Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Mar 1929, p. 3

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• ~4> T~-. ' tmjE-HMBT HUDTOKALn, TMUHSUAV, *ASCH 28, 1429 SLOCUM'S LAKE Bay Dowell was a business caller at Volo last Thursday. IIT. and Mrs. Wayne Bacon and son, Donald, were callers at Half Day last Tuesday. Harry Matthews was a business caller at McHenry last Friday afternoon. • ^ ^ •nd Mh. Jack Geary and 'son, Eugene, were business callers, at McHenry last Friday. Arthur Wackerow and Rollin Dowell attended a show at McHenry Saturday evening. Emmet Geary and son, Forrest, of Wauconda spent Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Geary. Mr. and Mrs. A1 Wilson 'and daughter of Palatine spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and NErs. O. W. Gran tham. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse and daughter, Frances, were Sunday dinner and afternoon guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bacon. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowell and •daughter, Dorothy, were Tuesday din- ' ner and afternoon guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews and son, Robert, and Mr. and Mrs. Willard j^Darrell were callers at McHenry Sunday. 'ill Ms-S' Q. W. Grantham returned 'Jiomc Sunday after spending two weeks at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Henry Winkler, at Waukegan. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Geary spent a few days last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Murray in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bacon and children and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse and daughter, Frances, attended a show at Woodstock last Thursday night. Mr?. Harry Matthews and son, Robert, Mrs. Willard Darrell and Mildred Hoffman and Mrs. Raymond Lusk of near Round Lake were last Wednesday afternoon and luncheon guests at the Blomgren home. Mrs. Sigrid Blomgren accompanied Mr. and Mrs. George JLundgren of Wauconda to McHenry las£ Thursday morning. W. E. Brooks and son, Chesney, called at the L. A. Huebsch farm near Mundelein last Thursday. Frank Mulholland of Chicago spent the week-end at his farm here. John Blomgren and Mrs. Sigrid .Blomgren were Sunday afternoon guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Lundgren at Wauconda. Pay your taxes at the Citizens State Bank, McHenry. 42tf Chesney Brooks was a business caller at Barrington last Friday. Mr. and Mr^. Leslie Davis and children were business callers at McHen ry last Tuesday. Milton .Dowell of Volo was a business caller at the William Foss home Monday morning. Miss Frances DaviB and Martin Bauer were Saturday evening callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bacon. P. Bom bach of Chicago was a bus! ness caller at the Mulholland farm on Saturday. W. E. Brooks and son, Chesney, attended the talk on "Alfalfa" at the Farm Bureau office at Grayslake last Friday afternoon. John Blomgren and Mrs. Sigrid Blomgren visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Bafley in Chicago last Friday. Leslie Foss and MJSS Pearl Foss attended a show at McHenry last Saturday evening. Mr. and M)rs. Leslie Davis and children were Sunday dinner and af ternoon guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Davis. Miss Annie Raven of Griswold Lake was a supper guest of Miss Pearl Foss Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Williams and son of Crystal Lake were Sunday afternoon callers at the home of Mrs. Clara Smith. Miss Myrtle Darrell of Crystal Lake spent the week-end at the home of her parents here. Harry Mlatthews and Arthur Boehmer of Wauconda were business callers at Janesville, Wis., Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews attended a euchre party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Cook at Wauconda last Friday evening. Mr. Matthews received the second prize and Mrs. Matthews received the consolation prize. Mrs. Harry katthews and Mrs. Sigrid Blomgren attended a meeting of the Ladies' Auxiliary entertained at the home of Mrs. Paul Broncheon at Wauconda last Thursday afternoon. Complete line of garden seeds at Erickson's Dept. Store. Make your selections early. 43 Mrs. Thelen Pich invites you <•! bring in your old hat to have it retrimmed at her millinery shop on Riverside drive. • „ * - *• Creed ' & Says a well-known philosopher* In the American Magazine: "Forge! yourself. Think of others. Know what .voar rights are and then forgw most of them.** Hiram. L The old age pension bill, Introduced by Representative R. G. Sodertarom of Streator. has passed the house by a vote of 84 to 50 after a three-hour debate and now goes to the senate for action. Under the provisions of Another chain store) bill has been Introduced by Senator Ralph Boyd, Galva. It provides that a license shall be provided for and also provides a tar of 1 per cent of gross receipts to be paid to the municipality. The measure does not apply to Chicago. .Senator Martin B. Bailey. Danville, has introduced a bill fequiring a coroner's certificate as well as a burial permit before cremating bodies. .saw Senator Martin 11. Carlson. Mollne, has introduced a measure which rethe bill persons of seventy years of j quires counties not required hy law age would be granted pensions providing they had lived in the state twenty years prior to 'January 1, 1928. Representative Robert Whiteley, Carlinville, has offered a measure to appropriate $750,000 for a bridge across the Illinois river at Hardin. United States Sohafcor Otis F. Glenn, Murphysboro, was a visitor in Springfield recently. He visited the legislature where he spent four years aa a member of the upper branch. Every sixth bill offered In the Illinois general assembly Is a request f«r money. Out of ;i total of 428 bills offered In the house, 73 have been appropriation measures. Representative Arthur Roe, Vandalia. has offered a bill appropriating $6.8G5.11 to Fayette county for the apprehension of persons who escaped from the state farm at Vandal la. Senator A. S. Cuthbertsrfn. Banker Hill, has introduced a bill Which would permit cemetery associations to sell unused portions of a lot for which dues for npkeephave not been paid for three years. ' The state supreme court will reconvene on Apftl 2. The three gasoline tax fund test cases will he important measures for Its Consideration. Keep The Children Healthy With MilkK a But be sure that you give them nothing but Thi* dairy can fernifh I just the right lrind. F , . We handle nothing but Bowman's Pasteurised and Degreed Products Community Dairy Phone 660-R-l Ben J. Smith, Pr*p. Senator James J. Barbour, Chicago, has introduce? a bill providing for the appointment by the governor of nine trustees for the Chicago Sanitary district. to pass an annual appropriation bill within the first quarter of the fiscal year to adopt an annual budget after July l each year. - director Ralph BadfaM «#r thr state department of conservation Is putting forth every effort to carry on and increase stocks of game birds* for Illinois fields and woodlands and fish for the streams and lakes. The bird and fish stock is very limited at. present. v-V n? done by the corporation department of the . office of Secretary of Slate William J. Stratton for the first two months this your than for tlie same two months last voar. Atty. Gen. Oscar K. Carlstrom has Informed Chairman Hintoa Clabaugh of the state parole hoard that a person sentenced for murder must serve 14 years bef(y» he U eligible for pa role. • ... Attorney ftptteral Carlstrom has advised "the Wahavh county state's attorney that a blind person Is not entitled to a blind pension v>ntll he hat resided In a comity three years.. Representative W. C. Cliynoweth. Decatur. ItMS Introduced a bill permittin'* ruii»<»:Mls tri vuw airplanes In tr^mrortlvg-passer.Sers. The bill was s.*nt to the committee on pubMc utilities. * A bill by Representative Frank McCarthy, Elgin, does away with daylight savings time In Chicago. It went to the committee on municipalities. Senator George M. Reynolds, Utlca. has introduced a bill appropriating $40,000 for a hard road at the west entrance of Starved Rock park. Representative Robert Whiteley, Carlinville, has introduced a bill appropriating $100,000 to purchase the palisades of the Mississippi river for a state park. Inmates of Illinois' penal Institution^ numbered ST.fUVj/on March 1. an increase of ltO'J'j In the past yeilr. according to Col. Frank I>. Whipy. assistant director of the state department of public welfare. BETTER MILK MARKET IS PLANNED Fare® of State Veterinarians Available Now, Making Immediate t Attention Possible The Pure Milk Association is announcing for the benefit of untested herd owners in McHenry county that for those who wish to test in the near future, a market is being offered by the Bowman and Borden companies at their various plants throughout the county. They will take on new patrons on their regular new patron basis of 50 per cept base and 50 per cent surplus until the end of the surplus season, which terminates about August 1, from which time these herds will be taken on under a 100 per cent base. There is a force of veterinarians available from the State Department of Tuberculosis Eradication which makes it possible for anyone wishing to test at this time to secure immediate attention; also there are sufficient funds available for immediate payment of indemnity on all losses. Several Farms Yet Untested The Pure Milk Association, in its negotiations with the distributors, have at all times recognized the fact that there was a considerable number of farms within the Chicago zone not yet tested, and thAt, in all probability, would at some time in the near future wish to go back on the Chicago market and have provided with the distributors for that situation. It is to be hoped that the entire Chicago area will be in a position to qualify on the Chicago market soon and thereby help to solve a situation: that makes dairying rather an uncertain proposition at the present time. For further information communicate or call the county veterinarian's office at Woodstock. He's Right Hie marriage application issued la the District of Columbia among other things asks whether there is any relationship between the applying couple meaning relationship by Wood or marriage. One prospective benedict became confused and answered: "Loving.*" GiaiM| i< Nearlj all ginseng grown In this country Is shipped tn China for medleinal use. Hie industry de[>ends entirely on the Oriental market Ginseng Is consumed in negligible quantities by the Chinese in this country, and the plant has practically no v.ilne In the United States or ID other countries outside of China. •»»•••••»•»••• M II e »»»MM »•»•»•••<! >»••••« !•>!»•• Ever What Every Oftc* Need* iPhey say a new treatment immun Ises dogs against distemper What » boon to suffering humanity on Mon day morn inn S-Mith Ken<t Tribune PROVE to you why one tire is better than an other? I'd like to have a chance ? to do that-r-with Goodyear Tires. I wouldn't spend time talking--I'd demonstrate, I would show you how, in ; • both tread &nd carcass, ;; £ the Goodyear Tire is definitely superior. ,, I'd demonstrate the rea- 'sons for Goody ear's superior traction. I'd demonstrate also the reasons for Goodyear's longer carcass life. Just give me a chance-- the information will be worth money to you. Drop in anytime and £ make me prove whs^t I sav. GOOD Representative Claude L. Rew, Harrlsburg, has introduced a measure placing producers and distributors of motion pictures under the jurisdiction of the Illinois Commerce Commission. The legislature gave the University of Illinois its regular blnennlal Inspection recently. Special exhibitions of the R. O. T. C. wen- held for the lawmakers. University life In all its phases was depicted for the legislators. Senator Epler C. Mills. Virginia, has introduced a bill providing for a tax on the manufacture and sale of cigarettes. Senator Jrfmes J. Barbour, Chicago, has introduced substitutes for anti-narcotic bills he presented some time ago. Gov. Louis L. Kznmerson Is offering a handsome silver cup to the best commercial student in the state. District and divisional contests are being held now. Through his valuable experience as u hanker, a business man and public official. Governor Kmmersi> n has become thoroughly acquainted with the requirements necessary to success in business and consequently was glad to co-operate with the teachers of Illinois In a contest designed to kindle Interest in business education. Senator Simon K. Lantr.'s (Conir^rvllle) income tax b!ll, which the sponsors report will bring the state $3,000.- 000 in revenue annually. Is now before the senate acting as a committee of the whole. The* bill has been reported favorably by the senate committee on revenue and finance., THE TIRES THAT MILLIONS MORE PEOPLE RIDE ON prices are not guaranteed for more than a week Don't Weir Your Work Glasses "Out" It isn't "done." After a day in the office, store or shop, the smartly dressed business girl tucks her work glasses into their case. She dons another pair,' more appropriate for going "out," just as she lays aside the rest of her work-a-day garb for other clothes. Usage Demands Mart Than One Pair 7 p. m. to 9 p. m., except Saturday. Wed. 9 a. m. to » p. m. M. HENRY FREUHP OPTOMETRIST Phone 175 Refurnish at Little Cost Rugs In our display of rugs--imported and domestic-- appear designs and color combinations suitable for each and every home. .. The price range been arranged to meet every requirement. Lamp: The ability of one or more lamps to add the desired note of cheerfulness to your home outweighs many tim^ the small cost of such furnishings. Jacob Justen & Sons FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING Phone 103 R Green St. McHenry Senator Harry Vrtlson's (I'inckneyvilie) bill, creating a Buy Illinois Products commission and appropriating $:20,000 for the expenses of the Imdy which Is to encourage the buying of Illinois products by Illinois residents, has passed the senate and. has been pent to the house. Whether Illinois will have a state department of public safety to have charge of Senator Henry M. Dunlap's (Savoy) projM»sed highway patrol, or increase the present system of patrol under the department of public works and buildings, Is still being considered by the legislature. April 8 has been fixed as the final date for the Introduction of hills without the unanlmoNfc consent of the legislature. Meml>ers of the Assembly are making every effort 4W4 the session by Jtlna I. v*" Representative H. M. T.uckev, Potomac. has Introduced amendments to the dog act tn provide that proof of death from rabies Is sufficient evidence that same was killed 'by a dog. 1 <k» Representative IJey Juul. Chicago, has introduced a iilll which amends the Mutual IVtieftt a'^oeiations act to permit members of corporations or associations reincorporating under the act which* membership existed prior to; the reincorporation. 30x3^2 CI. Pathfinder Oversize, $5.75 29x4.40 SS Pathfinder $6.50 30x4.50 SS All Weather $9.65 31x5.00 SS All Weather $12.45 30x6.00 SS All Weather $15.80 31x6.00 SS All Weather $16.2j 32x6.00 SS All Weather $16.75 33x6.00 SS All Weather $17.25 Walter J. Fremiti PHONE 120-R ^ TIRE AND TUBE VULCANIZING BATTERY CHARGING AND REPAIRING • ALL WORK GUARANTEED Gasoline and Oil Battery Sales and Service 4(\'- .... _.t;l . ,->5 A t • -fM ' 5 'S - • |* • • ^ ' Sljt t ( \ . 4 I'tiilding construction in Illinois, Judging from permits Issued In fortyfour Illinois cities, experienced a decline in February, r . | JTj - Attorney General Carlstrom has told I the Morris state's attorney that the ! sheriff is entitled to fees for attending j court only on such days when the ' court is actually open for the transaction of business. Representative T. J. Sullivan, Spring Held, plans to introduce a resolution in t lie bouse providing for the appoint liient of a committee of tive to con sider the proposition of erecting a monument in Springfield In memdry of Hen. Ulysses S. Grant. The monument would be located on the spot w here General Grant took command of his troops during the Civil war. The state department of conservation has recently published a new hook. "Birds of Illinois," prepared by n. M. Schantz, president of the Illinois Audubon society. The book is the sixth publication of th» department and Issued as a companion hook to "Trees of Illinois." The name "K^ypt" was first rffif^Hed to the southernmost thirty-six Illinois counties by Dr. Cyril (5. Hopkins, the father of the "Illinois system of agriculture." Biblical historical similarities, the fact that several of the cities In this region were named after Kg.vptlan cities, and the resemblance of the land between the Mississippi and Ohio rivers sub led to floods, are bel leved to have been I>nctor Hopkins' reasons for the name "Eir.vpt." wiftest getaway* hill-clim bmg > 7 aim change of pace * bined in Buick>r ' f • ^ •; ' _ awaits you at the wheel! * all comand proof 'y;' The coal resmm-es of Illinois--^ln the form of unmined coal--a re very heavy. It Is estimated that less than r» per cent of the total available coal in the state of Illinois has been mined. When taken in connection with the very ureal Importance of a nearby and adequate supply of fuel, the coal Industry Is one of transcendent importance in the commercial welfare of the statlC '1™" A bill fry Representative Charles Mnrinier. Chicago, provides for the employment of flagmen on switch engines, and one by Representative Harry McCaskrin, Rock Island, requires railroads to maintain a of five men on pasaengej; trains. Get behind the wheel and set the facts! j * A bill by Representative A. OL Gal \in, Chicago, amends the cities and t illages act by making the corpora- j tion counsel legal advisor for city j councils, boards and departments of municipalities. ^Attorney General Carlstrom has advised States Attorney Harry 8. Grundy of Christian county that a board of education has the power to keep children out of school u^ess they have had smallpox, or shall subi mit to vaccination. Plural •f Talr- Dr. Prank H. Vizetelly says: "The word remains *pair* In the plural when It Is preceded by a number: otherwise, it takes the V Two pair of gloves.' bat 'Many pairs of trousers.' " Grades ia Timidity Jud Tunklns says everybody Is kind o' timid. The man with a million dollars Is pretty well scared of rhe man with a billion.--Washington Star. "Halraa's Bt|iwui|, • th 1$64 Helena, Mont., was founded a band of prospectors beaded by John Cowan. At first it was called Last Chance Gulch, as they had been looking for gold all through the spring without success and conshlered this their last chance for that season. On June 15. 1804, an abundance of gold was located. SERIES 116 Sedan* - - $1220 to $1320 Coupes - - $1195 to.ll290 Sport Car • $1229 SERIES 121 . Sedaas • - $1-490 to $1930 foupe* _^_r__$1399 to $1490 ^portCag '^"$1329 ^ SERIES 129 ^fNUas . - $1875 to $2149 Xoupes - - $1865 to $18^9 iportCars - $1525 to $1590 "These prices (. o. b. Buick Fac- Ery, special equipment extra. >o»enient terms can be ar- Aaged on the liberal G. IL - A. C. Time Payment Plan. V>HOOSE jour car on a business buui Arrange with us to take the wheel and prove for yourself Buick's performance supremacy. Learn w Buick outsells -- by more than two-to-one--any other car listing abdve $1200. Then let us explain the G. M. A. C Time Payment Plan, which has helped scores of thousands to own Buicks. Buick Motor Company, Flint, Michigan Di'wawy Gm--rmt Mtitrt Gnfrmtmu • room to rent? Advertise It ia oat classified department. Phone 6 Vim MAST1KPIBCI SQDIIS »Y FISUI* OVERTON & COWEN Buick Motor Gars West McH^niy, tBKN •ITTl* ACTOMO«IL*t AftK BUILT...BUICK KILL »«!*.» 1114, -Jr. ji;

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