Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Mar 1929, p. 3

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w tt> ^ <» ST ; -VS.- ' js* •« S^^*>*" sr; : :-:.;n€i-; ? *»«"»-• >T"^SM (nUMBt. at vnll. talea^saye «a alafmed BrRUi week Jy, "h rspMly becomtac AaMrtcan hwd.* Beyaad the i« Ii taly 1--Detroit News. MwiiViy'i CM ht to be parctMrt ealy i^T MMH| A maa m^ have an thfcrfty mr ethers, Mi tfe caa never have their hearts btft %y giving b1» •wa.--Theme* WHsoa. S. H. Freund & Son I ^'lj V1..'- ^ y Gar. hill iidPtfk its. 127-R Ml- I AA/WVWW^#W^f^^'»/VWN I.' ^ v :V;H- : i- •*) , I ' 3 •>:• " k ;>:K- ... v* -• ! vf " dii Ifllle South«ff Jks$s««&4D& Highway lib. 4|r 'Chuck'NeZ'Kuse itTKTStfMMH BANCS SHYTfll SAT- MAR. 16 1* mm 4be Aati^fc Jtt&4 wfll k*Vr*1y TO .Ffaliiin pmm* ef Imw. the Wat ten wlnrtiM, iamUMag only Ike fcigfceet «uUty of --naic. The AaHort Palace ia known thiiaghaatithe aMIi imt u (bait <•> «f the cliiimt aaiumiient places «f ita hia4 Ibt'a why tic Palace is haeesnhtg aioae ppilii each year. IXWWtt JHRERACTIOftS %ANDovLA*ES orchestra .lit Tie Badger State's Unique Rhythm Master* „ i:___£_- .-•>»* tfBfti.ati •;? _;. ' Saturday, March .23 ^ Iwy Night lorBowlingand BUliar<UJ . pTt &*#•*& •£$' ••»' * Keep The Children Healthy With Milk - C-But he sure that yo* fbm tiwm «*hii*Jiife the purest This dairy ammnMP Community Dury Phone 660-ft-l tmt. Smith,*fcp. ; *T "4" ,yi YOLO tca&A OOTT Mr. awl Mh. Frank Dowelf and daughter a* E%in ware Saaday guests with the latter1! faurenta, Mr. and Mrs. George DmB. . VtaafeBacon was a baataeag caller at VMitodr Tuesday. Mr. mad Mrs. Ray Paaslfield tad sons spent Wednesday at the J. L. BnaMd home. Mr* and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher and Mrs. t3wa DwmO ware Waukegan shoppers WMaesday. Mrs. ML Nicholls and daughter were visitors at the Ray Seymour hone Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Smith of Wraoonda spent Saturday eveniag at the Alvin Case horn*. Mr. and Mrs. George Dowel] and •son were McSemry shoppers Saturday. Mrs. Harry Passfteld was a Roond Lake visitor Wednesday. WSlliam .Dowell spent Sunday at Dundee. J. M. Bushcll, repreaentsac the Western Silo. Co., eaUad on several farmers in this eoauntmity Wednesday. Mrs. Frank Wilson entertained the ladies of the Volo Community church Thursday. Fifteen ladies helped tie a quilt and enjoyed a bountiful lunch which brought the pleasant afternoon to a close. < Mrs, Sarah Eddy of Grayslake was a visitor at the Frank Wilson home Thursday. Bert V*s«)r was a lEcHcnry caller Saturday. Start your chicks on Full-O-Pep Chick Starter. For sale at McHenry Co. Farmers Co-Op. Assn. 41 Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Case were Mc- Henry shoppers Saturday. William Monahan returned to the Alvin Case home Tuesday after staying for sometime in LibertyviDe. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Passfield and son were McHenry shoppers Saturday. Miss Frances Nicholls of Elgin spent the week-end at the William Nicholls home. N A carload of Para Dekalb Seeds just arrived. McHenry Co. Partners Iftr. and Mrs. L 8. Anderson and daughter, Roth, visited relatives in Richmond Sunday. Miss Mabel Knox spent the pact week with relatives in Woodstock. Merlon Gracy of St. Charles visited at his home here over the week-end. P. A. Hufhnaa and daughters, Phyllis and Myrtle, attended the district tournament in Dundee last Thursday evening. Mrs. Merton Gracy, daughters. Beryl and Ruth, and son, John, visited relatives in Spring Grove Sunday. Misses Florence and Marie Knox attended the haaketbal) tournament at Dundee last Thandiy evening. Thomas Church was a Spring Grove visitor Sunday. Eugene Leisner of Chicago spent Sunday with his sister here. Mr. and Mrs, Irving Lawrenx of Chicago were guests at the home of Henry McMillan Sunday. Glen McMillan was a Chicago visitor Monday. Robert V. Knox viaited in the home of Mi. and Mrs. Robert Ludwig at Michigan City, Ind., over the weekend. Vernon J. Knox of Notre Daane <*'as also a guest in the Ludwig home. Harold Knox visited relatives in Woodstock and Harvard Tuesday. A carload of Pure Dakalb Seeds just arrived. McHenry Co. Fanners Co-Op. Aaaa. , 41 Start your chicks on Full-O-Pep Chick Starter. For sale at McHenry Co. Farmers Co-Op. Amm. 41 Co-Op. Assn. 41 tPRnro QRovt Mrs. Ida Cole Cattle of Richmond is spending a few weeks with her daughter, Mrs. H. Lopeman. Mrs. John Rauen entertained her club Wednesday, four table* of five hundred being lAnjud. Prixee were wOn as follows: First, Mrs. John Kattner; second, Mrs. J. J. Freund, third, Mrs. Frank Wagner. Start your chicks on Full-O-Pep Chick Starter. For sale at McHenry Co. Farmers OsOp. A-S«n. 41 Refurnish at little Cost ^ ; 'e v-, ' ••' afad appear designs and color combinations suitable for each and every home.. The price meet ererj requirement. 4 -v-:. :s - rT-r.-7i"• - - \' The ability of. one or mor|r lamps to add the desired not|r of cheerfulness to your horn* o u t w e i g h s m a n y t i m e s t h g ¥ f . sm&ll cost of such furnishing*';": Jacob Justen & Sons nTRHITURB AHD UVDS&TJjmlO 10S-R SPECIAL ASSESSMENT KOflCE Notice is hereby given to all persons interested that the City Council of the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois, having- ordered that a local improvement be made consisting of repairs to the sewage purification plant and outlet lines in said City of McHenry, Hlinois. as provided in and by an ordinance passed by the City Council of the said City of McHenry on the 8th day of January, A. D. 1929, and approved by the Mayor of said City on the 8th day of January, A. D. 1929, which ordinance is now on file in the office of the City Clerk of said City of McHenry, and 'having applied to the County Court of McHenry County for an assess ment of the cost of said improvement according to benefits, and assessment therefor having been made and returned to said Court, which assessment is divided into ten (10) installments bearing interest at the rate of six (6) per centum per annum; that on March 6th, 1929, the Court entered an order in said proceeding recasting certain portions of said assessment roll and ordered an assessment against certain omitted property and dacrnased the assessment on certain property, and the final hearing on said recast assessment roll will be held on the 25th day of March, A. D. 1929, at 10 o'clock A. E, or as soon thereafter aa the basinaas of the Court wQ permit. All persons desiring may file objections in said Court before said data and may appear at said hearing and make their jsfs-- >. Dated at MfcHerery, Illmoia, this 7th day of March, A. D. 1929. flJTY OF McHCNRY, at the vjg direction «f the County Court » of McHenry County, Illinois. William M. Carroll, Attorney. : .. MARVELOUS WORK OF NEW KONJOLA MEDICINE TOLD Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Watts jmd child, MVS. Ida Castle, Mt. and Mrs. Kenneth Lopeman spent a pleasant evening Wednesday at the home of Brits-Klause. Five hundred was the amusement and a delicious lunch was served by the hostesses. Mr?. James Foulke is much improved from her recent illness. Mr. and Mrs. Hoffman of Wilmette are the proud parents of a son. Grandpa Rauen is wearing a big smile. He reports mother and son doing nicely. Mr. and Mrs. John Weber motored to Kenihvorth Friday afternoon and called on Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hoffman. Mr. and Mrs. John Cairns are the proud parents of a daughter, born last Thursday. Mrs. Charles Behrns waa a Chicago passengvr Wednesday. Saturday morning the home of Reed Ca?T was burned to a total Iocs. A few household articles were * saved. The cause of the blaze is yet unknown. They are living in their garage until they can rebuild. The volunteer fire department sure showed their skill but to no avail and it was only a short time until the friends and neighbors were st the scene arxV did all th^y could. Mr, and Mrs. Carr desire to thank the fire department and also friends and neighbors for their willing assist*!**? in their misfortune. A patty was given at the home of Raymond Geezer to celebrate his birthday on Saturday evening. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Aubert, Mfcr. and Mrs. Philip May, Misses Edith Pitzen, Margaret Weber, Mildred Miller, Mary Justen, Viola En gels, Evelyn Bell, Arline Merchant, Messrs. Arthur Aubert, Charles Aubert, Jake Aubert, Pete Jackson, Ray Tibbitts, Harold Conley, A1 Tibbitts, Glen Kilpatrick and Raymond Geezer. The evening was enjoyed by dancing and playing games. At the close a most delicious supper was served. A new arrival of crisp wash frocks at $1.00, 11.95 and $2.95. Nobby Style Shop, McHenry. 41 Ray Tibbitts, Harold Conley and A1 Tibbitts of Racine, Wis.. Glenn Kilpatrick and Ray Geezer of Chicago, Mary Justen of Woodstock and Evelyn Bell of Solon Mills spent Sunday in the home of Miss Viola Engels. Miss Viola Engels of Woodstock spent Sunday in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Steven Engels. A carload of Pure Dekalb Seeds just arrived. MkHenry Co. Farmers Co*Op. Assn. 41 * 'Answer TVs "*SMl ttethftrity" states that three Americans out of every ten live fa> poverty. Let's see--who la the so thority on the point where poverty leaves off and welfare begins?--Bo* ton Transcript. Stored E|C* Loss Weight Unless the sir in the room is neither toe moist nor too dry, snd the Is properly ventilated, eggs wtn 1< ln^ weight In cold storage on of their tendency to evaporate tbrenrik the shell WEST SIDE GAKA6E 1 Qeneral Automobile TeL lflt ' v.-, 639-K-2 . ri Thonna P. Baiger Drag Store To Introduce Advanced Remedy Fo< First Thee in McHenry ^ City's Earliest earliest name ot •*a Kphraffc or Kphrstnh. If you -were told that one singli^^r » M' ^|r, medicine put hundreds of men ar.CCTlu ImIIaiUI v wmen back to work in Indianapolis, and other large cities after they had been idle for -months with health troubles, it would sound impossible. Stops Constipation Hm simple mixture of glycerin, buckthorn bark, saline, etc. (Adlerika) acts on BOTH upper and lower bowel and relieves constipation in TWO hours! Brings out old waste matter yoa never thought was in your system. Don't waste time with pills or remedies which clean only PART of the bowels, but let Adlerika give stomach and bowels a REAL cleaning and see how good yoa feel. Thomas P. Bolger, Druggist. .;AqS 'fe. How would you like to have a tire that couldn't hi Baked?.. Drive it hard--give it the bad news--run it anywhere short of a nail plant or a glass works. Easy! Don't crowd. We've got plenty for you. The new, improved Qobdyear Heavy Duty Cord for passenger cars. .. Made with extra plies of Supertwist--extra elastic and extra strong--armored with circumferential sidewall ribs--powered with the famous Tread. Costs what? Let us give you the good news. Thiie pxim are not guaranteed for more^ PATHFINDERS 29x4.40 J 6.50 30x3 '/i, Oversise ^ 5.75 ;; 31x5.21 11.25 GOODTEARS 28x4.40 30x5.00 31x5.25 33x6.00 „$ 8.66 * 11.90 .14^0 : 17jo GasoJtee and Oil J. Freund - PHONE 120-R BatterjHBafcraiid SeiHrffee •»•»•»»•»•»•»»•»»»»»»»»»»••»»«»••»»»»••••»»»»»>«M»»» JAOSBY Konjala wenldn\ it? And thai counties pie were completely relieved of rheumatism and neuritis, that they were able to walk again, without cane or cratches, and that this same medicine itored health to men and women who had suffered with stomach and ! kidney troubles for years, that com- ] plete relief had come in cases of | misery where resorts, expensive treatments and medicine upon medicine had L. D. Lowell. Attorney" NOTICE OF 8ALB OF REAL ESTATE By virture of an order and decree of! it seems^impossible. the County .Court of McHenry County,! \et * iVa11 Sf me*lC™ Hlinois, made on the petition of the that done sllthese things is the undersigned, A. H. Henderson, Jr., Administrator, erf the estate of Beathea Henderson, deceased, for leave to sell the real estate of said deceased, at the March term, A. D. 1929,of said Court, to-wit: on the 6th day of March, 1929, Notice is hereby given. That on Friday, the 12th day of April next, between the hourfe of 10 o'clock in the new Konjola, which is being introduced starting today at the Thomas^ P. Bolger Drug Store, this city. Wherever introduced, this Konjola is vastly different and more effective in thousands of cases of ill-health than any previously known medicine. It is a remarkable liquid compound for the following well known troubles. RHEUMATISM: Especially severe forenoon and 5 o'clock in the after- cf8*8' w?!ere Pains ar(L cles Bwuucu, joints stiu and rigid. In V,' noon of said day, to-wit: at 2 o'clock p. m., at the front door of the dwelling house on the hereinafter describ the milder cases of this disease, Konjola relieves almost At once, and this v thousands of motorists are doing -test Buick against any Ipther car VV learn the full extent of its leadership * * then you, too, ^yjjyi buy a Buicfc • <iy • -^2"'. 1*. .v:-; "• .& ed premises in the city of Crystal medicine brin^8 the SAme. re8ul^s to Lake, county of McHenry and state of Illinois, the following described real estate belonging to the estate of Beathea Henderson, deceased, to-wit: Lot number nine(9) in block six (6) in Ellsworth's addition to the town of the neuritis victim that it produces fi• the rheumatic sufferers. STOMACH, LIVER, KIDNEYS AND BOWEL TROUBLES: Nearly all forms of misery that arise from these unhealthy organs have been so Nunda; said lot being situated in the!qukkly relieved KonjoU that men Come Into our s&owroom today! Arrange to make the real test of Buick's thrilling getaway, swiftness, power, smoothness and flexibility. Find out for yourself why Buick wins more than twice as many buyers as any other car priced above $12001 Bwirk Motor Company, Flint, Midi west half (1^> of the southwest quarter (!£) of section thirty-thtee (33), in said township of Nunda, and lying and being in the city of Crystal 'Lake, McHenry county, Illinois, will be sold to the highest and best bidder. Tanas of sale cash. A. H. HENDERSON, Jr„ Administrator. March flth, 1929 Hansen's Craft Henry -Hudson's Half Moon waa a boat of 80 lasts burden. Tbe last like (he ton. bas a somewhat flexible measure, but It Is safe to say that the vessel la wnlch Hudson sailed ID 1006 was a shallow little craft of not ever eso -Hmm and pmheWy ieaa. :P"": F«Mi - Pilgrims were HepaMrffBta. This body of religionists asserted the light of each church or congregation to adopt ha own form of worship, sad chneee It sen pceaehers and oflloera. !v • 'SOiPi and women sufferers everywhere were surprised. It is the action of this medicine on the organs o( the innersystem that removes toxic posions from the system and brings quick relief in so many cases. The secret of this Konjola is the way it acta on the important functionary organs of the body, namely, the stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels. So many diseases and long standing disorders of these organs were so completely conquered and entirely banished by this new compound that thousands of people in larger cities were able to give up taking medicine for time to come. After the great accomplishments anjL wonderful work of Konjola In other sections, it is declared that this medicine is what hundreds of sufferers in McHenry and vicinity have long needed to actually reach their cases, and preparations are beiaf made to introduce Konjola for the first time at the Thomas P. Bolger Drug Store, where this medicine will be aett<«a4<aaqdMa4't»,*i»- daily. I Sedans Coupes - Sport Car IK $1220 to $1320 SERIES 129 Sedsas - - *lS75to$2t Coepes - - $1865 to (18? Sport Cars • $1525 to $119% 121 $1450 to $1920 £1195 to *1250 $1395 to $1450 liberal G. M. A. C. Tine PtjraMMj Plan. virs MAiTunaci av visa OVERTON it CO WEN * v ' / * KBTTSB BUILT. ':-%t '5- *i-riaisii^L

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