THE M'HENRY PLAINDEALER Thursday McHenry, •Ktered as second-class matter postoffiee at McHenry, the act of May 8,1879. 92.00 Months ...*1.00 PANDIT IS CAUGHT wg ^BOWLING NOTES; jiAFTER TWO YEARS Asleep Awakes lT7 Ifcv' ft m- Memphis, Tenn.--Hunted oyer the , aiation for two years, with a reward 'f it $2,000 for his body, dead or alive, ^Kinging over him, "Bubbling Over," picturesque and rollicking desperado Of the Xorl Invest, has made the first 4|id probably the last n.i stake in his tKtectacular career--by blundering Into S police statioishet's while under the J&fluen<e of liquor. The boldest gunwho ever blew a bank in Utah Staged a daylight holdup in South Itekotn. Matched wits witu rum-run P*n in Chicago, or looted a registered •tail pomh in Mim>e£ftta, Is In the . liands of the law. Sheriffs and police «f eight states are battling with government authorities to see which will Ite first to have a chai&e to hang a ®ajor crime oa the Notorious prisoner a court trial. " ^ y In jail with "Bubbling Over," alia* Frank Devers, Tom Underwood, Tom fltmith, and a dozen other names, is his bride of a few months, Johanna Brace, twenty-three. Of Wlnonl, Minn. The "|^ri was taken into custody in a hotel ;3|rhen a squad of detectives seised her ^honeymoon" gifts ef gems and «h°ut fn.000 ?n cash. . .'^t. ^ *; * tjg .t In the midst of the excitement, a toxical) driver who sought police head Huarters as a haven for his "million- * Mire" passenper and to tffevent the lat- ' h r beinp robbed, now is claiming the ^^government's reward of $2,000 for cap- Jjhire of the man. "Bubbling Over" entered- a taxlcab sober up after makfoi a r#oild of ' the night clubs in Memphis. He fell ' asleep. The driver, noting that his .passenger had been displaying $100 5 bills prominently, drove him to the 1 C|iead<]tiarters of the cab company and Consulted the manager. <j ^ The latter, unable to persuade the 'jwsseriger to deposit his money in the On Monday night, March 4, the teams of the K. C. bowling: league bowled their games at the Palace alleys with team No. S taking two games from team No. 1 and team No. 2 winning two games from team No. 4. The games wera as follows: Conway 179 161 Karls ... ."153 165 160 f-V' v V* .J '• > V/s- V V*. _ ST t:. •£»&> CLASSIFIED USI THE CLASSIM© COLUMNS FOR QUI* RESULTS FOR SALZ FOR Average Awll •„.v.#uife,gll ....163 ..^125 ...125 125 125 215 161 145 125 125 FOR SALE--Stack of hand-husked FLAT FOR RENT 3 It t ft . vi;. taxicab company's safe, told the driver ;jft) take him to' a police station and •i|pave him in the care of the officers. The amount of money on the passenger's person and papers in his pockets paused police to consult their informa fIon bureau, with the result that "Bubbling Over" faces robbery, mail rob Jfeery, kidnaping, and bail 'SBA a long chase is ended. Schaefer 'u, , .K&4 Bai4>>aa v.^»...y*fatov>->-,-«2E3 Conway 199 Average^ 125 Average 125 '> f /"C: • " '•: W" W. Green ... H. Phalin ... E. Boss H. Schaefer Worts Brefeld -«i,4 Freund Sut*^t>w.. corn «stalks, 30x12 ft. Inquire of J. H. Stilling, two miles east of McHenry, on State Route 20. Phone 612-R-l. 41-tf FOR SALE--Aboat 5 tons of extra fine ground baa-ley. MfcHenry Co. Farmers Co-Op. Assn. Phone 29 41 APPLES FOR SAIJS^-Phone Richmond 625. Mrs. Hy. Williams. 41* sun 149-J. porch, all rooms and Phone 41 FOR RENT--Modern Hat on street. Call 14T-W. Mam 41-tf WANTED OATS Mills. WANTED -- McHenry Phone* 92-R Flour 41-2 ......128 FOR SALE--About Timothy loose hay. Hiller, Tel. 659- R-2 lb tons of rood Inquire of Ben 41 WANTED TO RENT -- Five-room modern house for suall family. Phone 156. ^ 41 FOR SALE--Store building property, lot 56x132, on Riverside Drive and Pearl street. Phone 106-W. 40tf MISCKLLAHEOUS FOR SALE--"20 tons hay. Freund. Phone 614-R-l. Peter A. 40-8* WILL ASSIST in piano playing at parties or movies, etc. Call or write Miss Wynne Kelley, RJnffwood, 111., and reverse charges. P. O. Box 112L 41* FOR SALE--COWS--Come to Cary HAULING--Ashes and garbage for chioce dairy cows, top stuff. All hauled at reasonablft/^price. George cows guaranteed straight. Kvidera Meyers. Phone 82-11 40-2* Bros. Phone Cary 37-J 40-4 FOR SALE--1928 Chevrolet Sedan, a jjg g£g bargain if taken at once. For demon- Th the games of the business Men's | stration call at Hunter Flats on howling league pulled off last, week ,see .. , * "?rTO*®, the Matthews Tonyan company team | Altroff Hardware. 37»l won two out of three games from GENERAL SEWING--Cleaning pressing. -Anna HMrsnrd, over ger's Drug Store. and Bol- 38-tf TT~, Rothermels carpenters and Schaefer's carpenters took two games from FOR SALE--Small chicken farm, between 4 and 5 acred*, mile from McHenry on Lake . Geneva cement Richardson's Studebakers. The. Mc-|road Mrs. Jt* H. lusten, Rte 8. •--.m»' q1 -- • TYPEWRITERS •::ry^ Sales and Service. • Repaired aft^l Rentals. Prompt attention to phone calls. Phone 549. L. KILTZ Woodstock 49-tf Henry Lumber company men won two Igames from the Karls' cafe team and the Woodstock A. C.'s lost by default to the Ringwood nursery team. The games were: • , • E. Smith ...SSZS^^fet Phone 611-J-l. R. Thompson C. Hughes G. Weber C. Freund ....... Average ..... P. Karls ... R. Page $). Granger j Average .... .......157 136 167 .....--,..,.165 •D4 125 .163 .^...IrtUM ,140 162 ...136 206 184 180 191 212 187 193 160 168 175 973 125 169 199 177 180 889 125 209 193 224 160 FOR SALE-- Woodstock typewriter. No. 5. Has just been rebuilt at the factory and is like a new machine in every respect. Will sell for $40 cash if taken at once. Here is an opportunity for someone to get a real bargain. Call 170 or inquire at the P..l ai, ndealer »office., tf LOST . LOST--Dome cover, for gasoline track tank, between Solon Mills and Valvo-, line Oil Co. oil house. Phone 82. *41 G-tf TUNE--and keep Jppr piano tuned. Tuning makes your piano a musical instrument. Phone 274-J or write J. H. Delhi, Woodstock, I1L 27-tf Local Teem Suffers Defeat By Seeare of 28 to 20--Hinkley Here Sunday After a long string of victorias, the M. A. A. C. basketball teem bowed in defeat to the DeKalb Swedes On last Sunday afternoon. In spite of the fact that two ntvor old dependables, Bacon and Whiting, were on the sick list, our team shosld have put up a better brand of basketball. Our boys eould not muster up the old punch that has carried them through many a tough battle and while they were struggling along trying to find themselves, the Swedes were taking advantage of every break in the game. DeKalb has a classy basketball team and they pat up a fast, clean game, _ f McHenry's team showed signs of too much layoff and the management promises that the boys will get plenty of work to tnne them up for their •'big gatte with Hinckley on next Senday. The writer is of the opinion that our team got all of that bad basketball out of their systems and will be right back in the bid fight in the next game. The befct teams must lose a few games during a season, but we have been so accustomed to seeing our boys on the long end of the score that a defeat comes in the form of a bitter pill. The curtain-raiser game between the M. A. A. G. and the High School Seniors, who have ended their high school basketball careers, proved to be of grreat interest to the fans. The M- A. A. C. took their friendly enemies into camp, but not without a lot of work. It was a good game to watch and found a divided crowd pulling"hard for their favorite to win. It is pleasing to note that we have some real comers amongst the graduating class that should prove very useful on the M. A. A. C. squad. M. A. A. C. (20>-- V ^ B, 1* : p * r si i « i « I -1 S. W, MERRICK W. B. MERRICK „ AND ASSOCIATES MIDWEST RENDERING CO. We Pay For CATTLE, HOGiS, SHEEP Call • t 810-J-l--Dundee-r^816-R-4 -, Prompt SanitJtir^ Service | -REVERSE CHARGES «81-tf |r. ife' n 'Bspetha ; . A good drculatlon of afir means a food circulation of blood. It means #etter nerves, better energies and better health, so when you resolve to take et least ten deep breaths every day. filing your lungs to the very bottom, jjwa are forming a resolution that is Mntaft to mean a great de«l to your wealth Freund Stilling . Schaefer Meyers ... 726 425 161 ....146 .....171 850 178 127 215 162 174 911 151 191 181 203 176 Nearly and Yonder e e • • by T. T. MAXEY A. Justen N. Justen E. Freund W. Richardson G. Justen ....... 742 173 .........150 .........181 202 182 856 139 175 160 141 169 902 151 155 169 191 212 W. Smith E. Tonyon .. B. Schmitt B.; Freund W»' Tocyitn 888 ......202 X 159 784 192 134 201 164 184 878 170 168 192 218 164 Woodstock's BeautifulPlay House M Evening Shows at 7 and 9 Matinees-- On Wednesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays Mil .Sundays, 3 p. m. SATURDAY^ Polly Moran y "HONEYMOOft" A. Krause J. Rothermel H. Simon ..... Average jAveraj 804 ^01 158 ...--..202 ..._.;...113 125 815 210 179 179 134 125 907 178 128 176 164 A|£0 COMED'C the Stage Saturday and Sunday Vaudeville SUNDAY - MONDAY Dore D 44 AD OR ATI OH" also Patbe News and Comedy A Si. TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY Reginald Denny im ' i4THE MIGHT BIRD" PATHE NEWS AND COMEDY -- THURSDAY I On the Stage v B. ROTNGUR PLAYERS sK-i;- . J*:.'. K':; On the SerepT i-Zj pwnn, Mooflftt, Vs fai V h 4'STOLEN LOVE" ALSO PATHE NEW8 AND FABLBS 799 827 771 Forty men bowled in the doubles at the Palace alleys last Thursday evening with 1148 pins being tied for higrh score. The tie was decided by bowling one line and the first six teams were awarded prizes. The standings were as follows: V ^ *' Yv * 1--W. Richardsoi ^ .574 P. 574-^1148 2--H. G. 3--G. Brefeld ..., Weber Ji^-ten Barbian W. Bickler ...., 4--S. Huff -E". Tonyan Bolgsr .. Smith .. Meyers Schaefer Winkel Mbnear Granger FVeund Tonyan Guinto Schmitt Weber Freund Smith Justen Freund 13--N. Freund S. Lucas . 14--E. Smith J. Sayler 15--G. Johnson Bacon .... Schaefer Conway Justen .. Stilling . Smith ... Simon . Karls Hodges Green . Freqnd . 5--J. E. 6--A. j. 7--L. E. 8--D. B. 9--W. P. 10--J. G. 11--B. W. 12--A. C. H. 16--H. K. 17--N. L. 18--B. H. 1»--P. D. 20--W; G. ...588 ...565--1148 ...609 ...510r-lil9 590 508--1098 508 589--1062 ,-- 553 -- 519--1072 563 505--1068 >.531 „ 518--1049 512 518--1080 ...» 559-- 995 477 516-- 993 ~.688 454-- 988 435 547-- 982 ......409 ......505-- 974 488 ......484-- 972 477 488--- 965 Gramercy Park 11THEN, in 1831, a former mayor Of Y» New York set aside a plot of ground, had It enclosed by fence and given to the owners of the surrounding property, be started what undoubtedly •< as one of the first attempts at city planning In this country. The name Gramercy, ft seems, came down from Kromworssckl, meaning "crooked little swamp"--from a creek which meandered through this section whi-u the Dutch occupied the Island of Manhattan. This park tb privileged, therefore, to boast of anllqulty as one of its chartna. -«*• Rlc'.i indeed Is this seclusive spot^st nineteenth street and Lexlngtoij avenue. New York. In extraordinary associations. Many outstanding men of their times lived aroufed It. History rec$*ris that the pien t» link America and Europe by cable was first discussed in an abutting mansion; Samuel -T. Tllden. governor of New Yorl* and who almost became President of the VjlJted Suites brought politic «l distinction to It, A little city wlthfn s big one, so to speak, the residents have experienced uneasiness many tlmeii I4«t their exduslveness he disturbed As the march of commerce advanced upon it--the erection c* a hotel, the threats to run a ear line through It and s subway under it; during the turmoil' of the Civil war negroes were Sfruhg fro- lamp posts nearby; Although now walled In by towering structures and Invaded by family hotels and cluhs. this historically famous and cherished neighborhood continues to retain an exclusive residential character of npticeable and distinctive charm. ' "f <©. Hit, Waat«ra Wm»pw Pal--.) " Rich Widow li Found Slain in Lonely Home Towanda, Pa.--Surrounded by a piie of her clothing which had been Idrn to shreds, the body of<Mrs. Samuel Jones, sixty-three, was found In her hotnc near here recently. Tlte woman, a reclaee, had been " beaten to death. Suspicion of neighbors, leading to' a search of the house, was aroused because Mrs. Jones' automobile had been abandoned in the middle of a road leading to her home. Every piece of furniture In the bed room and every ornament had been destroyed. A feather-bed tick, beside which the body was crumpled, had been ripped open and feathers llj$ered every part of the room. 4 Three #f other the house caftrtoii stidance ,ii^h« ipssper ate batttf^ie pnmft |Ml wiged for her life. The police are divided ih their theories as to the cause of the crime. One group holds to robbery as a motive while the other inclthes to th«- belief the crime was that of a re ligious fanatic. The robbery theory ittgftported b> the general belief tn tflpj|ctlon that Mrs. Jones, who lived alone since the death of her husband some years ago. secreted a great amount of money in the house. She was suspicious of, banks. Kjneala Overton. Freund Conway Fay Bacon Whiting, SeKalb Swedes . Cone !. Ryden '. Swanson 0 a' ~!2 ... 1 ^ W' 2 ... 2 0 « 0 'v. • t B •V* .. 0 a i*-" •• i r- t ft 0 Like Surprises? Merc Is One y' ' TWO DA«SWXSFTTLIKN^(AS.^ ' RSOULAK • . Ladlw* Silk How at, per pair_ $l#50 ^ - AND OUR RMULAR $1.40 Hose at, per pair ^1.20 Ihrery pair new, perfect Hoei«ry aaid in all the latest shade* Yen should «ome in and Mean a ^ "" - paH*" CALI^fir each. -• • W I Owned Illinois X' »r if . IffcHenry, Swanson Mt C Erickson N«son GM|sn R. Conway W. Bacon Dowell L. C<mwa|r Steffeg Krausa H. S. Seniors (20)-- ..... 0 ^=1 & ;* '-'ki , ' Blind Wife's Effort to Save Husband Vhtn Hugo, Coio.---A blind woman, Mrs George S. Davis, struggled over ditches for two miles, feeling her way along a barbed-wire fence, to a neighbor's recently to get help for her husband, who was dangerously ill. She was bleeding from wire cuts and badly bruised from many falls X and nearly exhausted when she arrived. The neighbors accompanied her home to find that Mr. Davis had died. %iu Frett Thurlwell Justen .I Harrison Miller .... Smith ...» A room to rent? te our classified department. Sh« Feud H«r Car Washington.--A day after she reported to police that her automobile)? had disappeared, Mrs. Louise Beueh ert found the car--with her husband! in it. She ordered him arrested. Modern Nerrt Chicago.--Fined for fighting, Chaii Morse asked the court to pay him ft>i| the day's work tie had lost watting be tried. DeKMbSe just arriv^ including ! ?J - Hii,' it W" '-| W-mi U Swallows Fork and Spoon; Will Try Knife Nex^ Paris.--William Hudson, twenty-sev en-year-old Englishman, swallowed it soup spoon in an attempt to commit Kuicide when police arrested him lit the railroad buffet ta Dieppe. Tht- X-ray showed a bulge which Hudson explained was made by the fork h»> had swallowed the last time. he had been arrested, "t have been very un lucky," Hudson complained. "The jnext time 1 sallow something it* going to be ^ knife." Red Glover ^ Alsyke Clover " -M / /'f"1 I' ' SlI riffin?4* R, P. Edwards Garage j ' ' . > ; •• ' 4 ^ * '-W T •fet'V. 'vn ....406-- 964 442 -- 515-- 957 ..471 v ^03-- 874 .484 '. L. .855-- 839 Tire and General ; . . | Repair Work, also Phil Guinto, state motorcycle cop, bowled high score at the Palace alleys last week with a 269 to his credit which ties tb« high' BOOK lor the alleys. :* * :4i. A dollar saved is a dollar eal»»C •tad the ads and save your dollars. on Guarantecl "Stift"" ' ^ V '*• - ' ' *' Including Barb Po^ts and Wofen Wire me m and let us explain how you may six and one-half foot steel posts ^ Steel get v ^ • /-C. , Full O'Pep Poultry Feed A carload of this wonderful feed including-- - Full O'Pep Chick Starter, Growing Mash, Fine - ^ Chick Feed and Laying Mash, came in yester- fit* day. Start your Baby Chicks on FULL O'PEP r 'if'.'*- rative is : Association •5«X *>»•** .. * t •ialipiaNi •V K mmpe »"