Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Apr 1929, p. 6

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v i'AV-: ft :+x-1:™--1% .*?••'•• * .* v- ^ V, - • - *•• - 't ?'? • •' - ' ->-•- £- •----- . 11 ..'. *•:•' t •• » >.... »** '*" .3&*y ..^~. . . . .------ »- T/ ^:- f . '\' "f \'i"~ * , 4 » * TBI M'HKN&Y PI.tmn«it.i» THURSDAY, APKIL 4, 1M» ; : * AN ORDINANCE •' AN ORDINANCE regulating the laying out of streets and other pub- * Me spares, and the subdivision of land, astablishing the requirements for the approval of subdivision plans; and . providing the penalties for the viola- :.;K-. lion of its provisions. 7 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF I , THE CITY OF BTHENRY, ILU- ^ NOIS: iy • J SECTION I--Approval of Plats 4' ' Sequired. K 1. No land shall hereafter be aub- » * divided and no street or other public '•pace shall hereafter be laid out Within the City of McHenry until the Plan or Plans of such subdivision or ' Street or other public space shall |iave been submitted to and approved % the City Council of the City of McHenry. Such approval must be 4 |h writing or stamped on such plan fr plans. 2. No lot, tract, or parcel of land ftfthin any such subdivision shall be offered for sale, nor shall any sale, Contract for sale, or option be made ; tjr given, until such subdivision has fceen formally approved by the City * 4£ouncil. / 3. No improvements, such as water ';•••• ^Supply, drainage, sewerage, sewage disposal, gas service, electrical ser- "'^ice or lighting or grading, paving or Surfacing of streets shall hereafter Sie made within any such subdivision any owner or owners or his or heir agent or by any public service corporation at the request of such fjwner or owners or his or their agent, tjntil the plans for the subdivision ind also the plans for such improvements have been formally approved |jy .the City Council. , 4. Such approval shall not be /given in any instance hereabove r^cfi SYRUP Used as a Physician s Prescription for Many Years Money back if hoc . Children like it COR SALE BT ThMMi P. Bolger "The McHenry Drag gist" MM* M McHenry, ID. named unless all the plans and specifications and all the' proposed Work conforms to the requirements of this ordinance. ^ SECTION II--Requirements. In general the minimum requirements for the subdivision of land and the laving out of streets and other pttblic space# shall be as follows: A. Preparation of Plans. 1. All plans submitted for approval shall be in duplicate, drawn to a scale of not more than one hundred (100) feet to the inch, and shall be clearly and neatly drawn. Preliminary or tentative plans may be first submitted before the final plans are prepared. 2. All final plans shall show the proposed street lines, sidewalk lines, lot lines, building lines and all property or subdivision boundaries. They shall show, in accordance with an accurate land survey, the controlling points and lines around and within the subdivision itself and also by distance, bearings and angles, the relation of such controlling points and lines to the other controlling survey points within or near the City of Mc- •Hienry. All survey monuments shall be indicated and there shall be at least one permanent monument placed at each property corner of the subdivided area, and at least one at each street intersection. Such monuments shall be placed at least two feet into the ground and preferably imbedded in concrete. 3. Sufficient topography shall be shown to indicate the natural drainage and the probably finished grades of streets. All existing and proposed streets and alleys and other public spaces shall be shown, with the width and type of pavement or surfacing, and all other important features. Sufficient information shall be drawn to scale on the plans to indicate the relation of the proposed streets and other public spaces to the present street system of the City, and also the official City Plan. 4. The dimensions of all lots, and subdivision and re-subdivision of lots fehall be shown. No lot shall have an area of less than 6,000 square feet. 5. The north and scale shall be shown, and the name and addresses of the petitioner and of the engineer or surveyor shall be given on each plan. 6. One copy of all such plans, profiles and specifications shall be filed with the City Clerk, and the second shall be returned to t"ae petitioner, all with the approval or disapproval of the City Council clearly indicated. 7. All the proper certificates, seals and signatures as required by law shall be shown. 8. All adjustments for taxes shall be made before the plat will be approved. B. Subdivision Requirements. 1. No land subdivision will be ap- ' proved unless it is feasible, without 'unreasonable delay, to supply proper S. H. Freund & Son I General Building Contractors Phone 12741 GOT. Pearl and Parte Sts. a McHenry, I1L CENTRAL GARAGE „ maw ; > - • VKKD J. SMITH, Propriety . Ckevrofei Sales. feoori! AuiOuiOuvc Impair Volt Give us a^gU^vhen in trouble Day Phone 200-J - Night Phone 640-J-2 Hettermann Motor Sales All kinds of car and truck ancl general repairing, also welding, done by expert mechanics. . ;; Main St., West McHenry Phone 1911 4 • * M5-"- I ir mat Happy Smile-- Can always be noticed on the child who is fed on .milk from this dairy. You can rest assured that it is as pure as it is possible to secure. Try it today. Phone 660-R-l. *. We nothing but Bowman's Pasteurised *nd Degreed Products ^Community Dairy Phone 660-R-l Ben J. Smith, Prop water, drainage and sewerage facilities either by connection to the city water supply and sewerage systems, or by some other individual' or joint arrangement. 2. The minimum width for any street shall be sixty-six (66) feet except where any street shall be a continuation of a street now in exist-, ence, then such continuation shall be the same width as the street now in existence, but in no event shall any such continuation of a street be less than fifty (50) feet in width. Streets in all subdivisions shall be to a grade to be established by some competent engineer or by the committee on streets. The center of all such streets shall be excavated to a depth of at least 10 inches below said grade and to a width of eighteen (18) feet and filled with a good grade of gravel and leveled off with a slope of not more than 3 inches from the center to edge of this said eighteen-foot width, provided that the specifications for gravel shall not apply where said streets are or shall be paved with concrete, macadam or other material acceptable to the City Council. 3. The minimum width of any alley wherever provided shall be sixteen (16) feet. Where alleys are not provided easements of not less than ten (10) feet in width shall be provided on each side of all rear lot lines, and on side lines where necessary for poles, wires, conduits, storm and sanitary sewers, gas, water, and heat mains. Easements of greater width may be required along the lines of or across lot where necessary for the extension ' of main sewers, and similar purposes. Owners of adjoining property to keep alleys and easements in repair at their own expense. 4. No block shall be longer than twelve hundred (1200) feet between street lines. Blocks over eight hundred (800) feet in length shall have one cross walk not less than six (6) feet in width, situated near the center of the block. 5. The arrangements of streets in new subdivisions shall make provision for the direct continuation of the principal existing streets in adjoining subdivision. The street and alley arrangements must also be such as to provide opportunity for access and use of adjoining property owners. 6. At important intersections and at all acute corners the property corner shall be rounded or cut off. 7. All curb corners shall have radii if not less than twelve (12) feet and at important corners not less than twenty-four (24) feet. 8. Grades pf streets shall be the lowest feasible and no grade shall be in excess of three (3) per cent on through traffic streets nor in excels of seven (7) per cent on any other street. 9. All electric and telephone wires and all other wires for public service shall be placed underground, except that wires strung on poles are permissible if placed in the alleys or in the easements along the rear of .property lines. 10. All improvements shall conform to the best engineering standards. Due consideration shall be given throughout to the appearance of the subdivision and the various features thereof within its own boundaries and also in its environment in the City of McHenry. 11. Parks, Playgrounds, School Sites. In subdividing property,- due consideration shall be given to the provision of suitable sites for parks, playgrounds and schools. 12. Dedication. The subdivider shall furnish to the City Council a competent dedication m all streets and other public spaces to be dedicated and of all easements provided by the subdivision plan or plans. SECTION III--General Provisions. Penalty. ^ 1. If any section, class, paragraph, regulation, or provision of this ordinance is found invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, such judgment shall not affect, impair, invalidate or nullify the remainder of ,the Ordinance, but only that provision found invalid by such court. 2. Any person, partnership or corporation who violates this ordinance shall be subject to a fine of twentyfive ($25.00) dollars and each day that such violation continues shall be held to be a separate offense. SECTION IV--All ordinances or parts of ordinances conflicting herewith are hereby expressly repealed. SECTION V--This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication as required by law. Passed this 1st day of April, A. D. 1929. Aoproved this 1st day of April, A. D. 1929. Published April 4, 1929. PETER WM. FRETT, Mayor. Attest: R. F. CONWAY, City Clerk. TERRA GOTTA. Miss Ellen Frisby of Elgin visited at her home here Sunday. Mrs. M. Knox, daughter, Mabel, and son, Vernon, called on relatives in Woodstock and Harvard last- Thursday. Frank Spraud of Chicago visited at A. H. Henderson Chicago visited at the home of P. A. Huffman Sunday evening. Vernon J. Knox of the University of Notre Dame visited at his home here from Wednesday until Monday. Mrs. Arthur Franke and daughters of Cary called on Mrs. Marion McMilthe home of Frank McMillan Sunday Miss Jennie Hogan of Elgin was a guest at the home of B. J. Shine Sunday. Harold and Vernon Knox were Chicago visitors Saturday. j Mrs. Christine Buss visited relatives in McHenry Sunday and Monday. Henry McMillan and son, Mark, M. Knox and son. Harold, and W. H. and Thomas Ames were Woodstock visitors last Thursday- Thomas Bemston of Elgin visited! at the home of 6. J. Shine Sunday. Miss Eleanor McMillan was a week end guest of Miss Ethel Bell in Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. M. Knox and daufh ter, Mabel, visited relatives in Elgin last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Howard F. Karper and family have moved to Dixon Mr. and Mrs. James P. Green an4 family of Woodstock visited relatives' here Sunday Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Huffman and daughters were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wilcox In Chicago Sun day. visited relatives here Monday. ^ Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sund and daughter, Darlenc, of Carpentersville spent Sunday at the home of Henry McMillan. MSss Eleanor McMillan called on Miss Vera McMillan at Solon Mills "Monday. Vernon J. Knox attended the Easter Sunday and Drake hotel in Chicago Monday eve*! ning. Glenn McMillan of Chicago spent ^ Sunday at his home ft ere. j foimal given by the Chicago club of j Philip G. Hoffman of Spring Grove the University of Notre Dame at the SPILLS nihil W f'X. HERMAN J. SCHAEFSR V'-V : Itoving an<l Distance Hauling ', • •• \ ~ l&ONE M5-J J McHenry, Illinois ^ u- - ^ i 4 V ^ ^ y . * „ t - J ' S" 'OS *m,v: ..4*: LOW PRICES ±4) V REFRIGERATOR Don't Wear Your Work Glasses "Out" ft Isn't "done." After a day in the office, store or shop, the smartly dressed business girl tucks her work glasses into their case. She dons another pair, more appropriate for going "out," just as she lays aside the rest of her work-a-day garb for other clothes. $sage Demands More Than One Pair 7 p. m. to 9 p. m., except Saturday. Wed. 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. m. HENRY F?EDND OPTOMETRIST Phone 175 NOW yon can have the coflh venience... the great economy ... the health-guarding services of a General Electric Refrigerator at m modi lower price than ever before. t The public instantly recognised the merit of the General Electric Refrigerator and has shown a marked preference for it since the day it was first announced. The demand has exceeded expectations. In* production to keep ||nand has effected manufacture -ling economies. These savings are now being passed along to the public through lower«. prices. , Come in today «nd see life many models and learn hour easy it is to purchase a General Electric Refrigerator under our liberally spaced payment plan. The new low prices«*> which now start at $215--: bring the General Electric frigerator within the reach «f |peip:||pMj. GENERAL ELECTRIC AU/'STSEL KEniCllRATM Carey Electric Shop AIR MAIL ENVELOPES The ^Plaindealer has air mail envelopes on sale for the accommodation of those who wish to use this branch of the postal service. For letters routed long distances across the country this seryice is the quickest and under the new postal regulartions the cost is five cfents for the first ounce and ten cents for each additional ounce. The envelopes have the necessary markings and may be purchased in any quantity from one UP- fp-tf TAXES! The county treasurer has authorized this bank to receive taxes. We will appreciate your paying them here. West McHenry Stats Bank. 42tf The Way off Mu A- contemporary remarks that wa are not much good at preventing acddents, but we are grand at probing tutu; after they happen. It Is hard to see just what or whom to probe before the acctdeDt, however.--Rochester Democrat and Chronicle. Modem Gratitude* Galahad had his good points, bat only our higher civilization cooid produce a drug clerk who says "Thank you" after selling a postage stan^--St. Pap I nijupn^ . " * Sale Sale I AT LOW PRICES For April--and April only--we are offers ing new United, States Tires af greatly reduced prices. • These low prices will apply on every United States Tire, a tilPt to fit every car and every purse This is a special introductory offer, made right,at the time you need new tires for the summer. Here is a real opportunity to buy the finest tire made and at a worth while saving. Come in at once and let us show you LOOK OVER the new IF, S. Tires. 30x3% Usoo . 29x4.40 Royal ..L.X 30x4:50 Royal ^ 30x5.25 Royai 31x5.25 Royal 33x6.00 Royal PRICES 5.75 8.25 9.25 13.30 13.65 16.45 PHONE 120-R ffitS AMD TUBE VULOANIXINO MATTERY CHARGING AND REPAIRING ,-ALI* WORK GUARANTEED

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