IBS M'HBMEY PLAUfDKALXB. TBTXSDAY, MAT 16, 192B •'• " •"::'iWV':,-.:?mSi bsore-k Sare-Iisnrance WITH .G.Schreiner Auctioneering OFFICE AT RESIDENCE 1 ' Sleee 9S-R McHenry, IlKaeie • J)*. JOSEPH C. FEELEY x'- - Dentist iM«iy - - hiinrfs HI McHenry: Fridays 1# a.m.to $ p.m. Saturdays9 a.m.to 7:30 p.m. Sundays by appointment. Artificial teeth made by the Davies process. Latest electrical equipment end modern methods. Riverside Drive over Barbian's Grocery and Market K»,S; C. W. XLONTZ, M. D. ; Physician and Surf eon V . tAlso treating all diseases of the Eye, k Ear, Nose and Throat and the > "tC ' . .. Fitting of Glasses) = : OBce Hoars--8 to 8 i. m., 2 U 4 and >• . 7 to 8 p. «. Sundays by Appointment Office at Residence, Waukegan Road. PfcfiBe 181 McHenry, 111. HAMILTON HAIR CUTTING SHOPPY Exclusive LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S HAIR CUTTING , By Appeintment 0«ly Ints--I to 11 a. m.; 1 t# 5 p. m. PRIES BLDG. Phone McHenry 255 ^ . . . . . . jnu----' Hears: 11 te 12 *. M.--2 to 4 and7tetp. m. s and Holidays by Appointment DR. J. A. STREET PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON 50.00 215.46 200.00 200.00 90.00 47.80 .20 Res. and Pries Bidf. I' HENRY V. SOUP EL ' General Teaming Sand, Gravel and Coal for Sale Grading. Graveling and Road Work Done By Contract or By Day #tK>ne McHenry 649-R-l 1^. 0. Address, Route 3 McHenry* IU. msrr- Phone 126-W Reasonable Kates A. H. SCHAEFER Drayfeag HcHENRY - - - - ILLINOIS •X4V tTT WM. M. CARROLL Lawyer |M(e with Kent & Every Wednesday Phone • v McHenry. niinois r McHENRY GRAVEL A EXCAVATING CO. X' 1 CUilUi Road Building and Excavating of Every Description « JEstimates Furnished on Request High-grade Gravel Delivered at any time--large or small orders given prompt attention. Phone 204-M McHenry Telephone No. 106-R Stoffel & Reihansperger Insaranee agents for all classes property in the best companies. WEST McHENRY I- $ r •' I I. CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS Council Room, May 6, 1929 The city aldermen, with Mayor Knox presiding, met in regular session Monday evening. Aldermen present: Bonsk tt, Doherty, Krause, Kreutzer, Schaefer and Stoffel. The minutes of the annual meeting were read and approved. Motion made by Stoffel, seconded by Krause, that the treasurer's report be accepted as read. Motion'carried. Mjption by Dolherty, seconded by |Kreutzer, that the following bills be aid. Motion carried. cHenry Gravel and Exfcavting Co $188.80 John Malch, services on street 80.00 John Walsh, marshal services for April 115.00 John Walsh, services at sewer lift -- Andrew Hanson, 9 hrs. lbr. on w. w ...... McHenry Plaindealer, printing Jas. Anderson Co., labor on sewer Gus Sattem, labor on ww......... •!M. N. Niesen, one month's service as supt. of ww National Mote* Co., ww sup- Wm. Bickler. services as chief of fire dept. for one year...., 100.00 Services for driving fire truck, for 1 year, three men, Louis Stoffel, Carl Bickler, Hubert Schoewer Henry Cowlirf, salary as city atty. for one year Kathryn L. Conway, salary for . six months,as per agreement Mayme Buss, comm. on collections Alex. Lumber Co., material for culberts 43.18 Wm. Aherns, 6 loads of gravel R. F. Conway, phone call, supplies and postage Valvoline Oil Co., 10-gal. oil.... Wm. Althoff, 18 ot. circle galvelvion Public Service Co., ornamental lights 112.41 Public Service Co., city hall lights Public Service Co., power for . elec. pump - •••••• 40.60 Public Service Co., ornamental lights 132.28 Jno. Stilling's tire shop, gasoline for fire truck 1.4T E. H. Merrick, grading sts 204.88 Peter W. Frett, mayor services . for 3 mo., 5 meetings 25.00 Phone 274 Wm Bonslett, alderman ser- McHenry, HL vices for 3 mo., 5 meetings 25.00 Peter Doherty, aldeman services for, 3 mo., 5 meetings 25.00 John R. Knox, alderman services for 3 mo., 5 meetings 15.00 Herman Kreutzer, alderman services for 3 mo., 5 meets. 25.@f^ John Stoffel, alderman services for 5 mo., 5 meetings - 25.00 R. F. Conway, clerk services for 3 mo.r «• 30.00 J. W. Bonslett, services on board of health for one year, 1 fumigating, et<£, .-- . 20;®®; Geo. Meyers, labor on streets, hauling rubbish from city property 111. Bell Tele. Co...... Motion by Stoffel, seconded by Krause, that the superintendent of the waterwork's report be accepted |> read. Motion carried. Motion by Krause, seconded by Schaefer that the clerk sign a complaint to all those running gasoline filling stations who have not secured their licenses. Motion carried. | Motion H>y Bonslett, seconded by ! Stoffel that the clerk give the city marshal a list of the delinquent vehicle tax. Motion carried. Motion by Kreutzer, seconded by Schaefer, that the marshal be advised to enforce the ordinance pertaining to dog tax Page 22. Motion carried. Motion by Krause, seconded by Doherty that the John street road condition be turned over to the street and alley committee. Motion carried. Motion by Kreutzer, seconded by Schaefer that John Malch be appointed as street cleaner for the coming year at a salary of $80.00 per month. Upon roll call the aldermen voted as follows: Bonslett, no; Doherty, yi Krause, yes; Kreutzer, yes; Schaefer, yes; Stoffel, yes. Motion carried. Motion by Kreutzer, seconded by Schaefer that the bill of John Ander son to the amount of $200.52 be paid. Motion carried. Motion by Stoffel, seconded by Bonlett that the city council authorize the payment of $3,100.00 on public benefits and special assessments on advice of city attorney, ,H. L. Cowlin, finance committee to decide on pay ments. Motion carried. Motion by Kreutzer, seconded by Doherty, that the water bill of J Bonslett be settled for $14.00. Motiop carried. Motion by Doherty, seconded by Kreutzer that the bond of Robert Weber, as treasurer, he accepted Motion carried. Motion by Bonslett, seconded by Krause that the bond of Mayor Jno, R. Knox be accepted. Motion carried, Motion by Krause, seconded by Stoffel that the bond of the city marshal, John Walsh, be accepted. Motion carried. Motion by Kreutzer, seconded by Schaefer, that the clerk, R. F. Conway's, bond' be accepted. Motion carried. f Motion'by Doherty, seconded by Kreutzer to adjourn. Motion carried. JOHN R. KNOX, Mayor. R. F. CONWAY, Clerk. Jack Wood of Rocldtod was * teller here Thursday. Bliss Martha Hughes of Waukegan spent the week-end here. J, J. Harrington of LitMjrt^Yills spent Saturday here. Herman Brown of Forest Park spent a few days recently with relatives here, Clyde Golding of Chicago is spending the week-end at the Henry Golding home. Edmund I^tefraon of Carpentersville Was a Sunday caller at the Kirwin home. Mrs. Nordmeyer and daughter, Bernice, were '.Chicago callers Wednesday. i_ | Mrs. Claire -Coleman and sons of I Rock Island are visiting at the R. C. _ I Kent home. qbqoI Mrs' Irwin Moody and mother of ; Chicago are visiting at the Paul , Broncheon home. ' ^r' an{* Mrs. Joseph Klupar of Edison Park spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. V. E. Davlin. Miss Estella Grace of Park Ridge was a caller here Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Shober and family of Ivanhoe called on friends here Sunday. Mrs. Sophia Krell of Milwaukee visited with her son and family last Thursday and Friday. Mrs. Zoe Smith of Milwaukee spent the week-end -with her sister, Mrs. E. H. Prior. Mrs. Henry Stubbings, Sr., and daughter, Maud, of Lyons spent Sunday with Mrs. Neva Stubbings. Mrs. Nellie Oaker of Chicago is spending a few days here. , MtSs Ruth £pd Esther Krugge of 9.00 j Barrington spent Surtuay here, Mrs. J. A. Jones is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Roy Kirk, in Chicago, Iflifiw' Miss Emily Davidson and Harry* Kirwin spent Saturday at Hifisd&lg. Mr. and Mis. W. At 8h|w and so^ig of Kenosha spent Sgp£ay with Miss Iva Turnbull. t „ Mrs. Roy F*rk and daughter of Chi- ^4tMfclgo spent last week with Mr/ and Mrs. J. A. Jones. Mr. and Mrs. John Brown and family spent Sunday at the Henry Stilling home in McHenry. Mrs. Cora Daley and daughter, Margaret Jean, of Gages Lake called on friends here Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Prouty and children have returned to their home in Brookfield, after spending the week here. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Frederickson, Misses Helen and Rath Campbell and Milton Campbell of Chicago and Mrs. Kit Thomas of Gay, Mich., were Sunday visitors at the Fred Thomas home. Mrs. John Brown and children attended the funeral of the former's niece at McHenry Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stroker and daughters called on Mr. and Mrs. It V. Wait at Round Lake Sunday. Elmer and Marie Steinsdorfer of Griswold Lake spent Sunday afternoon at the George Knigge home. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Grantham and children were visitors at the Lee Geary home at Gilmer Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Meyer and son, Donald, of McHenry called en Mr. and Mrs, Will Geary Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Owen Paddock and son, Clayton, of Chicago spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Seymour. F. C. Knigge called on relatives at Mundelein Sunday and visited at the home of Mr. and Mxs. Clyde Harris until Monday. Lorraine and Miss Evelyn Turnbull spent the week-end with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Paddock, near Round Lake. Mr. and Mrs. G. J.' Burnett of Socum Lake and Miss Sherman of Chicago spent Monday evening with Mr. and lbs. H. L. Grantham, Sr. Mrs. C. Ames and Mrs. Howard Murrie and daughter of Grayslake called on the former's sister, Mrs. Ray Paddock, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. William XiUebke and Mrs. James Finnegan and son of Milwaukee and Tom and Miss Janey Kern of Libertyville were Sunday visitors at the C. P. Thnmax how>e- Robert Backburn of Chicago called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Blackburn Thursday. Daily Thought The cure for all tbe His and wrongs, the cares, the sorrows, and the crimes of hnmanity, all He In that one word "love." It is the divine vitality that everywhere produces and restores life. To each and every one of us, it gives the power of forking miracles If we will.--Ly»1ln Maria Child. Get your Kodak oui Count on us far Kodak Film •>* Expert Rfiislitag^ THOMAS P. BOLGER "The McHenry Druggist" Phone 40 McHenry, III? Lovely Gifts for Brides and Graduates at%6e AGATHA SHOP Cards |for Showers, Weddings, Birthdays and Graduations m CENTRAL GARAGE • f iv 7J;'. i . : ' ' nUED J. SMITH, PMprftto^ Sties. Ijvl Give us a call when in trouble K*PERT WELDiNCUkMD CYLINDER EEBORING Day Phone 200-J Night Phone 640-J-2 Plenty of Cream in Each Igi each bottle of Bowman's Milk if you. will find a liberal measure of rich cream. The high cream test of this mill Nis the directjresult of this good care by us. ' fQLK AND CREAM can be obtained at the Central Market, Quality Market and Royal Blue Store. We handle nothing but Bowman's Pasteurised k«*» »od Degreed Products Community Dairy Phone 660-J-l Ben J. Smith, Prop. 1 8.00 50.00 WATER PUMPINGFor Youi^ FARM h.y'. X J. V|l« For day in, day out, all-year dependable water service, electric pumping is the sensible and economical plan. It also assures you of plenty of water for every farm need, including fire protection. And that is important. Your milk cows get all the water they want, and you can have a circulating water system jn the dairy barn if you wish. Electric pumping means a lot in the house, too. You can use water as freely as desired, without imposing upon anyone either for carrying water or making the pump work. An electric pump, operated from central station power lines, gives complete, satisfactory service. •f ILLINOIS BETTER GLASSES BETTER VISIOtf BETTER SERVICE [DR. HENRY FREURD ^ Cpttttliut 1553 Devon Ave., Chicago Near Clark Street, Phone Hollycourt 2731 A New Plan for Extending ELECTRIC SERVICE To Farms A new plan has been worked out, largely through the advice of farmers, which we believe will hasten farm electrification. A post card mailed to us will bring a special farm representative who will explain complete details of the plan, | without obligation to you. Firmtr Boy's Lots-Letter "Do you chi rot all for me? , My heart beets for you and my love Is as soft as a squash. But I'^n strong at an onion, for you're a peach. With your turnip nose and your radish hair yon are the apple of my eye. if you cantaloupe with me. lettuce marry anyhow, for I know weed make a ir."--Exchange. . Cap Feather The expression **a feather In his «rl*lnated In the Crusades, when the rule was that "none should wear • feather in his cap but be who had killed a Turk." ' i , Khd Legislative'TraMaf ' '. forty «f the forty-five members of the Constitutional convention had bees la congress. Got Hi* Birds Mixed One evening at the dinner table ttw family was discussing the visit of the stork to a neighboring fan:ily kloth er was contemplating a visit to thf home to see the new arrival, a baby boy, and to take It a gift Bobby, age four, who had been listening with in terest, suddenly inquired: "Weil, mother, why don't you ask the bawk to bring me a baby brother, too?" MfiiM 11^ I « Health Hint A few drops of horlc acid eolation used In the eyes now and again will cleanse them and feel refreshing. Tbe dally use of eye washes Is not necessary nor Is It desirable. The tear glands wash the eyes qnite well and It is natnre'n way. L POBLIC SERVICE COMPANY Of ^NORTHERN ILLINOIS E. J. Larkin, Dist. Mgr. Public Service Co. of No. ft! 101 Williams St., Crystal Lake, 111. Tel Crystal Lake 280 Write us for more bn this new plan for briiiging electricity to your farm. W, 'ULUJE