Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 31 Jan 1929, p. 8

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•,. •.' * * THE M HENSY PLAIHDEAI.KR, THUMDAT, JAHJJASY 31 -V ^ *> M:W- ? ICRS. CHARLES ANDREWS Mrs. Charles Andrews, 73 years old, passed away at the home of her daughter, Mlrs. John S. Waspi, at Spring Grove on Friday, Jan. 18, 1929. The deceased was born in Boston, Mass., in March, 1855, and when very young she came west with her parents and settled in Iowa. On July 2, 1875, she was married to Charles G. Andrews arid they came to live at Spring Grove, where they have always made their home. A few years ago they retired from active work and sold their farm to their daughter and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. John S. Waspi. Since the death of her husband ten years ago Mrs. Andrews has made her home with them. Mrs. Andrews was the mother of eleven children, eight having preceded her in death.She is survived by her three childrert, Mrs. Lylia Waspi, of Spring Grove; Mrs. Marion Tucker, at Oklahoma, £nd Frask, of California, and eleven grandchildren tiro great grandchildren. Funeral services were held Sunday, Jan. 20, at thie home of her daughter, «ith Rev. P. T. Bohi officiating. Bttfial was at Spring Grove. George J. A. Wasaiffstrass i George J. A. Wasseretrass, 45 years old, died at his home at Cedar Island, Fox Lake, Tuesday night, January 29. He is survived by his wife and four children. The body was taken to the M. J. Justen and Son undertaking parlors and from there to Huntley where fnneral services and burial will be held. 'I COMMUNITY SERVICES ' 'We extend our deepest sympathy to Mr. C. W. Goodell and family in their recent bereavement, which took them away from us for over a week. We invite you to our services next Sunday. Sunday school at 10 o'clock. Morning worship and sermon at 11. Theme: "The Joy of.Christ in His Suffering." Please keep Feb. 16 free, and plan to come to our lantern lecture on the mo* Lincoln. CARD OF THANKS We desire to express our appreciation and thanks to our neighbors and friends for their expressions of sympathy and floral offerings it^the tune of our recent bereavement. Mrs. Effie Freund ' »j Mr. and Mrs." Peter $. *• Freund and family. te' K'f ' • 5--" METHODIST CHURCH You are invited to join in the services at the Meihodist church Sunday. Morning worship with sermon by the pastor at 11 o'clock Sunday morning. Sunday school at 10 o'clock. Epworth League at 5:30 p. m. Lunch is served at the Epworth League every Sunday evening at 5:30 and the young j>eo* pie are invited to attend these good times and hour of devotion. If you do not attend Sunday school you are invited to meet with us next Sunday. There are classes and teachers for every one and your presence will be welcomed. - Church members and friends will enjoy the fine aermons by Rev. Bon ham every Sunday morning. Dont miss them. There will be a meeting of the official board of the M. E. church at the home of Mrs. William Bacon at 7:30 Friday evening. Members of the board are requested to be present. There will also be a cabinet meeting of the Epworth League officers at the church at 4:30 o'clock Sunday afternoon. The Laaies' Aid society meets thii week at the home of Mrs. F. E. Cobb. DOBS EARLY EASTER MEAN EARLY SPRING? H an early Easter is the sign of a« early spring, then we may look forward hopefully to an early ending1 of the real winter We have been having, for Easter Sunday falls on March 31 this year, much earlier than for a long period. Only four times since 1850 has Easter fallen on March 31 and the earliest date it has been observed since 1850 was March 23, 1856. This will be the earliest Easter in eight years, but in 1821 it fell on March 27. The latest date on which Easter has fallen since 1850 was April 25, 1886. Ash Wednesday will be observed and Lent will begin oil Feb. U this year. JOLLY THIRTEEN Mrs. M. M. Niesen was hostess to the members of the Jolly Thirteen Card club at her home on Wednesday afternoon of last week. Three tables <it cards tirere in play and the first prize went to Mrs. J. W. Rothermel, the second prize to Mrs. N. E. Barbian, while the consolation was carried away by Mrs. A. Krause. Refreshments were served. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. J. C. Bickler. • OMB OF AMUSBMBNT -WJC CANT PLAY THEM ALL 80 WS PLAY 1H£ BEST" | Theatre will open on #- about February 1st ENTERTAIN CARD CLUB Mr. and M!rs. Ed. Sutton entertained the members of their card club at their home Sunday evening. Four tables of bridge were in play during the evening and high honors were won by Mrs. A. L. Purvey and Ray Conway. Refreshments were served and music completed a pleasant evening. ROYAL ENTERTAINERS The Royal Entertainers met at the home of Mrs. George Schreiner on Thursday evening of last week, at which time a pleasant evening was spent at five hundred. The first prize was won by Mrs. Jesse Wormley, the second by Mrs. Peter Neiss, the third by Mrs. H. L. Ritter and the fourth prize by Mrs. Jacob Schaefer. Refreshments were serve4 a$, tha close of the games. BOWLING NOTES teams in the K. , C. bowling league played off their games at the Palace Alleys Monday night with team No. 1 winning two games from team No. 3 and team No. 2 taking two games from team No. 4. The games were qp follows: Conway ..167 126 Steffes ...: ........501 151 Overtop 125 125 Karls .,m..;-^.126 126 Boiger 4.. 133 211 126 125 125 .Freund .203 Bickler ..^i.^»i~....:.^.l.:.l65 Schaeffr Wo*t* Conway WJorts Brefeld Freund . Sutton ... Schaefer "733 32 :4r-' Freund .....j..157 662 171 184 177 126 126 782 149 178 154 159 154 EASTERN STAR McHenry Chapter, Ordefr of the Eastern Star, held its first meeting of the new year on Monday evening with the worthy matron, Miss Arline Harrison, presiding in the East. Mrs. Emma Buell, past matron of Woodstock chapter, and grand lecturer, was present for the meeting and was introduced as the instructress of McHenry chapter for thl year. The worthy matron appointed her committees for the year and plans were made for a card party to be ! given on Feb. 14. This party will be 7191 given by the officers, each one of whom 180 wiH invite guests to fill one table. 131) Initiation will take place at the next 150 , meeting on Feb. 1L The pfloett iwill 125 125 741 146 131 -13S 142 181 Green .123 4** #•' Fhalin Boas ..... Schaefer £«••; V-c 794 104 150 m 125 ? 156 661 24, 689 174 14S 155 425 204 :6?i 80$ Of! Thursday night, Jan. McHenry r Forester*) bawled their games with team No. 3 winning two games over team No. 4 and team No. practice at the hall frwfi 1 until 6 o'clock Saturday after^O©!!, receivinf instruction from Mrs. Ettana Buell. . The worthy matron attended tl# of .ficial visit . of the worthy grand matron, Mrs. Sarah Daniels, at Wednesday evening* at w&ich time she took part m the es<*ort for the wort^y .graoci matron,, . i HOBO PAirrr 1 , The-members and Invited guests of Fois.Itivwr Valley Oatnp, Royal Neighbor* of America, Enjoyed ft- fcoba party,.-A$ the ciosp of their regular meeting Tuesday evening. llsere were boboete of all kinds and descript tions, lady hoboes, young hoboes, and merry evening was spent with each one present enjoying many a good laugfe at the expense of all. the rest of the party. Mrs. Ray Howard re- 2 taking «n three (Uitt from teun tj"?1*8 pri" 'or h"'ln>!: th5. ^st v 1 t 11 1 hobo costume and makeup. Games o. , as o ow 192 148' were played and prizes were awarded Smith Rosingf Miller Thenn«t Weber .....126 ......147 ;...i:.„_...........142 Schaefer Bauer ..... Heimef Justen ... Freund . 7*:-. --»»» «* Weber' ^ Smith Althoflf- Freund T lTtef^y^ 537 :|65 90 ..163 126 ..r~J345 #81 ^.........172 185 110 v..... 140 ..190 148 126 158 137 192 763 208 152 174 147 187 863 and music and dancing were enjoyed. A hobo lunch was served in true hobo style. 134 144 120 146 NEIGHBORHOOD BUNCO CLUB 091 The Neighborhood Bunco club met 188 at the home of Mrs. Mat Glosson on 166 'last Thursday afternoon. Several in- 173 tereBting games of bunco were play- 164 ed, with the first prize being won by 155 Mrs. Frank Grasser, the second by j Mrs. Frank Freund, the third by 846: Regina Freund and the fourth prize EPWORTH LEAGUE PARTY j FORESTER FEAST. JOHNSBURG The members of the Epworth 1 St. lottt'l Cdttrt, No. C. O. League of the Methodist church en- held its annual Ftowsster Feast at the oyed a party at the home of their Parish hall at Johnsburg on Wednesiresident, Bob Peterson, on Saturday day evening of last week. The memr evening. A jolly evening was spent, bers of St. Mary's Court, No. 594, and in games and music and refreshments, St. Agatha's Court, No. 777, were inhere served. A good crowd was in vited guests and a large crowd was in attendance to enjoy the party which attendance to enjoy the evening of is a monthly event In the Epworth dancing. Music Was furnished by the League. I ^ox ®^ver Skylarks. . SOCIAL WHEEL S The members of the Social Wheel!T' were entertained at the home of Mrs. fe H. L. Ritter on Thursday of last week. » A pleasant afternoon was spent, with V four tables of five hundred in play. Delicious refreshments were served. !?' The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. George Stevens at Ringwood on next Thursday. *. •':* . " : j>_ ' ;„V- -v£ ..s..<»! s:li i&tf p? v.y 1,^ H 'l-W? ;[' 'Xp'&yf ' "V.-iir ftp i ^ " I l-f: ' y*** '• 5 •>,*1 t •y.jS» *••3:1"*# V - XA5j«:yb 5 ' flSv-, .: its, f- *«< l.' •*, \'!lr i P. Freund . Weinart ... Weber' -- E. Freund ...172 159 138 ..,.173 ....162 160 150 117 144 727 190 118 129 146 201 166 129 133 177 166 '126lby Mrs. Peter W, Freund, while the consolation went to Mrs. Will Harris- Refreshments were served. The next meeting will be at the hoiite of Mrs. Will Harris. ' I v1 In the Business Mhtthews-Tonyan games from RotherrSel's Carpenters on Wednesday night although they took the lead in one of the games byonly four pins. The Woodstock A. C.'s forfeited a game to the Studebaker's on Wednesday night and also forfeited a game to tjve Karls' Cafe team 731 . DON TON BRIDGE CLUB 127 The members of the Bon Ton bridge ld4 club were entertained by Mrs. J. J. 123 Rothermel at her home on Riverside 146 Drive Tuesday afternoon. Two tables 200 j of bridge were in play and the first f -- --- r- prize was won by Mrs. George Miller, 804 784 760: the second by Mrs. H. A. Asmalsky Mien's league the land the third prize by Mrs. Henry took two FOBS. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. John Stilling on Tuesday. EVENING BRIDGE CLUB The members of the Evening Bridge club journeyed to Ringwood onjlast Wednesday night, where they Jan. 16, not being able to get here as were entertained at the home of Mr. scheduled. On Friday night *hejand Mrs. H. C. Hughes. Bridge was HIKERS'CLUB The Kickers' club met at the home of Mifl. A. C. Reynolds on Main j street Tuesday afternoon, at which time a pleasant afternoon was spent at bridge with prizes being won by Miss Ida Reynolds and Mrs. Minnie Miller. The next meeting will Jje the home of Mrs. Minnie Miller, . ' ' 5 CARD PARTY AND DANCT2 " The men and women Foresters will hold a card party and dance at the Polly Prim on Monday, Feb. 11, for the benefit of St. Mary's church. Cards will start promptly at 8 o'clock in order to be through at 10 o'clock for dancing. Music by Melody Masters. Prizes will be awarded for cards -and bunco. Admission 50 cents per person, including cards and dancing. McHenry Lumber Company men went strong taking all three games from the Karls' Cafe team and Schaefer's Carpenters took two games from the Ringwood Nursery team, both teams piling up some big scores. Whiting was high man in the Business' Men's league last week with a score of 232 for one game to his credit while B. Schmitt was a close second jWl^ a score of 226. „ V The games were as follows: W. Smith ,..„.«.197 180 E. Tonyan ,»~.il55 156 B. Schmitt ...f78 164 B. Freund 168 W. Tonyan .,,..l„.....««.....jl43 167 * 829 820 130 188 Freorit! .»«147 178 J. Rothermel 138 132 C. Rothermel ..167 166 H. wmm- ..m~^LN^192 played during the evening and high honors went to Mrs. C.'H. Duker and A. J. Schneider. Luncheon was served at the close of the games. £^-fe*'vivs' ;;;. ^ <t )V~, f " ^ « r WKy' tile tfOiSiiSfe oi iosffi] ables when at a very little cost each year, #s*rfsv«yOU can place them in our safety deposit vault where you know they are safe? To assure yourself of their safety^ we invite you to inspect them, at your Convenience, during banking hours; QPay all bills by i checking account at the I; < I "n"' ft- - West McHen ate Bank :£ j - I * "" ' T t** '• **• tx* jj-.i • m.i rf k'TTVi"* w I iiiiin)in>mwmiimiiiiiiinnMtwmin>immtninntitiiiMttHMii Special- Ken^lr-Ration--l%e Dog Food prune--at Bolger*s Drug Store. BALL 202 190 .©-L HINCKLEY MERCHANTS • j- ' •!. - - M. A. A. C. HINCKLEY LIGHTS vs. M. A'. A. C. PONIES 'HZSNBT HIGH SCHOOL GYM , FEB. 3 Qame Starts at 2:30 ADMISSION 25c AND 50e -- 776 E. Smith ....^.......«»&.-146 H. Weber ..k~ ;.*~..2Q5 H. Hughes 209 G. Weber ..L 184 R. Thompson 136 879 Huff}'; "iiii -|.)i life"-•- ' 171 ' Karls 147 Page ....«h«....»-».~«.166 Granger .. 198 G. Gkty , H,^i4^.»4^tfl^.l66 Johnson ... F. Freund Mr...... H. Schaefer v L. Stilling J. Schaefer ' :;-7 r • • M6 O. Hodges ....... ---.201 J. Smith .*,,...'...171 D. Walkington --'..166 Whiting ...«.«....u..;...»....169 S. Lucas .......*.^.200 750 914 • MUST HAVE PLAINDEALER Jfcverside, Calif., ' - Jan. 24, 1929 * Unclosed you wHl And P. O. money order for $2.00 for the renewal of The Plaindealer. Would not know how to get along, without the PlabMdealer. H. S. GARDINIER. P. O, Box 16. . i . - n - NOTICE ; The Super-Service gas station willbe open seven days a week from this date. During the absence of the proprietor, Lisle Bassett will be in charge. Accounts may be paid at the gas station or at the office of the Buss- Page Motor Sales. * JOHN R. KNOX, Prep.. 86 RUGS AND APRONS FOR SALE The Ladies' Aid society has rugs and aprons for sale at the home of Mrs. F. E. Cobb. They will also tie comforters. . 32-4 Ken-L-Ration---The Dog Food Supreme-- at Bolger's Drug Store. Every Home Should Have One NATURE'S BECKER'S {j|§«jjp REMEDY / •UPPLJEh UKAT CONVEMU2MTLY, OONTfNVOL'SLY AND CHKAI'LY. READ#;*; a TO USE AT YOUR NKAREST SOCKET. U •>., EASILY REGULATED TO * DE<iHEEj|' OF HEAT. NO OTHER HEAT PAD Af - AMY COST CAN GIVE YOl) MORE 111 SHRV1CE AND SAT IF AC5T1 OS, .'.Coiwirucfhl of rt«e Rest Material. Most i ^pitable for the Purpose. Do«lprod *nd Bnilt by Extm-j-i* • • PAP MUST GIVE RAW ACTIO!* ' i • ' - ' ' ' ^ 1 m - • ! 125 VOLT EUGCnnC KEATMD 'A * * klHEAT :P • " " "m: feUARANTEED^j v 1*4 Lait a Life .Tuii£« „ Wc WU! Repair X - r d SKoutl It Ever , At Less Than The ' -olighest Efficiency ^nd Give Anythiti K IbuI The Highest Pad or Replace:It See the Display in your Home Town Drug Store au^ Buy One t - ' ¥ ' • I* •#' USED IN TIME • & '• Save Pain, Worry and ExptnsiT %^J(JEC0MMENDED SIR V V C DOCTORS Vcedl by Hospital* " **The McHenry Diuggist" Phone 40 McHenry COLDS SHOCK CRAMP COLIC NEURITIS SPRAINS INSOMNIA CHILLS I1YSTERL1 Certain Relief In Cases of TOOTH Af?HE EARACHE STIFF NECK 'NEURALGIA PNEUMONIA INDIGESTION LUMBAGO USFLUENZAli,- - «K>UT, jercjM ..•diXi'l

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