-mi ^Ns^.wl ' ,«> < 1 • <»> W^.^-V'^ S j j j ^ -- < w .w .^^WA£~». *VV#' TBI M'HBIKT PLAINDKAlJSB, *',^Tv 4-T v :/ Tyy~ j^t- ... , ** ^ ^ . ,. i ... --J.^ ' * • • • " ' ' • > *• * *"&&*&& 1* -•'<>: «r "*>-£*Vtse **>;TvF-^ IDKAlJSB, THURSDAY, MAT 0i 18M -• !. -5 V'.V?A. '". ,:'» v.'V?- ?>-/ '* V #',<v *^V; »* • \-' ' 1 ' 1 ' 1 "" "' • -- • • • • - •• mvfe'i-c |«sflre-k Snre--Iaswince . "" ---. withW W m. G. ScHreiiSer Auctioneering OFFICE AT RESIDENCE 9341 * McHenry* Hlfoois RINGWOOD g M. JOSEPH C. FEELEY ', "1. "321 Dentist McHenry - • miaais >. :v;.;•»• n HcHenry: Fridays 10 a.m.to 8 p.m. Saturdavs9 a.m.to 7:30 p.m. Sundays by appointment. Artificial teeth made by the Davies process. Latest electrical equipment modern methods. Riverside Drive over Barbian's • '* -,!, Grocery and Market r: : -- '•• c. W. KLOHTZ, M. D. Physician and Surgeon -ftitA treating all diseases of the Eye, 'X- Ear, Nose and Throat and the » Fitting of. Glasses) 3 flipe« Hours--8 to 9 a. m., 2 to 4 and . u> 8 p. m. Sundays by Appointment • Office at Residence, W aukegan Road. Fhone 181 McHenry, HI The Ladies' Aid society will bold a dinner at the M. W. A. Hall on Decoration Day. There will also be a fine program in the park. In case of rain the program will be held in the M. IE. Church. * Union played Ringwood at the Ring-wood baseball park Sunday and the score was 13 to 7 in favor of Ringwood. Next Sunday they will play Johnsburg at the Johnsburg ball grounds. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Ormsby and three children of Milwaukee, Wis., were dinner guests in the Ben Walkington home Sunday. '• Mr. and Mrs. Walter Morris and two children, Mrs. Nellie Marble, Mrs. Lester Edinger, and two children, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Todd, Mrs. Ella Wilcox, Mr. and Mrs. Elt Mansfield, all of Woodstock; Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Marble of Greenwood, Mrs. Joe Mc- Cannon and son, Richard, of Richmond; Frank Walkington and Fern Lester of Libertyville, were callers in the Ben Walkington home Sunday lfternoon, making it a family gath ering in honor of Mr. and Mrs. W\ C. Hart of West Palm Beach, and Mr.'spent « few days last week in the and Mrs. H. B. Ormsby of Mil-j home of her daughter, Mrs, Clay aukee. Ice cream and cake were• RajfCr. served and pictures taken. All de-J jjrs. Sam Beatty, Mrs. Viola Low parted feeling the day had been welljand children and Mr. and Mrs. John spent. | Boyd spent Saturday with relatives HAMILTON HAIB CUTTING SHOPPE Exclusive LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S , HAIR CUTTING By Appointment Only |wr»-8 to 11 a. m.; 1 t® 5 p. m. ffUES BLDG. Phone McHenry 255 *,v<i Office Hours: 11 to 12 a. to 4 and 7 to 8 p. m. Sundays and Holidays by Appointment DR. J. A. STREET PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON t Res. and Office Phone 274 Pries Mldg. McHenry, i III. HENRY V. SOMPEL General Teaming jstefid, Gravel and Coal for Sale #radinp, Graveling and Roac Work Done By Contract or By Day .Phone McHenry 649-K-l P. 0. Address, Route 3 McHenry, D£, *«Sesie ----•^uL1:" :flMM 12S-W m Reasonable Ratal SCfIAEF®|L_ Draying - - - - TLttNOIS WM. M CARROLL Lawyer Olet with Kent £ Company Every Wednesday PImk I McHenry. DHaeis Woodstock Sunday afternoon were Messrs. and Mesdames Charles Carr, William McCannon, C. W. Harrison, Clayton Harrison, Chauncy Harrison, Roy Harrison, Lon Smith, S. W. Smith, George Harrison, H. M. Stephenson, Mrs. Frankie Stephenson, Mm. Rillah Foss and sons and Edward Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Randal of Richmond spent Sunday in the Edgar Thomas home. Miss Dorothy Peet of Woodstock spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Peet. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Shepard and children spent Sunday afternoon and evening in the Henry Foss home at Barrington. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kelley an 1 daughter of Crystal Lake spent Sunday afternoon with Ringwood relatives. Mrs. Lewis Hawley and children are visiting in Chicago for a few days. v William Kelley was a Woodstock visitor Friday afternoon. Miss Eleanor Dodge has accepted a position with the Dennison Co. in Chicago. Mrs. Rose Antcliff of Richmond Mrs. W. C. Hart left Monday for Greenwood, after a week's visit in the home of her son, Ben Walkington, and family. Mrs. Paul Meyers entertained a few friends in honor of Mrs. Joe Weber Thursday afternoon. Bunco was played. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Paul Meyers, first; Mrs. George Worts, second; Mrs. Joe Weber, third, and Mrs. Nick Young the consolation. Mrs. Ben Justen received a prize and Gertrude Weber the guest prize. At the close refreshments were served. Daniel Weber was presented with a high chair. Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard entertained the "500" Club at their home Friday evening. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. George Young and Jay Cristy, first, and Mrs. Leslie Olsen and Ray Peters the consolations. At the close refreshments were served. Harold Jepson of Mt. Morris spent Sunday evening with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Jepson, Mrs. William McCannon and Mrs. Edgar Thomas were McHenry visitors Monday. Misses Julia McLaughlin, Hetai Lawrence and Mildred Jepson, in com pany with their class and teachers of A„ McHenry visited the Northern Illinois Hospital for the Insane at Elgin and the -prison at Joliet Saturday. John Thompson of Chicago spent Friday in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. John Miller and Mrs. Nick Young accompanied Miss Tillie at Woodstock. Mrs. Frank Fay, Mrs. Clay. Rager and son, Cecil, and Mrs. Rote Antcliff drove to ,Wheaton Friday and were accompanied home by Carlton Fay, who spent the week-end at his home here. v- Miss Viola Rag^r spent Sunday with her parents., • „ Mr. and Mrs. George Young and sons spent Sunday at McHenry. Mis; Mae Lucille Rager visited the Ridgefield school Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Block of Kenosha spent Sunday in the Dr. Hepburn home. Mae' Lucille Rager spent Thursday night and Friday with her sister at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. George Young and sons spent Thursday evening with McHenry friends. Max Beth of Chicago spent Wednesday in the home of his father, William Betl. . Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fay and Mr. and Mrs. Clay Rager were Wheaton visitors Sunday. Carlton Fay turned to Wheaton with them. Roy, Harold, Mae, Leslie, Ethel and Lora Wiedrich attended the show at McHenry Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carr were visitors at Woodstock Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Peters spent Sunday with relatives at Belvidere and Hunter. 8LOCUMS LAKE Mr. and Mrs. HE. L. Brooks were callers at McHenry last Wednesday. Mrs. W. E. Brooks and son, Cheart ey, were business callers at McHenry last Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Foss and two children, Pearl and Junior, were callers at McHenry last Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowell and daughter, Dorothy, werf callers at McHenry last Saturday, evening. Miss Myrna Bacon graduated from the eighth grade at McHenry last Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse find daughter, Frances, were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Davis. \ Mrs. Dan Meyer of Wauconda and Miss Marvel of Evanston were callers at the home of Mrs. Harry Matthews last Wednesday . Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Brooks of Waukegan spent last Thursday evening at the H. L. Brooks home. Leslie Foss was a Sunday dinner guest at the A. W. Foss home at Libertyville. Mrs. Will Whitman of Wauconda spent last Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Page Smith. Mr. and Leslie Davis and children were Sunday dinner and afternoon guests at the home of Mr. and M » Howard Davis. Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Dowin of > oonda were last Thursday evening callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews. Ray Dowell was a business caller at Lake Zurich last Saturday mom ing. James Dowell and Miss Ada Dowell of Roseville and guest, Mr. Leavitt, of Chicago were callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Davis Sunday morning. ^ ,Frank Wilson of Volo and John Meyer and son of Ivanhoe were Sunday callers at the W. E. Brooks home Miss Myrtle Darrell of Crystal Lake, Elmer Esping and Harvey Bailey of Moline spent the week-end at Oak Glen Farm. Miss Myrna Bacon spent last Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Elizabeth Bacon at Roseville. Mrs. Jane Eatinger of Wauconda spent last Wednesday at the RaV Dowell home. Mrs. Page Smith and son, Claire, and grandson, Leon George, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Smith in Fremont last Tuesday. Mrs. Leslie Davis and little daughter spent last Thursday at the home of her sister, MTS. Dick Dowell. Mrs. W. L. Spafford and son, Bennie, of Jefferson Park spent from Friday until Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews. ters of regrets from some of the friends who were unable to attend this enjoyable afternoon, after which a lunch was served. Those present to enjoy the happy event were: Miss Georgia Vasey and Mrs. Raymond Lusk of Round Lake, Miss Anita Baseley, Miss Lois Gilbert, Mrs. Harry Peardon, Miss Hazel Haffey and Mrs. Neva Stubbings and two children, Marion and Gordon of Wauconda, Mjss Sophia Roesslein of the "Flats," Mrs. LaDoyt Matthews, Mrs. E. F. Matthews, Mrs. F. O. Rowley, Mrs. Thomas Staneck, Mrs. Allen Ha/-' ford and son, Edwin, Miss Evelytf Bohl, MSss Julia Febber, Miss Leota Peeler and Mrs. EbtI Matthews of Crystal Lake, Miss Mertie Jayne of Algonquin, Mrs. W. L. Spafford and son, Bennie, of Jefferson Park, Misa Pearl Foss, Mildred Hoffman and Mrs. Willard Darrell. Paint demonstration at W. H. Althoff's Hardware, Main St., McHenry, Saturday, May 25. Don't miss it. 51* VOLO Harold and Robert Knox attended the K. C. convention at Rock ford on Tuesday . Mr. and Mfr. Frank Peck of Chicago visited at the home-of Henry McMillan Friday. Nels Person and nepfcew of Chicago spent Sunday with relatives here. Mr. Judson of Chicago scent Sunday in the Leisner home. /' ' Mrs. Emma Gracy it speeding sev--; eral weeks with her niece at Union": , Grove, Wis. - , 'v Paint demonstration at W. H--': ' Althoff's Hardware, Main St., Mc- Henry, Saturday, May 25. Dont misa. , it., . si;* 'Wauconda township high school reld its annual comtmencement program Wednesday evening, May 22, in the new gym at Wauconda, ®orth-end of the township being icgll-repre sented in the giaduation class this year, there being four out of a clasi of - seven, Clarence Hironimous, Arthur Martin, Beatrice Wilson and Helen Vasey. Mr. and Mrs. Martin J. Wagener are the proud parents of a baby son born Tuesday, May 14. Mr. and Mrs. Esse Fisher returned Tuesday from Kansas where they were called by the death of a brother-inlaw. Mrs. Lloyd Eddy of Grayslake spent the first of the week at the home Of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Passfield, assisting in the care of Mrs. Passfield, who has been ill. Mrs. Jane Vasey of Round Lake and Mrs. Lloyd Eddy of Grayslake spent Tuesday at the home of Mfi, Eddy's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Paafcfield. Te Ladies' Aid of Volo meet at the home of Mrs. E. Bacon Tuesday, May 28, in honor of Mrs. Bacon's birthday. Paint demonstration at- W. H. Althoff's Hardware, Main St., McHenry, Saturday, May 26. Don't miss it. si TERRA COTTA Mr. and Mrs. Irving Lawrence 6f Chicago visited at the home of Henry McMillan Sunday. ' Mr. and Mrs. M. Knox called on relatives in Woodstock last Wednesday. Miss Eleanor McMillan spent Thurs- Gymfoam Washer Action - Originate i „ Jfu MAYTAfi /T>HE Maytag Company origi- *' * natcd the Gyrafoam washer , action. Other washer manufacturers imitate the idea--thus endorsing the Maytag'* superiority. | a Trial klayts^ • )... Phonm . . 4UmK'uth iknfgit.p uI.f ft Jotan't atU Dmtmrrmd Pmymwft IWH Nmar Wm THE MAYTAG COMPANY jipwton, Iopf Ttm nJ in the Ben Walkington home. Mrs. Harry Kist, and Mrs. Harry Miller to Waukegan Saturday, where} Hartley of Chicago and Mrs. Paul she was operated on at St. Theresa Meyers of McHenry spent Sunday hospital for appendicitis. She is gettng along nicely. Adrian Thomas and Clyde Carr are enjoying a *trip to Denver, Colo. They expject to be gone about two weeks. with their sister, Mrs. Ed. Thompson, and family. JgjpHENRY GRAVEL A EXCAVATING CO. - > A. P. Preund, Prop. \ - Jfcoad Building and Excavating! • of Every Description ' Estimate Furnished on • *' K Request High-grade Gravel Delivered at any time--large or small orders given prompt attention. Phone 204-M - McHenry Telephone No. 108-R Stoffel & Reihansperger bsnrance agents fer all classes ef property in the best companies. McHenry visitors Saturday. Mrs. George Frey of McHenry spent ... Monday in the George Noble home. Oscar Tabor is slowly gaining from j Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard and his accident, _ , children were callers in Richmond Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Olsen and Mr. I Montlay afternoon. and Mrs. John Boyd spent Sunday in j Mr. and Mrs. George Noble and the Charles Frey home at Deerfield. j family were Solon Mills visitors Mon- Among those from Ringwood to at- day evening. tend the funeral of Ora Harrison at, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Mann and Mrs. Mann of ^toodstock were supper guests in the Edgar Thomas home Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Olsen of McHenry were guests of relatives here Thursday evening. Quite a few from Ringwood attended the township exercises at McHenry Wednesday evening. William Giddings is visiting friends in Indiana. Mesdames A. W. Smith, S. W. Smith, Get yuoouurr Kodak Count on us for Kodak Film * « Expert FinisUag Mrs. P. McCabe and son, Elwin, of Norwood Park called on friends here last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Jensen of Union Grove, Wis., spent Sunday with her aunt, Mrs. Emma Gracy, THOMAS P. B0L6EE •The McHenry Druggist" fhoneU# McHenry, HI. WEST McHENRY ILLINOIS BETTER GLASSES BETTER VISION BETTER SERVICE DR. HENRY FREDND Optometrist 1553 Devon Ave., Chicago Near Clark Street, Phone Hollycourt 2731 u , „ . . , _ | Mr. and Mrs. William Fostf and T JL* f i n ^,Se F*rn family and guest, William Berg of I day evening with Miss Evelyn Bohl Vs?!"1 Sunday | Chicago, Arthur Waekero*. Cl.lr. l.t Crystal L.k., Douglas and Mae Smith and Mr. and Bert and Otto Lawrence of Chica- Mrs. Leon Smith of Fremont attend-18° were guests at the home of Henry ed the movies at McHenry Sunday j McMillan Sunday. evening. I Robert V. Knox attended the open- Mrs. Leslie Davis and daughter i inS a new theatre at Delavan, Wis., t i rp, , , visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. last ^Wednesday. .a1a rther w«e E»« Fisher Ust Friday afternoon. A pretty wedding was solemnized at the Blomgren home Saturday evening, May 18, at 8 o'clock when Mrs. Sigrid Blomgren became the bride of John Blomg'ren. Rev.\Harvey J. Locke of Wauconda spoke the words that made them man and wife and Mrs. Locke played the wedding march. Mrs.! Raymond Lusk of Round Lake was the maid of honor while Raymond; Lusk served as best man. At the con4p elusion of the services a three-course' dinner was served. The table appoint-*; ments were in yellow and green wit! a large three-tier angel food cake a; a center decoration and bouquet; of sweet peas, snap dragons and Jif lacs. Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgrei| were the recipients of many and beau tiful gifts, tributes from their relatives and many friends who share# D *i j tt ,r , .this happy evening with them. The Bruno Butler and H. M. Stephen- ^^3 indeed the following: MiV funeral at Elgin an(j Emil Lunden, Mr. and Mrtf,- Axel Lundgren, Mr. and Mrs. Atman and Mrs. Lyberg of Chicago, M&' and Jirs. Peter Anderson and children of Algonquin, Mr. and MrJl George Lundgren of Wauconda and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lusk of Round Lake. A miscellaneous shower was sponsored by Mrs. Harry Matthews and Miss Neva Stubbings of Wauconda at the former's home at Oak Glen Farm to the courtesy of Miss Myrtle Darrell last Saturday afternoon. After the guests had arrived Mrs. Stubbings announced to Myrtle that" she was to go on a journey by following a string, at the end of which she would find rememberances from her many friends. Then followed the opening of the beautiful g;fts, the reading of the cards thereon and let- Majrtaf Rxb PrafrMM iWBZ-A, B o s t o n . K D K A . Pittiburfh. WCAU. Philadelphia. WH K, C l e v e l a n d . V ' S A I , C i n c i n n a t i . KYW, Chlca g o . WCCO, Minneapolis. KOIL, Omaha. KM BC. Kansas City. W B A P, Fort Worth. K E X . Portland. KFRC, San Francisco. KNX, Los Angeles. KLZ, Denver. KSL, Salt Lake City. CFCA, T o r o n t o . KM OX, St. Loute. WJR, Detroit. OxvMeru 5l0t ,i'M wfMicfktl nhm*f MH Mth* - • \ H. E* Buck, Numbing ftiverside Drive McHenry, fii HARVARD--MARSHALL HARDW ARE-CO. WOODSTOCK--K. 4.- FIELD HARDW ABB * 89D attended a Thursday. Mrs. Harold Whiting or Chicago spent Saturday night and Sunday in the Louis Schroeder home. 1 Byron Hitchins and Dave Hodges attended a 6 o'clock dinner in the Warren Thomas home in Woodstock j Saturday night. j Ruth Whiting of Chicago, Berteel |<Spencer of McHenry, Walter Vogt of I Geneva and Richard Stenger of Waukegan were callers in the Louis Schroeder hon^| Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Neal and family were visitors at Jefferson' Park Sunday. Mrs. F. A. Hitchens spent Saturday and Sunday with Chicago friends. Mr. Hitchens spent Saturday night and Sunday there. A SIGN OF to thousands of satisfied USED CAR BUYERS Plenty of Cream in Each Bottle In each bottle of. Bowman's Milk If you will find a liberal measure of rich cream. The high cream test of this milk is the directiresult of this good care by us. ' , 0 MILK AND CREAM can be obtained at the Central Market, Qualitv Market and Royal Blue Store. We handle nothing but Bowman's Pasteurised £•, and Degreed Products Community DairV *>hone Ben J. Smith, Prop. School Notes Primary Honor Roll--May Shirley Hawley, Amy Lawrence, Walter Low, Lucille Peet, Pearl Smith, Reta Mae Merchant, Howard Shepard, LeRoy Neal, Marjorie Noble, Charles Thompson, Clarence Tonyan, Kenneth Franzen, Jane Gray, Neil Harrison, Gladys Shepard, Fred Krohn, Alice Mae Low, Owen Carlson, John Noble, Dora Anderson, Kenneth Noble, Virginia Jepson, Stanley Young. The following upper room pupils neither absent nor tardy for the entire year: Reta Mae Merchant, Marjorie Noble, Kenneth Franzen, Kenneth Noble, Stanley Young. Kenneth Franzen treated the children of the Primary room to candy in honor of his birthday. The following Upper room pupils have been neither absent nor tardy during the entire year: Mary Celine Adams, Russel Franzen, Paul Walkington, Helen Harrison. Upper Grade Honor Roll -- Mary Celine Adams, Russel Franzen, Rich-V ard Kelley, Esther Lawrence, Gerald Noble, Ellen Smith, Paul Walkington, Lyle Franzen, Helen Harrison, Darlene Merchant, Marion Peet, Georgo Thompson, Mercedes Smith, Granvillo Carlson, James Lawrence, Cecil Rager, James Thompson. » School - closed Tuesday with a picnic at the school house for the lower grades<and at Beatty's Pond for the upper grades. Paint demonstration at W. H Althoff's Hardware, Main St., McHenry, Saturday, May 25. Don't miss it. 61. _ T.OOK standing Used 4,L Better Still --Are Our Enlargements of Your Best Pictures MONG YOUR snapshots are some that you confid er the beet you ever took. fVe can make them better trill--by enlarging them! Give our expert enlarger* a trial with just one of your negatives. You'll be delighted frith the result. Our en' Ing is promptly dona an •rate price*. Us* THOMAS p. BOLGEE "The McHenry Druggist" Phone 40 McHenry, I1L W 026 Dodge Business Coupe 1925 Dodge Touring, wintgr enclosure .1925 Star Coupe 1927 Kissell Brougham _ \ 1925 Ford Conpe 1925 Durant Sedan 1927 Chevrolet Coupe 1626 Chevrolet Landy 1925 Ford Coupe. Ford Sedai ' sed 1-ton Truck 33KSBT ^UsRcdT^g "with an OK thatCounts" is Your Assurance of Honest Used Car Values ' You can have perfect confidence in your purchase of a* used car that has attached to ita radiator ^ ckp the Chevrolet red "O. K. that »Counts" tag. This tag, used exclu- '* sively by Chevrolet dealers, is attached only to cars that have •? been thoroughly reconditioned and checked "O. K." by expert * Chevrolet mechanics. To thouii sands of satisfied used car buyers ' it has proved a sign of outstanding quality and value. We now have ^ on haad a ^!de selection of these 1 fine "O. SL." used cars- - i-Ml qpick sale. Gome in today. Hettermann Motor Sales w USED CARS '}/( !lull 1 ,)unfs