OF A DV OUR CITY ifeft.ft Woodstock | Seen By Plaindetkr Re I porters and Handed In G. Well was a Woodstock visitor Monday. Mlae Leone Givens of Qim^|>spciit Sunday with home folks. M$ss Adeline P< speiit the week-end Mr. and Mm Hftes family visited Wlltiveg at Sunday. Htapi Gladys and Parfml sel MOito** visited their over fjlfe week-end . Miss Let ah Patzke, who is ed hi the Alemite factory at Wood stock. spe$t Sunday at her home here. MSv Clara Kennebeck, who is employe# at Woodstock, spent last week at hstlome near this city, became of illne** Mm. Josephine Freitand son, £oe, who mm yisitftig friends at St. Louis, Mo., Sfrturned home Sunday. Their ret nri-bom* wm hastened by the illness ,-jl the latter. attended aont, Mrs. Saturday, and MrssflXlfl Schneider, Mrs. Elisabeth Schneider and Miss Elola Boyle were ETlgin visitors Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John Aylward and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lewis of Elgrin were Sunday guests in the ML A. Conway home. Mrs. Jane A. Carr moved aannaay where she will OMSR her dJtagfcfcsr, and E. A. Thomas went Jhiiiiy as delegates to meeting of the Pare 0t the and Bliss Hughes i at Elgin last nicely from his cenf" Mr. children, Mini. Anna violted friends Attonc those atten^fed: Hie funeral Walsh at Elgin Monday were: Mrs. Jack Walsh and son, Earl, Mrs, Charles Gibba and Gecorge FYrisby. MSrs. John Niesen was '4 Wotidstoclf visitor Monday. Mrs. VlMMas Phalln visited at Edi Lake caller Tuesday. •Dr. and Mrs. J. A Street were Chivisitors Sunday. of Elgin was a Mcr mm- - 'jf a few days Wt last Elgin. , Barron was a WoQ^stock evening. -U en Hehner is Spending Chicago. %; of Elgin wa«i a Mc- Monday, and Mrs. Paul Do visitors Tuesday. Joe Paul of Woodstock in this city Stmday. Ethel Jones was a ' * itOck visitor Friday evening. | Mx and Mrs. Robert Xrtoxj :ock visitors Tuesday, r;J Mary Shales of McHenry visitor M< Paal Belvidere ovw tXj{• tlflik-end. ; Bapft.Silptowarj battles Stephen I w*re tUsat* vist were sited foodwere itock S I "CINDERELLA 5* .f-Src, J%esented by the "Kathryw Piehl Ensemble" and assistants at' ^ie Community High School Auditorium ^^.McHeriry, 1$' FRIt)AY, MARCH 22, !$2§f' . 8 0 clock iLd • t DIRECTOR--Kathryne Diehl " S0LOI3TS--Lillian Schroeder, Mary Zoia, Paul Riley, Mary Umners SOLO DANCER--Lauretta Brown ~ ACCOMPANISTS^-Mrs. Ofea Olmstead, KathryM DM&r'rr. PROGRAM k . . "v « sh PART.ONB ^ trROtJP SONGS AND WHISTUJiG o (Octette) I ..Offenbapk , ' Lillian Schroeder, Mary Zoia, Hazel Hesselgrave, Julia Schneider, Joanne Rulien, Lauretta Brown, . Mary Robins, Joye Nogle T HiJdy" SOn*" (Qoartette) -i--- Prutting ^ Lillian Schroeder, Julia Schneider, MaTy Robins, Joye Nogle^ "Firefly" (Whistling Solo) ..Friml Mary Lemmers "Homing" (Sextette) Del Rlego Joanne Rulien, Lillian Schroeder, Joye Nogle Mary Robins, Julia Schneider, Hazel Hesselgrave **De Sandman" (Quartette) . Protheroe Margaret Haines, Lauretta Brown, Hazel Hesselgrave, Joye Nogle "Summer Night" (Whistling Solo) Binet "Precious Little Thing Called Love" Davis Mary Lemmert "Butterfly, Butterfly" (Sextette) ;*^^.^..^;(i.;.:;PeMhe8 Lillian Schroeder, Mary Zoia, Lauretta *Bro\*|^ . Julia Schneider, Mary Robins, Joye Nogle 3 "Kis# .Waltz* (Ensemble) ^rMti ~ - r-. -~Sflij>rano Obligato by Kathryne QMil " f - (No Encores to Part One) ^ mm *& PART TWO "CINDERELLA" Synopsis ONE--Scene 1--Garden Scene Specialty (Trio) "Old Refrain," Kreisler \ -/ fary Lemmers, Julia Schneider, Joye Nogler " ACT Oh®- Scene Z--Kitchen in Cinderella's Home SpewMfcy--Honolulu Trio Eleanor AndersoB* Mary Lemmers, Julia Schneider . ACT TWO>»Jliiane 1--Ballroom at Palace "* Specialty--4|M|MB||^Love Song--LiUian Schroeder "iBMBilpKrd"--Mary Lemmers A£?F TWO--Scene 2--Parlor of Cinderella^ ACT ONE MUSICAL I NUMBERS ""Who's I^ove Finale, Scene 1--Lqrds Scene 2-~Chotvs| Ji£? Lauretta ^ ACT TWO "Yoa lftmt Be Good"-- \ To the PrinCe"--Chorus V, ; LiUian Schroefler ^^'^endbhij?'--Pta( Riley_ "I'm Uttle God of Love"-- Marion Martin^ "We Scatter Sunshine"--Fairies1 "When I Become the Prince's Bride"--Duet-- Joye Nogle and Joanne Rutten - "I Am So Sad"--Mary Zoia PE1 Sopranos--Lillian Schroeder, Mary Zoia, Joanne Brown, Mjargaret Haines, Eleanor Anderson. Whistler--Mary Lemmers. Contraltos--Julia Schneider, Mary Robins, Jf|r« Node, Basel grave. " **„ • ja * " ,ia' •%' - z ; ^ "CINDERELLA* m Cinderella ^-^....^....Mary Zoia Prince ,...Pwal Riley Duke ....U...... Eugene Larson Godmother ..Lillian Schroeder Stepmother .. .Claribel Martin Cupid Marion Martin Stepdaughters -- --...Joanne Rulien, Joye Nogle Spanish ^Dancer Lauretta Brown LORDS--Eleanor Anderson, Julia Schneider, Mary Lemmers, Hasel Hesselgrave, Mary Robins. LADIES--Lillian Schroeder, Margaret Haines, Lauretta Brown, Joanne Rulien, Joye Nogle, Frances Getchell. FAIRIES--Norma Stamets, Pauline Simpson, Donna Traphagen, Gladys Sincerbox, Mary Pierce, Norma Hershey, Phyllis Tryon, Josephine Taylor, Ruth Nienstedt, Betty Koblentz, Gladys Hesselgrave, Leora Shockey, Laura Parker. _ _ m will again be ready to serve yon, beginning Saturday, Mwfli 1# k varied menu--delicious home opelpuig, wooderfol fooda, conveniently located, and a prompt and courteous service thai if especially planned to please year* ^ % REGULAR DINNERS Y WWHAL 36. PX^TE LOKCH • Kivw^de Driw, MNT Peazl Start ; Miss Louisa ('hamlMSrlin spent SNxndky »t l«ar hom« G. I* Tryen of Woodstock hw*»n«8? visitwr in IficHenry Mr, and Mrs. F. M. E< Richmond visitor last Wednesday. Mrs. Harry Hartley of Chicago spent a few days last week with relatives here. Mrs. Thomas Kane visited In the George McClellan home at Lake Geneva Tuesday. Ernest Kamhols of Chicago tisked his parents, Mr. Ad MrS. Fred Kamholz Monday. Mrs. Lillian Cox, Mrs. Janms Perkins and Mrs. Andrew Eddy were Woodstock visitors Friday , Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fay and little son and Mr. Baldwin of Elgin visited in the John Fay home Sunday . Mrs. A. L. Purvey, Mrs. A. Krause, Mrs. Chouier- and Mrs. F. E. Cobb were Woodstock visitors Friday. Mi. and Mrs. William" H. Althoff and family visited in the home of Mrs. Elizabeth Tonyan at Pistakee Bay on Sunday. Leo Smith, L. A. Brickson* J. N. Sayler, H. C. Hughas and Dr. B. <i. Chamberlin were Woodstock visiters Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. George Kamhol? and children of Chicago visited in the home <jf the foimerV paxents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kamhols, Wednesday. ' '"lltsa Therem Karls of Chicago apent 'Sunday at her home here. Miss Floribel Bassett visited friends at Richmond over the week-end. H)vw$rd Ensign of Crystal Lake spent Sunday at his home here. Miss Corirme Petelle of Chicago visited friends here over the week-end. Rev. Hoover of Greenwood was a MjeHenry visitor Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. R. ERldebrand spent a fefp days this week with relatives at Milwaukee, Wis. Miss I<ena StofFel has returned home from a week's visit with Chicag9 relatives and fjiends. Mjrs Mary Simon is spending the week-end in the home of her brother, Joe Coleman, at Hampshire. M¥. and Mrs. John Nugent and daughter of Chicago were Sunday callers in the Frank Thurlwell home. Robert Weber, Herman. Kreutxer, Edward Frett, Hubert Schoewer, Gus Freund, Earl Conway and Robert Thurlwell spent Sunday evening at Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Adams and John Aiiros of Chicago were Chicago visitors in the daughter, Mrs. Frank Thurlwell, and fsm%. Tt l. Overton was a recent Inwiness visitor in Waekegan. Mrs. Gerald Carey was a Chicago Visitor last Monday. Miss Clara St off el was a Chicago visitor one day last week. Mrs. Theodore Schiessle spent one day last week at Woodstock. Mrs, C. J = Reihansperger vms a Chicago visitor the first of last week. Miss Helen Bolger of Woodstock visited McHenry friends one day last week. Leslie Bungard was a caller in the home of his grandparents at Hebron Thursday. John Reihansperger of West Chicago was a visitor in the home of his son, C. J. Rei hansperger, and family one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Senten and little son of Chicago were Sunday guests in the Fred Karls home. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thurlwell, Jr., of Chicago were Sunday visitors in the home of Ms parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thurlwell, Robert Weber, Walter Gorman, Gus Freund, Harold Bacon, Pender Walsh a>nij Foss at the Tuesday evening. v_ mcjf vaiicu uii r iuyu Woodstock hospita? A1 Wall of Chicago was the of friends here Sunday. Bernie Newman of Chicago Sunday at his home here.- Miss Mildred Minnicb spent Sunday at her home at Oak Park. . Miss Johnson spent the week-e^fc at her home at St. Charles. Miss Verona Freund of Woodstoc£ spent Sunday with home folks. MSss Sylvia Wolf of Woodstodf spent Sunday at her home here. *•' Mr. and Mrs. Robert B!um of Rivaf Forest visited relatives here Sunday*; M¥. and Mrs. Edward Dowling <M Chicago were Sunday guests in ttit . home of her parent's, Mr. and Mri4- F. 0. Gans. Mrs. Edward HoBe of Chicagil spent several dajrs last week in home of her parenta, Mr. an M. A . Conway. > 3 j' • SPECIAL AaSgpSSMKNT HOTICl| Notice is hearty given that mm special assessment books wiD closed March 15, 1929. All installs, ments due and not paid on the date will be turned into the treMiim'i uakc s? t'eanquenx. •?{•:• MAYMB BUSS, f Ctar Collector. a y* . Ensign ipi Mrs Ellen Ensign visited at Volo ^warday Floyd Carr of Greenwood sMted hisj mother, Mrs. Jane A. Carr, SlRnrday Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Olsen spent?! Wednesday with friends at Ringwood; Jacob Staff el and Edward Boyle were Algonquin visitors Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Duane Dasspw ot Greenwood visited friends heri Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Dana McKnigiht of Chicago Heights visited relatives hem Sunday. C. W. Stenger and son, Richard, of Waukegan called on friends here Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Ensign Visited at Woodstock and Crystal Lake on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. StepheWJon of Ringwood spent Friday evening in McHenry. ? Dr. and Mrs. Brown of Woodstock: were guests of Dr. and Mrs. G. W, Hess Sunday. Floyd Hopper spent Sunday with]* his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Bbpper, at Ringwood, " Mr. and Mrs. John Kueny and son of Kenosha, Wis., were Sunday guests of Mrs. John Degen. Mrs. Granger of Wauconda is spending a few weeks in the hotne 6f her' son, D. I. Grahger. , the Modern Woodman Deputy, J. C. Reynolds, of Waukegan, was a visitor in this city Thursday. Miss Norma Whiting returned to j Chicago Sunday, after spending the j past week with her parents. j Mrs. Paul Meyers and children were Sunday visitors in the Ed. Thompson home at Ringwood. ! Mrs. Frank Hughes and childrei| |and Mrs. H. C. Hughes were visitor*- j at Milwaukee, Wis., Tuesday. Mrs. Katherine McCabe and daugh-* ter, Katharine, of Waukegan called' on friends Ipre one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. William Weatermayei*^ I of Chicago w«re Suneag^gMtta in thel home of Dr. and. Mrs. R, G. Chamberlin. Mrs. CEaftheriaft Young spent the week<ipnl in the, home of her son Georgft Young, and family at Ringiwood. Dr. W. C. Beslljft Herbert Bennett; and Mr. and Mfrsi^®frvey Price of- Woodstock were MMwMvy visitors on. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Burns son of Oak Park were Sunday visitors; in the home of Mr. and Mrs. George H. Johnson. George Hutson and daughter, Zelma, F. W. SMrler and daughter, Joyce tives an# iRenda |6l^Sly/^lll,'r Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Newman and family and Mrs. Alma Thomas visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Sayler at Elgin Monday. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Bohlander motored to Waukesha, Wis., Monday, i Where Mrs. Bohlander will spend a few weeks at the Spa sanitarium. Mr. and Mrs. Winfield Anderson, land family and' Ella Erickson of j Rockford were Stmday gtteaCs in the j home of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Erickson. # Mr. and Mrs. Walter Robinson and family have moved from the Clemens | farm to Crystal Lake. Emil Hanson j and sister will live oA the Clemens !farm. Mrs. Sarah Sherbtme of Ringwood was the guest of Mrs. Ella Wheeler j Friday afternoon, Mrs. Sherbune, who 97 years old, has been very well winter. k Mrs. A. Landwer, Mr. and Mrs. Parker, Miss Fish and Mrs. Emma Buell of Woodstock attended the meeting of McHenry chapter, O. E. S., Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson, Miss Maud Granger, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Hughes and Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Schneider wefe Woodstock visitors Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson aqd Mrs. A. J. Schneider attended the funeral of the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Thompson at LaGrange on Wednesday of last week. Miss Hazel Bacon, who has been employed in the Woodstock typewriter factory at Woodstock, is at home this week with an injured finger, which was badly eat in a machine at the factory. Mrs. F. Boger spent several days the past week in the home of her brother, Mike Schaffer at Crystal Lake, where she was called by the death of her little nephew, who died at Sherman hospital, Elgin. Among those from out of town who attended the funeral of John Blake Friday were: Mrs. Albert Hammer and sons, Albert and Harry, Mrs. Edward Keller and Percelia Miller of Milwaukee, Wis.; Mr. and Mrs. Peter iThelen and son, P*ter, Jacob Miller | and Philip and Reinhart Miller of Sfuckville, Wis.; Mr. and Mrs. Simon j Peerling, Charles Peerling, Adeline Miller and Anna Seeber of Port W^fihr. in*ton, Wis. --w , . ' j Milwaukee h** *• ar ise ; ^ $ Mm SAVE YCUk sM'iK. maaOm of «he year. You need the Asip edged, duty tead-biting grip of the greatest safety tire evee built--Firestone Gum-Dipped Balloons! In world*rfcord mountain rllinhs and en* durance runs, thin tread hai proved its safety and toughness. Oae look shows you that Firestone has the mwi n«lpplng edges el any treed you ever saw. It's worth many times the cost ofa new irt of Firestone* to feel the safety of this famous tread beneath yah Apd they gfrethegiseteet mileage ever buflttatoattee. See us today. BUSS-PAGE MOTOR SALES umtmtatMMea , "WE SEKVK ARgR WE SELL" tBONE 30 H'BENBT I'.'."1 - IT i y' Vt-- ^ ; • :y _ . H. >'* • s 1 ? , J, - *"V* • , k '• . ' LOOK Ml a MEAT SATunnAT, MAacu its: WImm? at the is Central ' ' ?v, V, ; i . Ml it. n ~ : wairwir 'UkrMAi^ Also Special Honey Brand Ham and Bacon Sale and .Demonstration. You know the Honey Brand--the ham and bacon with the mild honey flavoi tk TOhEY TOAUB ItMM, per lb. Vf • HONEY BRAND BACOH, per lb BACON SQUARES, per lb. PICNIC HAMS, per lbv BOILING BEEF, per lb. POT ROAST, per * - . .» • r'<W , "•A **--4- . ^ 31c 33c 19c '»" 1 mii • 4 Jrf' ; „ «• ¥' n ^rigijfiii »S|ji 11 'if? •>* ' ft ROLLED RIB ROAST per lb. VEAL HEARTS per lb. BoneleH| > is J VEAL TONGUESR per lb. # VEAL BRAINS, per lb SLICED LIVER, per lb. 1 mwm mmm3 19c 18c 28c 38c 20c 20c 15c 20c Home Butchered Pork ESHHAM, iIVVi |RESH PORK JPORJT LOIN, 29c perlbt_ FORK SHOULD: per lb. SPARE RIBS, HECK BONES, per lb..... IM for m. -4 W^- fRESH AND SMOKED FISH AND OYSTERS fORK SAUSAGE, per lb. SIDE PORK, per lfe UVER SAUSAGE, per lb. r-- -'I'lpgiiai*! No COTTAGE CHEESE, ^ OOp ^>er 'I f Nowtathe time to fray LARD--Ksrfeer'sso-i*. tins, Don't miss this sale of ali meat sales " Sandwiches Free W*1 ir^ vS. oKomoE J. acHREnnn rnflfll a. m. We deliver, call 80-M W* We buy hogs, veal ahd > -a.3ii&| '