Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Mar 1929, p. 4

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* i f * * ? v . - * " • - - - ' > - " - ' •• ' -' ' ' - - - - - rMyy^fe?<-«W)fS -•wsrw '1*^1 *• fax M'HBNRT PUUHDEALEK, THURSDAY, MAEOH 21, UA' mt THE M'HENRY PLA1NDEALER Published every Thursday At McHenry, Hln by Charles F. Renicb. Entered m second-class matter lit the der the aet of May 8, 1879. f~ at KtHtarr^: BL, mu Safaaeriptien Rates Om Year ... Six Months -.....$2.00 4.M»mflt00 A. H. M06HER, Editor and W: BOWLING NOTES - On Saturday night the McH«nry town >'team ifhet the Woodstock bowling team in three closely contested games at the Pallace alleys with the McHenry men defeating the Woodstock agtrregation by 97 pins. McHenry lost the first game 832 to 939 but came . ~y.'5':.. back and won the second by 883 to ,;: . 829 and cttpped the third game with - Granger / the uncommonly big score of 1018 tajAvemfle •'"Avv^l ^870 giving the locals a total of 27881 jins to W<vjdatock's total of 2636 pins.j lardson had high total of 609 and' Ed Smith ..... R. Thorn peon H, Weber „ G. Weber Q Freund 140 .212 ......160 ....168 ....156 15f 151 141 180 191 185 166 130 212 138 AtVERTISEMENTS 821 820 831 USE THE CLASSIFIED COLUMNS FOR QUICHE RESULTS 186 FOR SALE FOR REHff FOR SALE OR KENT--Seven-room FOR RENT--Store and flat for rent house and garage on Blm street, on Main street. Tel. 147-W. 42 -J®, Phontf 102-M, or inquire «f W. M. 1 ,'Heimer. , 42-tf 719 775 775 j FOR DaV« : pjoeely followed by his opponent jlVeund D. Joslyrf with £97 pins The games)J- Rothermel 114 were as follow*; - ^ V E. M. Smith- ....ijfrl P"' & W. Rkhardaon......l67 • g. Bacon ,-..,....*181 PH. Simon 192 C. Rotherotel 162 200 156 191 184 180--463; FYett 242--609 201--538 207--590 188--5S8 Sima* .137 i...!00 ,.440 205 115 125 197 287 SALS--Two mammoth i'clr.; {drakes, ?2.50; one Buckeye 160-egg in- 1 eubator; oae Queen 175-egg incubator. J. W. Cristy, Ringwood. 42-2* FOR RENT--Five-room bungalow on river, furnished or un^usrnisKed. In- »t nwrahsii'i) Butliy, 42-lf 180 144 FOR RENT--Modern flat street. Call 14?«W, Main 41-tf •* 15, FOR -5-tube Atwater Kent WANTED 164 ra^io, with cabinet; -ery reasonable WANTED TO~BUY--Team of work jpnce^QiIl at Pistaqua Heights Coun- Worses. V t t -••iif-? ,879 7Mitry <»*••**"» ***»* «* 42* Syr ^ Schmitt Kuppf .--,-...160 146 JoslyH .214 201 Jenson ..$....198 166 Tryon ................--174 166 Hobbs 193 148 832 883 1018--27331'^tournament, winning 49 games and " OATS WANTED -- McHenry Flour 164 470 f "wiH receive the first prize of $65.o0n0 . interested call McHenry 194. 42-tf Mills. p^one 92-R ° 182 597 | The McHenry Lumber company team 162 526iwon the second prize of $55.00 and 189 529! Rothermel's carpenters won the third 178 514 i prize of $35.00. The standings of the | teams in the Business Men's league as 939 827 870--26361 taken from the score board are: Won Lost 41-2 FOR SALE--Full blood Red Chow WANTED TO TRADE--Brown turkey puppies, two months old. R. A - - Thompson. Phone 70-R. 42 gobbler 613-W-l. and white gander. Gall 42 On Wednesday and Friday nights Richardson's Motor Sales....49 14 of last week the teams in the Business McHenry Lumber Co 46 17 Men's league bowled their games with Rothermel's Carpenters 34 29 Schaefer's carpenters winning two{Karls Cafe , - 99 31 games from the Ringwood nursery Matthews Tonyan Co. .™...r...32 31 team. The|* McHenry Lunmber com-: Ringwood Nursery ....24 39 pany team took two games from the | Schaefer's Carpenters 22 Matthew Tonyan men and the Karls; Woodstock Conway Bros 13 Cafe team copped two games from Paul Karls bowled the high Individ- I Pearl FOR SALE--Embden gander, or will exchange for goose. Phone McHenry 620-J2. 42 MISCELLANEOUS GENERAL SEWING--Cleaning and FOR SALE^--Stack of hand-husked pressing. Anna Howard, over Bolcorn stalks, 30x12 ft. Inquire of ger's Drug Store. 38-tf J. H. Stilling, two miles east of McHenry, on State Route 20. Phone 612-R-l.' 41-tf TYPEWRITERS Sales and Service. t Repaired and Rentals. 41 j FOR SALE--Store building property, Prompt attention to phene calls. 50, lot 56x132, on Riverside Drive and Phone 549. L. KILTZ, Woodstock street. Phone 106-W. 40tf 49-tf Rothermels carpenters , while the ual game with 245 pins and won a! 'm * » ?• •. Woodstock A. C.'s forfeited three'prize of ten dollars. The McHenry SALE--20 tonshay. Peter A. TUNE--and keep yotir piano tuned. 40-8* Tuning makes your piano a musical instrument. Phone 274-J or write J. H. Deihl, Woodstock, Ilk 27-tf games to Richardson's Studebakers. Lumber company was high team for' Freund. Phone 614-R-l. The games were as follows: G. Jcfcnson 188 165 L. Stilling . ,..,,172 147 H. Schaefeif „>^.^^.tl7191 155 A. Meyers ~ u 183 J. Schaefer ^ .....176 149 908 799 cne game with 973 pins and won a 1011 prize of ten dollars. Richardson's 161 i Motor Sales team held high score for 156 three games with 2742 pins and they 199. also won ten dollars. 168; The following are the singles as} FOR SALE--Small chicken farm, be bowled Thursday night, March 14, j tween 4 and 5 acres, % mile Atom FOR SA LE--COW S--Come to Cary for chioce dairy cows, top staff. All cows guaranteed straight. Kvidera S; W. . MERRICK Bros. Phone Cary 37-J 40-4 b.($_ D. Hodges at Wetioel .... r Schroeder X:- Smith Lacas ...... :::...157 171 .... 103 133 » 135 187 136 171 198 176 785 with the first five high scores win- I McHenry on Lake ning prizes of $12. $8, $6, $4 and $2 road. Mrs. Joe H. respectively. The names are arrang- Phone 611-J-l. ed as they will be for the doubles to ' Geneva cement Justen, Rte 3. 6-tf |s- W. Smith E. Tonyan B. Schmitt ... B. Freund .J. W. Tonyan 98 be bowled Thursday evening. Mar. 21.1 FOR SALE-- Woodstock typewriter 14* H. Simon bowled high score of 601, W.1 5- Has just been rebuilt at the 204 Richardson was second with 584, W. factory and is like a new machine in ~~ ^ Bidder third with 557. D. Hodges eve,T respect. Will sell for $40 cash Flower 699 868 762 fourth "th 5?ft and B-. fifth ^ taken at once. Here is an oppor- f' a with 537. jtanity for someone to get a real barfjr! H. Simon ^ «an ] gain. Call 170 or inquire at the E. Monear J9I T<V>O Plaindealer office. ^ tf W. B. MERRICK AND ASSOCIATES MIDWEST RENDERING CO. We Pay For HORSES, CATTLE, HOGS, SHEEP Call 810-J-l--Dundee--815-R-4 Prompt Sanitary Service REVERSE CHARGES 81-tf Erickson's. and garden seeds of complete assortment 173. 767 775 875 W. Richa:nfecii E. Toi;raa W. E) rider D. Hiamson _ D. Hctdres . E. Freuixi B. H. Freud V. Freund Plaindealer Publicity Tfcays... J584 -444--1028 Woodstock's Beautiful PlayHouse ;>• Evetung Shews at 7 and 9 Matinees-- Oa Wednesdays, tlumdays, Saturdays aad Sundays, 3 p. m. %!:• I SATURDAY Hoot Gibaofi ia "OLEARING THE TRAIL" ALSO COMEDY On the Stage Saturday and Sunday RIG TIME STAGE PRESENTATION SUNDAY ONLY ON THE SCREEN Norma Shearer in 'A LADY OF CHANGE" ALSO NEWS AND COMEDY MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY 3 Days " THE MIRACLE OF THE * SCREEN "UncleTem's Cabin" rhe Picture That Will Live Ferever In Your Memory #*" -- fi THURSDAY On the Stage ' J. B. ROTNOUR PLAYERS D. Grander jW. Tonyaa I P. Brefeld R. Thompson .... G. Justen C. Freund E. M. Smith ... j H. Weber IL. Conwaj^ i J. Bolgeip--j I A. Meyers .. IG. Weber .. IB. Freund .. E. Smith .. ( H. Bacon | N. Justen |G. Barbian ..... iJ. Schaefer ..... • L. Winkel S. Lucas ....... H. Schaefer ,A. Justen _J>57 j --449--1006 • _538 J -.452-- 990 J537 j -A56-- 993 j -529 .459-- 988 .^19 462-- 981 iJBtt ^468-- 987 ...^469-- 988 " i4»J518 .M...... ^i.^.481-- 999 ....... ^14 --481-- 99$ .1 -513 - 482-- 995 -- 501 .ww482-- 98S ...--...^„.^..500 ...; --485-- 985 494 »488-- 982 .494 489-- 983 Main Money Froi Frog* Such big catches have been made by bullfrog hunters in the marshes of Louisiana that there are more frogs now than there are people who enjo.v the delicacy of their fried hlmlqunrteni. Louisiana supplies th** rest of the world with some two aril lion fr-»jr«« n venr Zodiac Ceastellatica* The constellations of the Zodiacare: Aries, the ram; Taurus, the bull; Gemini, rhe twins: Cancer, the crab: Leo. the Hon; Virgo, the virgin; Libra, the Balance; Scorpio, the scorpion; Sagittarius, the archer; Capri corn, the goal; Aquarius, the water bearer: IMsce*. the flshpp. ^ '*i.1 ' .iMUjf' 1 Bank Variety of Bam Provides On the Screen Thursday and Friday Gertrude Olmsted in "HEY RUBE" NEWS--FABLES--SPORT8 DAUGHTERS OF G. A. t A social meeting of the James B. Perry Fortress, Daughters of the G. j A. R., was held at the home of Mrs. James Perkins Tuesday afternoon, with Mrs. Perkins and Mrs. L. A. Erickson as hostesses. Seven tables of bridge, five hundred and bunco were in play and a pleasant afternoon drew to a close with the serving of refreshments. In bridge the first prize was won by Mrs. Fred C. Schoewer, the second prize by Mrs. A. L. Purvey anxl the consolation by Mrs. Martha Page. In five hundred the first prize went to Mrs. F. O. Gans, the second prize to Mrs. E. H. Merrick and the consolation to Mrs. J. Thies, while in bunco the first prize was awarded to Mrs. William Bacon, the second prize to Mrs. John Fay. and the consolation went to Mrs. R. L. Howard. -_.1~ " !r»; Splendid Shelter for Livfe Stock' CAR.R.1ER. TRACKS ^LIT TL1L MAY RACK. SILLY aiL*T£PU T\A/1GLH/ ^l/iDiVDUAL DfilAKl/ifiCllPi TXTDTTTQ /MAfKSCP.' S L L t Y 1/ibtVDUAL DB.lrtK.lf16 CUP3 . LIT,TTR.ALLEY1 v- AUDITORS MEETING Notice is hereby given, that the Board of Auditors of the Town of McHenry, County of McHenry, Illinois, will meet at the Town Clerk's office in West McHenry, 111., on the 26th day of March, A. D., 1929, at 7:30 p. m., to audit any and all bills against the Town. Bills may be left with the supervisor or the undersigned. Given under my hand this 12th day of March, A. D., 1929. CHAS- B- haRMSEN, 412 Town Clerk TAXES! The county treasurer has authorized this bank to receive taxes. We will appreciate your paying them here. West McHenry State Bank. 42tf The C. D. of A.'s are inviting the public to attend "the Easter Monday dance given by them at Stoffel's hall, April 1. Sundodrers nn>kM»M gg 42 MU\a ITER, TJLACKO_ r.Y N "•l Deioac A&OVE. **JARNBGAN," THE LOW-DOWN ON HOLLYWOOD." IS AT WOODS /•Jarnegan," "the low-down on Hollywood," now running at Woods Theater, Chicago, is a quite literal and spectacular stage version of the Jim Tully book exposing the shady side of Hollywood life. The book enraged a great many of the film residents, but Tully simply remarked that they were blind to .a lot of things he saw while working in the cinema studios. Charles Beahan and Garrett Fort, who made the dramatization, caught the vifoi of the story and Richard Bennett, who appears as "Jarneffan," made his biggest hit. "Jarnegan" has been termed "not merely startling but downright sensational." Practically the same things have been said about the play that were said long ago about the book. Tully, who roughed it on the road before he got the job is a Hollywood publicity office, writes aa with two fists. His Jarnegan is a rough-hewn hero, not by any means angelic, but still a man with honest ambitions and Some clean ideals. Thp K»rn risM to the post of director, but is dragged through the mire--through orgies and intrigues--and finally escapes back to the road after the girl he loved and tried to save dies a miserable death in a hospital. There are lavishly staged scenes of wild parties and hectic work before the camera. Supporting the noted star are Fred Irving Lewis, Hooper L. Atchley, Elaine Temple, Lee Smith, Ruthelma Stevens, Helen Crane, Edith Arnold, Angela Raigh, Jack Klendon, James R. Waters, Don Macmillan and othar equally popular players. Wkrle'B Yioy of Oil The amount of oil which can be taken from a whale depends oa the Individual whale. The sperm wbale yields from ft to 14ft barrels of oil, averaging about 2ft to Sit for <-ows and Tft to no for bulla. In 1801 there was a record of a whale yielding 274 barrels of oil. A Sad Joke % I bare always thought It a Joke on . a man If he murries a - pretty gin welgt.iiiK a 1 uniit ed pounds, tnd she 41 IDITCHM* her WEIGHT to two hundred as he grows -thinner. . . I am • sorry for such a man hot laugh at him a little through my tears.--E. W Howe's Monthly > Nearby and Yonder.... fcy T.T. HAXEY . wmmmmmmm--mrnS Sundodgers orchestra, cents" per person. Come. Flower kinds, a Erickson's. and garden seeds o* complete assortment all at 42 Pay your taxes at Bank, McHenry. the tSKizeas mi By W. A. RADFORD Hr^Willlam A. Radford will m.naW«»f <gtle£frdna nnd give advice FtlSE (VP COST on all problems pertaining to the subject of building work on th« farm, for the readers of this paper. On account of his wide experience as editor, author a^td manufacturer, h« la, without doubt, the highest authority on the Rubject. Address all inquiriec to William A. Radford, No. 1827 Prairia avenue, Chicago, 111., and only*, Inclose two-cent stamp for reply. Tlie popularity of the b^nk barn Is perhaps a sufficient argument for the soundness of this type of construction, where the lay of the land Is favorable. Such barns may be made highly efficient, aa Is- shown by a glance at the picture and floor plan shown ahpve. „ " The big barn will take care of twent. v-two cows and six horses, and keep •them In top-notch condition. The cow stalls are floored with cork brick, warm and springy; they have steel stalls 1 -XT is and stancliioDfj and Individual drinking cups. At the end of the bam there are two maternity pens, one on each side of the wide feeding alley. The cows face in, and are of course fed from the carrier that brings the Silage and concentrates from the feed room. The silo Is of concrete blocks, and the chute Is Inside the feed room, so that In bad weather the feeding job Is not aggravated by the discomfort*! of exposure. •/>. Although It Is a bink type, this, barn has plenty of light and air. There are twenty-eight windows, nnd a complete ventilating System. It la easy to keep sanitary, as the concrete litter alley on each side Is served by overhead lltter; -carriers. They rua out to a manure pit The horse stalls are floored with hardwood. Here, the litter alley of concrete has no carrier track, but is easily rerved by.the carrier that runs over the litter alley* ih the dairy part of the barn. Roving Ice Boxes WISE old Nature so arranged matters that every section of the country has a natural harvesting season for Its particular crop. The plan worked fine and everybody was happy for many centuries. Then it was discovered that owing to different climatic conditions home products were grown elsewhere at other seasons, but that they could not be satisfactorily transported and marketed before spoilage set in. To tell American genius that It can't have a tiling acts as a signal to set to work to find a way to obtain it. And so. inventive* genius got • into action, solved the vexing problem and contributed the railroad refrigerator car. which Is nothing more or less than n huge ice box on wheels, for the welfare of the nation. Nowadays it is selom indeed that one sees a lopg freight train which does not contain one or more of these lowly refrigerators. An army, of many thousands of these roaming ice boxes Is on duty, day and night, year In and year out, maintaining a national distribution of table delicacies, providing a service which it would be well nigh impossible to do without and which has been the means of creating untold happiness and Increasing public health. (©, 1928, Western Newspaper Union.) in the price of ©a Bloomers DOLBY BLOOMER gelid far $1.50 ||0W. Can be sold by us at $1 „QQ now. 11.00 it is * wonderful valuau t<£r * 'v.-.,***.,*, Week-End Specials IdM OKANOIS, pA- dox. 23 K,S. X*U m r 3 CANS FOB AT • : ' iv' srja, V ^ -y "A Borne Owned Store" McHenry, Illinois i-3 MILLER'S QUITTING BUSINESS SALE Stock your pantry with the finest Grocenea »a4 Foodstuffs at jfar below actual cost.^ -- Fish Specials for Holy Week Imported Oil Sardines, regular 26c ,„ Finnan Haddie, regfular 50c Fresh Mackerel, tall cans, regular 30c 19^ Gorton's Codfish Cakes, regular 20«||:.:^ Shrimp, regular 25c ......A Tuna Fish, Cloverhill, 19^--None Such B. and M. Clams • • - B. and M. Clam Chowder ^ Salmon, tall cans, prices ranging front-19^ to 39c Fish Balls, regular 20c ; 16^* All other Groceries and Canned Goods at similarly low prices. J.J.MILLER Pearl Street and Riverside Drive GENERAL ELECTRIC PRESENTS Uk. first ALL-STEEL REFRIGERATOR Come in ana. Smitl GENERAL IP ELECTRIC Alili-STEBL REFRIGERATOR ^NOTHER chapter has been added to the achievements of the engineers and scientists of the General Electric Research Laboratories. The same group of men who perfected the hermetically sealed mechanism of the General Electric Refrigerator, have now designed the first all-steel refrigerator cabinet. This marks the greatest improvement Bade in the design and construction of refrigerator cabi- V nets. New value has been built into the unrivaled General Electric Refrigerator. General Electric has now made scient refrigeration,which is vital to the healtll of the nation, possible for every home* Only a small down payment is required* The balance may be paid in easy and convenient installments. 215 AT THE FACTOBY The only way to appreciate the out* standing quality, die beauty, the great value of this new General Electric al$• steel refrigerator is to see it Come in today. It is now on display. Examine it careful^ and let us explain how easily yon can own one. te oktto General Ekctric Htmr, Mmrck Z3rd, »pom»on4 by dm Ceneral Ehetrie Rmfrigmmtar. Tkk jpiyraai k broadcast from 9 f 19P. M. EattorAStandard Tim»m o--r N.B.G. nttworkof f up HH *lip Carey Electric Shop W **- it iliiii'ii .'Wakli. s¥;

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