Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Mar 1929, p. 8

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•tT #7. S w •.$ ' ,; it •','.- v *y' •« > •• • *' THE M'HENEY PLAINDEALER, THURSDAY, MARCH 21, 1929. THE McHENRY, ILLINOIS THURSDAY -- FRIDAY MARCH 21-2t Carinne Griffith 44 Outcast 99 A vivid roaanct «f a San Franciseo girl of the tenderloin. And the Late Metro Comedy "FEED AND WEEP** - SATURDAY MARCH 23 _ William Boyd -' '• 'fas kig sensational coesedy drams ••"•" "Power" with JACQUELINE UXJAN AKD ALAN HALE Dont Miss This Breeay Comedy WITH ORPHEUM VAUDEVILLE Pathc WorWs Latest News Hardy and Laurel in ; y^TWE EAW DOWN";, EASTERN STAR A regular meeting of McHenry chapter, Order of Eastern $tar, will he held Monday night at which time there will be balloting. At a special meeting on Saturday night, March 80, past matrons' and patrons' night will be observed with Mrs. Alice Lindsay as worthy, matron and Dr. R. G. Chamberlin as worthy patron. On April 11, there will a school of instruction at Waukegan chapter. Also on April 11, the annual bazaar, cafeteria dinner and card party will be held at the Eastern Star hall with fancy work and useful articles on sale. The worthy matron, Miss Arline Harrison, will act as worthy matron during the initiatory work at Bethel chapter, Elgin, Friday evening, at which time her sister-in-law T*a^ ,be initiated. ENTERTAINS tfUNCO CfctJll Mrs. William Marshall entertained the members of her bunco club at her home on Wednesday afternoon of last week. Two tables of bunco were in I,play and the first prise was won by iMrs. John F. Knox, fche second prize fiends j,ere Sunday, ' by Mlrs. Roy Smith, while the cooso WEEKLY PERSONALS COMERS AND GOERS OF A WEEK IN OUR CITY , As Seen By Plaindealer Reporters and Handed In Mrs. John E. Freund spent Thurfday in Chicago. Miss Clara Schiessle spent Friday in Chicago. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Ben Baur were Elgin visitors Thursday. • , Jacob Buss of Belvldere visited relatives here Sunday. John E. Freund was a Chicago passenger Wednesday. Mrs. Thomas Kane visited at Kenosha. Wis., Monthly. Francis Bonslett of Chicago was a MJcHenry visitor Tuesday. Miss Laura Karls of Chicago spent Sunday at home here. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Newman were Chicago visitors Tuesday. Miss Adeline Vocrt of Geneva visit- METHODI&T CHURCH Yott are invited to attend ' PETER GLOSSON 4 , \Feter Glosson, 55 years old, died at his home at Waukegan, 111., on Wed- " COMMUNITY CHURCH Eastef is very near now and our at the M. E. church every Sunday and choir and young people are, planning •also every evening next week during for a great service that day. Are £?assion week. i Morning worship, 11 o'clock. Sunday school, 10 o'clock.' Epworth League, 6 p. n. you planning to come? Next Sunday iB what we call Palm Sunday--the day our Lord rode into jTerusalem, while the crowd shouted Next Sunday evening the Epworth {"Hosanna to the Son of David," and nesday, March 20, 1929^ as the result League will have a special program j aRked the question, "Who is this?" of heart trouble, Although of late years he has resided at Waukegan, Mr. Glosson aliways considered this city as his home and some interesting pictures will be shown. All members are invited to be present and bring their friends. Beginning next Sunday evening SUNDAY MARCH 24 Special Matinee Z:3Q AESOP'S FABLES ~ "HAUGHTY BABY" with • ALICE WHITE AND JACK Ml'LHALL ORPHEUM VAUDEVILLE LA' rpr^onn SCREEN NOVELTY "ODDITIES" AND A HAL ROCHE COMEDY 3 NIGHTS ^TABTIWG MONDAY, MARCH 25 "Uncle Cabin" MARVEL OF THE SCREEN rHE PLAY THAT WILL LIVE £OREVER IN YOUR MEMORY iii "• i i' rr - *<r . „ i Peter M. Freund attended the golf latiosi went to Mrs. William Marshall.,^ jn chicajro Thursday. The prize for throwing the largest number of buncos went to Mrs. Fred Nickels, Jr. Refreshments were served in the colors of green and white, appropriate to St. Patrick's d»ar. •W;;;! > ! Dr. and Mre. J. A. Street visited friends at Belvidere Sunday. - Carl phd Robert Weber were Chicago visitors Tuesday evening. Mrs. Mollie Givens and family visited relatives in Elgin Sunday. Miss Berteel Spencer of Chicago spent the week-end in McHenry. Supt. C. H. Duker will go to Marengo Friday to judge a debate. Alvin Peterson is attending an auto VISIT POTTERY WORK# The general science classes of the Community high school visited the Haeger pottery works at Dundee and __ the Terra Cotta factory Tuesday j 8Cj,0ol at Janesville, Wis., this week, bioming. They were accompanied by, Mjgg Maude Granger of Chicago and his body was brought to the home ; pre-Easter services will be held every of his sister, Mxs. John Schaid, at , evening during the week at 7^0 and McHenry today, Thursday, from where the funeral will be held Friday. vices on Easter morning. There is something very Pteter Glosson was the son of John Priate about the services of the va- As a church we are glad to have her • -- -•--t--«•-- with us again. That will be the theme of next Stttn dav morning's sermon. ' Sunday school at 10 a. m. Church service at 11 a. m. The choir meets on Friday with Mrs. Cox and the Orchestra will meet on Thursday at Mrs. VycitalV We understand that Mrs. C. W. GOodell appro- j has tetumed to her home and friends. their instructors, Mr. Willis Miss Kortendick. . . BARBER SHOP TO MOVE ^ New equiment is being installed .for the opening of the Central barbeij shop, conducted by Messrs. Kirchei* and Dreymiller, in the Hunter building next week. E. J. spent the week-end with home folks. Mrs. P. H. Weber and daughter, and Catherine Glosson and Was bom ™us churches during the Lenten seaat McHenry, 111., on Jan. 19, 1874. Life is being considered in its His childhood was spent in this viein- "o?1 serious aspects. And life is a. ROYAL BUNCO CLUR ity but for the past twelve years he serious thing. The best and great- The members of the Neighborhood has been at Waukegan, Where he held est estimate of human and jjunco cj„b were entertained at the the position of foreman in the Johns-1 values are being made during these | ^OMC DF Mrs. John P. Freund on Manville factory. 1an<? answers to the deeped and (Thor8day afternoon of last wtelc. A In the autumn of 1899 he was mar- f108* universal experiences of human- • pi€a3an{_ afternoon was spent in playried to Anna Bellar of Humphrey, {*7 ®Je keing w>ught out. The prom- bunco and the first prize was won Neb., and to this union sevfer children ise^of a« auuiidaai. life foriUus worla j^rs. por(j jackson, the second were born, six of whem survive him, and of eternal life for another worWjweilt to Mlrs. Tony Freund, the third one son, William, having passed away are extended to us Uirough Jesus to Otto Johnson, the fourth in Nebraska. Christ- «e hvef.' He died, He rose prize t Mrs JenRen< while the C0R. On May 25, 1914, his wife died and «"», and ever lives to intercede for ( solation ^ carricd away by Mrs. •in the autumn of 1925 he was mar- U9- Because He hv^s we shall live, j>eter \y Freund. Refreshments ried to Pearl Blair, at St. Louis, Mo., ®Iso- Y.°« ^11 gain much good and ^ gerved - who, with one daughter, Katherine, receive inspiration from these meetis left to mourn his death. Your prsence will be welcomed . Besides his widow, Mrs. Pearl Glos- ^ y°u ®Te '™ted to attend the S?J* son, and daughter, Katherine, he is ™es to be held every evening, with survived by three sons, Joe Glosson the exception of Saturday next week*f of Waukegan, and Clarence and Ed-; Choir practice at the home of ward of McHenry, and three daugh- James Sayler Friday evening at 7:3% ters, Mrs. Walter Jensen of North M3SS Marvel, director of religiou^ Chicago, Mrs. E. J. Kelley of North education for this district was presChicago and Miss Regina Glosson, ent at a meeting of the S, unday- school now of North Chicago, but formerly teachers and officers Sunday after ^ of this city, where she made her hdme "pon, at which tune some profitably Helen, were Chicago visitors Satur- ^ ^ aunt ^ uncle Mr and plans were worked out to aid m mak»: day. <(' ' i Mrs. John Schaid. He is also sur- the Sun^ school more interests Miss Marie Baer of Chicago was ajvived by two brothers, Tom Glosson in^ as wel1 as instructive for the •week-end"guest of Miss Pauline Ken, j of Humphrey) Neb., and Math' Glos-1members* nebeck. " ,|sori of McHenry; and five sisters,! . Mrs. Stephen Heimer spent several j^rs. Mary VanDyke. of Humphrey, PROPOSALS TO LEASE POSTIf dajrs last week with Chicago relatives • Neb George Schaid, McHenry, j OFFICE QUARTERS WANTEt> a vvniTvrimpvr . ian!?,.*"eTK^i- , t* _* Fred Karjls, McHenry, Mrs. John Chicago, Illinois, Mareh 15, 1929. "fi* ran - „r^flsses Elizabeth Vogt aftd Ruth|Schaid jyrcH«nry, and Mrs. James The undersigned will receive sealed Hopper candidate for con- wbitmg of Chicago were McHenry Mwrray of #AUCOnda. One brother, proposals up to and including April ^ A^"'^ rt10™ l-and*y=. » , . ' Niehol.. OloSS»„, .nd two ?2, 0r such S.»on,l>le l.fer Li at the election, Tuesday, April 2. Mrs Simon StofTel spent several | Mrs John j. Miller and Mrs. Eiizabeth as mav ^ deemed necessary by the ,days last week as the guest of rela- ^ Rothermel, all of MeHenry, preceded undersigned to complete negotiations iiim in death. for furnishing suitable quarters foe Flower kinds, a Erickson'i •nd complete i. j. i nil..: garden seedti of assortment- Watch for the announcement of the new millinery store to be opened in McHenry before Easter. .rfc: TURKEY MAY LOSE PRETTY FATIMAS W--f Reform to B« Uidir taken by GhazL HERMAN J. SCHAEFEE Moving and Ltag Distance Haolljif PRONE MM McHoorjr, IUiiioia ^ ' rurwyWif L"iii n n rpi^w Angora, Turkey.--Fourteen million Turks are lo frantic search of a family name. Warning signals have beeo up for some time that the ghazl was contemplating a name reform aod now a commission has been fjorme^ tq frame a law. All the Fat!mas, Mo^aphas. Hussions and Hassans of thl$ land where fafhil.v names have never existed will tie obliged to concoct a Turkish counterpart fo: Smith, Jones and Brown,, and tag It to their given names. The confusion arising from the fact rhnt hundreds of thousand of wom?n are all called by the same name of Fatima and hundreds of thonsands of men by the same tag, Mustnpha, baa brought about this next occidental, reform of champion reformer Kemal. In prescribing family names for his Tur«il» ghazl Is once again floating Koranic precept. It Is said that fhe red«on for the absence of family names among the Moslem Tnrks is to be found,!A a verse from the Koran which exhorts: "Be not proud of your father's, your grandfather's or your anoeston' names. It la what yon are yourself that counts." --to give yourself line best in Dak Writing-toqjg ---the Woman Chemist Delves Into Mystery of Coal Pittsburgh, Pa.--The value of a lump of coal Is engaging the aiten lion of Milada Ifrierilova, twenty-four, research chemist from Czechoslovakia Miss Friedlova devotes nearly all her time to the study of coal analyst? and heat experimentation at Carnegie Institute of Technology. '8he spent alpe years at the University of Prague and the last four years has been doing chemical research work lo the state higher Industrial school of Prague. The young woman wal among the forty or more graduates sent to the United States under the auspices <>f the Masaryk Academy of Work and the American-English douncll for He search In the mutual interest of tinhomeland and the country visited. She is an attractive brunette and has translated several scleptiflc Chechoslovakian publications Into Oer msn and English. tives in Chicago Mr. and Mrs. Frank Strain of Richmond were recent guests in the home of Dr. and Mrs. C. W!. Klontz. Mr. and Mrs. Ford Jackson and family spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Josephine Frett, at Johnsburg. Jack Choate, who has been a resident of this city for the past year, left Thursday for Indianapolis, Ind. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Vales and daughter, Marie, attended the funeral of a relative in Chicago Thursday. Mrs. Henry Heimer spent Thursday and Friday in the home of her daughter, Mrs. K. M. Bradley, at Woodstock. Mr. and Mlrs. William Dreyer and little >on* William, were week-end Visitors in the home of Mrs. Henry Block. Jack Sherman of Belvidere is the new mechanic at Overton & Cowen's fearage, having started work Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Frett and son of Chicago visited in the home of the former's parents, Mr; and Mrs. J. J. Frett, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Newman spent Friday and Saturday in the home 6f their son, Charles Newman, and family, in Chicago.' Mrs. Dwight Williams and little daughter of Athens, Ohio, are guests in the home of her parents, Mr.' and Mrs. Fred Cooley. Mrs. M. J. Wal^h, daughters Mary, and Eleanor and sons, Quentin and Melvin and Miss Ellen Doherty motored to Chicago Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Brown, proprietors of the Royal Bhie store on Riverside I>rive. are now living in the Quinn house east of the river. Mrs. Lerner and little "^on of Chicago spent several days the first of the week as the guest of Mrs. Joe Smith at her home on J| hn street. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Martin of Volo and Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Martin of Round Lake attended the card party at St. Patrick's church Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. William H. Althoff and family were Sunday visitors in the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. WiHiam Althoff, at Johnsburg. Mr. and Mrs: Harold Tacki of Kenosha, Wle., and Thomas Walkmgton of Richmond were Sunday visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kane. Mr. and Mrs. John Weber of Spring Grove and "Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Vogel of Solon were guests in the home of Mir. and Mrs. Ford Jackson Monday evening. Mlrs. Fannie Overton of Solon Mills suffered Deceased was a^ member of the Im- postoffice purposes at McHenry, IHiifi maculate Conception Catholic church nois, a stated price per annum, in<«f at Waukegan. eluding heat, light?, water, toilet fab The body was brought to the home cilities, safe or vault, and all necear of his sister, Mrs. John Schaid, at gary furniture and equipment, under McHenry, on Thursday, from where a lease for five or ten years front the funeral services will be held at when ready for occupancy. St. Mary's church on Friday morti-| Floor space of about 1,100 squarS ing, March 22, 1929, at 10 o'clock, feet is desired. with burial at St. Mary's cemetery. ANNUAL TOWNSHIP MEETING AND ELECTION Notice is hereby given to the legal voters, residents of the township of McHenry, County of McHenry, Illinois, that the annua! township meeting and election of officers of aaid township will take place Tuesday, the 2nd day of April proximo, being the first Tuesday in said month. The election will begin at the hour of 7 a. m. and close at 5 p. a. in the places designated as follows: Precinct No. X, Woodman Sail, Ringwood, III. , Precinct No. 2, City Hall, McHenry, 111. Precinct No. 8, Colby Bldg., Mo- Henry, 111. * The officers to be elected are: " One Supervisor, two Justices of the, Peace, two Constables. The town meeting will open in the. City Hail, McHenry, HI., at the hour of 2 p. m. and after choosing a mod-. 'erator, will proceed to hear and consider reports of o f f i c e r s , to apprtf^ I '1 priate money to defray the neeessary t - expenses of the township, and io ue- •A - - t ;NC " liberate and decide on such measures I, as may, in pursuance of law, come k. bpfere the meeting.. * Given under my hand this 19th jtoyf-fi'V of March, A. D. 1929. ' 'T CHAS. B. HARMSEN, 42-2 - Township Clerk. •< smorn ' ' ' ' •> amazing ease ii . a v'"t j-?* MISS MARY CORKINS Good daylight and a reasonably central location are important consider* ations. Specifications and blank proposals Chicago, may be obtained from the postmaster instantly and a sample form of lease may be iss Mary Corkins, of about 83 years old, was killed by an automobile in Chicago examined in his office. Friday evening. The evening was a Diagrams of the rooms offered rainy one and as she was in the act should be submitted, t showing inside of crossing the street she was struck by a car, which she had observed. Funeral services wei Monday morning Patrick's cemetery, day afternoon. le naa not ooservea. t, MHTenry, Ifond intensions, offsets,, floors, windows, etc. The Pos toff ice Department reserves th'e right to reject any or all pro* posals. Proposals must be- sealed, address- Miss Corkins was Vhe qpAjj! & Mrs. J ed to the undersigned and endorsed J. E. M)cAndrews of tfHs^a«y/1>eiflg J "McJTenry, Illinois, Lease Proposal.1* WM. P. KRUMBIEGEL, - Postoffice Inspector, ; Chicago, Illinois. •tl V IFAftfSWG authorities on a Home Decoration say: "Use colorful Duco freely in every room." Decide today what you will transform with this famous finish t o morrow. You'll find it delightfully essy to use. It brushes oa so freely and levels out so smoothly. And m a few minutes it's dryl Come in and let us show you how you can bring new. color to almost every object in your house wis simple way. In twenty-two popular colors, four Stains, and the popular* transparent clear. DUCO ..dries quickly. .easy to use • XHQMAS P. BQLGER : ; "The McHenry Druggist" ^ £tione 40 ' . •- NcHc -, utd was tn surviving member of thi*faAlily. Among those from oufc'GfltoWtf irtio attended the burial services at St K^h".,dT5r, Mr"nd » » * 11II11 HI 111. , 111 Mrs. Ed Keough, Mrs. Moran, Mr. and Mrs. Nullinger and son, Mr. and Mrs. Carlan of Chicago and Laura and Jerome Courtney of Wauconda. je • HENRY 8CHNA0K Henry Schnack died at his home on! the Nichollson farm at Inglesnde Tuesday night, death being caused by ptomaine poisoning. Funeral services will be held at the M. E. church, McHenry, Fridav aftetnoon at 2:30 o'clock with Rev. W. Bonham officiating. Burial at Woodland cemetery. Mr. Schnack waS the father of Mrs. W. V. Brandenburg, present owner of the Nichollson farm., "*** V" WAHl FOUNTAIN WSKS&0 Then you*ll have the 100& ' XConvenience oi an easywriting Wahl Pen, always * buady ior instant writingr- --and the distinctive beauty ol the WAHL bases, fashioned from rich Italian Marble or Gold-veined Onyx. Set illustrated has Marble fcl9e and Black rubber pen --$10--try it and the many Others at-- Thomas P. Bolgcr McHenry Druggist" 4# McHenry, 111. FORMER PASTOR OF LOCtAI, CHURCH DIES IN CANADA Word was received by relatives in Elgin Saturday morning from Wawota, Saskacnewan, Canada, telling of the death of Rev. S. W. Lauck, which occurred there sviddenly the n%ht becfore. Rev. <Laock was in Wawota on a short business trip from Elbura, where he had recently taken a charge. His wife and daughter, Miss Edith Lauck, left Saturday afternoon for die Canadian city, whete Rev. Lauck will be buried. Rev. and Mrs. Lauck and their fam- . pa^ic'^trokrat^thei11^ "ts <>f McHenry . t> ! at which time Rev. Lauck was pastor » h!I of the local M. E. church and will be well and favorably remembered by many residents here. Writer Is Sponsor fori1 Big Turnip Marathon Orlando. Fla. -- Katherine Holland Bjrown, who won a $25,000 magazine latter part of 1927 with ^(WP^ilPfTlie Father," believes that there afe other things In life than the business of being a successful novel- Ut « , _ One, she believes. Is condumng turnip- growing contests among the negroes of Orlando, where she maintains her winter home, and in five near-by towns. Miss Brown offered prizes for the best "back yard" turnips grown within a limited time upon the premises of the contestants Bonslett, at Crystal Lake the last of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Petrrie and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hilton of Elgin and Mrs. C. H. Wells of Wauconda were guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Sampson Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Amman and family have moved from the home of Mrs. Margaret McCarthy to the Huemann house on \the corner of Pearl and Court streets. Mr. and Mrs. John E. Freund and son, Vernon, drove to Woodstock Sunday afternoon, where tfiey visited AT thur Adams' little five-year-old son, Jack, who underwent an operation for appendicitis. Mr. and Mrs. fiarley Longenbach 'of Waukegan wejfe McHenry visitors 'Monday evening; at which time they, in company with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald "Newman, attended the Public Service play and dance at Barrington, as the guests of Mrs. Carl Mead and daugh- After leaving this city Rev. Lauck and family went to Canada, where they acquired a farm and where they lived until recently, Whea fes again resumed preaching. BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Reiaert of 487 Chicago street, Elgin, announce the birth of a son at St. Joseph's hospital, Tuesday. ,Mrs. Reinert was formerly Miss Agnes Young of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Williams are the parents of a daughter bom Tuesday night at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Cooley. ^ ^ e m We will appreciate your paying your ( ii I. m In Orlando. She\ based her awards npon the decisions ter, 'Evelyn, of Crystal Lake, of a trio of judges. The plan received approval of Interrarlnl welfare work-; ers, and coincidentally with her work on another novel and a group of short stories, the author Is conducting turnip contests la ST* towns la ceatral Florida. A room to rent? Advertise It in our classified department TAXES! The county treasurer has author ized tlhis bank to receive taxes. We wwliUll aapppprreecciiaattee your paying them ha&f.... West McHenry State Bank. 42tf BACHELOR GIRLS' BRIDGE CLUB Miss Theresa Brefeld entertained the Bachelor Girls' Bridge club at her home Thursday evening. A very enjoyable time was had by all with high prize going to Miss Theresa Brefeld and Miss Pauline Kennebeck took bome the booby. A fine lunch completed the evening's entertainment- Flower and garden seeds of all kinds, a complete assortment at Erickson's. 42 Formal opening of«the new milli nery store will be announced before Easter. 42 Flower and garden seeds of kinds, a complete assortment Erickson's. Authorized by County Treasurer •fjt: »*•. 3% Interest Paid on Saving Accounts West McHenry State Bank % '"The Bank That Service Built i liW

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