i »»»•»»»»•»»#»»»»»»»<•»»»»»»»•»•»»<»M •»»»• + »•»+-MM» * : ! ¥ , • Hettermann Motor Sales &r\ ^ V?: < ",'4 • .< "!t"' ' ^'v V g$v.v. • »$|k' :ii^; Xu loads oft*? and truck and general ing, alto we|diagT done by expert mechani ; Itain St., West IfEdtatty PKoneldl TfOTICB The Woodmen of Woodstock will sponsor mi Old Time Fiddlers' contest and dance at Woodstock April 17. The Chestnuts Orchestra "will "tart the prafiMn at 8 p. m. Tickets to both^ only 50 cents. • fAX»l -• \ tlw county treasurer hay authorised this bank to receive taxes. We yrif! appreciate your paying then nere£" West Mt&enry State Bank. • ^ 4-*£ ^'V "&?$&> SPECIMEN BALLOT; FIRST WARD of McHenry, in the County of McHenry and State of BfiiwiS; /? ,^?iectii«, TBwday, Aprils, 1929^ W. -••i ,y»~ •# •jp'^ W *???*'• CHy \J*. •< CITIZENS - <ByJPetifioQ^ ; ^ * o .•- / & •ji, . j, ; W juYofc/i PETKK WM. FRJFTT fORCJTY CLEKK i !# ii3k TAXPAYERS ItSy Petitio*^ MAYOfe f~l *aax a. knoS FOROTY CLERK mm INDOWDfNT (By Mflfioii) FOIL MAYOR Mlrs. Harvey the tick. * ^ Mr, sind Mrs. Lea Gastrr and children visited Sunday at the home of Mr and Mrs. l>e Geary at Gilmer. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Turabull and •children called on Mr. and Mrs. Bert Paddck at Round Lake Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Haselton and son. Rlchardr ot Bats via spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Al. Jones. Ronald Geary of Gilmer was a caller at the Harry Qrantham home Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. George Delnletn were Chicago callers Monday * afternoon. The Grammar School boys played their first game of baseball of the reason at Grays Lake Saturday afternoon. The sc6re was 10 to 16 In favor of Grays Lake. Those who attended the game were Mr. and Mm. Hen*y Kroner and sfcns, Mrs. McGill, Albert Baseley and son, and Mr. and Urs. Harry Grantham and children. Mr and Mrs. H. E. Hicks spent Tuesday in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. K. H. W^lls wears Desplalnes callers Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Krell . V* lUMfM*- ALDERMAN PETER J DOHBRTf FOR TREASURER J-HF 4 Se* 3F»B AitlKRMAM M rj •?i»3 -afei .M, ,4* i*T#" ^OR CITY CLERK Q SAT f. 00MWA|^ JOB ALDERMAN • . - : :v' CL " f t . ft**» tor if nl I jPDRTREASURKifc O ROBERT^ WEBER ^OR^POLICR J&AGISTRAflPE TORPOlilCE MAGIOTH^TE FGLICE MAGISTRATE D TF D | ] JOHN McEVOY lv;;^ •4t •< SPECIMENT BALLOT | SEC0HO WARD v City of McHenry, in tlie Coimty of BfcHenry aod State of Illinois <hji & j , ; 5 : , i U l e c t i o j ^ T u e s d a y , A p r i l 1 6 , 1 9 2 9 ? a. j. conway,"cityCBsrte r.;ix ^ 1 a • ^ 1. < •. •m <, •. CITIZENS m •fj * TAXPAYERS V FOB PXTEK WM. WKETt FOB CITT CLEW *OB ALDKRUAW QhERMAM J. KREUT«R R TREASURER Y"" "• - "FOR POLICE MAGISTRATE: FOR (By Petitiia^) ; fr»w mayo* "-*}* JOHN R. KXO% (By Petition) mn ALDESMAjr TOR CITY CLEKJK Idf, COHWAf ] WBRALDERMAK' •$ fan'iinki* • -»^ TOftlTREASUREB , ROBERT L. WEBXR ."'AiaW. . Ihr - ^ ' [CE MAG ISTRA TE FOR nXHCI! MAGISTRATE :^;c- Twice Told .Tales ^ ?. * « • . • nftercKiiitit, Bit* of News TsIm From the Columns «f this' Plaiadealet Fifty 'a^| ^ Twenty-ire Teua " A«t r--*r APTIIU 1904 Ckaries Lamphere, Mrs. W- I).' Wentwerth and Mrs. Fuller and children of Wauconda were principal in a bad smash-up and runaway Sunday evening, and only by the intervention of Providence was no oie seriously injured, a few slight bruises being the only damage done the occupants ftf the carriage. Geo. A. Hanly and Miss Maude Ben. nett, hath of Elgin, were married >» were i ChicaRo Saturday at noon by the Hev. #0CIAt WHEEL T5 e. rtsulAr meeting of the Social Wheel was held in the church parler» last Thursday afternoon with a good '•tendance present. Si* tables of five hundred were in play* and the first pnae was won -by Mrs. A. J. Schneider, the second prl*e went to Mrs. H. L. Hitter while the consolation went Lo Mrs, F A. Hitchens. Lunch was served. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. J. & Wheeler. RECORD FOLIAGE GROWTH _ Observers over the week-end were unanimous in the opinion that the unusually warm weather and light, warm showers of the past week hai been responsible for the record-breaking foliage growth for "this season of the ysnr. ^ v. JION ^0> CLU1 kLi,M' The members of the Bon Ton club were entertained at the home of Mi » Lillian Co* on Tuesday afternoon Bridge was played and the first prize was won by Mrs. Fred Justen, th« second was awarded to Mrs. Albert Vhlea and the third prise went io Mre. H. A. Asmalsky. jBefifeehments were served at the cloae «t the games. Don't Wear Tow Work (Buses "fat" visitors Wednesday after- James Belch moved Williams Park Sat- Q joaouccsvolr &sa£.. ^SPECIMEN THIKO WAED t •• ' (Sty oL McHenry, in the County of KcHenry tad State of Hfinfts Tuesday, April 16,192t f % V K?. COIfWA^ CatfCSbtIL jf. cnizBts n- (By Petition)^ ^Vy& ¥oi MAYORf PETER WM. FRETT FOR CITY CLERK . ^i'«i TAXPAYERS (Sy Petitionjf. FOR MAYOBJ WW JOHH lb KN0$^ FOR CITY CLERK (By Petition) TOR MAYOR .jte- <# >n»" •a»|ri ye -FOB ALfifitftftn * JACOB SCHAEFER (To Fill Vacanqj$ PORj;R|aASUBEB m ALDERMAN ff- D r-.& F^OOTCIMfl RAY P. CONWAY J FtR ALD1 Chicago noon. Mr. and Mrs. (rem Chicago trday aftern Miss Margaret Hashes returned to her school duties at Bloomlngton Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hides of Liber* tyviiie spent Ikanday *t the H. E. Dicks home. Mr. and Mrs. John Brown and children spent Friday with relatives at MriHenry. Mrs. Ralph Stozen and children at Woodstock spent Tuesday at the Art 8toxen home. Mrs. E. I. Yah Nafta and Mrs. Ed- Ward Nelson of Chicago spent Tuesday at the H. L. Grantham home. "• Mrs. Prank Meyer and son, Donald, *f McHenry spent Saturday evening With her mother, Mrs Alice Geary. : D. W. Williams of Lake Forest was I caller here Wednesday. • Mr. and Mrs. Prank Harrison of Chicago spent Sunday with the letter's mother, Mrs. Ijorretta Seymour, Who is very poorly. Archie White of Chicago has returned to the J. A. Jones home for the summer. *, Miss Ruth Hapke oi Chicago and Miss Margaret Schiller of Otfk Park, spent the week-end at the George Mapke home. Mrs. Riley HIT1 atift son, Harry, of Holton, Mich., and Mrs. Ella Hill and two daughters of Kenosha, Wis., visited with Mrs. Celia Derry last wee^. Ed Dihler of Woodstock was a Wednesday afternoon caller "here. The Ladies' Auxiliary will give a supper at the Community House 8at- «TT|fcy evening, April JAUl Supper served at S:M. Price VI «ents per plate. Clem Reid and daughters of Chi* dago spent the week-end at the Blackburn and Broughton homes. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Grantham and children and Mrs. Aliee Geary were Wednesday evening callers at the Lee CKeary home at Gilmer. « Grace and Katlxryne jfephson of Areeport spent a Ipw days last week at the Bisckbnrn sad Broughton homes. Mrs. Grace MofTltt of Chicago spent Wednesday at the Mills Puller home. Mr. snd Mrs. John Qossell and granddaughter, Betty Gossell, and Mr. and Mrs. William Gossell and daughter, Norma Jean, called on Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hoeft at Lake Zurich Monday. Miss Edith Peck entertained at her Ksrnrnay oratt|i|f- 'fh»Af> *sh!s* •f five hundred were played. Mrs. Jordan Hazelton of Bataria and Harry Grantham made high scores. Mr. and Mrs. Heniy Kruger spent Monday with nktiipi at Long Orove. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Brown and children of Porest Park spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Dickson. Mrs. W. V, Johns and daughters, Gertrude, spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Archie Foes at Ubertyville. Miss Haxel. Garvey of Chicago and Miss Estella lirace of Park Ridge were Thursday callers here. Peet MWs for Baby Chicks for sale at the Farmers Mill, McHenry. 45 L.1575 Studded Tee Posts free. Inquire at the Farmers Mill, McHenry. 45 Mr. and Mrs. Lee AI ward t an«l daughter of Waukegan speatf Sunday atj the Will Gossell home. Jr* • * " * • ^ ] Jtes* OSTEND C. H. Tainer of the Congregational church. 4 The price of butter remained at the same price on the Elgin board of trade this week, 24H cents. Capt. Schontz made his" first trip down the river from Fox lake yeaterday with the Island Queen. The boat has been improved in many wiips during the winter and is now ready for the summer business. The old building' west of M. J. Walsh's store, which has for several year* been used as a salt house anil 8 to re house for the Chicago telephone company, is being converted into modem store building by the owner, Chas. G. Frett. April, 187* . We learn that the saloon keepen at Johnsburg, who were indicted at the last term of ceort, were, each finai $150. E. Lawlus of Clinton Junction, Wis., a former resident of this village, made us ^ call one day last week. He was here looking after property whioh hs still owns in this village. Mrs. M. E. Thomas has opened a new dress and cloak making establishment over Mrs. Searles millinery store. 4,. The steamer "John S. Field" was launched on Thursday last and will be ready to make trips in a few days. The state fish commissioner has planted 25,000 young California salmon in Foj^ river at this place. Thef were put in just above the bridge. A bran new wagon has appeared' upon our streets, on the side of which reads, "Central Market, R. Waite, Mo* Henry." It is a fine turnout. It isn't "done." After a 4*7 in the office, store or shop, the smartly dressed business girl tucks her work glasses into their case. She dons another pair, more appropriate for going "out," just as she lays aside the rest of her work-a-day garb for other clothes. Usage Demands More Than One Pair 7 p. tt » 9 p. m., except 9atar* day. Wed. 9 a. m. to 9 p. a. DR. BERRY FREORI OPTOMETRIST Phsw 175 ' *. ! • --*4 •^3 •'} <• - " XS K:;. *>,•' , 1 • ••3 •% 'i "?• i. ;»• Jl-iy - aby chicks thrive on this oatmeal starter FRESH, pu»e, dean oatmeal is the m%jor ingredient q|| this exceptional feed which nourishes baby chicks as n> other ration can. To this Is added cod liver dl, cod live*, meal, molaaaes in dry form, minet-als and other valuaMiC | FUL-O-PEP CHICK STARTBK We hste it--ready for you--ready to use. A supply tpdatf^N will be a profitable investment in chick feeding. McHenry Co. farmers Co-OpefatWe Assii? PH0MS29 • - M'HKHRY, Ui. MOTHERS CLUB repular meeting of the ers club was held at the home of Mrs. E. E. Basse tt Friday afternoon, at which time several pleasant hours were spent in games and music. The games were in charge of Mrs. George Hess and a prize was won by Mrs. Thomas Phalin. Mrs. Lillian Cox assisted in the afternoon's entertainment with vocal selections which were nuc'n enjoyed. Refreshments ware served by the .hostess. iTd RU Vacancy) Q TBBASUjpCB :m f-. D FOR TREASURER ROBERT L. WEBER FOR DMAGISTRATE jH3R POLICE MAGISTRATE FOR POLICE MAGISTRATE D JOHN XcEVOT Mrs. Frank Herdric visited several days last week with friends in Chicago. „ Farmers have been very busy the past few days sowing grain, mostly iHheat. < Henry Hobart recently purchased new McCormick-Deering tractor. A rumor was circulated a few weeks ago that Bill Yanke was to move from the Wallis farm, but later reports are he is still there with plenty of work. * Sunday dinner guests in the Hobart home were Miss Betty MetCalf of Elgin, Dorr Sherman and Miss Adoline Piske of Woodstock. Mrs. Nina Sherman and daughter, JEbna, were visitors Saturday in the home of the former's parents. Jt is rumored that ar petition has been circulated to close the road known as the "hog's back" road. This has been a public road longer than anyone living can tell. Hie road running south from Ostend comer has been in very bad shape several times the past winter. Much work has been don* on it to keep the road passable. At present it is in very fair condition. The hardest place is near the Hoppe farm. Someone with heavy loaded track gets stuck quite often. The road will be leveled and graveled again as soon weather is favorable. Peet Moss for Baby Chicks for sale at the Farmers Mill, McHenry, 46 75 Studded Tee Posts free. Inquire at the Farmers Mill, McHenry. 45 £4,a*H;# ; **'Wh The COACH $595 ROAtMnjm ... ,*525 nunoN . i. 1*525 coltb *595 SEDAN .*675 The Sport $£tMt CABRIOLET . . ,W*5 •595 '& .•3*5! JipKv1 ^H£s The Cwmn ibU LANDAU . . 4A9 The Sedan Mint, The Light li/v\ Dalivcrr CMb . 1W Th To>CWb . *545 The IHTon • l/TSA Ckaafa with Cab . "-Hi All price* (. «. b. . 0 C O M P A R E <b« JiilwaJ prio* m mil m A* Uat pric* in cmU«ria( • utncnninl* vttioea. Cb«»- tola'iiMivtfcd price* indada Oni v rmaonabi* duryc* for 4«ii»«ry and financing. fl 300,000 have already Chosen the New Chevrolet Six Since January first, over 300,000 people have chosen, the Chevrolet Six. And every day sees an increase in|* this tremendous public acceptance-- * --for the new Chevrolet not only brings die enjoyment of six-cylinder performance within the reach of every* , body everywhere, but gives the Chevrolet buyer a greater dollar value than any other low-priced car. ^ Just consider what you get in-the Chevrolet Six! Thef 1 smoothness, flexibility and power of a six-cylinder engine which delivers better them twenty miles to the " u| gallon. The beauty and luxury of bodies by Fisher with r adjustable driver's seat. The effortless control of big* ^ quiet, non-locking 4-wheel brakes and ball bearing steering. Then consider Chevrolet prices! And you will .^discover that this fine quality Six can actually be bought in the price range ofjhe four! Come in. Let us ~prove that anyone who can afford any car can afford -fa Chevrolet Six! •- - - our W^t Mtmmwjt uu A SIX IN THE PRICE RANGE OF THE FOUR