Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Mar 1929, p. 8

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j-?'^' '•/•*".' .!"_»:, • ,g'r', -„" -, * -« *--&*? "'i':- ' *--.*•• • ' • • .' ' • THE M USS! 1 **??$ :)+ •THE irgiinrtr PuaiTfttixJBt, MARCH 28,1929 •I TMC ft. l> fen: r- R,- Fo MPI g R McfflBNRY, ILLINOIS THURSDAY -- FRIDAY ^ 28-29 •••HE HAUNTED H0US*" A lljntcry Thriller Willi a Real Cast AND THE METRO COMEDY "WHO-PEE" SATURDAY MARCH 30 RIKTIN-TIH in "LAND OF THE SILVER FOX" AESOP'S FABLES WITH ORPHEUM VAUDEVILLE And Metro Comedy "THE BOOSTER" SUNDAY MARCH 31 •lk Special Matinee 2:30 John Gilbert Stars in "THE MASK OF THE DEVIL" JPATHE WORLD S LATEST EVENTS , , * ORPHEUM VAUDEVILLE Aai the Laurel and Hardy Comedy <• . *TOO TABS" THURSDAY APRIL 4-5 Hay McAvoy and Conrad Nagel ii, 'CAUGHT IN THE FOG' And the Comedy - v "RUBY LIPS" Note -- Arrangements are being made to install Sound and Talking Pictures in the Empire Theatre, McHenry. METHODIST CHURCH You are invited to attend services at the M E. church on Easter Sunday as well as the servicea at the church every evening this week beginning at 7:30 o'clock. Morning worship at 11 o'clotik. Sunday school at 10 o'clock. Epworth League at 6 p. m. On Thursday evening holy communion will be administered by Rev. Hoover of Greenwood, who will also preach the sermon for the evening. On Friday evening the pastor, Rev. Bonham, will deliver a sermon on "The Crucifixion" and on Sunday morning his subject will be the "Resurrection." There will be no services Saturday night. Spccia! services will be observed on Easter Sunday morning with Easter anthems by the choir, a sermon in keeping with the spirit of the day on the Resurrection of Christ by the pastor, Rev. Bonham, and the baptism of several children. The members of the Masonic lodge have accepted an invitation to attend these services in a body. You are invited to come and worship with us on this Easter morning. Some very interesting pictures were shown at the church last Sunday evening on the last days and the Crucifixion of Christ. :vVi; j ' J : Jambww -* A Jacksonville negrn wfca seen 4Mvfng a flivver round and round a ,y|ree out In tlie woods recently. Aftkeri ilbat be was doing, lie replied: *Tse aMkln' des" as many lef-haa* tarn* as I pleases without gettln* called down by a mn" WEEKLY PERSONALS COMERS AND GOERS OF A , WEEK IN OUR Olff As visitor Seen By Flaindealer Re porters and Handed In John Fay was an Elgin Tuesday. ' Mrs. Gerald Cary was a Chicago visitor Monday. •, Mass Florence Caflrey W*» a Chicago Michels. visitor Monday. ! The following pupils were 1 DAILY PROGRAM FEATURES PLANS FOR HEALTH WEEK With diphtheria in stubborn retreat BIRTHDAY ANNIVERSARY A ptarty of friends surprised Mrs. E. G. Peterson at her home Friday evening, the event being in honor of her birthday anniversary. Bridge furnished the evening's entertainment an? lunch was served. Mrs. Peterson was presented with an appropriate gift. The guests were: Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Schneider, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Eddy, and Mr. and Mrs. F. E! Cobb.v SPECIMEN BALLOT For the Annual Town Election for the Town of McHenry, Me- Henry County, Illinois, to be held Tuesdav, April 2, 1929. CHARLES B. HARMSEN, r: Tqwn Clerk. Miss Johnson visited! over the week-end. Victor Hart is spending1" iffie week at Rockford and Chicago. Mrs. Ellen Ensign visited her Bister at Barrington Sunday. Mrs. J. A. Street visited in Chicago SaturdajT 4md Sunday. Harold Frett of Chicago spent Sunday with his parents here. Miss Marvel of Waukegan spent Monday evening at McHenry. Miss Sylvia Wolfe of Woodstock spent Sunday with home folks. Miss Barbara Weber of Woodstock spent Sunday at her home here. Mis3 Leone Givens of Chicago spent Sunday at her horrte here. Miss Adeline Perkins of Waukegan SCHOOL NEWS 7 Johnsburg Honor R6tt N r • Pupils who were not absent Muting January and February are: Walter and infant mortality slowly falling Smith, Agnes Smith, Florence Smith,' h®'01* th« risin* tide of preventive Alma Schmitt, Isabell Freund, Clar- medicine, emphasis is laid upon these ence Michels, William Schaefer. Ag- ;'wo Problems in a proclamation of nes Smith has been present every day Governor Emmerson designating Apsince school started in September. )T^ 28-May 4 as health promotion The following pupils have not been and May first as ehild health tardv during the time from Septem-1 ^ throughout Illinois. Programs fcer "l to M»«-h 1: Florence Smith, stnkin8 at both and for the appro- Marcella Weingart, Appolonia Schae- Pr'a^e observance of the dual oceafer, Catherine Schaefer, Isabell *Ion as a whoIe have been worked out Freund, Bernice Pitzen, Clarence and are available from the State v 1 Department of Public Health. riot tardy ! "The program for health promotion In ^ClhicSagoiWuring January and February: Alvina *^is year strike, a deter- "Schmitt, Walter Smith, Agnes Smith,1J"1™** b,ow at diphtheria, on the one Clara Klein,Florence Smith, Marcella' ha"d' 8ay» the announcement, "and •Weingart, Appolonia Schaefer, Oath- ? er"Phasize the importance of out- 'erine Schaefer, Alma Schmitt, Isa- l0.0r L ?la? ,n c„hiW life' the other, bell Freund, Berniece Pitzen, Elviera P1? ® ' after retreating in the WEST SIDE CARD CLUB The members of the West Side Card club were entertained by Mrs. Delia Matthews at her home on Waukegan street Monday evening. Five hundred furnished the entertainment for the guests and the first prize was won by Mrs. P. H. Weber, the second was awarded to Mrs. Emma Freund, while the consolation went to Mrs. Henry Kinsala. Refreshments were served. • • • v- • Adams, Clarence Michels, EdWin Het- fac? of vaccination with toxin-antitermann, Kenneth Tonyan, Clemens ^0XI" un|'1' the deaths in 1925 num- Adams, Getorge Justin , William bered ,only 409 in Illinois against an 'Schaefer. Iannua' average of more than 1000 Ringwvod ffmnrfr Roll [prior to 1923, came back last year PRIMARY ROOM--Shirley Haw- viciously enou^h to send the fataliley, Walter Low, Pearl Smith, Beta tle,?cJip to T more than 650 'Mae Merchant, Howard Shepard, liar- Smce January fir8t of this year JITST EIGHT CLUB: , ^ Mrs. George H. Johnson entertained the members of the Just Eight club at her .home Thursday evening. Bridge was played during the evening and the first prize was won by Miss Mary Kinney and the second prize went to Mrs. Anna Barron. Delicious refreshments were served. MAIN STREET BRIDGE CLUB Miss Lena Stoffel was hostess to the members of the Main Street Bridge club at her home last Thursday evening. A pleasant evening was spent at bridge and the first prize was won by Mies Mary Kinney, while the second prize was awarded to Mrs. Anna NOTICE The following barber shops will close each Tuesday and Thunday evening at 5 o'clock, and Saturday at 9 o'clock, until further notice. The price of 60 cents for hair cuts on Saturdays and before holidays will also be in effect. BISHOP & OLSEN, HAMILTON PARR, 43* KERCHER & DREVimjJfr CARD OF THANKS 5;' We desire in this manner to •*». *press our sincere thanks and appreciation to our neighbors and friends for the beautiful floral offerings and kind expressions of sympathy and assistance in our recent bereavement. We also vthank the donors of can, - Mrs. Peter Glosson and Children. ' Brothers and Sisters. ANNOUNCEMENT XS» J. Hopper, candidate for stable, respectfully solicits your vote at the election, Tuesday, April 2. • xt vi 1 1 gi ten Dcr cent dcclinc in aiiiw coiupi6t6 ¥ jone Noble, Sylvia Freund Clarence . dinhtheri. Refreshments were served at vegetables. Your Easter dinner will - not be complete without some of our fresh of diphtheria adds encouragement to 1.. „ 1 " ^ e the preventive campaign. This work[the d°Se of the *a!ne9 Peoples Tonyan, Mae Rager, Kenneth Franzen, Gladys Shepard, Floyd Freund, v™*™™ campaign. in;s wor* 'Zane Gray, Fred Krohn, Alice Mae espec'?!ly emP^ed d«nng miss Aaeune rere.ns ui Low, Dora Anderson, Kenneth Noble, ti?n o^ToTt^" ch^ren ^is^nrinJ spent the week-end at her home here. Virginia Jep*on, Amy Lawrence, Lu- ^Ci88 Proline Pufah. 9p«nt W.n^ra.S. N.™.n ^ ZTJS UPPER GRADES-^Marjr Celine °!S • ' Adams, Russel Franzen, Richard Kel-1 M,» " ,*,ld ley, Jean Whiting, Charles Freund, " lme ""h ,'h« l"1'0,? of th? Gerald Noble, Ellen Smith, Paul Walk^ „K"v„e,rr'me"t' PronxXjnet outt: ington, Lyle Franzen, Helen Harrison, „ Phone your order, week-end at her home at Genoa City. Rifhard Stenger of Waukegan visited friends here over the week-end. Mrs. Mort Ritt of Crystal Lake spent several days last week at McHenry. John Bolger and daughter, Helen, of Woodstock visited friends here on Saturday. Rev. Hoover of Greenwood attended services at the M. E. church Monday night. Mrs. Everett Hunter, JT„ is spending the week with relatives at Walworth, Wis. Matson Bonnickson of Waukegan was a Sunday caller in the William Simes home. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Burns and son of Oak Park visited relatives here Sunday. Darlene Merchant, Marian Is in keeping with the demands ' modern times. of Jessie Schroeder, George Thompson! £°""™ i'.'S'; !ei8Ure 0# cm:,u Tnmnn t K ' the one hand &nd Mercedes Smith, the declining neces- Cecil Rager. James awrence, sity of physically laborious work oil jthe other make imperative the promotion of healthful, recreative activities. Thus it is important to instil| - into children a love for outdoor play AMONG THE SICK George Kuhn underwent an opera tion at the new Waukegan hospital which "promotes 'health* meiTtal'1 alert. ^a,8^117 u , , . . ,. ! "ess, sociability and teamwork. A1 Krause has been absent from his <«Uilt around the8e two ideaa m W_07,k J at..B0l^r8 d"»? store for sey- heaith promotion week program thJ eral days owing to burns about his year is calculated to stimulate genthe occasion1 (BY PETITION) FOR SUPERVISOR- (Vote for One} D 8- H. FREUND DPFOR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE (Vote for Two) • E. 0. HAWLEY • mm. J. WELCH _ : • " face and hands received on Thursday eral observance of of last Week. He had been raking his throughout the state. yard and m starting a bonfire he sat-I J. 1 Mrs. Jack Walsh spent several d a y s j urated a paper with gasoline by mis-! a COMMUNITY SERVICES^ last week in the C. W. Stenger home. take which, when lighted, blazed into1 This is Holy Week. Friday we cftrfu at Waukegan. n j !^1S , burning it as well as his memorate our Lord's death and next Miss Helen Horniade a t Chicago bands. Sunday (Easter) His resurrections was a Sunday guest of Mr. and Mrs.1 Helen Powers is ill at her home We invite you to hear our slendij A. Gritzmacher. . ^ Wa"kegan street Her sister, Miss Easter program next Sunday at 10:45 Mrs. James Perkins and Mrs. Wil- M*"6 Powers, is taking her place as a. m. The choir will sing: "The liam Bacon were Waukegan visitors [ teacher at the Cherry Valley school. Song of Victory," "Lift Up Your Saturday afternoon. 1^ ™TS- A- C. Reynolds is again able Heads." "Calvary." The orchestra Mrs. Mat Karls and son, Bobby, of to be about after being quite ill last wiH piay a 8peciai number. Exercise Chicago spent last week as a guest in w®JJk- '--"Easter," by Sunday school, the Fred Karls home. Gertld Newman had the misfortune The pastor will give an Easter to burn his right hand severely the message on Plockhorst's picture, "He ^ iff £6 W! ' ,Whrte heatln/ M- Is Risen," and a copy of the picture , wiH ^ Pre8ented to every one pres. asphalt caught fire and blazed up ent. This is the greatest day of the ^ Ai Christian year. Be sure to go to Mat Stenes is ^ spending "several * church somewhere, to worship Him T!TYS a sanltarium at Waukesha,, who died and rose again for your Wis., where he is receiving treatments.1 salvation. Mrs. Mat Steffes who has been ilj I The choir will meet on Thursday is now improved. , |at M^. Howard's and on Saturday «< Edward Wolfe underwent «n oper- 2 p. m. at the church ation on his nose at Elgin Saturday.' FOR CONSTABLE (Vote for Two) 0 E. J. HOPPER I~1 JOHN WALSH • -- • In A Music Store Compare the Sparton, ' ftadio's fiichest Voice," with other makes, such as Radiola, Crosley, Freshman, Philco, side by side, at NYE'S MU8IC STOBB. All the Latest Sheet | Music, Records and Piano Rolls f r New Costume Jewelry and Handbags. < • • ' 4• | Nye Jewelry, Music and | Radio Shop ft*?' ,y i .ITSST M'HENRY, Hi. " 1 1111 111 11 u u H n 14 Miss Lucile Stenger of Waukegan was a week-end guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Walsh. Mrs. Reed of Waukegan visited in the home of her father, William Simes, Sunday and Monday. Mrs. George Westlake and Mrs. Kilpatrick of Solon Mills visited friends here Monday evening. Mrs. Ivor Kappel and Mrs. Andrew Golis of Waukegan were guests of Mirs. George Lindsay Monday. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Ensign and daughters, Mildred and Margaret, visited friends at Palatine Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Bohr were guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Pries at Waukegan the first of the week. Mrs. Ralph Smith of Harvard spent a few days this week in the home of her mother, Mrs. Catherine Young. Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Newman visited in the home of Mrs. Augusta Keyes at Woodstock Thursday afternoon. Mrs. J. F. Claxton spent several days last week in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Henry Foss, at Barrington. Mary Frisby has returned to her work at the Elgin watch factory after several weeks' illness with the measles. Mr. and Mrs. William Thompson and daughter of Albuquerque, New Mexico, were week-end guests in the Thomas MicLaUghlin home. Mrs. Robert Sutton and daughter, Mrs. Kraft, of Richmond visited in the home of the former's sister, Mrs. George Lindsay, on Afonday. Mrs. Catherine Young and son, Louis, and daughters, Genevieve and Rosina, and Miss Eleanor Walsh visited at Elgin Thursday evening. Rev. W. Bonham, pastor of the M. E. church of this city, who attends school at the Garrett Institute at Evanston, is spending this week at McHenry. Mrs. William Dreyer and little son of Forest Park are spending the week in the home of her mother, Mrs.Henry ! Block. Mr. Dreyer spent the weekend here also. Mrs. Ony Wheeler, Mrs. Calla Perkins, Mrs. Minnie Miller and Mrs. Mayme Harrison attended a ^meeting of Bethel chapter, O. E. S., at Elgin Friday evening. Mrs. C. W. Goodell and little Warren Jones, in company with MT. and Mrs. H. M. Stephenson, visited Floyd Foss at the Woodstock hospital Sat urday evening. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Covalt and son, Junior, motored to Delafleld, Wis., on Monday, their son returning to St. John's Military Academy at that time after a week's vacation at his home here. Mr. andl Mrs. John Thompson of Terre Haute, Ind., were guests in the Thomas McLaughlin home over the i week-end and are preparing to open their stand east of the river on Saturday. Among those who visited at Marengo Sunday, at which time Albin Block, son of M!r. and Mrs. Henry Block, of that city, was confirmed, were Mrs. Henry Block and son, Louis, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Feltz and Fred W. Voeltz and daughter, Adele, and son, Howard. Among those from out of town who attended the funeral of Peter Glosson on Friday were: Mrs. Peter Glosson and daughter, Kathrine, Joe Glosson, Monard Groat, Julia and Paul Marrie, Mrs. M. Marrie and Hannah Glosson of Waukegan; Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Janson, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Kelly and Regina Glosson of North Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. James Murray and son, Ray, of Waucosda and Mrs. Mat Karls of Cmcago. The orchestra will meet on Friday at Mirs. Vycital's home. BRIDGE LUNCHEON We g_r eatly appreciate the work th* Mrs WalteT J. Donavin entertained, ladies did at the church as well as the a groupe of friends at her home two fine plants. Thursday afternoon in compliment to!. _ -- --- three out-of-town guests, who spent . ^ says that after he has the day with her. Two tables of: ^ h,s taxes he is «oln« to support bridge were in play and the first I , candidate that advocates bigger prize was won by Mk-s. Murry and the' a_ etter Poor houses. second was awarded to Mrs. Wheeler A delicions luncheon was served at the close of the games. The guests were: Mrs. Murray, Mrs. Wheeler and Mrs. John Carr of West Chicago and (Mrs. C. J. Reihansperger, Mrs. G. W. Hess, Mrs. George H. Johnson, Mrs. Earl McAndrews and Mrs* Ciaorge Donavin of this city. (deliver. Erickson Dept. Store. 4 ^ •' $ •: !• - , t_ your quickly, easily with DUCO i m^iDaco --it's so easy. It is applied quickly and smoothly with either brash or convenient hand sprayer. . In a very little while, you can renew every room with bright, modern Duco colors. Re create your furniture, work, and all the host of smaller, objects in your household tix|§ duly'Duco Way. _ ^ Remember--yon Ginbe sure there wiH be no waiting -- no trouble. Duco dries ao quickly. DUCO.. uickly.. easy tome. THOMAS P. BOLGER Phona 40 4 The McHenry Druggist" HeHenry BROUGHT HERE FOR BURIAL The body of Dr. Harry H. Hanly of Peoria was brought to the Wood- 'land cemetery in thia *ity for burial ton Tuesday afternoon. $r. Hanly passed away on Feb. IS and.the body was placed in a vault at Peoria await- (ing more favorable Among those from out of attended the interment were Mrs. Harry H. Hanly and mother pf Peoria, G. A. Hanly, Mrs. Ada Smith, son. Granger, and daughter, Villa, of Hlgin. INSTALLATION AND BANQUET St. Clara's Court, No. 869, will hold their annual installation of officers and banquet on Wednesday, April' s. The banquet will take place at the McHenry House at 6 o'clock and will be followed' by installation ceremonies at St. Mary's hall.. All members who desire to attend the banquet are requested to call 110-J or 42 before Saturday or not later than Monday. NEIGHBORHOOD BUNCO CLUB The members of the Neighborhood Bunco club were entertained by Mrs. Mat Glosson at her home west of the city on Thursday afternoon. Several games of bunco were played and the first prize was won by Mrs. James Jensen, the second by Mrs. Martin freund, the third by Mrs.Ben Miller and the fourth prize by Mrs. John Freund. The nej?t meeting will be at the home of Mrs. MartiA Freund. ENTERTAIN CARD CLUB Mrs. A. L. Purvey and Mrs. F. E. Cobb entertained the members of their card club at the home of the former on Wednesday afternoon of last week. Bridge was played during the afternoon and the first prize was won by Mrs. Will Bishop, the second by Mrs. A. Krause, the third by Mrs. J. W. Rbthermel, while the consolation went Ho Mrs. H. B. Schaeffer. DAUGHTERS OF G. A. R. The monthly business meeting pf the James B. Perry Fortress, Daughters of the G. A. R., will be held on Tuesday afternoon, April 2* a$ the Woodman hall. Members- requested to be present. ANNOUNCEMENT T desire to announce that I will be a candidate for constable at the election, Tuesday, April 2, and respectfully solicit the support of the voters of McHenry township at the polls on that day. JOHN WALSH. We will appreciate your paying yotir Taxes at This Bank • , y; - A * Authorized by Cbunty Treasurer 3% Interest Paid on Saving Accounts ' r West McHenry State Bank •A f*The Bank That Service Built" Jtu.

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