Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Apr 1929, p. 1

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• :;p <•*> ' V ' - > • V • fr • •' j' V\ , , U: '*': ~ ' * - :,Y ' ¥•'* V* ' *•* •W""^1'•» W<jaFMfcy^%fc«i". «y '»»y *.' ;*', " .. 'J;*:.t*'J*'d'. 't -./. .i '-*:L'\ Xsj .•, , v '*. * jiw. *f ;>t - - </ ; . • yt \ ^ f~W r v*~" v . ' . ' - f * " 'W |: ' • i f: •' WsHyn*">*-.-• • :v-Sr •> • ••:?.•;../ „ 'I f . • 'i'-Kay m-.^r y." ;v *v «•(&***$£- f, - jpjJ i ~^T *- •• •'•js>j^ v-v- rr;. ^ # •<•».-^"w- WM > y»'«r ."» .%£ *1* SS-> •'•'- \ ' '• :""ih k - >'&*4 • 'A? * er#v • fc iviS* VOLUME 54 icRnrRT ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, APKIL It 1929 mmm joasTniG AHTIOCH, SATURDAY] Chata of Lakes ^ssociatiea WIN Hold Special M*etii»f at HIgit School in Antioch v- A special meeting of the Chain of 3fc, .UnffniV {Lakes Association will be held Sat> »* 7 '4 ^'--» -«. ^day evening, April 13, at 8 o'clock, ^ m- • &_ " "at the high school in Antioch. f eltieesiEe. Matters of vftal importance, the •wafcsr levels in the lakes and the putting in of a permanent dam of con. crete at McHenry, the deepejtino ami widem&ir'of the channels in and between the lakes and river and the spaces was heeded by the motor- {formation of a conaervaQcy district as was plainly evident from the -&r ^uth as the M«Henry dam, will h&*y tr&lfic which crowded the hfgti- f discnss^d. LVT traffic starxs SUNDAY t«rlstt 1% ffiefiirways and CiMkes Fallow ually warm weather for this of year waa enjoyed ort? tike k-end aad that the call to the wide WUfT TH1 HAKE OF IBftOK r;?^> A % tftBted %gttles aad it . - ,t .:. -• M. •wiys during the day aad far into tly Saturday and Sunday. With the iapreased traffic over the wMk-eiut c*ne the increased number of accidants which took their toU in deaths, ivfuries and wrecked cars which so abundantly mark every: pleasant week-end throughout the summer sfea- As the traffic grows more congiirted each year the nuipber of caaalso increase Wllh speedHIg lawlessness as the onuses of •Sny of the accident*. 'Throughout this part of the coun*- tUf many accidents were * reported Over the week-end with some in this vicinity causing Injuries and wrecks with miraculous escapes from death. On Friday night a man with his wtfe and daughter were enroute from CMcago to Lily Lake travelling at a high rate of speed. Asvtl)ey approached a turn in the road between Wauconda and Volo th^ speed at which they were travelling was so great that they were unable to make the turn, the car going into the ditch and seriously injuring the occnnants who wore taken to the hospital at Palatine. * . Mr. and Mr*. Elmer Anderson of Barton's Bridge were patients in the Woodstock hospital over the weekmid, having been injured in an auto accident qn the detour on Route 19, near Cary. Mrs. Anderson suffered severe bruises and Mr. Anderson had a broken leg as the results of the accident. . f Track and X<ft«rejre!e Coltldge Irwin Brewer of Woodstock received a broken arm and numerous cuts about th^ face in a crVsh between a motorcycle and ay truck Friday night. Brewer was riding in the side-car of George" Fuller's motorcycle when it crashed ihto the rear end of the'track. filler was only slightly injured. Harry Hlroiiomus, son of Frank Hironomus of Volo, received Revere bruises, cuts about the head knd a broken artery on the leg, when the car he was driving somersaulted three times and remained on the pavement . about n^id night Saturday night. Harry Hironomus, with Charles O'Borney* of Fish Lake and anotlrer friend were driving east on their way home from McHenry and as they pulled out to paas a Ford coupe' the headlights .of an approaching car blinded tho friver causing him to side swipe the coupe. When he saw that a crash was inevitable Harry jammed on the brakes and thfl^ Oakland sedan which'he was drtring turned oyer three times but remained on the pavement. -The Oakland is a total wreck and the occupants were luokv to escape with their lives. O'Borney sttffered a slight | made. concussion on the head while the | Joe M AI1 property owners within os* mite of amy «f this cfoain of lakes or Fox fiver as far south as the dam are requested to be present. Also thf residents of McKenry. Antioch, Fo*. Lake «nd Storing Grove &re interested an(| afcovid be at this meeting. RspAMttHves' McDonough, Jackson and Lyons and Senator Paddock anfd Secretary of State Wm Stratton are expected to bo present aad ai^ dress the audience. ^ 'i l/OCAl LFGIOX ArtTLlART > ENTERTAINS ( 01 NTT COUNCIL j The McHenry American Legion Auxiliary. No. 491, had as their guests the McHenry County Council of the American Legion Auxiliary on Thursday evening, April 4. The meeting vra% held in the Legion Post club rooms and there were guests present frOra Crystal Lake, Algonquin, Harvard and Woodstock. The county officers of the Auxiliary are: President, Miss Mabel, Maxon, Harvard; vice-president, Mrs. Fred Morgan, Crystal Lake; secretary; Mrs. Mae Hayes, Harvard; treasurer Mrs. Grant Hill, Crystal Lake ;his-j torian, Mrs. Harry Hoagland, Wood Croak. Harvard; .chaplain, Mrs. Ben Zurlinden, Cary. Plans were made for a joint mooting with the Legion to be held at Harvard on Thursday, May 23, and it was also planned to entertain the exserVice men at the Elgin State hospital with a program on April 26. The Huntley unit will be in charge of this program. The next council meeting, will be l old at Marengo on Thursday evening, May 2. , 7 ' At the close of £he meeting dainty refreshments wefe served by the committee in charge. IMPROVEMENTS AT -ftAtWfcijJtf* The Rainbow Sweet Shop has undergone some marked improv during the hist few weeks and is Evp «a His Deatfcbod This Knitffct • *f the Road Refaaed To Tell About Hiaaoelf Aaderwon is the ouly knofgna Mine ef the nhinatgr sweep and hobo who died%t the «Hjr hall in IteStenry about 4 o'clock Tadkay monteg from injurieajtaooiVea in falling from a train. HiKlddre^ is unknown. £v»n in' the tow of death he would not divulgii any alkies or particulars re- ****** M» P*st life, this being a cha*ijCt«H4dc it the hobo in general, and all tha ^pferets ofv his early life and jpfililiiipf of his later years passiA away ^ith hin. Aateaoh, ^flkose home was wherever lo lagiWi il to be, was about 45 years oWK Hid been eoming to McHenry for the past fifteen years and perhaps will be remembered by many ioca^ |a«idsswU as the happy-go-lucky with the tall pointed ST. CLARA'S COURT • * INSTALLS OFFICERS SH*ty-«i£h* Members Attend fliawt at McHenry House, Followed oy Installation Ceremonies The members of St. Clara's Court, Order of Foresters, enjoyed a very pleasant meeting on Wednesday eve~ ning, at whieh time the annual installation of officers was held. The activities of the * evening commenced with a six o'clock dinner at the Mc- Henisy House, at which there were sixty-eight members present. The tables were prettily decorated in yellow and white, the colors of the Court, and musical numbers were rendered by the high school quartette during the dinner hour. At the close of the banquet the members adjourned to St. Mary's church hall, which was also prettily decorated for the occasion in yellow and%white and with ferns and plants, presenting most attractive appearance. Mrs. Catherine Schneider acted as installing officer for the' evening and was presented with a beautiful pot of tulips. The past vice chief ranger, Mrs. (Catherine Weingart, was presented with a lovely Easter lily and Mrs. Emma Miller, also a past chief ranger, wai presented with a table cloth and napkins in appreciation of the work she has done for the Court. The officers who were appropriately installed for th? year were: Chief Ranger--Katherine Worts., ' Vice Chief Ranger--Lillian StoffeL Recording Secretary--Matilda Garisch. Financial Secretary--Kathrine Hiller. Treasurer--Helen Weber. First Trustee--Gertrude Weber. Second Trustee--Gertrude R. Weber NO. It! ATHLETIC ACTIVITIES] AT LOCALJMIS SEVERAL TEAMS ARB BEING ORGANIZED Track. Tennis and Baseball Next la Line--May Have New Playgraoad ( nial Swimming Pool The' senior class play, "Honor UHgtit" will be given at the high school this evening with an intsijeating caat of characters. At this hat" a^na wawp De seen singing down the- streets of our city during fhe spring of the year. Thrown From Train Saturday morning this knight «f the road tried to beat a ride on > a train at Ringwood, but was thrown off and after lying around the lumber yard there for a few hours he was brought to the city hall at McHenry, where .he snent the night. On Sunday morning he felt better a n d t o l d M a r s h a l J a c k W a l s h t h a t i -- „ he wanted to be on his way and start-1 P1 . ^us^ee Si^pan Justen. ed again on his journey. Evidently 1 ?emor Conductor--Margaret Schmitt _ he did not get far, however, for on; Ju™r Conductor-Mary Freund. stock- sereeant-at-armH~r,*Mr^' M»rv M°nd*y afternoon the unfortunate' r1"*1" fen^!n, Barbara Weber. K was tanri ta . .hack just °"tT S«»"™'-Ann. M,y«r,. north of Borden's factory, where he was found to be in great agony 'and was again brought to the city hall, where medical aid was summoned, but it was too late and after suffering through the night he died early Tuesday morning. The body was removed to the undertaking parlors of N. J. Justen A Sort, whet* an inquest was conducted by Coroner Cook Tuesday afternoon, where it was decided that be died from injuries received in his fall from thcrtrain. With no one to mourn his passing, no friend to lay a flower upon his bierv Anderson was btyried in Woodland cejpldtery, unknown ind soon to M < tfada tput. ^ppjd «jhn. -lESt r JC milk shake machines ^nd other Accessaries, The room has boon redocones waiting, somewhef% for a message telling of his wliafaajbouts and , ... .. i ready to forgive and welcome him orated and .new hnoleum laid on the | ^ Qne can on, 8Urmige the f00/,,^ s^eral booths have been hearUch vicissitudes and hard lu«k installed, making the ice cream P«r-!th<lt have alla&ned this knight of the lor a most modern one. Charles and | road to bri him to the life of . Gas Unti are the proprietors of theit whe^with perhaps a helping sweet shop and are ever keeping hand ^ # klnd word in an earlier abreast of the tunes m their endeavor to and satisfaction to The guard of honort composed of four ladjes, carried out the floor work in a very beautiful manner. The installation ceremonies were followed by short talks by several of the officers and past chief rangers and music was furnished during the evening by Helen Schneider. The evening was concluded with eards, bridge, five lnundred and bunco being played and prises awarded. Mrs. Jacob Justen was the winner of the door prise, a large angel food cake, Tfhich was donated by the Chief-Ran ger. Mrs. Kathrine Worts. The evening was one long to be remembered- by the members of the Court. ' ' PITY ELECTION TO ** BBLO TUESDAY, APS. 1« Poter W. Frett and John R. Kaex Far Mayor b Oaly Coataat give service their patrons. xr, 5;\.: *>I•- BBG PARONt In the published report of the Mk suits, of the township election in last error The report gave the name of Weber aa ... third man was slightly injured. There j thirty-seven votea for' ware six occupants in the Ford coupe,' none of whom were Injured. Three Chicago men experienced narrow escapes from death Sunday night when their car, a Pontiac sedan, crashed through the guard rail, and rolled 4own the steep hill near Buffalo Park, south of Algonquin, a distaace of about ninety feet, landing In the bed of a creek at the base of the Ml The ocupants of the car were aot injured but very likely they are not anxious So try this stunt again. .. f 'M .A' - -- ^ ' ANNOUNCEMENT wish to announce myself as a caaididate for the office of Mayor of McHenry and I respectfully solicit the support of the voters at the city election to be held April 16, 192$. My platform is "A business administration." v If elected I will, with the support of the City Council, keep the ex fwaseS as low as possible to ^ keep than without impairing the progress of the city. day would have made a far different ending to hii> story of life. peace in the third precinct should have read "Jos. N. Miller" instead of Mr. Weber. Mr. Miller's name did not appear on the ballot but was written in. His "friends" in the third precinct worked hard throughout the day to make a judge oat of Joe and did put him over in the one precinct but, of course, tfrhen the reports from the other two came in there were no votes there for Miller. We bog pardon fpr the error but the report was published just as it was given us. However, we hope that Joe will forgive and forget the Muadsr in last week's colanms. - IL H. OP A. CAR® PARTY ' The pahlic card party sponsored by Rtvorview Camp, Royal Neighbors of America. Tuesday "veniss was s sucress both socially and fnancially. A large crowd was in attendance and an enjoyi|il*jpC|iag was spent at bridge, flv# hsadrw aad bascb. In bridge the first prise was won by Mrs. Charles Pich, the second by Miss Frances Vycital and the third prize ty Mrs. Allan Noonan. In five hundred the first jjrise was awarded to Mrs. Nick Wmngart, the second to Mrs. Mary McCSabe and the third prise' to Mrs.' J. W. Rothermel. In bunco tac first prize went to Mrs. Jacob Justen. the second to Mrs. Johi^ Keg a-id the third prize to "L pcln. The beautiful qui: pieced and <|uihtsu by the ladies of the ??^iety, went to Mrs. D. I. Granger. SCHOOL ELECTION SATURDAY, APRIL 1$ QMtaioa of Selling the Sherman Hill School Property Will Be Voted At Election School election will take place Saturday afternoon, April 13, die polls being open from 1 to 5 p. m. The polls for the election of members of the Grade school board will be located at the Grade school while the voting place for the Community high school trustees will be at the city hall. ^ ^ The-namea of R. f? Overton tor (he Girls' Glee club w.ll' make their -preeiWwBt Stephen H. FVaund and first appearance in their now cos-j ^tlRr'es ®" Harmsen Jor members will frames of white sweaters and whita' ap i pear on the ballot for tho grade skirts, while' this evening will also 3 °°' board, while E. R. Sutton and mark the first public appearance 6f the bojrs' octette. The high school is Just sistling with athletic activities these days. In ad dition to the regular practice of the track teams tennis is now attracting the interest of many of the students. The tennis courts are now in line shape and more enthusiasm in the game is being evinced this year than ever before with a schedule of tennis tournaments for the boys as well as the girls being planned. .• Baseball teams have also been organized and practice is in full swtag every noon. The Sophomore team will play the Juniors and the Freshmen John A. Miller have filed as candidates for re-election on the Community high school board. There will also be an extra ballot to be voted at the grade school election which will be on the sale of the Sherman Hill School property and building. This district has alrea%y combined with McHenry and are sending their children here to school and petitions have been submitted for the sale of the property which will be decided next Saturday. WEEKLY EXCHANGE: j INTEREST •STOP AND GO" SIGNS*' ' Ji ^ NEEDED IN MllE^RY TAKEN FROM COLUMNS OF OtJR EXCHANGES Asaertaieat of Newsy Items ;:.v'-Condensed'Form Ffr:- Basy People ^ _ dedication of the newly compfe million dollar St. Theresa hospital at Waukegan will be cr.rried out in an elaborate ceremony to be attended by Cardina? MundeJein of Chicago, aa Sunday, April 28, it* was announced recently. The Cardinal will be Attended by an extensive retinue «f ' other dignitaries of the archdiocese of the church. Thirty-three seminarians wafe elevated to the priesthood in elabo«ttt| ordination exercises held at the St. Mary's of the Lake Seminary ^st week. The class is one of the largest that has graduated from the schooland the exercises were attended by prominent clergymen from this section of the state including Cardinal Mundelein and other diernitaries of the church from Chicago. ' Settlement of two coitdemnatioa suits started by the' state highway department in order to get right- ofways so that Route 176, Mundelfin- Wauconda to Burton's bridge, can be paved ait liable to be settled Out of * VI? •1 ' -^1 "-3 on Friday, May 8, In which all of the musical groups of the schools in the county will take part. The different bodies such as bands, orchestras and Glee clubs will combine for the time being and play together probably in a body of seventy-five students or more. Some consideration Is also being given to th^ {proposition of making a playground and swimming ft£ach oh Boone Creek at the rear of the grade With the increasing traffic through will meet the Seniors in some big' oB the 8tfu highways league games this week. I „wh'? £ vfr* T"6*"* over the ^ A MrHen ry U»fe f«l™I! ! court, it was reported recently. With is scheduled to be held at Mareftgo' °! stoJ ,®nd sro" sl^na]s .the exception of these last two saits - » ... -- - ** intersection of the most crowd-1 ri^ht-of^-ways b^n obtained ed streets presents Itself as a' very < the state is ready to put in concrete important and urgent one to the peo-j this spring, if possible.The route is pie of community. | considered an 'important connecting^ On Monday morning an accident. link between central Lake county and occurred at the intersection of Green' McHenry county. ~ and Pearl streets, which will be only { Clarence Brown, attorney, who tell one of many unless something is done, beneath the wheels of a Northwestern *t once to safeguard the lives of pe- train at Lake Bluff, Wednesday' morndestrians as weH as of motorists. ling of last week, is unaware $)Mt he In order to take care of the heavy has lost part of both legs, but ihstead traffic this summer "stop and go" believes that he is merely suffering school. It Is said that there is a fine signals are necessary at the intersec- from,severe fractures of both limbs sandy shore at the creek at this loca- tions of Route 20 and Green street, is according to friends who have viztiton which would be ideal for a bath- j Green and Pearl streets, and Routes, ited him. He seems to be well on the ing beach and would afford the only i 20 and 61 in McHenry and the inter-! road to nublic place of this kind for McHenry'/ jand no doubt *tald be vary popular. s The boys of the Grade school are again very interested In track wRh about twenty boys from the fifth to the eighth grades, inclus^e, taking part. A track meet has been planned with Algonquin to be bold at e recovery and that while it sectmn of Route 61 and Main gtrsfit will be months befote he will b« able in West McHenry. to leave the hospital ho' will eventn- I1 • . ...-j. ally be fitted out with artificial legs >IES INCIftfACO and feet which will enable him to City politics is one of the most important issues of the day in McHenry at this time and will probably remain so until the election of the city officials on next Tuesday, April 16. MayflV Frett, who is finishing his first tellb as mayor of McHeitry, will be oppejpd by John R. Knox, whose name aQl appear alone on the Taxpayers ticket. No other contests are scheduled, in this city, however. In the third ward there are two, to be elected, one to fill th« vacancy caused by the resignation of Aid. John R. Knox, who is a candidate for mayor. The name of Jacob Schaefer is the only one on the ballot for alderman in the third ward, with two to be elected. The specimen ballots will be found, by on another page of this issae -of The Plamdealer. Funeral services for Kenneth Hoy, walk wJth »or* effort than who died in Chicago on Wednesday, ^or® accident. were held Saturday in Woodstock. Excessive speed on a dangerous Services were held in Evanston and comer recently was blamed for an actl «« ' then the body waa brought to Wood- cident near Wauconda in which two Grade school Friday' at 4 o'clock. TV •***» Whtv services were held in werp painfully injured. The boys are doing fery well under the 1 the hem* of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. couPle- although badly injured, wore supervision of Supt C. H. Duker Frenfciit Hoy, where the American P,«ced under arrest by State Policowho Instructs them in track, as well: Legi®l knd charge of the services. ,man- who charged them with being as ia basketball, as no coach Is pro- Hay, who was employed with drunk a physician had examvidetf for the grade school and It is the Se,*«'rfer Oil Burner company in in«d th«™ declared both to be Chicago* was found dead in his auto- under the influence of liquor. Thev mobile in Chicago last Wednesday af- man was charged with driving while ternoon. , drunk. The physician stated that the He was a former cashier of the raa*» may be suffering from internal Ringwood State bank and he is stir- 'nJur'e* and an attempt will be made vived by his parents and two broth-'to move him in an ambulance frosa ers, Clarence and Dwight Hoy. -• only due to Supt. Duker's keen interest In the boys and In their development that they are privileges to ehjoy athletics in the grade school * ENTERTAIN J. J. C. CLUB The girls of the eighth grade at St. Mary's school, who belong to the J. J. C. club, were entertained by Eunice Marshall and Evelyn Smith at the former's home on Saturday afternoon. A happy afternoon was spent in playing games and prizes were Tnree of™the prises awarded at cards I won by Dorothy Leonard, Genevieve were donated by Mrs. Forrest and, Freund and Lucille Steves. At the SHOWER FOB MISS WALSH Miss Rosalie Stilling entertained a party of friends at a bridal shower in honor of Miss Eleanor Walsh S*tuK day evening, the event taking place at! the spacious home of the hostess on Fox River. The guest of honor, Miss Eleanor Walsh, who is soon to be a bride, received many very beautiful gUto " u*cu w< selection that well as useful in a home and which will be donbly appreciated as coming from girlhood friends. The evening was spent in playing brid#e with the first prize being won I Miss Elizabeth Vogt. the second by Miss Mayme Keg and the third prize going to Miss Clara Barbian. Delicious refreshments were served at RESIDENCE CHANGES Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wagner have iaoved from east, of Fox river to the John Bonslett house on Court street. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Freund have moved from the Theo. Schiessle flat in West McHenry to the house own re OI a. wiuc auu varieu iI av#Ui "u7_ Myr4W--« wt_u l,v-wk Mluavici VII VUUlb: will be decorative as j street. Mrs. Gulnto and wore much appreciatELEVEN TEARS OLD . ed. Lunch was served at the close of t Mls$ Bernadette Meyers, dattgWer tk* <^mesof Mr. and ilrs. Phil Meyers, enter »• j tained a party of friends at her home j* ^ LINGER LONGER CL afternoon to honor of her | ' The members of the Linger close of the games delicious refreshments were served with decorations in green and gold, the class colors, while the favors, cakes and other appointments carried out the prevailing onger j color scheme. The * girls present I eleventh birthday anniversary. Ten of j club were entertained by Mrs. Peter *ere*'. IX>rothy L^onard^ Genevieve I will not be controlled by any man or group of men and will work with the council for the best interests ef tha taxpayers at, all times. I will, with the help of the council, try and work out some plan to relieve the city of the critical financial condition that now exists. ATTENTION, ROYAL NEIGHBORS! The regular meeting of Fox River Valley Camp, No. 3251, R. N. A., will be tailed to order at 7 o'clock, Tuesanjj | freshmentf were served at the close day evening, April 16, as it will be followed by a public card party ait 8 o'clock. ~ Saturday birthday in__ .^ _ w s __^ v lier classmates were present to enjoy: M. Weber at her home at Lily Lake Lucile Steffes, Eileen Leon* the afternoon which was spent in > last Thursday afternoon. A delight- j ard> .Freund, Elea- ' * • ~ Sutton, Evelyn Freund, Marie Eunice Marshall and Evelyn pretty Mrs. Fred C. Schoewer, the "s^ond! SraiU> who attepont a very happy aflighted j !**"« went to Mrs. Charles Mertes center-1 and Mrs. Lester Page carried home the consolation. A feature of the a£- Ihose present were: Ethel Freund,! ternoon's entertainment was a guess- Ciara Freund. Betty and Lorraine j1"* contest in which Mrs. Edward Thennes. Theodore and Marian Kalln„j Buss rec eiyed the pnze.^ Delicious^ re- I>orothy Martin. Viola Brefeld Lorraine Kaox. playing games and other merrymak-1 ful afternoon was spent in playing I will transact the city business I ml. after which a delicious birthday | bunco and the first prize was won by 'M,ller strictly according to law and will be i supper was served with a governed by good legal advice at all I birthday cake decorated with times. candles forming an attractive I have made no promises of any j piece, much admired by all' present. deacrtptioa no* w<U I malm any in ~ " * ~ * offer to get support. the Lily Lake residence where they were taken, to a hospital. Buried alive ia a great tank of hot cinders two employes at the Great Lakes Naval Training station plant would kaye lost their Friday had it not been for the ^ seace of mind of the chief engineer * who opened the chute that hurled the boo!?* shct®?!: feet below the raiir*jnd tracks. Fortunately almost five feet Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Woodburn1^ e^ers the tracks before have moved to Woodstock, where they the bof,ef o£, ^ mfn £el1 °u5.' which now live on Jefferson street. Mr. • P'^vcnteu any irwwures. Born were Woodbum is the manager of the rus , to the hospital, and at first it Shinner meat market in that city, (was thought that the.r conditions * 'grave. Later examinations #Mioeea EVENING BRIDGE fcLUR^ that, w , h^il e the bu, rns werue 4wse p and The members of the Evening Bridgj; that 1 es 01)11 aavad. club motored to Elgin on Wednesday} r.„n rIjni % the close of a delightful evening. The !evening of last week, wher^ they werel entertained in the home of Mr. and! Mr8" J- w- Freund and Mrs. Mrs. Gordon Stringer on West Chicago *"re.un'1_e J nte!^f^ .1. ®®mber* °* street. A delightful evening was guests wore: Misses Eleanor Walsh, Dorothy Walsh, Genevieve Carey, Mary Walsh, Lillian Freund, Mayme Keg, Elizabeth Vogt of Geneva, Cornelia Freund. Kathrine Walsh, Mary Pender Walsh. Clara Barbian, Kathrine Kenney of Chicago, Helen Erbach of Chicago. Ellen Doherty, Mrs. M. J. Walsh, Mrs. H. F. Cannon of Waukegan, Mrs. Harold Smith of Chicago, Mrs. George A. Stilling, Mrs. Paul Bonslett of Crystal Lake and Mrs. B. A. Jurgens of Milwaukee. their card club at the home of spent at bridge with high honors go- for®er on Jaat Thursday aftcrnoA " , >~ J- ' public that: ^1 «i $ delightful afternoon. "jm NOTICE I desire to notify the , I am now able to resume my regular practice of medicine and surgery, as In fact, I will give all a square deal, j my health is greatly improved. Phone regardless of what ward they may be |JMcHenry 181. what street they may liyp.. - DR. W. KLONTZ. JOHN R. KNOX. BENEFIT DANCE St. Clara's Court, No. 659, W, C. O. P, will give a dance at Stoffel's Hall, West McHenry, on Saturday evening, April 6, for the benefit of St. Mary's church. Fifty cents per person. Everybody invited. 41-4 r Hat sale Friday aad Saturday. Children's and misses' hats priced ' _ ; 'i- NEED TIRESr ^ . waiter J. Freund is quoting "iotte exceptionally low prices on tires in the display columns this week. 45-fp-tf - .4^QS.JL Don*t forget t!rr bi;? hat~isa!r-fw children and misses Friday and Saturday at tho Thelen Pich Hat Shop, Riverside Drive. . , • 45-fp S1.60 and up; nothing over f2JX>, at •t 4 Pay your taxes >| State Bauik, tha .LM, • JOLLY THIRTEEN Mrs. N. E. Barbian was hostess to the members of the Jolly Thirteen Card club at her home on Riverside Drive Friday afternoon. Five hun-' dred furnished the entertainment fof the afternoon and the first prize war won by Mrfc. ' J. W. Rothermel, thl second prize was won by Mrs. N. E. Barbian, while the consolation went tfj. Miss Gertie Weber. Refreshments were served. The next meeting wia he at tfca hame of Mrs. • . >-*-> n ; --.i? BIRTHS : Mr and Mrs. Nick M. Justen are the proud parents of p daughter, bonf Sunday, April 7. This- store will be opened every Long Boy says he has never shown might except' Monday, Tuesday and any preference before--but aow he is Thutadp. Nobby Style 8hop. 45-fp sure alter every blue bottle he sees. ROYAL BUNCO CLUB The members of the Royal Bunco club were entertained at the home of Mrs. John F. Knox on Wednesday afternoon of last week. Two tables of bunco were in piay during the afternoon and the prize fo( highest score Was won by Mrs. J. J. Marshall while the second price went to Mrs. Paul Meyers and the consolation was carried away by Mrs. James Beavis. The prize for throwing the largest number of buncos was awarded to Mrs Paul Meyers. Delicious refreshments were served. ing to Mrs. A. J. Schneider and Henry M. Stephenson. Delicious refreshments were served. % DAUGHTERS OF G. A. The Daughters of the G. A. R. will hold a social meeting at the Woodman hall Tuesday afternoon, April 16. with Mrs. Carrie Justen and 'l^rs- Elisabeth Niesen as hostesses. Bridge, five hundred and bunco will be played and friends are invited to attend. Bridge was played and the first was won by Mrs. Nick Fronnd. the second was awarded to Mrs. Joe Mailer and the third prise went to Mrs. John Kllday. A delicious luncheon waa served by«the hostesses. ROYAL ENTERTAINERS ^ The Royal Entertainers held thut* first meeting after Lent at the hoiae of Mrs. Jacob Schaefer Thursday evening. Five hundred was played end the first prize was won by Mrs. M. Bohr, the second by Mrs. Joos. the third by Mrs. Mat Steffes and the fourth prize by Mrs. George Schreinttr* SIW SCOUTS INITIATED Six new scouts were initiated at the regular meeting of the McHenry troop of Boy Scouts Monday evening and the scout pins were presented by Mr. McCracken, also a member of the ?£out8, who gave an interesting talk to the boyfi. Scout*master F. B. Covalt was present and an interesting meeting was held. With the new members which are being added so rapidly the Jocal troop may look forward tn _ bjpsp and interesting season. -" JUST EIGHT CLUE Mrs. Anna Barron entertained the members of the Just Eight club last Thursday evening. Lunch was served at Nieten's cafe and bridge was played, with the first prize going to Mrs. SMALL DAUGHTER OF FORMER McHENRY RESIDENT DIES Little Betty, four year old daughter of H. E. Payne of Woodstock, died (Tho next meeting will be the Monday morning from the effects of of Mrs. Mat Steffea. scarlet fever with which the family have been quarantined for ' many weeks. Betty being the last one of the four daughters to take the disease. The mother of the children passed awiy more than a year ago and they have since been cared for -by Mi. Payne's parents, ^bout a year ago Mr. Piyne and family lived in this tf>r a few months. * TO THE VOTERS OF M HENRtg On the solicitation of numerous ta|& payers I have decided to be a caifc» didate for a second term as Mayor of the City of McHenry. I have be<p conscientious in my efforts to make McHenry a better city to live in and if the voters are interested in a caar tinuation of my service I will appreciate their co-operation and likewise their vote on election day. Tuesday. April 16, 1929. PETER WM. FRETT. Mayor. *3* v,| AMONG THE SICK * Mrs. Peter F. Miller underwent an operation for appendicitis and gall stones recently and is getting along nicely. TAXES ! . ^ . 5e0TJ^B r£u™ed*ho®e 2**- The county treasurer has author-,, > ^ Wl.ak'«" •»*** M M. b«k to no recuaTiy underwent aa oper» j appreciate your pavin? the# , I here. West McHenry Sfet-* Bank. PUBLIC CARD PARTY i 7K1 % Fox River Valley Camp, R. N. . il will hold a public card party Tuesday! ^ OOMMINITY ®A>Ca»^-i 5 night, April 16. Bridge, five hundred,' The Community cluo of * Everybody invited. a dance at John5bur^ ha* ation. bunco. Lunch. , Wednesday, Beautiful new compote eeta, appro-. pril IT. Music by Everybody priate for wedding gifts, J. Aicher aad tte |WiMd, .prt»eiw ewelry, Muaw aad Miss Lena 8toffet v | McHenry. at Nye's West Watch Vycital's wiadow fat EaidaV 45-fp aad Saturday speciaL iMj^ % * 'A *• 'p^-Tr- - -'m-i Ttj.

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