Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Mar 1929, p. 6

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^/r. *7.* i, W-';. 14 1929 W'MMW f1*', Gh)* Cfceerfally ' * • tfMmld give as we ifcnld «fr cheerfully, quickly, ind withooi Mtdtatton: for there Is do grsce to s ttaeflt that sticks to the • 6.el. EWa • ".' '..yUt world. •* It keep" movin'," ssM I 7 Eben. "give* a* de only Mod W jH free ride we has any reason to hope lilir."--Washington Star. Drift Law Upheld , mhi were s number «f MM taken to the Supreme court refardln* the draft during the World war. la every instance the constitutionality of 'the draft law **s upheld. ^ -- -- • 4P 'A • " r ' EfTpiiMl Had Glii» Glass has been foand in Egyptian tombs dating back 1,4<J0 years B. C This glass has almost the same chero leal composition as modern glass. GUARANTEED 11 DEEP MAEOKL PERMANENT, WITH OB = Without ringlet ends; also boiM> ' < ' 5 , , . - • OTOL OR S W I R L WAVE •- J'»V \ '• : ft Limited Time Only legnlftT $!• Wtfe, now • . INCLUDING SHAMPOO AND FINGER WAVE MNGWOOD Mrs. George Shepard entertained the Banco club and a few friends on Thursday afternoon, Prises were won by M&rs. Ed Thompson, first; Miss Ethel IJiggers, second; Its. Ben Justen, third; and Mrs. Charles Shepard the consolation. Mrs. Viola Lour was awarded the prize for the most number of buncos. At the close refreshments were served. Billy and Leon Jr., Dodge are sick with scarlet fever. Mrs. George Yopilg, who has been very ill at her home the past three weeks, is slowly improving. Mlae and Roy Wiedrich spent Friday afternoon in McHenry. • Charles Krohn was a McHenry visitor Friday afternoon. , Louise Williams cane home from Chicago Thursday to spend a week with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carr and Mr. and Lester Carr were Woodstock visitors Friday afternoon. Virginia Parker of Solon Mills visited Maple Square school Friday. Frank Wiedrich spent Monday even ing in Solon Mills. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Peet were Richmond visitors Wednesday. Mrs. Louis Schroeder and daughter, Jessie, spent Saturday and Sunday with Chicago friends. Louis Schroeder and S. W. Brown spent Sunday in Chicago. Davis Walkingtoo and Miss Helen Rice spent the week-end with friends at Libertyville. ' Mr. and Mrs. Ray Peters spent Sunday with relatives at Hunter and Belvidere. Mr. and Mks* Chfries ;,Carr and Mrs. Frank Stephenson spent Sunday 1st Woodstock. Mrs. Rillah JVms spent -the past week with her son, Floyd, at Woodstock. Mrs. Frank Stephenson spent from Monday to Wednesday with her sister at Woodstock, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Thompson were McHenry visitors Monday afternoon. Mrs. Nick Young is visiting in the home of her daughter at McHenry. Mrs. Paul Meyers and children spent Sunday in the Ed Thompson home. MV>. HoPof-ld HfugM'r. Nellie, apd son, John, attended a funeral at Harvard Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. McLaughlin and ;f& A: A'tM: if*** M Cora Beth and Mrs. Oliver Law ^ ^ ^ _ __ ^ i ^ ^ rence were McHlenry visitors Friday ^",^-ter, Juii "awl Miss Nellie Mc afternoon, ' Donald attended the show at Wood- Eva Willisana went to Milwaukee 8tocjc Thursday evening. Friday to spend a week with relatives. A of Pure Dekalb Seeds Mr. and M!rs. I^she Olsen of Mc- }jmt McHenry Co. Fanners Henry spent Wednesday in the r rank P. Ail- _ « Wiedrich home. ^ ' IT Arlene Merchant of Solon Mills EXPERIENCED OPERATORS ONLY We are Accredited Operators of HAIR AGAIN Scalp and Hair Shampoo and "MASK 0' UTH" ifeii- Mat- $ sage Liquid Mask Supplies. For Sale at ' % •' Mam Street oppe McHenry 208-K i spent Thursday evening in the Fred Wiedrich home. Mx. and Mrs. Ed Hopper and Mrs. James Rainy were Woodstock visitors Saturday. Mr. ad Mrs. Elmer Olsen were Woodstock visitor# Saturday afternoon. John Dreymiller and Mrs. J. F. !•« Tedayl Bless the old dime novel. The bey caught reading one looked scared but be didn't hlnsh.-- f'apper's Weekly w AIR MAIL ENVELOPES ; The Plaindealer has air mail envelopes on sale for the accommoda- „ ^ tt 11 , tlon of those who wish to use this Qaxton of Mgenry ww callers in Wanch Qf the po8tal For the George Shepard home Sunday routed long distances across morning. the country this service is the quickest '% Mr and « and under the new postal regular> Floyd Foss at the Woodstock hospital ^ tfce CQgt ,g fiye centg for the Sunday afternoon. first oirnce and ten cents for each ad Floyd Hopper of McHenry spent ditjonJ ounc<, ^ enveiopes have§ Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. ^ necessary markings and may be lui Hopper. , , I purchased in any quantity from °°e Mr. and Mrs. Frank Block of Ke- ^ RECEIVING We Welcome thqr Children at this nosha spent Sunday in the home of the latter's parients, Dr. and Mrs. Hepburn, Mr. and Mrs. G. I!. Shepard and family spent Sunday with McHenry relatives. Edward Harrison of Elgin spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. | George Harrison. Mr. and Mrs DR. JOSEPH C. FEELEY Dentist McHenry - - Illinois in McHenry: Fridays 10 8 p.m Saturdaysd 7:30 p.m Sundays by appointment,; Max Beth and son, I Artificial teeth made by the Davies Billy, of Chicago spent Wednesday in process. Latest electrical equipment the William Beth home. ' and modern methods. We want them to learn as they grow up, that this bank is the right place for them to come when they transact any financial matters. Our advice in any problems which may arise about their savings account will be as fully and carefully given as in matters involving many dollars. Bring your boy in and introduce him to til* fallows. Citizens Ststc Bniik OP McHENRY L^; "The Bank That Helps Ton Get Arthur AntclifT of Elgin spent Thursday in the Clay Rager home. Mrs. Charles Shepard of Richmond spent Thursday in the George Shepard home. Charles Shepard; spent Thursday evening there. Mrs. George Worts of McHenry was a caller in the home of her sistet1, Mrs. Ed Thompson Tuesday evening. Mrs. Jack Nichols is spending a few days in the George Young home. Miss Erna McCannon is visiting in the home of her brother, William McCannon and tvife. Norma Whiting fetUVned to Chicago Sunday evening after spending the past week With her parents. Mis Mrs. Wade Sanborn of Spiring Grove spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.T. A. Abbott. Mr.and Mrs. G. A. Stevens spent Sunday in the Charles Sttntt hone in Kenosha. Riverside Drive over BarbiaH% Grocery and Market Office Hours: 11 to 12 a. m.--2 to 4 . and 7 to 8 p. m. Sundays and Holidays by Appointment DR. J. A. STREET PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Res. and Office Phone 274 Pries Bldg. McHenry, lit' WM. M. CARROLL Lawyer with Kent & Coap«(> • " Every Wednesday Phene S McHenry, Illinois McHENRY GRAVEL A EXCAVATING CO. A. P. Fremiti, Prop. m™. a. w. Simth, Mrs. F^A^Hitdi- Building and Excavatin ' ens, Mrs. G. A Stevens anda Mrs. H™ . 0f Every Description Stephenson attended the Social « , . , •Wheel at MlcHenry Thursday. |rS^jCstimates Furnished on Carl Fay of CUeago spent Sunday > Request with his mother, lfrs.Jeimie Spauid-1 Gravel Delivered Miss Viola Rager spent Tuesday in at any time large or Etma Chicago. ' orders given prompt attention. Mrii. Charles Peet sprat Saturday ^ 204-M McHenry at Elgin and Crystal Lakh A . '/ TtnWEW OAKLAND ML AMERICAN SIX Dorothy Peet of Woodstock sprat • t P a few days the past week with her IBSBTC" 11 jilC a lllSllrtBO( parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Peet. I with -- Olive and Mildred Jepson spent 8at-' «tt n - t • _ . urday and Sunday with relatives IS VV Hie VjFe ^Ollr01Xl6j. Elgin. George Harrison and son, Raymond, were Woodstock visitors Saturday sfternoon. Mxs, G. A. Stevens attended the Relief Corps at Richmond Friday. Miss Agnes Thompson of Chicago spent the week-end witl\. her parents. Clark Huson of Elgin spent Fridav in the home of his daughter, Mrs. C. J 9, Jepson. Mbr. and Mrs. Henry Henzie of| Auctioneering OFFICE AT RESIDENCE Pkone 93-R McHenry, Illinois C. W. XLONTZ, M. D. Physician and Surgeon (Also treating all diseases of the Ey% Ear, Nose and Throat and the Fitting of Glasses) Office Hours--8 to 9 a. m., 2 to 4 and f: -J f Tnai tiffin uws bustioo, which b«lf>s to create the v«*y aotioHMt MMOthMW and ffejtbai Of. Nosh CEMMor p«rforflttJ»ce. And stl!£ fiaodur result ofTwia Ieid< tlon is mars ^ifcsfcoaiMtos, wmc& prevents wastid fneL With Twin Ignition, instrad of singla icnition, higher compr-->ion b practical, nod the same Nash motor prodaces 914 smti b*rttp0W9r, 3 mUm mm kmr wrt *p--d» smd2 txtrm miUsfftm tviry gmUm of gtmlimt ym bmy. THE New Nash Twin4gnMoa tor has two big aircraft spark pfocs tor each cylinder, snvt^ad of the ordinary fungie j^ng, as cm «M ' oiagfnin above. ':XV-, V^och pings fire simultaneously, fie vapor is ignited at two points in- 'f ttead of die usual one. One effect i* ^^micktr combustion, which produces :: ' more power, more speed, much faster acceleration. . Another result is, aserv ss^in ^NewNAS H *400f« w Ike ffWM <ss Jisisr dsr VWM« : k " llfORfART "4*V IIAVOlil-M mTM*M CAM JK4* CRM TwiM-Ignidoo nocee Aiassinaas allojr pistoas Bi)ur oemrsliasd • Longer ahsslbssss ^ High compression Tordooal vihr»do« Houdaille and Lovsjoy shock ebeorbecs World's easiest wserlag im*i*t*» N«4 7.fcjfeHng crankihail |sk>o Bodies (Mhw mmt Hm) chassis Islnii sil|pv Qne-yiees Salon Electric dock* -- leasees BOKior metalware Clear visiMi pomm cbroflie olittd ow * Sdksl P NMhS^lDsslin . Croat sad «sse Short tarninc ca^VI hoes pert Cenrge A. Stilling Garage fhencll MeHeary, minois HOME can Crystal Lake spent Sunday evening i 7 to 8 p. m. Sundays by Appointment Hi the George Harrison home. * i Office at Residence, Waukegan Road. Mr. and Mjs. G. A. Stevens . Phone 181 McHenry, III McHenry visitors Saturday. | -- Mrs. Catherine Young of McHenry j Telephone No. 108-R Spent Saturday evening and Sunday I gtoffel ft ReihanspergOT > the home of her son, George, and agenU ,u eta,Beg Mry.nd Mn. R.lph Smith of H.r-! in 0» b«rt yard spent Sunday in the S. W. Smith WEST McHENRY - - ILLINOIS iind Lyle Hopper homes. % £-• ation proves that it has Mo equal at its pric# JMore for your money. More beauty, luxury and style. More balanced power* *4qpeed and acceleration. That's what yem get in the New All-American Six • • . This ^greatest of all Oaklands is enjoying ever* ^iadmuing populsurity. Simply because ha- ;^mt%ation proves that it has no Cful fci all that it offers at its ptiee. A. W. Smith and Lou Smith went to Chicago Monday, evening with a «arload| of hogsi. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Hopper and pisses Bemice and Mercedes Smith Attended the show at Woodstock on ^Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Jackson and f&rri. jily of Solon Mjlls, Mr. and Mrs, u Charles Frey and family of Deerfieid, Sand, Gravel and Coal for Sale Plr and M« Leslie Allen and Mr. Qr„din^ Graveling and Road «nd Low of Hebron and M*v apd Mrs. " ^ ttm--tun. tmd Mm Hm i'i'„ fc: '^•ICeHBMaT AUTO SALaS Kt- i-'. X 0a V. & U Kear MK l^pd •mJkLi Phone 126-W Keasonable Katsa A. H. SCHAEFER. Draying McHENRY - - - ILUNQia HENRY V. SOMFSL General Teaming ent Sunday in was a Chicas Elmer Olsen spent the^Sai Beattv home. S. W. Smith wafa Chicago visitor Tuesday and attended a milk meeting, Mrs. G. A. Stevens attended a parity at Mrs. Ryan's at Richmond Tuest day. Start your chicks on Full-O-Pep. Chick Starter. FV>r sale at McHenry) Co. Farmers Co-Op. Assn. 41 George Herbert of Woodstock is visiting in the home of his daughter, Mrs. Sam Beatty Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walkington and son, Paul, attended church at Woodstock Sunday. They were dinner guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Morris and family. Smart new dresses for Easter, priced at $5.95, |7.95, $10.96, $12.00 and $16.00 Flat crepes, printed crepes and fancy silks. Nobby Style Shop, MlcHenry. < 41 Mr, Sam yw ork Done By Contract ; or By Day Phone McHenry 649-R-l ~P. 0. Address, Route 3 A McHenry, Bl. ' HSKKAHJ. SOBASTSS MoriaC Md [_• , OiitMMW iBwutaj PBOMB MM KcHMfT, DUsoK V Cook with THE modern home is equipped with GA§. Wherever gas is Available, no household is modern without it. And now gas is available beyond the city limits of the large dries. Soon no home--anywhere-- will be completely modern unless it : <$jas gas--Skelgas. : Gas is clean. Kitchens an cool and comfortable. Hot water can be had at any time. Meals can be prepared in a jiffy. No heat is wasted. Instant heat When you want it--off goes the beat at Once when you no longer need it. Using 1 Sk||^a$ Jjjane only one-half inch high, you can boil a quart of water in abouj||:;- five minutes. , Jv^ith all these advantages, no wonde| j^blgas is!die modern fuel for homes beyond the reach of the gss mains. FoJ Skelgas is just like city gss, except that it produces a hotter flame. Skelly Ofl Company separates from natural gas this elements which give cleanest, hottest flame, then compress and bottle this sep» anted gas. It is concentrated so ths| about 375 burner hours sugnjy tained in each seed qrlinder. > We will be glad to tell you more about Skelgas. Come in to see a demonstration. i. «DN fab CQMwmssEff NATURAL GASj J , I PETER H. ,iv . - . : Plumbing ana Heating • v ' 'f; • 'if-5*,-? ^'• 4I- "':' • ^ 'T / , ' *** . >* '* -si ;,vtr tiiillir-Q 'mji- is.. usx thi 0LAB8irtxfi C0LTj*Ks r0* Qtnci:*nniL«i € A V r.,.» . ^ - t , „ *

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