. C. A- Matsen and son s>4_ Chicago spent the week-end in the ft I ""Cub Pearson home. jr, , Mr. and Mrs. Henry Henzie of Crys- , ,Jal Lake spent Sunday in the George Among those from Ringwood to how^. Mr, and Mrs. Henry Bcteer erf Mr Hoary spent Straday in ttw E. M. Bradley hosae. Mr, and Mrs. t M. Btatiey and family have nwwrf to Wdedstoot, whe»* Mr. Bradley is employed- Mr. and Mrs. Alec Anderson and family will move to the Bradley house recently purchased by William Coahp. Clark Huson and L^Te FWi #w|iB spent Saturday ta ths C. J. Jepson home. Frank Walkington and Miss Pen Lester of Libertyville spent Thursday evening in the Ben Walkington home. Mr. and Mrs. G. Shepard spent Manday with McHenry relatives. C. J. Jepson was a McHenry visitor Friday. Mr. Mn. Joe Weber of McHenry and Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young attended the show in Woodstock Sunday. Nick Young went to Janesville Tuesday to drive home his new Chevrolet coupe. Don't buy tires until you see Walter Freund's Goodyear ad. 81-^ Our large variety of merchandise enables you to choose almost anything you need for yourself or for the household. Erickson Dept. West McHenry, HI. AIR MAIL ENVELOPES 11M Plaindealer has air mail envelopes on sale for the accommodation of those who wish to use this branch of the postal service. For letters routed long distances across the country this service is the quickest and tinder the new postal regulartions the"" cost is five cents for the first ounce and ten cents for each additional ounce. The envelops have the necessary markings and may be in any quantity from one up. fp-tf 5? Twice Told •p. Tales |Ktts ef News Mm fa tie CeluauM ef tfca laiadealer Fifty aad . vV ' Hitf? h STOP! THINK! Yep try to get all the mileage poesible out of gasoline and tins. Do you get all the possible mileage out of your shoes? If you punctured a tire you wouldn't throw it away. Then why throw away otherwise good shoes simply became the or heels are wen? Let as rebuild them for you. BERNARD POPP ^ Expert Shoemaker Phone 162 West McHenry Sewing Machines Repaired lee Skates Sharpened Celluloid for your Auto Curtains P: t' *•: ^ <" ?rsi t~ SomiDay SoUfi you're going to Drive this Great New Car... Same day soon you're going to drive a N«V All-American. And what |a glorious experience that will be! . . . What a revelation ia brilliant performance. In smoothness ...ia afie nee ... in flashing change of pace. In the safety provided by its squeakiest internalexpanding four-wheel brakes. In the power produced by a big, smooth, silent engine . . • with its dynamically balanced, counter weighted crankshaft . . . its exclusive patented rubber cushioned naonntinga . . . ita ic Balancer ... ita G-M-R cylinder And what a dlecovery in new awl effective beauty.... Come in and arrange te drive this triumphant new car. W)iuke* gto spent the week-ettS hers. Mr. asd Mrs, Albert v«r« Waukegsn callers Thursday. Mi»s Emil/ £>avid«ofl and Harry Kerwitt sprat Friday in Chicago. Clyde Whitman and James Carr of Chisago spent ths week-end here. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kanuaes of Wheaton were Sunday visitors here. IB1, and Mka. HenTy Shaffer aad famte^ IMBenry spent Sunday at the ueorge Broughton home, Mrs. Dora Bristol and children ef Waukegan spent Sunday at the H. B. Lincoln home. Dr. J. A. Ross and A. C. Sorenson of Libertyville were callers here Wednesday evening. A. W. Foss and Albert Maether of Libertyville spent Wednesday evening here. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie TurnbuH and Albert Paddock were Waukegan callers Friday. Miss Haltie Powers of Ehnhunrt spent the week-end at the O. S. Powers home. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thomas aad son, Frederick, were Libertyville callers Tuesday. Mrs. Lilah Fisher of Chicago spent several days last , week at the Clark home. Z. H. Osmun of Crystal Lake, called at the George Knigfre farm Friday. • Mrs. Kate Dewald left Wednesday for Chicago for a few days' visit. Miss Emily Davidson and Harry Kerwin spent Friday in Chicago. Thomas Garvin and Ira Fisher were Desplaines callers Friday. Lee Wheelock spent Tuesday in Libertyville. Frank Henkle spent from Wednesday until Friday at the Jack Buchanan home at Richmond. Mrs. A. C. Stoxen of Bassett, Wis* was a Saturday caller at the Arthur Stoxen home . ) Mrs. P. A. Houghteft and daughter, Thirza, and son, ArthuT, called on Mrs. C. T. Daley Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Goodluck and Mrs. Martin Jensen of Lake Zurich were callers at the local telephone office Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Meyer and son, Donald, of McHenry were callers si fee home of Mrs. Alice Geary Monday. Mr. and Mrs. William Gossell and daughter of Waukegan spent Saturday and Sunday at the John Gossell home. Mrs. C. R. Wells spent Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday at the home of her daughter in Waukegan. Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett of Slocum Lake spent Tuesday afternoon at tl« H. L. Grantham,Sr., home. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Daley of Libertyville spent last Thursday evening at the C. T. Daley home. L. A. Turner of Chicago was a business caller here Friday. , Ed Dibler of Woodstock was a business caller here Monday. Mrs. Joseph Sehrer of Waukegan spent Friday at the Bauer home, Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Jecks of Cary tftre Monday afternoon callers here. Mrs. Jack Fenton and daughter of Chicago are spending the-^^Sreek at the Miles Fuller home. Arthur Monahan called brother at Waukegan Frida Saturday. Mrs. George Deinlein is spending •everal days in Chicago with relatives. Mabel Shannon of White Lake, Wis., visiting relatives here. Julius Geary of Lake Zurich spent Saturday afternoon here. Little Jane Nicholls of Roseville spent Saturday with her cousin, little Arbutus Grantham. Mrs. Anna Garvin spent several days in Chicago. H. L. Grantham started filling his Ice house Thursday morning. Mrs. George Case has been under the doctor's care at her home here, With the flu. George Broughton spent Sunday in - Chicago with his sister, who is very low at this time. Our large variety of merchandise enables you to choose almost anything you need for yourself or for the jhousehold. Erickson Dept. Storey •West BfcHenry, 111. Don't buy tires until you see Walter Freund's Goodyear ad. JU JANUARY, 18T9 A very pleasant surprise was given to Mr. slid Mrs. John I. Story en Wednesday evening by the young people ef this village AH who attended re-' poll a good time. * The derailing houto of Jerry Sbtrl man, about two ailes west of thbf village, was burned to the gro«ntd o; Friday last, betwyx^n the hours of and 1 o'clock, moon. The tee men are tesy at -murk ail t^ Monday, and ted the thiW kekf '«# woul.dl have their iee hoafiee all ftuf this wwek. The riftin ot Mondfcy, ever, made a "cessation of ho^tlHttes" accessary for the time O. Bishep has lately put utear* pifMs# in his warehouse and is now he«tinfi| the same by steam, having discarded his stoves entire. JANUARY* IMA " At nine o'clock Wednesday mortfntl at St. John's church, Johnsburgh, oef curred the marriage of Mr. Math Freund to Miss Lizzie Freund and Mr. Michael Freund to Miss Marjl Freund, Hev. Fr. Mehring officiating. It was one of the prettiest and mos^ imposing weddings ever witnessed tori Johnsburgh, the church being filled tcK the doors. John Toynton, who resides on * farm southwest of Wauconda, met with a deplorable accident last Thure* day that will make him a cripple fotf life. After the sleet storm of las# week Mr. Toynton found it necessary! to climb the windmill tower to adjusts the gearing, which had become ck>gge<J with ice and snow. While standing oii the slippery platform, forty feet fron* the ground, the fans suddenly swumgfs around, causing him to lose his bal-fe a nee. It seems that he landed on hi*! feet, but the distance was so great that the bones of the ankles were badly splintered. The business of the Elgin postoffice now ranks third in the state, Chicagty and Peoria only being ahead in financial showing. Chas. G. Frett chaperoned a seighin gparty of young people to Wood* stock last Friday night, where the* attended a house party. The trip wa£ greatly enjoyed by all, but we don't, see where Frett gets his credentials yA a chaperone. About thirty couples (not including wall flowers) attended the leap year party last Thursday evening. There was nothing lacking to make it •' pleasant event. The ladies served a delicious lunch and the best of it is, they "paid the freight." A smoking oil stove played havoc in a bed room at the editor's horn* Sunday evening. Every article in £he room was oovered with a thick mantle of soot, necessitating a general housecleaning on the second windows open. And it ty-eight • below zero. floor, with only twen- JUOT EIGHT BRIDGE CLUB Mrs. F. G. Schreiner was hostess to the members of the Just Eight Bridge club at her home Thursday evening. Bridge was played fcnd the ftrst prtoe was awarded to Mrs. Earl McAndrews aad the second prize went to Mrs. George W. Hess. Refreshments were served and the usual good time was enjoyed. s •#»•»»»»•••»»»»»•»»•»»•••« ni >»••••»•»» n i >M i 4 » ^ * Hettermann Motor Salo%i i; All kinds nf r>nr and frank und freneral retMlix- 6. ing, also welding, done by expert mechanics. g :; lbi> St, WttHaBmwr ' V4, •r \ ^ r. n •** 5 *4^*1 J* h " #"-: JA..? v; , i . imm i*'? ~z 'se? m it five lmonths ago and newest of die new io-dewj COUPES #1195 to J1875 SEDANS £1220 to *2145 SPORT CARS £1225 to £1550 Tk*i€f>rtc*s f. o. b. Bmick Factory. Camvtnifnt terms cam W mrranftd cm tht mTM*rMm i 6. M. A. C. Pmymtmt Ham, but gTent new Buick on its introduction five short months ago! For Buick was new--rtcw in style--new in performancenew in comfort. .x.. And Buick is new today--its quality as unequaled--its leadership as obvious and mititinriiaj at on the day of its introduction! \ Buick's new Masterpiece Bodies by Fiihtr Ate imrivatafL fashions--outstanding favorites. Buick's triple-sealed Valve-in-Head engine--the mail powerful engine of its size in the world provides performance unequaled by any other car. Newest of the new five months ago--and newest of dm new today ... winner of the most enthusiastic demand ia all fine car history . . . this magnificent new Buick with J^faaterpiece Bodies by Fisher! rtm»t ITH MASTGKVIBCB BODIES BY FISHBB OVERTON & CO WEN m Motor 0mm Wort MeHenry, 1XL fHM R l t T T I I AUTOMOBILES ABE B U I L T . . . B U I C K WILL BUILD TMBM on^Ms if rod Better Traction -- Is Found in All Goodyear Tires Mm HIS to IIITi, /. m. b. fmatarj, ptmm M»lin n-- McHENRY AUTO SALES Phone 255, £n U. 8. Route 12 Near MU1 Pond BridgO ALL-AMERICAN SE( IT 0AX.LAN9 EXECVTOVS NOTICE < Eitat^atf Richard Thompson, Deceased. t , The uhdersigned, having been appointed Executor of the last Will and Testament of Richard Thompson, deceased, late of the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, hereby gives notice that he will appear before the County Court of McHenry Couhty, at the Court House in Woodstock, at the March Term, on the first Monday March next, at which time all persons having claims against said Estate are notified and requested to attend for the purpose of having the same adjusted. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated this 9th day of January, A. D- 1929. JSt3 F. B. Bennett, Eiecutor. Goodyear Ail-Weathers--big stout-hearted fellows that win the admiration of motorists T>y their appearance and performance, made with SUPEBTTWIST, the new shock-resisting cord, and having the new All- * Weather Tread design which holds the road smoothly «&d comfortably at all times and under all conditions. \ Goodyear Pathfinders, really fine tires of great staying power, built Goodyear to supply the popular Remand for a low priced tire. ^ In either, you will find the same care in construction, the same excellence of material that have made Goodyear "the greatest name in rubber.** Goodyear value is always present in Goodyear Prbducts. v. * One of the reasons that Goodyear Tires are ao popular in this community is our expert Goodyear Service. We are interested in the tire from the time we put it on your wheel until the last ounce of built-in service has been extracted. We have your size in Goodyear Tires at whatever price you want to pay--here are a few to show you the big values: GOODYEAR ALL-WEATHERS High Pressure 30x3 Vi CI. Cord Oversize...^. 32x4 SS Cord......... 30x5 SS Cord, H. D Balloon Type 29x4.40 Balloon 30x4.50 Ballooft .. 31x5.25 Balloon........; 33x6.00 Balloon. $ 8.05 13.95 . 26.20 8-90 9.90 14.35 17.35 GOODYEAR PATHFINDERS •MM v High Pressure 30x3V2 CI. Cord 5.95 30x3Vfe CI. Cord Oversiie S.65 32x4 SS Cord ~J 11.35 Balloon Typt 29x4.40 Balloon <6.50 30x4.50 Balloon 1 " 7.25 31x5.25 Balloon w 12.50 fSver-Ready Prettone for tak here. This Ml ^ batteries for Ford, Star, Etc, $8.50 jr«ur radiator tronbtei ta MM Greatly reduced prices on chains Alcohol for your Radiator WALTER J. FREUND f Oomplftfit Stock--AH 81a# Phone 120 R 0 West McHenry, Iltimris Batteries - Battery Charging and Repairing Tire aad Tube Vuloanidag sew*

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