Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Feb 1929, p. 2

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•J-'y 1 '«*:•, f BOWLING NOTES Wp**. s fewuteff? On Sunday night, Feb. 17, McHefiry town bowling team lost a hard game to the Mundelein aggregation by six pins at the Palace alleys. The local's games totalled 2774 while Mundelein fiERMOZONg focus Chickens Healthy r-*T ' i. ;" VSERMOZONE twicc a week in th» Vj drink destroy* disease germ* takei. im with the food or water--Keeps thr Wt>p pure and sweet--Corrects and pre • v„ diarrhoeas and bowJel troubles. '! .*• It's the best remedy also for Roup Golds. Canker, Swelled Head and sue I borders. The favorite for more thar '•••"'Vv'.;. thirty yeare. We can guinnlM Getmoaon* te;f you or your mo*icy bade. Gerrnosone in liquid form i* twee \gf tfficicnt as tablets given in the drink • W'Oi. bottle. TTc; 32-oz. bottle. $1*0 „ jk«Ji gallon, *2.50; gal'on, $4,50. •£*/', ' "' Stop your Poulfrj ' anei with ' x „* G*rmo?ciie Vn*' i' \ :« ' Cowie In and Get a Mottle Today Tbomas P. Bolger Barga as! scored 2780 pins. • In the final game McHenry had 1048 pins to Mundelein's 1010 pins, but it was on the first game that the visitors gained the advantage. These were probably some of the best games ever rolled on the Palace alleys. Mundelein had two men with scores over 600 while their low man was 496. The McHenry team was all hitting good with luck breaking against them but their •cores ranged from 527 to 582. Out of the several games bowled with Mundelein the totals have always been close, but never as close as the games ,of Sunday night. The scores were: Smith ™..~. .216 172 fcS4 622 Testmyer; 149 192 192 533 Dorfler 222 171 209 602 Blohm 153 139 235 527 PMf» 180 176 140 496 Hi 920 860 1010 2780 E Smith 181 168 178 527 H. Simon 183 188 211 §8* W. Richardson ....167 177 223 567 H. Bacon .-..158 156 243 557 A. Meyers ,.167 181 193 541 I- ' " .225 904 898 2769 .....161 M^iuu*W<>148 ..127 H.4Keonka H. Pellet ... L. Lambert Goodard W. Tlbbetts M*vll 59 ^.-.^07 ..... 166 ••.•••Hull ' 2 48° A 189 203 147 200 168 200 145 148 182 186 548 55$ 461 554 534 884I 907 On Monday night, Feb. teams of the K. C. bowling? league played their regular games wrth team No. 4, winning two out of three games from team Nq. 2 and team No. 1 taking two games from team No. 3. scores were: . * Worts .162 137 Brefeld- 161 153 Freund .--.-- 204 147 Sutton MM..M»~.U..i...t...~150 165 Schaefer •«•••••«»••• wbMfr* •••••• • 176 146 861 2652 11, the The 141 116 176 135 207 ......141 .....110 -.214 863 748 776 , \ '"/>* 666 870 1048 2774 On Tuesday night, Feb. 12, the McHenry town bowling team ' defeated the Hebron town team by over 100 pins, the total being 2769. The score WftS" E. Smith 241 142 19? 574 N. Justen 161 171 162 494 E. Freund ,.,U53 212 180 655 W, Richardson ....177 174\ 171 622 A. W. Green ... H. Phalin ... E. jiuss....... HL Schaefer 180 • HhmHMMHMti.167 ...120 168 ........ 191 161 149 162 133 121 169 173 149 204 171 ,# 766 726 866 Steffes .125 125 125 Conwajr .169 125 159 Average ....; 125 125 125 Karls 125 125 125 Bolger ' 196 1S9 112 A I ffcr the childre .xre have Shoes and Low Shoes selling rices that are ridiculous W OF THE MANY BARGAINS JT BUTTER. .90^ : Alaska, Sockeye SALMON.,. 32^ EANSEE - 29# eh SALAD FRUIT . , 39^ uch SUGAR CORN,2 cans for 25it TARCH 10^ if yOWDER..........„^......._^21^ 5 lb. Pails PE/ Golden Eagle, I OLD DUTCH • 3 cans MILK tr No. 3 can Norn No. 1J can No Unit Laundry Selpx 8c On Tuesday night, Feb. 12 the #ohnsburg Foresters bowled their games with team No. 3 taking three straight from team No. 1 and team No. 2 also winning three games from team No. 4. The scores were: l J< s. J. Miller 114*11 Riverside Drive and Pearl St. B. Hiller .. L. Smith ... Average Average ..... W. Meyers .it* ||/!| Hette'mann Motor Sales All kinds of car and truck and general repairalso welding, done by expert mechanics. ; Main St, West McHenry Phone 191 Tonyan ... Smith. S. Tonyan ... A. Tonyan ... W. Tonyan ... Michels C. Smith Huff B. N. Schmitt . ?r " Fuel system of the new Ford has been r designed for reliability and long service . .1- l IT 1 Ita of design is » *• * 'fecidly apparent in the fuel H V pyrtem. The gasoline tank is built integral with the cowl and is unnsually sturdy because' it is made of heavy sheet steel, tterne plated to prevent rust or corrosion. An additional factor of strength is the fact that it is composed of only two pieces, instead of three or four, and is electrically welded---not soldered. Because of the location of . t..--,-.the tank, the entire flow of "gasoline is an even, natural flow--following the natural law of gravity. This is the simplest and most direct way of supplying gasoline to | the carburetor without variations in pressure. The line feed pipe of the new Ford is only 18 inches long i. and is easily accessible all the way. The gasoline passes from the tan|c to the carburetor through a filter or sediment bulb mounted on the steel dash which separatee the gasoline tank from the The carburetor is specially designed and lm« been built to deliver many thousands of miles •f good service. Since all adjustments are fixed except the needle valve Mid idler,, there is practically nothing to get put pf crder. Hie choke rod «» fee acts as a primer and as a regulator of your gasoline mbRure. The new hot spot manifold insures complete vaporisation of die gasoline before it enters the combustion chamber of the tiftgine. As a matter at fact, dw fuel system of the new Ford is so simple in design --J so carefully made it requires very little service attention. The filter or sediment bulb should be cleaned'at regular intervals and the carburetor screen removed and washed in gasoline. Occasionally the drain plug at the bottom of the carburetor should be removed and the carburetor drained for a few seconds. Have your Ford dealer look after these important little details for you when you have the car oiled and greased. A thorough, periodic checking-up costs little, but It has a great deal to do with long life and continuously good performance. Freund Bickler Worts Schaefer flnnwavr 780 639 646 .......148 144 146 \ ..125 125 125 103' 116 127 ... 136 124 143 177 148 205 "r: 667 657 746 I Schmitt 127 Weber . M. Weber . B. Freund W4 ^V- 152 112 129 128 148 133 211 127 199 115 183 136 135 156 *48 818 725 118 125 .................... 12& 125 145 166 125 125 125 142 138 101 125 125 133 V 688, 683 622 ....124 ...157 186 127 .134 114 129 164 133 165 149 122 158 111 120 eto 167 89 180 184 125 705 656 156 129 180 140 191 150 129 176 153 162 N. Huff . R. Page P. Karls D. Granger G. Qb Krause Freund J. Rotherrael C. Rothermel H. Simon £. SHfltfl C. Freund H. Weber G. Weber .,«« R. Thompson ..... D . H o d g e s . .22 0 J. Smith ^..155 K. Schroeder 118 E. Whiting ...................143 128 l»|F*-ank Boeing. 144 m. WeiajpMt. 54 K 190 J. J. Mailer. 46 «M« 131 G. P. Freund. 51 6074 161 Joe Baur. 48 - 1 6831 W. Althoff. 28 ; 3349 Edward Smith had high pepre )for the week at the Pallace ajtjqrs with 264 pins to his credit. \ 764 808 776 164 y.>.I.161 A. Justen N. Justen E. Freund Richardson M.„««.»...i.M.^..193 176 1«7 155 190 176 156 171 166 210 180 :' 788 864 883 The games of tne McHenry Foresters league came to a close last Thursday night when team No. 3 won three straight games from team No 1, giving them first place in the standings of the teams 9s follows: Team [No* 1--won 20, lost 84. Team No. 2--won 32, lost 22, - Team No. 8--won 34, lost 20. Team No. 4--won 22, lost 32. Team No. 8 won the high score; for three games with a total of 2455 and team No. 2 won the high score for one game with 913 pinis. George Wieber had high individual score with 237 pins to his credit. The doubles will be bowled this Thursday night. The gaines bowled Thursday night were: H. Schaefer ..199 163 J. Bauer ^...,........142 136 L. Heimer 163 148 A. Justen 140 228 C. Freund ...186 191 170 111 166 120 183 L . Smith W. Althoff H. Weber G, Freund G. Justen i:, ^ 4830 'fewwwA '|'|.TiS?fe»»i 147 125 .......................168 144 ..*,..^&'4l25 869 756 200 105 163 157 125 135 140 140 150 125 E. Smith . F. Rosing . T. Thennes J. Miller ... G. Weber . REMARKABLE ENGINEERING IN NEW MODEL A FORD jfhe engine of the new model A Ford car represents one of the most remarkable engineering accomplishments in the history of automotive development. While not radically new in principle or design it represents a new combination of engineering principals which has produced the best tested performance features of the old types of automobile engines with the mose important features of the newer types. *. Without abandoning entirely the principles of the old low-compression,' low-speed motors in favor of the extremely high-speed, high compression type, Ford engineers have developed a medium speed, medium-compression motor that has proved itself much better adapted to the needs of a light car. A wide variety of uses under all sorts Of road conditions and in widely varying climates are -thus served more satisfactorily than would be possible with a radically high-speed high-compression motor. Its power, smoothness and flexibility are remarkable for its size and weight. The model A motor develops 40 brake horsepower at 2200 revolutions per minute. In accounting for tUs performance credit must be given to the following Improvements: An induction system \which permits a better and more uniform flow of air and feul to the combustion chamber; redesigned valve and combustion chambers w4iich give higher, more uniform power impulses; lighter but stronger resiprocating parts and increased bearing sizes which result in sturdier construction 'and consequently smoother operation; newly designed hot-spot manifold gives unusually efficient carburetion and there is also improved timing. The combination of these feature* has produced a motor that gives unusual speed and power for its size and weight and at the same time one that is long-wearing, economical in fuel consumption and simple to operate and maintain. Because of its comparatively low speed it does not work the self-destruction that comes as a natural result of wear when moving parts are operated at the higher rate of speed, and yet it has considerably more power,* speed, smoothness and flexibility than the low-speed motors. wXSmm of PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY ^ OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS Jjarho are not 'planning to. id |iie annual meeting of,.'- skbtilders in Chicago can by RADIO ' ^ :">)f Vjn fereping with its custom the ^ < > •wniMtiratiKlgofthfe stockholdersH v ,gtf* Ptfbiic -Service Company of ; * ' flor^ierD Illinois wffl be bstxadcast ^ # 1' Webruary 25th- - v. tf;.y ; '\f7$ .•*.^•3 at 2s30 n. 4 f"»l Station WBBM V-- " . * f SS9.4 Meters--770 Kilocycle* ^pjt is hoped that as many as ^ * possible of the stockholders j? ^Will "listen-in" on this import- ^% lint and interesting meeting. PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY f OF NORTHERN 1LUNOI# •' ;-V V 101 V iliiams St., Crystal LakB* « Telephone 280 w 1.A.S abeck. District Manager • t wmi 'tf" r< • ^'Z - riihihrtirifirnn^runr^irtf .... nirirmn.ryinrinfi USE THE CLASSIFIED COLUMNS FOE QUICK RESULTS 696 796 770 In the Business " Men's bowling, league the Schaefer's carpenters won three gamee by default from the Woodstock A. C.'s, and the Matthews Tonyan team won two games from ijjhe Karls cafe team. The McHenry Lumber company team won three •traight games from Rothermel's earpenters and Richardson's Studebakers took three games from the Ringwood nursery team. The scores were: W. Smith E. Tonyan B. Schmitt B. Freund .. W. Tonyan 167 164. -- 209 148 WHO* 164 160 138 136 181 193 191 171 190 169 144 V. Freund ... P. Freund .*.. A. Weingart Weber ..... Freund ... 772 661 766 TW -TWC# ttf 'HlT&embers in the McHenry Foresters (bowling league is as follows: No. games G. R. Justen.., 84 Edwin Fretmd 62 Herman Schaetfer... 61 Ed ; Smith ......64 Charles Freund 64 P. A. Freund .V.....64 George Weber. .....64 H. G. Weber .....64 A. JulBten .64 Louis Smith .61 Lep Heimer. .48 Joe Weber. 48 V. Freund .64 John lliennes 42 y, Feb. 23 Plaiadealers at Bolger's Tot. pins •A IWng aa I T*. EoweD ttammeT typc Twd Mffi, we will demonstrate its ability to grind various feed used in all kind of stock and poultry feeding. . • /• Special Price FOR A SHORT TOOK ONLY " . t New Model M Litchfield Manure Spreader FORD MOTOR COMPANY need th Regular Price $165j00 space--owing to the fact that we have to give up our warehouse £• Sheldon PhoMlOO 4RAYSLJJCE, ILL . .. 7 j/'kJ. QKJELGAS is teal gas ip compressed, bottled form, u Come in for a demonstration. Compare all resuits with those of city gas. In every way SKELGAS s ff operates exactly the time except that k gives ^ hotter flame. '• " • Sk^!g«' cablne* Cylinders take the place ^|>f city gas mains in sup- ' plying you with steady, ^dependable gas service. The reason ? SKELGAS is made from selected parts of natural gas. Only th$ hottest elements are used, fljr means of this separation we can concentrate about 375 burner hours supply of Skelgas in each steel cylinder. - Probably you hare always wished you could have gas piped to your home.. You have .wanted the / quick, clean )>eat Which only gas can give in kitchen range, water heater or other appliance. You ~ wanted a cool, dean comfortable kitchen. SKELGAS brings all these advantages to you. Plan to have Skelgas installed in your home. See a denl* oratration, pick out the appliances you want, an|| we can make you* installation in short time. - •_ m- COMPRESSED KELL NATURAL IB PETER H. FREUNB Plumbing and Heating MOM 224-J / ' • Kin Stmt • a- •#* 'va<* • P*$' •'."Th % •:> W'hk}.

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