«wjj*-y;f^a*>:.w* ; - , • " : * •?* wrm v £? , v , - . ; > * . < • ' / •:mm v ¥r -j. T TOT M'HiantY PLAINDEALER, THURSDAY, MAT 23,1929 - J •'¥<% SPRING GROVE wm. 1WK-. &JP- f-*" "»> 'Vs! TIi* Trtaiitim Another portentous moment In the H#» of the young sprout Is wlien he finally learns the pronunciation of "Alda" or something and. derides to align himself with the intelligentsia.-- Dctntt Nvml' ' .^A rcK-v it;: PurpOM of K»0»!ra|« Knowledge. a rich storehouse.' for the glory of the from or and the relief of man's estate. -- Fr;mH* Ra< <m ;>NJ , V.il"- •+•?•' Vet* I th ese newest KAHl - SVtRSHARP Graduation Gifts! AS personal as your handwriting il. are these new Personal-Point fountain pens with the Inter changeable Nib. The point that exactly suits your writing stroke and the holder that exactly suits your taste can be selected separately and pet* manently combined. Just the gift for graduates--because points can be changed to suit the preference of the one to whom tHfei Personal-Point Pen will be a lifelong companion. See them now. Pocket pens ill seven popular colors with pencils to match; fountain pen desk sets-- with bases of beautiful onyx, marble or lustrous black glass. Come in at your convenience and see these finer writing instruments. Thomas P. Bolger "The McHenry Druggist" Phone 4# McHenry, m. it. fettle Credella Miller celebrated fc||f birthday Saturday afernoon by inviting a few little friends to her home. Games of various kinds were played and a lovely lunch was served by her mother. A lovely birthday cake with candles was the center of' attraction. Credella received many pretty presents from her little friends. The Boy Scouts had an outing Saturday. They hiked to Leon Van Eveory's woods, and spent an enjoyable day leaving at 10 o'clock and returning at 4 o'clock. Sunday callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Foulke were: Mrs. B. Bowser of Libertyville, Roger and Erdine Perry of Fox Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lawey, Bristol, Mr. and Mrs. Leo MicVicar and daughters, Helen and Alice, Salem, Wis., Mr. and Mrs. Robert Price and family, Bristol, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Price, Mrs. Merette Anderson and sons, Melvin and Mrs. Howard Westlake and three daughters, Lois. Hazel and Virginia, of Racine, the last spending the weekend. ' • -i Mrs. Charles Sweet spent Saturday afternoon and Sunday at the home of her brother, George, and other friends in the city. Miss Dorothy Behmes was a Walworth passenger Saturday morning, returning on the noon train. Mrs. A1 Pepping w;as hostess to' a group of ladies at a five hundredparty at her home Thursday afternoon. Three tables were in play with prizes merited by John K^ttner, first; Mrs. J. J. Freund, second; Mrs. Frank J. Wagner, third; and Mrs. M. Butler the consolation. At the close of the games lunch was served. Mrs. Maude Hamilton and son, Harvey, of Richmond and Mrs. Howard Hamilton of Grayslake were Sunday callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Reed Carr. Miss Fannie Britz, with her uncle, N. N. Weber, did shopping .in the city Wednesday last. Mrs. Math Rauen and Mrs. John Rauen motored to Johnsburg Thursday. Mrs. Ernie Kattner had guests from Richmond in her home here Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Alice Bell of Round Lake called on Mrs. Bertha Esh and shook hands with friends here Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Allwiler and* two children were Saturday callers at Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Oxtoby's. Miss Laura Hatch, Mrs . Stover and Mrs. John Wilcox of Channel Lake spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Jennie Oxtoby. Paint demonstration at W. H. Althoff's Hardware, Main St., McHenry, Saturday, May 25. Don't miss > 51 The automobile drivers' license bill, introduced by Senator James J. Barbour, Chicago, has been defeated in the house. The measure passed the senate several weeks ago without 4 .vote to spare and received-only 66 votes in the house, 11 short of a constitutional majority. The hill appropriating $175,000 by Representative Homer J. Tice, Greenview, for the rehuil(im?r of the Lincoln monument in accordance with plans which have l>eeii approved b> Governor Emmerson, has lieen reported to the house for passage. It is Expected that the bill will go through both branches without difficulty and that work will begin tiboUt July L u*A'. __ EAST SIDE GARAGE W. B. CURTIS, Prop. , TeL McHenry 266 We do all kinds of mechanical and electrical repair work, specializing in generators and starters, and ignition work ofall kinds. Gas and Oils - Lunchroom in Connection CENTRAL GARAGE JOHNSBURG FRED J. SMITH, Proprietor Chevrolet Sales. General Automotive Repair Work Give us a call when in trouble EXPERT WELDING AND CYLINDER REBORING Day Phone 200-J Night Phone 640-J-2 - Whether members of the assembly are to receive salary for each session will si>on be determined by the senate; the bill lias come out of t h e c o m m i t t e e f o r p a s s a g e a n d i j t t s passed the house. The house committee on appropriations has reported out a bill appropriating $1,000,000 for flood control in the Illinois river valley pnd $00,- 000 for relief in other parts of- the state. Representative William E. King. Chicago, has introduced a bill appropriating $10,000 to the department of purchases and construction to make a study of lake levels and authoriz ing that department to co-operate with other state and with federal agencies. The fcommittee on appropriations has reported out the bill, introduced by Representative James H. Foster. Macomb, appropriating $1,107,412 to the State department of registration and education for permanent Improvements to be niiide at the various state normal schools. A sum of more than one Qiillion dollars flowed into the coffers of mutual benefit associations of Illinois during 1928, George Huskinson, state superintendent of insurance, has announced. Vegetation, which had developed beyond the seasonal normal during the month of March and early in April, lost much of its gain later in the month, according io a summary of Illinois weather Conditions which lias been issued by W. F. Feldwlsh, meteorologist, temporarily in charse «f the Illinois section. Governor Euimerson has officially proclaimed Thursday, May 30, as Memorial day. Illinois grown strawberries, superior in quality to the yields of former years, have begun their movements in carload lots. About 400 carloads will he marketed one-third wwa ih§a fawt year; ^ r ', «• ;v - „- The senate has passed the WH Introduced by Senator Epler C. Mills, Virginia, providing that highway commissioners (nigy spend money for improvements in cities and villages. The Income tax hill l»y Senator Simon E. Lantz, Congerville, has been placed on the house calendar in spite <>f an unfavorable report from the house revenue committee. "* Stillman J. Stanard, recently resigned director of agriculture, deposited $1G7,.">00 in the state and county fair premium fund during his last day in office. This is believed to have been the largest amount ever deposited in one day In this fund. The money came from the Falrmount Jockey club, CoIIinsville, and the Washington park race track, Chicago. The premium fund totals $500,000 at present. Lovely Gifts for Brides and Graduates, \ 4 \ W at me AGAJHA SHOP Cards for Showers, Weddings, Birthdays and Graduations t Hettermann Motor Sales AIL kinds of car and track and general repairing. also welding, don# by expert mechanics. Main St., West McHenry * ' Phone 191 Miss Grace '"Walker, reference librarian, Illinois State library, has resigned to accept a position with the Evansville (Ind.) city library. The county highway tax rate in the future will be limited to 12%. cents on the $100 valuation, according to the provisions of the hill .introduced by Representative C. L. Ewing, Douglas, svlrfch has Just been signed by th* governor. Abandonment of wheat acreage Is less than average and Illinois winter wheat prospects are favorable, a joint report of the Illinois and Federal de* twrtments of agriculture state. Chicago traction bills which hav» been before the Illinois general assembly in one form or another fo* twenty years have passed the hous^ by an unexpected majority and will now go to the senate to be heard b;- the committee on public utilities. Herbert Wells Fay, custodian <4 Lincoln's tomb. Springfield, is appeal Jug for public help In providing a place iPw^iIs collection of Lincolnlana. which must he moved under Governor F.mmerson's plan to" make the tomb ex clusively a memorial. • Voting to reapportion , $3,2.10.000 among the* counties, the houae has passed th^ hill Introduced by /liepresentatlve Reed F. Cutler, Lewistowtt, to reapnroprlate half the money from the 1027 gas tat which Is now In tlie treasury. The Wll mw goes tV senate. } .. i • . ',u. <, Senator iv. I. t" iii. tuka. li iR Introduced a bill'providing for the ellitt- Inntion of "nuilt injustices" of the community hr>h schools liw. The measure wot:M mkelt m-ndntory for county «nperintriU»n{<t' of Kcljnols to change bounfI:ii :t«* irf petitioned by vcj' rti, „ Represent:!live John tfHrrbwn.; 1 "hlea go. ha?« Irt t r< -11 need 'sf f. 'l- pi'ovld- Ing for the llcer. •"*«? of plasterers an«f plastering ccn'rector's hy t">e depart-- niont of rogistr.il! m isnd rdJimtlon ' •. C»al- ^n^rs il!ir*of;V 1m*e* won a victory In s^hite • : i r S t ' i n * t t h e * l 1 » » h H i . , troduced by' Srn-.trtr Charles If' Thompson, Hi»"rrt",.'>7ir.7, proh'hjnnfi the u^e In n^lnei r>r Iti'iip* vrhlch nre filled with h'i ft erics passed hy the v\ote of ns to o. " s v : . : •>. "It a townshln stinwrt* pnnpern iwid poor. It Is ll.ible for the care of n family In *quarantlne. hut If the eonnt. v supports the panpers. then it Is II , able, attorney General Carlstrom has ruled. The bill Introdnced by Senator E,it# B. Searcy, Rprlnjrfield, authorizing the, ,states director of trade and commerce to remove and consolidate all lnsuf-j ance company receiverships In Sprtyitf^ field, awaits Governor Emmerson'S slg nature. Speaker David E. Shannhan hfti a gavel made from the wood of a tree that grew inside the foundation of hf« birthplace in Amhoy, Lee county. It was presented to the speaker hy Rep. George C. Dixon of DJxon oh behalf of Amboy citizens. The house has passed the bill Introduced by Representative Joseph L. Rategan, Chicago, requiring motor vehicles carrying more than seven passengers to have pneumatic tires< The hill Introduced .-by Mrs. Mar\ Cowan McAdams, Quincy. providin that widows of veterans, who are mor than sixty years of age, may be nd mltted to the Qulncy honie, has beci> passed. ' Senajt(>r ilartin Bailey, Dunvllle, has Intromiced a bill asking reapproprlatlon of $25,000 for a monument to Joseph G. Cannon at Danville. The previous appropriation will lapse July because work has been doM. • Whf>n Abraham IJncoln wfiS Tlofn Inated for the Presidency "he was ai most unknown" and big city news papers, even those of Chicago, were forced to depend on an editorI:i! printed February 11,1800, in a country newspaper In Pennsylvania, for nn ad equate biographical sketch. Dr. Wll liam E. Barton, Lincoln biographer told the Illinois State Historical so detv at Its recent meeting in Spring Held. * Representative Leo Crowley, ^eorln has Introduced a bill which provide: that any person who furnishes a fe male under eighteen years of a*.!' with any literature pertaining to th purchase or trial of cigarettes sha!' be punished by a ^flne not to exqpc' "300 or a Jail sentence not to excec one year. ! y T T T J J 7 t ! I'i • -4j ^TISIT Northern IjQinois' liarge^t Chick Y Market. 50,000 thicks each week. We can take care of orders on Barred. Rocks, Rhode Island Rejds, White Rocks and WMite Wyandotte chicks immediately. We, also, hatch White Leghorns, Ancoogs, and Buff Orpingtons. . W ' ' Coil 1537 and order your chicks now Governor Louis L. Emmerson. ai commander In chief of the Illinois National Gnard, has added the fo1- lowing men to the personnel of bin staff: Howard P. Savage. Ear Thornton, William, E. Buehler and Charles M. Hayes, all of Chicago. They are given the rank of colonel. The Mil Introdnced by Senator E J. Abt, East St. Louis, providing fot an Increase in the state highway pa trol from 100 to 300 members has passed the senate by a 3S-6 vot% The bill has been sent to the housfc- Fox River Hagtchery 63 S. Qrove Ave. Elgin, III. | % Golden Sflnn I think the first virtue Is to restrain the tongue; he approaches nearest to the gdds who knows how to be silent, eveh though h$ Is In the right.--Cato. Bottled CalorhM A half-pint bottle of the average carbonated beverage contains enough sugar to yield about 150 calories, or about one-twentieth of our required daily energy-yielding foods. The house has passed tlie*bilt intm lilted by Representative , Anna Wil nmrth Ickes, Winnetka, to cut the a! torney general's power. The measure, which has been sent to the sentite, would repeal the 1927 law, which re quires courts to call in the attorney general first if the state's attorney i incapacitatedi If the Attorney general then refuses to act, the court can ap point a special prosecutor. The Ickes measure would repeal the 1927 law ;ind remove the requirement of calling on the attorney general fiat If the state's attorney cannot act. Two hills are pending before the house committee on roads and bridges, one Introduced by Representative 1 bert Waller, Tamaroa, and the oilier by Representative Charles Johnson. Carbondale, seeking -to connect Giant City state park to the hard road sys tem. More than eleven hundred me have' been added to the state road building forces In recent weeks. Threi thousand men and 27~> teams are now employed on road work. Bills by Representative Alexand Wilson, Cairo, appropriating $200,i«v for an armory at Cairo, and Reprc sentatlve W. C. Chynoweth, Decato: appropriating *12.'»,000 for an armnr\ at Decatur, has passed the senate nnd have been sent to the governfu. The senate has passed tw^o bills I >enator Adelbert H. Roberts, <'hicn ' vrovldlng amendments t<» the city e'e ion law to permit the apjioiiitment « •>ne nonresident judge and one ti-'v -esldent derk Ifmch arttoO WlU |, e n t f r a u d . 4 • * | Not Really New Idea ;* k German scientist discovered the formyla for making paper from corn stalks In 1795. but so much of th* pulp was wasted in making paper ttab rlc that the cost of manufacture was too high to mak« the venture feasible Many Jews ia Berlia ; The American Hebrew says that tme-thlrd «l tha Gertnao Jew* Kit In Benin. 1 V.i ' • : - "W$yZ,:y •> V ' ; - r V, ' ' > < - * Me: **7 j**- ' -v , •«. * / , 1 ' >' iff --k the quality of a ciga- 4 * U--1 rette that continues*» to be the biggest '? CIGARETTE S WHY CAMEti ARE THE BETTER CIGARETtlt Camels contain the choicest tobaccos groum ... expertly blended for matchless taste and fragrance. » They have a welcome mellowness and mil ness that you will find in tfo other cigaretft* Smoke them as often at you like, Cam& never tire your taste. j » The qualify of Camels is never permitted, to vary. ^ Only a superior cigarette coidd have w<Mand held world leadership for all theb!'•? years as Camel has done. » ^ v..w;s|6i: success m r ^ r r - - m : ~ m f Decoration Day SPECIALS ^ Jnsure against tire troubles on your trip--and for a long time to come-^i vjpy having us inspect and overhaul your tires now. Should you need ne^g^c tires tell us how long you expect to keep the car and how far you'll -drive.it--we'll show you the type of Goodywhich will cost yo*^4 leist and answer your requirements best*/ "f . ' '"N" -- ' " ^ " V NeVer before have supli fine tires sold for so^litf^. Gk)odvear 4^ aweepmg »,#" M the field before it for value--<Jue to ^building millions more tires Hiail^^ any other company. The gains in Goodyear sales exceed the gains sales of all tires combined. Proof that the public is.fast- bMibming tirar^ J?* wise. ' ' i'~'~i$x-r ' 'i 4*-:' if>_. Lowest i M Prices \ - - m 30 year\ on hifeiime Guaranteed Qoodyears {SPECIALS 30x3Vz Oversize, All Weather Tread, (hrj JA SATURDAY, MAY 25, ONLY R, FT * • •u 28x4.40 Pathfinder,:" SATUBDAY oNtiisr Remember, OUR PRICES include REAL SERVICE--cleaning &n£ straightening rims, proper application and inflation--and year-ronnd* watchfullness to see that youget all the miles to which you are entitledL ; > s- Walter J. Freund " - 3 West McHenry, 111. ' ' PHONE 120 R TIRE AND TUBE VULCANIZING CHARGING AND REPAIRING ALL WORK GUARANTEED J . c.- *>•iti