Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 May 1929, p. 4

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pwipwrm ' } - . ' . y * " * ^ v * y .^y.; \fy;s'y Mi..' , .. t ~ >.;* .v ... .'• ... * \. t •.. V - * * * • * * ^ • V- '* * 'V <* ^---V ,• *i . V' '* „•'* v * Ci* '" . ii,i fifJip^vv!rwjl?w f^ywgsw'*-" 1' W 1 .™ ' ^ w " f f ? J "w w i ! p y - ^ l w " f ' 9 p i^ ff" * V V I.^T,Wv^'."«£»*.' -T « ,T«C. •>•?' HV "' '»•' fT•• ? M'HXNKT PUUUBKALEK, THURSDAY, MAT 8, 1829 ,£*• 'ftx*' r*y * 1 * •*» * %*• * t *1^4 *>"* rty** *L i a THE M'HENRY PLAIN DEALER Published every Thursday at McHenry, 111., by Charles P. Renich. Entered as second-class matter at the postoffice at McHenry, 111., undar theactof May 8, 1879. Subscription Rate* : ) One Year - Six Months .....$2.00 91.00 A. H. MOSHER, Editor and Manage*, _ .1 i ' i'#tiii Mtuic Without Note* In playing music by ear the player Is 'guided by sound alone. He keeps the melody of tune in mind and hi* lingers are guided up or down the wale by a sort of Instinctive knowledge which enables him to obtain the tones desired, In such playing no attention Is paid to written music and often no thought Is given to names of notes struck.--Exchange. KONJOU AGAIN TRIUMPHS IN STUBBORN CASE * s«" s„, Rheumatism and Stomach Trouble Quickly Routed When New Medicine OM TO Work N- - -,r » - * >x %, &M , ft .-to? MR. TERRY TAYLOR Hiram. •Jnoi# JU ^carfcy and Y o n d e r • • • • fcy T. T. MAXEY ^Konjola has certainly proved itself to me," said Mr. Terry Taylor, Route No. 1, West Frankfort. "For several years I had been both- j 80 maps, ered by a severe case of stomach! prints and 1,000 newspapers and perltrouble. Food did riot digest as it' odlcals. The National Library THE National library, as the Library of Congress at Washington sometimes is called, Is the largest institution of Its kind in all of th® Americas. This treasure house of knowledge covers three and one-half acres of ground, has about eight acres of floor space which contain more than 3,500,- 000 books, occupying more than 150 miles of shelving, covering every subject under the sun. Almost 200 nations are represented in this stupendous collection--China and Russia leading the foreign list with more than 87,000 and 80,000 volumes respectively, Japan and Scandinavia following with more than 9,000 and 5,000 respectively. In addition, there are upwards of 200,000 maps and charts, 500.000 photographs and prints and 1.000,000 musical scores. Bookdom In Its every phase Is completely represented here. For instance, the oldest book, printed from movable type--Duranti's Rational Durlnorium Offlciorum was printed in Mains in 1458, which was thirty-three years before Columbus discovered America ; the smallest book, which incidentally is said to be the smallest in the world, is a copy of the Rubalyat of Omar Khayyam, whicf5T contains forty-eight pages, each about one-half inch square; the largest book probably, is Audobon's Birds of North America, in four volumes. Its pages being abou{ three feet high. A normal day's receipts, counting Sundays and holidays. Includes approximately 373 books and pamphlets, 40 musical compositions, 18 should, but lay like a rock in my stomach. I suffered after every meal from keen indigestion pains. Then, too, I was constipated and soon rheumatism developed. My suffering kept getting worse and worse. v "Konjola was recommended so highly that I decided to try it. Right from the start I got good results. The Theumatism pains gradually grew' less and less, and then disappeared altogether. My stomach was correct- . ed. I can eat anything I care to. My bowels have been regulated. I certainly recommend this medicine to all who suffer." Konjola is sold in McHenry, 111., at Thomas P. Bolger's drug store and by all the best druggists in all towns. throughout this entire section. <©, lit*. Western N«wiptpwDBta.| Unnecessary At a recent New York banquet the diners represent a total wealth of t2.00n.ow.000. We understand that the caterer's Usual practice of counting the simons after the proceedings was discontinued. . Mining and Mintage . tattle coinage of the United State* there Is represented the metals gold, sllvei nickel and copper? with tin «nd tcIik its alloys. la the March 20 issue of State Capitol News all credit was given the two United States senators from Illinois, Hon. Charles S. Deneen and Hon. Otis F. Glenn, for the retention of Rantoul and Scott fields. The splendid and active influence of the Illinois Congressional delegation, in co-operation with the two senators, defeated the eastern attempt to take these two aviation schools away from Illinois. Among the congressmen who were most active and Influential In this were: Dr. Ed. M. Irwin of thei Belleville-East St. Louis district; John T. Buckbee, Twelfth district, Rockford; William E. Hull. Sixteenth district, Peoria; Richard Yates, congressman-at-large, Springfield; Elliot W. Sproul and Carl R. Chindbolm, Chicago; Frank R. Seld, Eleventh district, Aurora; William R. Johnson, Thirteenth district, Freeport; John C. Allen, Fourteenth district, Monmouth; Homer W. Hall Seventeenth district, Bloomington; Charles Adkins. Nineteenth district, Decatur; Thomas S. Williams, Twenty-fourth district, ftarrlsburg; E. E. Denlson, Twenty-fifth district, Marion and William B. Holaday, Eighteenth d I s t r I c t, Georgetown. Other congressmen may have been active in this matter. The house committee oft municipalities and Chicago traction Is now considering the Chicago traction bills and the final vote will be taken soon. Illinois road building activities for 1929 are getting under way rapidly. The weekly instruction report issued by Frank T. Sheets. <hlef highway engineer, »hows that 0.R6 of a mile of paving was completed during a recent week as compered to 0.25 of a mile the week before. As the weeks go on and the various gungs of road builders get started, these weekly figures will mount rapidly. Two hundred and fifty men and 20 teams were employed up to April 11. * Representative W. B. ^Phillips, 60, serving his sixth term in the Illinois house of representatives, died suddenly at his home in Mr. Vernon April 19. The decedent is the fourth member of the present session to be claimed by death. The others were Representatives Thomas Curran, Chicago; Emmet F. Wilson, pockford, and Mrs. Flora Cheney. Chicago. ' -r _ Governor fimmerson has signed House Bill No. 1, introduced by Representative Elmer J. Schnackenberg. Cliicag^ which gives the board of assessors authority to pay the salaries of experts engaged in the reassessment of property in Cook county. :*»•"s f .rteklr. '•' "*•'*. * • *- -<V AtVERTTSEMENTS; USE TOE CLASSIFIED COLUMNS TOR QUICK RESULTS TOR SALS POTATOES FOR SALE--75 cents per bushel. J. M. Biedrich, £*hone 646-M-l. 48* FOR SALE--Small chicken farm, between 4 and 5 acres, % mile frcan McHenry on Lake Geneva cement road. Mrs. Joe H. Justen, Rte 8. Phone 611-J-l. 64f FOR SALE--Early Ohio potatoes, PGR RENT ET3ZZ&!"S2*Vt: ,.r Graded. 60 and 90 cents jier bushel. William Griffin, Salem, Wis., 3 miles north of Antioch, on Concrete road. Phone Bristol 264. 48* FOR SALE--Electric Washer and mangier, lawn benches, afihy cots, piano, phonograph, rug, dining table, dresser, other household goods. Mrs. Klein, 25 Orchard Bead* TaL McHenry 643-M-l. on Main street. Tel, 147-W. 45-tf FOR RENT'--Store with or without living rooms and 7-room flat; also 4- room flat. Call Catherine Schneider, 106-W. 46tf. WANTED WANTED--Girl for general hous»- work. Mrs. William Pries, 626 Keith 48» Ave., Whukegan, 111. 48 FOR SALE--Purebred registered Hoi- WANTED--Young man desires work stein bulls, best breeding, all ages. ln a"d landscaping. Best of Walter H. Brandenburg, prop., Birch- *«e»nce8 and reasonable wages mont Farm, Irtfleside, Hlf qu're at Plamdealer Office. In- 48-tf FOR SALE-Nine-room house 7t ? A^ED-D W°rk ot™Z by the Johnsburg. Clear deed given to buy- ^Lay" ^one Mrs. Henry er. J. C. Debrecht, 2846 Archer Ave., 48-2 Chicago, cago. Tel. Lafayette 6644, Chi- 47-3* FOR- 8ALE--A Complete line of furniture, consisting of tables, chairs, beds, dressers, etc. H. C. Hughes. CARPENTERS Tel. McHenry 223-W. 47-tf CATTLE WANTED TO PASTURE-- Have room . for seventy-five head. Plenty of water and good feed. Phone 628-W-l. Frank Hironimus. 48-2* FOR SALE--Underwood typewriter, dining table, six chairs, sideboard. F. E. Cobb, McHenry. 47-2 WANTED -- Inquire of John P. Weber, contractor, McHenry, 111. 47-2 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE--Timothy hay. John A. SPECIAL CLEANING PRICES-- For four days Friday, May 3, to Tues- ^ Mc^enry- McHennry day, May 7, inclusive, the following 655-M-2. 47-2 prices will prevail: Suits clehned and FOR SALE--One membership in Mc- Pressed, $1.00; plain^silk and wool Henry Country club. Inquire at the dresses- $1-50. Remember these prices Plaindealer office. 47-tf ?Je ?nly for *he above dates- Here s an opportunity to get your FOR SALE--Potatoes, finest quality clothes all cleaned up for summer at Red River Early Ohios for table or a reduced price. Anna Howard, over seed. While they last 75 cents a bush-t Bolger's Drug Store, McHenry. 48 el. A. Knell, phone 294-R, Woodstock, _ ' Stephenson's Underwear WW "AND BO'H?:1?;-';: ^ ^i4os: 687 and 685 arfe most tiiltistial fabric, made from full-combed ^high-grade yarn; full cut, well ^haped foim fitting. Long sleeves, ^fhort sleeves, or no sleeves, ankle • • three-fourth length. Made to . sell at $1.50 a suit--our price |i.» a salt a «t Ml, but makes a different V * W',:' !§' ^ ^ .h: "A Home Ownsd Store *. McHenry, Illinois ^ WEST SIDE GARAGE r Adams Bros., Propi. - • V • Oeneral Automobile Repairing ^ .v:s< • •. t \ ' SO*.-"?': k. TeL 185 Bi-t-H Res. Phone, 639-R-2 SB6 R. P. Edwards Garage ELM STREET |4TPSE^ CHARGING, TIRE AND GENERAL f|S- ^ " t PAIR WORK, ALSO TOWING ^ iVORK GUARANTEED PHONE 156 m. 46-3 FOR SALE--8 tube, all electric, Freshman 1929 Radio, iri beautiful walnut hi-boy cabinpt. $2.00 value-- must sacrifice, $95.00. Guaranteed new. J. Herdan, 3937 No. Long Ave., Chicago, 111. ' ' 44-4* ILLE] THEATRE, , "VOOtXTTOCK. »LX Woodstock's Beautiful Play House Evening Shows at 7 ant 9 Matinees-- Oa Wednesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays aad Sundays, 3 p. m. Friday and Saturday Ramon Novarro in "The Ffylng Fleet" Alao Pathe News and Comedy Sunday - Monday Sound and Talking Picture 44 Geraldine 99 with Eddie Quinlan An All Talking Comedy "ZIP, Boom, Bang!" NOTICE OF AWARD OF CONTRACT Public notice is hereby given that at a meeting of the Hoard of Local Improvements of the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois, held on the 29th day of April, A. D. 1929, at the hour of 2:00 o'clock, P. M., in the < !ity Council Chambers, in the City JIall in the City of McHenry, Illinois, a contract was awarded for the construction of a local improvement as provided by Special Assessment Number 24, County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, for repairs to the! sewage purification plant and outlet^ lines in said City of McHenry, Mc-] Henry County, Illinois, to JOHN WARD COMPANY, a corporation or-1 ganized under the Laws of the State) of Iowa, at their bid price of NINE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED EIGHTY-FIVE DOLLARS ($9,885). JOHN STOFFEL, Secretary of the Board of Local Improvements of the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois. Dated at McHenry, Illinois, this 30th day of April, A. D. 1929. 48 Through strict " economy In the operation of the state Institutions, Gov. Louis L. Enmierson hopes to be able to provide relief from the present overcrowding without resorting to a bond issue or any material Increase in the appropriations for the state institutions. Gov. Louis L. Emmersoo was presented with a diamond jewel emblematic of active membership in the supreme council of the thirty-third d£ gree of the Masonic order recently. The senate has passed the bill ft** trod need by Senator George M. Reynolds, Utica, appropriating $15,000 for a cuivert under the Illinois and Michigan canal in LaSnlle county and another appropriating $40,500 for a hard road to the west entrance to Starved Rock. They now go to the house. TYPEWRITERS Sales and Service. Repaired and Rentals. Prompt attention to phone calls. Phone 649. L. KILTZ, Woodstock 49-tf FOR SALE OR RENT-^-Steven-room house and garage on Elm street. Phone 102-M, or inquire of W. M. Heimer. 42-tf S. W. MERRICK - • ; v. • *! TUNE--and keep your piano tuned. Tuning makes your piano a musical instrument. Phdne 274-J or write 3. H. DeihL Woodstock, 111. 27-tf FOR SALE--Woodstock typewriter.' No. 5. Has just been rebuilt at the factory and is like a new machine in- HORSES* CATTLE, HOGS, SHEEP W. B. MERRICK AND ASSOCIATES MIDWEST RENDERING CO. " We Pay For every respect. Will sell for„$40 cash if taken at once. Here is an opportunity for someone to get a real bargain. Call 170 or inquire at the Plaindealer office. £ tf Call 810-J-l--Dundee--815-R-|r Prompt Sanitary Servic% : REVERSE CHARGES 31-tf T ft .j "Mi * Round-The-nerld Flyer Chooses Bfuck "Sick" corn now has a line of patent medicines all Its own and the fortunate thing about K for the farmers is that these medicines actually have produced net returns at the rate of 1.000 per cent on the Investment, according to Dr. Benjamin Koehler. crop pathologist at the college of agriculture, University of Illinois. The treatments have checked the profltdestroving seed-borne disease of the corn crop. v " . . Senator TjOWrtl B. Mason Oak Palfe, has introduced a bill which provides for the inspection, regulation of shipment, possession, sale and use of kero William M. Carroll, Attorney EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Estate of Helena Heimer, Deceased. The undersigned, having been appointed Executor of the last Will and Testament of Helena Heimer, deceased, late of the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, hereby gives > trasnljne and naptha by the state notice that he will appear before the t,epartnient of finance. County Court of McHenry County, at the Court House in Woodstock, at the June term, on the first Monday in June next, at which time all persons having claims against said estate are notified and requested to attend for the purpose of having the same adjusted. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated this 16th day of April, A. D. 1929. 46-3 LEO HEIMER, Executor. <L * <«3[=3 3BHDE =],I=lEgaO S. H. Freund & Son General Building Contractors ^ ' ' Phone 127»R . I Sts. McHenry, III it May 12th Is Mother's Special Day * v ^ovely Gifts and Cards for the : ^i)Ccasion are waiting your selection at T3he AGATHA SHOP Hew things for infants have Gifts and Greeting Cards for ' J Mftved all occasions Hemstitching and Pleating Lieutenant Henry H. Ogdeft, <me of Ae pioneer army a •fulfil s flew around the world in 1924, is shown seated with Mrs. Ogden in the 1929 Buick Roadster he purchased while in Detroit attending the aviation •how. Lieut. Ogden is now vice-president of Joseph Kreutzer Aircraft Corpotation with headquarters In LoiAnfcttt. and Sound Pathe Kewr Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday George Jessel "Lucky Boy" An All Talking, All Singing Also M-G-M NEWS AMD COMEDY m Used as a Physicians Prescription for Many Years Money bade if not relieved Children like It Mmdeby FOR SALE BT The corihnittee on roads and highway transportation reported to the senate a bill which gives the department of public works and buildings power to enlarge the present highway pat^oL-'?*. ' The bill introduced by Repfpsenft' tlve T. J. Sullivan. Springfield, extending the terms of supreme court commissioner* until 18S1, has pnaaed the senate. ' Without opposition the senate has passed the hill introduced by Senator A. S. Cuthbertson. Bunker Hill, appropriating $".">0,000 for the construo tlon of a bridge across the Illlonois river fit Hardin. The bill .nojr goes to the house for action. ' Senator James J. Barbour, <?M«go, has Introduced a substitute for the bill defeated recently, which gives the state supreme court the right to pre scribe rules of practice and procedure. The bill limits the rules which the supreme branch may prescribe. Thomas P. Bolger "The McHenry Druggist" Phoaa 4f McHeuy, tlL MmmiM to P«Me Che Portal of Peace is a maaslva concrete structure in the form of a gateway. Il la located at Blaine, Wa4h., and was dedicated September 5, 1921, In honor of th»> peace between the Doited States and Canada, which had lasted for more than 100 years without a break. The inetnorlnl, which cost $40,000, stands 100 yards from the international boundary where the forty-ninth parallel meets 'BoundarjrTlifb '.-f The furniture for'Sun JRoojB and Porch -- Right now i« a splendid time to select furniture for the* sun room or porch. We have a special display which comprises a, number of the newer styles now offered at a price range which permits selection in accord with your olr'&splay today. -.4 isten & Sons bpdget plan. See Jacob liSS .grwxsi 5#^'^ .i1 FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING '^GreenSt. • #itf- McHenty "Three Point T raction" on a Tire? You never have, I bet, except from a Goodyear dealer. Simply this: The Goodyear All-Weather Tread has: (1) STOPPING AND STARTING TRACTION because of the dbarpedged diamonds DOWN THE CENTER instead of slick "sled-nomer" ribs that only slip, slide and spin in mud. • (2) CURVE TRACTION because of the All-Weather diamonds on the edges that GRIP wt*o your tires shift side-ways , _ (3) RUT TRACTION because those sane diamonds extend far ap both sidewalk. Think, before you buy tires, how often you «**** V°.T' Traction." You've noticed how other tires slip, skid, don t hold the road like the famous All-Weatf»er. Now you know why. The All- ^therTread easily adds DOLLARS OF SAFETY VALUE»s a Ure --yet H coats yon nothing extra. v Special (or Saturday Only, May 4 29x4.4a A0 Weather Goodyear $S.H W-nMIIUONS MORE PEOPLE RIDE ON it is it? TIRES THAN ON ANY OTffER KIND t Walter J. Freund West McHenry, I1L PHONE 120-R TIRE AND TUBE VULCANIZING BATTERY CHARGING AND REPAIRING ALL WORK GUARANTEED

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