STRIP ZEKE" BACON Sp®rt fans, this is «y first attempt at editing a column which is supposed to provide interesting bits of sporting news for y»u. I will, however, attempt to lend my experience ; in athletics to picking oat those itews > that interest the average enthusiast and put then in such a way that they will be enjoyed by them. In other words, 111 try and use sport terminology whciewe* possible* % kmpe you wiB Bke H. The weather has now moderated sufficiently to allow the golf bugs to scatter out over the innneroas golf . ',2 courses that are to be found in this .-vicinity. A fair sized crowd enjoyed . ~ ^ day's aymt tot Sunday afternoon > *iat the McFfenry Country club, bat no • 1J scores are femr re-ported. dae in :» THS M'HENRY PLAWDBALM, THURSDAY, APRIL 18, year, are to have, their same team back again for next season and are now holding spring practice in their gym, supposedly to enable them to capture the state championship next / V. . flt L • of Wnntivim^g test week established a new high score for the Palace Alleys when he rolled a 288 frame. This will give the experts something to shoot at, while at the same time it is high enough to withstand most of the as&aults of the amateurs who sometimes blast the hopes of the real howlers by scattering the pins for some high scores. Tryon sent ten straight strikes down the alleys only to have the eleveifth hall hit a trifle thin and leave the five pin. Link sure has a game to he proud of. " v- ^ ' V ' *» 0'^* -m Hie boxing card this week at the Polly Prim was without the "name of Jimmie Fay, "well known local boxer of the M. A. A. C. Jbm.nie received a cat over his eye test week in his boat at the Prim. He got the best of *T. V-. . ' , '--jhis man, nowever, knocking: him out measrare t» the fact that temporary in the third round LOCAL BALL SEASON TO OPEN SUNDAY (• S&n*Lake Team Ohm Her* Oa| IP 21st and Wffl Play m Winslwri Flel4 . : % As is the custom at this time of year the sport spotlight turns in full on the grand old game of baseball, the truly representative game of America, enjoyed alike by youth and by pray-bwired seers. Experts have been busy for the past few weeks organizing their campaigns and predicting results of the major leagues. Next Sunday marks the opening of the season for this vicinity when the strong Johnsburg team takes the field •gainst the Silver Lake nine in * a game to be played in the newly built park at Johnsburg. ' McHenry, itself, hftvilig no diamond available, is unable to organise a team but it wili be found that seeral of our local stars have received a plwee aeid the ranks, of -ear n«Sfh^ bors, Johnsburg. There shfcll terests center for the remainder nf PRIM BOUTS FURNISH PLENTY OF ACTION AhhNgh No Knockouts Are Registered Wednesday Night, Some Splendid Scraps Are Witnessed _ The crowd that assembles at the! time. th«y have been matched tohas him under his personal supervision apd we feel certain that if anybody can make him a better fighter, L*rry can do it. The windup brought out two men with whom the Prim crowd is quite Well acquainted, though this is the I WEST SIDE GARAGE , £ a r e i n g e n e r a l u s e a n d a r e ^ serving % treep *he scores up -rfbove' the ones ywi hear about'] Tfc» basketball season was Si© * .>><<iaUy closw3 over three weeks ago, bu £i" ^he weaffw" returned to the lower re ^ 'ji?Rions of the thermometer last week , long enough for the Jelke Good Lacks of Huntley to reorganize their *»»»« several years ago and play two ^ *i^ames *n TOemory former days. V " i/hey downed the Skokie Reds of the | 1 North Shore League last "Wednesday a *reat exhibition at "Huntley. ;-#jW,riday night Woodstock trimmed them before a crowd of thirty people at St Mary's gym by a 26-24 score. It's time to close the season when those two teams can only draw a crowd of 'thirty people; -- ^ - An elimination teunif 'tournament is being held at $he high school courts ' for the boys of M. C. H. S. Tor most of them this is a new sport so that few are really brilliant at if at presjpnt. The courts are in very good ' condition for this time of year though . fome work is needed on one of them. "TThere are seventeen boys entered and fo far two matches have been played, Gerald Meyers winning over Teddy Anderson 7-5 and Ralph Justen taking Charles Peterson into camp 6-0. Before the year is over & real phfl,T may be uncovered. Indoor oip playj$cSmd baseball *is also occupying the attention of the high school athletes. A league has been formed with each class entering one team, and a schedule has been drawn up. Freshmen succeeded in trimming the Sophs 18-7. Ncft to be outdone by the high School the youngsters from the grades put on a dual track meet with Algonquin Monday night at the high school Which was just recently built to replace the old one which occupied the football field. The local hoys captured enough firsts to win by about twenty points thougli their number of competing athletes wasn't large enough to enable their placing and showing. ' Jj. ' the Vear round. This was Fay's j . £^7 third consecutive teekoot Johnsburg is again a member of the Polly Prim to witness the boxing' *e er" L,e0 Leggett, Congress A. C. matches in the future--should by all! vs' ®°b Hermance, Genoa City, Wis., means be much larger than ever be-' **** announcer shouted., 126 pounds, fore, if the quality of the fighting fi£htinE started in at Ion?: means anything. Following the ex- j Jan*e 8nd ** was discovered that I cellent reports of last week's card, the' ke&Kett was the possessor of another management returned with a super- • one of thos« troublesome left arms attraction that pleased immensely the thatfeem to bother anyone unaccusfair sized crowd that turned out. 1 tome" to them. He continually drove Knockouts there were none, except! 1 Hfrn!iaJlce around that ring, using a the technical decision in the first bout ll?1 Jab M the chie* of offense, in a poorly matched affair in which!, fi™t round was easily Leo's. Frank Toyton of Genoa City out-1 In th* second, Hermance managed weighed by six or eight pounds little to cho?ce ^hat trpublesome left and Buno Romani of Chicago, who was 18UCC*eded in holding his own, but it fighting his first match. The glory'was not the t.hitd round that he of winning was wiped away when it 8UCCfeded in landing enough pointwas found that Toyton broke a finger Ina't'nK blows to scrape out a draw, in the one minute and fifty seconds *n the fourt^ round, the last one on he was in the ring. jcaR' 'or tbe night, Leo Leggett Sammy AI fin i used his pecular *>ut a'^ 'nto the fight, including lunging attack to good advantage t,lat lrft. hand that. cont»n'Jed to go against Johnny Wittenwey, U. S. ou* an(^ 'n--emPhasis on the in--and TeL 185 Ctaeril Automobile Repairing Res. PMe, 699-R S ••••••••••••••••••••••••••j' »»»»»•< •»••»»•»•••••* Better Homes Exhibit Auto Show McHenry County Baseball league that!6rim-*' followed up the points thus Hermance tried his best and Tuesday was an idea! dav for fhJwaa organised last year for the first'«aifed with good infighting and ?UlAn,®,any ,te"in,r bl°ws, he was time. It will take the field thi? year: took the decision at the end of the orc®d to bow to his superior, Mr. Leo with a strengthened outfit because of! ^'rd round. The fight started slow; , Congress Arcade. opening of the major leagues. There were a number of local fans who were fortunate enough to have made plans for attending and many more of us that would like to have been there to see Joe McCarthy's Cubs entertain the Pittsburg club. Those Cubs should be right on when the season-draws to a cKm«k . ----x t A league is again being formed by the amateur baseball clubs of McHenry county, the same as last year. At a meeting held several weeks ago representatives of teams from Marengo, Harvard, Woodstock, Algonquin and Johnsburg were present. With the possible addition of one more team to represent Crystal Lake a real league would be boosted by the county officials as will be vouched for by the fans who witnessed the games last year. Johnsburg opens the season at home next Sunday when they take on Silver Lake. Jutft too bad that McHenry hasn't a diamond so that they could enter that league. Summing up the" events we find that southpaws scored a clean sweep, denew additions to the infield. ! ^th frequent rushes breaking in un In practice sessions the squad has I the last round when Alfini shower- - .. ... ... shown up well, though some finishing I ^ his opponent with enough blows to TWP »™strious men in Alex touches are needed, as are to be ex-jsew UP the fight. The boys fought at P***?* am* Hermance, the Army pected at this stage of the game. |130 N>8- Johnny put up a good fight are® We venture the guess that this team|but seemed to lack aggressiveness. j *• '^Spo 13sored by Home Bureau, Business Men, Woman's Club, Schools, Medical Association •5i»: very poorly, single victory, and gaining not one] Wisconsin broke i of three, though there was a close!' decision in evidence there. These bouts are being held every Wednesday night at the Polly Prim, v,,v WVOP VIMIV l>U10 tvAUl j '•*" wb6'vo«JlfVUCafl« j 1J, . 1 » I j , , Will be right among the leaders when! Wisconsin came to the fore against j r*L^innm? two,out the 1929 season draws to a close. another Army man, Swede Johnson, Johnsburg this year has much more!when Rusty Hoskins of Genoa City, talent to draw from/due in a meas- fighting vneight 145 lbs., took the deure to the failure of the Columbia vision in four rounds. This fight was, ^ Park team to organise. This will fair but too much time was wasted 1 ®^meJ10l T Ii8' aJt 8:45« "nder supervision make much more reserve strength | between skirmishes. The opponents • - ^"7 Huck provides th^ possible and as a team is no stronger were even for three rounds and the than its reserves should come in! fourth proved to be rather exciting, j - . hftndy before the season ends. j especially so when Hoskins slipped' ° y u s The field this year has received a I through the ropes and almost fell inin his I' Sammy Alfini, a this winter, | young Italian boy.j It is the subject of numerous old timers about town that a league be formed to engage in playground base to make a real ball park of it.[matp^ and would probably have gone Bleachers have been built along tl#~ •as a draw had not the rules forbid. A very pleasant surprise was handed the fans in the pre-intermission match when a substitution was made for Bille Bell, Bell^, Plaine A. C. The man who filled in Was none other than Alex Kaslow of Chicago, runnerup to side lines that will accommodate sev eral hundred fans. The infield is in first class shape so that no alibis may be offered for those muffs that are just bound to happen. The McHenry County league's sched-, - - . ule will not open for a few weeks'; *be Golden Glove's 110-pound title in but the Silver Lake boys have been i *-be Tribune Tourney. He is second engaged to nut the Johnsburg team j nT,ly to Jimmy Chase of widely spread ball two or more evenings each weekjin shape. The Wisconsin team won!fame- Hifi boxing partner was a wiry at the city park. The Foresters and rbe Tri-County league title last sea-; 1'ttle Irish fighting lad from Waukethe K. of Cs have already planned on 8on and a 8°°d game should be seen;*™". Oscar CHannion, and, oh, what entering teams and are now waiting'for tho8e spectators that will turnia match this turned out to be. Oscar for several more teams so that plans may be made for forming the league. Come on Kiwanis, Masons or Business Men and get busy as some real sport is in store for the participants. out. '• j proved to be a southpaw and it was The lineup that will be togged out]^'8 that gave him the winning maron next Sunday in natty new un:- (P'n over the Chicagoan. forms will be picked from the fol- It might as well be said right here lowing: Frank Freund, George that'there has never been a better, Frett, Joe Frett, Alfred (Sonny) faster, more clever pair of youngsters t-oM, „f „ u , Smith. Walter Smith, Leo (Red) Win- at the ^olly Prim. Never. Matched The new track at the high school j kle E<J Tonyan Georfre V (Pickles) i to a *T" they were and it was this ' Swhp lZn afr V SeiBohr- Joe Adams. Sebre Whiting. Ben fact that servied to put them over so worktJ ouf ^ill fn T" j Schmitt, Joe and Harold Freund and big. It was very evident from the coming dual ttr acVk mPere?tsa rwatiTth the George Smith. (start that a super bout was in prog- All in all, the fellows are ready jress for Kaslow possessed two wicked v>»o #..n„ a i ^ j v i to go and can hardly wait for the arms and a variety of punches, deliv- Knt !. Ln„!£ .w.exP«cted crow,J to ^patiently yell ering straight punches, swings and schools from neighboring towns. Track! too, haB won to our knowledge, his last three matches and probably has many more under his belt. Jimmy Fay is the third lad on Larry's squad and is. the only native lad in action just at present. Jimmy has three fights on his record and the milkman has won every one of them by a knockout. Enough said! < Now, don't forget that next Wednesday night another one of these cards, for which the Polly Prim is rapidly becoming noted, will be exhibited. Bring the ladies, they are admitted free, but, if necessary, come alone, as you'll be sorry if you miss some of the treats in store for you then, Wednesday, April 24, at 8:45. TERRA COTTA . The report is out that Dundee, district basketball champions of this but more interest is being shown than ever before and we hope that our local high will become more prominent in this highly developing sport. An inter-class meet is being formed with numerous entries being received. Perhaps some new star will be , found in this meet. play ball. Let's all cheer them to. victory, at 2:30. Be With you again next week. Central Market The Home of Home Killed Pork 1 - j " Saturday Specials Sims, whole or half, lb J-...29* Bacon Squares, lb. _ Boiling Beef, lb. „_18^ Pot Roast, lb. .. 2428* Rolled Rib Roast, Boneless, lb. .38^ Veal Hearts, lb. ^?..20c^ Veal Tongues, lb. 20 & Veal Brains, lb. Sliced Liver, lb 15* Fresh Ham, lb. 2fl* Fresh Pork Butt, Ib.26* Pork Shoulder, Tb. lSc4 Spare Ribs 2 lbs. 35c Pork Loin, lb. 24-29* Picnic Hams, lb. 20C Pork Sausage, lb. - 25* Liver Sansage, Fresh and Smoked, lb. 2025* Lard lbs. 25* Fancy Bacon, lb. 25* We Deliver Oeo. J. Schreiner Phone 80-M be there and uppercuts with the same lithe move- Game called , ment. Twas another question though I to find the weaving, ducking O'Han- --. I nion to land those blows, and when- MM 'HUETNVRPYV Gn©R AADTtEvRDSB .lever one did land to escape that wicked Jeft that was ahnogt sur<J to come DEFEAT ALGONQUIN 1 pounding in somewhere, just where ' it was never known until it landed, Track Teams Engage In An Exciting but ]a"d lt ^ou,d- Don't think that Meet Here on Monfey lthe **** county lad ^ what is corn- Afternoon Jwonly known a one-handed tighter {for if he was he would never have The Algonquin grade track teaM^on the decision over such a clsssy came to McHenry Monday afternoon, fellow as Kaslow. | where they engaged in a meet with| And don't forget, fans, and those the local grade track team and were|0f you who are to be fans, when you ; defeated, with McHenry having 48% I see these boys, Alex Kaslow and this points and Algonquin 36% points. ]ad, Oscar OUannion, are to have a | The local grade track team is dis- return bout in this same Polly Prim, i playing some real pep and showing within the next few weeks, Ksalow : some good scores. The results of the will be in better shape then and will j meet are: [most likely solve this southpaw's dsr ! -50-YARD DASH Kinscy, McHen-. livery at that time. ry, 1; Zanesnik, Algonquin, 2; How-1 Paddy Peterson of Evanston and j ard, McHenry, s3; Turiskey, Algon-; Tommy Pierce, stalwart Army man, i <^u'n» j fought the fifth bout at 140 pounds. 100-YARD DASH--Howard, Mc-; Peterson opened up fast and landed I Henry, 1; Christian, Algonquin, 2; several pretty uppercuts, continually jKreutzer, McHenry, 3; Zamecnik, Al- driving the shorter but chunkier Army : gonquin, 4. man ^ the ropes and then showering i SHOTPUT--Christian, Algonquin, him with blows. At the same time 34 ft. Vi in.; Kinsey, McHenry, 32 ft. he displayed a very clever defense illH in.; Howard, McHenry, 31 ft.'that seemed all elbows and gloves. 4^4 in.; Turiskey, Algonquin, 21 ft 9 He easily took the first round but | Pierce came back strong and managed I DISCUS--Howard, McHenry, 87 ft.1 an even break in the second. Unable 9 in.; Christian, Algonquin, 85 ft. l%|to keep up the strenuous pace he had in.; Zange, Algonquin, 76 t. 8% in.;fset at the start, Peterson tired in the Kreutzer, McHenry, 74 ft. 5% in. HIGH JUMP--Kinsey, McHenry Bd. Moraa of Chicago called at the home of B. J. Shine Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wilcox of Chicago were guests or Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Huffman and daughter on Sunday. Harold and Robert Knox " visited relatives in 'Eljiin Sunday. Thomas Bernston of Elgin called rt the home of B. J. Shine one evening last week. A. H. Henderson of Chicago visited relatives here .from Friday until Sunday. Mr«. M. Knox and daughters called on relatives' fn Woodstock Sunday. Miss Jentaie I!o£C3 of Ll^ia at the home of I). J. ftbico last T'jzsday evening. Mrs. George B. FrLLy Mrs. f»T. Kimx at tended a birthday party at tne home of Mrs. E. Knox in McHenry Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. James Pierce of Chicago were guests at the home of P. A. Huffman Sunday. M. Knox was a caller in Woodstock Friday. Glenn McMillan ml Chicago visited • t his home here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. j. J. Doherty and daughters called on relatives hers Sunday. The basket social given by thie teecher and pnpils of the Terra Cotta School last Friday evening was well attended. An interesting program was enjoyed and a foodly sum was realix- «d from the sale of the h--imfa DAUGHTERS OF 6. A. & .Mrs. P. M. Justen and Mfs. M. M. Nlesen were hostesses at the social meeting of the Daughters of the A. R. held ia the Woodman hall Tuejday afternoon. Four tables of bridgs third round find Pie*ee landed many I were Play during the afternoon and telling blows that seemed to have the the first prise was won by Mrs. C. W, 1; Zange, Algonquin, 2; Armstrong, Swede dazed for a moment. However, j Klontz, the second prize was awarded Al.sronquin, and Engeln, JMcHenry, this may have been partly caused by|to Mrs. Thomas Phalin and the third tied for 3. j gome doubtful low punches struck in ; prize went to Mrs. M. M. Nlesen. Ds- BROAD JUMP--Christian, Algon- the clinches. At any rate tWe decision i licious refreshments wer^ enjoyed at the close of the games. Important Announcement > We are pleased to announce the return from Chicago oif Mr. Anthony Wirtz, who has just completed a course at Tlie-Scholl Orthopedic Training School. His return means greater and better service to our customers. He lias received efficient instructions in Foot- Comforts and has been especially trained in Scientific " Shoe Fitting. t ' v This is a new and better service we^are to give our customers, and invite all of them who have any foot trouble--foot ailment or difficulty in getting proper shoe fitting, to come in and benefit from Jy(r. Wirtz' knowledge. We want to congratulate Mr. Wirtz for his excellent showing while at The Scholl Orthopedic Training School --and are proud to offer his services to our patrons without any extra charge. f Saadquarten for Dr. Scholl's Foot Comfort Service t; RAY McGEE GREEN STREET 14 ft. 11% in.; Kreutzer, Mc- was given^to Peterson, the judges ex Henry, 14 ft. in.; Turiskey, AT- plaining that the Evanston boy had gonquin, 13 ft. 8% in.; Engeln, Mc- taken the first two rounds from the NEIGHBORHOOD BUNCO CI I'll i?' I Army- thereby piling up enough j The members of the Neighborhood POLE VAULT--Kreutzer, Kinsey,. points to win the fight. « I Bunco club met at the home of Mrs. McHenry, tied for 1, 87 ft.; Zange, One of the old favorites, Howard Hubert Freund last Thursday after- Marks. Algonquin, tied for 3. Kraft, now fighting under the Polly noon< Several games of bunco wen Next Thm-sday both the light ahd Prim A. C. colors, took the decision piayed and the first prize was won by heavyweight track teams ga to AI-jin a wild slugging match against Leo; ^ jensen, the second by Mr*. Mat gonqnin. , j (Red) Snyder of Waukeiran. Thjs Giogson> the third prize by RosiIla 'was a return 1 pounds : Freund, the fourth prize by Mrs. Ford INTER-CLASS GAMES 4and was another of those events that jackson, while the consolation went. h»ll' es KK^ a leaves the1 tQ Mrs. Ben Miller. Lunch was servw Da" voice a minus quantity the next day. ^ at the clo6e pf the garaes> It was very evident from the start j ^ Interest in the inter-class jrames played at the high school during the noon hour this week is in-i^ |Jraft ^ been sent into the ELECTED DELEGATES S. W. Smith and E. J. Hopper of Ringwood were elected delegate and apparently wild a,terna,e wlth oth®r«» 10 represent fJZ McHenry county at the state convenc. easing and some red hot games sre;ring to g0 after a knockout, he pVobbeing piayed. On Monday noon the ab{y realizing that he couldn't outbox Freshmen defeated the Sophomores sucj, a fagt( clever man as Snyder. 15 to 7 and Tuesday noon the Se-jSo many of his mors defeated the Freshmen. j swjnj?s met their mark that the judg The games were scheduled tp start jment of hig trainer was very evident. ion ot*h* Modern Woodmen of Amerlast week but because of the rainy ] Snyder appeared a trifle dazed at the, ^ to be he,d at Peorla in Mayweather th^y were postponed until jend 0f the first stanza but came' to <«i prfiiivs- MnuuivTcx thi- week. - ; after a few seconds had passed in1 -- t , The tennis schedule is also well un- thp a--.,,,,,! «Twa« then that he he-! and Kosary Sodality.takes der way and much interest is being ^ ^ K^tintocampamida th«?^t pleasure in offering to the evinced in these games also. veritable shower of gloves. Seems publ,.c ano'he r,ot. d.e h*f"! An inter-class track meet is being th mu8t have lacked punch or else £ve"inS8 at <?rdB ™ St. Patrick s hall planned for this week also land on the local boy can absorb much pun- Sunday evening, April 21. Refresh- Friday the high school track team j8hment as he came right back and ments a pnzes. will take part ui a triangular meet sunk en0ugh points to even up the1 RFTunMiisir uniiv with Harvard and Hebron at Har- r o u n d I n t h e t h i r d i t wa8 j u g t a i -- RETURNING HOME vard. Next week they will also take co„tinual thump, thump, as Kraft's „,Mr' and ,M"; t Mark Salomon of part in another triangular meet with right kept driving j^t under Red's an ^1P^ake€ B*y- who have Crystal Lake and Dundee at Crystal heart Very terrible punishment and Snyder surely couldn't have taken it much longer, but he managed to stay Lake. Why not put some of these elections under the heading of indoor sports? The way some of the ballots are being filled in the elections are giving the petitioned candidates some real thrills. on the Mediterranean and touring Europe, sailed on April 13 for bottle on his feet and keep his face covered on rengana so that a knockout blow could not be landed. j ;• This man Kraft is sure to amount to something if he keeps his present pace. Larry Huck of McHenry now Balloomi' Travels ~r balloons recently reliwed 4# |. Woodstock, lit "k state aemo&y BUILDIM Thursday, Friday, Saturday!: April 25-26-27 b Afternoon and Evening loute 20, three blocks from square * "EVERYTHING FOR MODERN HOME" » 4 ! W • '0t ' t i j, Entertainment--Admission Free that is near at hand FOR THE WARMER WEATHER THAT IS NEAR AT HAND Men's Oxfords, black or tan, calfskin $4.00 $3.15 to $3.50 $3.95 TO $4.75 95d £--^ 95d 79& 254 aw1 35<t 25d .Boys' Oxfords Women's 1-strap and Oxford^ Men's Athletic Union Suits Men's Knit Union Suits Bobolink Silk Hose, special Men's Rayon Socks, pair^ Fast Color Prints, new patterns, yard . Dress Ginghams, new patterns, yard .. John Stoffel 224 v we >> season At the Ad P you will find the pick of the season in fresh frnits and vegetable*. Visit your nearest A&P store regularly and select your needsfrQtn displays of the season s finest foods. N B C P r ^ a d i u B S o d a or Grahaw Crackers If la Sealed . Tight Caddies 2-lb. Box Grape Nuts Try Them For Brenkfaiit 2 Pkg*, Z9e Coffee Cream of the Santos Crop 8 O'clock Brand 3 Lbs. BANANAS 4 for iSe CfeOKING APPLES I lbs. for ]|| CILERY .2 Imnches i«r t§m QUAKER MAID BEANS- 1 3 for 25e SUGAR Pure Cane Extra Pine Granulated 10 Lbs. GOLDEN HUB MARGARINE lb. Xlc 1-- Powd Bag» $$.49 CBtnaleiie Large zoc Pit*. Bran Bread Fresh to Our Lb. ^ < Swo Daily " I*1 Evaporated Milk Sla:! Caws Borden's Pet or Carnation Brill* Cleans Scours »» V Kltchea Kleaxer - .. . ..: J I & Cigarettes ani ls' l&Mr ATLANTIC & PACIFlt , 1 MIDDLE WESTERN DIVISION the tele of wight have been found in Franrf "anfl Oermafiy. -* Washington Star. TTSS THX QLASSmXD 00LUHMS 70S QUICK B18DLTS