Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Apr 1929, p. 2

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JV m:*i£ :• y «i',f. -'-if - » V xt--.1 -J *H* M'HZHKY MJLCTDXALMt, TBTTUDAT. APUl S, 1929 SLOGUM'S LAKI I IE"' r |-H v; Harry Matthews is drifinr a new Chevrolet truck. Mi-, and Mrs. Henry Geary were Saturday night and Sunday guest* at tie home of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Maiinan at Wauconda. They accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Jack Geary and son, Sk)gen<>; home, who were Sunday guests at the Maiman home. Miss Dorothy Dowell spent the _... . ^wJt.end wjth her cousin, Miss Fran- .<L"4^8 Converse. Mrs. LaDoyt Matthews and Miss Hyrtle Darrell of Crystal Lake spent Saturday with home folks at Oak Glen Farms. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowel! were Sun- _ y jruests at the home of the latter's - parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Davis. 4' j Mis? Anita Baseley of Wauconda «txi teacher of Slocum Lake school, ' accompanied by Miss Mayme Dowell, Miss Frances Converse, Miss Dorothy Dowell, Miss Mae Smith and Miss Ethel Dowell, visited the latter's mother, Mrs. Bert Dowell, at the Elizabeth Condell hospital at Libertyville Friday evening. Mrs. Dowell Is improving-. . Mr. and Mrs. Henry Winkler and ;f»o children of Waukegar spent Saturday at Ardelou farms. i r MCis.* Myrtle Darrell of Crystal . „fcake, Elmer Esping and Harvey Bar- : fcy of Moline, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews and son, Robert, Mildred Hctfman and William Darrell enjoyed dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. .Villard Darrell Easter Sund^-. Mr. and Mrs. A1 Wilson and daughter of Arlington Heights, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Winkler and two children and Mass Ruby Grantham of Waukegan were Easter Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Grantham. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Davis and Children were callers at the Esse fSscher home at Volo last Friday af- \t»moon. ; * Mrs. Harry Matthews and son, Rooiiit, and Mrs. WillaTd Darrell were callers at Waukegan last Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Matthews also called ; : at the J. G. Meyers home there. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Anderson and tliildren of Algonquin and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lusk of near Round Lake were dinner and supper guests # at the Blomgren home Easter Sunday. \ Mr. and Mrs. George Bagley and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shertleff of Chi- 'vj «ago were Thursday dinner guests at the Blojngren home. In the afternoon they accompanied John Blomgren and Mrs. Sigrid Blomgren to WaulillepaTi on business. Miss Doris Dowell of McHenry f- ipent last week with her cousins at Die Joe Dowell home. * P. Bomback of Chicago spent last ^/Jfriday at the Mulholland farm. . ; Chesney Brooks was a business taller at Grayslake last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Foss of Libertyville were Sunday dinner and afternoon guests at the home of the former's parents here. Chesney Brooks was a dinner guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Cook at Wauconda Easter Sunday. Robert Dooley of East Chicago was , a guest of Chesney Brooks last Friday afternoon at the W. E. Brooks ' Jjome. Page Smith spent from Tuesday until last Friday in Chicago. Miss Mae Smith was an over-night guest of Miss Anita Baseley at Wau- . fonda last Friday. Leon George Smith spent a feV days last week at the home of his father Jfc Fremont. Mrs. Harry Matthews and Mrs. Sigrid Blomgren attended the meetteg of the Fortnightly club entertained at the home of Mrs. George Lundgren last Tuesday evening. Auction bridge was the pastime. Pay your taxes at t)» Citizens Jttat* Bank, McHenry, 42tf SPEHra GROVE ' Mrs. Norbert Klause entertained her Young Ladies club Sunday at the home of her parents. Those present were: Misses Regena May, Kathren May, Alvina Engles, Agnes Weber, Evia Wdbdr Jennie Kattner, Helen Pepping, Vera Pepping, Emma Kattner. The many friends of Mh. Jennie Oxtoby will be sorry to bear that on Easter Sunday while attending the services she was taken with another stroke. At this writing there is no improvement, but it is hoped for her speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Feltes of Chicago spent Easter with relatives here. Miss Fannie Britz of Kennelworth spent Wednesday with her parents. Joseph Brown, who spent the past week in Iowa helping care for his father, who is very ill, returned home Sunday evening., MJSS Clara Rauen left Saturday evening for the city, where she expects to spend a couple of weeks with her brother, Leo, and family. Joseph Rauen and P. G. Hoffman motored to McHenry Saturday afte-r noon, the latter going on to Terra Cotta to spend a few days. Byron Orris, Joseph Wagner and N. N. Weber transacted business in Woodstock Monday. Louis Hoff of Chicago spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Hoff. Miss Agnes and Eva Weber were Easter shoppers in the city Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. John Steinke of Chicago spent over Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Louis Nulk. Joseph Britz and lady friend of Rockford spent Easter with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Britz. Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Klause and son, William Jr., *have moved to the Klause Bros.' farm home to take up housekeeping. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gabe and son, Richard, of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heinley and fami^' of Elkhorn, Wis., were Easter guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Wagner. Mrs. Charles Behms was a Chicago shopper Thursday. The boy scouts enjoyed an outing Saturday in charge of Rev. Reed. Mrs. James Foulke and son, Robert, returned home Monday morning from Iowa after spending a few days the past week with .her sister, Mrs. Middleton and family. Pay your taxes at the Citizens Bank, MaHenry. 42tf EIHOWOOD OSTEND Frank Green's truck from Woodstock was in this neighborhood several times last week delivering stock to different farmers. If Easter hats were not badly dampened this year must be they were left at home. Mrs. Nina Sherman drove over from Woodstock one day last week and called on her parents. Roads in this section that tfere not well covered with gravel are badly rutted and ruts filled with snow and water. Frank"'Kaiser sold seven cows recently and purchased several others. There is a great change in Bull Valley residents, not one of old residents left. There are three families that have lived there eight or ten yean. Remainder moved there more recently. Mrs. Kaiser ami daughter, Clara,' visited one day last week with Mrs. Kaiser's cousin, Mrs. Umathum. Not much work has been done on the land as yet. Tractor plows and harrows have been got in readiness but the snow of Sunday nigl^put a stop to all work on the land. Pay your taxes at the Citizens State Bank, McHenry. 42tf "She AGATHA SHOP Is offering " All Linen Handkerchiefs, regular 35c and 80c values Special 4 for $1.00 All Linen Handkerchiefs, 2 tOT I5c < [ Felt Pillows for Applique--Modernistic Pillows--Iiailma \' Quilting Pillows--Each $1.00 a- V- • This Bank is authorized by the County Treasure? to collect • .. -V AJa. . TAXES Citizens State Bank OF McHENBY yv "The Bank That Helps You Get Ahead^' The children of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Harrison gathered at their home on Easter Sunday and celebrated the birthday anniversary of Mrs. Harrison, which was last Tuesday. Those that came were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Harrison and son, Earl, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Harrison and two sons, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peet and daughters of Ringwood, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Henzie of Crystal Lake, Edward Harrison and Miss Ruth Owen of Elgin. The Home Circle will meet with Mrs. Lewis Hawley at her home Wednesday, April 10. Mrs. F. A. Hitchens and Mrs. E. C. Hawley will assist her. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Freund report the arrival of a daughter, born Friday morning. Mrs. Walter Harrison very pleasantly entertained a group of friends at her home Thursday to a threecourse one o'clock luncheon. A very attractive centerpiece on the tables when the luncheon was served was an Easter bunny hitched to a cartload of Easter eggs decorated with ribbons of orange and white and at each end of the table were flickering yellow candles. At each place card were tiny favors of cups filled with nuts and candy. The afternoon was spent in playing five hundred and bunco. Prist's for five hundred were awarded to Mrs. Floyd Howe, first; Mrs. Fred Charles, second, and Mrs. Gus Carlson, third. Prizes for bunco were given to Mrs. Ben Walkington, first; Mrs. Amos Smith, second, and Mrs. Leonard Franzen, third. A most enjoyable time was had by all with the guests departing declaring Mrs. Harrison a royal hostess. Mrs. Thomas? Kane entertained a number of ladies from Richmond Thursday afternoon. Five hundred was played and refreshments were served at the close of the afternoon. A number of members of the Bunco club journeyed to Richmond and spent the afternoon with Mrs. Charles Shepard. Bunco was played with prizes going to Mrs. Nick Young, first; Mrs. Edgar Thomas, second, and Mrs. Elmer Olsen the consolation. Mrs. Viola Low received the prize for the one having made the most number of buncos. At the close refreshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Shepard entertained the Five Hundred club at their If home Wednesday evening. Prizes were won by Mrs. Ray Peters and F. A. Hitchens. first, and Mrs. Bruno Butler and Elmer Olsen the consolations. At the close of the evening refreshments were served by Mrs. Shepard and Mrs-s/Jeorge Young. Mr. and Mrs. Max Beth and Mrs. Walter Lymann and son of Chicago spent Wednesday with Ringwood friends. Mr. and Mrs. Low and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Allen of Hebron were callers in the Sam Beatty home Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Low remained for the rest of the week. Mrs. Edwin Johonnott of Terra Haute, Ind., was called to Ringwood by the serious illness of her mother, Mrs. T. A. Abbott. Shf arrived here Thursday morning. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Shepard and family and Miss Mae Wiedrich were Richmond callers Thursday evening. Mrs. Lester Carr, Roy, Harold and Mae Wiedrich were McHenry visitors Wednesday morning. Mrs. Edgar Thomas and Mrs. Ray Merchant were McHenry visitors Friday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Weber and son of McHenry spent Sunday in the, Nick Young home. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Thomas and family were guests of relatives at Richmond Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Will Blake of McHenry spent Saturday evening in the Edgar ThoJftas home. Misses Ruth Owen and Edward Harrison of Elgin spent the week-end in the George Harrison home. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Stephenson were Richmond and McHenry" visitors Sunday. Clarence Hopper and family of Crystal Lake spent Sunday in tho Ben Walkingtoiv home. Frank Walkington and Miss Fern Lester of Libertyville spent Friday evening in Ringwood. Mr. and Mrs. George Frey of McHenry spent Satjirday evening in the George Noble home. r Mrs. George Noble and children of McHenry spent Saturday in McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sehuetze of Monroe, Wis., spent Sunday with Dr. and Mrs. Hepburn. Mrs. Nellie Evans of Chicago spent the latter part of the week with her sister, Mrs. Louis Schroeder. Mrs. Emma Merchant spent Monday and Tuesday in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Merrel were callers here Tuesday enroute home from Miami, Fla. Miss Erma McCaniion of Woodstock is visiting her sister, Mrs. Emma Merchant. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Block of Kenosha. Wis., spent Sunday with &*• and Mrs. Hepburn. Mrs. Lewis Schroedier and son, Kirk, were Hebron callers Tuesday. Wayne Foss, Lyle and Kenneth Franzen spent Saturday in Chicago. Fred Wiedrich was a Richmond visitor Wednesday. Mrs. Edgar Thomas and Mrs..Viola Low were Hebron visitors Friday afternoon. Harold and Lorena Jepson are home from Mt. Morris college for their Easter vacation. Carlton Fay of Wheaton spent his Easter vacation with his parents. Roy, Harold and Mae Wiedrich attended the show in Woodstock Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carr, Mrs. Lester Carr and MTS. Frank Stephen- $$n were Woodstock visitors Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Agnes Jencks and daughter. Mary, of Chicago spent the week-end in the George Stevens home. Pay your taxes at the Citizens State Bank, McHenry. 42tf TAXES! The conMy treasurer has aGtlio ized this bank to receive ta^es. We will appreciate your paying them hen,' ? West McHenry State Bank ~~ - 42tf HAMILTON HAIR CUTTING SHOPPE Rxdupive SADIES' AND CHII4>RENT|'*' , HAIR CUTTING By Appointment Only , i'T to 11 a. bl; 1 to 5 p.*. PRIES BLDG. Phone McHenry 255 McHSNRY GRAVEL ft EXCAVATING 00. a .A. P. Freund, Prop. Ifo&d Buildin# and Excavat&Bg of Every Description Estimates Furnished on Request High-grade Gravel Delivered at any time--large or small orders given prompt attention. Phone 204-M McHenry Telephone Ne. 166-R Stoffel & &<rihan*!>«r£«r 4 Insurance agewU for all clasae* ef property in the host companies. WEST McHENRY "V ILLINOIS DR. JOSEPH 0. FESLEY Dentist' ^jj§teBmry - -• Hlfnais ' " in IScHenry: Fridays 10 8 p.m. Saturdays9 7:30 p.m. Sundays by appointment. Artificial teeth made by the Davies process. Latest electrical equipment and modern methods. ^ ^ ; Riverside Drive over BarbiaftV Grocery and Market C. W. KL0NTZ, M. 0. Physician and SnrgeoK (Also treating all diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat and the Fitting of Glasses) Jfflce Hours--8 to S) a. m., 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. m. Sundays by Appointment office at Residence, Waukegan Road. Phone 181 McHenry, HI. HENRY V. SOMPEL General Teaming Sand, Gravel and Coal for Sale Grading, Graveling and 'Boad Work Done By Contract or By Day Phone McHenry 649-R-l P. O. Address, Route McHenry, 111. vi Phone 126-W Reasonable Katee A. #. SCHAEFER Drayifv Office Honrs: 11 to 12 a. at--g to 4 aad 7 to 8 p. m. Sundays and Holidays by Appointment DR. J. A. STREET PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Res. and Oftce Phone 274 Pries Bldg. ' McHenry, IlL hsnre-h Sare-ksDruce WITH W m. G. Schreiner " .. •, vr..?ef - u " Auctioneering j 4MPFICB AT RESIDENCE Pfcwe 9S-R McHenry, Illineia WM. MO AREOLA Lawyer Hike with Kent & Ctapalf Every Wednesday • . ,'," - McMeary. ttinsiB I ' . ' K % •i,1' A room to renl? Advertise ft ft| our classified department. fiew order of performance awaits you in this brilliailfc Buick--Drive the Car--and you'll want to drive t 'M. N? All automobiles are not alike! Drive Buick--test it thoroughly in comparison with any other car---and the results will lead you to Buick. Be sure to ask u about the liberal G. M. A. C. Time Payment Plan, which makes it easy to own a Buick. ^ B-u iDck/M Mtmo ttfoGrt mCrosmI Mpattntryi, G Ftrlpinrntm, UMmi d||| SERIES 11 SERIES 121 SERIES 12* Sedans - - $1220 to $1320 Sedans - - $1450 to $1520 Sedans - • $1875 to $2145 Coupes - - $1195 to $1250 Coupes - - $1395 to $1450 Coupes • • $1865 to $1879 Sport, Car - $1225 Sport Car - $1325 Sport Cars - $1525 t o$l^ These prices L pw b. Buick Factory, special equipment extra. Convenient terms can be on the liberal G. M. A. C Time Payment Plan. Phone 6 WITH MASTERPISCI BODIES BY FISHBB OVEIITON & qOWEll fcuick Motor Oars West McHenry, HI AUTOMOBILE# BUILT...BUICK now when homes want for spring, conies this unusual offer to help you clean easily, thoroughly, by electric cleaner./ YY<o u may choose either of these two well-known models and on payment of less than a dollar, have it for immediate use. c \ This thorough cleaner has a motor-driven brush which loosens the embe44#4 dirt. This is a very popular electric suction e cleaner. ytouse,and inexpensive $ cash $3137 is thm "Little The "Little by fey Little UttWprieeUUlJZ A Complete Set of Attachments 10» Williams St.. Crvstal Lake ONLY 15 extra Telephone 280 Schabeck, District Manager

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