Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Jan 1929, p. 7

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TS9BCMT, JAMUJJEtY 24, 19S9 VQLO HM Margaret Steinsdoerfat ei IBriewolcl Lake spent Saturday after- JpoM at the Prank Hironimus home. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Eddy and Lee in of Grayalake spent Friday at the Henry Passfield home. Quarterly conference at the Vole . It charch Sunday evening, Jan: 27 10 o'clock. There will be a Ladies' Aid meeting Mrs. Lloyd Russell's, Feb. 7. Krwelcome. Mir. and Mrs. Henry Pass field received a letter recently from Willie • Moore, an old resident of Voio. He is knr living at Salt Lake City, Utah. ' Pete Pit-ten spent Sunday with rel- 4Hisi at McHenry. i Mrs. Richard Dowell was a M McHenry Wednesday afternoon. Arthur MLonaghan called on his Ifcrtber, WHBaal, at the Vktaryllatt' ||lal hospital at Waakegan Thursday jp| nsa ifrinii to sarva on.jury until ptanUyiML '! vMr. and Mr*. Frank Hirosdmus were 4SeKenry shoppers M&fday afternoon, rMr. and Mn>. Nick Molidor are tba jpeed parent* of a baby girl. VMis* Laura Ntekel* aad Eveline sua *pent several days of ost •isltiieg friends at Woodstock. G- At ¥ajW aon, Walter, w*** ISandAT aft*FM*>9 on "Ctoater Him^unw tiki Ann Brtta Saturday *»**i* ***st« tibtj HBronnwiiH home. Clyde Vfight and Thomas Fisher ijn LikeHyritte callers Monday af- Qfcatge Benwell, Sr., of tend Lake it TlMuraday afternoon at the C. Ben well home. Mjr sod Mrs, Cook of IwBwfltth Sunday evening with the Frank _ ius family. Mi-- Vinnle Bacon attended installof officers at the Eastern Star at lenry Saturday evening. Mrs. Peter Stadtfield w»a among those who attended the banquet of he Royal Neighbors at McHenry. Mrs - Pete Stadtfield was a Liberty- Ville caller Mionday. Miss Delia Hanson and Art King of Itadison were united in marriage at- Waukegan. Miss Hanson was one of our most'popular young ladies of this flace, being a sister of Mrs. Earl ownaend and Mrs. Peter Stadtfield. They left for California and Hollywood. They will be at home to their friend? after March 1 at Madison, where the groom has a beautiful home for his happy bride. Mrs. Henry Kreuger of Wauconda •pent Saturday with her father here. Our large variety of merchandise enables you to choose almost anything i-ou need for yourself or for the fiouschold. Erickson , Dept. Store, West McHenry, 111. Don't buy tires until you sat Walter Freund's Goodyear ad. 31-4 DR. JOSEPH C. FEELEY Dentist McHenry - - UHaeis fa MbHenry: Fridays 10 8 p.®. Saturdays9 7:30 p.m. Sundays by appointment. Artificial teeth made by the Da vies j>roces9. Latest electrical equipment and modern methods. Riverside Drive over Barbian's Grocery and Market Office Hours: 11 to 12 a. m--2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. a. and Holidays by ApfKrintment DR. X. A. STREET PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Res. liDid Office Ffcone 274 Bldg. McHenry, III WM. M. CARROLL Lawyer IN with Kent * Caa^aif •very Wednesday 8 Mcfteary BOWLING NOTES In the K. C. bowling leagtw at the Palace Alleys last Monday night, January 14, team No. 3 won their first game from team No. 4 by only two pins and lost the last two games. Team No. 1 won the ftrst and third gamee from team No. 2 which was victorious in the second.' The games were: • Conway ..154 Sfceffes Overton 124 Karl* „r .... |f4 Bofeat » 129 •. ; Tit P. Brefeld ..._ 175 fVaand 125 flatten 163 G. FnnuM) W. Green .. H. Phalin „ Average H, Srhaefef H. Sckaafer L. Stilling .... J. Schaefer Fraaad J. Rothermel' J. Frett ........ C. Rotttenael H. StaHoa D. Hodgaa Weacel _ Average E. Whiting LuW .162 .156 .172 824 .188 128 ....177 ....178 227 848 ....148 ...168 ....128 ....152 .165 164 ISO 144 785 186 190 125 146 167 764 157 128 125 179 179 190 ry and teak on the town team at tfce 1281 Palace '^lley», winning 1&e fttat 121 \ and drtfipiagr the last two games to the locals. McHenry easily won with a total of 2700 pins against Mundelein'e 2524. Every man on the McHenry team bowled a good game, every score being over '600, with W. Richardson leading with a total of 560 pins and Bill Bickler taking the high single score of 218, The scores were as foUatfa: ...178 ...177 150 178 the 7S7 170 172 171 176 146 835 169 111 146 178 154 mmfrH i 7*1 Snyder Fenner Falknef Ullrich Dor gar On Tueeday Bight, Johnabarg Fbrertem games with team No. 8 gaineefroot te& 'No. 4* t winning the last two team No. 1. The A. Smith .'... .....190 J M. SchoMt 168 C. Smith ...... 153 Huff Rt &£• SefesadAfc E. Tonyan L. Smith . 8. Tonyan G. Hiller . W. Tonyan <3. Schmit* W. Smith H. Weber M. Weber B. Freund W. Smith 170 761 769 758 _ a bowling team representing the Elgin Forester* came to McHenry and met defeat at the hands of the McHenry Foresters, losing all tKrw gsmr- to th® local team. Hie box score shows McHenry m having 2699 pins while Elgin only 15<} | knocked down 24?fl pins. McHenry's high man was fid Freuad with 568 pins with Ed Smith a close second j with a score of 562 pi as. Elgin's high i man was one pin under Ftrtund andj their km man was only 15 pins under i the MeSsary law man. The aooree 'STs-utlfc _.IM SM m 562 \UiFrmtxA 198 196 176 ' % E. 196 171 m 5 E. M Water .....218 178 151 5 C. •J i<tim» tpu ..^158 179 146 4 P. Schmfts BT. Hdks : L. Wsatsiiasn B. J. Schmits . C. Weeteimsn 164 152 152 N. Hiller ... Jung .... Schmitt **ym MCHENRY GRAVEL & i IBXCAVATWO CO. P Freund, Prop. Boed Building and SxcavAting of Every Description ; Eetimates Furnished* flffi. ^ Bequest :r;; High-grade Gravel Delivered at any time--large or small erd erg given prompt attention Phone 204-11 McHenry Insure-- is Sve-Iosurance -- WITH -- Wm.G. Schreiner I' y Auctioneering : ^ ^FFICE AT RESIDENCl tS-R McHenry, Affinals C. W. ELONTZ. >L 9. Physician and Surgeon <Also treating all diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat and the Fitting of Glasses) Office Hours--8 to 9 a. m., 2 to 4 aad 7 to 8 p. m. Sundays by Appointment Office at Residence, Waukegan Road. jPhone 181 McHmy, HI Telephone Nol 106-R Stoffel & Reih&nsperger Iwmrance agents for all clasaea af property ia the heat compaaiea. WEST McHENRY - - ILLINOIS 126-W Keajenable Malss A. H. SCHAEFER t Dfaying McHENRY - - - - . to «72 «0 At the end of forty-two games bowled by the McHenry Foresters we find team No. 2 out in the lead with 26 games won mid 16 games fort; They are followed closely by team No. 3 'with 22 games won and 20 lost, while hot on their trail in third place comes team No. 4 with 19 wins and 23 lost and at the bottom of the list is team No. 1 with 17 wins and 25 gamaa lost. The first prize has not bean cinched yet for if the leaders, team No. 2, meet with bad luck, and if team No. 3 should meet with some good luck, it would not take much to^ie the score or change the rank of either team. On Thursday night team No. 4 dropped the ftrst game bwt wea tfca next two games from team No. 1, and team No. 3 won the first two games from team No. 2 and had a goad score for the third game but team Mo. 2 pulled a big league with a score af 935 pins. Tha gtm** were aa follow*: Ed S'mith . F. Rosing . J. J. Miller J. Thennee G. Weber H. G. Webftr L. Smith W. Althoff a p. Averag* 142 «..14V ..--148 H. Schaefer J. Baur ... L. Heimer A. Justen C. Freund • ~ ... P. Freund -- A. Weingait J. Weber Ed Freund 184 206 136 205 717 738 986 On Wednesday night, Jan. 16, the Studebakers won two games from the McHenry Lumber company team ia the Business Men's league and the Matthews-Tonyan team won games from the Schaefer's Carpentetii. On Friday night, Jan. 18, Rother* mel's Carpenters won the first and third games from the Ringwood Nursery team and only lost the second game by five pins. Most of the members of the Woodstock A. C. team played basketball at Wauconda Friday night, so their game with tfce Karls' Cafe team will be played at a later date. The games were: C. Freund 146 146 126 E. Smith 174 189 217 H. Weber 150 160 168 G. Weber ...176 141 150 R. Thompson .....144 133 146 HENRY V. S0MPE| J*ify General Teaming Sand, Gravel and Coal for •Grading. Graveling and Road Work Done By Contrail K or By Day . ^ Phono McHenry 649-H^ * - P. O. Address, Route 3 A. J« D. Huck ILLINOIS Ed Freund ZI Richardson' G. Justen .'4-jbi** .y»^'">rT ~. •»*. 790 .148 .158 .151 .226 .188 W. Smith E. Tonyan B. Schmitt B. Freund W. Tonya 769 806 215 161 158 159 143 166 168 128 181 162 865 776 139 228 170 173 175 151 Johnaot IMad 145 150 163 177 " ii,' 4|(i' 792 0T9 149 149 178 l'49i H» 761 2476 W. Bickler H. Bacon W. Richardson 4. Meyers ...... 792 961 947 2700 11m high yors at the Pala<^» Alleys for the week was made by W. Richardson with 242 pins , to his credit. spams saovs The community was gntaved to hear of the deafth of Itr*. Emily Andrews, vto yaaatd swgr at the hom« of her daughter, BN. John Vujne, in her 14th year. She leaves to moom her loss three cMftrifen, Frank of LosAngeles, Calif., Marion, of Arkansas, and Lidia, of 8p>ring Grove. Mhrs. Maggis FeHaa was home for the day/ flafti<inyrfcad reports Daniel slowly gaining, after his operation Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Richardson and son, Robert, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cooley at McHenry. Mrs. B. L. Orris is in Chicago helping to cars for her son John's wife, who is ilL , Mr. and Mrs. Eve ret Orris of 1 Lake were Saturday callers in John Waspi home. Mrs. R. A. Oxtoby and Lysle Jackson motored to Wihnot Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. James Foolke entertained relatives from Bristol over the week-end. Joseph Lay was pleasantly surprised Thursday evening wtien a few friends called to remind him of his birthdiy anniversary. Cards were the amusement of the evening and refreshments were served at a lata hour and all departed wishing Joe maay more birthdays. The Five Hundred club was entertained by Mrs. J. G. Wagner on IWrsday, at her home. Those from a distance who attended the funeral of Mrs. Easily Andrews were: Mr and Mrs. Ralph Bradway and children, John Wagner and a gentleman friend, of Chicago; Mr. ana Mrs. Everet Orvis of Round Lake, and Mr. mrt Mrs. Ffaak Sanders «f Hebron. Mrs. A. C. Ffcrfrey returned home from Madison, where ahe underwent an operation for tumor. She report* that aha feels sm«h better. Don't buy tins until yen see Walter Frond's Goedyear tt<?. 81-4 Our Iwjm variety of merchandise enables you io choose *<mo«t anything yoe need for yourself or far Htm household. Kriekm West McHaary, BL Mm is found dead with a baol his hand. Probaby one a friead turned ftfhmiillj .-*Yafcmai ^ hit*. CENTRAL GARAGE VtlSD J. Slim, PMprleter Qwrrolet Sales. Geserai Aitoaotive Kefair Vwk Give mi a call when in trouble Day Phone 200-J Night Phone 640-J-2 •f ^Waiter. 1 cant find a slagfe clsm in this chowder." , "That's nothing. %ou migtit as well try to find a set of wicker furniture in our cottage pudding."--Sovereign Visitor. Deliveries prompt and work that's *\* V We wrve wtifck mmmr UHtt't polite. ; " Mr. Before aad All# Oar cleaning process restores tbo ilHl?/ style and life of a garment. '%k«» Things Look Dark ANNA HOWARD iCLEANWG &PMSSDW f of« oom£K's otua smvr No. 10 of a Series on 'Metropolitan Chicago --j^ii lni why Metropolitan Chicago has every possibility of bscaming Out world's foremost m«tT0j>oliia% " ' OMIitcr--in population as tostt as in trad* importance--trad that in a day rdativly near leading autlwritiM predict fifteen million population for Metropolitan Chicago within • lifetime. ALMOST TWO BILLION DOLLARS IS DUG FROM THE GROUND IN THIS REGION EVERY YEAR , J' • tn tfia*%<r ... IJN previous advertisements we have told you that 'Metropolitan Chicago is fortunately situated with reference to its supplies of iron ore and coaL the two most important yipourcii fl modern industry. _ ^ We have stated that 84 per cent of iron ore df this cduiltry comes from Lake Superior Region, whence it is brought to Metropolitan Chicaco more economically than to any other point of advantageous distribution iA the country. We have shown that the coal available to Metropolitan Chicago equals five times the coal reserves of ail Europe. UNITCD STATES TOTAL NEARLY FIVE •ILUON DOLLARS and other materials used in building construction. Nearly one-half of all the salt in the United States comes from within a radius of five hundred miles. Metropolitan Chicago, too, leads as an oil center. By pipe line and tank car, crude oil from great distances is brought here^ ^ ^; g|«| to be refined. Metropolitan Chicago T' * • y ^ today Kancls fine in the value of refined petroleum products! But iron and coal alone do not begin to tell the complete story of our rich nearby stores of mineral resources. More than one-fourth of the lead and substantial portion of all the zinc produced in the United States come froig within a night's train ride of Chicago* Michigan is one of the nation's leaching states in the production of copper. Readily accessible to Metropolitan Chicago are found abundant stores o| building stone, clay, j^rpsum, sand, gravel Of tfc $4,964400.000 the »r«ac*»el faineml twfcrti of eech «tete pfedaced in 192S a total of $1,911,000,000, or nearly 40 P** c«nt cam* from th« T«giea within a micht's train rid* of Chicago. [Fifuwe.lw'B the Uated State* Bureau oi Mines J The value of all these mineral stores is made still greater by Chicago's central location, and its unequalled transportation facilities. Industry finds itself ideally situated hare» • , >• >v4 That is a prime reason for Metropolitan Chicago's unprecedented growth--from 4,470 people in 1840 to more than four and one-half million in 89 years! Who can accurately forecast the population of Metropolitan Chicago 25 years hence, or even ten, when the most optimistic forecast for 1928, made only two years previous, was substantially exceeded ? Every indication points to the probability that Metropolitan Chicago will become the greatest economic center of the world, in population as well as industrial leadership! lr * .. >£-• Tfcii complete series on Metropolitan Chicago has been hound in booklet form. Address Public Service Company Northern Illinois, 72 W. Adams St., Chicago, and a copy wdl be mailed to you without charge. " jg, . PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY F > OF1 NORTHERN ILLINOIS ^ « Supplying Electricity and Gas to 6,000 square miles, including tht Metropolitan Area into which Chicago is growing* ^Metropolitan CKictgf includes the City of Chicmgo and tti'ktrtlUf j witliit 50 ta 75 *<!«* •! tfca Cfciesfa City Hall. SM^I m . ,,V j Z-fS'i

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